Linting python code...

2006-10-10 Thread Andrew Markebo
Alalalala lint.. alalalala lint... 

Ehm :-) 

Are there any python-code linter out there - or the code is so easy to
write that it always is so perfekt? :-)


 Don't walk in front of me, I might be unable to follow you. 
 Don't walk after me, I might be unable to lead you. 
 Just walk by my side and be my friend.

Re: win32com, generating the cache programaticaly?

2005-10-12 Thread Andrew Markebo

| You can use win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch
| to automatically generate the makepy file for an object's library
| when the object is created.  Use the bForDemand option to
| only generate the code for objects as needed.

Drats, I get an:

 raise TypeError, "This COM object can not automate the makepy process
 - please run makepy manually for this object"

Thanx anyway!


 Feet up, heads down - keyboard still in the middle

Re: HELP: Searching File Manager written in Python

2005-10-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
Checked Total Commander? 

Has an sort of open API to plugins, and either do a python 'proxy' or
maybe just execute a script.

Next step might be using win32com or SWIG to set up the interface..

Just some ideas.

 Everything that was magical was just a way of describing the world in
words it couldn't ignore.
- "Pyramids" by Terry Pratchett


win32com, generating the cache programaticaly?

2005-10-11 Thread Andrew Markebo


I am messing around with communicating between LabVIEW and Python, got
it to work by a small 'fix' (grabbing the generated file, and
importing it by hand)

What I might want to do, is to automatically generate the data done by
executing and run by it.

What I select in is a library "LabVIEW data 7.1", I would
like to do this from my program. Any hints?

Then, is it possible making this on a minor mode, basically I have
only to dig out the CLSID of "LabVIEW data 7.1" and put it into the
generated file.. sort of?? 


 "I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death
your right to say it."

-- Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778), French philosopher,
   writer, "Candide"

Debugging from within emacs!

2005-05-18 Thread Andrew Markebo

How do I debug my python-code from the inside of emacs, throw some
breakpoints? and fire up the session, check backtraces and so on?


Experimenting I have come this far: 

I have put a pdb.bat in my path, containing:
"c:\Program Files\Python23\python.exe" -u "c:\Program 
Files\Python23\Lib\" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

In emacs I do M-x pdb  , I get the 

Current directory is h:/WorkingWith/PyLabView/
h:\WorkingWith\PyLabView>"c:\Program Files\Python23\python.exe" -u "c:\Program 
> (1)?()

Whatever I try to do now, like doing a step, I get

(Pdb) step

and nothing happens.. restart, doing a "n"
(pdb) n

{'twenty': ('int', 20), 'abc': ('string', 'abc')}

> (1)?()->None

 "I [..] am rarely happier than when spending an entire day programming
my computer to perform automatically a task that it would otherwise
take me a good ten seconds to do by hand."
-- Douglas Adams, "Last Chance to See"
 -= May he rest in peace! =-