having issues Installing Python 2.5b3 on Windows XP

2006-08-11 Thread Bucco
I installed python 2.5b3 on my windows XP sp2 box without any issues.
I can double click the python program, and idle comes up in the command
line window.  However when I run python from the command line program
cmd.exe, I get a pop-up window with the following error:

16 bit Windows Subsystem

The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
CS:020c IP:0115 OP:0f 00 00 00 00 Choose 'Close' to terminate the

If I run python from the command line with the full path,
C:\Python25\python, no problem.  I checked my environment variables and
they are pointing to the correct directories.  I am at a loss for waht
is causing the issue.  Active state python 2.4 worked from the command
line with no issues.  I know 2.5b3 is beta, but I would like to try and
get it running properly.  At the very least, I would like someone to
report this bug so that the final version gets fixed.

Please don't say reboot.  I have already tried that, same problem.  I
am going to try to install python 2.4 with the msi installer and see if
I have the same issue with that version.  If anyone else has any ideas
please help.  




Re: having issues Installing Python 2.5b3 on Windows XP

2006-08-11 Thread Bucco
The python 2.4 version msi did no better.  Please help.  I do not
really want to go back to Active State Python.



Bucco wrote:
> I
> am going to try to install python 2.4 with the msi installer and see if
> I have the same issue with that version.  If anyone else has any ideas
> please help.


Re: having issues Installing Python 2.5b3 on Windows XP

2006-08-11 Thread Bucco
I'm getting closer now.

I figured out that when I typed python in cmd.exe window it was trying
to run the cygwin version of python.  I removed that link and cmd.exe
now finds the correct version.

Therefore, this is not a bug.  However, someone should add a caution in
the installation instructions for those of us using cygwin on windows.




List comparison help please

2006-08-20 Thread Bucco
I am trying to compare a list of items to the list of files generated
by os.listdir.  I am having trouble getting this to work and think I
may be going down the wrong path.  Please let me know if hter is a
better way to do this.  THis is what I have for my class so far:

import os, sys

class MatchList:
  def __init__(self, dir, file):
self.dir = os.listdir(dir)
self.flist = open(file, 'r').readlines()
self.matches = []
  def matcher(self):
#~ matches = []
for fname in self.dir:
  #~ print fname
  if fname[-4] == '.':
for item in self.flist:
  if item == fname[:-4]:
  #~ else:
#~ break
#~ if self.matches == '':
  #~ print "Sorry, there was no match."
#~ else:
  #~ for item in matches:
#~ print item
  def matchedFiles(self):
for item in self.matches: print item

if __name__ == '__main__':
  dir = sys.argv[1]
  file = sys.argv[2]
  list = open(file, 'r').readlines()
  test = MatchList(dir, file)

Thanks in advance for your help.



Re: List comparison help please

2006-08-20 Thread Bucco

Simon Forman wrote:

> 1) Don't use "dir", "file", and "list" as variable names, those are
> already python built in objects (the dir() function, list type, and
> file type, respectively.)

Thanks.  My own stupidity on this one.

> 2) 'r' is the default for open(), omit it.  "self.flist =
> open(file).readlines()"

 Could you clarify? Show an example.  Sorry if I sound newbyish, but I

> 5) Since you have a list of things you're matching (excluding actually)
> this part:
> > for item in self.flist:
> >   if item == fname[:-4]:
> > pass
> >   else:
> > self.matches.append(fname)
> could become:
> if fname[:-4] not in self.flist: self.matches.append(fname)

Thanks.  This was what I was looking for.

> 6) Why are you using #~ for comments?

This is just the automatic commenting on scite.  I put my cursor on the
line I want to comment and press ctrl-q ans scite comments out the
whole line or selection.  As for why the lines are commented; I
commented these lines so I could test out some of the code prior to
running the next bit.

> Also, check out os.path.splitext()
> http://docs.python.org/lib/module-os.path.html#l2h-1761
I will check this out also.

Thank You for your help.  You have answered some questions for me.




More List Comparison Help

2006-08-21 Thread Bucco
I have taken into advice what was mentioned earlier, but I have run
into a snag in which I am getting the wrong output from my class.

> python matchlist.py ./test ./test/list.txt
['list.txt', 'test1.txt', 'test2.txt']
['', '/', 't', 'e', 's', 't']

The first line of output correctly displays the list of file names in
the argv[1] directory.
The second line of output correctly displays the set list from
readlines on list.txt.
The third line of out put should be the same as the 1st line minus the
extenxions in the file names.

Here is the code:

import os
from sys import argv

class MatchList:
  def __init__(self, dirList, fileList):
self.dirList = os.listdir(dirList)
self.fileList = set(open(fileList, 'r').readlines())
self.matchList = []
self.retList = []
self.rut = []
  def match(self):
for item in dirList:
  rut = os.path.splitext(item)[0]
print self.matchList
  def testPrint(self):
print self.dirList
print self.fileList

if __name__ == '__main__':
  if len(argv) == 3:
dirList = argv[1]
fileListName = argv[2]
match = MatchList(dirList, fileListName)

What I want to happen is produce a list of the filenames minus the
extensions so that I can set that list.  Once that list is set, I can
subtract the set list from the readlines function and then use the
difference list to determine what files are missing form the directory.

Thanks in advance:)

P.S.  Is there a special way to include code in my postings so that it
looks different from the rest of the text in the posting?


Re: More List Comparison Help

2006-08-21 Thread Bucco
Nevermind.  I found my own error.  I referenced the input values
instead of the class object self.  That is what I get for staring at
the code too long.


