ANN: A new version (0.2.9) of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been released.

2012-03-30 Thread Vinay Sajip
A new version of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been

What Changed?
This is a minor bug-fix release. See the project website ( ) for more information.

Better support for status messages from GnuPG.
A random data file used in testing is no longer shipped with the
source distribution, but created by the test suite if needed.

The current version passes all tests on Windows (CPython 2.4, 2.5,
2.6, 3.1, 2.7 and Jython 2.5.1) and Ubuntu (CPython 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,
2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2). On Windows, GnuPG 1.4.11 has been used for the

What Does It Do?

The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the
functionality provided by the Gnu Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or
GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt
data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage
(generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using proven Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP.

This module is expected to be used with Python versions = 2.4, as it
makes use of the subprocess module which appeared in that version of
Python. This module is a newer version derived from earlier work by
Andrew Kuchling, Richard Jones and Steve Traugott.

A test suite using unittest is included with the source distribution.

Simple usage:

 import gnupg
 gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/path/to/keyring/directory')
  'fingerprint': 'F819EE7705497D73E3CCEE65197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'keyid': '197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'length': '1024',
  'type': 'pub',
  'uids': ['', 'Gary Gross (A test user)']},
  'fingerprint': '37F24DD4B918CC264D4F31D60C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'keyid': '0C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'length': '1024',
  'uids': ['', 'Danny Davis (A test user)']}]
 encrypted = gpg.encrypt(Hello, world!, ['0C5FEFA7A921FC4A'])
'-BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n
 decrypted = gpg.decrypt(str(encrypted), passphrase='secret')
'Hello, world!'
 signed = gpg.sign(Goodbye, world!, passphrase='secret')
 verified = gpg.verify(str(signed))
 print Verified if verified else Not verified

For more information, visit -
as always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports,
patches and suggestions for improvement). Enjoy!


Vinay Sajip
Red Dove Consultants Ltd.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: tabs/spaces

2012-03-30 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt

Am 29.03.2012 17:25, schrieb Terry Reedy:

I am using Thunderbird, win64, as news client for gmane. The post looked
fine as originally received. The indents only disappeared when I hit
reply and the s were added.

I can confirm this misbehaviour of Thunderbird (version 11.0 here), it 
strips the leading spaces when you begin a reply.


Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 00:38:26 -0400, Nathan Rice wrote:

 He did no such thing. I challenge you to find me one place where Joel
 has *ever* claimed that the very notion of abstraction is
 meaningless or without use.
 [snip quote]
 To me, this directly indicates he views higher order abstractions

 Yes he does, and so we all should, but that's not the claim you made.
 You stated that he fired the broadsides at the very notion of
 abstraction. He did no such thing. He fired a broadside at (1)
 software hype based on (2) hyper-abstractions which either don't solve
 any problems that people care about, or don't solve them any better
 than more concrete solutions.
 Mathematics is all about abstraction.  There are theories and structures
 in mathematics that have probably gone over a hundred years before being
 applied.  As an analogy, just because a spear isn't useful while farming
 doesn't mean it won't save your life when you venture into the woods and
 come upon a bear.

A spear is a concrete application of the principle of leverage, not an 
abstraction. I also point out leverage was discovered experimentally long 
before anyone had an abstraction for it.

In any case, so what? Who is saying that mathematics is useless? Not me, 
and not Joel Spolksy. You are hunting strawmen with your non-abstract 

Spolsky has written at least three times about Architecture Astronauts, 
and made it abundantly clear that the problem with them is that they 
don't solve problems, they invent overarching abstractions that don't do 
anything useful or important, and hype them everywhere.

Jeff Attwood provides a simple test for the difference between a useful 
abstraction and an Architecture Astronaut hyper-abstraction:

Does it solve a useful problem?

You keep reading this as an assault on abstract mathematics, science and 
knowledge for its on sake. It isn't any of these things.

If I'm paid to solve a problem, and instead I build an abstraction that 
doesn't help solve the problem, then I'm guilty of doing architecture 

 and assumes because he does not see meaning in them, they don't hold
 any meaning.

 You are making assumptions about his mindset that not only aren't
 justified by his comments, but are *contradicted* by his comments. He
 repeatedly describes the people coming up with these hyper-abstractions
 as great thinkers, clever thinkers, etc. who are seeing patterns in
 what people do. He's not saying that they're dummies. He's saying that
 they're seeing patterns that don't mean anything, not that the patterns
 aren't there.
 He is basically saying they are too clever for their own good, as a
 result of being fixated upon purely intellectual constructs.

Yes, and he is right to do so, because that is the characteristic of the 
Architecture Astronaut: being so fixated on over-arching abstract 
concepts that, far from those abstractions making it easier to solve the 
problems they are being paid to solve, they actually make them harder.

Good abstractions enable problems to be solved. Bad abstractions don't.

If I ask you to build me a website, I probably don't want a website-
builder, I certainly don't want a website-builder-generator, and I 
absolutely do not want you to generalise the concept of a compiler and 
create a whole new abstract language for describing meta-compilers so 
that I can create a brand new programming language for generating meta-
compilers that build compilers that will build factories for building 
website generators so I can make my own website in just three easy steps 
(the simplest one of which is about twice as difficult as just building 
the website would have been).

If you are being paid to build abstractions in the ivory tower, on the 
chance that one in a thousand abstractions turns out to be a game 
changer, or just because of a love of pure knowledge, that's great. I 
love abstract mathematics too. I read maths in my free time, you won't 
find me saying that it is bad or useless or harmful. But does it solve 
real problems?

Well, of course it does, and often in a most surprising places. But 
that's because out of the hundred thousand abstractions, we see the 
hundred that actually solve concrete problems. The other 99,999 exist 
only in forgotten journals, or perhaps the odd book here or there.

This is all well and good. It's not meant as an attack on mathematics. 
You can't tell ahead of time which abstractions will solve real problems. 
*Somebody* has to be thinking about ways that spherical camels can pass 
through the eye of a 17-dimensional needle, because you never know when 
somebody else will say, Hey, that's just what we need to make low-fat 
chocolate ice cream that doesn't taste like 

Pipelining in Python

2012-03-30 Thread Kiuhnm
I decided to withdraw my proposal for streaming programming :) and to fall back 
to something more conventional.
Here's the full story:

The new operators are
  '' which does the pipelining
  '-'  which links functions
Pipelining is function application in reverse order and linking is function 
composition in reverse order.

  arg  f
  arg  f - g

Let's look at some examples:

range(0,50)  filter(lambda i : i%2)  map(lambda i : i*i)  my_print

(Yes, that's currying.)

compFunc = filter(lambda i : i%2) - map(lambda i : i*i)
range(0,50)  compFunc  my_print

3) (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
# Tells whether x is not a proper multiple of n.
notPropMult = cur(lambda n, x : x = n or x % n, 2)

def findPrimes(upTo):
if (upTo = 5): return [2, 3, 5]
filterAll = (findPrimes(floor(sqrt(upTo)))
  map(lambda x : filter(notPropMult(x)))
  reduce(lambda f, g : f - g))
return list(range(2, upTo + 1))  filterAll

findPrimes(1000)  my_print

4) (Finds the approximate number of hrefs in a web page)

def do(proc, arg):
   return arg
do = cur(do)

cprint = cur(print)

  do(cprint(The page has about... , end = ''))
  cur(lambda x :
  cur({} hrefs..format)

And here's the complete source code (which includes a class version of /cur/ 
and the old tests/examples):
class CurriedFunc:
def __init__(self, func, args = (), kwArgs = {}, unique = True, minArgs = 
self.__func = func
self.__myArgs = args
self.__myKwArgs = kwArgs
self.__unique = unique
self.__minArgs = minArgs

def __call__(self, *args, **kwArgs):
if args or kwArgs:  # some more args!
# Allocates data to assign to the next CurriedFunc.
newArgs = self.__myArgs + args
newKwArgs = dict.copy(self.__myKwArgs)

# If unique is True, we don't want repeated keyword arguments.
if self.__unique and not kwArgs.keys().isdisjoint(newKwArgs):
raise ValueError(Repeated kw arg while unique = True)

# Adds/updates keyword arguments.

# Checks whether it's time to evaluate func.
if self.__minArgs is not None and self.__minArgs = len(newArgs) + 
return self.__func(*newArgs, **newKwArgs)   # time to 
evaluate func
return CurriedFunc(self.__func, newArgs, newKwArgs, 
self.__unique, self.__minArgs)
else:   # the evaluation was forced
return self.__func(*self.__myArgs, **self.__myKwArgs)

def __rrshift__(self, arg):
return self.__func(*(self.__myArgs + (arg,)), **self.__myKwArgs)  # 
forces evaluation

def __sub__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, CurriedFunc):
raise TypeError(Cannot compose a CurriedFunc with another type)

def compFunc(*args, **kwArgs):
return other.__func(*(other.__myArgs + (self.__func(*args, 

return CurriedFunc(compFunc, self.__myArgs, self.__myKwArgs,
   self.__unique, self.__minArgs)

def cur(f, minArgs = None):
return CurriedFunc(f, (), {}, True, minArgs)

def curr(f, minArgs = None):
return CurriedFunc(f, (), {}, False, minArgs)

# Simple Function.
def func(a, b, c, d, e, f, g = 100):
print(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

# NOTE: '' means this line prints to the screen.

# Example 1.
f = cur(func)   # f is a curried version of func
c1 = f(1)
c2 = c1(2, d = 4)   # Note that c is still unbound
c3 = c2(3)(f = 6)(e = 5)# now c = 3
c3()# () forces the evaluation  
#   it prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 100
c4 = c2(30)(f = 60)(e = 50) # now c = 30
c4()# () forces the evaluation  
#   it prints 1 2 30 4 50 60 100


# Example 2.
f = curr(func)  # f is a curried version of func
# curr = cur with possibly repeated
#   keyword args
c1 = f(1, 2)(3, 4)
c2 = c1(e = 5)(f = 6)(e = 10)() # ops... we repeated 'e' because we 
#   changed our mind about it!
#   again, () forces the evaluation
#   it prints 1 2 3 4 10 6 100


# Example 3.
f = cur(func, 6)# forces the evaluation after 6 arguments
c1 = f(1, 2, 3) # num args = 3
c2 = c1(4, f = 6)   # num args = 5

Re: errors building python 2.7.3

2012-03-30 Thread Alexey Luchko

On 29.03.2012 21:29, David Robinow wrote:

  Have you included the patch to Include/py_curses.h  ?
If you don't know what that is, download the cygwin src package for
Python-2.6 and look at the patches. Not all of them are still

Thanks for the hint.  With cygwin's 2.6.5-ncurses-abi6.patch it works with 
both ncurses and ncursesw.


Re: tabs/spaces

2012-03-30 Thread Dave Angel

On 03/30/2012 03:05 AM, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

Am 29.03.2012 17:25, schrieb Terry Reedy:

I am using Thunderbird, win64, as news client for gmane. The post looked
fine as originally received. The indents only disappeared when I hit
reply and the s were added.

I can confirm this misbehaviour of Thunderbird (version 11.0 here), it 
strips the leading spaces when you begin a reply.


But since it doesn't do it on all messages, have you also confirmed that 
it does it for a text message?  My experience seems to be that only the 
html messages are messed up that way.

of course, it could be lots of other things, like which gateways did the 
message go through, was it originally sent via the google-mars bridge, etc.




Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Nathan Rice
 Mathematics is all about abstraction.  There are theories and structures
 in mathematics that have probably gone over a hundred years before being
 applied.  As an analogy, just because a spear isn't useful while farming
 doesn't mean it won't save your life when you venture into the woods and
 come upon a bear.

 A spear is a concrete application of the principle of leverage, not an
 abstraction. I also point out leverage was discovered experimentally long
 before anyone had an abstraction for it.

And an analogy is a device to demonstrate the fundamental character of
an argument in a different context.

 In any case, so what? Who is saying that mathematics is useless? Not me,
 and not Joel Spolksy. You are hunting strawmen with your non-abstract

I don't think it is a strawman.  He decries things that aren't
immediately useful.  That describes almost all pure math.  If he had
excluded things that have some characteristic of truth, and just
talked about overly general systems, I might agree with him.

 Spolsky has written at least three times about Architecture Astronauts,
 and made it abundantly clear that the problem with them is that they
 don't solve problems, they invent overarching abstractions that don't do
 anything useful or important, and hype them everywhere.

I believe in the idea of things should be as simple as possible, but
not simpler.  Programming as it currently exists is absolutely
convoluted.  I am called on to help people learn to program from time
to time, and I can tell you that we still have a LONG way to go before
programming approaches a global optimum in either the semantic or
syntactic space.  Never mind configuring a build or anything else
related to projects.  The whole setup really is horrible, and I'm
convinced that most of the people who are capable of changing this are
more concerned about their personal investment in the way things are
than helping others.  There are a few exceptions like Alan Kay, but
mostly people want to graft shortcuts on to what already exists.

 You keep reading this as an assault on abstract mathematics, science and
 knowledge for its on sake. It isn't any of these things.

I never said it was an attack on science.  Scientists don't really do
abstraction, they explain observations.  Mathematicians are the ones
who discover truth that may be completely disconnected from reality.

 If I'm paid to solve a problem, and instead I build an abstraction that
 doesn't help solve the problem, then I'm guilty of doing architecture

If I ignore everything Joel wrote and just use that definition, I
agree with you.

 He is basically saying they are too clever for their own good, as a
 result of being fixated upon purely intellectual constructs.

 Yes, and he is right to do so, because that is the characteristic of the
 Architecture Astronaut: being so fixated on over-arching abstract
 concepts that, far from those abstractions making it easier to solve the
 problems they are being paid to solve, they actually make them harder.

 Good abstractions enable problems to be solved. Bad abstractions don't.

 If I ask you to build me a website, I probably don't want a website-
 builder, I certainly don't want a website-builder-generator, and I
 absolutely do not want you to generalise the concept of a compiler and
 create a whole new abstract language for describing meta-compilers so
 that I can create a brand new programming language for generating meta-
 compilers that build compilers that will build factories for building
 website generators so I can make my own website in just three easy steps
 (the simplest one of which is about twice as difficult as just building
 the website would have been).

Again, I follow the principle of everything should be as simple as
possible, but no simpler.  I have in the past built website builders
rather than build websites (and done a similar thing in other cases),
but not because I am trying to discover some fundamental truth of
website building, because that would be bullshit.  I did it because
building websites (or whatever else it was) is a boring, tedious
problem, and a website builder, while being more work, is an engaging
problem that requires thought.  I enjoy challenging myself.

 If you are being paid to build abstractions in the ivory tower, on the
 chance that one in a thousand abstractions turns out to be a game
 changer, or just because of a love of pure knowledge, that's great. I
 love abstract mathematics too. I read maths in my free time, you won't
 find me saying that it is bad or useless or harmful. But does it solve
 real problems?

You forget that even abstractions that never directly get turned into
something real are almost invariably part of the intellectual
discourse that leads to real things.

 Well, of course it does, and often in a most surprising places. But
 that's because out of the hundred thousand abstractions, we see the
 hundred that actually solve concrete problems. The 

ANN: A new version (0.2.9) of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been released.

2012-03-30 Thread Vinay Sajip
A new version of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been

What Changed?
This is a minor bug-fix release. See the project website ( ) for more information.

Better support for status messages from GnuPG.
A random data file used in testing is no longer shipped with the
source distribution, but created by the test suite if needed.

The current version passes all tests on Windows (CPython 2.4, 2.5,
2.6, 3.1, 2.7 and Jython 2.5.1) and Ubuntu (CPython 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,
2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2). On Windows, GnuPG 1.4.11 has been used for the

What Does It Do?

The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the
functionality provided by the Gnu Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or
GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt
data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage
(generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using proven Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP.

This module is expected to be used with Python versions = 2.4, as it
makes use of the subprocess module which appeared in that version of
Python. This module is a newer version derived from earlier work by
Andrew Kuchling, Richard Jones and Steve Traugott.

A test suite using unittest is included with the source distribution.

Simple usage:

 import gnupg
 gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/path/to/keyring/directory')
  'fingerprint': 'F819EE7705497D73E3CCEE65197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'keyid': '197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'length': '1024',
  'type': 'pub',
  'uids': ['', 'Gary Gross (A test user)']},
  'fingerprint': '37F24DD4B918CC264D4F31D60C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'keyid': '0C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'length': '1024',
  'uids': ['', 'Danny Davis (A test user)']}]
 encrypted = gpg.encrypt(Hello, world!, ['0C5FEFA7A921FC4A'])
'-BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n
 decrypted = gpg.decrypt(str(encrypted), passphrase='secret')
'Hello, world!'
 signed = gpg.sign(Goodbye, world!, passphrase='secret')
 verified = gpg.verify(str(signed))
 print Verified if verified else Not verified

For more information, visit -
as always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports,
patches and suggestions for improvement). Enjoy!


Vinay Sajip
Red Dove Consultants Ltd.

Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 12:46 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 I believe in the idea of things should be as simple as possible, but
 not simpler.  Programming as it currently exists is absolutely
 convoluted.  I am called on to help people learn to program from time
 to time, and I can tell you that we still have a LONG way to go before
 programming approaches a global optimum in either the semantic or
 syntactic space.

Aside from messes of installing and setting up language
interpreters/compilers, which are averted by simply having several
pre-installed (I think my Linux boxes come with some Python 2 version,
Perl, bash, and a few others), that isn't really the case. Starting a
Python script is easy. Programming gets convoluted only when, and to
the extent that, the task does.


RE: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Prasad, Ramit
  My aunt makes the best damn lasagna you've ever tasted without any
  overarching abstract theory of human taste. And if you think that
  mechanics is more difficult than understanding human perceptions of
  taste, you are badly mistaken.
 Taste is subjective, and your aunt probably started from a good recipe
 and tweaked it for local palates.  That recipe could easily be over a
 hundred years old.  An overarching mathematical theory of human
 taste/mouth perception, if such a silly thing were to exist, would be
 able to generate new recipes that were perfect for a given person's
 tastes very quickly.
 Additionally, just to troll this point some more (fun times!), I would
 argue that there is an implicit theory of human taste (chefs refer to
 it indirectly as gastronomy) that is very poorly organized and lacks
 any sort of scientific rigor.  Nonetheless, enough empirical
 observations about pairings of flavors, aromas and textures have been
 made to guide the creation of new recipes.  Gastronomy doesn't need to
 be organized or rigorous because fundamentally it isn't very

I cannot live without eating, I can live just fine without math. 
Your opinion that gastronomy is fundamentally unimportant is 
fundamentally flawed. 

  In any case, Spolsky is not making a general attack on abstract science.
  Your hyperbole is completely unjustified.
 The mathematics of the 20th century, (from the early 30s onward) tend
 to get VERY abstract, in just the way Joel decries.  Category theory,
 model theory, modern algebraic geometry, topos theory, algebraic graph
 theory, abstract algebras and topological complexes are all very
 difficult to understand because they seem so incredibly abstract, yet
 most of them already have important applications.  I'm 100% positive
 if you just presented Joel with seminal papers in some of those areas,
 he would apply the astronaut rubber stamp, because the material is
 challenging, and he wouldn't get it (I love math, and I've had to read
 some papers 10+ times before they click).

I do not think that you can compare abstract vs real world. 
Joel talks in the context of solving real-world problems for a living
and producing tangible results to justify employment. It is only fair 
to talk about mathematics in the same context. Or vice-versa.


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of
securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses,
confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers,
available at  

Re: convert string to bytes without changing data (encoding)

2012-03-30 Thread Michael Ströder
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 17:36:34 +, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
 Technically, ASCII goes up to 256 but they are not A-z letters.

 Technically, ASCII is 7-bit, so it goes up to 127.

 No, ASCII only defines 0-127.  Values =128 are not ASCII.


   ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing
   control characters (now mostly obsolete) that affect how text and
   space is processed and 95 printable characters, including the space
   (which is considered an invisible graphic).

 Doh! I was mistaking extended ASCII for ASCII. Thanks for the
 There actually is no such thing as extended ASCII -- there is a whole 
 series of many different extended ASCIIs. If you look at the encodings 
 available in (for example) Thunderbird, many of the ISO-8859-* and 
 Windows-* encodings are extended ASCII in the sense that they extend 
 ASCII to include bytes 128-255. Unfortunately they all extend ASCII in a 
 different way (hence they are different encodings).


Looking at RFC 1345 some years ago (while having to deal with EBCDIC) made
this all pretty clear to me. I appreciate that someone did this heavy work of
collecting historical encodings.

Ciao, Michael.

Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Nathan Rice
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 12:46 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 I believe in the idea of things should be as simple as possible, but
 not simpler.  Programming as it currently exists is absolutely
 convoluted.  I am called on to help people learn to program from time
 to time, and I can tell you that we still have a LONG way to go before
 programming approaches a global optimum in either the semantic or
 syntactic space.

 Aside from messes of installing and setting up language
 interpreters/compilers, which are averted by simply having several
 pre-installed (I think my Linux boxes come with some Python 2 version,
 Perl, bash, and a few others), that isn't really the case. Starting a
 Python script is easy. Programming gets convoluted only when, and to
 the extent that, the task does.

It is true that program complexity is correlated with problem
complexity, language and environment complexity is undeniable.  If you
want to prove this to yourself, find someone who is intelligent and
has some basic level of computer literacy, sit them down at a computer
and ask them to solve simple problems using programs.  You could even
be nice by opening the editor first.  Don't help them, just watch them
crash and burn.  Then sit them in front of code that already works,
and ask them to modify it to do something slightly different, and
again just watch them crash and burn in all but the simplest of cases.
 It is painful - most of the time they just give up.  These same
people almost universally can describe the exact process of steps
verbally or in writing to do what is required without any trouble;
there might be some neglected edge cases, but if you describe the
failed result, often times they will realize their mistake and be able
to fix it quickly.

Jeff Atwood had an article about programming sheep and non programming
goats, and while he views it as a statement about people's failings, I
view it as a statement about the failings of programming.  Human
computer interaction is really important, and the whole prefab GUI
concept doesn't scale along any axis; people need to be able to
interact with their computers in a flexible manner.  In the beginning,
we had no choice but to bend our communication to the the machine, but
we're moving past that now.  The machine should respect the
communication of humans.  We shouldn't decry natural language because
of ambiguity; If we're ambiguous, the machine should let us know and
ask for clarification.  If we phrase things in a really awkward way,
the machine should tell us so, and suggest a more understandable
rendition (just like word processors do now).  If the machine does
something we didn't want based on our instructions, we should be able
to state additional requirements in a declarative manner.  Restricted
natural languages are an active area of current research, and they
clearly demonstrate that you can have an expressive formal language
that is also valid English.

Make no mistake about it, programming is a form of computer human
interaction (I figured that would be an accepted mantra here).  Think
of it as modeling knowledge and systems instead of pushing bits
around.  You are describing things to the computer.  To move from the
syntactic domain to my point about programming languages, imagine if
one person describes physics to a computer in French, and another
person describes chemistry to a computer in English.  The creators of
the computer made different languages act as disjoint knowledge
domains.  The computer is incapable of making any inferences in
physics which are informed by chemistry, and vice versa, unless
someone comes along and re-describes one of the disciplines in the
other language.  Worse still, if someone that only speaks Mandarin
comes along, the computer won't be able to tell him anything about
either domain.  Now imagine the creators of the computer decided that
an acceptable solution was to have people print out statements from
one domain in a given language, take it to another computer that scans
the printout, translates it to a different language, and prints out
the translated copy, then have that person take the translated copy
back to the original computer, and scan it again in order to ask a
cross cutting question. I hope from that perspective the paucity of
our current methods will be more apparent.

Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 It is true that program complexity is correlated with problem
 complexity, language and environment complexity is undeniable.  If you
 want to prove this to yourself, find someone who is intelligent and
 has some basic level of computer literacy, sit them down at a computer
 and ask them to solve simple problems using programs.  You could even
 be nice by opening the editor first.  Don't help them, just watch them
 crash and burn.  Then sit them in front of code that already works,
 and ask them to modify it to do something slightly different, and
 again just watch them crash and burn in all but the simplest of cases.
  It is painful - most of the time they just give up.  These same
 people almost universally can describe the exact process of steps
 verbally or in writing to do what is required without any trouble;
 there might be some neglected edge cases, but if you describe the
 failed result, often times they will realize their mistake and be able
 to fix it quickly.

This is more a matter of being unable to express themselves
appropriately. If I allowed them to write an exact process of steps to
do what's required, those steps would either be grossly insufficient
for the task, or would BE pseudo-code. There are plenty of people who
cannot write those sorts of instructions at all. They're called
non-programmers. Anyone who doesn't code but can express a task in
such clear steps as you describe is what I would call a non-coding
programmer - and such people are VERY easily elevated to full
programmer status. I've worked with several like that, and the border
between that kind of clear, concise, simple instruction list and
actual Python or REXX code is so small as to be almost nonexistent.
It's not the programming languages' fault. It's a particular jump in
thinking that must be overcome before a person can use them.

There are other similar jumps in thinking. On which side of these
lines are you? Do you remember making the shift? Or, conversely, do
you stare at it with Huh? Why would I do that??

* Source control. Don't just keep daily backups - record specific
purposeful changes in a log.

* WYSIWYG document editing vs plain-text with a compiler. Pass up Open
Office (or worse) in favour of LaTeX, abandon Sibelius in favour of
Lilypond. Plays very nicely with source control.

* Unicode instead of head-in-the-sand pretending that ASCII is good enough.

* Open standards and toolchains instead of expecting monolithic
proprietary programs to do your work for you.

Etcetera, etcetera. Everyone who's made the jump will see the benefit
of the side they're on; most who haven't won't. Same with
non-programmers to programmers. Why should I write like that when I
could just write English? Simple: Because dedicated programming
languages are far more expressive for the job.


Re: unittest: assertRaises() with an instance instead of a type

2012-03-30 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
To the degree that the decision of how finely to slice tests is a matter 
of personal judgement and/or taste, I was wrong to say that is not the 
right way. I should have said that is not how I would do that test.

I believe that a single test is too coarse, and three or more tests is 
too fine, but two tests is just right. Let me explain how I come to that 

If you take a test-driven development approach, the right way to test 
this is to write testFooWillFail once you decide that foo() should raise 
MyException but before foo() actually does so. You would write the test, 
the test would fail, and you would fix foo() to ensure it raises the 
exception. Then you leave the now passing test in place to detect 

Then you do the same for the errorcode. Hence two tests.


So: never remove tests just because they are redundant. Only remove them 
when they are obsolete due to changes in the code being tested.

Very persuasive argument -- I now find myself disposed to writing two 
tests (not three, nor five ;).


Re: convert string to bytes without changing data (encoding)

2012-03-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

28.03.12 21:13, Heiko Wundram написав(ла):

Reading from stdin/a file gets you bytes, and
not a string, because Python cannot automagically guess what format the
input is in.

In Python3 reading from stdin gets you string. Use sys.stdin.buffer.raw 
for access to byte stream. And reading from file opened in text mode 
gets you string too.


Re: convert string to bytes without changing data (encoding)

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:06 AM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
 28.03.12 21:13, Heiko Wundram написав(ла):

 Reading from stdin/a file gets you bytes, and
 not a string, because Python cannot automagically guess what format the
 input is in.

 In Python3 reading from stdin gets you string. Use sys.stdin.buffer.raw for
 access to byte stream. And reading from file opened in text mode gets you
 string too.

True. But that's only if it's been told the encoding of stdin (which I
believe is the normal case on Linux). It's still not automagically
guess(ing), it's explicitly told.


Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Nathan Rice
 This is more a matter of being unable to express themselves
 appropriately. If I allowed them to write an exact process of steps to
 do what's required, those steps would either be grossly insufficient
 for the task, or would BE pseudo-code. There are plenty of people who
 cannot write those sorts of instructions at all. They're called
 non-programmers. Anyone who doesn't code but can express a task in
 such clear steps as you describe is what I would call a non-coding
 programmer - and such people are VERY easily elevated to full
 programmer status. I've worked with several like that, and the border
 between that kind of clear, concise, simple instruction list and
 actual Python or REXX code is so small as to be almost nonexistent.
 It's not the programming languages' fault. It's a particular jump in
 thinking that must be overcome before a person can use them.

Your statement that the difference between Python or REXX and
pseudo-code is almost non existent is completely false.  While people
reading Python might be able to guess with higher accuracy what a
program does than some other programming languages, there is still a
set of VERY specific set of glyphs, words and phrase structures it

Pretty much anyone can follow a recipe to make a meal (and there are a
lot other examples of this), and conversely given the knowledge of how
to make some dish, pretty much everyone could describe the process as
a recipe.  The same person will fail miserably when trying to create
working code that is MUCH simpler from a conceptual standpoint.  Non
coders are not stupid, they just don't appreciate the multitude of
random distinctions and computer specific abstractions programming
foists on them for the purpose of writing EFFICIENT code.  I'm talking
about like multiple int/number types, umpteen different kinds of
sequences, tons of different data structures that are used for
basically the same things under different circumstances, indices
starting at 0 (which makes amazing sense if you think like a machine,
and very little if you think like a human), the difference between
logical and bitwise operators (union and intersection would be better
names for the latter), string encoding, etc.  When you combine these
with having to communicate in a new (very arbitrary, sometimes
nonsensical) vocabulary that doesn't recognize synonyms, using an
extremely restricted phrase structure and an environment with very
limited interactivity, it should become clear that the people who
learn to program are invariably fascinated by computers and very
motivated to do so.

I'm going to assume that you didn't mean that non coders are
incapable of instructing others (even though your statement implies it
directly).  I think the ability of non coders to describe procedures
would surprise you.  Things I hear over and over from non coders all
tie into people being frustrated that computers don't grasp
similarity, and don't try to figure out what they want at all; most
people provide instructions in an interactive manner.  The computer is
too stupid to interact with humans, so you have to tell it what to do,
then try to run it, watch it fail, then go back and modify your
program, which is highly unnatural.

I think you'd find that these non coders would do very well if given
the ability to provide instructions in a natural, interactive way.
They are not failing us, we are failing them.

 Etcetera, etcetera. Everyone who's made the jump will see the benefit
 of the side they're on; most who haven't won't. Same with
 non-programmers to programmers. Why should I write like that when I
 could just write English? Simple: Because dedicated programming
 languages are far more expressive for the job.

Really?  Or could it be that algorithms for natural language
processing that don't fail miserably is a very recent development,
restricted natural languages more recent still, and pretty much all
commonly used programming languages are all ~20+ years old?  Could it
also be that most programmers don't see a lot of incentives to make
things accessible, since they're already invested in the status quo,
and they might lose some personal value if programming stopped being
an arcane practice?

Creating a programming language is a time consuming and laborious
process, the fact that people are doing it constantly is a clear
indication that what we have is insufficient.

Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 I think you'd find that these non coders would do very well if given
 the ability to provide instructions in a natural, interactive way.
 They are not failing us, we are failing them.

The nearest thing to natural-language command of a computer is voice
navigation, which is another science that's plenty old and yet still
current (I first met it back in 1996 and it wasn't new then). You tell
the computer what you want it to do, and it does it. Theoretically.
The vocabulary's a lot smaller than all of English, of course, but
that's not a problem. The problem is that it's really REALLY slow to
try to get anything done in English, compared to a dedicated
domain-specific language (in the case of typical OS voice navigation,
the nearest equivalent would probably be a shell script).

 Really?  Or could it be that algorithms for natural language
 processing that don't fail miserably is a very recent development,
 restricted natural languages more recent still, and pretty much all
 commonly used programming languages are all ~20+ years old?  Could it
 also be that most programmers don't see a lot of incentives to make
 things accessible, since they're already invested in the status quo,
 and they might lose some personal value if programming stopped being
 an arcane practice?

Totally. That's why we're all still programming in assembly language
and doing our own memory management, because we would lose a lot of
personal value if programming stopped being so difficult. If it
weren't for all these silly new-fangled languages with their automatic
garbage collection and higher order function handling, we would all be
commanding much higher salaries.


Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2012-03-30, Nathan Rice wrote:
 Restricted natural languages are an active area of current
 research, and they clearly demonstrate that you can have an
 expressive formal language that is also valid English.

See, for example, Inform 7, which translates a subset of English
into Inform 6 code. I never thought too deeply about why I
disliked it, assuming it was because I already knew Inform 6.
Would you like to write the equivalent, e.g., C code in English?

Neil Cerutti

Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Dan Sommers
On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 07:20:39 +1100
Chris Angelico wrote:

 ... That's why we're all still programming in assembly language and
 doing our own memory management, because we would lose a lot of
 personal value if programming stopped being so difficult. If it
 weren't for all these silly new-fangled languages with their automatic
 garbage collection and higher order function handling, we would all be
 commanding much higher salaries.

Back in the 1970's, the magazines were full of ads for never write
another line of code again programs.  A keystroke here, a keystroke
there (those were the days *before* drag-and-drop and point-and-drool),
and even managers and executives could write programs.  Now, of
course, those managers and executives still command higher salaries, so
I guess ChrisA is right about us assembly language guys losing our
personal value.


Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Nathan Rice
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 I think you'd find that these non coders would do very well if given
 the ability to provide instructions in a natural, interactive way.
 They are not failing us, we are failing them.

 The nearest thing to natural-language command of a computer is voice
 navigation, which is another science that's plenty old and yet still
 current (I first met it back in 1996 and it wasn't new then). You tell
 the computer what you want it to do, and it does it. Theoretically.
 The vocabulary's a lot smaller than all of English, of course, but
 that's not a problem. The problem is that it's really REALLY slow to
 try to get anything done in English, compared to a dedicated
 domain-specific language (in the case of typical OS voice navigation,
 the nearest equivalent would probably be a shell script).

I'm sure a ford truck would smoke a twin engine cessna if you compare
their speed on the ground.  Let the cessna fly and the ford doesn't
have a snowball's chance.

If you're navigating by going cee dee space slash somefolder slash
some other folder slash some third folder slash semicolon emacs
somename dash some other name dash something dot something else dot
one the analogy would be a boss telling his secretary to reserve him
a flight by saying visit site xyz, click on this heading, scroll
halfway down, open this menu, select this destination, ... instead of
book me a flight to San Jose on the afternoon of the 23rd, and don't
spend more than $500.

 Totally. That's why we're all still programming in assembly language
 and doing our own memory management, because we would lose a lot of
 personal value if programming stopped being so difficult. If it
 weren't for all these silly new-fangled languages with their automatic
 garbage collection and higher order function handling, we would all be
 commanding much higher salaries.

Did you miss the fact that a 50 year old programming language (which
still closely resembles its original form) is basically tied for the
title of currently most popular, and the 3 languages following it are
both nominal and spiritual successors, with incremental improvements
in features but sharing a large portion of the design.  Programming
language designers purposefully try to make their language C-like,
because not being C-like disqualifies a language from consideration
for a HUGE portion of programmers, who cower at the naked feeling they
get imagining a world without curly braces.  Fear of change and the
unknown are brutal, and humans are cowardly creatures that will grasp
at whatever excuses they can find not to acknowledge their weaknesses.

I also mentioned previously, most developers are just trying to graft
shortcut after shortcut on to what is comfortable and familiar because
we're inherently lazy.

Additionally, I'm quite certain that when we finally do have a method
for programming/interacting with computers in a natural way, many
people invested in previous methods will make snarky comments about
how lame and stupid people using the new methods are, just like we saw
with command line/keyboard elitists who make fun of people who prefer
a mouse/gui, even though in most cases research showed that the people
using the mouse/gui actually got work done faster.  You can even look
at some comments on this thread for evidence of this.

Will MySQL ever be supported for Python 3.x?

2012-03-30 Thread John Nagle

The MySQLdb entry on SourceForge
web site still says the last supported version of Python is 2.6.
PyPi says the last supported version is Python 2.5.  The
last download is from 2007.

I realize there are unsupported fourth-party versions from other
sources. ( But those
are just blind builds; they haven't been debugged.

MySQL Connector (
is still pre-alpha.

John Nagle


Re: Will MySQL ever be supported for Python 3.x?

2012-03-30 Thread Irmen de Jong
On 30-3-2012 23:20, John Nagle wrote:
 The MySQLdb entry on SourceForge
 web site still says the last supported version of Python is 2.6.
 PyPi says the last supported version is Python 2.5.  The
 last download is from 2007.
 I realize there are unsupported fourth-party versions from other
 sources. ( But those
 are just blind builds; they haven't been debugged.
 MySQL Connector (
 is still pre-alpha.

Try Oursql instead
oursql is a new set of MySQL bindings for python 2.4+, including python 3.x



Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 language designers purposefully try to make their language C-like,
 because not being C-like disqualifies a language from consideration
 for a HUGE portion of programmers, who cower at the naked feeling they
 get imagining a world without curly braces.  Fear of change and the
 unknown are brutal, and humans are cowardly creatures that will grasp
 at whatever excuses they can find not to acknowledge their weaknesses.

Braces are clear delimiters. English doesn't have them, and suffers
for it. (Python's indentation is, too, but English doesn't have that
either.) It's a lot harder to mark the end of an if block in English
than in pretty much any programming language.

And be careful of what has to be given up to gain your conveniences.
I've used languages that demand variable declarations and ones that
don't, and I'm very much a fan of the former. There are many benefits
to being explicit about that.


Re: Will MySQL ever be supported for Python 3.x?

2012-03-30 Thread John Nagle

On 3/30/2012 2:32 PM, Irmen de Jong wrote:

Try Oursql instead
oursql is a new set of MySQL bindings for python 2.4+, including python 3.x

   Not even close to being compatible with existing code.   Every SQL
statement has to be rewritten, with the parameters expressed
differently.  It's a good approach, but very incompatible.

John Nagle


Re: Advise of programming one of my first programs

2012-03-30 Thread Anatoli Hristov


 Absolutely! Too bad your version would be considered the more
 “complicated” version ;)

I`m sure about that, but I`am also sure that every beginner passed true
that way.


 ** **

 With the main navigation menu I will only have the option to select a
 nickname and when a nickname is selected then it loads Details of the
 contact and from loaded details I can choice Edit or back to main screen,
 like I did it the first time, or else I can do it = when 'e' pressed to
 ask for a nickname and then edit it.


 I was trying to simplify it to “guide” you to a more correct solution
 without feeding you the answer. Maybe I should have given you the
 explanation first to explain why you should be doing it a different way.**

 ** **

 Going back to your original program (and your modifications to it), the
 original menu can cause crashing in more complicated programs and thus is
 considered a bad style. It was basically using recursion (I will touch on
 this later) but without any of the benefits. It was endlessly branching
 instead of a simple loop. Sort of like the following Menu/submenu example.

 ** **






 __ad infinitum__

 ** **

 How does this matter? Let’s look at some simpler code below.

 ** **

 print ‘start’

 function_a() # a function is called

 print ‘a’# code inside the function

 print ‘b’# code inside the function

 a = ‘ something ‘

 print a

 function_b() # another function call

 print ‘c’ # code inside a different function

 print ‘d’ # code inside a different function

 print ‘end’

 ** **

 Let us pretend we are the computer who executes one line at a time and so
 basically goes through a list of commands. The list we are going to execute
 is the following:

 ** **

 print ‘start’


 print ‘a’

 print ‘b’

 a = ‘ something ‘

 print a


 print ‘c’

 print ‘d’

 print ‘end’

 ** **

 How does the computer know to execute “a = ‘ something ‘” after “print
 ‘b’”? It does it by storing the location where it was before it proceeds to
 the function call. That way when the end of the function is reached it
 returns to the previous spot. In essence:

 ** **

 print ‘start’


 __store this location so I can come back__

 print ‘a’

 print ‘b’

 __return to previous location__

 a = ‘ something ‘

 print a


 __store this location so I can come back__

 print ‘c’

 print ‘b’

 __return to previous location__

 print ‘end’

 ** **

 Now what happens if “function_a” calls “function_a”? By the way, the term
 for this type of call is recursion.

 ** **

 print ‘start’


 __store this location so I can come back__

 print ‘a’

 print ‘b’


__store this location so I can come back__

 print ‘a’

 print ‘b’


__store this location so I can come back__

 print ‘a’

 print ‘b’


__store this location so I can come back__

 print ‘a’

 print ‘b’


__store this location so I can come back__

print ‘a’

 print ‘b’


__store this location so I can come back__

 **until the program ends**

 ** **

 Now each __store__ action takes up memory and when the computer (or your
 program) runs out of memory your computer crashes. Your application is
 trivial and more likely to be ended by the user instead of going through
 the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands that Python will let you
 take, but it is a bad practice and a habit to avoid. A real world program
 would use more memory and quit even faster than yours. Recursion has its
 place in programming, but not in this case! What you need is a simple loop.
 That is why I provided you with the menu I did. 

 ** **

 The following menu sounds like what you want; there were a couple
 different ways I could have done this.  In this version, if you type
 anything when asked for a menu choice that is not ‘e’ or ‘q’, the program
 will automatically ask you for the next book choice.

 ** **

 def mmenu():

# load tbook here

while True:

book = get_book_choice()

details( tbook, book )

choicem = get_menu_choice()

if choicem == 'e' or choicem == 'E':

  edit( tbook, book 

Re: Will MySQL ever be supported for Python 3.x?

2012-03-30 Thread Irmen de Jong
On 30-3-2012 23:46, John Nagle wrote:
 On 3/30/2012 2:32 PM, Irmen de Jong wrote:
 Try Oursql instead
 oursql is a new set of MySQL bindings for python 2.4+, including python 3.x
Not even close to being compatible with existing code.   Every SQL
 statement has to be rewritten, with the parameters expressed
 differently.  It's a good approach, but very incompatible.

You didn't state that it had to be compatible with existing code.
Also, since you asked about Python 3.x, surely there are other 
incompatibilities you
need to take care of in the existing code? (unless it's Python 3.x clean 


Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Nathan Rice
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
 language designers purposefully try to make their language C-like,
 because not being C-like disqualifies a language from consideration
 for a HUGE portion of programmers, who cower at the naked feeling they
 get imagining a world without curly braces.  Fear of change and the
 unknown are brutal, and humans are cowardly creatures that will grasp
 at whatever excuses they can find not to acknowledge their weaknesses.

 Braces are clear delimiters. English doesn't have them, and suffers
 for it. (Python's indentation is, too, but English doesn't have that
 either.) It's a lot harder to mark the end of an if block in English
 than in pretty much any programming language.

It seems to me that Indented blocks of text are used pretty frequently
to denote definition bodies, section subordinate paragraphs and
asides.  The use of the colon seems pretty natural too.  Parentheses
are fairly natural for small asides.  The notion of character
delimiters for large sections of text is actually pretty unnatural
with the exception of  quotes.

 And be careful of what has to be given up to gain your conveniences.
 I've used languages that demand variable declarations and ones that
 don't, and I'm very much a fan of the former. There are many benefits
 to being explicit about that.

I don't like declarations, my personal preference is to have typed
signatures, and implicit declaration with type inference elsewhere.  I
view it as a matter of personal preference though, the result should
be the same, and it should be possible to view the code either way.

Threads on google groups not on gmane?

2012-03-30 Thread Mark Lawrence
I went onto google groups to do a search and saw three threads (there 
may be more) that I've never seen on gmane, which I read via thunderbird 
on windows.  The titles are Is programming art or science, 
breezypythongui: A New Toolkit for Easy GUIs in Python and weird 
behaviour: pygame plays in shell but not in script.

Is anyone else seeing the same thing?


Mark Lawrence.


Re: CFG for python

2012-03-30 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 29/03/2012 06:44, J. Mwebaze wrote:

Anyone knows how to create control-flow-graph for python.. After searching
around, i found  this article,  and also a
reference to

However, i stil cant figure out what how to create the CFG from the
two references.

Taking a look at this may help you get going


Mark Lawrence.


Re: help needed to understand an error message.

2012-03-30 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
So the problem is that python doesn't know what you're trying to do.  It
doesn't know that you meant to say print.  When the parser is looking
at the word Print, it assumes you are referencing an object named Print,
which is completely legal.  It's only once you've created the next
token, a string literal, that the parser discovers the error: you can't
have a string literal following a variable.  

*You* think your error is that you misspelled print.  The parser
thinks your error is trying to put a string literal next to a variable.


On Mon, 2012-03-26 at 18:22 +0530, Aloke Ghosh wrote:
 I am learning Python and do not have programming experience.
 I was following
 an exercise from
 and made a mistake in entry :
 PrintI like typing this. 
 and got the following error message:
 In [2]: PrintI like typing this.
File ipython console, line 1
  PrintI like typing this.
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
 I feel the error is in Capital P in print .
 However the error indicated with ^ 
 hints at quote at the end of the line.
 Can any one please help me understand this.


Re: Python is readable

2012-03-30 Thread Terry Reedy

On 3/30/2012 6:47 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Spolsky has written at least three times about Architecture Astronauts,
and made it abundantly clear that the problem with them is that they
don't solve problems, they invent overarching abstractions that don't do
anything useful or important, and hype them everywhere.

Jeff Attwood provides a simple test for the difference between a useful
abstraction and an Architecture Astronaut hyper-abstraction:

 Does it solve a useful problem?

My strong impression is that theoretical abstract mathematicians also 
prefer that hi-level abstractions solve some useful-to-mathematicians 
mathematical problem.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tools for refactoring/obfuscation

2012-03-30 Thread Lie Ryan

On 03/29/2012 03:04 AM, Javier wrote:

Yes, in general I follow clear guidelines for writing code.  I just use
modules with functions in the same directory and clear use of name
spaces. I almost never use classes.  I wonder if you use some tool for
refactoring.  I am mainly intersted in scripting tools, no eclipse-style

Just let me know if you use some scripting tool.

And, as somebody pointed in this thread obfuscating or refactoring the
code are very different things but they can be done with the same tools.

trollif you're not using classes, your code is obfuscated already/troll

Anyway, I think it's better if you describe why you want such a tool. If 
you want to keep your code a secret, just distribute the .pyc file. If 
you want to refactor your code to improve readability, there is rope.


[issue14450] Log rotate cant execute in Windows. (logging module)

2012-03-30 Thread shinta.nakayama

New submission from shinta.nakayama

I found a bug in logging module in Windows.
I wrote that at here.

my OS is Windows7 32bit.

Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 157126
nosy: shinta.nakayama
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Log rotate cant execute in Windows. (logging module)
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14435] Remove special block allocation from floatobject.c

2012-03-30 Thread Mark Dickinson

Changes by Mark Dickinson

nosy: +mark.dickinson

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14450] Log rotate cant execute in Windows. (logging module)

2012-03-30 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:

Maybe some Antivirus program (or Tortoise) is still scanning the file and 
python cannot rename it.
Can you try to deactivate the antivirus and try again?

nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14435] Remove special block allocation from floatobject.c

2012-03-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Here is a new patch, with the suggested changes.  The variable names
 and macros are similarly named as those for other objects such as

Looks good to me.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14006] Improve the documentation of xml.etree.ElementTree

2012-03-30 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 78038b6e0a85 by Eli Bendersky in branch 'default':
Issue #14006: improve the documentation of xml.etree.ElementTree


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14249] unicodeobject.c: aliasing warnings

2012-03-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

I'm sorry. Here is the corrected patch for big-endian plathform.

Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14435] Remove special block allocation from floatobject.c

2012-03-30 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 37ebe64d39d2 by Kristján Valur Jónsson in branch 'default':
Issue #14435: Remove special block allocation code from floatobject.c

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue14435] Remove special block allocation from floatobject.c

2012-03-30 Thread Kristján Valur Jónsson

Kristján Valur Jónsson added the comment:

All done.

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14451] sum, min, max only works with iterable

2012-03-30 Thread Fade78

New submission from Fade78

The built-in functions working with iterable should also work with single 
object that is relevent.

For example:
max([1,6,5]) - 6
max(6) - TypeError because not an iterable (actual behavior)
max(6) - 6 (wanted pythonic behavior)

So if I write a generic function like this:

def f(x):

it fails if x is not an iterable. But I want the argument to be anything 
possible. Using if(type) to separate use cases is not very pythonic.

components: None
messages: 157133
nosy: Fade78
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sum, min, max only works with iterable
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14438] _cursesmodule build fails on cygwin

2012-03-30 Thread Alexey Luchko

Alexey Luchko added the comment:

It's cygwin's issue.  Cygwin's python 2.6 has a patch for it.

Just in case:
--- origsrc/Python-2.6.5/Include/py_curses.h2009-09-06 16:23:05.0 
+++ src/Python-2.6.5/Include/py_curses.h2010-04-14 15:21:23.008971400 
@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@
 #endif /* __APPLE__ */

+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+/* the following define is necessary for Cygwin; without it, the
+   Cygwin-supplied ncurses.h sets NCURSES_OPAQUE to 1, and then Python
+   can't get at the WINDOW flags field. */
+#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
 ** On FreeBSD, [n]curses.h and stdlib.h/wchar.h use different guards

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14452] SysLogHandler sends invalid messages when using unicode

2012-03-30 Thread marko kreen

New submission from marko kreen

SysLogHandler converts message to utf8 and adds BOM, supposedly
to conform with RFC5424, but the implementation is broken:
the RFC specifies that the BOM should prefix only unstructured
message part, but current Python implementation puts it in the
middle of structured part, thus confusing RFC-compliant receivers.

Simplest fix would be to just remove the BOM adding.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 157135
nosy: zmk
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: SysLogHandler sends invalid messages when using unicode
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue14452] SysLogHandler sends invalid messages when using unicode

2012-03-30 Thread marko kreen

Changes by marko kreen

type:  - behavior

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14065] Element should support cyclic GC

2012-03-30 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 0ca32013d77e by Eli Bendersky in branch 'default':
Issue #14065: Added cyclic GC support to ET.Element

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14065] Element should support cyclic GC

2012-03-30 Thread Eli Bendersky

Changes by Eli Bendersky

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue14452] SysLogHandler sends invalid messages when using unicode

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

nosy: +vinay.sajip

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14452] SysLogHandler sends invalid messages when using unicode

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

versions:  -Python 2.6, Python 3.1, Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14451] sum, min, max only works with iterable

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

The current behavior is how we want the functions to work.  If you want to 
debate the design, the best forum would probably be python-ideas.

nosy: +r.david.murray
resolution:  - rejected
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread Niklas Br

Niklas Br added the comment:

This fix should be included in RC2, right? Because I can't get it to work.

Amarok:roller niklas$ ls
Amarok:roller niklas$ python3-32 
Python 3.2.3rc2 (v3.2.3rc2:428f05cb7277, Mar 18 2012, 00:08:43) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import shelve
 file =
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
line 232, in open
return DbfilenameShelf(filename, flag, protocol, writeback)
line 216, in __init__
Shelf.__init__(self,, flag), protocol, writeback)
 line 83, in open
raise error[0](db type could not be determined)
dbm.error: db type could not be determined

nosy: +Niklas.Brunberg

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

It is, yes.

Can you do some debugging and see why it is failing?  It should be simple 
enough to add a print to see what magic number Python is seeing.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Oh, actually...are you sure you are running 3.2.3 against the 3.2.3 stdlib?  It 
looks like you might be running against the Apple default installed library, 
but I don't know enough about OSX to be sure.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread Niklas Br

Niklas Br added the comment:

I'm new to python so please , how do I print what? This?

module 'shelve' from 


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread Niklas Br

Niklas Br added the comment:

accidentally a or two word there :)

…please have patience…

was what I wanted to say


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[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Oh, I meant sticking a print statement into the stdlib code.

But I really think your problem is that you aren't running the 3.2.3 stdlib 

Try opening up the file 
in your favorite editor, and see if there is a line that says:

  if magic in (0x13579ace, 0x13579acd, 0x13579acf):

If it instead says:

  if magic == 0x13579ace:

Then you are using the 3.2 stdlib (which from the traceback filenames it looks 
like you are).

In other words, I'm pretty sure what you have here is a problem with correctly 
installing or running the 3.2.3RC2 version of python, and you should ask for 
help on python-list.


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[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread Niklas Br

Niklas Br added the comment:

Found this:

# Check for GNU dbm
if magic in (0x13579ace, 0x13579acd, 0x13579acf):
return dbm.gnu

I suppose the .dmg pre-packaged installer was insufficient, so I tried to 
download the source and compile locally, but that didn't help either. Thanks 
for taking time to check in on this! I will look for help elsewhere and not 
clog up this Issue anymore.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14453] profile.Profile.calibrate can produce incorrect numbers in some circumstances

2012-03-30 Thread Adam Tomjack

New submission from Adam Tomjack

profile.Profile.calibrate can only produces a bias for the default timer.  If 
you've specified a different timer, it will not be used when calibrating.

Additionally, setting profile.Profile.bias will affect the computed bias.  It 
will produce a bias that must be added to profile.Profile.bias and cannot be 
used independently, which is surprising.

The fix is to change
p = Profile()
p = Profile(timer=self.timer, bias=0)
in _calibrate_inner().

The attached patch makes that change and additionally removes some code that 
temporarily resets self.bias in calibrate(), as it had no effect.  Perhaps 
Profile.bias was meant instead.  At any rate, _calibrate_inner() no longer 
needs to exist, but is left for backwards compatibility.

This will demonstrate the problem with calibrating after setting 

import profile
profile.Profile.bias = profile.Profile().calibrate(10); 
print '%+.9f' % profile.Profile.bias
profile.Profile.bias = profile.Profile().calibrate(10); 
print '%+.9f' % profile.Profile.bias

components: Library (Lib)
files: profile-calibrate.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 157145
nosy: adamtj
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: profile.Profile.calibrate can produce incorrect numbers in some 
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file:

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[issue14422] Pack PyASCIIObject fields to reduce memory consumption of pure ASCII strings

2012-03-30 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Changes by Jesús Cea Avión

nosy: +jcea

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Well, that's the correct line.  So if that is what is in your 
 then there is a problem.  If so, please put the line:


just before that if statement, and let us know what it says why you try to open 
your db file.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14452] SysLogHandler sends invalid messages when using unicode

2012-03-30 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

 the RFC specifies that the BOM should prefix only unstructured
 message part, but current Python implementation puts it in the
 middle of structured part, thus confusing RFC-compliant receivers.

How do you work that out? The implementation puts the BOM before the message 

prio = '%d' % self.encodePriority(...)
prio = prio.encode('utf-8')
msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
if codecs:
msg = codecs.BOM_UTF8 + msg
msg = prio + msg

Perhaps I've misunderstood you or the RFC5424, but I don't quite see how. I'll 
mark this as pending and invalid awaiting a clarification from you (ideally 
with a specific example).

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - pending

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14454] argparse metavar list parameter with nargs=k

2012-03-30 Thread Andy Harrington

New submission from Andy Harrington

I now set the help string for an
argparse option with two parameters: 

parser.add_argument('-s', '--substitute', nargs=2,
help='Replace first string with second',

which generates a help message

  -s string string, --substitute string string
Replace first string with second

Instead I would *like* to generate the help message

  -s fromString toString, --substitute fromString toString
Replace fromString with toString

At present metavar replaces each of multiple parameters with the same thing,
but with a fixed number of parameters it makes sense that each may have a
different meaning.

It seems to me that when nargs=k is set for an integer k,
we could have metavar be a list of k strings to go in the k places,
as in

parser.add_argument('-s', '--substitute', nargs=2,
help='Replace fromString with toString',
metavar=['fromString', 'toString'])

and have this generate my desired help message.

There is no need to break the current behavior:
The parser can distinguish a list from a single string. 

The same text is in the attached file.

components: Library (Lib)
files: metavarListEnhancement.txt
messages: 157148
nosy: andyharrington
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse metavar list parameter with nargs=k
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3
Added file:

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[issue14446] Remove deprecated tkinter functions

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

type:  - enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14422] Pack PyASCIIObject fields to reduce memory consumption of pure ASCII strings

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Looks like this should be closed rejected?

nosy: +r.david.murray
type:  - enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14386] Expose dictproxy as a public type

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

type:  - enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14422] Pack PyASCIIObject fields to reduce memory consumption of pure ASCII strings

2012-03-30 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 I consider it important that the data block of a string is well-aligned.

I suppose that it doesn't matter for latin1, but it can be a problem for UCS-2 
and UCS-4. There are more drawbacks than advantages, so I agree to close this 
issue. And let's focus on enabling optimizations based on memory alignement 
like #14419 :-)

resolution:  - wont fix
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11310] Document byte[s|array]() and byte[s|array](count) in docstrings

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Duplicate of issue 11231.

nosy: +r.david.murray
resolution:  - duplicate
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
superseder:  - bytes() constructor is not correctly documented

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14455] plistlib unable to read json and binary plist files

2012-03-30 Thread d9pouces

New submission from d9pouces


Plist files have actually three flavors : XML ones, binary ones, and now 
(starting from Mac OS X 10.7 Lion) json one. The plistlib.readPlist function 
can only read XML plist files and thus cannot read binary and json ones.

The binary format is open and described by Apple 

Here is the diff (from Python 2.7 implementation of plistlib) to transparently 
read both binary and json formats.

API of plistlib remains unchanged, since format detection is done by 
An InvalidFileException is raised in case of malformed binary file.

 Plist, Data, Dict,
 Plist, Data, Dict
 import json
 import os
 import struct
 header =
 if header == '?xml ve' or header[2:] == '?xml ': #XML plist file, 
without or with BOM 
 p = PlistParser()
 rootObject = p.parse(pathOrFile)
 elif header == 'bplist00': #binary plist file
 rootObject =  readBinaryPlistFile(pathOrFile)
 else: #json plist file
 rootObject = json.load(pathOrFile)
 p = PlistParser()
 rootObject = p.parse(pathOrFile)
 # timestamp 0 of binary plists corresponds to 1/1/2001 (year of Mac OS X 
10.0), instead of 1/1/1970.
 MAC_OS_X_TIME_OFFSET = (31 * 365 + 8) * 86400
 class InvalidFileException(ValueError):
 def __str__(self):
 return Invalid file
 def __unicode__(self):
 return Invalid file
 def readBinaryPlistFile(in_file):
 Read a binary plist file, following the description of the binary format:
 Raise InvalidFileException in case of error, otherwise return the root 
object, as usual, os.SEEK_END)
 trailer =
 if len(trailer) != 32:
 return InvalidFileException()
 offset_size, ref_size, num_objects, top_object, offset_table_offset = 
struct.unpack('6xBB4xL4xL4xL', trailer)
 object_offsets = []
 offset_format = '' + {1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'L', 8: 'Q', }[offset_size] * 
 ref_format = {1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'L', 8: 'Q', }[ref_size]
 int_format = {0: (1, 'B'), 1: (2, 'H'), 2: (4, 'L'), 3: (8, 'Q'), }
 object_offsets = struct.unpack(offset_format, * 
 def getSize(token_l):
  return the size of the next object.
 if token_l == 0xF:
 m = ord(  0x3
 s, f = int_format[m]
 return struct.unpack(f,[0]
 return token_l
 def readNextObject(offset):
  read the object at offset. May recursively read sub-objects 
(content of an array/dict/set)
 token =
 token_h, token_l = ord(token)  0xF0, ord(token)  0x0F #high and low 
 if token == '\x00':
 return None
 elif token == '\x08':
 return False
 elif token == '\x09':
 return True
 elif token == '\x0f':
 return ''
 elif token_h == 0x10: #int
 result = 0
 for k in xrange((2  token_l) - 1):
 result = (result  8) + ord(
 return result
 elif token_h == 0x20: #real
 if token_l == 2:
 return struct.unpack('f',[0]
 elif token_l == 3:
 return struct.unpack('d',[0]
 elif token_h == 0x30: #date
 f = struct.unpack('d',[0]
 return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(f + 
 elif token_h == 0x80: #data
 s = getSize(token_l)
 elif token_h == 0x50: #ascii string
 s = getSize(token_l)
 elif token_h == 0x60: #unicode string
 s = getSize(token_l)
 return * 2).decode('utf-16be')
 elif token_h == 0x80: #uid
 return + 1)
 elif token_h == 0xA0: #array
 s = getSize(token_l)
 obj_refs = struct.unpack('' + ref_format * s, * 
 return map(lambda x: readNextObject(object_offsets[x]), obj_refs)
 elif token_h == 0xC0: #set
 s = getSize(token_l)
 obj_refs = struct.unpack('' + ref_format * s, * 
 return set(map(lambda x: readNextObject(object_offsets[x]), 
 elif token_h == 0xD0: #dict
 result = {}
 s = getSize(token_l)
 key_refs = struct.unpack('' + ref_format * s, * 

[issue10423] s/args/options in arpgarse Upgrading optparse code

2012-03-30 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset dee1597b3ce3 by R David Murray in branch '3.2':
#10423: clarify options vs args in argparse discussion of optparse

New changeset 7ad1728691b2 by R David Murray in branch 'default':
Merge #10423: clarify options vs args in argparse discussion of optparse

New changeset cb5214e6c287 by R David Murray in branch '2.7':
#10423: clarify options vs args in argparse discussion of optparse

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue10423] s/args/options in arpgarse Upgrading optparse code

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14455] plistlib unable to read json and binary plist files

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Thanks for the patch.  Could you upload it as a context diff?

nosy: +r.david.murray
stage:  - patch review
versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 2.7

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14455] plistlib unable to read json and binary plist files

2012-03-30 Thread d9pouces

d9pouces added the comment:

Here is the new patch. I assumed that you meant to use diff -c instead of the 
raw diff command.

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14417] dict RuntimeError workaround

2012-03-30 Thread Gregory P. Smith

Changes by Gregory P. Smith

nosy: +gregory.p.smith

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14456] Relation between threads and signals unclear

2012-03-30 Thread Sven Marnach

New submission from Sven Marnach

The documentation of the 'signal' module states on the one hand

[T]he main thread will be the only one to receive signals (this is
enforced by the Python signal module, even if the underlying thread
implementation supports sending signals to individual threads).

On the other hand, it provides the function 'pthread_kill()':

Send the signal signum to the thread thread_id, another thread in
the same process as the caller. The signal is asynchronously
directed to thread.

These two passages are in contradiction to each other.  The documentation also 
states that only the main thread can set signal handlers -- if this is true, it 
is utterly unclear how sending signals to other threads is useful.

Probably the documentation wasn't fully updated when the above function was 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 157156
nosy: docs@python, smarnach
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Relation between threads and signals unclear
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8407] expose pthread_sigmask(), pthread_kill(), sigpending() and sigwait() in the signal module

2012-03-30 Thread Sven Marnach

Sven Marnach added the comment:

The documentation has been left in a confusing state by this patch -- at least 
confusing to me.  I've created issue14456 with further details.

nosy: +smarnach

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14456] Relation between threads and signals unclear

2012-03-30 Thread Sven Marnach

Sven Marnach added the comment:

For reference: the functions 'pthread_kill()' etc. were intrduced in issue8407.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14455] plistlib unable to read json and binary plist files

2012-03-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Hmm.  Apparently what I meant was -u instead of -c (unified diff).  I just use 
the 'hg diff' command myself, which does the right thing :)  Of course, to do 
that you need to have a checkout.  (We can probably use the context diff.)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14456] Relation between threads and signals unclear

2012-03-30 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 These two passages are in contradiction to each other.

By default, a thread signal can receive any signal and the signal handler 
implemented in C will be called in the context of the thread.

CPython ensures that a signal handler implemented in Python and installed by 
signal.signal() will be called in the main thread. It uses a signal handler 
implemented in C which only store the notification and will be the Python 
signal handler later (as early as possible).

pthread_sigmask() can be used to mask some signals (or all signals) on a 
specific thread.

nosy: +haypo, neologix

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14457] Unattended Install doesn't populate registry

2012-03-30 Thread Paul Klapperich

New submission from Paul Klapperich

Steps to reproduce:

1. python-2.7.2.msi /qb
2. Check registry for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Python or HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python

Expected behavior:
The key will exist and contain a key for 2.7 providing information such as the 
installation path.

Observed behavior:
The key and its subkeys are not created at all.

Don't use the /passive, /quiet, or /qX options. 

Additional information:
* Running msiexec /fm python-2.7.2.msi does not insert the missing registry 
* Running python-2.7.2.msi without options after install and choosing repair 
/also/ fails to insert the missing registry entries.
* Aside from inserting the entries by hand, uninstalling and re-installing with 
the interactive GUI seems to be the only way to populate them.

I've tested this on 64bit Windows 7 with 32bit Python 2.7.2 msi package only.

components: Installation, Windows
messages: 157161
nosy: Paul.Klapperich
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Unattended Install doesn't populate registry
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14457] Unattended Install doesn't populate registry

2012-03-30 Thread Paul Klapperich

Changes by Paul Klapperich

type:  - behavior

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14454] argparse metavar list parameter with nargs=k

2012-03-30 Thread Andy Harrington

Andy Harrington added the comment:

Withdrawn.  My error.  I missed the part of the documentation that says a 
*tuple*, not the list that I tried, does just what I wanted.

assignee:  - docs@python
components: +Documentation -Library (Lib)
nosy: +docs@python
resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14433] Python 3 interpreter crash on windows when stdin closed in Python shell

2012-03-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

64 bit win 7, 3.3.0a1 crashes also.
Idle shell just says that fd 0 is not valid, which I expect is correct for the 
socket replacement for sys.stdout.

nosy: +terry.reedy

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14440] Close background process if IDLE closes abnormally.

2012-03-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

You need to specify os (with version) *nix?
There have been issues like this before, for earlier Python version, at least 
for Windows XP, which have been fixed, at least for Windows. I think last patch 
(a year ago? before 3.2 I think) switched to using subprocess instead of older 
methods. If I kill Idle with task manager, the other, background pythonw 
process dies in under half a second.
(If background process dies, IDLE restarts.)

nosy: +terry.reedy

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13007] gdbm 1.9 has new magic that whichdb does not recognize

2012-03-30 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

Niklas, the Python 2 and 3 binaries for Mac OS X provided by the 
installers are not built with support for gdbm, nor are the Apple-supplied 
system Pythons; Apple does not ship gdbm with OS X.  So you can't open a shelve 
file created in another Python that does use gdbm.

nosy: +ned.deily

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14455] plistlib unable to read json and binary plist files

2012-03-30 Thread Ned Deily

Changes by Ned Deily

nosy: +ned.deily

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14457] Unattended Install doesn't populate registry

2012-03-30 Thread Ned Deily

Changes by Ned Deily

nosy: +brian.curtin, loewis

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