Re: SIMD powered Python

2007-06-23 Thread Bytter

True... But maybe in NumPy arrays that would be more feasible...?


Hugo Ferreira

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch escreveu:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bytter wrote:

  Is there any ID ongoing about using SIMD [1] instructions, like SSE
  [2], to speed up Python, especially regarding functional features,
  like list comprehension, map and reduce, etc.. ?

 SIMD instruction sets know about low level data types, Python is about
 objects.  `map()`, `reduce()`, list comprehension work on arbitrary
 iterables so how do you expect SIMD instructions handle this?  Even simple
 lists contain objects and those don't have to be of the same type.

   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch


SIMD powered Python

2007-06-22 Thread Bytter

Is there any ID ongoing about using SIMD [1] instructions, like SSE
[2], to speed up Python, especially regarding functional features,
like list comprehension, map and reduce, etc.. ?

Best regards,

Hugo Ferreira




libboost, python, and dijkstra shortest path

2006-11-29 Thread Bytter
Hi everyone,

I need to implement a very quick (performance-wise) Dijkstra shortest
path in python, and found that libboost already has such thing. Problem
is: I cannot find the installation package for my Python 2.4 under
windows. Can someone please provide me instructions for installing
libboost for python?

In alternative, if someone can point out to a fast Dijkstra shortest
path in python (the network is over 1 million vertexes), I would

Thanks in advance,

Hugo Ferreira


Re: Detecting recursion loops

2006-11-29 Thread Bytter

I hope you are not trying to find infinite loops and I simply
misunderstood your question. Because if you are, then forget it (Turing
anyone?)... Infinite loops are impossible to find (minus some few, very
specific situations).



Hugo Ferreira

P.S. Hmmm... It seems I really read it wrong since you define that you
want to stop (after N passes or some complex criteria). Anyway I
leave the warning for future generations :)

 My code does recursion loops through a couple of functions. Due to 
 problematic I/O input this leads sometimes to endless recursions and after 
 expensive I/O to the Python recursion exception.
 What would be a good method to detect recursion loops and stop it by 
 user-Exception (after N passes or some complex criteria) without passing a 
 recursion counter parameter through all the funcs?


Re: libboost, python, and dijkstra shortest path

2006-11-29 Thread Bytter
Ok, found the solution here:

But still cannot make anything that works... Anyone who has experience
in this area can help me with the following code:

import boost as bgl

graph = bgl.Graph()
a = graph.add_vertex()
b = graph.add_vertex()
e = graph.add_edge(a, b)

weights = graph.edge_property_map('integer')
weights[e] = 5
graph.edge_properties['weight'] = weights

boost.dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, a)

On Nov 29, 5:51 pm, Bytter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I need to implement a very quick (performance-wise) Dijkstra shortest
 path in python, and found that libboost already has such thing. Problem
 is: I cannot find the installation package for my Python 2.4 under
 windows. Can someone please provide me instructions for installing
 libboost for python?

 In alternative, if someone can point out to a fast Dijkstra shortest
 path in python (the network is over 1 million vertexes), I would
 Thanks in advance,
 Hugo Ferreira


Re: PyParsing and Headaches

2006-11-23 Thread Bytter
Heya there,

Ok, found the solution. I just needed to use leaveWhiteSpace() in the
places I want pyparsing to take into consideration the spaces.
Thx for the help.


Hugo Ferreira

On Nov 23, 11:57 am, Bytter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (This message has already been sent to the mailing-list, but I don't
 have sure this is arriving well since it doesn't come up in the usenet,
 so I'm posting it through here now.)


 Thanks for your quick answer. That changes a lot of stuff, and now I'm
 able to do my parsing as I intended to.

 Still, there's a remaining problem. By using Combine(), everything is
 interpreted as a single token. Though what I need is that
 'include_bool' and 'literal' be parsed as separated tokens, though
 without a space in the middle...


 Thanks for your detailed explanation. One of the things I think is
 missing from the documentation (or that I couldn't find easy) is the
 kind of explanation you give about 'The Way of PyParsing'. For example,
 It took me a while to understand that I could easily implement simple
 recursions using OneOrMany(Group()). Or maybe things were out there and
 I didn't searched enough...

 Still, fwiw, congratulations for the library. PyParsing allowed me to
 do in just a couple of hours, including learning about it's API (minus
 this little inconvenient) what would have taken me a couple of days
 with, for example,  ANTLR (in fact, I've already put aside ANTLR more
 than once in the past for a built-from-scratch parser).


 Hugo Ferreira

 On Nov 22, 7:50 pm, Chris Lambacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 11:17:52AM -0800, Bytter wrote:

   I'm trying to construct a parser, but I'm stuck with some basic
   stuff... For example, I want to match the following:

   letter = A...Z | a...z
   literal = letter+
   include_bool := + | -
   term = [include_bool] literal

   So I defined this as:

   literal = Word(alphas)
   include_bool = Optional(oneOf(+ -))
   term = include_bool + literal+ here means that you allow a space.  You 
   need to explicitly override this.

  term = Combine(include_bool + literal)

   The problem is that:

   term.parseString(+a) - (['+', 'a'], {}) # OK
   term.parseString(+ a) - (['+', 'a'], {}) # KO. It shouldn't
   recognize any token since I didn't said the SPACE was allowed between
   include_bool and literal.

   Can anyone give me an hand here?


   Hugo Ferreira

   BTW, the following is the complete grammar I'm trying to implement with

   ## L ::= expr | expr L
   ## expr ::= term | binary_expr
   ## binary_expr ::= term   binary_op   term
   ## binary_op ::= * | OR | AND
   ## include_bool ::= + | -
   ## term ::= ([include_bool] [modifier :] (literal | range)) | (~
   ## modifier ::= (letter | _)+
   ## literal ::= word | quoted_words
   ## quoted_words ::= '' word (  word)* ''
   ## word ::= (letter | digit | _)+
   ## number ::= digit+
   ## range ::= number (.. | ...) number
   ## letter ::= A...Z | a...z
   ## digit ::= 0...9

   And this is where I got so far:

   word = Word(nums + alphas + _)
   binary_op = oneOf(* and or, caseless=True).setResultsName(operator)
   include_bool = oneOf(+ -)
   literal = (word | quotedString).setResultsName(literal)
   modifier = Word(alphas + _)
   rng = Word(nums) + (Literal(..) | Literal(...)) + Word(nums)
   term = ((Optional(include_bool) + Optional(modifier + :) + (literal |
   rng)) | (~ + literal)).setResultsName(Term)
   binary_expr = (term + binary_op + term).setResultsName(binary)
   expr = (binary_expr | term).setResultsName(Expr)
   L = OneOrMore(expr)

   GPG Fingerprint: B0D7 1249 447D F5BB 22C5  5B9B 078C 2615 504B 7B85


Re: Does only emacs and idle support symbolic debugging?

2006-11-23 Thread Bytter
PyScripter (windows only) here:

On Nov 23, 4:00 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Victor Ng wrote:
  Subject line pretty much says it all - are those the only two editors
  that support running the symbolic debugger from inside the editor?Nope, 
  eric for example does as well. And I presume komodo will do that also.


PyParsing and Headaches

2006-11-22 Thread Bytter

I'm trying to construct a parser, but I'm stuck with some basic
stuff... For example, I want to match the following:

letter = A...Z | a...z
literal = letter+
include_bool := + | -
term = [include_bool] literal

So I defined this as:

literal = Word(alphas)
include_bool = Optional(oneOf(+ -))
term = include_bool + literal

The problem is that:

term.parseString(+a) - (['+', 'a'], {}) # OK
term.parseString(+ a) - (['+', 'a'], {}) # KO. It shouldn't
recognize any token since I didn't said the SPACE was allowed between
include_bool and literal.

Can anyone give me an hand here?


Hugo Ferreira

BTW, the following is the complete grammar I'm trying to implement with

## L ::= expr | expr L
## expr ::= term | binary_expr
## binary_expr ::= term   binary_op   term
## binary_op ::= * | OR | AND
## include_bool ::= + | -
## term ::= ([include_bool] [modifier :] (literal | range)) | (~
## modifier ::= (letter | _)+
## literal ::= word | quoted_words
## quoted_words ::= '' word (  word)* ''
## word ::= (letter | digit | _)+
## number ::= digit+
## range ::= number (.. | ...) number
## letter ::= A...Z | a...z
## digit ::= 0...9

And this is where I got so far:

word = Word(nums + alphas + _)
binary_op = oneOf(* and or, caseless=True).setResultsName(operator)
include_bool = oneOf(+ -)
literal = (word | quotedString).setResultsName(literal)
modifier = Word(alphas + _)
rng = Word(nums) + (Literal(..) | Literal(...)) + Word(nums)
term = ((Optional(include_bool) + Optional(modifier + :) + (literal |
rng)) | (~ + literal)).setResultsName(Term)
binary_expr = (term + binary_op + term).setResultsName(binary)
expr = (binary_expr | term).setResultsName(Expr)
L = OneOrMore(expr)

GPG Fingerprint: B0D7 1249 447D F5BB 22C5  5B9B 078C 2615 504B 7B85


Rendering Vector Graphics

2006-08-11 Thread Bytter
Hi ppl,

I've already posted this message through the mailing-list, but it seems
it never arrived here. Strange... Anyway:

I need to render high-quality vector graphics with Python. I was
thinking of something like 'cairo', though I need to run under win32
and can't find a pycairo package for it. Suggestions?


Hugo Ferreira


Re: Rendering Vector Graphics

2006-08-11 Thread Bytter


  I need to render high-quality vector graphics with Python. I was
  thinking of something like 'cairo', though I need to run under win32
  and can't find a pycairo package for it. Suggestions?

 I've had good experiences doing simple 3d vector stuff with Pygame.
 It's wraps SDL so it has pretty nice capabilities.

What about 2D? I won't be doing any 3d stuff, though I need
high-quality 2D, and complex stuff like defining clipping regions with
bezier curves and filling with gradients.


Hugo Ferreira
