Re: How can a module know the module that imported it?

2009-11-12 Thread AK Eric

import moduleB

import sys
stuff = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
print stuff


{'__builtins__': module '__builtin__' (built-in),
'__file__': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\userName\\My Documents\
'__name__': '__main__',
'__doc__': None}

Looks like you could query stuff['__file__'] to pull what you're

Re: How can a module know the module that imported it?

2009-11-12 Thread AK Eric
On Nov 12, 10:10 am, Ethan Furman wrote:
 AK Eric wrote:

  import moduleB

  import sys
  stuff = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
  print stuff


  {'__builtins__': module '__builtin__' (built-in),
  '__file__': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\userName\\My Documents\
  '__name__': '__main__',
  '__doc__': None}

  Looks like you could query stuff['__file__'] to pull what you're

 The leading _ in _getframe indicates a private function to sys (aka
 implementation detail); in other words, something that could easily
 change between one Python version and the next.

 I'm using the inspect module (for the moment, at least), and my question
 boils down to:  Will it work correctly on all versions of Python in the
 2.x range?  3.x range?

Good point, I totally missed that.  Someone had passed that solution
to me at one point and I was so excited I kind of looked that over :P

Re: Does turtle graphics have the wrong associations?

2009-11-12 Thread AK Eric
On Nov 12, 11:31 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
 Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
  One reaction to url: url: has been that turtle
  graphics may be off-putting to some readers because it is associated
  with children's learning.

  What do you think?

 I just started using the module for simple plots.
 I am not a child.
 You cannot please everyone.

I used Turtle back on the Apple in the early 80's... so I personally
have very positive feelings towards it ;)  To each their own eh?

Re: Python 2.6 Global Variables

2009-10-30 Thread AK Eric
  It isn't a neat trick anymore once you realize the name '__main__'
  isn't special.

  Replace __main__ with foo, or config, or whatever, and you get the
  same results. Ok, there is a catch: a file with that name must exist,
  at least an empty one...

True.  I do feel a bit less special now :-P  And again, I think there
is a difference from saying you *can* work a certain way, and you
*should* work a certain way.  Making a 'global module' you import and
muck with = good.  Other ways discussed = bad (for the most part).
But I think it's important to understand the underlying system
especially when one is first learning:  I hand a heck of a time having
someone explain this stuff to me when I was learning the basics (and
I'm still figuring it out, even from this thread) and now that I get
how it works (I uh... think) it makes me a stronger scripter.  The
common thought seemed to be you shouldn't do it that way, so I'm not
going to explain it to you which I've always found quite
frustrating.  And along those lines...

Should we start talking about how you can add stuff to __builtin__ and
then it really is exposed to everything? (right, unless I'm missing
some other Python idiom?)  Again, *not advocating* in standard
practice, but I think it's important to understand how it works.
(ducks incoming flak)

import __builtin__
__builtin__.spam = 42
__builtins__[ham] = 24

# This will fail if moduleA isn't executed first
print spam, ham

 import moduleA
 import moduleB
42 24


Re: How can module determine its own path?

2009-10-30 Thread AK Eric

  How can a module determine the path of the file that defines it?
  (Note that this is, in the general case, different from sys.argv[0].)



import inspect
print inspect.getsourcefile(lambda:None)

Re: Python 2.6 Global Variables

2009-10-29 Thread AK Eric
 2/ in Python, global really means module-level - there's nothing
 like a true global namespace.

Isn't that __main__?

import __main__ = asdfasdf

print foo
# asdfasdf

Not advocating, but it does serve the purpose.

Re: Python 2.6 Global Variables

2009-10-29 Thread AK Eric
 Good that you're not advocating it, because IMHO it's bad practice to
 have circular import dependencies.  By using the __main__ alias, you
 avoid the worst problems, but that just means the others are more subtle.

I figured I'd get that kind of response, not that it's incorrect ;)
Great power\great responsibility\etc.

As I understand it, when you enter Python statements at the
interactive prompt, it's adding the result directly to ___main___
(which for lack of a better term I like to call 'universal' scope...
rolls off the tongue better than 'doubleunderscore main

 foo = 23
 import __main__

While this might not be the most common way of working for most people
(I'm guessing most folks are in a nice cozy IDE), people working this
way are mucking about in the 'universal' scope without (possibly) even
knowing it.

Re: Simple audio

2009-10-21 Thread AK Eric
Yep, you can run it without any kind of GUI to my knowledge.

Re: Skeletal animation

2009-10-04 Thread AK Eric
Building on what others have said and giving a +1 to Carl:
I work daily in Maya doing character setup and rigging.  As far as
doing it straight in Python, again, like others, take a look at PyGame
or Blender.  I think the main question is:  Do you want skeletal
animation, or do you want skeletal animation specifically in Python?
While Python is heavily used in Blender, I'm not sure how much of the
foundation it actually makes.  Take a look ta this PyGame:
Of course PyGame is just a wrapper for SDL
Joints and skeletons are abstract concepts that sure, you could do
with Python.  The question is how you want to render that to the
screen, and that's where the other apps come in.

Query screen resolution?

2009-08-28 Thread AK Eric
Thought this would be easy, maybe I'm missing something :)  Trying to
query the x,y resolution of my screen.  I've seen this available
through :

from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
print width =, GetSystemMetrics (0)
print height =,GetSystemMetrics (1)

But I was hoping for something built-in, and something non-OS
specific.  Is that available?  Would be nice to detect for multiple
monitors as well, but I'm probably asking too much :)
