Re: proposal to allow to set the delimiter in str.format to something other than curly bracket

2011-04-04 Thread Alia Khouri
Peter Otten wrote:

> You could automatically convert from a custom format like that in your
> original post...

Here's a class wrapping your functionality:

import re

class Template(object):
'''uses double brackets e.g [[ob.attr]] as delims to get
  around curly bracket ({}) collisions when generating code
_pattern = re.compile(r"\[\[|]]|\{|\}")
_lookup = {
"[[": "{",
"]]": "}",
"{": "{{",
"}": "}}",
def __init__(self, txt):
self.txt = txt
self.type = type

def _substitute(self, m):
return self._lookup[]

def render(self, *args, **kwds):
return self._pattern.sub(
self._substitute, self.txt).format(*args, **kwds)

def test_Template():
class P: pass
p = P() = 'peter'
txt = 'hello there [[]]'
t = Template(txt)
assert t.render(o=p) == 'hello there peter'


Re: proposal to allow to set the delimiter in str.format to something other than curly bracket

2011-04-04 Thread Alia Khouri
Peter Otten wrote:
> You could automatically convert from a custom format like that in your
> original post:
> import re
> _lookup = {
>     "[[": "{",
>     "]]": "}",
>     "{": "{{",
>     "}": "}}",
> }
> def _substitute(m):
>     return _lookup[]
> def custom_format(template, *args, **kw):
>     return (re.compile(r"\[\[|]]|\{|\}")
>             .sub(_substitute, template)
>             .format(*args, **kw))
> code = "class [[0]]Model { public bool IsModel(){ return a[42] || true; } }"
> print custom_format(code, "My")

Nice! I didn't think of that. I guess I could get some additional
performance by taking the re.compile step out of the function. Thanks
for the tip!




Re: proposal to allow to set the delimiter in str.format to something other than curly bracket

2011-04-04 Thread Alia Khouri
Terry Reedy wrote:

> Just double the brackets, just as one doubles '\\' to get '\' in a string.
>  >>> "class {0}Model {{ public bool IsModel(){{ returntrue; ".format('My')
> 'class MyModel { public bool IsModel(){ returntrue; } }'

Indeed, I tried that, but it means I have to double bracket all the
csharp code which just creates more work for me.

Here is my solution (aka Cheetah ultra-light) ripped from
stdlib.string: it involves hacking the string.Template class so that
you get attribute lookups. I know it uses eval, and it's probably
highly insecure, but it's for one off batch jobs, and I hope it
doesn't hurt anyone:

import re

class _multimap:
"""Helper class for combining multiple mappings.

Used by .substitute() to combine the mapping and keyword
def __init__(self, primary, secondary):
self._primary = primary
self._secondary = secondary

def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._primary[key]
except KeyError:
return self._secondary[key]

class _TemplateMetaclass(type):
pattern = r"""
  (?P%(delim)s) |   # Escape sequence of two delimiters
  (?P%(id)s)  |   # delimiter and a Python identifier
  {(?P%(id)s)}   |   # delimiter and a braced identifier
  (?P)  # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs

def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
super(_TemplateMetaclass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
if 'pattern' in dct:
pattern = cls.pattern
pattern = _TemplateMetaclass.pattern % {
'delim' : re.escape(cls.delimiter),
'id': cls.idpattern,
cls.pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)

class Template:
"""A string class for supporting $-substitutions."""
__metaclass__ = _TemplateMetaclass

delimiter = '$'
idpattern = r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9\.]*'

def __init__(self, template):
self.template = template

# Search for $$, $identifier, ${identifier}, and any bare $'s

def _invalid(self, mo):
i = mo.start('invalid')
lines = self.template[:i].splitlines(True)
if not lines:
colno = 1
lineno = 1
colno = i - len(''.join(lines[:-1]))
lineno = len(lines)
raise ValueError('Invalid placeholder in string: line %d, col
%d' %
 (lineno, colno))

def substitute(self, *args, **kws):
if len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError('Too many positional arguments')
if not args:
mapping = kws
elif kws:
mapping = _multimap(kws, args[0])
mapping = args[0]
# Helper function for .sub()
def convert(mo):
# Check the most common path first.
named ='named') or'braced')
if named is not None:
# We use this idiom instead of str() because the
latter will
# fail if val is a Unicode containing non-ASCII
#  here is the probably dangerous eval hack XX
if '.' in named:
return eval(named, kws)
val = mapping[named]
return '%s' % (val,)

if'escaped') is not None:
return self.delimiter
if'invalid') is not None:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized named group in pattern',
return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)

def test_templates():
class P: pass
p = P() = 'ak'
txt = 'hello there ${}'
t = Template(txt)
assert t.substitute(o=p) == 'hello there ak'

if __name__ == '__main__': test_templates()


Re: proposal to allow to set the delimiter in str.format to something other than curly bracket

2011-04-03 Thread Alia Khouri
On Apr 3, 1:53 pm, Corey Richardson  wrote:
> On 04/03/2011 06:07 AM, Alia Khouri wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I've been using ironpython2.7 in a project, and I was generating some
> > csharp code when i discovered that I couldn't use use str.format
> > because the interference with the brackets-aplenty situation in
> > csharp.
> Roll your own


Thanks for the tip, looks I can subclass string.Template to get what I

Kicking myself for posting too early...


proposal to allow to set the delimiter in str.format to something other than curly bracket

2011-04-03 Thread Alia Khouri
Hi folks,

I've been using ironpython2.7 in a project, and I was generating some
csharp code when i discovered that I couldn't use use str.format
because the interference with the brackets-aplenty situation in

In [1]: code = "class {0}Model { public bool IsModel(){ return
true; } }"

In [2]: code.format('My')
KeyError  Traceback (most recent call

KeyError: ' public bool IsModel(){ return true; } '

Please note I had no trouble with the trusty old % interpolation

Now given that using str.format in this use case (code generation) is
equally difficult for other bracketed languages, and that str.format
is supposed to eventually become 'best-practice' for python string
formatting, can I get some feedback on a proposal that for the odd
case when brackets don't cut it, there is a way to redefine the
delimiter for str.format so that one could do something like this:

str.format_delimiter = ("[[", "]]")

and we could write something like this:

In [1]: code = "class [[0]]Model { public bool IsModel(){ return
true; } }"
In [2]: code.format('My')
Out[3]: 'class MyModel { public bool IsModel(){ return true; } }'

Please give your +N or -N and reasons below.


playing with berp: python3 to haskell compiler in haskell

2010-10-31 Thread Alia Khouri
In case anyone finds this worthwhile: there is a pretty impressive
python3 to haskell compiler written in haskell called berp that looks
very interesting:

I highly recommend reading through the berp implementation code for a
fascinating (but currently incomplete) attempt at a purely functional
implementation of python3. The current version doesn't do floats and
imports and other things but includes callcc continuations and tail-
call optimization, and it is likely these things will be added
relatively quickly as the code is extremely well-structured.

Even the generated code (minus the underscore) is surprisingly

class Person:
def __init__(self, name): = name

def say_hello(self):
print('hello, my name is '

def main():
p = Person('sam')



module Main where
import Berp.Base
import qualified Prelude
main = runStmt init
  = do _s_Person <- var "Person"
   _s_main <- var "main"
   klass "Person" _s_Person []
 (do _s___init__ <- var "__init__"
 _s_say_hello <- var "say_hello"
 def _s___init__ 2 none
   (\ [_s_self, _s_name] ->
  do _t_0 <- read _s_name
 _t_1 <- read _s_self
 setattr _t_1 (621807930, "_s_name") _t_0)
 def _s_say_hello 1 none
   (\ [_s_self] ->
  do _t_2 <- read _s_print
 _t_3 <- read _s_self
 _t_4 <- _t_3 . (621807930, "_s_name")
 _t_5 <- string "hello, my name is " + _t_4
 _t_2 @@ [_t_5])
   [((-277916325, "_s___init__"), _s___init__),
((175397596, "_s_say_hello"), _s_say_hello)])
   def _s_main 0 none
 (\ [] ->
do _s_p <- var "p"
   _t_6 <- read _s_Person
   _t_7 <- _t_6 @@ [string "sam"]
   _s_p =: _t_7
   _t_8 <- read _s_p
   _t_9 <- _t_8 . (175397596, "_s_say_hello")
   _t_9 @@ [])
   _t_10 <- read _s_main
   _t_10 @@ []

Also see: others ways to interface to haskell code (from ctypes for
example, see my entry in


Re: Is Python a functional programming language?

2010-05-12 Thread Alia Khouri
Paul Rubin:

> I like if you want to get some exposure to Haskell,
> probably the archetypal functional language these days.  I've been
> fooling with it on and off for the past couple years.  I'm still not
> convinced that it's that good a vehicle for practical general purpose
> software development, but there are some specific areas where it works
> out just beautifully.  And in terms of the challenges it presents and
> the amount I've learned from it, it's one of the most interesting things
> I've done as a programmer in as long as I can remember.  It really is
> mind altering.

Completely agree with you. is as good as it gets
to learn haskell: haven't had so much fun learning a language since I
picked up python :-)

For similarly mind-altering pleasure, have a look at pure-lang [http://] which describes itself as:

"Pure is a modern-style functional programming language based on term
rewriting. It offers equational definitions with pattern matching,
full symbolic rewriting capabilities, dynamic typing, eager and lazy
evaluation, lexical closures, built-in list and matrix support and an
easy-to-use C interface. The interpreter uses LLVM as a backend to JIT-
compile Pure programs to fast native code."



interfacing python & haskell code with ctypes on linux

2009-10-11 Thread Alia Khouri
Hi Folks,

Just in case anyone is interested, I've just added a very simple
example for linux showing how to access haskell functions from python
code using ctypes. It's on the wiki:


python version in snow leopard?

2009-06-08 Thread Alia Khouri
Does anyone know what version of python will appear in snow leopard
which is apparently being released in September?

survey: cool but not so well-known python apps

2009-04-26 Thread Alia Khouri
This mini-survey's purpose is to raise awareness of certain apps that
perhaps don't have the marketing profile/momentum of some of the
better known python apps out there, but are cool and interesting

To this end, please post 3-5+ apps that you think deserve more

Here's my list (unordered):

- leo-editor (a literate programming and outlining editor)

- nodebox (the python programmer as artist)

- orange (makes datamining/machine learning fun and accessible)

- functional (for the inner functional programmer in you)

- ubigraph (dynamic graph visualization)


recursive outline numbering for object trees

2009-03-30 Thread Alia Khouri

Here my problem description:

Given the following class:

class Node(object):
def __init__(self, name, children=[], parent=None): = name
self.level = ''
self.children = children
self.parent = parent

def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
return "<%s %s>" % (, self.level)

def __iter__(self):
yield self
for child in self.children:
child.parent = self
for subchild in iter(child):
yield subchild

and the following example:

tree1 = Node('root[1] ', [
Node('branch [1.1]', [
Node('leaf [1.1.1]', []),
Node('leaf [1.1.2]', []),

Node('branch [1.2]', [
Node('leaf [1.2.1]', []),
Node('leaf [1.2.2]', []),

I would like to create a walk function which when given the root node
(tree1) automatically sets the correct outline numbering for all its

such that

for i in walk(tree):
print i.level

should give the following output:


Now, I have scoured the web and found this (http://
solution from castironpi, which seems to work nicely:

class up( Exception ): pass
class down( Exception ): pass

def outline():
stack = [1]
while True:
# print 'next'
yield '.'.join(str(s) for s in stack)
stack[-1]+= 1
except down:
# print 'down'
except up:
# print 'up'
stack[-1] += 1

def test_outline():
o = outline()
print o.throw(down)
print o.throw(down)
print o.throw(up)
print o.throw(down)

running test_outline() generates the required output so, so I tried to
incorporate the above into my walk function with mixed results
(warning: it's ugly):

from itertools import count

def walk(node, level=outline(), last=None, i=count(1), root=True):
'''tree walker assigns parent attribute, creates numbered outline
if root:
node.level =
yield node
if last:
node.level = last
last = None
if node.children:
next = level.throw(down)
elif == 5: # length of nodes (hardcoded here for tsting)
raise StopIteration
next = level.throw(up)
for child in node.children:
child.parent = node
child.level = next or
if child == node.children[-1]:
last = child.level
for subchild in walk(child, level, last, i, root=False):
yield subchild

works for

tree = Node('root[1] ', [
Node('branch [1.1]', [
Node('leaf [1.1.1]', []),

Node('branch [1.2]', [
Node('leaf [1.2.1]', []),

but barfs for the required tree1 (above).

I've kinda hit a wall here, so any help would be appreciated.

As an aside, if a solution is possible as an external walk function
would it be possible to work in __iter__?




sorting tasks by importance and urgency

2009-02-25 Thread Alia Khouri
I recently considered the apparently simple problem is of how to
algorithmically sort a set of business tasks which have an associated
a value and a due_date, such that the most important and urgent are
pushed to the top of the stack.

The two example task types I am posing here are: (1) a bid on a
contract and (2) leaverequest from an employee.

To sort by importance: I just consider the proportional value of each
task in relation to the total value of tasks.

To sort by urgency: I used something along the lines of excel's
percentrank function (
HP052092121033.aspx) to rank the tasks in percentage terms of the set
of days_to delivery.

The code is pretty self-explanatory, and I think the algorithm seems
to work ok so far, but in case I have missed something or there exists
some better way of doing this...

from datetime import date

weights = {
'Tender'  : 1.0,
'LeaveRequest': 0.1

rnd = lambda x: round(x,2)

class Task(object):
"""a simple prioritizing Task class"""

def __init__(self, kind, value, due_date=None):
self.kind = kind
self.value = value
self.due_date = due_date if due_date else
self.weight = weights[kind]
self.urgency = 0.0
self.importance = 0.0

def __repr__(self):
return '' % (
rnd(self.priority), rnd(self.importance), rnd
self.kind, self.days_to, self.value)

def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.priority, other.priority)

def days_to(self):
return (self.due_date -

def priority(self):
return self.weight * (self.importance + self.urgency)

def relative_urgency(self, N, due_days):
rank = due_days.index(self.days_to)
return float(rank) / (N - 1)

def relative_importance(self, total_value):
return self.value / total_value

def prioritize(tasks):
print ("\n")
N = len(tasks)
total_value = sum(t.value for t in tasks)
due_days = sorted([t.days_to for t in tasks], reverse=True)
for i in tasks:
i.importance = i.relative_importance(total_value)
i.urgency = i.relative_urgency(N, due_days)

for i in sorted(tasks, reverse=True):
print i

tasks = [
# name   value   due_date
Task("Tender",   100.0,  date(2009,4,1)),
Task("Tender",   500400.0,   date(2009,5,1)),
Task("Tender",   100.0,  date(2009,6,1)),
Task("LeaveRequest", 0.0,date(2009,7,1)),
Task("LeaveRequest", 0.0,date(2009,8,1)),

if __name__ == '__main__':



python contextmanagers and ruby blocks

2009-02-21 Thread Alia Khouri
As an exercise, I recently translated one of my python scripts (http:// to haskell (a penultimate
version exists at
in case anyone is interested) with the result that haskell has now
become my second favourite language (after python of course :-)

Just to change mental gears a bit, I'd now like to do the same and
create a ruby version. As I've progressed on the latter, I've been
struck by how pervasive the use of blocks is in ruby. For example:

class Builder
attr_accessor :name
def machine &block
@name = "m1"

def build(x, &block)
puts x

builder =

builder.machine do
puts "hello #{}"
end "hello" do
puts "world"

which should print out:
hello m1

Now, python's relatively new contextmanagers seem to provide something
similar such that one can write:

from __future__ import with_statement
from contextlib import contextmanager

class Builder:
def machine(self): = "m1"

def build(self, x):
print x

builder = Builder()

with builder.machine():
print 'hello %s' %

print 'world'

Which brings me to my questions:

1. To what extent are python's contextmanagers similar or equivalent
to ruby's blocks?

2. If there is a gap in power or expressiveness in python's context
managers relative to ruby's blocks, what are possible (syntactic and
non-syntactic) proposals to bridge this gap?

Thank you for your responses.


Re: Source code generation using Python

2008-12-07 Thread Alia Khouri
> Any suggestions?

I've happily used Cheetah with Leo (
edreamleo/front.html) to organise and script my code generation needs,
but you may also be happy with cog (



Re: Will MySQLdb, the Python shim, be supported for Python 2.6 or 3.x?

2008-11-18 Thread Alia Khouri

> > John Nagle wrote:
>     Whoever did the port somehow created a dependency on the
> Intel math library, "libguide40.dll" and "libmmd.dll".  That shouldn't
> be needed in the MySQL Python shim.  It's not freely distributable,
> either; you have to buy the Intel C++ compiler to get it.  There are
> versions of those DLLs available on the web, but they may or may not
> be legitimate or current.

I'm aware of that, as I went through the same process, actually
discovered that dependency myself, and ended up having to use dlls off
the net. Eventhough I got this to work in the end, I ultimately found
that this isn't the only extension lib with 'issues', in 2.6 (numpy,
etc..) I finally ditched 2.6 for my app and reverted back to 2.5. My
recommendation is to do the same until things improve in extension


Re: Will MySQLdb, the Python shim, be supported for Python 2.6 or 3.x?

2008-11-17 Thread Alia Khouri
John Nagle wrote:
>      MySQLdb, the Python shim for MySQL, still supports Python only to
> Python 2.5.  See "";.  Are there
> any plans to support Python 2.6 or 3.x?

Are you running windows? If so, check the forums of the group above,
some nice chap has posted a 2.6 version.

Re: Midi manipulation

2008-11-16 Thread Alia Khouri
On Nov 16, 10:17 pm, Massi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm searching for "something" which allows me to write
> scripts which handle midi files. I'm totally a newbie in audio
> manipulation, therefore any suggestion or link related to this field
> is welcome. Thanks in advance.

doctesting practices

2008-08-27 Thread Alia Khouri
I was wondering the other day how other pythonistas incorporate
doctests into their coding practices. I have acquired the habit of
keeping an editor open in one window and an ipython instance open in
another and then using something similar to the format of the module
below. In this case, I incorporate a switch in the _test function
whereby covered=False means the doctest is still being written (and is
easy to test using the command line) and covered=True means it is
somewhat complete and ready to be incorporated into a test suite.

This still seems to me to be somewhat hackish and convoluted (execing
into globals() and all), and one wonders if there are better coding
workflows out there that specifically incorporate doctests as the
primary means of testing.

Thanks in advance for any feedback


Simple doctest of a module


>>> fib(0)
>>> fib(1)
>>> fib(10)
>>> fib(15)


def fib(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
elif n == 1:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

def _test(covered=False):
import doctest
if covered:
exec doctest.script_from_examples(__doc__) in globals()

if __name__ == '__main__':


Re: You advice please

2008-08-13 Thread Alia Khouri
Hussein B wrote:

> I'm a Java/Java EE developer and I'm playing with Python these days.
> I like the Python language so much and I like its communities and the
> Django framework.

Sounds familiar... (-:

> My friends are about to open a Ruby/Rails shop and they are asking me
> to join them.

In this case, I think you have to make decision that is not technology-
centric but application-centric, and you should also consider closely
the opportunity set and capability set available to you and your

> I don't know what, sure I'm not leaving Java, but they are asking me
> to stop learning Python and concentrate on Ruby/Rails.

I don't think you should stop learning anything that rings your bell..
I love learning other languages (e.g. Haskell, Lua, Ruby, C#, Java,
boo, etc..) and I will code projects as per the requirements at the
time, but I tend to Python because, like you, I like the language and
the community.

In _addition_ to your love for Python and Django, why not learn Ruby/
Rails? It's not a bad framework at all, and Ruby is quite fun to
program in as well...?

> The sad fact (at least to me), Ruby is getting a lot of attention
> these days.

Not a sad fact, What's good for ruby is good for python and vice
versa... Friendly competition is always positive and usually good
ideas cross-pollinate across the languages...

> Why Python isn't getting this attention although is a much more mature
> language and it is used by many big, big names?

Who says Python is not getting attention? Last time I checked,
Python's popularity was at all time high, and the big guns in the
industry favor (witness Google AppEngine, Microsoft Ironpython
preceding Ironruby, etc..)

> And do I dare to say it is much more charming?

That is an aesthetic judgement... (-:

> What do you think of Ruby/Rails? do they worth learning and working
> with?

(see above)

> Any way, I'm not leaving Python and I will try to study it every time
> I get a chance...

Good for you (-:

> Thanks.


Re: Jason Orendorff's path module

2008-08-12 Thread Alia Khouri
andybak wrote:

> Which rather makes me wonder - lot's of people liked this module
> or rather disliked os.path. Is there anything salvageable from
> the BDFL's objections worthy of a PEP?

Funny you should bring this up today.. I was just thinking the same
thing (-: and I looked at the pep (
pep-0355/) and the final (pep) version of the path module, which is at

If the primary issue that killed this pep was due to inheritance from
the str type, i.e. the fact that a lot of unnecessary string functions
would be inherited into an already functionally-fat path class, then
perhaps that problem had to be addressed first, as it would probably
crop up in other areas. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I presume ABCs
(abstract base classes) were intended to help in such cases?



Re: snippet to update local (bazaar, mercurial, svn) versioned source

2008-07-16 Thread Alia Khouri
On Jul 16, 8:34 am, Alia Khouri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a very simple snippet I use to automatically keep my versioned
> sources fresh.. Posted here in case it may be of use to anybody...
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import os, sys
> src = '/Users/ak/Code/src'
> # utility functions
> join, isdir, listdir = os.path.join, os.path.isdir
> def run(cmd):
>     print cmd
>     os.system(cmd)
> ops = {
>     '.bzr': ['bzr pull', 'bzr update'],
>     '.hg': ['hg pull', 'hg update'],
>     '.svn': ['svn update']
> }
> for folder in os.listdir(src):
>     target = os.path.join(src,folder)
>     if os.path.isdir(target):
>         internal = os.listdir(target)
>         for f in internal:
>             if f in ops:
>                 print
>                 os.chdir(target)
>                 cmds = ops[f]
>                 print
>                 print target, '-->',
>                 for cmd in cmds:
>                     run(cmd)

My bad, here's the one that actually (-:

import os, sys

src = '/Users/sa/Code/src'

# utility functions
join, isdir = os.path.join, os.path.isdir
def run(cmd):
print cmd

ops = {
'.bzr': ['bzr pull', 'bzr update'],
'.hg': ['hg pull', 'hg update'],
'.svn': ['svn update']

for folder in os.listdir(src):
target = join(src,folder)
if isdir(target):
internal = os.listdir(target)
for f in internal:
if f in ops:
# print f, target
cmds = ops[f]
print target, '-->',
for cmd in cmds:


snippet to update local (bazaar, mercurial, svn) versioned source

2008-07-15 Thread Alia Khouri
Here's a very simple snippet I use to automatically keep my versioned
sources fresh.. Posted here in case it may be of use to anybody...

import os, sys

src = '/Users/ak/Code/src'

# utility functions
join, isdir, listdir = os.path.join, os.path.isdir
def run(cmd):
print cmd

ops = {
'.bzr': ['bzr pull', 'bzr update'],
'.hg': ['hg pull', 'hg update'],
'.svn': ['svn update']

for folder in os.listdir(src):
target = os.path.join(src,folder)
if os.path.isdir(target):
internal = os.listdir(target)
for f in internal:
if f in ops:
cmds = ops[f]
print target, '-->',
for cmd in cmds:


Re: python's setuptools (eggs) vs ruby's gems survey/discussion

2008-06-09 Thread Alia Khouri
Might as well answer the survey myself:

> A few questions (please add more) so far are:

> (1) Should setuptools be standard?

Not at this stage. What pythonistas need is a cross-platform package
manager that is included in the stdlib. Setuptools is simply not
mature enough nor pythonic enough to be standard in its current form.

> (2) What bugs you most about the current featureset?

- no uninstall so I have to spend time manually removing old egg files/
- pollutes my site-packages directory with lots of sparse egg-info
- uglifies my sys.path
- the egg directory structure is unpythonically deep
- confusing documentation
- easy_install is a mouthful (why not 'python -m egg.install')

> (3) Which features do you need the most (list in order of need)?

- uninstall
- clean up location of egg files
- better dependency management (doesn't break)
- works with multiple versions of python
- list available packages / versions / dependencies
- local database of packages (why not use sqlite?)

> (4) Shouldn't we just port gems to python?

I don't think that's bad idea...

> (5) What's the best community process to improve setuptools?

Perhaps we can all contribute some cash/time/effort to improve
setuptools or even rewrite the python package manager of our
collective dreams...

> (6) What's your ideal conception of the 'standard python package
> manager?

Pure Python. Combines the best features of port/apt-get/gems while
being in the stdlib


python's setuptools (eggs) vs ruby's gems survey/discussion

2008-06-01 Thread Alia Khouri
Can we open up the discussion here about how to improve setuptools
which has become the de facto standard for distributing / installing
python software. I've been playing around with ruby's gems which seems
to be more more mature and  usable.

>From my perspective, the relative immaturity of setuptools and its
simultaneous widespread use is a clear python weakness and can make
python less easy to absorb than it should be.

A few questions (please add more) so far are:

(1) Should setuptools be standard?

(2) What bugs you most about the current featureset?

(3) Which features do you need the most (list in order of need)?

(4) Shouldn't we just port gems to python?

(5) What's the best community process to improve setuptools?

(6) What's your ideal conception of the 'standard python package

To give this discussion some ammunition, I will post the output of the
different '--help' for either tool:


C:\TMP>easy_install --help

Global options:
  --verbose (-v)  run verbosely (default)
  --quiet (-q)run quietly (turns verbosity off)
  --dry-run (-n)  don't actually do anything
  --help (-h) show detailed help message

Options for 'easy_install' command:
  --prefix   installation prefix
  --zip-ok (-z)  install package as a zipfile
  --multi-version (-m)   make apps have to require() a version
  --upgrade (-U) force upgrade (searches PyPI for
  --install-dir (-d) install package to DIR
  --script-dir (-s)  install scripts to DIR
  --exclude-scripts (-x) Don't install scripts
  --always-copy (-a) Copy all needed packages to install
  --index-url (-i)   base URL of Python Package Index
  --find-links (-f)  additional URL(s) to search for
  --delete-conflicting (-D)  no longer needed; don't use this
  --ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk  no longer needed; don't use this
  --build-directory (-b) download/extract/build in DIR; keep
  --optimize (-O)also compile with optimization: -O1
 "python -O", -O2 for "python -OO",
and -O0 to
 disable [default: -O0]
  --record   filename in which to record list of
  --always-unzip (-Z)don't install as a zipfile, no matter
  --site-dirs (-S)   list of directories where .pth files
  --editable (-e)Install specified packages in
editable form
  --no-deps (-N) don't install dependencies
  --allow-hosts (-H) pattern(s) that hostnames must match
  --local-snapshots-ok (-l)  allow building eggs from local

usage: [options] requirement_or_url ...
   or: --help

C:\TMP>gem --help

  RubyGems is a sophisticated package manager for Ruby.  This is a
  basic help message containing pointers to more information.

  gem -h/--help
  gem -v/--version
  gem command [arguments...] [options...]

  gem install rake
  gem list --local
  gem build package.gemspec
  gem help install

Further help:
  gem help commandslist all 'gem' commands
  gem help examplesshow some examples of usage
  gem help platforms   show information about platforms
  gem helpshow help on COMMAND
 (e.g. 'gem help install')
Further information:

C:\TMP>gem help commands
GEM commands are:

build Build a gem from a gemspec
cert  Manage RubyGems certificates and signing
check Check installed gems
cleanup   Clean up old versions of installed gems in the
contents  Display the contents of the installed gems
dependencyShow the dependencies of an installed gem
environment   Display information about the RubyGems
fetch Download a gem and place it in the current
generate_indexGenerates the index files for a gem server
help  Provide help on the 'gem' command
install   Install a gem into the local repository
list  Display gems whose name starts with STRING
lock  Generate a lockdown list of gems
mirrorMirror a gem repository
outdated  Display all gems that need updates
pristine  Restores installed gems to 

Re: Python 3.0 migration plans?

2007-10-02 Thread Alia Khouri
Couldn't agree with you more. What would be fantastic is if I could
drop into the Pypi (and/or use easy_install) and download
automatically compiled versions of extension modules for different
versions of python.

I'm sure the community at large would be happy to chip in an annual
fee to help build/maintain this infrastructure: I know my firm would.

PS: IMHO The growth of Ruby is, to a large extent, due to easy
installation of modules via its gem system...

On Sep 28, 6:53 pm, John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Insofar as Python has an organization, it's not adequately managing
> extension modules.  Each extension module has its own infrastructure,
> with its own build procedures, its own bug list, and its own maintainers.
> There's not even an archive.  Unlike CPAN, Cheese Shop is just a directory of
> URLs.
>  Take a look at how Perl does it.  Here are the instructions on
> how to contribute to CPAN:
> There's a way to get your module into the system, a standardized format,
> build, and installation procedure, and an archive which is mirrored.
> There's a common bug reporting system.  Modules abandoned by their
> original developers are not lost, and can be "adopted" by someone else.
>  Python doesn't have any of this.  And that's far more of a problem
> than Python 3.x.
> John Nagle


Re: problems with logging module

2007-07-31 Thread Alia Khouri
> You are not going beyond basicConfig - I'd write the above as:

Intentionally didn't go beyond basicConfig. The problem is global
level configuration vs. easy local (in function or in class)

> logging.basicConfig(...)
> def __init__(self, x):
>  self.x = x
>  self.log = logging.getLogger("")
> If you *do* need more than a handler, or different formatters for
> different loggers, then you must write your own setup anyway; perhaps
> using logging.config files, or perhaps writing your own code. I can't
> think of a simple and generic approach (beyond what basicConfig provides)
> but if you can write something that other people find useful, feel free to
> submit a patch.

Why not indeed... let's see what happens.



Re: problems with logging module

2007-07-29 Thread Alia Khouri
On Jul 30, 8:01 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> To see what's going on, try using this old-fashioned debug technique: a
> few print statements.

My bad, problem was solved, the shortcoming was one of my variables
pointing to nothingness (-;

But I'm not letting the logging module off, it's still not the easiest
or most intuitive module to work with.

For example: a basic Log class that can be programatically configured
would be quicker to work with then messing around with three different
classes types if you want to get beyond basicConfig functionality:
(Logger, handlers, formatters) To be able to do this would be nice:

from logging import Log

class MyClass:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
self.log = Log(
format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
datefmt = '%H:%M:%S',

Thanks for your help and time.



problems with logging module

2007-07-29 Thread Alia Khouri
I've been struggling with the logging module in the stdlib which seems
to me rather counter-intuitive:

For some reason it refuses to recognize configuration options when
they are set inside a class so I have had to initialize logging and
set the configuration options in the global scope of my module with

Here's what I did within the class setup method:

self.log = logging.getLogger()

# format
log_format= self.local.format
date_format = self.local.date_format or "%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S"
self.logfile= self.local.logfile if self.local.log_to_file else None

if self.logfile:
handler = logging.FileHandler(
self.logfile, self.local.logfile_mode)
stream = None # can be something or other stream
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

format = logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format)
self.log.setLevel(self.local.log_level or logging.DEBUG)

self.log gets initialized but the formatting options do not get
recognized... this is a pain...

What I do want is something like the log4r module in Ruby:


require 'log4r'
require 'getoptlong'
require 'pathname'

class Common
def init_log
@log =
@log.add Log4r::Outputter.stdout 'initialized'

class Builder < Common
def initialize(path, options)
if File.exist?(path)
@path =
@options = options
@log.error "not a valid file or directory"

def build()
case @path.ftype
when 'file'
filehandlers = {
'.txt'  => TxtHandler,
'.java' => JavaHandler,
'.c'=> CHandler,
'.cpp'  => CppHandler,
'.py'   => PyHandler,
'.pyx'  => PyxHandler,
'.exe'  => ExeHandler,
'.hs'   => HaskellHandler,
'.rb'   => RubyHandler,
'.dot'  => DotHandler,
'.mp3'  => MP3Handler,
'.wav'  => WavHandler,
'.csd'  => CSoundHandler,
'.orc'  => CSoundHandler,
'.sco'  => CSoundHandler,
[EMAIL PROTECTED](@path, @options).handle()
when 'directory' "[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a directory"


still to prefer to code in python though

Just my 2c...



Re: recursively expanding $references in dictionaries

2007-07-22 Thread Alia Khouri
Ok. I've reached a nice little conclusion here. Time to go to bed, but
before that I thought I'd share the results (-;

I can now read a yaml file which natively produces a dict tree and
convert it into an object tree with attribute read/write access, dump
that back into a readable yaml string, and then expand references
within that using cheetah in a very nifty self-referential way.*

(see: and cheetah templates (http://



from Cheetah.Template import Template
from pprint import pprint
import yaml

class Object(dict):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self: return self[name]
#~ if name in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self[name] = value

def getTree(tree, to_dict=False):
_tree = Object() if not to_dict else dict()
def recurse(targetDict, sourceDict):
for key, value in sourceDict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = Object(value) if not to_dict else dict(value)
new_target = targetDict.setdefault(key, value)
recurse(new_target, value)
targetDict[key] = value
recurse(_tree, tree)
return _tree

config  = '''
  name: appname
  copyright: 2007

  src: /src/$
# from yml dict tree to obj tree
root = getTree(yaml.load(config))
print root
assert ==['name'] = "the_monster"

# from obj tree to dict tree
root = getTree(root, to_dict=True)

# from dict tree to yaml string
s = yaml.dump(root)
print s

# use cheetah templates to expand references
print str(Template(s, searchList=[root]))


Re: recursively expanding $references in dictionaries

2007-07-22 Thread Alia Khouri
Oops, I left some redundant cruft in the function... here it is
slightly cleaner:

def expand(dikt):
names = {}
output = {}
def _search(_, sourceDict):
for key, value in sourceDict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
_search({}, value)
if not '$' in value:
names[key] = value
_search({}, dikt)
def _substitute(targetDict, sourceDict):
for key, value in sourceDict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
new_target = targetDict.setdefault(key, {})
_substitute(new_target, value)
targetDict[key] =
_substitute(output, dikt)
return output

print expand(d2)


recursively expanding $references in dictionaries

2007-07-22 Thread Alia Khouri
I was kind of wondering what ways are out there to elegantly expand
'$name' identifiers in nested dictionary value. The problem arose when
I wanted to include that kind of functionality to dicts read from yaml
files such that:

def func(input):
# do something
return output


input = {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith', 'src': 'c:/tmp/
'dir':  {'path': '$src', 'fullname': '$firstname $lastname'}}

output = {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith', 'src': 'c:/tmp/
'dir':  {'path': 'c:/tmp/file', 'fullname': 'John Smith'}}

Doing this substitution easy done when you have a flat dict, but when
they got nested, I had to resort to an undoubtedly ugly function with
two recursive passes and obvious deficiencies.

Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks for any help...



from string import Template
from pprint import pprint

def expand(dikt):
>>> d = expand2({'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith',
'fullname': '$firstname $lastname'})
>>> d == {'lastname': 'Smith', 'fullname': 'John Smith',
'firstname': 'John'}
subs = {}
for key, value in dikt.items():
if '$' in value:
subs[key] = Template(value).substitute(dikt)
return dikt

dikt = {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith',
'fullname': '$firstname $lastname'}

#~ print expand(dikt)

d1 = {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith',
'dir': {'fullname': '$firstname $lastname'}
d2 = {'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Smith', 'src': 'c:/tmp/file',
'dir': {'fullname': '$firstname $lastname', 'path':

def rexpand(dikt):
subs = {}
names = {}
# pass 1
def recurse(_, sourceDict):
for key, value in sourceDict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
recurse({}, value)
elif '$' in value:
subs[key] = value
names[key] = value
recurse({}, dikt)
print 'subs', subs
print 'names', names
print 'dikt (before):', dikt
for key, value in subs.items():
subs[key] = Template(value).substitute(names)
# -
# pass 2
output = {}
def substitute(targetDict, sourceDict):
for key, value in sourceDict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
new_target = targetDict.setdefault(key, {})
substitute(new_target, value)
targetDict[key] =
substitute(output, dikt)
print 'output:', output
return output



Ableton Live Python API is out!

2007-06-09 Thread Alia Khouri
I have been waiting for this ages and it's finally happened! Python
meet Live, Live meet Python!

There's now a wonderful (public) bridge between (arguably) the most
exciting and innovative and easy-to-use realtime software sequencer
and (arguably) the most exciting and innovative and easy-to-use
computer programming language out there. I know the love will flow
both ways (btw, they're having problems with the mac os x port, hint,
hint... )

I rushed to update but lo
and behold someone beat me to it. I love it when that happens
especially since I kicked off the earliest version of that page back
in the day ;-)

Some important links:

Ableton Live is at

The forum thread announcing the api is at :

And last but not least the Live python SDK sits at


Alia K


Re: Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

2005-12-16 Thread Alia Khouri
In Peter Mere writes:

"Subway has a lot of ideas TurboGears lacks. Everything from the
@client ajax-in-python to CherryFlow. On technical merits, Subway
should eat TurboGears' dinner.

But we all know market outcomes are not based on technical merit.
They're based on marketing. And as an open-source marketing project,
TurboGears is eating Subway's dinner. And not just those low-fat subs,
either - they're pouring it on thick!

It is a truism that python is the language with more web app frameworks
than keywords. Of this LaoTse wrote, "Conquest is a method of union.
The smaller submits to the larger to obtain custom. The larger submits
to the smaller to obtain service. If both would endure, both must

So it's time to stop trumpeting subway as "the best framework", and by
uniting with TurboGears definitively create the best web app framework.
The combination of the two would become an unstoppable juggernaut of
python mindshare, and all the rest of the frameworks would either
componentize or be dismissed as toys.

If Subway does not unite, chaos will continue in python web app land,
and ruby will become ascendant. This is more than a critical issue -
don't dismiss it without understanding that doing so will have severe
repercussions for subway (and by a process of horsshoe nail extraction,
the whole world!)"

All I can say is HEAR HEAR



Re: improving pypi / setuptools

2005-11-30 Thread Alia Khouri
It is still early days for setuptools... still, we are lagging behind
the ruby world in this regards.

I definitely agree with you that the so-called megaframeworks need to
be packaged better (especially all versions of the different components
being updated on almost daily basis).



improving pypi / setuptools

2005-11-29 Thread Alia Khouri
Due to a recent site overhaul by sourceforge certain files linked to
from pypi won't install. For example, in trying to install all the
dependencies for the subway web framework, I got this kind of error:

Searching for CherryPy>=2.1.0-rc1
Best match: CherryPy 2.1.0-rc2
error: Unexpected HTML page found at

Unless I am mistaken, this seems like a problem due to a dependency on
screen scraping to get the location of the file. If this is the case,
IMHO it is too fragile.

What ideas do people out there have for making the installation of
python module more reliable?

Just to get the ball rolling, here are two suggestions:

[1] If setuptools encounters an error in retrieving a dependency from
its registered location (off, it falls back to a canonical
URL that serves it from pypi, an email is then dispatched to uploader /
module maintainer, etc...

So I when I register the location of my python module on pypi, I also
upload a copy to pypi. This can serve as a permanent repository for all
python modules and versions, but because it is only used as a fallback
server, bandwidth use and therefore cost will be manageable.

[2] Create an alia for :

This not really a reliability tweek, its just a memory tweek.

The advantage of this is to save the installer a few
keystrokes, and to relate the installation command
to that which is installed.

Furthermore, I won't be jealous of ruby's little "gem"
command anymore. (-;



Re: survey of modules to be added to stdlib

2005-03-20 Thread Alia Khouri
It would be amazing if you could add the feature to do combo package
installs like :

- a scientific python combo (which would include scipy, numarray,
Numpy, plotting libs, etc)

- an AI python combo(orange, constraint programming modules, agent
libs, etc)

- a game development python combo (pygame, pysonic, 3D libs, etc...)

- a musical python combo 

you get the idea (-;



Re: generating audio signals

2005-03-20 Thread Alia Khouri


survey of modules to be added to stdlib

2005-03-18 Thread Alia Khouri
This is an informal survey to gauge the community's interest in adding
popular modules to the python standard library.

In no particular order, here's my personal list of favourites: - Jason Orendorff
elementree - Fredrik Lundh
ctypes - Thomas Heller
psyco - Armin Rigo
IPython - Fernando Pérez

BTW is there an official set of conditions that have to be met before a
module can be accepted into the stdlib?



adding a path module to stdlib

2005-03-18 Thread Alia Khouri
This may have been discussed ad nauseaum before, but every time I use
os.path manipulations I miss something like Jason Orrendorf's
being in the standard library.

Ruby has it:
 require 'pathname'
 path ="/tmp/f.log")

What are we missing to make something similarly useful happen for



Re: Sound and music libraries?

2005-02-28 Thread Alia Khouri



Re: why no python uninstall?

2004-12-05 Thread Alia Khouri
I'm guessing that this is a non-issue for most people (-;

why no python uninstall?

2004-12-03 Thread Alia Khouri
If the cannonical way to install a python app is

   python install

one would expect the following to uninstall it

   python uninstall

However, distutils doesn't automatically take care of that for you. 

Is this by design? Or is this something that could/should be addressed
in a future version of distutils?

The reason this came up for me is that I have a scheduled script that
downloads the cvs/svn versions of certain python apps (w/extensions),
and then builds and installs them to site-packages automatically by
'python install'. Just to be extra clean about it, I would
prefer to uninstall first, and then install.


PS: I also have to manually uninstall apps from Mac OS X panther:
searching for .plists etc. I wonder if that was deliberate or
otherwise too... hmm...