Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 17:28, Michael Speer  wrote:
> it's a quirk of implementation. the scheduler currently only checks if it
> needs to release the gil after the POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE,

Oh now that is VERY interesting. It's a quirk of implementation, yes,
but there's a reason for it; a bug being solved. The underlying
guarantee about __exit__ should be considered to be defined behaviour,
meaning that the precise quirk might not be relevant even though the
bug has to remain fixed in all future versions. But I'd also note here
that, if it can be absolutely 100% guaranteed that the GIL will be
released and signals checked on a reasonable interval, there's no
particular reason to state that signals are checked after every single
Python bytecode. (See the removed comment about empty loops, which
would have been a serious issue and is probably why the backward jump
rule exists.)

So it wouldn't be too hard for a future release of Python to mandate
atomicity of certain specific operations. Obviously it'd require
buy-in from other implementations, but it would be rather convenient
if, subject to some very tight rules like "only when adding integers
onto core data types" etc, a simple statement like "x.y += 1" could
actually be guaranteed to take place atomically.

Though it's still probably not as useful as you might hope. In C, if I
can do "int id = counter++;" atomically, it would guarantee me a new
ID that no other thread could ever have. But in Python, that increment
operation doesn't give you the result, so all it's really useful for
is statistics on operations done. Still, that in itself could be of
value in quite a few situations.

In any case, though, this isn't something to depend upon at the moment.


Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Michael Speer

it's a quirk of implementation. the scheduler currently only checks if it
needs to release the gil after the POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE,

>>> import code
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis( code.update_x_times )
 10   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (range)
  2 LOAD_FAST0 (xx)
>>8 FOR_ITER 6 (to 22)
 10 STORE_FAST   1 (_)
 12  12 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (vv)
 14 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
 18 STORE_GLOBAL 1 (vv)
 20 JUMP_ABSOLUTE4 (to 8)
# GIL CAN RELEASE HERE (after JUMP_ABSOLUTE points the instruction
counter back to FOR_ITER, but before the interpreter actually jumps to
FOR_ITER again) #
 10 >>   22 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

due to this, this section:
 12  12 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (vv)
 14 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
 18 STORE_GLOBAL 1 (vv)

is effectively locked/atomic on post-3.10 interpreters, though this is
neither portable nor guaranteed to stay that way into the future

On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 10:19 PM Michael Speer  wrote:

> I wanted to provide an example that your claimed atomicity is simply
> wrong, but I found there is something different in the 3.10+ cpython
> implementations.
> I've tested the code at the bottom of this message using a few docker
> python images, and it appears there is a difference starting in 3.10.0
> python3.8
> EXPECTED 256000
> ACTUAL   84533137
> python:3.9
> EXPECTED 256000
> ACTUAL   95311773
> python:3.10 (.8)
> EXPECTED 256000
> ACTUAL   256000
> just to see if there was a specific sub-version of 3.10 that added it
> python:3.10.0
> EXPECTED 256000
> ACTUAL   256000
> nope, from the start of 3.10 this is happening
> the only difference in the bytecode I see is 3.10 adds SETUP_LOOP and
> POP_BLOCK around the for loop
> I don't see anything different in the long c code that I would expect
> would cause this.
> AFAICT the inplace add is null for longs and so should revert to the
> long_add that always creates a new integer in x_add
> another test
> python:3.11
> EXPECTED 256000
> ACTUAL   256000
> I'm not sure where the difference is at the moment. I didn't see anything
> in the release notes given a quick glance.
> I do agree that you shouldn't depend on this unless you find a written
> guarantee of the behavior, as it is likely an implementation quirk of some
> kind
> --[code]--
> import threading
> UPDATES = 1000
> THREADS = 256
> vv = 0
> def update_x_times( xx ):
> for _ in range( xx ):
> global vv
> vv += 1
> def main():
> tts = []
> for _ in range( THREADS ):
> tts.append( threading.Thread( target = update_x_times, args =
> (UPDATES,) ) )
> for tt in tts:
> tt.start()
> for tt in tts:
> tt.join()
> print( 'ACTUAL  ', vv )
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> main()
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 6:35 PM Jon Ribbens via Python-list <
>> wrote:
>> On 2023-02-26, Barry Scott  wrote:
>> > On 25/02/2023 23:45, Jon Ribbens via Python-list wrote:
>> >> I think it is the case that x += 1 is atomic but foo.x += 1 is not.
>> >
>> > No that is not true, and has never been true.
>> >
>> >:>>> def x(a):
>> >:...a += 1
>> >:...
>> >:>>>
>> >:>>> dis.dis(x)
>> >   1   0 RESUME   0
>> >
>> >   2   2 LOAD_FAST0 (a)
>> >   4 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
>> >   6 BINARY_OP   13 (+=)
>> >  10 STORE_FAST   0 (a)
>> >  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
>> >:>>>
>> >
>> > As you can see there are 4 byte code ops executed.
>> >
>> > Python's eval loop can switch to another thread between any of them.
>> >
>> > Its is not true that the GIL provides atomic operations in python.
>> That's oversimplifying to the point of falsehood (just as the opposite
>> would be too). And: see my other reply in this thread just now - if the
>> GIL isn't making "x += 1" atomic, something else is.
>> --

RE: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

2023-02-26 Thread avi.e.gross
Only sometimes.

Is it an insult to suggest the question about what quotes to use is quite 
basic? Python has a wide variety of ways to make a string and if you have text 
that contains one kind of quote, you can nest it in the other kind. Otherwise, 
it really does not matter.

And, yes, there are triply quoted strings as well as raw and formatted but to 
know about these things, you might have to read a manual.

Since you won't, I provided an answer. The answer is that for the meaningless 
Fizzbuzz homework type of problem which is just ASCII text, it does not matter 
at all which kind of quote you use as long as what you use matches itself at 
the end of the string and as long as you use the ASCII versions, not the ones 
you might make in programs like WORD that have a pair for each.

Oh, by the way, people here use lots of editors to deal with their code 
including versions derived from vi and emacs and MANY others, so many people 
here need to be told why you are asking some of your editing questions that do 
not at first seem to relate. We strive to focus here a bit more on using the 
language than on how to make your editor do tricks.

-Original Message-
From: Python-list  On 
Behalf Of Hen Hanna
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

On Monday, August 29, 2022 at 7:18:22 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:
> Just because. 
> from math import gcd 

> def fizz(n: int) -> str: 
>match gcd(n, 15): 
>   case 3: return "Fizz" 
>   case 5: return "Buzz" 
>   case 15: return "FizzBuzz" 
>   case _: return str(n) 
> for i in range(1,101): 
> print(fizz(i))

is there any reason to prefer"over'   ?


Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Michael Speer
I wanted to provide an example that your claimed atomicity is simply wrong,
but I found there is something different in the 3.10+ cpython

I've tested the code at the bottom of this message using a few docker
python images, and it appears there is a difference starting in 3.10.0

ACTUAL   84533137
ACTUAL   95311773
python:3.10 (.8)
ACTUAL   256000

just to see if there was a specific sub-version of 3.10 that added it
ACTUAL   256000

nope, from the start of 3.10 this is happening

the only difference in the bytecode I see is 3.10 adds SETUP_LOOP and
POP_BLOCK around the for loop

I don't see anything different in the long c code that I would expect would
cause this.

AFAICT the inplace add is null for longs and so should revert to the
long_add that always creates a new integer in x_add

another test
ACTUAL   256000

I'm not sure where the difference is at the moment. I didn't see anything
in the release notes given a quick glance.

I do agree that you shouldn't depend on this unless you find a written
guarantee of the behavior, as it is likely an implementation quirk of some


import threading

UPDATES = 1000

vv = 0

def update_x_times( xx ):
for _ in range( xx ):
global vv
vv += 1

def main():
tts = []
for _ in range( THREADS ):
tts.append( threading.Thread( target = update_x_times, args =
(UPDATES,) ) )

for tt in tts:

for tt in tts:

print( 'ACTUAL  ', vv )

if __name__ == '__main__':

On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 6:35 PM Jon Ribbens via Python-list <> wrote:

> On 2023-02-26, Barry Scott  wrote:
> > On 25/02/2023 23:45, Jon Ribbens via Python-list wrote:
> >> I think it is the case that x += 1 is atomic but foo.x += 1 is not.
> >
> > No that is not true, and has never been true.
> >
> >:>>> def x(a):
> >:...a += 1
> >:...
> >:>>>
> >:>>> dis.dis(x)
> >   1   0 RESUME   0
> >
> >   2   2 LOAD_FAST0 (a)
> >   4 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
> >   6 BINARY_OP   13 (+=)
> >  10 STORE_FAST   0 (a)
> >  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
> >:>>>
> >
> > As you can see there are 4 byte code ops executed.
> >
> > Python's eval loop can switch to another thread between any of them.
> >
> > Its is not true that the GIL provides atomic operations in python.
> That's oversimplifying to the point of falsehood (just as the opposite
> would be too). And: see my other reply in this thread just now - if the
> GIL isn't making "x += 1" atomic, something else is.
> --

RE: one Liner: Lisprint(x) --> (a, b, c) instead of ['a', 'b', 'c']

2023-02-26 Thread avi.e.gross
I so rarely need to save a list in python in a form acceptable to LISP but here 
is a go with no visible recursion needed.

>>> nested = [1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6, 7], 8], 9]

>>> print(nested)
[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6, 7], 8], 9]

# Just converting to a tuple does not change nested lists
>>> print(tuple(nested))
(1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6, 7], 8], 9)

# But a function that typographically replaces [] with () needs no recursion
>>> def p2b(nested_list): return 
>>> repr(nested_list).replace('[','(').replace(']',')')

>>> print(p2b(nested))
(1, 2, (3, 4, (5, 6, 7), 8), 9)

People who speak python well do not necessarily lisp.

-Original Message-
From: Python-list  On 
Behalf Of Hen Hanna
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: one Liner: Lisprint(x) --> (a, b, c) instead of ['a', 'b', 'c']

On Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 11:45:12 PM UTC-8, Hen Hanna wrote:
> def Lisprint(x): print( ' (' + ', '.join(x) + ')' , '\n') 
> a= ' a b c ? def f x if zero? x 0 1 ' 
> a += ' A B C ! just an example ' 
> x= a.split() 
> print(x) 
> Lisprint(x) 
> ['a', 'b', 'c', '?', 'def', 'f', 'x', 'if', 'zero?', 'x', '0', '1', 'A', 'B', 
> 'C', '!', 'just', 'an', 'example'] 
> (a, b, c, ?, def, f, x, if, zero?, x, 0, 1, A, B, C, !, just, an, example)

For nested lists  impossible to improve   upon  P.Norvig's  code

def Lisprint(x):   print(lispstr(x))

def lispstr(exp):
"Convert a Python object back into a Lisp-readable string."
if isinstance(exp, list):
return '(' + ' '.join(map(lispstr, exp)) + ')' 
return str(exp)

a=' a b c '
x= a.split()
x +=  [['a', 'b', 'c']]
x +=  x


['a', 'b', 'c', ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a', 'b', 'c', ['a', 'b', 'c']]

(a b c (a b c) a b c (a b c))

  --   Without the commas,   the visual difference 
(concision)  is  striking !


Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread Thomas Passin

On 2/26/2023 8:40 PM, MRAB wrote:

On 2023-02-26 16:56, Hen Hanna wrote:

On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 6:41:01 AM UTC-8, Thomas Passin wrote:
On 2/25/2023 8:12 PM, Hen Hanna wrote: > 2. the rude guy ('dn') 
hasn't offered a single word of comment that's directly relevant to 
it. > >  but he did offer related stuff which he   thinks i 
should be [grateful] for

Please let's stop the ad hominem messages. If someone doesn't like a 
particular person's messages, send them to spam or don't read them. 
If too many people start to get too rude or personal, remind the 
whole list of the guidelines for respectful participation. If you 
feel that someone's contribution was especially helpful in part 
because it was concise and to the point, you could say that.

yes.   let's stop...

If you  (Thomas Passin)   feel that  someone's contribution was 
especially helpful in part because it was

  concise and to the point, you could say that.
 and pls don't hesitate to reproduce such a 

i'm sure a few others were also rude, but  it was the rudest of them 
all ('dn')  that   told me to read some [Code of Conduct] document.   
 Do not EVER  do that  again.

Another rude guy who "asked"  me why i write in a Hard-to-read 
way  Why don't you at least   also make a comment that's  
On-Topic  besides  the insulting remark ?

so far,  i think  Paul Rubin's post (in another thread) was esp. 
concise, informative, --- but he's also made a comment about   
'shunting'  beginners  (questions) to a concentration camp, and 
sounded  a bit  like a cold-hearted (or warm-hearted)  Nazi  officer / 

Oh dear. An example of Godwin's Law.

+1 Nicely put!


Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread Larry Martell
On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 5:46 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 12:44, MRAB  wrote:
> > Oh dear. An example of Godwin's Law.
> Yeah, is that finally enough to get this user banned ?

I hope so


Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 12:44, MRAB  wrote:
> Oh dear. An example of Godwin's Law.

Yeah, is that finally enough to get this user banned already?


Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread MRAB

On 2023-02-26 16:56, Hen Hanna wrote:

On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 6:41:01 AM UTC-8, Thomas Passin wrote:
On 2/25/2023 8:12 PM, Hen Hanna wrote: 
> 2. the rude guy ('dn') hasn't offered a single word of comment that's directly relevant to it. 
> >  but he did offer related stuff which he   thinks i should be [grateful] for

Please let's stop the ad hominem messages. If someone doesn't like a 
particular person's messages, send them to spam or don't read them. If 
too many people start to get too rude or personal, remind the whole list 
of the guidelines for respectful participation. If you feel that 
someone's contribution was especially helpful in part because it was 
concise and to the point, you could say that.

yes.   let's stop...

If you  (Thomas Passin)   feel that  someone's contribution was especially 
helpful in part because it was
  concise and to the point, you could say that.
 and pls don't hesitate to reproduce such a comment.

i'm sure a few others were also rude, but  it was the rudest of them all ('dn') 
 that   told me to read some [Code of Conduct] document.    Do not EVER 
 do that  again.

Another rude guy who "asked"  me why i write in a Hard-to-read way  Why 
don't you at least   also make a comment that's  On-Topic  besides  the insulting remark ?

so far,  i think  Paul Rubin's post (in another thread) was esp. concise, 
informative, --- but he's also made a comment about   'shunting'  beginners 
 (questions) to a concentration camp, and sounded  a bit  like a 
cold-hearted (or warm-hearted)  Nazi  officer / scientist.

Oh dear. An example of Godwin's Law.

Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 10:42, Jon Ribbens via Python-list
> On 2023-02-26, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 at 16:16, Jon Ribbens via Python-list
> > wrote:
> >> On 2023-02-25, Paul Rubin  wrote:
> >> > The GIL is an evil thing, but it has been around for so long that most
> >> > of us have gotten used to it, and some user code actually relies on it.
> >> > For example, with the GIL in place, a statement like "x += 1" is always
> >> > atomic, I believe.  But, I think it is better to not have any shared
> >> > mutables regardless.
> >>
> >> I think it is the case that x += 1 is atomic but foo.x += 1 is not.
> >> Any replacement for the GIL would have to keep the former at least,
> >> plus the fact that you can do hundreds of things like list.append(foo)
> >> which are all effectively atomic.
> >
> > The GIL is most assuredly *not* an evil thing. If you think it's so
> > evil, go ahead and remove it, because we'll clearly be better off
> > without it, right?
> If you say so. I said nothing whatsoever about the GIL being evil.

You didn't, but I was also responding to Paul's description that the
GIL "is an evil thing". Apologies if that wasn't clear.

> Yes, sure, you can make x += 1 not work even single-threaded if you
> make custom types which override basic operations. I'm talking about
> when you're dealing with simple atomic built-in types such as integers.
> > Here's the equivalent with just incrementing a global:
> >
>  def thrd():
> > ... x += 1
> > ...
>  dis.dis(thrd)
> >   1   0 RESUME   0
> >
> >   2   2 LOAD_FAST_CHECK  0 (x)
> >   4 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
> >   6 BINARY_OP   13 (+=)
> >  10 STORE_FAST   0 (x)
> >  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
> >
> > The exact same sequence: load, add, store. Still not atomic.
> And yet, it appears that *something* changed between Python 2
> and Python 3 such that it *is* atomic:

I don't think that's a guarantee. You might be unable to make it
break, but that doesn't mean it's dependable.

In any case, it's not the GIL that's doing this. It might be a quirk
of the current implementation of the core evaluation loop, or it might
be something unrelated, but whatever it is, removing the GIL wouldn't
change that; and it's certainly no different whether it's a global or
an attribute of an object.


[Python-announce] ANN: Austin -- CPython frame stack sampler v3.5 is now available

2023-02-26 Thread Gabriele Tornetta
I am delighted to announce the 3.5 release of Austin. If you haven't heard of 
Austin before, it is an open-source frame stack sampler for CPython, 
distributed under the GPLv3 license. It can be used to obtain statistical 
profiling data out of a running Python application without a single line of 
instrumentation. This means that you can start profiling a Python application 
straight away, even while it's running in a production environment, with 
minimal impact on performance.

The Austin VS Code extension provides a smooth interactive profiling 
experience, with interactive flame graphs straight into the text editor to 
allow you to quickly jump to the source code with a simple click. You can find 
the extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace and install it directly from VS 

To see how to make the best of Austin with VS Code to find and fix performance 
issues, check out this blog post, which shows you the editor extension in 
action on a real Python project:

Like the most recent releases, this new one also come with some performance 
improvements, this time in the shape of higher sampling rates in multiprocess 
mode. The interpreter detection has also been improved across all supported 
platforms, and the alternative format has been dropped.

But the main new feature is the support for the new column-level location 
information that is built into Python 3.11 code objects. This additional 
information allows extracting finer-grained profiling data, down to the 
expression level. The VS Code extension has been improved to support this extra 
location data, which will be visualised in the form of source heat maps.

More details about what's new and bug-fixes can be found in the change-log

Austin is a pure C application that has no dependencies other than the C 
standard library. Its source code is hosted on GitHub at

The README contains installation and usage details, as well as some examples of 
Austin in action. Details on how to contribute to Austin's development can be 
found at the bottom of the page.

Austin can be installed easily on the following platforms and from the 
following sources:

- Snap Store
- Conda Forge

- Homebrew
- Conda Forge

- Chocolatey
- Scoop

An Austin docker image, based on the latest Ubuntu image, is also available 
from Docker Hub:

Austin is also simple to compile from sources as it only depends on the 
standard C library, if you don't have access to the above-listed sources.

You can stay up-to-date with the project's development by following Austin on 
Twitter (

Austin is a free and open-source project. A lot of effort goes into its 
development to ensure the best performance and that it stays up-to-date with 
the latest Python releases. If you find it useful, consider sponsoring this 
project on GitHub at

All the best,
Gabriele;>Austin 3.5 - frame stack 
sampler for CPython. (26-Feb-23)
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Re: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

2023-02-26 Thread Skip Montanaro
Dang auto-correct... Should read

... double quotes around "strings" and single quotes around 'c'haracters ...

On Sun, Feb 26, 2023, 6:28 PM Skip Montanaro 

> is there any reason to prefer"over'   ?
> Not really. As an old C programmer for many years I used double
> quotes"around "strings" and single word around 'c'haracters, because that's
> what I was used to. (This was long before triple quoted strings appeared in
> the language.)
> Aside: Given all the various ways to quote strings for display, it irks me
> a bit to see repr() still use single quotes in all cases, which requires
> display of single quotes to be escaped. (In similar fashion, it would be a
> minor improvement in my mind if the repr() code used raw strings where they
> would simplify the display.)
> Skip

Re: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

2023-02-26 Thread Skip Montanaro
> is there any reason to prefer"over'   ?

Not really. As an old C programmer for many years I used double
quotes"around "strings" and single word around 'c'haracters, because that's
what I was used to. (This was long before triple quoted strings appeared in
the language.)

Aside: Given all the various ways to quote strings for display, it irks me
a bit to see repr() still use single quotes in all cases, which requires
display of single quotes to be escaped. (In similar fashion, it would be a
minor improvement in my mind if the repr() code used raw strings where they
would simplify the display.)



Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Skip Montanaro
> And yet, it appears that *something* changed between Python 2 and Python
3 such that it *is* atomic:

I haven't looked, but something to check in the source is opcode
prediction. It's possible that after the BINARY_OP executes, opcode
prediction jumps straight to the STORE_FAST opcode, avoiding the transfer
to the top of the virtual machine loop. That would (I think) avoid checks
related to GIL release and thread switches.

I don't guarantee that's what's going on, and even if I'm correct, I don't
think you can rely on it.


Re: Rob Cliffe should stop sending me rude email messages.

2023-02-26 Thread Larry Martell
On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 3:49 PM Hen Hanna  wrote:

> Rob Cliffe should stop sending me rude email messages.

You should stop spamming this lists with with meaningless posts.

Re: Rob Cliffe should stop sending me rude email messages.

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna

[I replied to the list, but for some reason my posts don't always get through, 
so I'm replying to you separately.]

   i guess   if you have anything useful to say  you can do 
that again.
Your comments   about (not "int")  (whch didn't get 
through, apparently)  
   were among the few that were  relevant.

On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 10:10:09 AM UTC-8, Hen Hanna wrote:
> Rob Cliffe should stop sending me rude email messages. 
> At the very least, Rob Cliffe should stop sending me ANY email messages, if 
> he doesn't intend to an email i've sent him.

At the very least,Rob Cliffeshould stop sending me
  ANY email messages,  
if he doesn't intend to respond to an email i've sent him.

 (he failed to respond to   2 (or 3)   i've 
sent him)

USENET  Nazi  said:
Yes your questions do seem excessively frequent even here 
on Usenet yes.

this puts me in such a difficult position   i feel i have to  post a few 
more just to show that i'm not folloiwng the Nazi's  advice (or suggestion)   
or  those of thisRob Cliffe 

Re: Vim (To move text-Lines between files) ___ :ab wt w! ~/ ___ :ab rt r ~/

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna
On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 10:28:41 AM UTC-8, rbowman wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 09:17:46 -0800 (PST), Hen Hanna wrote: 
> > To move text-Lines between files --- i do this (below) Maybe 
> > there's a better (or more standard) way, but i've been doing this for 
> > 30+ years, so i'll prob. keep doing it. 
> >
> You can use the buffers. 
> "a yy will add the current line to buffer a. 
> "A 5 yy will add 5 lines to buffer a. Note the use of case. 
> "a p will write the contents of buffer a to the other file. 
> Note that buffer a does not interfere with using a for a bookmark. In 
> other words if you've marked an area with 'm a', "a y'a will put the 
> text from the current position to the bookmark in buffer a. 
> Also note that "* p will insert the contents of the clipboard or copy the 
> text to the clipboard. I use that if I have files open in two different 
> gvim instances.

thank you... that seems to work...i dont like to split  the screen   (into  
Panes) in Vim

   Select the text in visual mode, then press y to "yank" it into 
the buffer (copy)
   or d to "delete" it into the buffer (cut).

   Then you can :split  to split your vim window up, 
  and press p to paste in the yanked text. Write the 
file as normal.

   To close the split again, pass the split you want to close :q .

USENET  Nazi  said:
Yes your questions do seem excessively frequent even here 
on Usenet yes.

Usenet-Nazis think they own the Usenet.- i'm   so  GLAD  that   
they don't ! ! !

**   The Usenet-Nazi  as in .. "The Soup Nazi" is the 116th episode of 
the NBC sitcom Seinfeld, which was the sixth episode of the seventh season. 

Rob Cliffe should stop sending me rude email messages.

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna

Rob Cliffe should stop sending me rude email messages.

At the very least,   Rob Cliffe should stop sending me ANY email messages, if 
he doesn't intend to an email i've sent him.


Re: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna
On Monday, August 29, 2022 at 7:18:22 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:
> Just because. 
> from math import gcd 

> def fizz(n: int) -> str: 
>match gcd(n, 15): 
>   case 3: return "Fizz" 
>   case 5: return "Buzz" 
>   case 15: return "FizzBuzz" 
>   case _: return str(n) 
> for i in range(1,101): 
> print(fizz(i))

is there any reason to prefer"over'   ?

Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna

On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 6:41:01 AM UTC-8, Thomas Passin wrote:
> On 2/25/2023 8:12 PM, Hen Hanna wrote: 
> > 2. the rude guy ('dn') hasn't offered a single word of comment that's 
> > directly relevant to it. 
> > >  but he did offer related stuff which he   thinks i should be 
> > > [grateful] for

> Please let's stop the ad hominem messages. If someone doesn't like a 
> particular person's messages, send them to spam or don't read them. If 
> too many people start to get too rude or personal, remind the whole list 
> of the guidelines for respectful participation. If you feel that 
> someone's contribution was especially helpful in part because it was 
> concise and to the point, you could say that.

yes.   let's stop...

If you  (Thomas Passin)   feel that  someone's contribution was especially 
helpful in part because it was 
 concise and to the point, you could say that.
and pls don't hesitate to reproduce such a comment.

i'm sure a few others were also rude, but  it was the rudest of them all ('dn') 
 that   told me to read some [Code of Conduct] document.    Do not EVER 
 do that  again.

Another rude guy who "asked"  me why i write in a Hard-to-read way  Why 
don't you at least   also make a comment that's  On-Topic  besides  the 
insulting remark ?

so far,  i think  Paul Rubin's post (in another thread) was esp. concise, 
informative, --- but he's also made a comment about   'shunting'  beginners 
 (questions) to a concentration camp, and sounded  a bit  like a 
cold-hearted (or warm-hearted)  Nazi  officer / scientist.

I think you can speed this up by building two sets and intersecting them:

from itertools import combinations

ss = set(''.join(s) for w in ww for s in combinations(w.lower(),6))
d6 = set(d.strip().lower() for d in open('/usr/share/dict/words') if len(d)==7)
print(ss & d6)

i too often use  short Var names   x, xx, w,ww,s,ss ..
   and also long ones.

Re-indenting Python code in Vim

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna

Re-indenting Lisp code is  =%
and it works  really well !

  (define (foo x)
 (dotimes (i 100)
(bar bar x)))

--- it doesn't work as well for Python code.
(doing 5==at the 1st line Re-indents only 3 lines)

   for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
  for   xin   Dict[tuple(sorted(cw))] :
print(cw, x , end=' ')
print('other stuff',   x , end=' ')

Re: Vim (To move text-Lines between files) ___ :ab wt w! ~/ ___ :ab rt r ~/

2023-02-26 Thread rbowman
On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 09:17:46 -0800 (PST), Hen Hanna wrote:

> To move text-Lines between files --- i do this (below)   Maybe
> there's a better (or more standard) way,  but i've been doing this for
> 30+ years, so i'll prob.  keep doing it.

You can use the buffers. 

"a yy  will add the current line to buffer a.

"A 5 yy  will add 5 lines to buffer a. Note the use of case.

"a p  will write the contents of buffer a to the other file. 

Note that buffer a does not interfere with using a for a bookmark. In 
other words if you've marked an area with 'm a',  "a y'a  will put the 
text from the current position to the bookmark in buffer a.

Also note that "* p  will insert the contents of the clipboard or copy the 
text to the clipboard. I use that if I have files open in two different 
gvim instances.


Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Jon Ribbens via Python-list
On 2023-02-26, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 at 16:16, Jon Ribbens via Python-list
> wrote:
>> On 2023-02-25, Paul Rubin  wrote:
>> > The GIL is an evil thing, but it has been around for so long that most
>> > of us have gotten used to it, and some user code actually relies on it.
>> > For example, with the GIL in place, a statement like "x += 1" is always
>> > atomic, I believe.  But, I think it is better to not have any shared
>> > mutables regardless.
>> I think it is the case that x += 1 is atomic but foo.x += 1 is not.
>> Any replacement for the GIL would have to keep the former at least,
>> plus the fact that you can do hundreds of things like list.append(foo)
>> which are all effectively atomic.
> The GIL is most assuredly *not* an evil thing. If you think it's so
> evil, go ahead and remove it, because we'll clearly be better off
> without it, right?

If you say so. I said nothing whatsoever about the GIL being evil.

> As it turns out, most GIL-removal attempts have had a fairly nasty
> negative effect on performance. The GIL is a huge performance boost.
> As to what is atomic and what is not... it's complicated, as always.
> Suppose that x (or foo.x) is a custom type:

Yes, sure, you can make x += 1 not work even single-threaded if you
make custom types which override basic operations. I'm talking about
when you're dealing with simple atomic built-in types such as integers.

> Here's the equivalent with just incrementing a global:
 def thrd():
> ... x += 1
> ...
>   1   0 RESUME   0
>   2   2 LOAD_FAST_CHECK  0 (x)
>   4 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
>   6 BINARY_OP   13 (+=)
>  10 STORE_FAST   0 (x)
>  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

> The exact same sequence: load, add, store. Still not atomic.

And yet, it appears that *something* changed between Python 2
and Python 3 such that it *is* atomic:

import sys, threading
class Foo:
x = 0
foo = Foo()
y = 0
def thrd():
global y
for _ in range(1):
foo.x += 1
y += 1
threads = [threading.Thread(target=thrd) for _ in range(50)]
for t in threads: t.start()
for t in threads: t.join()
print(foo.x, y)

2.7.5 (default, Jun 28 2022, 15:30:04)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)]
(64489, 59854)

3.8.10 (default, Nov 14 2022, 12:59:47)
[GCC 9.4.0]
50 50


Vim (To move text-Lines between files) ___ :ab wt w! ~/ ___ :ab rt r ~/

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna
within Vim,  do 


To move text-Lines between files --- i do this (below)   Maybe there's a 
better (or more standard) way,  but i've been doing this for 30+ years, so i'll 
prob.  keep doing it.

i have these in my .vimrc file.

 :ab   qq   q!

   :ab   wt   w!   ~/
  :ab   rt   r~/
So i can ..

[1] from one file, do

:.wt--  write 1 line to temp file
:.,.+5 wt --  write 6 lines to temp file
:.,'a wt --  write up to (and including) mark A  to 
temp file

[2] optionally edit the temp file

[3] from another file, do the following to read (in) the temp file


> Yes your questions do seem excessively frequent even here on Usenet.  
> I have mostly been ignoring them after seeing the first few.

  what do you know about USENET ?  i'm pretty sure i've been 
posting to USENET  longer than you ...

i'm also pretty sure that i've been programming longer than you... (but you may 
be faster and better.)

Re: one Liner: Lisprint(x) --> (a, b, c) instead of ['a', 'b', 'c']

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna
On Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 11:45:12 PM UTC-8, Hen Hanna wrote:
> def Lisprint(x): print( ' (' + ', '.join(x) + ')' , '\n') 
> a= ' a b c ? def f x if zero? x 0 1 ' 
> a += ' A B C ! just an example ' 
> x= a.split() 
> print(x) 
> Lisprint(x) 
> ['a', 'b', 'c', '?', 'def', 'f', 'x', 'if', 'zero?', 'x', '0', '1', 'A', 'B', 
> 'C', '!', 'just', 'an', 'example'] 
> (a, b, c, ?, def, f, x, if, zero?, x, 0, 1, A, B, C, !, just, an, example)

For nested lists  impossible to improve   upon  P.Norvig's  code

def Lisprint(x):   print(lispstr(x))

def lispstr(exp):
"Convert a Python object back into a Lisp-readable string."
if isinstance(exp, list):
return '(' + ' '.join(map(lispstr, exp)) + ')' 
return str(exp)

a=' a b c '
x= a.split()
x +=  [['a', 'b', 'c']]
x +=  x


['a', 'b', 'c', ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a', 'b', 'c', ['a', 'b', 'c']]

(a b c (a b c) a b c (a b c))

  --   Without the commas,   the visual difference 
(concision)  is  striking !

Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Jon Ribbens via Python-list
On 2023-02-26, Barry Scott  wrote:
> On 25/02/2023 23:45, Jon Ribbens via Python-list wrote:
>> I think it is the case that x += 1 is atomic but foo.x += 1 is not.
> No that is not true, and has never been true.
>:>>> def x(a):
>:...    a += 1
>:>>> dis.dis(x)
>   1   0 RESUME   0
>   2   2 LOAD_FAST    0 (a)
>   4 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
>   6 BINARY_OP   13 (+=)
>  10 STORE_FAST   0 (a)
>  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
> As you can see there are 4 byte code ops executed.
> Python's eval loop can switch to another thread between any of them.
> Its is not true that the GIL provides atomic operations in python.

That's oversimplifying to the point of falsehood (just as the opposite
would be too). And: see my other reply in this thread just now - if the
GIL isn't making "x += 1" atomic, something else is.

one Liner: Lisprint(x) --> (a, b, c) instead of ['a', 'b', 'c']

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna

def Lisprint(x):  print( ' (' + ', '.join(x) + ')' , '\n')

a=' a b c ?  def f x if zero? x 0 1 '
a +=  ' A B C !   just an example '
x= a.split()


['a', 'b', 'c', '?', 'def', 'f', 'x', 'if', 'zero?', 'x', '0', '1', 'A', 'B', 
'C', '!', 'just', 'an', 'example']

 (a, b, c, ?, def, f, x, if, zero?, x, 0, 1, A, B, C, !, just, an, example)


Re: it seems like a few weeks ago... but actually it was more like 30 years ago that i was programming in C, and

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 10:38:00 PM UTC-8, Greg Ewing wrote:
> On 23/02/23 9:37 am, Hen Hanna wrote: 
> > for the first several weeks... whenever i used Python... all i could think 
> > ofwas  this is really Lisp (inside) with a thin veil of 
> > Java/Pascal syntax.. 
> > 
> > - that everything is first converted (macro-expanded) into 
> > (intermediated) Lisp code, and then.
> I once toyed with the idea of implementing a Python compiler 
> by translating it into Scheme and then feeding it to a Scheme 
> compiler. 
> But I quickly realised that, although Scheme and Python are 
> both dynamically-typed languages, Python is way *more* dynamic 
> than Scheme. 
> So without doing some very serious static analysis, the best 
> I could do would be just putting together calls to runtime 
> support routines that implement all the dynamic dispatching 
> that Python does for its operators, etc., and the result 
> wouldn't be much better than an interpreter. 
> There are some similarities between Python and Lisp-family 
> languages, but really Python is its own thing. 
> -- 
> Greg

   Scope (and extent ?) of   variables is one reminder that  Python is not Lisp

 fori in  range(5):  print( i )
 print( i )

ideally, after the FOR loop is done,  the (local) var  i should also disappear.
(this almost caused a bug for me)

Maybe in a future  ver. of Python,   it will be just like:

 (dotimes  (i   5)   (print   i))


Re: 'dn' saying "Welcome (to the list)"

2023-02-26 Thread Hen Hanna
On Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 9:52:35 PM UTC-8, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 at 16:23, Hen Hanna  wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, March 4, 2021 dn wrote: 
> > > Hi, and welcome to the list. 
> > 
> > 
> > note that this is the very same rude guy ('dn') who is apparently the 
> > rudest of them all. 
> > 
> > note that this is the very same rude guy ('dn') who wants to shunt me away 
> > to the TUTOR list. 
> > 
> > --- i guess i'd consider being TUTOR'ed by 'dn' (or someone like 
> > it) 
> > if i can be paid $1000 / hour for it. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Have others noticed this too? (it's often the guy who says "Welcome" 
> > that) 
> > 
> > 
> > Whenever someone says "Welcome" to me (in this way), my alarm goes off. 
> > 
> > 
> > - a good way to explain it (the Phenomenon) is... it's an 
> > indication that he's itching to treat me as a Newbie... that he 's 
> > salivating because he senses an opportunity to MANsplain and WHITEsplain 
> > things to me. 
> >
> Fine, I won't say "welcome to the list" to anyone in the future. 

the rule of thumb is...  [Don't say it ;  show it ]

Maybe 10% of the time,  ppl who say  [Welcome to ...]   are actually good 
(welcoming) ppl.

RE: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread avi.e.gross

Good tack. By not welcoming someone who is paranoid about being welcomed you
are clearly the right kind of welcoming!

Kidding aside, you have a point about one of the barrage of messages
probably not getting a great answer on your tutor forum. It is the MANY
messages often about fairly simple aspects of python, taken together, that
lead to the conclusion that this person is fairly new to python and still
thinking about things from a lifetime of experience using other languages.

I will say that at this point, it does not matter where they post as I
cannot imagine anyone having to pay them $1,000/hour for the privilege of
trying to tutor them.

There are topics raised that can be informative and lead to good discussions
amicably and as far as I can tell, many agree it would be nice if some
"error" messages provided more detail and perhaps some eventually will. But
as has been pointed out, these messages are only a small part of the python
environment and lots of other tools are typically used to debug that do
allow access to all kinds of details at breakpoints. 

I think many would be satisfied with some of the answers provided here and
note, FEW OR NONE OF US here (or am I wrong) are necessarily in a position
to make changes like this to the current or next versions of python. We are
all users who take what we get and work with it or look for a way around
things. The example used did not strike me as hard to figure out which of
X/Y was an int/str and what their values were. More time is wasted demanding
and debating a feature that is not there rather than solving the problem in
other ways.

In the interest of civility, I find removing myself sometimes works well. We
are volunteers and I don't need to volunteer to help any particular person
who does not seem to appreciate it. And if a forum fills up with nonsense so
the signal is hard to find amid the noise, why bother contributing?


-Original Message-
From: Python-list  On
Behalf Of Alan Gauld
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

On 26/02/2023 00:54, Greg Ewing via Python-list wrote:
> On 26/02/23 10:53 am, Paul Rubin wrote:
>> I'm not on either list but the purpose of the tutor list is to shunt 
>> beginner questions away from the main list.

I'm not sure that's why we set it up but it is certainly a large part of our
remit. But protecting newbies from overly complex responses and covering
wider topics (beyond pure Pyhon) is also a large part of our purpose.

> There's a fundamental problem with tutor lists. They rely on 
> experienced people, the ones capable of answering the questions, to go 
> out of their way to read the tutor list -- something that is not of 
> personal benefit to them.

In practice, the "tutors" tend to be split between folks who inhabit both
lists and those who only interact on the tutor list. eg. I lurk here and
only occasionally partake.

But the problem with this particular thread is that, if directed to the
tutor list, the OP would simply be told that "that's the way Python works".
The tutor list is not for discussing language enhancements etc. It is purely
about answering questions on how to use the language (and standard library)
as it exists.
(We also cover beginner questions about programming in general.)

So this thread is most definitely in the right place IMHO.

Alan G
Tutor list moderator



Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread Thomas Passin

On 2/25/2023 8:12 PM, Hen Hanna wrote:

2. the rude guy ('dn') hasn't  offered  a single word of comment   that's 
directly relevant to it.
>    but he did  offer related stuff  which he 

thinks i should be  [grateful] for

Please let's stop the ad hominem messages. If someone doesn't like a 
particular person's messages, send them to spam or don't read them.  If 
too many people start to get too rude or personal, remind the whole list 
of the guidelines for respectful participation.  If you feel that 
someone's contribution was especially helpful in part because it was 
concise and to the point, you could say that.


Re: Is there a more efficient threading lock?

2023-02-26 Thread Barry Scott

On 25/02/2023 23:45, Jon Ribbens via Python-list wrote:

I think it is the case that x += 1 is atomic but foo.x += 1 is not.

No that is not true, and has never been true.

:>>> def x(a):
:...    a += 1
:>>> dis.dis(x)
 1   0 RESUME   0

 2   2 LOAD_FAST    0 (a)
 4 LOAD_CONST   1 (1)
 6 BINARY_OP   13 (+=)
10 STORE_FAST   0 (a)
12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

As you can see there are 4 byte code ops executed.

Python's eval loop can switch to another thread between any of them.

Its is not true that the GIL provides atomic operations in python.



[Python-announce] Cython 3.0 beta 1 is released

2023-02-26 Thread Stefan Behnel

Hi all,

Cython 3.0 has left the alpha status – the first beta release is available 
from PyPI.

The changes in this release are huge – and the full list of improvements 
compared to the 0.29.x release series is entirely incredible. Cython 3.0 is 
better than any other Cython release before, in all aspects. It's much more 
Python, integrates better with C++, supports more Python implementations 
and configurations, provides many great new language features –

it's faster, safer and easier to use. It's simply better.

What is Cython?

In case you didn't hear about Cython before, it's the most widely used
statically optimising Python compiler out there. It translates Python (2/3)
code to C, and makes it as easy as Python itself to tune the code all the
way down into fast native code. If you have any non-trivial Python 
application running, chances are you'll find some piece of Cython generated 
package in it.

The development of the Cython 3.0 release series started all the way back 
in 2018, with the first branch commit happening on October 27, 2018.

A list of Milestones along the way, and a long list of contributors:

Thank you to everyone who contributed. A couple of people have also joined 
in an effort to make the documentation reflect what this great new Cython 
has to offer.

Now, go and give it a try. We've taken great care to make the transition 
from Cython 0.29.x as smooth as possible, which was not easy given the 
large amount of changes, including some well-motivated breaking changes. We 
wanted to let all users benefit from this new release.

Let us know how it works for you, and tell others about it. :)

Have fun,
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-26 Thread Alan Gauld
On 26/02/2023 00:54, Greg Ewing via Python-list wrote:
> On 26/02/23 10:53 am, Paul Rubin wrote:
>> I'm not on either list but the purpose of the tutor list is to shunt
>> beginner questions away from the main list.

I'm not sure that's why we set it up but it is
certainly a large part of our remit. But protecting newbies
from overly complex responses and covering wider topics
(beyond pure Pyhon) is also a large part of our purpose.

> There's a fundamental problem with tutor lists. They rely on
> experienced people, the ones capable of answering the questions,
> to go out of their way to read the tutor list -- something that
> is not of personal benefit to them.

In practice, the "tutors" tend to be split between folks
who inhabit both lists and those who only interact on the tutor
list. eg. I lurk here and only occasionally partake.

But the problem with this particular thread is that, if directed
to the tutor list, the OP would simply be told that "that's the
way Python works". The tutor list is not for discussing
language enhancements etc. It is purely about answering questions
on how to use the language (and standard library) as it exists.
(We also cover beginner questions about programming in general.)

So this thread is most definitely in the right place IMHO.

Alan G
Tutor list moderator


Re: No module named _socket, on windows

2023-02-26 Thread 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
On 2023-02-25 at 15:58:35 -0800,
ofek shulberg  wrote:

> On Monday, January 4, 2010 at 9:19:21 PM UTC+2, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> > En Mon, 04 Jan 2010 14:24:22 -0300, louisJ  escribi�:
> > > I installed python 2.6 (from for windows XP, and then
> > > Pylab.
> > > When I type "import pylab" in a python shell it shows the error:
> > >
> > > ImportError: No module named _socket
> > Open the Python command line, type the following lines, and tell us what 
> > happens:
> > Python 2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
> > (Intel)] on
> > win32
> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> > >>> import socket
> > >>> socket._socket
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Gabriel Genellina
> hi Gabriel,
> i have the same problem and also pip is not installed for some reason, what 
> can i do?

Gabriel's post is thirteen years old and against a truly ancient version
of Python (on Windows XP, no less).  Please repost your question.
Include the OS and the version of Python you're using, and a copy/paste
of the error(s) you're receiving.