luban 1.0.0

2012-01-04 Thread Jiao Lin
Luban ( is a compact, generic UI language. 
It is a python package for building (web) user interface. 
It is NOT yet-another web framework.

* Dynamic, ajax-based web user interface can be created using pure python (no 
knowledge of javascript/ajax/etc is required)
* A compact set of simple concepts and rules 
* Simple, natural syntax for describing UI
* A set of basic and advanced widgets --- see demo and API of widgets at
* Write bindings of your favorite js widgets to use them in python.

Python versions:
* Luban 1.0.0 mainly supports python 3.1+
* Experimental support for python 2 exists. Tested and working under python 2.7

$ pip install luban

Bug reports and any comments are appreciated!

Jiao Lin

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: .format vs. %

2012-01-04 Thread 88888 Dihedral
alex23於 2012年1月4日星期三UTC+8上午10時26分35秒寫道:
 8 Dihedral wrote:
  This is a good evolution in Python. It is 2012 now and the text I/O part
  is not as important as 10 years ago. The next move of Python could
  be easy integration of C++ libraries.
 You mean like with Py++?
  The auto code generation part for low-paid tedious   GUI tasks  is still 
  in the standard Python.
 Wait, what? How is it the Python community's responsibility to relieve
 talentless code-monkeys of their tedium? Why can't they write their
 own damn code generators?

I think a code generator to assist the programmer for 
common tedious boring GUI jobs such as BOA is more important in Python. 

But Python is not VB. 

  Boa and wxpython are still not good enough.
 And what are you contributing to the situation other than
 misinformation and markov-generated spam?

Do you know what can attract newbies to support python?


Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Tony Pelletier
Honestly, is this list really what this is all about?  I'm bored already...


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Ben Finney

 Steven D'Aprano writes:

  On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 12:54:09 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
   It objectifies women.
  So you claim.

 I'm sure you have a hundred ready rationalisations for why a joke that
 has “girlfriend” as a fungible object, together with “car” and “house”
 as things to mechanically import into one's life, is somehow not
 objectifying women.

 But, while those rationalisations may satisfy you, I'm not interested in
 hearing them. If you don't see that the joke objectifies women, that
 tells me quite a lot about how blinkered you are to the problem.

 For what it's worth, I'm very familiar with such rationalisations,
 having employed them many times myself. Fortunately there are women who
 will speak up against it and encourage men to do the same

  Since you can't or won't persuade me (and anyone else reading) that
  this sort of joke is harmful, does that mean that you will stop
  claiming that it is harmful?

 I have no idea what it would take to persuade you in particular. I do
 know that the combined privileges of being white, male, not-poor, and
 English-fluent (and many more privileges, I'm sure) grant both of us the
 luxury of barely even perceiving the harm done by a pervasive atmosphere
 of even low-level prejudice against any given group of people.

 Women (to return to the people in question), on the other hand, do not
 have that luxury. In this community they have no option but to be aware
 of the privileges we males have here.

 We have very effective cognitive blinders, merely because we have never
 needed to know what it's like being a woman in this prevalently-male
 field. The onus is on us to try hard to see, despite those blinders and
 easy rationalisations, that there is a lot we allow from our fellows
 which is perpetuating a hostile environment.

 I'm not making a fuss about one sexist joke, which has already been
 retracted by its author. I'm making a fuss about allowing and, worse,
 defending such jokes as a tacitly-accepted norm of our community. And I
 hope those of us who prefer to think of ourselves as not-sexist will act
 to clean up our house more.

  \  “A hundred times every day I remind myself that […] I must |
  `\   exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have |
 _o__)received and am still receiving” —Albert Einstein |
 Ben Finney


Re: python philosophical question - strong vs duck typing

2012-01-04 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
 Since Python does not 'silently convert types' as I understand those 3
 words, you lose me here. Can you give a code example of what you mean?

I mean the reasoning behind the arguments like
'X isn't strongly typed because 2 + 3 = 5 but 3 + 2 = 32'.
OCaml considers this a problem and bans all implicit conversions whatsoever.
(Or maybe that's more to do with making their type inference better?)

I actually stole the classification of continuums from a Python wiki
page, and my terminology was influenced by the reading. See:

 I am aware that typed names lead to typed function signatures and that some
 languages in the ML family even type operators, so that different operators
 are required for 1+2 and 1.0+2.0 and mixed operations like 1+2.0 are
 prohibited. But we are talking about the typing of objects here.

I should state up-front that I'm not sure we can only talk about the
typing of objects.

There's a bit of a problem in that dynamically typed and statically
typed aren't exactly things that can be compared -- they're almost
orthogonal. Almost. Dynamically typed languages like Python keep, by
necessity, information about what they are and what they came from (at
run-time). (The alternative is to be untyped, which is bad).
Statically typed languages do not always have to keep them around. If
you do enough at compile-time, you can forget everything at run-time.
Run-time and compile-time are completely different, and a language can
do any combination of things at both. It's weird that we've decided
that there's only two options rather than four, and that we really
want to compare these two options.

I'm not sure how that fits into what I've said. Maybe I've already
contradicted myself.

Anyway, in answer, OCaml forbids both at run-time _and_ compile-time
the coercion of floats to ints via the + operator, and in doing so
enforces its notion of strong typing. You can't add a float to an int.
So in this notion, it allows less implicit type conversion -- and
run-time object conversion -- than Python, which freely converts
floats to ints. This philosophy extends elsewhere in OCaml.

 Using induction, I can prove, for instance, that these two functions

 def f_tr(n, val=base): # tail recursive
if n:
return f_tr(n-1, rec(n, val))
return val

 def f_wi(n, val = base):  # while iterative
while n:
n, val = n-1, rec(n, val)
return val

 are equivalent, assuming enough stack and normal procedural Python
 semantics. (And assuming no typos ;-).

 f_tr(0) == base == f_wi(0)
 f_tr(n+1) == f_tr(n+1, base) == f_tr(n, rec(n+1, base))
 == by inductive hypothsis
 f_wi(n, rec(n+1, base)) == f_wi(n+1, base) == f_wi(n+1)

 So it is not clear to me what such proofs have to do with types as I
 understand the term.

Ah, I messed up and didn't explain that. It doesn't help that I've
been too lazy to actually work with ATS proofs directly, so I might
say some things that are wrong/vague.

In some languages -- particularly dependently-typed languages -- a
type can represent a computation. That is, the return type of a
function might essentially be the computation that we wish to do, and
therefore if the function typechecks then we know it does that
computation. (This has all the caveats of formal methods as a whole).
Many (all?) of the automated theorem provers are dependently typed
languages in this fashion.

In particular, if you pick some well-defined decidable computational
language, you can try to make your type system powerful enough to
encode it. (For example, the primitive recursive functions are a nice

For an example, in ATS the following is a compiler-type which can be
used as part of the type declaration for a function:

dataprop FIB (int, int) =
  | FIB0 (0, 0) | FIB1 (1, 1)
  | {n:nat} {r0,r1:int} FIB2 (n+2, r0+r1) of (FIB (n, r0), FIB (n+1, r1))

The predicate FIB(X, Y) is true when Fibonacci(X)  = Y, so this is
essentially the same as defining fibonacci recursively:

Fibonacci(0) = 0
Fibonacci(1) = 1
Fibonacci(A+2) = Fibonacci(A+1) + Fibonacci(A)

It encodes the recursive definition of fibonacci, and if we declare a
function as taking a value m, returning a value n, such that FIB(m,
n), then a successful typecheck is equivalent to a successful proof
that the implementation is correct.

How does that typecheck work? I don't really know, I haven't at all
investigated the proof structure for ATS. Sorry. :(

Some cursory reading says that a function can return a proof that is
typechecked against dataprop, as well as the value. Maybe that's it.

 I can imagine that if one overloads 'type' with enough extra information,
 the procedural reasoning involved in such proofs might reduce to a more
 calculational demonstration. The question is whether the months and years of
 intellectual investment required on the front end pay off in reduced
 intellectual effort across several applications.

Yes. Well, the compiler writers 

Re: Locale bug?

2012-01-04 Thread Marko Rauhamaa

 Marko Rauhamaa writes:
 $ python3
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, ('fi_FI', 'UTF-8'))
  time.strftime(%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z))
 'ti, 03 tammi\xa0 2012 14:51:57 +0200 (EET)'

 It may be OS-specific.

You're right. It's a generic linux problem (in the coreutils rpm of
Fedora). An analogous C program demonstrates the same issue.

 Your sample code runs fine on FreeBSD/i386

  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, ('fi_FI', 'UTF-8'))
  time.strftime(%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z))
 'Ti, 03 Tam 2012 15:03:15 +0100 (CET)'

Well, Ti and Tam probably shouldn't be capitalized...


Re: Locale bug?

2012-01-04 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Marko Rauhamaa


 Marko Rauhamaa writes:
 $ python3
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, ('fi_FI', 'UTF-8'))
  time.strftime(%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z))
 'ti, 03 tammi\xa0 2012 14:51:57 +0200 (EET)'

 It may be OS-specific.

 You're right. It's a generic linux problem (in the coreutils rpm of
 Fedora). An analogous C program demonstrates the same issue.

Actually, it's working as designed, no bug at all.

It turns out the garbage character is the nonbreaking space:

 print(time.strftime(%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)))
ke, 04 tammi  2012 15:03:21 +0200 (EET)

The apparent intent is to make all month abbreviations equally long (six


Re: python philosophical question - strong vs duck typing

2012-01-04 Thread Sean Wolfe
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
 Sean Wolfe writes:

 Hello everybody, I'm a happy pythonista newly subscribed to the group.


Thanks! and thanks to all, hjaha.

 I have a theoretical / philosophical question regarding strong vs duck
 typing in Python. Let's say we wanted to type strongly in Python

 There may be an unstated assumption there, and your wording confuses me.

yep, probably. I am throwing around terminology a bit. Here's another
attempt --

If I am willing to create some python code, when needed, where when I
create a variable, let's say an integer, that it will be for all time
an integer, and also that a method that returns say a Sprite custom
object, and will for all time return only a Sprite object ... , does
this get me significantly closer to being able to compile to C++?

I am just thinking in my brain about the differences between cpp and
python, and if there is a way to compromise a bit on the python-ness
to get closer to cpp, but still be able to keep a lot of the goodness,
then put in a translator or converter to cpp and gain performance by
using cpp code. Sounds like Rpython, cython, shedskin are doing a lot
or all of this, so lots to study up on.

 “Strongly-typed” is one end of a spectrum whose opposite end is
 “weakly-typed”. Weakly-typed objects are in languages like e.g. PHP,
 where an integer object can be added to a string object.

Ah ok, I didn't realize this distinction. Now I grok it a bit better.

 Python does not have variables in the sense of languages like C; rather,
 Python has references bound to objects. A reference (e.g. a name, or a
 list index, etc.) never has a type. An object always has a type.

yeah I've been learning a lot about this ... at times I have to
're-create' a variable to avoid modifying the original value as well.
For example, when I pass a 'screen' object in my game, at times I have
to duplicate the screen in the new method, then work on the duplicate,
otherwise I will be using the original screen by reference.

 You may be thinking of “static typing” (identifiers have types, and
 won't allow themselves to refer to an object of a different type),
 versus “dynamic typing” (identifiers are ignorant of types – this is
 what you have in Python).

Yep I think so.

Thanks for the info all!

pipe into preallocated buffer?

2012-01-04 Thread Mihai Badoiu
is there a way to pipe directly into a preallocated buffer?



Re: Large list in memory slows Python

2012-01-04 Thread Benoit Thiell
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Peter Otten wrote:
 Benoit Thiell wrote:

 I am experiencing a puzzling problem with both Python 2.4 and Python
 2.6 on CentOS 5. I'm looking for an explanation of the problem and
 possible solutions. Here is what I did:

 Python 2.4.3 (#1, Sep 21 2011, 19:55:41)
 IPython 0.8.4 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

 In [1]: def test():
    ...:     return [(i,) for i in range(10**6)]

 In [2]: %time x = test()
 CPU times: user 0.82 s, sys: 0.04 s, total: 0.86 s
 Wall time: 0.86 s

 In [4]: big_list = range(50 * 10**6)

 In [5]: %time y = test()
 CPU times: user 9.11 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 9.14 s
 Wall time: 9.15 s

 As you can see, after creating a list of 50 million integers, creating
 the same list of 1 million tuples takes about 10 times longer than the
 first time.

 I ran these tests on a machine with 144GB of memory and it is not
 swapping. Before creating the big list of integers, IPython used 111MB
 of memory; After the creation, it used 1664MB of memory.

 In older Pythons the heuristic used to decide when to run the cyclic garbage
 collection is not well suited for the creation of many objects in a row.
 Try switching it off temporarily with

 import gc
 # create many objects that are here to stay

 You may also encorporate that into your test function:

 def test():
        return [...]

Thanks Peter, this is very helpful. Modifying my test according to
your directions produced much more consistent results.


Benoit Thiell
The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System

Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Rami Chowdhury
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 02:42, Ben Finney wrote:
 I'm sure you have a hundred ready rationalisations for why a joke that
 has “girlfriend” as a fungible object, together with “car” and “house”
 as things to mechanically import into one's life, is somehow not
 objectifying women.

 But, while those rationalisations may satisfy you, I'm not interested in
 hearing them. If you don't see that the joke objectifies women, that
 tells me quite a lot about how blinkered you are to the problem.

 For what it's worth, I'm very familiar with such rationalisations,
 having employed them many times myself. Fortunately there are women who
 will speak up against it and encourage men to do the same

 Steven D'Aprano writes:
 Since you can't or won't persuade me (and anyone else reading) that
 this sort of joke is harmful, does that mean that you will stop
 claiming that it is harmful?

 I have no idea what it would take to persuade you in particular. I do
 know that the combined privileges of being white, male, not-poor, and
 English-fluent (and many more privileges, I'm sure) grant both of us the
 luxury of barely even perceiving the harm done by a pervasive atmosphere
 of even low-level prejudice against any given group of people.

 Women (to return to the people in question), on the other hand, do not
 have that luxury. In this community they have no option but to be aware
 of the privileges we males have here.

 We have very effective cognitive blinders, merely because we have never
 needed to know what it's like being a woman in this prevalently-male
 field. The onus is on us to try hard to see, despite those blinders and
 easy rationalisations, that there is a lot we allow from our fellows
 which is perpetuating a hostile environment.

 I'm not making a fuss about one sexist joke, which has already been
 retracted by its author. I'm making a fuss about allowing and, worse,
 defending such jokes as a tacitly-accepted norm of our community. And I
 hope those of us who prefer to think of ourselves as not-sexist will act
 to clean up our house more.

A hearty +1 to this!

Rami Chowdhury
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade - it makes the hand bleed
that uses it. -- Rabindranath Tagore
+44-7581-430-517 / +1-408-597-7068 / +88-0189-245544

Program blocked in Queue.Queue.get and Queue.Queue.put

2012-01-04 Thread Kris
I have a program that is blocked and all threads are blocked on a
Queue.Queue.get or Queue.Queue.put method (on the same Queue.Queue

1 thread shows the below as its last entry in the stack:
File: c:\python27\lib\, line 161, in get

2 threads show the below as its last entry in the stack:
File: c:\python27\lib\, line 118, in put

According to me, this means both the Queue.Queue.not_full and
Queue.Queue.not_empty locks are taken, but no other thread seems to
have it. Of course, I don't access the locks my self directly.

I did send an KeyboardInterrupt to the main thread however. Could it
be that it was at that moment doing a Queue.Queue.put and it got
interrupted while it has the lock, but before it entered the try block
with the finally that releases the lock (so between line 118 and 119
in the file)?

If this is the case, how do I avoid that? Or is it a bug in the
Queue.Queue class?
If this is not the case, any clue what else could have happened?


help me get excited about python 3

2012-01-04 Thread Sean Wolfe
I am still living in the 2.x world because all the things I want to do
right now in python are in 2 (django, pygame). But I want to be
excited about the future of the language. I understand the concept of
needing to break backwards compatibility. But it's not particularly
exciting to think about. What are the cool new bits I should be
reading up on?

Related reading ...

[Zaphod] Hey, Marvin! We've got a job for you.
[Marvin] I won't enjoy it.
[Zaphod] Yes, you will. There's a whole new life stretching out in front of you!
[Marvin] Oh, not another one!
[Zaphod] Shut up and listen!  There'll be excitement and adventure and
really wild things!
[Marvin] Sounds awful.
[Zaphod] But, Marvin ...
[Marvin] I suppose you want me to help you to get into this spaceship ...
[Zaphod] Marvin, will you just listen!
[Marvin] ... and open the door for you.
[Zaphod] What?  Er ... Yeah.
[Marvin] Well, I wish you'd just tell me, rather than try to engage my
enthusiasm, because I haven't got one.

A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
- Abraham Maslow

Re: python philosophical question - strong vs duck typing

2012-01-04 Thread Evan Driscoll
On 1/4/2012 12:37 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Using induction, I can prove, for instance, that these two functions
 are equivalent, assuming enough stack and normal procedural Python
 semantics. (And assuming no typos ;-).

YOU proved that; your type system didn't. With a powerful enough type
system, those two functions would have the same type, while if you had
made a typo they wouldn't.

The extreme example of a powerful type system is something like Coq or
Elf. In a language like that, a mathematical sentence is encoded in a
type, and objects of a certain type represent a proof that that the
sentence can be proved.



Re: Newbie Help

2012-01-04 Thread HoneyMonster
On Tue, 03 Jan 2012 17:13:17 -0600, mixolydian wrote:

 I want to get into Python progamming for both local database
 applications and dynamic web pages. Maybe some QD scripts.

I am new to Python too, and recently completed my first real cross-
platform GUI application with local/remote database access.

I concur with the other replies. I see no need for an IDE and 
wholeheartedly recommend PostgreSQL (which integrates with Python very 
well indeed using Psycopg 2).

I have found wxPython best for GUI. There is even a source code generator 
available for the graphical bits of the application - wxGlade. I was able 
to get up to speed very easily and quickly indeed (though of course there 
is a great deal more to learn). These tools are all FOSS.


Re: python philosophical question - strong vs duck typing

2012-01-04 Thread Tim Wintle
On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 11:30 -0300, Sean Wolfe wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
  Sean Wolfe writes:
  Hello everybody, I'm a happy pythonista newly subscribed to the group.
 Thanks! and thanks to all, hjaha.
  I have a theoretical / philosophical question regarding strong vs duck
  typing in Python. Let's say we wanted to type strongly in Python
  There may be an unstated assumption there, and your wording confuses me.
 yep, probably. I am throwing around terminology a bit. Here's another
 attempt --
 If I am willing to create some python code, when needed, where when I
 create a variable, let's say an integer, that it will be for all time
 an integer, and also that a method that returns say a Sprite custom
 object, and will for all time return only a Sprite object ... , does
 this get me significantly closer to being able to compile to C++?

I'd really recommend looking at Cython - which has optional static
typing and does compile into C / C++ (as a python extension)

More generally, a compiler can perform static analysis on code which
will re-order AST nodes into single constant assignments. I've forgotten
the name but it's something like single static assignment form. When the
return type of functions is known it can lead to known types for

It's being used heavily in the newest generation of javascript JITs to
speed up generated native code.

However, when a function has multiple return types (e.g. {}.get returns
None if there is no result) then you can't imply the type of the
variable even in this form.

A JIT (such as pypy) can generate the native code for all seen return
types - which is why JITs can in general be more useful to dynamically
typed languages such as Python than compilers.

Another issue is where types can be modified (e.g. in python you can
modify the class of an object at runtime) - dynamic language features
such as this make what counts as a type fairly flexible. JITs are
getting around this using hidden classes (there are lots of other
names for the same thing) - again it would be very difficult to
statically compile this kind of thing to native code.

 I am just thinking in my brain about the differences between cpp and
 python, and if there is a way to compromise a bit on the python-ness
 to get closer to cpp, but still be able to keep a lot of the goodness,
 then put in a translator or converter to cpp and gain performance by
 using cpp code. Sounds like Rpython, cython, shedskin are doing a lot
 or all of this, so lots to study up on.


Tim Wintle


Re: help me get excited about python 3

2012-01-04 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Sean Wolfe wrote:
 I am still living in the 2.x world because all the things I want to do
 right now in python are in 2 (django, pygame). But I want to be
 excited about the future of the language. I understand the concept of
 needing to break backwards compatibility. But it's not particularly
 exciting to think about. What are the cool new bits I should be
 reading up on?

pygame is available for Python 3.  I've used it a small amount, and it
appears to work just fine.  There is also a fork of Django that
supports Python 2 and Python 3 in a single codebase:

It's still experimental right now, but that doesn't mean you couldn't
try it out.  The expectation is that it will be merged for the Django
1.5 release.

Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Tony Pelletier wrote:
 Honestly, is this list really what this is all about?  I'm bored already...

Sorry, this list does not exist for your personal entertainment.
Maybe you should try YouTube.

And no, it's not really about sexism either, but there is no harm in
the occasional educational rant.  Kudos to Ben for fighting the good

Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Tony Pelletier wrote:
 That's a rather ironic comment.  Idiot.

Really?  Which part was ironic?

 Sorry, this list does not exist for your personal entertainment.

Not this one, that's just a statement of fact.

 Maybe you should try YouTube.

Kinda.  What I really meant here was Maybe you should just go away,
but that is not really in opposition with what I actually said, so
it's not technically irony either, just mild understatement.

 And no, it's not really about sexism either,

Literal statement of fact.

 but there is no harm in the occasional educational rant.

Literal statement of opinion.

 Kudos to Ben for fighting the good fight!

And I meant that 100%.  Also not ironic.


Oh, wait, I get it now.  Your post was ironically self-referential.  Clever!

By the way, take a constructive suggestion and stop top-posting.
Bottom-posting is the commonly preferred style around these parts.

Cheers [irony!],

Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Tony Pelletier
I have zero desire to follow the rules of a Python(here's the ironic part.
Get it now clever boy?) list when it'd riddled with childish banter that
has nothing to do with wait for it. Python?

Do I need to explain it any further?

I'm done with you and this list that pollutes my inbox with globs of

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Tony Pelletier wrote:
  That's a rather ironic comment.  Idiot.

 Really?  Which part was ironic?

  Sorry, this list does not exist for your personal entertainment.

 Not this one, that's just a statement of fact.

  Maybe you should try YouTube.

 Kinda.  What I really meant here was Maybe you should just go away,
 but that is not really in opposition with what I actually said, so
 it's not technically irony either, just mild understatement.

  And no, it's not really about sexism either,

 Literal statement of fact.

  but there is no harm in the occasional educational rant.

 Literal statement of opinion.

  Kudos to Ben for fighting the good fight!

 And I meant that 100%.  Also not ironic.


 Oh, wait, I get it now.  Your post was ironically self-referential.

 By the way, take a constructive suggestion and stop top-posting.
 Bottom-posting is the commonly preferred style around these parts.

 Cheers [irony!],


Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Tony Pelletier wrote:
 I have zero desire to follow the rules of a Python(here's the ironic part.
 Get it now clever boy?) list when it'd riddled with childish banter that has
 nothing to do with wait for it. Python?

Fair enough.  If this thread and this exchange were actually
representative of the list, I wouldn't want to waste my time with it

Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Lucas Vickers

I'm relatively new to Python.  I come from C/C++ so I love the flexibility
but I am slightly irked by the lack of compilation time checking.

I've got two questions
1) Are there any tools that do an analysis of code and attempt to catch
potential issues such as undefined variables, etc?  I use xdebug in php for
this purpose and it's a life saver.  Currently for Python I use module test
cases and simulate situations but this doesn't catch everything and on a
larger scale of development becomes difficult.

2) Is there a way to error when comparing variables of different types?  I
was up late last night coding and caused a few bugs with the below code,
which turns out to compare a typestr to a typeint.  I know good
programming I should know what my variable types are, but it would be even
better if I could always abide by a rule of using _ (or something) which
would spit an exception when comparing non-equal types/instances.

rows = pamss.conn.fetchRows(results)
count = rows[0]['cases']// should be int(rows[0]['cases'])

return count  MAX_CONCURRENT_IVR


Re: python philosophical question - strong vs duck typing

2012-01-04 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/4/2012 1:37 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/3/2012 8:04 PM, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

[ An example of a simple dependently typed program: ]

Just got it after a minute delay.

A followup now that I have read it. Removing the 40 line comment, the 
function itself is

fun getitem{n,m:nat}(arr : array(int, n) ,
 length : int(n), index : int m) : int =
if index  length then
~1 (* -1, error *)

where n,m are compiler variables used to define the dependent 
(paramaterized) types array(int,n) and int(n)/ The double use of n means 
that the compiler checks that length n of the array equals the length 

My response: in Python, there is no need to pass concrete collection 
sizes because they are packaged with the collection at runtime as an 
attribute. So:

1) In Python, there is no need for such checking. In addition, the 
for-loop construct, 'for item in iterable:', removes the possibility of 
indexing errors.

2) Python classes are, in a sense, or in effect, runtime dependent 
types. While the formal implementation type of a 'list' is just 'list', 
the effective computation type is 'mutable sequence of length n'. The 
type of an iterator is 'read-only sequence of indefinite length'. I find 
this an interesting way to look at Python.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Newbie Help

2012-01-04 Thread Ben Finney
Ben Finney writes:

 * Cross-platform, so that you're not denied the use of any popular
   workstation OS.

 For my purposes, either { GNU Screen + Bash + Emacs } or { GNU Screen +
 Bash + Vim } are good choices satisfying all the above criteria. There
 may be other good combinations.

I slightly mis-spoke. Obviously GNU Screen and Bash are only truly
available on Unix-like operating systems. But that's pretty much all of
the popular workstation OSes except one.

GNU Emacs and Vim are truly available on every popular workstation OS.
Learn one of them well, and you will be able to take on the diversity of
programming tasks much easier.

 \   “A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of |
  `\   widths.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Lucas Vickers wrote:

 I'm relatively new to Python.  I come from C/C++ so I love the flexibility
 but I am slightly irked by the lack of compilation time checking.

 I've got two questions
 1) Are there any tools that do an analysis of code and attempt to catch
 potential issues such as undefined variables, etc?  I use xdebug in php for
 this purpose and it's a life saver.  Currently for Python I use module test
 cases and simulate situations but this doesn't catch everything and on a
 larger scale of development becomes difficult.

Yes, try pylint, pychecker, or pyflakes.

 2) Is there a way to error when comparing variables of different types?  I
 was up late last night coding and caused a few bugs with the below code,
 which turns out to compare a typestr to a typeint.  I know good
 programming I should know what my variable types are, but it would be even
 better if I could always abide by a rule of using _ (or something) which
 would spit an exception when comparing non-equal types/instances.

This is a well-known wart in Python 2.  The recommended solution would
be to upgrade to Python 3, which no longer allows ordered comparisons
between unrelated built-in types.


Re: Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Lucas Vickers wrote:
 2) Is there a way to error when comparing variables of different types?

Yep. Use Python version 3.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#88, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: int()  str()

Chris Angelico

Re: Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Lucas Vickers
Thank you!

At the moment python3 isn't an option.  There's a variety of dependencies
I'm working around.
Is there any type of 2.x add-on?

either way thanks for the info


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Lucas Vickers
  I'm relatively new to Python.  I come from C/C++ so I love the
  but I am slightly irked by the lack of compilation time checking.
  I've got two questions
  1) Are there any tools that do an analysis of code and attempt to catch
  potential issues such as undefined variables, etc?  I use xdebug in php
  this purpose and it's a life saver.  Currently for Python I use module
  cases and simulate situations but this doesn't catch everything and on a
  larger scale of development becomes difficult.

 Yes, try pylint, pychecker, or pyflakes.

  2) Is there a way to error when comparing variables of different types?
  was up late last night coding and caused a few bugs with the below code,
  which turns out to compare a typestr to a typeint.  I know good
  programming I should know what my variable types are, but it would be
  better if I could always abide by a rule of using _ (or something) which
  would spit an exception when comparing non-equal types/instances.

 This is a well-known wart in Python 2.  The recommended solution would
 be to upgrade to Python 3, which no longer allows ordered comparisons
 between unrelated built-in types.



Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread PiLS
Le mar, 03 jan 2012 20:28:59, Steven D'Aprano a ploppé:
 On Tue, 03 Jan 2012 05:08:47 -0800, Ethan Furman wrote:
 maybe policing uploads is worse than cluttering PyPI's disk space and
 RSS feed with dumb 1 KB packages. (Matt Chaput)
 I'd drop the maybe.
 It's hard enough finding what one wants without having to wade through
 crap.  PyPI is not the place for it.
 I agree. But who gets to choose which packages are serious enough to 
 deserve to be on PyPI? Or good enough?
 The cost of allowing anyone the freedom to publish their work is that 
 some published work will be crap.
 Besides, I find it hard to believe that the search facilities on PyPI are 
 so bad that there would be any searches that come up with 
 or as false positives.
 Seriously, the over-reaction here is something that has to be seen to be 
 believed. The original complaint is over a couple of entries in an RSS 
 feed and showing up on the front page of PyPI, perhaps a dozen words in 
 total. The reaction has been thousands of words arguing back and forth.


The it objectifies wymyn argument (back and forth) was particularly
funny (in a insignificant nonsensical hollier-than-thou nitpicking way).
I really was on the verge of pushing the plonk button a couple times
(between spurts of uncontrollable laughter).
If anything, I see the joke as derogatory to Python programmers; sadly, 
this very thread proves this view. Also, I find it disturbing that the 
wymyn-power knights in shiny armour identify a python module with 
a woman. If I nuke a Karmic Koala, will they rat me out to the WWF, to
the UNODA, or to both?


Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 4 January 2012 20:08, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Tony Pelletier wrote:
 I have zero desire to follow the rules of a Python(here's the ironic part.
 Get it now clever boy?) list when it'd riddled with childish banter that has
 nothing to do with wait for it. Python?

 Fair enough.  If this thread and this exchange were actually
 representative of the list, I wouldn't want to waste my time with it

Sadly, my feeling is that the amount of vacuous discussions and
hair-splitting debates is steadily increasing.  Just to see, I had a
look at the archives for July 2001 (because that's around the time I
took up Python) and the list definitely had a more interesting feel to
it.  It also made me realise that many of the best contributors have
gone or only make rare appearances.  Anyway, there was little spam,
but already some trolls, e.g.

Is Python Dead?

Not everyone was convinced about PEP 238 (new semantics for /):

Did you change your mind, Terry?  I too used to be against it :)

I'll stop now.  Cheers,


Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 7:48 AM, PiLS wrote:
 If I nuke a Karmic Koala, will they rat me out to the WWF, to
 the UNODA, or to both?

Neither, actually. We'll be so glad you didn't call it a Karmic Koala
Bear that we'll send you three American tourists for free. (They're
actually quite delicious when properly prepared.)


UnicodeEncodeError when piping stdout, but not when printing directly to the console

2012-01-04 Thread Adam Funk
(I'm using Python 2.7.2+ on Ubuntu.)

When I'm running my program in an xterm, the print command with an
argument containing unicode works fine (it correctly detects my UTF-8
environment).  But when I run it with a pipe or redirect to a file (|
or ), unicode strings fail with the following (for example):

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0107' in position 
21: ordinal not in range(128)

How can I force python (preferably within my python program, rather
than having to set something externally) to treat stdout as UTF-8?


Nam Sibbyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla 
pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: beable beable beable; respondebat 
illa: doidy doidy doidy.   [plorkwort]

Re: UnicodeEncodeError when piping stdout, but not when printing directly to the console

2012-01-04 Thread Peter Otten
Adam Funk wrote:

 (I'm using Python 2.7.2+ on Ubuntu.)
 When I'm running my program in an xterm, the print command with an
 argument containing unicode works fine (it correctly detects my UTF-8
 environment).  But when I run it with a pipe or redirect to a file (|
 or ), unicode strings fail with the following (for example):
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0107' in
 position 21: ordinal not in range(128)
 How can I force python (preferably within my python program, rather
 than having to set something externally) to treat stdout as UTF-8?

$ cat
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys

if sys.stdout.encoding is None:
import codecs
writer = codecs.getwriter(utf-8)
sys.stdout = writer(sys.stdout)

print uÄhnlich üblich nötig

$ python
Ähnlich üblich nötig

$ python | cat
Ähnlich üblich nötig


Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread HoneyMonster
On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 20:48:36 +, PiLS wrote:

 If I nuke a Karmic Koala, will they rat me out to the WWF, to the
 UNODA, or to both?

Personally I'd be cheering for you, provided you also took out all the 
warthogs, hedgehogs, badgers, drakes, efts, fawns, gibbons, herons, 
ibexes, jackalopes, lynxes, meerkats, narwhals, ocelots and pangolins.


Re: help me get excited about python 3

2012-01-04 Thread Andrew Berg
On 1/4/2012 9:56 AM, Sean Wolfe wrote:
 I am still living in the 2.x world because all the things I want to do
 right now in python are in 2 (django, pygame). But I want to be
 excited about the future of the language. I understand the concept of
 needing to break backwards compatibility. But it's not particularly
 exciting to think about. What are the cool new bits I should be
 reading up on?
All the cool new language features, of course. I've only started
learning Python, so I haven't watched the what's new stuff for older
versions (and therefore can't pull anything off the top of my head), but
I am pretty excited for 3.3. The new exceptions, the LZMA module,
support for cp65001 in Windows...

CPython 3.2.2 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17640

Expert Advice

2012-01-04 Thread Luis Perez

Hi Everyone,


A number of friends in the community recommended i email this group regarding 
some obstacles im running into regarding a Python/Django dilemma :). Im 
currently representing a e-Plushing firm who has built an amazing custom ebook 
publishing platform in Django and Python. We are now looking for a Python 
engineer who has dabbled in NoSQL databases. This person will understand 
programming languages both static and dynamic typing. They offer a great work 
environment as they have a nice loft in Midtown in addition to 
challenging/custom work.


Below i have included additional details if you know of anyone that might be 



We have a great referral program as well. 


Our ebook publishing platform is built on Django and LAMP (for P in ['Python']) 
- and the demand is growing!  We're looking for a senior software engineer 
who's passionate about building and shipping products that are great inside and 
out.  As a senior team member, you'll ensure our product enjoys 
high-availability, scalability, and the other expected non-functional 
requirements through peer review and leveraging cloud infrastructure.  You'll 
also support our journey towards continuous delivery inclusive of iterative 
development, automated testing (CI), modern configuration management using 
chef, and push-button deployments with confidence. 


About you: You love technology and good engineering as much as shipping great 
products - and deftly balance these concerns.  You're a Python expert and code 
for fun.  You've probably dabbled in NoSQL databases, know multiple programming 
languages both static and dynamic typing (and pros/cons of each), have tried a 
variety of web servers and frameworks, understand the power and challenges of 
different caching strategies, are a go-to for CS fundamentals, and contribute 
to open source projects.  You constructively initiate improvements.  You also 
don't shy away from Linux systems operations where it butts up against 
development concerns such as redundancy with auto-failover, efficient resource 
utilization, performance optimization, data management, apache configuration, 
application monitoring, log file aggregation (e.g., using scribe), security, 
capacity and scaling concerns - i.e., approaching devops from the development 
side.  You enjoy being a hands-on individual contributor and also have great 
skills mentoring peers/colleagues - a team player who's well respected due to 
your technical abilities and willingness to help other team members without the 
ego.  You thrive in a fast-paced yet thoughtful startup environment.

8+ years in software development in Linux - years of experience are necessary 
to design robust architectures 
Python expertise required - (open source) samples will be requested 
Experience building and maintaining distributed, scale-out, high performant 
web-based systems on Linux required 
Have solid CS and OO fundamentals 
Strong and effective communication skills including with remote team members 
Have created and consumed RESTful APIs 
Cloud experience with AWS or comparable required 
Iterative (agile) development experience required 
Must have a passion for automated testing 
Python web framework and MVC pattern usage required; Django a plus; built your 
own web framework a major plus 
Push-button deployment experience a plus 
Experience with Celery and RabbitMQ a plus 
Knowledge of ePub and HTML5 standards a plus

Fun coworkers, great mentors 
Convenient mid-town Manhattan loft 
Lots of fun with Apple products and ereaders 






luis perez | principal

winter wyman companies - technology staffing

tel: 212.616.3582| fax: 212.616.3592 | aim: lpcnn23



Please consider the environment before printing this email


can a subclass method determine if called by superclass?

2012-01-04 Thread Peter
Situation: I am subclassing a class which has methods that call other
class methods (and without reading the code of the superclass I am
discovering these by trial and error as I build the subclass - this is
probably why I may have approached the problem from the wrong
viewpoint :-)).

Problem: when overriding one of these indirectly called superclass
methods I would like to take differing actions (in the subclass
instance) depending on whether it is the superclass or the subclass
instance performing the call.

Question: Is there any way to determine in a method whether it is
being called by the superclass or by a method of the subclass

Now I suspect that what I am doing is actually very muddy thinking :-)
and I don't want to attempt to explain why I am approaching the design
this way as an explanation would require too much work - I will
consider an alternative inheritance approach while waiting an answer,
but the answer to the question interested me (even if I do a redesign
and come up with a more elegant approach to the problem).


Re: can a subclass method determine if called by superclass?

2012-01-04 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Peter wrote:
 Situation: I am subclassing a class which has methods that call other
 class methods (and without reading the code of the superclass I am
 discovering these by trial and error as I build the subclass - this is
 probably why I may have approached the problem from the wrong
 viewpoint :-)).

 Problem: when overriding one of these indirectly called superclass
 methods I would like to take differing actions (in the subclass
 instance) depending on whether it is the superclass or the subclass
 instance performing the call.

 Question: Is there any way to determine in a method whether it is
 being called by the superclass or by a method of the subclass

Well, you could get the previous stack level using
traceback.extract_stack() and check the filename.  But it sounds like
what you actually have are two different methods -- one that is used
by the superclass, and one that only the subclass knows about and
uses.  Why not implement it as such?

Re: Spamming PyPI with stupid packages

2012-01-04 Thread xDog Walker
On Tuesday 2012 January 03 17:28, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Besides, I find it hard to believe that the search facilities on PyPI are
 so bad that there would be any searches that come up with
 or as false positives.

Try an author search for D'Aprano.

I have seen the future and I am not in it.


a little help

2012-01-04 Thread Andres Soto
I am new using Python, although I have experience using other
programming languages like Pascal, FORTRAN, C, Prolog, etc. I am using IDLE
Editor for Python in coordination with the command line interface. 
My situation is the
following: I am developing some code. I use the IDLE Editor to write it down.
Then, I save it and import it from the command line interface, so it is already 
available from the prompt. 
Then I load (read) some
data from files using that code. Let suppose that after that I make some
changes in the code using again the IDLE Editor, save the program code, and…what
else? The updated code is not already available from the command line 
interface. If I run the module, I lose the
data already loaded (and it is a big amount). If I re-import it, the new code
is not available
Any suggestion?
Andres --

Re: a little help

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Andres Soto wrote:
 My situation is the following: I am developing some code. I use the IDLE
 Editor to write it down. Then, I save it and import it from the command line
 interface, so it is already available from the prompt.
 Then I load (read) some data from files using that code. Let suppose that
 after that I make some changes in the code using again the IDLE Editor, save
 the program code, and…what else? The updated code is not already available
 from the command line interface. If I run the module, I lose the data
 already loaded (and it is a big amount). If I re-import it, the new code is
 not available

Re-importing modules is a bit messy. The usual way to do this sort of
thing would be to run the program directly from the command line, and
terminate it when you're done. Is there a particular reason for
wanting to import it that way?

Chris Angelico

Re: can a subclass method determine if called by superclass?

2012-01-04 Thread Peter
On Jan 5, 10:09 am, Ian Kelly wrote:

 Well, you could get the previous stack level using
 traceback.extract_stack() and check the filename.  But it sounds like
 what you actually have are two different methods -- one that is used
 by the superclass, and one that only the subclass knows about and
 uses.  Why not implement it as such?

Thanks Ian - that is one possibility.

I am trying to create a subclass with slightly different functionality
and use it with an existing code base i.e. there is already one or
more modules that instantiate the current superclass and I want to
just drop in this new class to replace it with no ripples up the line
(so to speak). The new class implements some interface changes that
can safely be hidden from the rest of the application.

Re: help me get excited about python 3

2012-01-04 Thread Rick Johnson
On Jan 4, 9:56 am, Sean Wolfe wrote:
 I am still living in the 2.x world because all the things I want to do
 right now in python are in 2 (django, pygame). But I want to be
 excited about the future of the language.

Okay. So why not enjoy the best of both worlds (almost) and use
version 2.7.2 along with from __future__ import EVERYTHING.

Your best course of action would be to write all code that can be
written in Python 3000 IN Python 3000. If you must use Python 2.x
because of dependencies, well then, you must.

Re: a little help

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Angelico
I think you meant to send that to the list; hope you don't mind my
replying on-list.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Andres Soto wrote:
 the problem is that if I re-run the program, every time I change some
 instructions, I have to read (load) again the data and that is what I want
 to avoid. Is it possible?

That's normal with Python, yes. Usually you'll find that it's more
hassle than it's worth to try to modify code live like that; even in
languages specifically designed with this feature in mind, there's a
lot to keep track of.

It may be worth writing your program to take a snapshot of current
state (eg with the pickle module); this might be easier than
re-parsing a complicated input data set. But that can be a lot of
bother too, and usually in the end it's just not worthwhile.


Re: .format vs. %

2012-01-04 Thread alex23
On Jan 4, 6:25 pm, 8 Dihedral
  And what are you contributing to the situation other than
  misinformation and markov-generated spam?

 Do you know what can attract newbies to support python?

I'm sure other people doing all the work for them would be a great
attractor. Are you volunteering to work on this code generator?

Re: a little help

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Andres Soto wrote:
 my mistake is because I have no problem to do that using Prolog which use an
 interpreter as Python. I thought that the variables in the main global
 memory space (associated with the command line environment) were kept,
 although the code that use it could change.
 As you explain me, Python behave like a compiled language: any time I make a
 change in the code, I have to compile it again, and re-run (and re-load
 the data). There is nothing to do.

Yeah. There are ways around it (there's a 'reload' function in Python
2, or 'imp.reload' in Python 3), but it's usually simpler and safer to
fully restart.


Re: a little help

2012-01-04 Thread Andres Soto
my mistake is because I have no problem to do that using Prolog which use an 
interpreter as Python. I thought that the variables in the main global memory 
space (associated with the command line environment) were kept, although the 
code that use it could change.
As you explain me, Python behave like a compiled language: any time I make a 
change in the code, I have to compile it again, and re-run (and re-load the 
data). There is nothing to do.
Thank you!
Prof. Dr. Andrés Soto

 From: Chris Angelico
Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: a little help
I think you meant to send that to the list; hope you don't mind my
replying on-list.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Andres Soto wrote:
 the problem is that if I re-run the program, every time I change some
 instructions, I have to read (load) again the data and that is what I want
 to avoid. Is it possible?

That's normal with Python, yes. Usually you'll find that it's more
hassle than it's worth to try to modify code live like that; even in
languages specifically designed with this feature in mind, there's a
lot to keep track of.

It may be worth writing your program to take a snapshot of current
state (eg with the pickle module); this might be easier than
re-parsing a complicated input data set. But that can be a lot of
bother too, and usually in the end it's just not worthwhile.



Trouble getting Python 2.7.2 to recognize Tk in Scientific Linux Release 6

2012-01-04 Thread Jeffrey Wise
I've been a python user for a long time - on Windows, but now I'm working on
a Linux system.  I'm having trouble getting python to include Tk in it's
build.  My Tcl/Tk is in a non-standard location (I don't want to interfere
with the Python 2.6 installation - that does include Tk until I have 2.7.2
running fully.  I've read everything I can find about installing python in
Linux, but to no avail.  
Can someone give me some advice on which file(s) to edit, configure
arguments to add, etc.?  

Re: .format vs. %

2012-01-04 Thread 88888 Dihedral
alex23於 2012年1月5日星期四UTC+8上午8時23分06秒寫道:
 On Jan 4, 6:25 pm, 8 Dihedral
   And what are you contributing to the situation other than
   misinformation and markov-generated spam?
  Do you know what can attract newbies to support python?
 I'm sure other people doing all the work for them would be a great
 attractor. Are you volunteering to work on this code generator?

I am working on the code generation problem in other applications. 

I could contribute some opinions about this problem.

I think the BOA project is in the right direction. 



Re: can a subclass method determine if called by superclass?

2012-01-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 15:37:55 -0800, Peter wrote:

 I am trying to create a subclass with slightly different functionality
 and use it with an existing code base i.e. there is already one or
 more modules that instantiate the current superclass and I want to
 just drop in this new class to replace it with no ripples up the line
 (so to speak). The new class implements some interface changes that
 can safely be hidden from the rest of the application.

This is *exactly* the idea behind subclassing. I don't understand your 
problem, can you explain more?

If you want to change behaviour of an object, you subclass it, then 
override or overload the methods you want to change. You certainly 
shouldn't be changing the superclass to recognise when it is being called 
from a subclass! That's completely the wrong approach -- you should put 
all the new behaviour in the new class.

# WRONG! Don't do this.

class Parent(object):
def method(self, arg):
if type(self) is not Parent:
# Must be a subclass.
print(Called from a subclass. But which one?)
print(Doing method stuff.)

class Child(Parent):

# RIGHT! Do this instead.

class Parent(object):
def method(self, arg):
print(Doing method stuff.)

class Child(Parent):
def method(self, arg):
# Overload an existing method.
print(Called from Child subclass.)
super().method(arg)  # Python 3 only
# Python 2 use: super(Child, self).method(arg)

If method() returns a result, you can capture the result of calling the 
superclass method and then modify it as needed. Or you can override the 
method completely, and not call the parent method() at all.

Now you can use Child() anywhere that you can use Parent and the caller 
shouldn't even notice. Or at least that is the idea behind subclassing, 
although it is possible to break it. You will be okay if the caller uses 
duck-typing, or isinstance checks, but not if they do exact type checks 
(which is almost always the wrong thing to do).

c = Child()

# Duck-typing works:
hasattr(c, 'method')  # returns True

# So do isinstance checks:
isinstance(c, Parent)  # returns True

# but this doesn't and defeats the purpose of having subclasses:
type(c) is Parent  # returns False, you shouldn't do this!

If the caller does do exact type checks, then almost certainly it should 
be considered a bug in their code and they should be beaten with a clue-
bat and told to use isinstance (good) or duck-typing (better still).

If I have misunderstood your problem, can you give a concrete (but 
simple) example of what you are trying to do?


Re: help me get excited about python 3

2012-01-04 Thread Evan Driscoll
On 1/4/2012 9:56 AM, Sean Wolfe wrote:
 I am still living in the 2.x world because all the things I want to do
 right now in python are in 2 (django, pygame). But I want to be
 excited about the future of the language. I understand the concept of
 needing to break backwards compatibility. But it's not particularly
 exciting to think about. What are the cool new bits I should be
 reading up on?
This should be enough to convince you:

~ : python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, May  3 2011, 10:31:28) 
 1  1

~ : python3
Python 3.2 (r32:88445, May  3 2011, 13:26:55) 
 1  1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: int()  str()

Maybe with Python 4, '1  True' will give a TypeError too ;-).

Or if that's not enough,

~ : python 
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, May  3 2011, 10:31:28) 
 True, False = False, True
 True is  + (True if True else False)
'True is False'

~ : python3
Python 3.2 (r32:88445, May  3 2011, 13:26:55) 
 True, False = False, True
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: assignment to keyword



Re: a little help

2012-01-04 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/4/2012 7:29 PM, Andres Soto wrote:

As you explain me, Python behave like a compiled language: any time I
make a change in the code, I have to compile it again, and re-run (and
re-load the data).

While you are developing a program and expect to make changes, you can 
try working with a small subset of a large dataset, so reloading is not 
too painful.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/4/2012 3:42 PM, Lucas Vickers wrote:

At the moment python3 isn't an option.  There's a variety of
dependencies I'm working around.

Please consider telling the authors of libraries you need that you would 
like a Python 3 version and say why. One reason given for not upgrading 
packages is 'lack of demand'.

Terry Jan Reedy


[issue13707] Clarify hash() constancy period

2012-01-04 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

 Martin, I do not understand. The default hash is based on id (as is
 default equality comparison), not value.

In the default implementation, the id *is* the object's value (i.e.
objects, by default, only compare equal if they are identical). So
the default implementation is just a special case of the more general
rule that hashes need to be consistent with equality.

 Are you OK with hash values changing if the 'value' changes?

An object that can change its value (i.e. a mutable object) should
fail to hash.


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[issue13707] Clarify hash() constancy period

2012-01-04 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Terry J. Reedy wrote:
 Terry J. Reedy added the comment:
 Martin, I do not understand. The default hash is based on id (as is default 
 equality comparison), not value. Are you OK with hash values changing if the 
 'value' changes? My understanding is that changing hash values for objects in 
 sets and dicts is bad, which is why mutable builtins with value-based 
 equality do not have hash values.

Hash values are based on the object values, not their id(). See the
various type implementations as reference. The id() is only used
as hash for objects which don't have a value (and thus cannot be

Given that we have the invariant a==b = hash(a)==hash(b) in Python,
it immediately follows that hash values for objects with comparison
method cannot have a lifetime - at least not within the same process
and, depending how you look at it, also not in multi-process

nosy: +lemburg

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[issue8416] python 2.6.5 documentation can't search

2012-01-04 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

The continually updated docs are built from the stable branches, whose version 
remains at (e.g.) 2.7.2 until 2.7.3a1 is released, at which point the 
continuous updating stops until 2.7.3 is final.

I don't think presenting docs with an alpha version on the frontpage is useful. On the other hand, I do think it 
is important to have doc fixed reflected (more or less) instantly somewhere, so 
that e.g. people reporting typos can see the fixes. The status quo is a 
compromise between these two needs.

When we do make backwards incompatible changes or additions during a stable 
cycle, they need to be marked with new/changed in version 2.7.X+1 anyway.  So 
the SequenceMatcher change would alert users itself. If not, that's a bug.

About the obsolete snapshots: I don't know what you're referring to there: if 
it's the released docs for specific versions, then I think that's standard 
practice to have a doc version released for a specific Python version; and I 
wouldn't change that.


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[issue13704] Random number generator in Python core

2012-01-04 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Release blocker: I was following the example in #13703. A RNG (PRNG or CSPRNG) 
is required for randomized hashing function.

The patch contains more than just the RNG changes. Only Include/pyrandom.h, 
Modules/_randommodule.c, Modules/posixmodule.c, Python/hash.c and parts of are relevant for this tracker item. Sorry for the inconvenience!


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[issue13704] Random number generator in Python core

2012-01-04 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Changes by Raymond Hettinger

assignee: rhettinger - christian.heimes

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13707] Clarify hash() constancy period

2012-01-04 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

 Suggest closing as invalid/rajected.

 -1. The hash has nothing to do with the lifetime, 
 but with the value of an object.

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Mark Shannon

Changes by Mark Shannon

nosy: +Mark.Shannon

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[issue13697] python RLock implementation unsafe with signals

2012-01-04 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

  That sounds like a good solution in the middle-term. Are there any
  drawbacks? (apart from launching a thread)
 Just to be clear: the approach I was suggesting is to have a resident
 thread dedicated to signal management, not to spawn a new one when
 needed. Another advantage is that we could mask signals in all threads
 except this one, and have a consistent cross-platform behavior with
 respect to signals+threads.

Hmm, but that would break single-threaded programs which expect their
select() (or other) to return EINTR when a signal is received (which is
a perfectly valid expectation in that case).

 However I see two drawbacks:
 - it seems that we want to allow building Python without threads
 support. In that case, this wouldn't work, or we would need the
 current implementation as a fallback, but this would complicate the
 code somewhat.

I don't know if that's still useful to build Python without threads. I
would expect most platforms to have a compatible threads implementation
(and Python probably can't run on very small embedded platforms).
Perhaps you can ask on python-dev.


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Using a fairly small value (4k) should not make the results much worse 
 from a security perspective, but might be problematic from a
 collision/distribution standpoint.

Keep in mind the average L1 data cache size is between 16KB and 64KB. 4KB is 
already a significant chunk of that.

Given a hash function's typical loop is to feed back the current result into 
the next computation, I don't see why a small value (e.g. 256 bytes) would be 


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[issue13699] test_gdb has recently started failing

2012-01-04 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset dfffb293f4b3 by Vinay Sajip in branch 'default':
Closes #13699. Skipped two tests if Python is optimised.

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread Manuel Bärenz

New submission from Manuel Bärenz

I've attached a script which demonstrates the bug.

When feeding a script that contains a comment tag with the actual script and 
the script containing tags itself (e.g. a 'document.write(td/td)'), the 
parser doesn't call handle_comment and handle_starttag.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 150603
nosy: turion
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread Manuel Bärenz

Manuel Bärenz added the comment:

I forgot to say, I'm using python version 3.2.2.


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[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

The content of a script tag is CDATA.  Why would you expect it to be parsed?

nosy: +ezio.melotti, r.david.murray

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread Manuel Bärenz

Manuel Bärenz added the comment:

Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
Then, the bug is actually calling handle_endtag.


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[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread Manuel Bärenz

Manuel Bärenz added the comment:

To clarify this even further: Consider

It should call:
parser_instance.handle_starttag(script, [])
parser_instance.handle_endtag(script, [])

Instead, it calls:
parser_instance.handle_starttag(script, [])
parser_instance.handle_endtag(td, [])
parser_instance.handle_endtag(script, [])


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[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I believe this was fixed recently as part of issue 670664.  Ezio will know for 


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

If test_packaging fails because it relies on dict order / hash details, that’s 
a bug.  Can you copy the full tb (possibly in another report, I can fix it 
independently of this issue)?

nosy: +eric.araujo

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13712] test_packaging depends on hash order

2012-01-04 Thread Christian Heimes

New submission from Christian Heimes

As requested in

./python Lib/test/ test_packaging
[1/1] test_packaging
Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- sysconfig._SCHEMES was modified by test_packaging
test test_packaging failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/heimes/dev/python/randomhash/Lib/packaging/tests/, 
line 168, in test_convert_setup_py_to_cfg
AssertionError: '[metadata]\nname = pyxfoil\nversion = 0.2\nsummary = Python 
bindings for the Xf [truncated]... != '[metadata]\nname = pyxfoil\nversion = 
0.2\nsummary = Python bindings for the Xf [truncated]...
  name = pyxfoil
  version = 0.2
  summary = Python bindings for the Xfoil engine
  download_url = UNKNOWN
  home_page =
  maintainer = André Espaze
  maintainer_email =
  description = My super Death-scription
 |barbar is now on the public domain,
 |ho, baby !
  packages = pyxfoil
  modules = my_lib
  scripts = my_script
- extra_files =
+ extra_files = Martinique/Lamentin/dady
+ Martinique/Lamentin/mumy
+ Martinique/Lamentin/sys
+ Martinique/Lamentin/bro
- pyxfoil/
+ pyxfoil/
- Martinique/Lamentin/dady
- Martinique/Lamentin/mumy
- Martinique/Lamentin/sys
- Martinique/Lamentin/bro
  resources =
  README.rst = {doc}
  pyxfoil.1 = {man}

1 test failed:

assignee: eric.araujo
components: Distutils2
messages: 150610
nosy: alexis, christian.heimes, eric.araujo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_packaging depends on hash order
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

Yep, this was fixed in #670664.
With the development version of Python (AFAIK the fix has not be released yet) 
and the example parser found in the doc[0] I get this:

 parser = MyHTMLParser()
Encountered a start tag: script
Encountered   some data: td/td
Encountered  an end tag: script


assignee:  - ezio.melotti
resolution:  - duplicate
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
superseder:  - - more robust SCRIPT tag parsing

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[issue13704] Random number generator in Python core

2012-01-04 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jan 04, 2012, at 07:30 AM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

Why is this listed as a release blocker?  It is questionable whether it
should be done at all?  It is a very aggressive change.

It's a release blocker so that the issue won't get ignored before the next
release.  That doesn't necessarily mean it must be fixed.


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jan 04, 2012, at 06:00 AM, Paul McMillan wrote:

Developers would be startled to find that ordering stays consistent on a 64
bit build but varies on 32 bit builds.

Well, one positive outcome of this issue is that users will finally viscerally
understand that dictionary (and set) order should never be relied upon, even
between successive runs of the same Python executable.


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[issue13711] html.parser.HTMLParser doesn't parse tags in comments in scripts correctly

2012-01-04 Thread Manuel Bärenz

Manuel Bärenz added the comment:

Great! Thank you!


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[issue13713] Regression for http.client read()

2012-01-04 Thread Ross Lagerwall

New submission from Ross Lagerwall

806cfe39f729 introduced a regression for http.client read(len).

To see this:
$ ./python
$ wget
$ diff index.html index2.html

This is a difference in the files (which there shouldn't be).

The change which introduced the problem was:
changeset:   73875:806cfe39f729
user:Antoine Pitrou
date:Tue Dec 06 22:33:57 2011 +0100
summary: Issue #13464: Add a readinto() method to http.client.HTTPResponse.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 150615
nosy: orsenthil, pitrou, rosslagerwall
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Regression for http.client read()
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3
Added file:

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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Some comments:

1. The security implications in all this is being somewhat overemphasized.

There are many ways you can do a DoS attack on web servers. It's the
responsibility of the used web frameworks and servers to deal with
the possible cases.

It's a good idea to provide some way to protect against hash
collision attacks, but that will only solve one possible way of
causing a resource attack on a server.

There are other ways you can generate lots of CPU overhead with
little data input (e.g. think of targeting the search feature on
many Zope/Plone sites).

In order to protect against such attacks in general, we'd have to
provide a way to control CPU time and e.g. raise an exception if too
much time is being spent on a simple operation such as a key insertion.
This can be done using timers, signals or even under OS control.

The easiest way to protect against the hash collision attack is by
limiting the POST/GET/HEAD request size.

The second best way would be to limit the number of parameters that a
web framework accepts for POST/GET/HEAD request.

2. Changing the semantics of hashing in a dot release is not allowed.

If randomization of the hash start vector or some other method is
enabled by default in a dot release, this will change the semantics
of any application switching to that dot release.

The hash values of Python objects are not only used by the Python
dictionary implementation, but also by other storage mechanisms
such as on-disk dictionaries, inter-process object exchange via
share memory, memcache, etc.

Hence, if changed, the hash change should be disabled per default
for dot releases and enabled for 3.3.

3. Changing the way strings are hashed doesn't solve the problem.

Hash values of other types can easily be guessed as well, e.g.
take integers which use a trivial hash function.

We'd have to adapt all hash functions of the basic types in Python
or come up with a generic solution using e.g. double-hashing
in the dictionary/set implementations.

4. By just using a random start vector you change the absolute
hash values for specific objects, but not the overall hash sequence
or its period.

An attacker only needs to create many hash collisions, not
specific ones. It's the period of the hash function that's
important in such attacks and that doesn't change when moving to
a different start vector.

5. Hashing needs to be fast.

It's one of the most used operations in Python. Please get experts into
the boat like Tim Peters and Christian Tismer, who both have worked
on the dict implementation and the hash functions, before experimenting
with ad-hoc fixes.

6. Counting collisions could solve the issue without having to
change hashing.

Another idea would be counting the collisions and raising an
exception if the number of collisions exceed a certain

Such a change would work for all hashable Python objects and
protect against the attack without changing any hash function.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

nosy: +lemburg

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[issue12660] test_gdb fails when installed

2012-01-04 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

Pending the real fix, I've attached a patch to skip the test if it's not a 
source build.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +vinay.sajip
stage: needs patch - patch review
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13712] test_packaging depends on hash order

2012-01-04 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

Thanks, I will check this.

versions: +3rd party

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13713] Regression for http.client read()

2012-01-04 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +Jon.Kuhn
priority: normal - critical

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:
 3. Changing the way strings are hashed doesn't solve the problem.
 Hash values of other types can easily be guessed as well, e.g.
 take integers which use a trivial hash function.

Here's an example for integers on a 64-bit machine:

 g = ((x*(2**64 - 1), hash(x*(2**64 - 1))) for x in xrange(1, 100))
 d = dict(g)

This takes ages to complete and only uses very little memory.
The input data has some 32MB if written down in decimal numbers
- not all that much data either.



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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

The email interface ate part of my reply:

 g = ((x*(2**64 - 1), hash(x*(2**64 - 1))) for x in xrange(1, 100))
 s = ''.join(str(x) for x in g)
 g = ((x*(2**64 - 1), hash(x*(2**64 - 1))) for x in xrange(1, 100))
 d = dict(g)
... lots of time for coffee, pizza, taking a walk, etc. :-)


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

To expand on Marc-Andre's point 1: the DOS attack on web servers is possible 
because servers are generally dumb at the first stage. Upon receiving a post 
request, all key=value pairs are mindlessly packaged into a hash table that is 
then passed on to a page handler that typically ignores the invalid keys.

However, most pages do not need any key,value pairs and forms that do have a 
pre-defined set of expected and recognized keys. If there were a possibly empty 
set of keys associated with each page, and the set were checked against posted 
keys, then a DOS post with thousands of effectively random keys could quickly 
(in O(1) time) be rejected as erroneous.

In Python, the same effect could be accomplished by associating a class with 
slots with each page and having the server create an instance of the class. 
Attempts to create an undefined attribute would then raise an exception. Either 
way, checking input data for face validity before processing it in a 
time-consuming way is one possible solution for nearly all web pages and at 
least some other applications.


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Alex Gaynor

Alex Gaynor added the comment:

Except, it's a totally non-scalable approach.  People have vulnerabilities all 
over their sites which they don't realize.  Some examples:

django-taggit (an application I wrote for handling tags) parses tags out an 
input, it stores these in a set to check for duplicates.  It's vulnerable.

Another site I'm writing accepts JSON POSTs, you can put arbitrary keys in the 
JSON.  It's vulnerable.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13713] Regression for http.client read()

2012-01-04 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

The fix is quite trivial. Here is a patch + tests.

keywords: +patch
stage: needs patch - patch review
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13713] Regression for http.client read()

2012-01-04 Thread Ross Lagerwall

Ross Lagerwall added the comment:

The patch looks right and seems to fix the issue. Thanks :-)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:
 1. The security implications in all this is being somewhat overemphasized.
 There are many ways you can do a DoS attack on web servers. It's the
 responsibility of the used web frameworks and servers to deal with
 the possible cases.
 It's a good idea to provide some way to protect against hash
 collision attacks, but that will only solve one possible way of
 causing a resource attack on a server.
 There are other ways you can generate lots of CPU overhead with
 little data input (e.g. think of targeting the search feature on
 many Zope/Plone sites).
 In order to protect against such attacks in general, we'd have to
 provide a way to control CPU time and e.g. raise an exception if too
 much time is being spent on a simple operation such as a key insertion.
 This can be done using timers, signals or even under OS control.
 The easiest way to protect against the hash collision attack is by
 limiting the POST/GET/HEAD request size.

For GET and HEAD, web servers normally already apply such limitations
at rather low levels:

So only HTTP methods which carry data in the body part of the HTTP
request are effected, e.g. POST and various WebDAV methods.

 The second best way would be to limit the number of parameters that a
 web framework accepts for POST/GET/HEAD request.

Depending on how parsers are implemented, applications taking
XML/JSON/XML-RPC/etc. as data input may also be vulnerable, e.g.
non validating XML parsers which place element attributes into
a dictionary or a JSON parser that has to read the JSON version of
the dict I generated earlier on.


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[issue13464] HTTPResponse is missing an implementation of readinto

2012-01-04 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4b21f651 by Antoine Pitrou in branch 'default':
Issue #13713: fix a regression in HTTP chunked reading after 806cfe39f729


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13713] Regression for http.client read()

2012-01-04 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4b21f651 by Antoine Pitrou in branch 'default':
Issue #13713: fix a regression in HTTP chunked reading after 806cfe39f729

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13713] Regression for http.client read()

2012-01-04 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Ok, committed!
(Jon, don't worry, such things happen :-))

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7098] g formatting for decimal types should always strip trailing zeros.

2012-01-04 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

 So I think the current code is correct.

I agree with this. Currently the 'g' format is like to_sci_string()
with the added possibility of adjusting the number of significant
digits. It's probably hard to come up with a better way to handle
this for Decimal.

nosy: +skrah

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11648] openlog()s 'logopt' keyword broken in syslog module

2012-01-04 Thread Sandro Tosi

Sandro Tosi added the comment:

This has already been fixed with 71f7175e2b34  friends.

nosy: +sandro.tosi
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
versions:  -Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10772] Several actions for argparse arguments missing from docs

2012-01-04 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 278fbd7b9608 by Sandro Tosi in branch '2.7':
Issue #10772: add count and help argparse action; patch by Marc Sibson

New changeset 326f755962e3 by Sandro Tosi in branch '3.2':
Issue #10772: add count and help argparse action; patch by Marc Sibson

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10772] Several actions for argparse arguments missing from docs

2012-01-04 Thread Sandro Tosi

Sandro Tosi added the comment:

Thanks Marc for the patch, I've just committed it.

resolution:  - fixed
stage: commit review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13641] decoding functions in the base64 module could accept unicode strings

2012-01-04 Thread Berker Peksag

Berker Peksag added the comment:

Hi Antoine,

I added some tests for b64decode function.

Also, I wrote some tests for b32decode and b16decode functions and failed. I 
think my patch is not working for b32decode and b16decode functions. I'll dig 
into code and try to find a way.


Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Work-in-progress patch implementing my randomized hash function (random.patch):
 - add PyOS_URandom() using CryptoGen, SSL (only on VMS!!) or /dev/urandom, 
will a fallback on a dummy LCG if the OS urandom failed
 - posix.urandom() is always defined and reuses PyOS_URandom()
 - hash(str) is now randomized using two random Py_hash_t values: don't touch 
the critical loop, only add a prefix and a suffix

 - PyOS_URandom() reuses mostly code from Modules/posixmodule.c, except 
dev_urandom() and fallback_urandom() which are new
 - I removed memset(PyBytes_AS_STRING(result), 0, howMany); from 
win32_urandom() because it doesn't really change anything because the LCG is 
used if win32_urandom() fails
 - Python refuses to start if the OS urandom is missing.
 - Python/random.c code may be moved into Python/pythonrun.c if it is an issue 
to add a new file in old Python versions.
 - If the OS urandom fails to generate the unicode hash secret, no warning is 
emitted (because the LCG is used). I don't know if a warning is needed in this 
 - os.urandom() argument is now a Py_ssize_t instead of an int

 - add an environment option to ignore the OS urandom and only uses the LCG
 - fix all tests broken because of the randomized hash(str)
 - PyOS_URandom() raises exceptions whereas it is called before creating the 
interpreter state. I suppose that it cannot work like this.
 - review and test PyOS_URandom()
 - review and test the new randomized hash(str)

keywords: +patch
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 add PyOS_URandom() using CryptoGen, SSL (only on VMS!!)
 or /dev/urandom

Oh, OpenSSL (RAND_pseudo_bytes) should be used on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, 
etc. if OpenSSL is available. I was just too lazy to add a define or pyconfig.h 
option to indicate if OpenSSL is available or not. FYI RAND_pseudo_bytes() is 
now exposed in the ssl module of Python 3.3.

 will a fallback on a dummy LCG

It's the Linear congruent generator (LCG) used by Microsoft Visual C++ and PHP:

x(n+1) = (x(n) * 214013 + 2531011) % 2^32

I only use bits 23..16 (bits 15..0 are not really random).


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

  add PyOS_URandom() using CryptoGen, SSL (only on VMS!!)
  or /dev/urandom
 Oh, OpenSSL (RAND_pseudo_bytes) should be used on Windows, Linux, Mac
 OS X, etc. if OpenSSL is available.

Apart from the large dependency, the OpenSSL license is not
GPL-compatible which may be a problem for some Python-embedding

  will a fallback on a dummy LCG
 It's the Linear congruent generator (LCG) used by Microsoft Visual C++
 and PHP:
 x(n+1) = (x(n) * 214013 + 2531011) % 2^32
 I only use bits 23..16 (bits 15..0 are not really random).

If PHP uses it, I'm confident it is secure.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

+printf(read %i bytes\n, size);

Oops, I forgot a debug message.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 If PHP uses it, I'm confident it is secure.

If I remember correctly, it is only used for the Windows version of PHP, but 
PHP doesn't implement it correctly because it uses all bits.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread Paul McMillan

Paul McMillan added the comment:

This is not something that can be fixed by limiting the size of POST/GET. 

Parsing documents (even offline) can generate these problems. I can create 
books that calibre (a Python-based ebook format shifting tool) can't convert, 
but are otherwise perfectly valid for non-python devices. If I'm allowed to 
insert usernames into a database and you ever retrieve those in a dict, you're 
vulnerable. If I can post things one at a time that eventually get parsed into 
a dict (like the tag example), you're vulnerable. I can generate web traffic 
that creates log files that are unparsable (even offline) in Python if dicts 
are used anywhere. Any application that accepts data from users needs to be 

Even if the web framework has a dictionary implementation that randomizes the 
hashes so it's not vulnerable, the entire python standard library uses dicts 
all over the place. If this is a problem which must be fixed by the framework, 
they must reinvent every standard library function they hope to use.

Any non-trivial python application which parses data needs the fix. The entire 
standard library needs the fix if is to be relied upon by applications which 
accept data. It makes sense to fix Python.

Of course we must fix all the basic hashing functions in python, not just the 
string hash. There aren't that many. 

If you look at my proposed code, you'll notice that we do more than simply 
shift the period of the hash. It's not trivial for an attacker to create 
colliding hash functions without knowing the key.

Since speed is a concern, I think that the proposal to avoid using the random 
hash for short strings is a good idea. Additionally, randomizing only some of 
the characters in longer strings will allow us to improve security without 
compromising speed significantly.

I suggest that we don't randomize strings shorter than 6 characters. For longer 
strings, we randomize the first and last 5 characters. This means we're only 
adding additional work to a max of 10 rounds of the hash, and only for longer 
strings. Collisions with the hash from short strings should be minimal.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-04 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Since speed is a concern, I think that the proposal to avoid using the random 
hash for short strings is a good idea.

My proposition only adds two XOR to hash(str) (outside the loop on Unicode 
characters), so I expect a ridiculous overhead. I don't know yet how hard it is 
to guess the secret from hash(str) output.


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