Re: Is mod_python 3.1 good for commercial blogging/CMS?

2005-11-08 Thread Anthony L.
 Ben Sizer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anthony L. wrote:
  1. I want to use CGI through Publisher handler, instead of CGI handler
  or PSP. Despite the speed increase mod_python gives me, there is a
  problem of persistence that can be a problem when dealing with a site
  that will hosts potentially hundreds of simultaneous users.
 What problem? Could you elaborate further?

Hi Ben. This is what I myself am trying to find out. From what I gather, 
hosts dislike long running processes, and so one reason for not 
supporting Python and mod_python is that, plus multiple instances of the 
python interpreter. Granted, a lot of this looks like old information 
combined with FUD, so I am suspicious. After all, high-traffic sites 
using mod_perl seem okay.

 In theory, people use these templates to /improve/ the separation
 between logic and presentation. When you just use req.write() you're
 inevitably mixing logic and presentation. At least with the template
 systems, you do the presentation once and the logic fills in the gaps.
 It's even possible to edit the presentation in many WYSIWYG web editors
 without affecting the code.

Yes, I see your point. In this case it works for me (at the moment) 
because the HTML design will remain as is without subject to editing, 
whereas the look and feel (controlled by CSS) will be user-editable.

 I don't think performance is a factor, really. HTML templates tend to
 exist so that you can structure the page without worrying about the
 Python code. They work well for fairly uniform pages that largely
 require the same sort of data on each page. I am more of a programmer
 than a designer so I prefer to think in terms of code and emit HTML as
 it suits me.

Okay, I might have been unfair in looking away from PSP then. Thanks Ben.


Re: Is mod_python 3.1 good for commercial blogging/CMS?

2005-11-08 Thread Anthony L.
 Francois Lepoutre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   3. I am not very attracted to PSP because I want to separate the logic
   from the presentation as completely as possible [...]
 In view of your project why not consider cherrypy as well?  It may
 be an alternative to consider.

Hi Francois, I'm getting more open to considering other frameworks. As I 
mentioned earlier, I am aware that I am swimming against the current by 
not simply using Apache 1 and PHP, so I wanted to avoid investing in yet 
another esoteric piece of software. Thankfully, after a discussion with 
some prospective hosts today, I have the freedom to consider CherryPy 
and Django.
   manipulation, database calls, and some very minor mathematics. If the
   Apache 1.3 series mod works fine, can I relieve myself of some stress
   and go with that combo?
 Why not? But why not work with apache 2.x. mod_python works fine on
 this platform.

Oh, it's not that I have anything against Apache 2. My preference is to 
work with mod_python 3, and that requires Apache 2, which I want. I was 
just considering a less desirable pythonic option. Even among commodity 
shared hosting providers I've found the presence of earlier versions of 
python and mod_python.

 no FUD here. Read the mod_python carefully, run your tests and make up
 your choice. This is definitely a workable environment.

Thanks Francois. I am going to stick with Python for this. As it turns 
out, I'll have the freedom to use the software configuration I want, so 
now I don't have to worry about committing to Python, only discover that 
my Python code is useable only as a prototype for PHP or Perl. :)


Re: Is mod_python 3.1 good for commercial blogging/CMS?

2005-11-08 Thread Anthony L.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John J. Lee) wrote:

 Ben Sizer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  It as not easy to work with the CGI-style code in a WYSIWYG web editor
  as it is to edit a template, which is probably the main reason for
  their use. Also, coding everything with req.write() means that each
 You seem to believe CGI is incompatible with templating.  Why?  The
 two are entirely independent of each other.

He was just referring to the idea of me perhaps editing the HTML markup 
in my Python code using an IDE like Dreamweaver and having a difficult 
time. I agree, editing an HTML doc in a WYSIWYG environment would be 
easier than me fishing through my req.write() calls and my strings to 
find my markup - which is what I am doing at the moment.


Is mod_python 3.1 good for commercial blogging/CMS?

2005-11-07 Thread Anthony L.
I am writing a web application that is comparable to a content 
management system used in blogging. I really want to use Python after 
having done some evaluation coding using Python 2.3.5 with mod_python 
3.1.4 running on Apache 2.0 with the Publisher handler.

However, I am still very hesitant to settle on Python. All my research 
brings up the same collection of scant articles and old mailing list 
messages that reference each other. I am not interested in using 
frameworks, partly because I am confused by them, but mostly because I 
don't want to add another layer of software complexity on top of my code 
since I already am expecting a hard time finding low-cost dedicated 
hosting with Apache 2 and mod_python 3 support.

I have made a few assumptions regarding Python and mod_python's value. 
Hopefully the experts here can help correct any of my assumptions and 
give me some more comfort in committing to Python.

1. I want to use CGI through Publisher handler, instead of CGI handler 
or PSP. Despite the speed increase mod_python gives me, there is a 
problem of persistence that can be a problem when dealing with a site 
that will hosts potentially hundreds of simultaneous users.

2. I have found nothing to quantify the stability and reliability of 
mod_python 3, and in the absence of a list of major commercial sites 
that use mod_python, I am left feeling as is there might be technical 
(read as stability/security) reasons to favor mod_perl over mod_python.

3. I am not very attracted to PSP because I want to separate the logic 
from the presentation as completely as possible, and PHP and other 
template languages including PSP seem difficult to do that in. Learning 
template systems like PyMeld is an unattractive option for me since I 
don't understand their benefit. Why can't I just use req.write() to 
output my markup, relying completely on external CSS after the fact? My 
thought is that HTML templates provide a minimum set of static code that 
doesn't require extra processing, thus keeping performance up. However, 
if I minimize my use of req.write() will it make a difference?

4 A final question, is mod_python 2.7 suitable for use in a commercial 
production system? All I'm doing is text processing, string 
manipulation, database calls, and some very minor mathematics. If the 
Apache 1.3 series mod works fine, can I relieve myself of some stress 
and go with that combo?

I'd appreciate some practical advise on this. I am funding this myself 
on a small budget with no hard deadline, so it is critical to me that I 
choose a language that will minimize my costs. Are my assumptions 
correct, or am I falling prey to FUD?
