Ok, this is my problem:
With code below I get a red box with given width and height. When I
use that create_image, nothing happens. I only see that same red box.
Why is that?
The loop.bmp is working fine when I use show() method.

        win = Toplevel() 

        canvas = Canvas(win, width=100, height=100, background='red')

        im = Image.open("loop.bmp")
        photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
        canvas.create_image(8, 8, anchor="nw", image=photo)
(Interestingly loop.bmp appears to the red box if I try to pack that
canvas.create_image ( canvas.create_image.pack()) and ofcourse I also
get an error message that It can't be done. But anyway the picture
appears ...weird)

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