Re: Most "active" coroutine library project?

2009-09-28 Thread Arlo Belshee
On Sep 25, 2:07 pm, Grant Edwards  wrote:
> On 2009-09-25, Jason Tackaberry  wrote:
> > And I maintain that requiring yield doesn't make it any less a
> > coroutine.
> > Maybe we can call this an aesthetic difference of opinion?
> Certainly.
> You've a very valid point that "transparent" can also mean
> "invisible", and stuff happening "invisibly" can be a source of
> bugs.  All the invisible stuff going on in Perl and C++ has
> always caused headaches for me.

There are some key advantages to this transparency, especially in the
case of libraries built on libraries. For example, all the networking
libraries that ship in the Python standard lib are based on the
sockets library. They assume the blocking implementation, but then add
HTTPS, cookie handling, SMTP, and all sorts of higher-level network

I want to use non-blocking network I/O for (concurrency) performance.
I don't want to re-write an SMTP lib - my language ships with one.
However, it is not possible for someone to write a non-blocking socket
that is a drop-in replacement for the blocking one in the std lib.
Thus, it is not possible for me to use _any_ of the well-written
libraries that are already part of Python's standard library. They
don't have yields sprinkled throughout, so they can't work with a non-
blocking, co-routine implemented socket. And they certainly aren't
written against the non-blocking I/O APIs.

Thus, the efforts by lots of people to write entire network libraries
that, basically, re-implement the Python standard library, but change
the implementation of 7 methods (bind, listen, accept, connect, send,
recv, close). They end up having to duplicate tens of thousands of
LoC, just to change 7 methods.

That's where transparency would be nice - to enable that separation of

Re: Start Python at client side from web app

2009-01-27 Thread Arlo Belshee
> We create a custom mime-type and register it on the client PC. The web 
> application
> can send signed python code to the client PC. If the signature is correct,
> the code will be executed at the client. The signature prevents others from 
> executing
> code.

This will let you start a program from within the browser. It will not
let you run arbitrary Python inside the browser  but it doesn't sound
like that's your goal.

If you goal is "user can go to site, click button, hit OK on
confirmation box, and launch arbitrary Python code", then the mime
type solution is probably the best bet. Just make your own custom
extension which will launch the python interpreter on your file. Give
it a mime type, and serve regular .py files with that extension and
mime type. IE will start the interpreter in a new process and pass
your file along.

To verify the file's signature, you could simply create a custom
interpreter by making a console app that takes a file, checks a sig,
then runs the file against an embedded interpreter. Embedding the
interpreter is simple enough.

> I can code this myself, but prefer to use some open source project, if it 
> exists.

I don't know of any such.

Heck, if you don't care about checking the signature on the file
before running, your "project" could consist of a .reg file that sets
up your extension/file type/mime type. Do an MSI if you want to get
really fancy, but all you really need to do is add a couple entries to
the registry.

Of course, everything's a lot harder if you want to run within the
browser. Having the browser ask the user for permission then launch a
new process is easy. Building an integrated experience that hosts
Python inside the browser sandbox is a lot harder - and probably not

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2009-01-13 Thread Arlo Belshee
For R, and others who haven't read the PEP or worked a lot with the
web, here are some really strong advantages of the new string
formatting over the old.

Note: I'm not saying that you have to use one or the other. I'm just
pointing out some of the things that the new format gives us - things
which allow the next generation of application simplification
(especially web apps).

When working on resource-oriented, generalized display applications
(eg, most any modern website), you commonly run into the problem of
wanting to display a bunch of different things in a bunch of different
ways - and on the web, display means "convert to a string for the
browser". However, the mapping is not a complete graph. Rather, there
are usually some rules. For example:

 * I want to show the same thing to different people in different
ways, depending on permissions.
 * Sometimes I want to show a thing as a full display, and sometimes
as a link to go get more. Usually, the template (context) knows how I
want to show something, but the thing knows how to show itself.

I can solve this using the new string formatting. In particular, by
using the "{}", "{variable[index]}", and similar
substitutions (none of which can be done in the old syntax). As a
result, I end up with an entire website, of an arbitrary number of
pages, being supported with one, 5-line "generate the view" method.
There is 0 code per page.

Here are some of the simpler examples. First, there might be a link to
a user's page:


Wait...isn't that the same? Yup. There's the first widget: a link. Any
resource that knows its own name and URL (and that's all of them) can
be shown as a link. Similar widget extraction hugely reduces the other
combinations I have to support - eliminating a lot of redundancy, and
many LoC.

However, display_name doesn't show up the same for all users.
Administrators often get additional data (such as the username),
everywhere they see a user's name. Friends of a user see little
rollovers that tell them more about that user - such as a photo.
Fortunately, I defined my user class like:

class User:
  def display_name(self):
# viewer-dependent context stuff here.

And the new string formatting calls my arbitrary code, without anyone
having to think about it. But display_name doesn't need to know how to
display a name - it just needs to choose which style to use. I can
also extract that out to a template, and then have "{0.first}" for friends and "{0.first} {0.last}
({0.username})" for admins, and so on. My display_name code just needs
to choose which representation to use - it doesn't define that format.
It just returns one of several opaque string constants / widgets,
making refactoring trivial.

Similarly, I can use "{resource.full_display_for_viewer}" or
"{resource.link_display}" to tell the resource how I want it to
display itself.

Hm. Doesn't that make widget sets (a la ToscaWidgets / TuboGears) and
template languages (such as Cheetah / Kid / Mako) a little obsolete?
Well, sorta. After all when displaying my user class, I can do this
too: "{self.blog_entries.recent.as_ordered_list.using.link_display}".
Is that pathological? Probably (unless you have a functional
programming background or like domain-specific languages). Looping is,
after all, one of the things a real templating system gives you.
However, now you don't need to use it for common (and simple) things.

Eventually, you do run into stuff for which you want a full templating
language. And I use them. For example, they define the base page
layouts. The point, however, is that a lot of the lower-level things
can be done without using the templating language. And this reduces
the number of Mako templates you have lying around, while still
allowing great decomposability.

Most of these things could be done by having the object override
__format__(self). However, that jams my display code in with the rest
of my resource class. This way, I can have templates pull out what
they want from my resources. And I can compute the template to use and
the resources to use it on independently, then just pass it to my
displayer method.

These are capabilities that %s has no chance to every approach. The
ability to use new-style format strings reducees my LoC by a half-ton,
and they make what they leave behind a lot easier to read. Being
higher-level constructs, they allow me to eliminate redundancy, and
that's the real purpose of a programmer.