Re: Best Middle Tier Architechure?

2006-09-08 Thread Butternut Squash
Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

 2006/9/7, Butternut Squash [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 right now we are using c# and .net remoting in a way that just is not

 I want to rewrite a lot of what we do in python. I have seen XML-RPC and
 soap.  Are there other options?
 It surely depends on what's going to be on the other sides. If
 everything is Python, you may use Twisted.Spread. If you have to
 communicate with different languages and plataforms, maybe CORBA
 helps. Well, I'm sure a lot of people know more options than I do
I have to support multiple applications using different schema and
databases.  Would like to present as much as a unified interface as

Best Middle Tier Architechure?

2006-09-07 Thread Butternut Squash
What do you guys recommend for doing middle tier in python.
I want to hide the database from the application and have it just use
business logic.

right now we are using c# and .net remoting in a way that just is not

I want to rewrite a lot of what we do in python. I have seen XML-RPC and
soap.  Are there other options?

Just curious for some opinions.


Re: block a network port

2006-08-29 Thread Butternut Squash
abcd wrote:

 Larry Bates wrote:
 This is not really a Python question.  Blocking ports is a function
 of your firewall solution.
 ok, no of any python solutions?  or command-line firewalls?

So now you're question is how to write a firewall in python?

You can probably bind to all the ports and not open up any connections. That
would keep something else from using the port. Simple but effective.

Firewall software is a much better solution, though

Good luck.

Re: how to use python com server in c++?

2006-08-19 Thread Butternut Squash
Leo Jay wrote:

 dear all,
 i have a python com server like this:
 import win32com.server.register
 class HelloWorld:
 _reg_clsid_ = {B0EB5AAB-0465-4D54-9CF9-04ADF7F73E4E}
 _reg_desc_  = 'Python test com server'
 _reg_progid_= Leojay.ComServer
 _public_methods_= ['Add', 'Mul']
 def Add(self, a, b):
 return a+b
 def Mul(self, a, b):
 return a*b
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 after registering the com server, i can use it in visual basic .net:
 Dim a As Integer = 5
 Dim b As Integer = 8
 Dim h As Object = CreateObject(Leojay.ComServer)
 MsgBox(h.Add(a, b).ToString() +   + h.Mul(a, b).ToString())
 but i don't know how to use it in visual c++.
 who has any idea about using this com server in viusal c++?
 a detailed sample of early binding would be better, thanks.

too complicated for my brain. Waiting for a good answer.

Re: open() and Arabic language

2006-08-13 Thread Butternut Squash
MaaSTaaR wrote:

 Hello ...
 firstly , sorry for my bad English .
 i have problem with open() function when i use it with file which name
 in Arabic , the open() will not find the file , and i am sure the file
 is exist .
 so how i can solve this problem ?

probably a unicode problem. Good luck.

Re: ANN: PyQt v4.0 Released - Python Bindings for Qt v4

2006-06-11 Thread Butternut Squash
Phil Thompson wrote:

 Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0
 available from
 The main change from v4.0beta1 is the inclusion of comprehensive HTML
 documentation based on the Qt documentation.
 PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Python programming
 and supports the same platforms as Qt (Windows, Linux and MacOS/X).  Like
 Qt, PyQt is available under the GPL and a commercial license.
 PyQt v4 supports Qt v4 (
 PyQt v3 is still available to support earlier versions of Qt.
 PyQt v4 is implemented as a set of 8 extension modules containing
 approximately 400 classes and 6,000 functions and methods.
 The non-GUI infrastructure including event loops, threads, i18n,
 Unicode, signals and slots, user and application settings.
 A rich collection of GUI widgets.
 A set of classes to support TCP and UDP socket programming and higher
 level protocols (eg. HTTP).
 A set of classes that allows PyOpenGL to render onto Qt widgets.
 A set of classes that implement SQL data models and interfaces to
 standard databases.  Includes an implementation of SQLite.
 A set of classes to render SVG files onto Qt widgets.
 A set of classes that implement DOM and SAX parsers.
 A set of classes that enables the Qt Assistant online help browser to
 be integrated with an application.
 A Windows installer is provided for the GPL version of PyQt to be used
 with the GPL version of Qt v4
 ( It enabes a complete
 PyQt environment to be installed on Windows without the need for a C++
 PyQt includes the pyuic utility which generates Python code to implement
 user interfaces created with Qt Designer in the same way that the uic
 generates C++ code.  It is also able to load Designer XML files

Where is the best place to learn how to use this library???


Re: python soap web services

2006-05-13 Thread Butternut squash
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Butternut squash wrote:
 Is there any reason why there isn't any python library that makes
 using soap as easy as how microsoft .net makes it.
 I mean I write rudimentary asmx files call them from a webbrowser.
 The WSDL is generated and then there is documentation and a form to
 invoke a function.
 The WSDL will never as easily be created as in .NET/JAVA, as Python lacks
 static typing annotations that are used by the WSDL-generators. So either
 someone defines his own type annotation theme for that purpose that can be
 used to infer the WSDL  - or you write WSDL yourself. Which is a major
 PITA, as the whole SOAP mess.
 Ravi OTH has pointed out _running_ a SOAP service is easy as cake.

I agree python soap is pretty easy to use.  Just a bit harder to use the c#
classic way to call a web service.


python soap web services

2006-05-11 Thread Butternut squash
Is there any reason why there isn't any python library that makes 
using soap as easy as how microsoft .net makes it.

I mean I write rudimentary asmx files call them from a webbrowser.
The WSDL is generated and then there is documentation and a form to
invoke a function.

When do you think someone will make this available for python web service??

Re: Job opportunity in France

2006-05-06 Thread Butternut squash
Rony Steelandt wrote:

 We have a vacancy for a python programmer for a 6 months assignement.
 If interested, please visit
 And don't worry we speak english :)
seriously, a job opportunity in France?? I heard that the unemployment rate
is not doing too well.


Re: Newbie wxPython questions.

2006-04-11 Thread Butternut squash
John Ladasky wrote:

 I am also a newbie and learning like you are. I was wondering if do you
 know any wxPython forum just for GUIs ?
 Good luck with your project and hope that some guru helps us out.
 If you are reading this via Usenet, you can subscribe to the newsgroup
 comp.soft-sys.wxwindows.  You will find people there who use the
 wxWidgets port in many different forms, including wxPython.
 You can also visit and subscribe to the mailing list.  The
 mailing list is mirrored to the Usenet group.  Good luck!
 |   Ladasky Home Solar, Inc.:  blowing sunshine up your   |
 |   power grid since March 24, 2005.  Fiat lux!   |
 |   UptimeDowntimekWh generated kWh consumed  |
 |   374 daysnone  6608 7143   |

The is alao a book on wxPython at Amazon and others.
wxPython in action.


Re: wxpython in action book

2006-04-04 Thread Butternut squash
momobear wrote:

 Butternut squash wrote:
 any recommendations? any opinions?

 I want to learn to program in python and need a gui reference. I'll be
 updating various mysql tables. I have most of the code ready to roll by
 using a command line. I need put some lipstick on my project.

 pyQT seems viable but there is not really a good reference and tutorial

 so now I'm considering wxPython and saw this book and I'm wanting to know
 if if's even worth spending my $40 on.

 what about pygtk,  do u have any idea ab it?

pyGTK? I don't really have a preference. I just want the best resource to
have to learn this. I don't have that much time.


Re: wxpython in action book

2006-04-03 Thread Butternut squash
Tim Roberts wrote:


Thanks for the info. I'll check out dabo.
I understand that web is easier to distribute and more likely easier to
program.   I loath CSS and HTML though and that's why I want a fat client
program.  We'll see


wxpython in action book

2006-04-01 Thread Butternut squash
any recommendations? any opinions?

I want to learn to program in python and need a gui reference. I'll be
updating various mysql tables. I have most of the code ready to roll by
using a command line. I need put some lipstick on my project.

pyQT seems viable but there is not really a good reference and tutorial

so now I'm considering wxPython and saw this book and I'm wanting to know if
if's even worth spending my $40 on.


Re: New development windows, IronPython or PythonWin

2006-03-23 Thread Butternut squash

 IronPython is currently nowhere near production quality. I would not
 recommend it.

But it's so cool.