Re: Leo 4.3-a3 Outlining IDE

2005-02-26 Thread Brad Clements

After install and you run it for the first time (and if it asks for your
initials), then expect the plug-in manager to throw a bad window name error
in TK.

You must exit, then restart Leo before running the plugin manager after the
initial install.

Novell DeveloperNet Sysop #5


Re: Python UPS / FedEx Shipping Module

2005-02-14 Thread Brad Clements
Gabriel Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Are the modules just accessing the published apis for their webservices?

 Yes, they use the free API's that have always been freely available.
 They're just *Impossible* to find on either of UPS's OR FedEx's
 websites. It took me no less than an hour and likely more just to find
 the documentation pages on each site. As for putting them up on the web,
 I should be able to get them up by the end of the week.

If you downloaded  the documentation from UPS, please re-check your license
agreement for the documentation before posting the code. You might be in
violation of some terms and conditions. I say might, I do not know for
certain and am not hinting that you are violating anything.

I've been tracking through UPS for 4 years using their old crappy interface,
and a newer one, and now we've moved to the XML version. All of their
documents come with a click - through license agreement that probably
restricts you in some way. I haven't read them too closely, since I'm under
contract I say yes on behalf of my client. ;-)

Novell DeveloperNet Sysop #5


Re: Looking for a coder to do some work

2004-12-14 Thread Brad Clements
Sounds like a generic html based information kiosk.

Anyone can do this pretty easily using embedded IE or Mozilla ActiveX
control wrapped up in Venster. Just run an internal http server in another
thread.. I've done this for desktop apps. Though, full-screen windows I
haven't tried, but should be straightforward.

Novell DeveloperNet Sysop #5
