how to normalize indentation sources

2006-05-24 Thread AndyL

I have a lot of sources with mixed indentation typically 2 or 4 or 8 
spaces. Is there any way to automatically convert them in let's say 4 

Thx, A.

deploying big python applications

2006-05-24 Thread AndyL

let me describe how I do that today. There is standard python taken from installed in a c:\python23 with at least dozen different 
additional python packages (e.g. SOAPpy, Twisted, wx, many smaller ones 
etc) included. Also python23.dll moved from c:\windows to c:\python23. 
This is zipped and available as over 100MB file to anyone to manually 
unzip on his/her PC. This is a one time step.

On top of that there is 30K lines of code with over 100 .py files 
application laid out within a directory tree. Very specific for the 
domain, typical application. This again is zipped and available to 
anyone as much smaller file to unzip and use. This step is per software 

There is one obvious drawback - I can not separate python from standard 
libraries easily. So when upgrade to 2.4 comes, I need to reinstall all 
the packages. In order to address that as well as the Linux port I 
project following structure:
-default installation or one time step on Windows
-set of platform dependent libraries in directory A
-set of platform independent libraries in directory B
-application in directory C

This way I can easily port (or just use) entire software under 
Linux/Unix yet do not have to worry about collecting all the packages 
evry time I change the platform or the version of Python.

I hope I described it well enough. How to achieve it, is there any 
better solution, or ready one. Please advice.

Thx in advance, A.

Re: how to normalize indentation sources

2006-05-24 Thread AndyL
John Machin wrote:
 On 25/05/2006 12:00 PM, AndyL wrote:

 I have a lot of sources with mixed indentation typically 2 or 4 or 8 
 spaces. Is there any way to automatically convert them in let's say 4 

 Yup. Right under your nose:
 C:\junk\python24\tools\scripts\ --help
 reindent [-d][-r][-v] [ path ... ]
 -d (--dryrun)  Dry run.  Analyze, but don't make any changes to, files.
 -r (--recurse) Recurse.  Search for all .py files in subdirectories too.
 -v (--verbose) Verbose.  Print informative msgs; else no output.
 -h (--help)Help. Print this usage information and exit.
 Change Python (.py) files to use 4-space indents and no hard tab 
 Also trim excess spaces and tabs from ends of lines, and remove empty lines
 at the end of files.  Also ensure the last line ends with a newline.
thx a lot, A.

Re: Web framework comparison video

2006-05-23 Thread AndyL
Iain King wrote:
 Thought this might be interesting to y'all.  (I can't watch it 'cos I'm
 at work, so any comments about it would be appreciated :)

Indeed it was. The headache factor is 1, for some reason my Mandrake 
2006 media players mute the sound. Had to boot to M$ :-(.


redirecting print to a a file

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL

Can I redirect print output, so it is send to a file, not stdout.

I have a large program and would like to avoid touching hundreds of print's.

Thx, Andy

python equivalent of the following program

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL

What would by a python equivalent of following shell program:


prog1  file1 
prog2  file2 

As you see, I need to spawn a few processes and redirect stdout to some 



Re: redirecting print to a a file

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL
Harold Fellermann wrote:
import sys
sys.stdout = file(output,w)
print here you go

And what if I want to still send the output to stdout and just a log it 
in the file as well?


Re: redirecting print to a a file

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
I have a large program and would like to avoid touching hundreds of
 I can suggest using the logging module instead of print. It's much
 more flexible than prints, and well suited for large programs.

Thx for the hint. I will look into that.


Re: redirecting print to a a file

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 AndyL enlightened us with:
And what if I want to still send the output to stdout and just a log
it in the file as well?
 $ python | tee output.log
 Or write a class that has a write() function and outputs to a file and
 to the original value of sys.stdout (IIRC that's in sys.__stdout__)

Thx again. Python is cool, do that in C++ or Java :-)


Re: python equivalent of the following program

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL
Edward Elliott wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
import subprocess

file1 = open('file1', 'w')
prog1 = subprocess.Popen(['prog1'], stdout=file1)
 And if the script runs somewhere that stderr is likely to disappear:
 prog1 = subprocess.Popen(['prog1'], stdout=file1, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

Forgot to mention before that the main motivation is to have the same 
code on bot Linux and M$ platforms.

Does subprocess work well on both?

Also how to find out that the 'prog1' e.g. has exited and it is  done?


Re: Chicago Python Users Group Thurs May 11 at 7pm

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL
Brian Ray wrote:
 This will be our best meeting yet! ChiPy's Monthly meeting this Thurs.
 May 11, 2006. 7pm.

I will miss it. When the next is planed?

Re: python equivalent of the following program

2006-05-11 Thread AndyL
Edward Elliott wrote:
 AndyL wrote:
Edward Elliott wrote:

And if the script runs somewhere that stderr is likely to disappear:

prog1 = subprocess.Popen(['prog1'], stdout=file1,

Forgot to mention before that the main motivation is to have the same
code on bot Linux and M$ platforms.

Does subprocess work well on both?
Also how to find out that the 'prog1' e.g. has exited and it is  done?
 prog1.wait() or prog1.poll().  look at the subprocess docs.

thx a lot.

__all__ does not work?

2006-05-09 Thread AndyL
This a module:



def getsize1():
 return size

def getsize2():
 return 2*size

I do not know why but getsize2 is not kept priviate?

$ python
Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

  import mm


Any ideas?



Re: __all__ does not work?

2006-05-09 Thread AndyL
 Andy This a module:
 Andy _all__=('getsize1',)
 Andy size=85
 Andy def getsize1():
 Andy  return size
 Andy def getsize2():
 Andy  return 2*size
 Andy I do not know why but getsize2 is not kept priviate?
 That's not what __all__ is used for.  Try this:
 from mm import *
 The only name added to your namespace will be getsize1.

Okay, got it. Thx.

Re: using range() in for loops

2006-04-05 Thread AndyL
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Normally you'd use range or xrange.  range builds a complete list in
 memory so can be expensive if the number is large.  xrange just counts
 up to that number.

so when range would be used instead of xrange. if xrange is more 
efficient, why range was not reimplemented?


what is the the best way to express following:

2006-03-27 Thread AndyL
if type(key).__name__ == int or type(key).__name__ == long:
elif type(key).__name__ == str:
elif type(key).__name__ == tuple or type(key).__name__ == list:

In other words I need to determinie intiger type or string or []/() in 
elegant way, possibly without or ...

Thx, A.

Re: what is the the best way to express following:

2006-03-27 Thread AndyL
James Stroud wrote:

 Here is a suggestion
 todo = {(int, long):abc, (str,):afg, (tuple, list):ijk}

Is not that a shortcut? I have got KeyError exception ...

Re: what is the the best way to express following:

2006-03-27 Thread AndyL
Paul McGuire wrote:
 AndyL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
if type(key).__name__ == int or type(key).__name__ == long:
elif type(key).__name__ == str:
elif type(key).__name__ == tuple or type(key).__name__ == list:

In other words I need to determinie intiger type or string or []/() in
elegant way, possibly without or ...

Thx, A.
 Your literal Pythonic approach is to use the isinstance() builtin:
 if isinstance(key,(int,long)):
 elif isinstance(key,str):
 elif isinstance(key,(tuple,list)):

thx a lot . In fact I do not do dispatch, just wanted ilustrate if: 
elif: sequence. Andy

Re: path to modules per import statement

2006-03-24 Thread AndyL
For instance: import my.path.module would load module from
 Yeah, just do that. I don't understand the question, it works just like
 this today.

I work on rather big set of Python applications: something like 100 .py 
files divided into libs and separate sub-applications.

For now I keep almost everything in one directory but I wish following 
structure to be in place:

app1/  app2/  lib1/  lib2/  lib3/

and be able to import from each app[12] all the libs. I do not want to 
touch existing code to prefix all the import places with lib[123] nether 
I want to play with sys.path.append too much.



path to modules per import statement

2006-03-23 Thread AndyL
is there any way to specify the path to modules within import statement 
(like in Java)?

For instance: import my.path.module would load module from 


multi/double dispatch, multifunctions once again

2006-02-15 Thread AndyL

Where I can find a module supporting that?
