Re: mutable ints: I think I have painted myself into a corner

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 19May2013 09:01, Peter Otten wrote:
| Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  TL;DR: I think I want to modify an int value in place.
|  Yesterday I was thinking about various flag set objects I have
|  floating around which are essentially bare objects whose attributes
|  I access, for example:
|flags = object()
|flags.this = True
|flags.that = False
|  and then elsewhere:
|if flags.that:
|  do that ...
|  Nice and readable, but I thought to myself: so bulky!
| Plus, it doesn't work:

Yeah, sorry. My old code was a trite subclass of object.
The new broken code is a subclass of int.

|  But setting up a flags object? What I _want_ to write is code like this:
|Flags = BitMask('this', 'that')
|# set default state
|flags = Flags()
|flags.this = False
|flags.that = True
|... iterate over some options ...: flags.this = True
|  and there's my problem. This would modify the int in place. There's
|  no way to do that. For the base type (int) this makes perfect sense,
|  as they're immutable.
|  Before I toss this approach and retreat to my former object
|  technique, does anyone see a way forward to modify an int subclass
|  instance in place? (That doesn't break math, preferably; I don't
|  do arithmetic with these things but they are, after all, ints...)
| No, but you could make
| flags = Flags(this=False, that=True)

Yes, that is true. Flags would need to be a factory function computing
the corresponding bitmask value and then returning my new int, but
it would work. It still wouldn't let me go the whole way of modifying
the flags after instantiation.

Cameron Simpson

Carpe Daemon - Seize the Background Process
- Paul Tomblin

Re: mutable ints: I think I have painted myself into a corner

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20May2013 13:23, Greg Ewing wrote:
| Cameron Simpson wrote:
| It's an int _subclass_ so that it is no bigger than an int.
| If you use __slots__ to eliminate the overhead of an
| instance dict, you'll get an object consisting of a
| header plus one reference, which is probably about the
| size of an int. But you'll also need an int to put in
| that slot, so the total size will be about twice that
| of an int.

Yeah, I was thinking I'd need to go that way. Thanks for the

| Another approach would be to subclass array.array and
| give instances of it type integer and size 1. Together
| with empty __slots__, it will probably be a bit bigger
| than an int, but it might still be smaller than a
| custom object plus an int.

Really? Interesting. I thinik it crosses my too baroque threshold,
but maybe not:-)

| If all of these are still too big, you might need to
| find some way of packing multiple instances into a
| single array.array.

Space isn't that real an issue at present; I'll keep that kind of
approach in mind if it comes up. This really came up because I was
feeling that the obvious object-with-boolean-attributes was terrbily
wasteful for something that can be inplemented with a single int,
in principle.

Cameron Simpson

How do you blip the throttle and wave? Do you blip it real high, then wave
before the revs drop back?
Blip = right hand; Wave = left hand.  Do both simultaneously.  QED.
Doesnt this make the bike lurch forward thru the intersection?
Not if the disk lock is in place...
- Dean Woodward

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Fábio Santos
On 18 May 2013 20:33, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 Python threads work fine if the threads either rely on intelligent
 DLLs for number crunching (instead of doing nested Python loops to
 process a numeric array you pass it to something like NumPy which
 releases the GIL while crunching a copy of the array) or they do lots of
 I/O and have to wait for I/O devices (while one thread is waiting for
 the write/read operation to complete, another thread can do some number

Has nobody thought of a context manager to allow a part of your code to
free up the GIL? I think the GIL is not inherently bad, but if it poses a
problem at times, there should be a way to get it out of your... Way.

Re: Future standard GUI library

2013-05-20 Thread Terry Jan Reedy

On 5/20/2013 1:04 AM, Vito De Tullio wrote:

Terry Jan Reedy wrote:

Do you think tkinter is going to be the standard python built-in gui
solution as long as python exists?

AT the moment, there is nothing really comparable that is a realistic
candidate to replace tkinter.


tkinter is the Python wrapper of the tk library, just as wxpython is the 
python wrapper of the wx library. I do not see a py-fltk wrapper.


Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Frank Millman

Hi all

I am trying to emulate a SQL check constraint in Python. Quoting from 
the PostgreSQL docs, A check constraint is the most generic constraint 
type. It allows you to specify that the value in a certain column must 
satisfy a Boolean (truth-value) expression.

The problem is that I want to store the constraint as a string, and I 
was hoping to use ast.literal_eval to evaluate it, but it does not work.

 x = 'abc'
 x in ('abc', xyz')
 b = x in ('abc', 'xyz')
 from ast import literal_eval
ValueError: malformed node or string: _ast.Compare object at ...

Is there a safe way to do what I want? I am using python 3.3.


Frank Millman


CFP: MuCoCoS Workshop at PACT-2013 (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)

2013-05-20 Thread SP

6th International Workshop on Multi/many-Core Computing Systems

  September 7, 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

   in conjunction with the 22nd Int. Conference on
  Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT-2013)


The pervasiveness of homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-core and
many-core processors, in a large spectrum of systems from embedded and
general-purpose to high-end computing systems, poses major challenges
to software industry. In general, there is no guarantee that software
developed for a particular architecture will be executable (that is functional)
on another architecture. Furthermore, ensuring that the software preserves
some aspects of performance behavior (such as temporal or energy efficiency)
across different such architectures is an open research issue.

Therefore, this workshop focuses on language level, system software and
architectural solutions for performance portability
across different architectures and for automated performance tuning.

The topics of the MuCoCoS workshop include but are not limited to:

 * Performance measurement, modeling, analysis and tuning
 * Portable programming models, languages and compilation techniques
 * Run-time systems and hardware support mechanisms for auto-tuning
 * Tunable algorithms and data structures
 * Case studies highlighting performance portability and tuning.

As the sixth workshop in the series MuCoCoS 2008 (Barcelona, Spain),
MuCoCoS 2009 (Fukuoka, Japan), MuCoCoS 2010 (Krakow, Poland),
MuCoCoS 2011 (Seoul, Korea), and MuCoCoS 2012 (Salt Lake City, USA),
MuCoCoS 2013 will be held in Edinburgh, UK,
in conjunction with the 22nd International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2013).


The papers should be prepared using the IEEE format
(two-column, 10pt, LaTeX users please use style IEEEtran.cls),
and no longer than 10 pages. Submitted papers will be carefully
evaluated based on originality, significance to workshop topics,
technical soundness, and presentation quality.

Please submit your paper (as PDF, viewable by Adobe Reader v5.0
or higher, with all fonts embedded please) electronically using
the online submission system

Submission of the paper implies that, should the paper be accepted,
at least one of the authors will register and present the paper at
the workshop.

Accepted papers will be published in electronic form in
IEEE Xplore (confirmation pending).
They will also be included in the PACT USB proceedings.
We also plan to invite authors of the best MuCoCoS papers after
the workshop to submit their extended workshop papers to a special
issue of Computing Journal (Springer) (confirmation pending).


Submission:   May 27, 2013 (Firm Deadline)
Notification: June 23, 2013
Camera-ready: July 7, 2013
Workshop: September 7, 2013


Christoph Kessler, Linköping University, Sweden, program chair
Sabri Pllana, Linnaeus University, Sweden, co-chair


Marco Aldinucci, Univ. of Torino, Italy
Beverly Bachmayer, Intel, Germany
David Bader, Georgia Tech, USA
Jacob Barhen, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Siegfried Benkner, Univ. of Vienna, Austria
Franz Franchetti, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Grigori Fursin, INRIA, France
Jörg Keller, FernUniv. Hagen, Germany
Lasse Natvig, NTNU Trondheim, Norway
Mitsuhisa Sato, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Samuel Thibault, INRIA / Univ. of Bordeaux, France
Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers University, Sweden
Jakub Yaghob, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic


RE: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno
It seems to me you can't use ast.literal_eval()[1] to evaluate that kind of 
expression because it's just for literals[2].

Why don't you use eval()?



 Subject: Question about ast.literal_eval
 Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 09:05:48 +0200

 Hi all

 I am trying to emulate a SQL check constraint in Python. Quoting from
 the PostgreSQL docs, A check constraint is the most generic constraint
 type. It allows you to specify that the value in a certain column must
 satisfy a Boolean (truth-value) expression.

 The problem is that I want to store the constraint as a string, and I
 was hoping to use ast.literal_eval to evaluate it, but it does not work.

 x = 'abc'
 x in ('abc', xyz')
 b = x in ('abc', 'xyz')
 from ast import literal_eval
 ValueError: malformed node or string: _ast.Compare object at ...

 Is there a safe way to do what I want? I am using python 3.3.


 Frank Millman


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Frank Millman wrote:
 Hi all

 I am trying to emulate a SQL check constraint in Python. Quoting from the
 PostgreSQL docs, A check constraint is the most generic constraint type. It
 allows you to specify that the value in a certain column must satisfy a
 Boolean (truth-value) expression.

 The problem is that I want to store the constraint as a string, and I was
 hoping to use ast.literal_eval to evaluate it, but it does not work.

 x = 'abc'
 x in ('abc', xyz')
 b = x in ('abc', 'xyz')
 from ast import literal_eval
 ValueError: malformed node or string: _ast.Compare object at ...

 Is there a safe way to do what I want? I am using python 3.3.

An SQL constraint has a whole lot that Python can't do conveniently,
and vice versa, so I think you do yourself a disservice by trying to
tie yourself to that.

The problem here is that 'in' is an operator, so this is not a
literal. One possible solution would be to separate out your operator
(and have just a handful permitted), and then use ast.literal_eval for
just the second operand - something like this:

import ast
import operator
ops = {
  'in':lambda x,y: x in y,  # operator.contains has the args backwards
  '==':operator.eq, # or use '=' for more SQL-like syntax

op, value = 'in', ('abc', 'xyz')
x = 'abc'

if ops[op](x,ast.literal_eval(value)):
  print(Constraint passed)
  print(Ignore this one)


Re: How to run a python script twice randomly in a day?

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20May2013 09:47, Avnesh Shakya wrote:
| On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  On 19May2013 20:54, Avnesh Shakya wrote:
|  |How to run a python script twice randomly in a day? Actually
|  | I want to run my script randomly in a day and twice only. Please
|  | help me.. how is it possible.
|  Do you mean run twice a day, each at random times?
|  If so, do the obvious: at midnight, pick two random times. Sleep
|  until the first time, run the script, sleep until the second time,
|  run the script.
|  There are various ways to do the sleeping and midnight bits; they're
|  up to you.
| Thanks, Can you mail documentation or link for it? I am totally new for it.

1: Please reply on-list; you asked the list, the discussion should
   remain there. I have added the list to the CC line.

2: Please don't top-post. Quote only the relevant bits of the
   previous message and reply below. If the message is long, do
   that in pieces. [quote] reply [quote] reply. Like a conversation.

Now, to your questions.

A UNIX user would use cron to schedule the midnight job and from
the midnight job then probably use at to schedule the other jobs
to run at specific times. See man 1 crontab, man 5 crontab to
submit the cron jobs and man at to submit the once off jobs.

UNIX means Linux, Solaris, AIX, any of the BSDs (includes MacOSX),

You could a small python script for the midnight job, and it would
submit the at jobs. See the random module to compute a pseudorandom
number (and thus a random time), the datetime module to compute
the dates and times from that number, and the subprocess module
to submit the at job for the chosen run times. The modules are

That presumes python 3; if you're using python 2 the docs for that
are available at the same web site.

You don't need to use at. Your midnight job could just compute
the time in seconds to each job time, then use the time.sleep
function to delay until then. See the time module at the above

Nobody on this list will write your program for you.

Attempt to write the program, then come to the list with your attempt
and any problems. People will help if you've made an initial effort,
and continue to try. This question has the feel of a homework
question; the point of homework is for you to learn by solving a
problem yourself. It is fine to seek help, but you must make the
effort yourself.

Come back with specific questions.

Cameron Simpson

I'm not weird; I'm gifted.

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20May2013 07:25, Fábio Santos wrote:
| On 18 May 2013 20:33, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
|  Python threads work fine if the threads either rely on intelligent
|  DLLs for number crunching (instead of doing nested Python loops to
|  process a numeric array you pass it to something like NumPy which
|  releases the GIL while crunching a copy of the array) or they do lots of
|  I/O and have to wait for I/O devices (while one thread is waiting for
|  the write/read operation to complete, another thread can do some number
|  crunching).
| Has nobody thought of a context manager to allow a part of your code to
| free up the GIL? I think the GIL is not inherently bad, but if it poses a
| problem at times, there should be a way to get it out of your... Way.

The GIL makes individual python operations thread safe by never
running two at once. This makes the implementation of the operations
simpler, faster and safer. It is probably totally infeasible to
write meaningful python code inside your suggested context
manager that didn't rely on the GIL; if the GIL were not held the
code would be unsafe.

It is easy for a C extension to release the GIL, and then to do
meaningful work until it needs to return to python land. Most C
extensions will do that around non-trivial sections, and anything
that may stall in the OS.

So your use case for the context manager doesn't fit well.
Cameron Simpson

Gentle suggestions being those which are written on rocks of less than 5lbs.
- Tracy Nelson in comp.lang.c

RE: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno

 Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 13:10:36 +1000
 Subject: Re: Please help with Threading

 On 19May2013 03:02, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 | Just been told that GIL doesn't make things slower, but as I
 | didn't know that such a thing even existed I went out looking for
 | more info and found that document:
 | Is it current? I didn't know Python threads aren't preemptive.
 | Seems to be something really old considering the state of the art
 | on parallel execution on multi-cores.
 | What's the catch on making Python threads preemptive? Are there any ongoing 
 projects to make that?

 Depends what you mean by preemptive. If you have multiple CPU bound
 pure Python threads they will all get CPU time without any of them
 explicitly yeilding control. But thread switching happens between
 python instructions, mediated by the interpreter.

I meant operating system preemptive. I've just checked and Python does not 
start Windows threads.

 The standard answers for using multiple cores is to either run
 multiple processes (either explicitly spawning other executables,
 or spawning child python processes using the multiprocessing module),
 or to use (as suggested) libraries that can do the compute intensive
 bits themselves, releasing the while doing so so that the Python
 interpreter can run other bits of your python code.

I've just discovered the multiprocessing module[1] and will make some tests 
with it later. Are there any other modules for that purpose?

I've found the following articles about Python threads. Any suggestions?


 Plenty of OS system calls (and calls to other libraries from the
 interpreter) release the GIL during the call. Other python threads
 can run during that window.

 And there are other Python implementations other than CPython.

 Cameron Simpson

 Processes are like potatoes. - NCR device driver manual   

Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Frank Millman

[Corrected top-posting]


Subject: Question about ast.literal_eval
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 09:05:48 +0200

Hi all

I am trying to emulate a SQL check constraint in Python. Quoting from
the PostgreSQL docs, A check constraint is the most generic constraint
type. It allows you to specify that the value in a certain column must
satisfy a Boolean (truth-value) expression.

The problem is that I want to store the constraint as a string, and I
was hoping to use ast.literal_eval to evaluate it, but it does not work.

On 20/05/2013 09:34, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:

It seems to me you can't use ast.literal_eval()[1] to evaluate that kind of 

 because it's just for literals[2].

Why don't you use eval()?

Because users can create their own columns, with their own constraints. 
Therefore the string is user-modifiable, so it cannot be trusted.



RE: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno

 Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 17:45:14 +1000
 Subject: Re: Please help with Threading

 On 20May2013 07:25, Fábio Santos wrote:
 | On 18 May 2013 20:33, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 | Python threads work fine if the threads either rely on intelligent
 | DLLs for number crunching (instead of doing nested Python loops to
 | process a numeric array you pass it to something like NumPy which
 | releases the GIL while crunching a copy of the array) or they do lots of
 | I/O and have to wait for I/O devices (while one thread is waiting for
 | the write/read operation to complete, another thread can do some number
 | crunching).
 | Has nobody thought of a context manager to allow a part of your code to
 | free up the GIL? I think the GIL is not inherently bad, but if it poses a
 | problem at times, there should be a way to get it out of your... Way.

 The GIL makes individual python operations thread safe by never
 running two at once. This makes the implementation of the operations
 simpler, faster and safer. It is probably totally infeasible to
 write meaningful python code inside your suggested context
 manager that didn't rely on the GIL; if the GIL were not held the
 code would be unsafe.

I just got my hands dirty trying to synchronize Python prints from many threads.
Sometimes they mess up when printing the newlines. 

I tried several approaches using threading.Lock and Condition. None of them 
worked perfectly and all of them made the code sluggish. 

Is there a 100% sure method to make print thread safe? Can it be fast???

 It is easy for a C extension to release the GIL, and then to do
 meaningful work until it needs to return to python land. Most C
 extensions will do that around non-trivial sections, and anything
 that may stall in the OS.

 So your use case for the context manager doesn't fit well.
 Cameron Simpson

 Gentle suggestions being those which are written on rocks of less than 5lbs.
 - Tracy Nelson in comp.lang.c

Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Frank Millman wrote:
 On 20/05/2013 09:34, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 Why don't you use eval()?

 Because users can create their own columns, with their own constraints.
 Therefore the string is user-modifiable, so it cannot be trusted.

Plenty of reason right there :)

Is it a requirement that they be able to key in a constraint as a
single string? We have a similar situation in one of the systems at
work, so we divided the input into three(ish) parts: pick a field,
pick an operator (legal operators vary according to field type -
integers can't be compared against regular expressions, timestamps can
use = and  only), then enter the other operand. Sure, that cuts out
a few possibilities, but you get 99.9%+ of all usage and it's easy to


Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Fábio Santos
My use case was a tight loop processing an image pixel by pixel, or
crunching a CSV file. If it only uses local variables (and probably hold a
lock before releasing the GIL) it should be safe, no?

My idea is that it's a little bad to have to write C or use multiprocessing
just to do simultaneous calculations. I think an application using a
reactor loop such as twisted would actually benefit from this. Sure, it
will be slower than a C implementation of the same loop, but isn't fast
prototyping a very important feature of the Python language?
On 20 May 2013 08:45, Cameron Simpson wrote:

 On 20May2013 07:25, Fábio Santos wrote:
 | On 18 May 2013 20:33, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 |  Python threads work fine if the threads either rely on
 |  DLLs for number crunching (instead of doing nested Python loops to
 |  process a numeric array you pass it to something like NumPy which
 |  releases the GIL while crunching a copy of the array) or they do lots
 |  I/O and have to wait for I/O devices (while one thread is waiting for
 |  the write/read operation to complete, another thread can do some number
 |  crunching).
 | Has nobody thought of a context manager to allow a part of your code to
 | free up the GIL? I think the GIL is not inherently bad, but if it poses a
 | problem at times, there should be a way to get it out of your... Way.

 The GIL makes individual python operations thread safe by never
 running two at once. This makes the implementation of the operations
 simpler, faster and safer. It is probably totally infeasible to
 write meaningful python code inside your suggested context
 manager that didn't rely on the GIL; if the GIL were not held the
 code would be unsafe.

 It is easy for a C extension to release the GIL, and then to do
 meaningful work until it needs to return to python land. Most C
 extensions will do that around non-trivial sections, and anything
 that may stall in the OS.

 So your use case for the context manager doesn't fit well.
 Cameron Simpson

 Gentle suggestions being those which are written on rocks of less than
 - Tracy Nelson in comp.lang.c


RE: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno

 Subject: Re: Question about ast.literal_eval
 Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 09:50:02 +0200

 [Corrected top-posting]

 Subject: Question about ast.literal_eval
 Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 09:05:48 +0200

 Hi all

 I am trying to emulate a SQL check constraint in Python. Quoting from
 the PostgreSQL docs, A check constraint is the most generic constraint
 type. It allows you to specify that the value in a certain column must
 satisfy a Boolean (truth-value) expression.

 The problem is that I want to store the constraint as a string, and I
 was hoping to use ast.literal_eval to evaluate it, but it does not work.

 On 20/05/2013 09:34, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:

 It seems to me you can't use ast.literal_eval()[1] to evaluate that kind of 
 because it's just for literals[2].

 Why don't you use eval()?

 Because users can create their own columns, with their own constraints.
 Therefore the string is user-modifiable, so it cannot be trusted.

I understand your motivation but I don't know what protection 
ast.literal_eval() is offering that eval() doesn't.



Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Frank Millman

On 20/05/2013 09:55, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Frank Millman wrote:

On 20/05/2013 09:34, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:

Why don't you use eval()?

Because users can create their own columns, with their own constraints.
Therefore the string is user-modifiable, so it cannot be trusted.

Plenty of reason right there :)

Is it a requirement that they be able to key in a constraint as a
single string? We have a similar situation in one of the systems at
work, so we divided the input into three(ish) parts: pick a field,
pick an operator (legal operators vary according to field type -
integers can't be compared against regular expressions, timestamps can
use = and  only), then enter the other operand. Sure, that cuts out
a few possibilities, but you get 99.9%+ of all usage and it's easy to


It is not a requirement, no. I just thought it would be a convenient 

I had in mind something similar to your scheme above, so I guess I will 
have to bite the bullet and implement it.




Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 I understand your motivation but I don't know what protection 
 ast.literal_eval() is offering that eval() doesn't.

eval will *execute code*, while literal_eval will not. That's the
protection. With ast.literal_eval, all that can happen is that it
produces a single result value. In this case, unfortunately, that's
insufficient; a comparison needs to be done, ergo it's not an entire
literal. But something else in the ast module may be able to serve, or
maybe literal_eval can do the bulk of the work.


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Frank Millman

On 20/05/2013 09:55, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:

Why don't you use eval()?

Because users can create their own columns, with their own constraints.
Therefore the string is user-modifiable, so it cannot be trusted.

I understand your motivation but I don't know what protection 
ast.literal_eval() is offering that eval() doesn't.

Quoting from the manual -

Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python 
expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the 
following Python literal structures: strings, bytes, numbers, tuples, 
lists, dicts, sets, booleans, and None.

The operative word is 'safely'. I don't know the details, but it 
prevents the kinds of exploits that can be carried out by malicious code 
using eval().

I believe it is the same problem as SQL injection, which is solved by 
using parameterised queries.



Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 May 2013 10:55:35 +0300, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:

 I understand your motivation but I don't know what protection
 ast.literal_eval() is offering that eval() doesn't.

eval will evaluate any legal Python expression:

py eval(__import__('os').system('echo Mwahaha! Now you are pwned!') or 42)
Mwahaha! And now you are pwned!

ast.literal_eval() does exactly what the name says: it will evaluate any 
legal Python LITERAL, including ints, floats, lists, dicts and strings,
but not arbitrary expressions.

py ast.literal_eval('123')
py ast.literal_eval('[123, None, spam]')
[123, None, 'spam']


Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20May2013 10:53, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
| I just got my hands dirty trying to synchronize Python prints from many 
| Sometimes they mess up when printing the newlines. 
| I tried several approaches using threading.Lock and Condition.
| None of them worked perfectly and all of them made the code sluggish.

Show us some code, with specific complaints.

Did you try this?

  _lock = Lock()

  def lprint(*a, **kw):
global _lock
with _lock:
  print(*a, **kw)

and use lprint() everywhere?

For generality the lock should be per file: the above hack uses one
lock for any file, so that's going to stall overlapping prints to
different files; inefficient.

There are other things than the above, but at least individual prints will
never overlap. If you have interleaved prints, show us.

| Is there a 100% sure method to make print thread safe? Can it be fast???

Depends on what you mean by fast. It will be slower than code
with no lock; how much would require measurement.

Cameron Simpson

My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose,
but queerer than we *can* suppose.
- J.B.S. Haldane On Being the Right Size
  in the (1928) book Possible Worlds

Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Fábio Santos
On 20 May 2013 09:19, Frank Millman wrote:
 Quoting from the manual -

 Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python
expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following
Python literal structures: strings, bytes, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts,
sets, booleans, and None.

 The operative word is 'safely'. I don't know the details, but it prevents
the kinds of exploits that can be carried out by malicious code using

Literals are only a subset of expressions. The documentation is a bit
misleading, by stating it accepts a python expression.

This individual is rightfully confused.

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
   _lock = Lock()

   def lprint(*a, **kw):
 global _lock
 with _lock:
   print(*a, **kw)

 and use lprint() everywhere?

Fun little hack:

def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
  with lock:

Question: Is this a cool use or a horrible abuse of the scoping rules?


Re: Diacretical incensitive search

2013-05-20 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Fri, 2013-05-17, Olive wrote:

 One feature that seems to be missing in the re module (or any tools
 that I know for searching text) is diacretical incensitive search. I
 would like to have a match for something like this:

 re.match(franc, français)

 The algorithm to write such a function is trivial but there are a
 lot of mark we can put on a letter. It would be necessary to have the
 list of a's with something on it. i.e. à,á,ã, etc. and this for
 every letter. Trying to make such a list by hand would inevitably lead
 to some symbols forgotten (and would be tedious). 

Ok, but please remember that the diacriticals are of varying importance.
The english naïve is easily recognizable when written as naive.
The swedish word får cannot be spelled far and still be understood.

This is IMHO out of the scope of re, and perhaps case-insensitivity
should have been too.  Perhaps it /would/ have been, if regular
expressions hadn't come from the ASCII world where these things are


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   . .
\X/   O  o   .

Re: Future standard GUI library

2013-05-20 Thread Robert Kern

On 2013-05-20 08:00, Terry Jan Reedy wrote:

On 5/20/2013 1:04 AM, Vito De Tullio wrote:

Terry Jan Reedy wrote:

Do you think tkinter is going to be the standard python built-in gui
solution as long as python exists?

AT the moment, there is nothing really comparable that is a realistic
candidate to replace tkinter.


tkinter is the Python wrapper of the tk library, just as wxpython is the python
wrapper of the wx library. I do not see a py-fltk wrapper.

It exists, but it's really old.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Fábio Santos
It is pretty cool although it looks like a recursive function at first ;)
On 20 May 2013 10:13, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
_lock = Lock()
def lprint(*a, **kw):
  global _lock
  with _lock:
print(*a, **kw)
  and use lprint() everywhere?

 Fun little hack:

 def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
   with lock:

 Question: Is this a cool use or a horrible abuse of the scoping rules?



Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20May2013 19:09, Chris Angelico wrote:
| On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|_lock = Lock()
|def lprint(*a, **kw):
|  global _lock
|  with _lock:
|print(*a, **kw)
|  and use lprint() everywhere?
| Fun little hack:
| def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
|   with lock:
| print(*args,**kwargs)
| Question: Is this a cool use or a horrible abuse of the scoping rules?

I carefully avoided monkey patching print itself:-)

That's... mad! I can see what the end result is meant to be, but
it looks like a debugging nightmare. Certainly my scoping-fu is too
weak to see at a glance how it works.
Cameron Simpson

I will not do it as a hack   I will not do it for my friends
I will not do it on a MacI will not write for Uncle Sam
I will not do it on weekends I won't do ADA, Sam-I-Am
- Gregory Bond

RE: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno

 Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 18:35:20 +1000
 Subject: Re: Please help with Threading

 On 20May2013 10:53, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 | I just got my hands dirty trying to synchronize Python prints from many 
 | Sometimes they mess up when printing the newlines.
 | I tried several approaches using threading.Lock and Condition.
 | None of them worked perfectly and all of them made the code sluggish.

 Show us some code, with specific complaints.

 Did you try this?

 _lock = Lock()

 def lprint(*a, **kw):
 global _lock
 with _lock:
 print(*a, **kw)

 and use lprint() everywhere?

It works! Think I was running the wrong script...

Anyway, the suggestion you've made is the third and latest attempt that I've 
tried to synchronize the print outputs from the threads.

I've also used:

### 1st approach ###
lock  = threading.Lock()
    [thread protected code]

### 2nd approach ###
cond  = threading.Condition()
    [thread protected code]
    with cond:
        print '[...]'

### 3rd approach ###
from __future__ import print_function

def safe_print(*args, **kwargs):
    global print_lock
    with print_lock:
    print(*args, **kwargs)
    [thread protected code]

Except for the first one all kind of have the same performance. The 
problem was I placed the acquire/release around the whole code block, 
instead of only the print statements.

Thanks a lot! ;)

 For generality the lock should be per file: the above hack uses one
 lock for any file, so that's going to stall overlapping prints to
 different files; inefficient.

 There are other things than the above, but at least individual prints will
 never overlap. If you have interleaved prints, show us.

 | Is there a 100% sure method to make print thread safe? Can it be fast???

 Depends on what you mean by fast. It will be slower than code
 with no lock; how much would require measurement.

 Cameron Simpson

 My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose,
 but queerer than we *can* suppose.
 - J.B.S. Haldane On Being the Right Size
 in the (1928) book Possible Worlds

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 20May2013 19:09, Chris Angelico wrote:
 | On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 |_lock = Lock()
 |def lprint(*a, **kw):
 |  global _lock
 |  with _lock:
 |print(*a, **kw)
 |  and use lprint() everywhere?
 | Fun little hack:
 | def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
 |   with lock:
 | print(*args,**kwargs)
 | Question: Is this a cool use or a horrible abuse of the scoping rules?

 I carefully avoided monkey patching print itself:-)

 That's... mad! I can see what the end result is meant to be, but
 it looks like a debugging nightmare. Certainly my scoping-fu is too
 weak to see at a glance how it works.

Hehe. Like I said, could easily be called abuse.

Referencing a function's own name in a default has to have one of
these interpretations:

1) It's a self-reference, which can be used to guarantee recursion
even if the name is rebound
2) It references whatever previously held that name before this def statement.

Either would be useful. Python happens to follow #2; though I can't
point to any piece of specification that mandates that, so all I can
really say is that CPython 3.3 appears to follow #2. But both
interpretations make sense, and both would be of use, and use of
either could be called abusive of the rules. Figure that out. :)

The second defaulted argument (lock=Lock()), of course, is a common
idiom. No abuse there, that's pretty Pythonic.

This same sort of code could be done as a decorator:

def serialize(fn):
def locked(*args,**kw):
with lock:
return locked


Spelled like this, it's obvious that the argument to serialize has to
be the previous 'print'. The other notation achieves the same thing,
just in a quirkier way :)


Re: Future standard GUI library

2013-05-20 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 5/20/13 1:04 AM, Vito De Tullio wrote:


FLTK is even uglier than non-themed Tkinter: non-native on every 
platform. Tkinter wraps native widgets on MacOS and WIndows, but FLTK 
draws its own widgets everywhere.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin/Mobile Code by Kevin

RE: How to write fast into a file in python?

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno
Oh well! Just got a flashback from the old times at the 8-bit assembly line.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! lol

 Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 16:44:55 +0100
 Subject: Re: How to write fast into a file in python?

 On 19/05/2013 04:53, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 22:41:32 -0400
 Subject: Re: How to write fast into a file in python?

 On 05/18/2013 01:00 PM, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 Python really writes '\n\r' on Windows. Just check the files.

 That's backwards. '\r\n' on Windows, IF you omit the b in the mode when
 creating the file.

 Indeed! My mistake just made me find out that Acorn used that inversion on 
 Acorn MOS.

 According to this[1] (at page 449) the OSNEWL routine outputs '\n\r'.

 What the hell those guys were thinking??? :p

 Doing it that way saved a few bytes.

 Code was something like this:


 This means that the contents of the accumulator would always be
 preserved by a call to OSASCI.

 This call issues an LF CR (line feed, carriage return) to the currently 
 output stream. The routine is entered at FFE7.



Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Ned Batchelder

On 5/20/2013 6:09 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

Referencing a function's own name in a default has to have one of
these interpretations:

1) It's a self-reference, which can be used to guarantee recursion
even if the name is rebound
2) It references whatever previously held that name before this def statement.

The meaning must be #2.  A def statement is nothing more than a fancy 
assignment statement.  This:

def foo(a):
return a + 1

is really just the same as:

foo = lambda a: a+1

(in fact, they compile to identical bytecode).  More complex def's don't 
have equivalent lambdas, but are still assignments to the name of the 
function.  So your apparently recursive print function is no more 
ambiguous x = x + 1.  The x on the right hand side is the old value of 
x, the x on the left hand side will be the new value of x.

# Each of these updates a name
x = x + 1
def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
  with lock:

Of course, if you're going to use that code, a comment might be in order 
to help the next reader through the trickiness...



Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Dave Angel

On 05/20/2013 03:55 AM, Fábio Santos wrote:

My use case was a tight loop processing an image pixel by pixel, or
crunching a CSV file. If it only uses local variables (and probably hold a
lock before releasing the GIL) it should be safe, no?

Are you making function calls, using system libraries, or creating or 
deleting any objects?  All of these use the GIL because they use common 
data structures shared among all threads.  At the lowest level, creating 
an object requires locked access to the memory manager.

Don't forget, the GIL gets used much more for Python internals than it 
does for the visible stuff.


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Frank Millman

On 20/05/2013 10:07, Frank Millman wrote:

On 20/05/2013 09:55, Chris Angelico wrote:

Is it a requirement that they be able to key in a constraint as a
single string? We have a similar situation in one of the systems at
work, so we divided the input into three(ish) parts: pick a field,
pick an operator (legal operators vary according to field type -
integers can't be compared against regular expressions, timestamps can
use = and  only), then enter the other operand. Sure, that cuts out
a few possibilities, but you get 99.9%+ of all usage and it's easy to


It is not a requirement, no. I just thought it would be a convenient

I had in mind something similar to your scheme above, so I guess I will
have to bite the bullet and implement it.

Can anyone see anything wrong with the following approach. I have not 
definitely decided to do it this way, but I have been experimenting and 
it seems to work.

I store the boolean test as a json'd list of 6-part tuples. Each element 
of the tuple is a string, defined as follows -

0 - for the first entry in the list, the word 'check' (a placeholder - 
it is discarded at evaluation time), for any subsequent entries the word 
'and' or 'or'.

1 - left bracket - either '(' or ''.

2 - column name to check - it will be validated on entry.

3 - operator - must be one of '=', '!=', '', '', '=', '=', 'in', 
'is', 'is not'. At evaluation time, '=' is changed to '=='.

4 - value to compare - at evaluation time I call 
str(literal_eval(value)) to ensure that it is safe.

5 - right bracket - either ')' or ''.

At evaluation time I loop through the list, construct the boolean test 
as a string, and call eval() on it.

Here are some examples -

check = []
check.append(('check', '', 'name', 'in', ('abc', 'xyz'), ''))

check = []
check.append(('check', '', 'value', '=', '0', ''))

check = []
check.append(('check', '(', 'descr', 'is not', 'None', ''))
check.append(('and', '', 'alt', 'is', 'None', ')'))
check.append(('or', '(', 'descr', 'is', 'None', ''))
check.append(('and', '', 'alt', 'is not', 'None', ')'))

I don't plan to check the logic - I will just display the exception if 
it does not evaluate.

It seems safe to me. Can anyone see a problem with it?



Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
=On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Ned Batchelder wrote:
 On 5/20/2013 6:09 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Referencing a function's own name in a default has to have one of
 these interpretations:

 1) It's a self-reference, which can be used to guarantee recursion
 even if the name is rebound
 2) It references whatever previously held that name before this def

 The meaning must be #2.  A def statement is nothing more than a fancy
 assignment statement.

Sure, but the language could have been specced up somewhat
differently, with the same syntax. I was fairly confident that this
would be universally true (well, can't do it with 'print' per se in
older Pythons, but for others); my statement about CPython 3.3 was
just because I hadn't actually hunted down specification proof.

 So your apparently recursive print function is no more
 ambiguous x = x + 1.  The x on the right hand side is the old value of x,
 the x on the left hand side will be the new value of x.

 # Each of these updates a name
 x = x + 1

 def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
   with lock:

Yeah. The decorator example makes that fairly clear.

 Of course, if you're going to use that code, a comment might be in order to
 help the next reader through the trickiness...



Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 May 2013 15:26:02 +0200, Frank Millman wrote:

 Can anyone see anything wrong with the following approach. I have not
 definitely decided to do it this way, but I have been experimenting and
 it seems to work.
 I store the boolean test as a json'd list of 6-part tuples. Each element
 of the tuple is a string, defined as follows -
 0 - for the first entry in the list, the word 'check' (a placeholder -
 it is discarded at evaluation time), for any subsequent entries the word
 'and' or 'or'.
 1 - left bracket - either '(' or ''.
 2 - column name to check - it will be validated on entry.
 3 - operator - must be one of '=', '!=', '', '', '=', '=', 'in',
 'is', 'is not'. At evaluation time, '=' is changed to '=='.
 4 - value to compare - at evaluation time I call
 str(literal_eval(value)) to ensure that it is safe.
 5 - right bracket - either ')' or ''.
 At evaluation time I loop through the list, construct the boolean test
 as a string, and call eval() on it.
 It seems safe to me. Can anyone see a problem with it?

It seems safe to me too, but then any fool can come up with a system 
which they themselves cannot break :-)

I think the real worry is validating the column name. That will be 
critical. Personally, I would strongly suggest writing your own mini-
evaluator that walks the list and evaluates it by hand. It isn't as 
convenient as just calling eval, but *definitely* safer.

If you do call eval, make sure you supply the globals and locals 
arguments. The usual way is:

eval(expression, {'__builtins__': None}, {})

which gives you an empty locals() and a minimal, (mostly) safe globals.

Finally, as a belt-and-braces approach, I wouldn't even call eval 
directly, but call a thin wrapper that raises an exception if the 
expression contains an underscore. Underscores are usually the key to 
breaking eval, so refusing to evaluate anything with an underscore raises 
the barrier very high.

And even with all those defences, I wouldn't allow untrusted data from 
the Internet anywhere near this. Just because I can't break it, doesn't 
mean it's safe.


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 11:26 PM, Frank Millman wrote:
 0 - for the first entry in the list, the word 'check' (a placeholder - it is
 discarded at evaluation time), for any subsequent entries the word 'and' or

 1 - left bracket - either '(' or ''.

 5 - right bracket - either ')' or ''.

I think what you have is safe, but extremely complicated to work with.
Six separate pieces, and things have to be in the right slots... I
think you've spent too many complexity points on the above three
components, and you're getting too little return for them. What
happens if the nesting is mucked up? Could get verrry messy to check.

Combining multiple conditions with a mixture of ands and ors is a
nightmare to try to explain (unless you just point to the Python docs,
which IMO costs you even more complexity points); the only safe option
is to parenthesize everything. The system I pushed for at work (which
was finally approved and implemented a few months ago) is more or less
this: conditions are grouped together into blocks; for each group, you
can choose whether it's all or any (aka and/or), and you choose
whether the overall result is all-groups or any-group. That still
costs a few complexity points (and, btw, our *actual* implementation
is a bit more complicated than that, but I think we could cut it down
to what I just described here without loss of functionality), but it
gives the bulk of what people will actually want without the
complexities of point-and-click code.

The downside of that sort of system is that it requires a two-level
tree. On the flip side, that's often how people will be thinking about
their conditions anyway (eg using a pair of conditions  and  to
implement a range check - conceptually it's a single check), so that
won't cost too much.


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:12 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Personally, I would strongly suggest writing your own mini-
 evaluator that walks the list and evaluates it by hand. It isn't as
 convenient as just calling eval, but *definitely* safer.

Probably faster, too, for what it's worth - eval is pretty expensive.


Re: Harmonic distortion of a input signal

2013-05-20 Thread jmfauth
Non sense.

The discrete fft algorithm is valid only if the number of data
points you transform does correspond to a power of 2 (2**n).

Keywords to the problem: apodization, zero filling, convolution
product, ...




Re: Harmonic distortion of a input signal

2013-05-20 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 20.05.13 19:23, schrieb jmfauth:

Non sense.


The discrete fft algorithm is valid only if the number of data
points you transform does correspond to a power of 2 (2**n).

Where did you get this? The DFT is defined for any integer point number 
the same way.

Just if you want to get it fast, you need to worry about the length. For 
powers of two, there is the classic Cooley-Tukey. But there do exist FFT 
algorithms for any other length. For example, there is the Winograd 
transform for a set of small numbers, there is mixed-radix to reduce 
any length which can be factored, and there is finally Bluestein which 
works for any size, even for a prime. All of the aforementioned 
algorithms are O(log n) and are implemented in typical FFT packages. All 
of them should result (up to rounding differences) in the same thing as 
the naive DFT sum. Therefore, today

Keywords to the problem: apodization, zero filling, convolution
product, ...

Not for a periodic signal of integer length.


How long do you read this group?



Re: Harmonic distortion of a input signal

2013-05-20 Thread Christian Gollwitzer
Oops, I thought we were posting to comp.dsp. Nevertheless, I think 
numpy.fft does mixed-radix (can't check it now)

Am 20.05.13 19:50, schrieb Christian Gollwitzer:

Am 20.05.13 19:23, schrieb jmfauth:

Non sense.


The discrete fft algorithm is valid only if the number of data
points you transform does correspond to a power of 2 (2**n).

Where did you get this? The DFT is defined for any integer point number
the same way.

Just if you want to get it fast, you need to worry about the length. For
powers of two, there is the classic Cooley-Tukey. But there do exist FFT
algorithms for any other length. For example, there is the Winograd
transform for a set of small numbers, there is mixed-radix to reduce
any length which can be factored, and there is finally Bluestein which
works for any size, even for a prime. All of the aforementioned
algorithms are O(log n) and are implemented in typical FFT packages. All
of them should result (up to rounding differences) in the same thing as
the naive DFT sum. Therefore, today

Keywords to the problem: apodization, zero filling, convolution
product, ...

Not for a periodic signal of integer length.


How long do you read this group?



pip and different branches?

2013-05-20 Thread andrea crotti
We use github and we work on many different branches at the same time.

The problem is that we have 5 repos now, and for each repo we might
have the same branches on all of them.

Now we use pip and install requirements such as:

Now the problem is that the requirements file are also under revision
control, and constantly we end up in the situation that when we merge
branches the branch settings get messed up, because we forget to change

I was looking for a solution for this that would allow me to:
- use the branch of the main repo for all the dependencies
- fallback on master if that branch doesn't exist

I thought about a few options:
1. create a wrapper for PIP that manipulates the requirement file, that now
   would become templates.
   In this way I would have to know however if a branch exist or not,
   and I didn't find a way to do that without cloning the repo.

2. modify PIP to not fail when checking out a non existing branch, so
   that if it's not found it falls back on master automatically.

3. use some git magic hooks but I'm not sure what exactly

4. stop using virtualenv + pip and use something smarter that handles

Any suggestions?

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Fábio Santos
I didn't know that.
On 20 May 2013 12:10, Dave Angel wrote:
 Are you making function calls, using system libraries, or creating or
deleting any objects?  All of these use the GIL because they use common
data structures shared among all threads.  At the lowest level, creating an
object requires locked access to the memory manager.

 Don't forget, the GIL gets used much more for Python internals than it
does for the visible stuff.

I did not know that. It's both interesting and somehow obvious, although I
didn't know it yet.

Re: What was the project that made you feel skilled in Python?

2013-05-20 Thread Demian Brecht
TBH, I think that the first thing that I did that made me feel that I
could hold my own was when I had my first (and only thus far) patch
accepted into the stdlib. To me, there's a /big/ difference between
throwing together a package that a few people may find useful and
putting a patch together that's accepted by a particular module expert
and committed to the stdlib.

To intermediate learners, I would strongly advocate getting their
hands dirty with some part of the stdlib. Really (imho), there's
really no better place to learn. Yes, in whole, it's a large project,
but there are quite a few small(er) modules that, once their
environment is set up, are self-contained and easy to follow along.
Even if they don't get anything committed, learning from Python
experts is far more useful than any other path that I've personally

Having said that, another great learning experience for me was when I
wrote my OAuth 2.0 client (
and brought the initial implementation (460'ish LoC) to 66 LoC
(pre-2/3 support). In part, this was due to taking a different design
approach, but it was also in part due to taking advantage of Python
idioms rather than simply using approaches that I had used in other

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Ned Batchelder wrote:
 Hi all, I'm trying to come up with more project ideas for intermediate
 learners, somewhat along the lines of .

 So here's a question for people who remember coming up from beginner: as you
 moved from exercises like those in Learn Python the Hard Way, up to your own
 self-guided work on small projects, what project were you working on that
 made you feel independent and skilled?  What program first felt like your
 own work rather than an exercise the teacher had assigned?

 I don't want anything too large, but big enough that there's room for
 design, and multiple approaches, etc.

 Thanks in advance!


Demian Brecht

Re: What was the project that made you feel skilled in Python?

2013-05-20 Thread Thomas Murphy
Hi Demian,

Can I ask what you mean by working through the stdlib? As in writing
code pieces utilizing each module from the stdlib? Also, you're
talking about patches in the stdlib? Is there a separate library of
patches? Forgive me if I'm google-failing hard over here.

Re: What was the project that made you feel skilled in Python?

2013-05-20 Thread Terry Jan Reedy

On 5/20/2013 3:36 PM, Thomas Murphy wrote:

talking about patches in the stdlib? Is there a separate library of


Re: Future standard GUI library

2013-05-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-05-20, Terry Jan Reedy wrote:
 On 5/20/2013 1:04 AM, Vito De Tullio wrote:
 Terry Jan Reedy wrote:

 Do you think tkinter is going to be the standard python built-in gui
 solution as long as python exists?

 AT the moment, there is nothing really comparable that is a realistic
 candidate to replace tkinter.

 FLTK? (

 tkinter is the Python wrapper of the tk library, just as wxpython is
 the python wrapper of the wx library. I do not see a py-fltk wrapper.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Is it 1974?  What's
  at   for SUPPER?  Can I spend
  gmail.commy COLLEGE FUND in one
   wild afternoon??

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread 88888 Dihedral
Chris Angelico於 2013年5月20日星期一UTC+8下午5時09分13秒寫道:
 On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
_lock = Lock()
def lprint(*a, **kw):
  global _lock
  with _lock:
print(*a, **kw)
  and use lprint() everywhere?
 Fun little hack:
 def print(*args,print=print,lock=Lock(),**kwargs):
   with lock:
 Question: Is this a cool use or a horrible abuse of the scoping rules?

OK, if the python interpreter has a global hiden print out
buffer of ,say, 2to 16 K bytes, and all  string print functions
just construct the output string from the format to this string 
in an efficient low level way, then the next question 
would be that whether the uses can use functions in this 
low level buffer for other string formatting jobs.


Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:44 AM, 8 Dihedral wrote:
 OK, if the python interpreter has a global hiden print out
 buffer of ,say, 2to 16 K bytes, and all  string print functions
 just construct the output string from the format to this string
 in an efficient low level way, then the next question
 would be that whether the uses can use functions in this
 low level buffer for other string formatting jobs.

You remind me of George.

Both make great reading when I'm at work and poking around with random
stuff in our .SQL file of carefully constructed mayhem.


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread matt . newville
On Monday, May 20, 2013 2:05:48 AM UTC-5, Frank Millman wrote:
 Hi all

 I am trying to emulate a SQL check constraint in Python. Quoting from

 the PostgreSQL docs, A check constraint is the most generic constraint

 type. It allows you to specify that the value in a certain column must

 satisfy a Boolean (truth-value) expression.

 The problem is that I want to store the constraint as a string, and I

 was hoping to use ast.literal_eval to evaluate it, but it does not work.

   x = 'abc'

   x in ('abc', xyz')


   b = x in ('abc', 'xyz')



   from ast import literal_eval


 ValueError: malformed node or string: _ast.Compare object at ...

 Is there a safe way to do what I want? I am using python 3.3.


 Frank Millman

You might find the asteval module ( 
useful.   It provides a relatively safe eval, for example:

 import asteval
 a = asteval.Interpreter()
 a.eval('x = abc')
 a.eval('x in (abc, xyz)')
 a.eval('import os')
   import os
'Import' not supported
name '__import__' is not defined

This works by maintaining an internal namespace (a flat dictionary), and 
walking the AST generated for the expression.  It supports most Python syntax, 
including if, for, while, and try/except blocks, and function definitions, and 
with the notable exceptions of eval, exec, class, lambda, yield, and import.   
This requires Python2.6 and higher, and does work with Python3.3.

Of course, it is not guaranteed to be completely safe, but it does disallow 
imports, which seems like the biggest vulnerability concern listed here.  
Currently, there is no explicit protection against long-running calculations 
for denial of service attacks.  If you're exposing an SQL database to 
user-generated code, that may be worth considering.


--Matt Newville

RE: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno
sys.stdout.write() does not suffer from the newlines mess up when printing from 
many threads, like print statement does.

The only usage difference, AFAIK, is to add '\n' at the end of the string.

It's faster and thread safe (really?) by default.

BTW, why I didn't find the source code to the sys module in the 'Lib' directory?

 Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 11:50:17 +1000
 Subject: Re: Please help with Threading

 On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:44 AM, 8 Dihedral wrote:
 OK, if the python interpreter has a global hiden print out
 buffer of ,say, 2to 16 K bytes, and all string print functions
 just construct the output string from the format to this string
 in an efficient low level way, then the next question
 would be that whether the uses can use functions in this
 low level buffer for other string formatting jobs.

 You remind me of George.

 Both make great reading when I'm at work and poking around with random
 stuff in our .SQL file of carefully constructed mayhem.


Re: How to run a python script twice randomly in a day?

2013-05-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20May2013 15:05, Avnesh Shakya wrote:
| Thanks a lot.

No worries, but ...

- please DO NOT top post. Post below, trimming the quoted material.
- please POST TO THE LIST, not just to me. This is a public discussion.


| I did something.
| I have created file in which i put-
| #!/bin/bash
| cd /home/avin/cronJob
| python

Ok, good. Some minor remarks:

Personally, I always use:


instead of requiring bash. All UNIX systems have sh, bash is only
common. And even when present, it may not be in /bin. /bin/sh is
always there, and unless you're doing something quite unusual, it
works just fine.

| then i went on terminal -
| and run crontab -e
| and wrote-
|   */2 * * * * bash /home/avin/cronJob/
| and saved it.

IIRC, this runs every two minutes. Good for testing, but not your original spec.

Also, if you make the shell script ( executable you do not
need to specify the interpreter. Treat your script like any other
command! So:

  chmod +rx /home/avin/cronJob/

and then your cron line can look like this:

  */2 * * * * /home/avin/cronJob/

Also, treat your script the same way as your shell script, start
it with a #!  like this:


Make it executable:

  chmod +rx /home/avin/cronJob/

and then you don't need to say python in your shell script:


(You need the ./ because the current directory is not in your command
search path ($PATH).)

| It's working fine.
| but when I m using like
| import random
| a = random.randrange(0, 59)
| */a * * * * bash /home/avin/cronJob/
| then it's showing error becose of varable 'a', so now how can i take
| variable?

I take it that this is your python program intended to schedule the two 
randomly timed runs?

As a start, it must all be python. The first two lines are. The third line is
a crontab line.

So as a start, you need to look more like this:

  import random
  a = random.randrange(0, 59)
  cronline = '*/%d * * * * /home/avin/cronJob/' % (a,)

At least then you can see the cron line you're making. It still
does not add it to a cron job.

Some remarks:

- randrange() is like other python ranges: it does not include the end value.
  So your call picks a number from 0..58, not 0..59.
  Say randrange(0,60). Think start, length.

- My recollection is that you wanted to run a script twice a day at random 
  Your cron line doesn't do that.

- If you're picking random run times you want to schedule a once-off
  job for each to run at a particular times. Cron schedules repeating
  jobs.  To run at a particular time you want an at job.

- You need to do one of two things in the pick-a-time script:
- pick a time, then sleep until that time and then directly
  invoke the script
- pick a time, then use the at command to schedule the
  (or script.

The first approach would look a bit like this (totally untested):

  import random
  import subporcess
  import time
  # choose range time in the next 24 hours
  when = random.randrange(0, 24 * 3600)
  # sleep that many seconds

For two runs, pick two times. Swap them into order. Sleep twice,
once until the first time and then once until the second time. Etc.

The second approach (using at) would not sleep. instead, compute
(using the datetime module) the date and time each job should run,
and invoke at using the subprocess module, piping the text
/home/avin/cronJob/\n to it.

Cameron Simpson

On a related topic, has anyone looked at doing a clean-room copy of CSS
a la RC2 and RC4 a few years back?  I know one or two people have
looked at this in an informal manner, but we couldn't find anyone who
hadn't already seen the DeCSS code to act as the clean person (it says
a lot for the status of their trade secret that we couldn't actually
find anyone who didn't already know  it).
- Peter Gutmann

RE: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno
 On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:44 AM, 8 Dihedral wrote:
 OK, if the python interpreter has a global hiden print out
 buffer of ,say, 2to 16 K bytes, and all string print functions
 just construct the output string from the format to this string
 in an efficient low level way, then the next question
 would be that whether the uses can use functions in this
 low level buffer for other string formatting jobs.

 You remind me of George.

 Both make great reading when I'm at work and poking around with random
 stuff in our .SQL file of carefully constructed mayhem.


lol I need more cowbell!!! Please!!! lol

Re: How to run a python script twice randomly in a day?

2013-05-20 Thread Avnesh Shakya
Thanks a lot. I got it.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:42 AM, Cameron Simpson wrote:

 On 20May2013 15:05, Avnesh Shakya wrote:
 | Thanks a lot.

 No worries, but ...

 - please DO NOT top post. Post below, trimming the quoted material.
 - please POST TO THE LIST, not just to me. This is a public discussion.


 | I did something.
 | I have created file in which i put-
 | #!/bin/bash
 | cd /home/avin/cronJob
 | python

 Ok, good. Some minor remarks:

 Personally, I always use:


 instead of requiring bash. All UNIX systems have sh, bash is only
 common. And even when present, it may not be in /bin. /bin/sh is
 always there, and unless you're doing something quite unusual, it
 works just fine.

 | then i went on terminal -
 | and run crontab -e
 | and wrote-
 |   */2 * * * * bash /home/avin/cronJob/
 | and saved it.

 IIRC, this runs every two minutes. Good for testing, but not your original

 Also, if you make the shell script ( executable you do not
 need to specify the interpreter. Treat your script like any other
 command! So:

   chmod +rx /home/avin/cronJob/

 and then your cron line can look like this:

   */2 * * * * /home/avin/cronJob/

 Also, treat your script the same way as your shell script, start
 it with a #!  like this:


 Make it executable:

   chmod +rx /home/avin/cronJob/

 and then you don't need to say python in your shell script:


 (You need the ./ because the current directory is not in your command
 search path ($PATH).)

 | It's working fine.
 | but when I m using like
 | import random
 | a = random.randrange(0, 59)
 | */a * * * * bash /home/avin/cronJob/
 | then it's showing error becose of varable 'a', so now how can i take
 | variable?

 I take it that this is your python program intended to schedule the two
 randomly timed runs?

 As a start, it must all be python. The first two lines are. The third line
 a crontab line.

 So as a start, you need to look more like this:

   import random
   a = random.randrange(0, 59)
   cronline = '*/%d * * * * /home/avin/cronJob/' % (a,)

 At least then you can see the cron line you're making. It still
 does not add it to a cron job.

 Some remarks:

 - randrange() is like other python ranges: it does not include the end
   So your call picks a number from 0..58, not 0..59.
   Say randrange(0,60). Think start, length.

 - My recollection is that you wanted to run a script twice a day at random
   Your cron line doesn't do that.

 - If you're picking random run times you want to schedule a once-off
   job for each to run at a particular times. Cron schedules repeating
   jobs.  To run at a particular time you want an at job.

 - You need to do one of two things in the pick-a-time script:
 - pick a time, then sleep until that time and then directly
   invoke the script
 - pick a time, then use the at command to schedule the
   (or script.

 The first approach would look a bit like this (totally untested):

   import random
   import subporcess
   import time
   # choose range time in the next 24 hours
   when = random.randrange(0, 24 * 3600)
   # sleep that many seconds

 For two runs, pick two times. Swap them into order. Sleep twice,
 once until the first time and then once until the second time. Etc.

 The second approach (using at) would not sleep. instead, compute
 (using the datetime module) the date and time each job should run,
 and invoke at using the subprocess module, piping the text
 /home/avin/cronJob/\n to it.

 Cameron Simpson

 On a related topic, has anyone looked at doing a clean-room copy of CSS
 a la RC2 and RC4 a few years back?  I know one or two people have
 looked at this in an informal manner, but we couldn't find anyone who
 hadn't already seen the DeCSS code to act as the clean person (it says
 a lot for the status of their trade secret that we couldn't actually
 find anyone who didn't already know  it).
 - Peter Gutmann


Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 21 May 2013 05:53:46 +0300, Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:

 BTW, why I didn't find the source code to the sys module in the 'Lib'

Because sys is a built-in module. It is embedded in the Python 


PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator

2013-05-20 Thread Carlos Nepomuceno
Is there a way to format integers with thousands separator (digit grouping) 
like the format specifier of str.format()?

I'm currently using the following:

 sys.stdout.write('Number = %s\n' % '{:,.0f}'.format(x))
Number = 12,345

'x' is unsigned integer so it's like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut!

I'd like to have something like:

sys.stdout.write('Number = %,u\n' % x)

Is that possible? How can I do it if not already available? 

Re: PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator

2013-05-20 Thread Ned Deily
In article blu176-w10190cb892a0414c988a05d7...@phx.gbl,
 Carlos Nepomuceno wrote:
 Is there a way to format integers with thousands separator (digit grouping) 
 like the format specifier of str.format()? 
 I'm currently using the following: 
  sys.stdout.write('Number = %s\n' % '{:,.0f}'.format(x))
 Number = 12,345 
 'x' is unsigned integer so it's like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut! 
 I'd like to have something like:
 sys.stdout.write('Number = %,u\n' % x)
 Is that possible? How can I do it if not already available?   

For Python 3.2+ or 2.7, why not just:

 print('Number = {:,}'.format(x))
Number = 12,345

 Ned Deily,


Re: Question about ast.literal_eval

2013-05-20 Thread Frank Millman

On 21/05/2013 04:39, wrote:

You might find the asteval module ( useful.   It 
provides a relatively safe eval, for example:

  import asteval
  a = asteval.Interpreter()
  a.eval('x = abc')
  a.eval('x in (abc, xyz)')
  a.eval('import os')
import os
 'Import' not supported
 name '__import__' is not defined

This works by maintaining an internal namespace (a flat dictionary), and 
walking the AST generated for the expression.  It supports most Python syntax,
including if, for, while, and try/except blocks, and function definitions, and 
with the notable exceptions of eval, exec, class, lambda, yield, and import.   
This requires Python2.6 and higher, and does work with Python3.3.

Of course, it is not guaranteed to be completely safe, but it does disallow 
imports, which seems like the biggest vulnerability concern listed here.  
Currently, there is no explicit protection against long-running calculations 
for denial of service attacks.  If you're exposing an SQL database to 
user-generated code, that may be worth considering.

Thanks for this, Matt. I will definitely look into it.



[issue16024] Doc cleanup regarding path=fd, dir_fd, follow_symlinks, etc

2013-05-20 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

I would, but I can't get it to apply cleanly, either to tip or to historical 
revisions back in Sepember.  Kaleb, what revision is the branch that you 
generated the diff from?


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

David: not sure.  I don't think I'd go for it---I think the cure is worse than 
the disease.

 I think the FAQ is why it fails when the extend succeeds



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[issue18020] html.escape 10x slower than cgi.escape

2013-05-20 Thread Florent Xicluna

New submission from Florent Xicluna:

I noticed the convenient ``html.escape`` in Python 3.2 and ``cgi.escape`` is 
marked as deprecated.

However, the former is an order of magnitude slower than the latter.

$ python3 --version
Python 3.3.2

With html.escape:

$ python3 -m timeit -s from html import escape as html; from cgi import 
escape; s = repr(copyright) h = html(s)
1 loops, best of 3: 48.7 usec per loop
$ python3 -m timeit -s from html import escape as html; from cgi import 
escape; s = repr(copyright) * 19 h = html(s)
1000 loops, best of 3: 898 usec per loop

With cgi.escape:

$ python3 -m timeit -s from html import escape as html; from cgi import 
escape; s = repr(copyright) h = escape(s)
10 loops, best of 3: 7.42 usec per loop
$ python3 -m timeit -s from html import escape as html; from cgi import 
escape; s = repr(copyright) * 19 h = escape(s)
1 loops, best of 3: 21.5 usec per loop

Since this kind of function is called frequently in template engines, it makes 
a difference.
Of course C replacements are available on PyPI: MarkupSafe or Webext

But it would be nice to restore the performance of cgi.escape with a pragmatic 
`.replace(` approach.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 189641
nosy: ezio.melotti, flox, orsenthil
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: html.escape 10x slower than cgi.escape
type: performance
versions: Python 3.2, Python 3.3

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16611] multiple problems with

2013-05-20 Thread Florent Xicluna

Florent Xicluna added the comment:

Eric, this last one is not a bug in Cookie. This is a limitation with Python 2. 
See #18012.

nosy: +flox

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18020] html.escape 10x slower than cgi.escape

2013-05-20 Thread Graham Dumpleton

Graham Dumpleton added the comment:

Importing the cgi module the first time even in Python 2.X was always very 
expensive. I would suggest you redo the test using timing done inside of the 
script after modules have been imported so as to properly separate module 
import time in both cases from execution time of the specific function.

nosy: +grahamd

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18020] html.escape 10x slower than cgi.escape

2013-05-20 Thread Florent Xicluna

Florent Xicluna added the comment:

 I would suggest you redo the test using timing done inside of the script 
 after modules have been imported.

The -s switch takes care of this.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17976] file.write doesn't raise IOError when it should

2013-05-20 Thread Jaakko Moisio

Jaakko Moisio added the comment:

 The test pass with Python 3 which does not use the FILE* API
 anymore. So you should maybe migrate to Python 3 :-)

Yes. I will eventually. But not all the libraries I'm using are migrated yet.

Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16024] Doc cleanup regarding path=fd, dir_fd, follow_symlinks, etc

2013-05-20 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

p.s. Thanks for reviving the patch.  I forgot about this one!


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18020] html.escape 10x slower than cgi.escape

2013-05-20 Thread Graham Dumpleton

Graham Dumpleton added the comment:

Whoops. Missed the quoting.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

David: your update to the FAQ looks ok to me.

I don't like updating the __setitem__ of tuple to allow setting an identical 
value (that is 'a[0] = a[0]'), it is a bit too magic to my taste and hides the 
real problem.

I'd slightly prefer my idea: update the code generated for += to try performing 
the assignment before calling __iadd__.  I hadn't looked at the AST compiler 
before, but at first glance implementing my idea seems easier than I had 
expected and I'm working on an experimental patch.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

 it is a bit too magic to my taste and hides the real problem.

Agreed.  I do wonder whether there's a solution that allows the operation to 
succeed, though.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

issue-17973-experimental.txt is a very crude first attempt at catching augment 
assignment to an immutable LHS. On first glance the code works, but it causes 
problems in the test suite and hence isn't correct yet. The generated code also 
isn't optimal, the LHS is evaluated too many times.

With the patch ``([],)[0] += ['a']`` raises an exception, and doesn't update 
the list. 

I also haven't done benchmarking of the code, I'd expect a slowdown in micro 
benchmarks for augmented assignment when the LHS isn't a simple name because 
there is more byte code (``a[0] += b`` disassembly expands from 8 to 14 lines).

Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

Allowing the operation to succeed wouldn't be right, you are assigning to an 
immutable location after all.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Unfortunately, I don't think the checking first approach can work either:  in 
the case where the object *does* accept assignments, it will now be assigned to 
twice.  If there are side-effects from those assignments, then that will change 

An example is the Enthought traits library, where assignment to a list item 
causes a notification to be fired;  with this change, listeners would now 
receive two events instead of one.

I suspect there just isn't a good solution here.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18011] Inconsistency between b32decode() documentation, docstring and code

2013-05-20 Thread Ethan Furman

Changes by Ethan Furman

nosy: +ethan.furman

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti

nosy: +ezio.melotti

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:

what if we try the assignment, and catch TypeError only if __iadd__ returned 

nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17914] add os.cpu_count()

2013-05-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 5e0c56557390 by Charles-Francois Natali in branch 'default':
Issue #17914: Add os.cpu_count(). Patch by Yogesh Chaudhari, based on an

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17024] cElementTree calls end() on parser taget even if start() fails

2013-05-20 Thread Eli Bendersky

Eli Bendersky added the comment:

Yes, it doesn't seem that expat cares too much about propagating errors from 
every single handler. Digging in its code comments, it says that even when 
XML_StopParser is called, some event handlers (like the one for end element) 
may still be called since otherwise they will be lost.

I don't know if this is important enough to muck with the way expat does things 
internally - I would expect this problem to exist in all Python XML modules 
that use expat.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17914] add os.cpu_count()

2013-05-20 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

Alright, committed.
Yogesh, thanks for the patch!

I'm attaching a patch to replace several occurrences of
multiprocessing.cpu_count() by os.cpu_count() in the stdlib/test

Added file:

Python tracker
___diff -r 5e0c56557390 Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst
--- a/Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst   Mon May 20 14:40:46 2013 +0200
+++ b/Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst   Mon May 20 14:52:18 2013 +0200
@@ -1646,9 +1646,9 @@
callbacks and has a parallel map implementation.
*processes* is the number of worker processes to use.  If *processes* is
-   ``None`` then the number returned by :func:`cpu_count` is used.  If
-   *initializer* is not ``None`` then each worker process will call
-   ``initializer(*initargs)`` when it starts.
+   ``None`` then the number returned by :func:`os.cpu_count` is used, with a
+   fallback value of 1.  If *initializer* is not ``None`` then each worker
+   process will call ``initializer(*initargs)`` when it starts.
.. versionadded:: 3.2
   *maxtasksperchild* is the number of tasks a worker process can complete
diff -r 5e0c56557390 Lib/concurrent/futures/
--- a/Lib/concurrent/futures/ Mon May 20 14:40:46 2013 +0200
+++ b/Lib/concurrent/futures/ Mon May 20 14:52:18 2013 +0200
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 if max_workers is None:
-self._max_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+self._max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 1
 self._max_workers = max_workers
diff -r 5e0c56557390 Lib/multiprocessing/
--- a/Lib/multiprocessing/   Mon May 20 14:40:46 2013 +0200
+++ b/Lib/multiprocessing/   Mon May 20 14:52:18 2013 +0200
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
 import queue
 import itertools
 import collections
+import os
 import time
 import traceback
-from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count, TimeoutError
+from multiprocessing import Process, TimeoutError
 from multiprocessing.util import Finalize, debug
@@ -147,10 +148,7 @@
 self._initargs = initargs
 if processes is None:
-processes = cpu_count()
-except NotImplementedError:
-processes = 1
+processes = os.cpu_count() or 1
 if processes  1:
 raise ValueError(Number of processes must be at least 1)
diff -r 5e0c56557390 Lib/test/
--- a/Lib/test/  Mon May 20 14:40:46 2013 +0200
+++ b/Lib/test/  Mon May 20 14:52:18 2013 +0200
@@ -508,12 +508,9 @@
 elif o in ('-j', '--multiprocess'):
 use_mp = int(a)
 if use_mp = 0:
-import multiprocessing
-# Use all cores + extras for tests that like to sleep
-use_mp = 2 + multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-except (ImportError, NotImplementedError):
-use_mp = 3
+# Use all cores + extras for tests that like to sleep
+ncpu = os.cpu_count() or 1
+use_mp = 2 + ncpu
 if use_mp == 1:
 use_mp = None
 elif o == '--header':
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7214] TreeBuilder.end(tag) differs between cElementTree and ElementTree

2013-05-20 Thread Eli Bendersky

Eli Bendersky added the comment:

TreeBuilder is an interface users can implement. As such, 'tag' is a 
convenience the user-defined tree builder can use, as in:

class Target(object):
def start(self, tag, attrib):
print('i see start', tag)
def end(self, tag):
print('i see end', tag)
def close(self):
return DONE

parser = ET.XMLParser(target=Target())

The default TreeBuilder simply needs to build the tree, and it doesn't actually 
use the tag argument (except for some sanity checking in the Python version). 
But user code is free to use it.

resolution:  - wont fix
stage: test needed - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17914] add os.cpu_count()

2013-05-20 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

In my patch cpu_count.patch, I changed posix_cpu_count():

 * rewrite Mac OS X implementation: code in 5e0c56557390 looks wrong. It gets a 
MIB but then don't use it when calling _bsd_cpu_count(). But I didn't check my 
patch nor the commit version on Mac OS X.
 * use int ncpu; instead of long ncpu; when calling mpctl() and sysctl(). 
For mpctl(), ncpu is used to store the result, so a wide type is ok. But for 
sysctl(), we pass a pointer. What happens if sysctl() expects int whereas we 
pass a pointer to a long? We announce sizeof(int)!?
 * inline _bsd_cpu_count()

Sorry for this late review.


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[issue18021] Update broken link to Apple Publication Style Guide

2013-05-20 Thread Madison May

New submission from Madison May:

The links at and to
 lead to a Page Not Found message and a redirect to  This url should be updated 
to point to another copy of the 2009 style guide or, the 2013 version of Apple's 
Style Guide.

components: Devguide
messages: 189659
nosy: Madison.May, ezio.melotti
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Update broken link to Apple Publication Style Guide
type: enhancement

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[issue13612] xml.etree.ElementTree says unknown encoding of a regular encoding

2013-05-20 Thread Eli Bendersky

Eli Bendersky added the comment:

In 3.3+ there's no distinction between wide and narrow builds. Does anyone know 
how this should be affected? [I don't know much about unicode and encodings, 


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[issue14009] Clearer documentation for cElementTree

2013-05-20 Thread Eli Bendersky

Eli Bendersky added the comment:

The ET docs have been significantly revamped in 3.3

I don't think cET needs to be documented. It's just confusing.

resolution:  - wont fix
stage: commit review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue18021] Update broken link to Apple Publication Style Guide

2013-05-20 Thread Madison May

Changes by Madison May

type: enhancement - behavior

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[issue17900] Recursive OrderedDict pickling

2013-05-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:



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[issue18022] Inconsistency between quopri.decodestring() and email.quoprimime.decode()

2013-05-20 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

 import quopri, email.quoprimime

I don't see a rule about double '=' in RFC 1521-1522 or RFCs 2045-2047 and I 
think quopri is wrong.

Other half of this bug (encoding '=' as '==') was fixed in 9bc52706d283.

components: Library (Lib), email
messages: 189663
nosy: Jeremy.Hylton, barry, gvanrossum, r.david.murray, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Inconsistency between quopri.decodestring() and email.quoprimime.decode()
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue17955] Minor updates to Functional HOWTO

2013-05-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 20409786cf8e by Andrew Kuchling in branch 'default':
#17955: minor updates to Functional howto

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue17955] Minor updates to Functional HOWTO

2013-05-20 Thread A.M. Kuchling

Changes by A.M. Kuchling

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue17955] Minor updates to Functional HOWTO

2013-05-20 Thread A.M. Kuchling

Changes by A.M. Kuchling

stage: commit review - committed/rejected

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[issue18003] New lzma crazy slow with line-oriented reading.

2013-05-20 Thread Michael Fox

Michael Fox added the comment:

I was thinking about this line:

end = self._buffer.find(b\n, self._buffer_offset) + 1

Might be a bug? For example, is there a unicode where one of several
bytes is '\n'? In this case it splits the line in the middle of a
character, right?

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis wrote:

 Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

 nosy: +Arfrever

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[issue8743] set() operators don't work with collections.Set instances

2013-05-20 Thread Nick Coghlan

Changes by Nick Coghlan

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue2226] Small _abcoll Bugs / Oddities

2013-05-20 Thread Nick Coghlan

Changes by Nick Coghlan

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset b363473cfe9c by R David Murray in branch '3.3':
#17973: Add FAQ entry for ([],)[0] += [1] both extending and raising.

New changeset 6d2f0edb0758 by R David Murray in branch 'default':
Merge #17973: Add FAQ entry for ([],)[0] += [1] both extending and raising.

New changeset 8edfe539d4c6 by R David Murray in branch '2.7':
#17973: Add FAQ entry for ([],)[0] += [1] both extending and raising.

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue17973] FAQ entry for: '+=' on a list inside tuple both succeeds and raises an exception

2013-05-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

You still have the side effect problem, as far as I can see.

I'm going to close this doc issue, if you guys do come up with some clever fix, 
you can reopen it again :)

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue18003] New lzma crazy slow with line-oriented reading.

2013-05-20 Thread Nadeem Vawda

Nadeem Vawda added the comment:

No, that is the intended behavior for binary streams - they operate at
the level of individual byes. If you want to treat your input file as
Unicode-encoded text, you should open it in text mode. This will return a
TextIOWrapper which handles the decoding and line splitting properly.


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[issue9189] Improve CFLAGS handling

2013-05-20 Thread Jed Brown

Jed Brown added the comment:

Undefined variables are still a problem:

$ echo 'FROTZ = ${CFLAGS}'  make.py3
$ python3
Python 3.3.1 (default, Apr  6 2013, 19:03:55) 
[GCC 4.8.0] on linux
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import distutils.sysconfig
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/distutils/, line 367, in parse_makefile
item = str(done['PY_' + n])
KeyError: 'PY_CFLAGS'

Proposed fix:

--- i/Lib/distutils/
+++ w/Lib/distutils/
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def parse_makefile(fn, g=None):
 found = False
-item = str(done['PY_' + n])
+item = str(done.get('PY_' + n, ''))
 done[n] = item = 
 if found:

nosy: +jedbrown

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[issue2226] Small _abcoll Bugs / Oddities

2013-05-20 Thread Florent Xicluna

Changes by Florent Xicluna

nosy: +flox

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[issue17914] add os.cpu_count()

2013-05-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset a85ac58e9eaf by Charles-Francois Natali in branch 'default':
Issue #17914: Remove OS-X special-case, and use the correct int type.


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[issue13612] xml.etree.ElementTree says unknown encoding of a regular encoding

2013-05-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:

encoding=GBK causes a buffer overflow in PyUnknownEncodingHandler, because 
the result of PyUnicode_Decode() is only 192 characters long.
Exact behavior is not defined...


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[issue17914] add os.cpu_count()

2013-05-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset f9d815522cdb by Charles-Francois Natali in branch 'default':
Issue #17914: We can now inline _bsd_cpu_count().


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