Re: easy question, how to double a variable

2009-09-23 Thread Casey Webster
On Sep 22, 9:57 am, Grant Edwards  wrote:
> No, no, no.  The plan is to do his homework for him so that
> he's incompetent when he graduates and won't be competition for
> the rest of us who did do our homework.

Don't forget the Peter principal --- we might end up working for him!

Btw, I can't believe nobody provided the simplest literal solution:

def twice(i):
   return i, i

Re: Compute working days

2009-03-14 Thread Casey Webster
How about:

from datetime import date, timedelta

# Define the weekday mnemonics to match the date.weekday function
(MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN) = range(7)

def workdays(start_date, end_date, whichdays=(MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI)):
Calculate the number of working days between two dates inclusive
(start_date <= end_date).

The actual working days can be set with the optional whichdays
(default is MON-FRI)
delta_days = (end_date - start_date).days + 1
full_weeks, extra_days = divmod(delta_days, 7)
# num_workdays = how many days/week you work * total # of weeks
num_workdays = (full_weeks + 1) * len(whichdays)
# subtract out any working days that fall in the 'shortened week'
for d in range(1, 8 - extra_days):
if (end_date + timedelta(d)).weekday() in whichdays:
num_workdays -= 1
return num_workdays

Re: How to add months to a date (datetime object)?

2009-03-15 Thread Casey Webster
On Mar 15, 2:00 pm, wrote:
> No, it's perfectly possible applying simple logic.  My reminder
> program manages it perfectly well.  I have, for example, two sets of
> three monthly reminders.
>     One starts on Jan 19th and repeats three monthly, that means Jan
>     19th, April 19th, July 19th and October 19th.  Very simple.
>     The other is a little more difficult, it starts on December 31st
>     and repeats three monthly.  So that one is on December 31st, March
>     31st, June 30th and September 30th.
> The calendar program manages it perfectly well using what seems to me
> fairly obvious logic, what I want is to be able to do the same in
> Python.

The example you give does have fairly obvious logic. But how does it
handle Feb 28th, 2009 + 3 months?  To me, there are two "obvious"
answers: May 28th, 2009 or May 31st, 2009.  The question is intent; is
Feb 28th an arbitrary day of the month, or is it the last day of the
month, which for something like a monthly bill reminder is more likely?

Re: How complex is complex?

2009-03-18 Thread Casey Webster
On Mar 18, 1:30 pm, Kottiyath  wrote:
> When we say readability counts over complexity, how do we define what
> level of complexity is ok?
> For example:
> Say I have dict a = {'a': 2, 'c': 4, 'b': 3}
> I want to increment the values by 1 for all keys in the dictionary.
> So, should we do:>>> for key in a:
> ...   a[key] = a[key] + 1
> or is it Ok to have code like:
> dict(map(lambda key: (key, a[key] + 1), a))
> How do we decide whether a level of complexity is Ok or not?

This isn't just a question of readability; the two expressions are
entirely different. The second expression creates a whole new
dictionary, which might not have been obvious to you given the overall
complexity of the expression. The first expression is simple, clear,
and other than maybe changing "a[key] = a[key] + 1" to "a[key] += 1"
is pretty much hard to improve on.  If the number of lines matters to
you (it shouldn't, be opinions vary), then you could always write:

>>> for k in a: a[k] += 1

Which is shorter and far easier to read than the dict/map/lambda
expression.  And probably what you really intended!

Re: strip char from list of strings

2009-05-19 Thread Casey Webster
On May 18, 3:30 pm, Laurent Luce  wrote:
> I have the following list:
> [ 'test\n', test2\n', 'test3\n' ]
> I want to remove the '\n' from each string in place, what is the most 
> efficient way to do that ?
> Regards,
> Laurent

Do you _really_ need to do this in place?  If not, the simplest answer
is probably:

>>> x = ['test\n', test2\n', 'test3\n']
>>> x = [s.rstrip('\n') for s in x]

And if what you really want to do is strip off all trailing whitespace
(tabs, spaces, and newlines), then:

>>> x = [s.rstrip() for s in x]

A quick test of 1,000,000 strings of length 27 took less than 0.2
seconds on my PC.  Efficiency isn't really much of an issue for most
data sets.

Re: performance problem with time.strptime()

2009-07-02 Thread Casey Webster
On Jul 2, 7:30 am, Nils Rüttershoff  wrote:

> Rec = 
> re.compile(r"^\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\s-\s\d+\s\[(\d{2}/\w+/\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s\+\d{4}\].*")
> Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - 
> "-" "" "-" "-" "-"'

I'm not sure how much it will help but if you are only using the regex
to get the date/time group element, it might be faster to replace the
regex with:

>>> date_string = Line.split()[3][1:-1]

Re: PEP368 and pixeliterators

2009-07-02 Thread Casey Webster
On Jul 2, 4:32 am, Joachim Strömbergson 
> But, wouldn't it be more Pythonic and simpler to have an iterator that
> iterates over all pixels in an image? Starting with upper left corner
> and moving left-right and (line by line) to lower right. This would
> change the code above to:

Unless I'm totally misreading the PEP, the author does provide both
iterators.  Quoting the PEP:

Non-planar images offer the following additional methods:

pixels() -> iterator[pixel]

  Returns an iterator that iterates over all the pixels in the image,
  starting from the top line and scanning each line from left to
  See below for a description of the pixel objects.

__iter__() -> iterator[line]

  Returns an iterator that iterates over all the lines in the image,
  from top to bottom. See below for a description of the line objects.

Re: Python Equivalent for dd & fold

2009-07-16 Thread Casey Webster
On Jul 16, 10:12 am, seldan24  wrote:
> On Jul 15, 1:48 pm, Emile van Sebille  wrote:
> > On 7/15/2009 10:23 AM MRAB said...
> > >> On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom  wrote:
> > >>> seldan24 wrote:
> >  what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?
> > >>> def fold(s,len):
> > >>>      while s:
> > >>>          print s[:len]
> > >>>          s=s[len:]
> > 
> > > You might still need to tweak the above code as regards how line endings
> > > are handled.
> > You might also want to tweak it if the strings are _really_ long to
> > simply slice out the substrings as opposed to reassigning the balance to
> > a newly created s on each iteration.
> > Emile
> Thanks for all of the help.  I'm almost there.  I have it working now,
> but the 'fold' piece is very slow.  When I use the 'fold' command in
> shell it is almost instantaneous.  I was able to do the EBCDIC->ASCII
> conversion usng the decode method in the built-in str type.  I didn't
> have to import the codecs module.  I just decoded the data to cp037
> which works fine.
> So now, I'm left with a large file, consisting of one extremely long
> line of ASCII data that needs to be sliced up into 35 character
> lines.  I did the following, which works but takes a very long time:
> f = open(ascii_file, 'w')
> while ascii_data:
>     f.write(ascii_data[:len])
>     ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]
> f.close()
> I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
> than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
> by moving around the length.  So, I'm going to give that a try... I'm
> a bit confused by what that means, am guessing that slice can break up
> a string based on characters; will research.  Thanks for the help thus
> far.  I'll post again when all is working fine.

The problem is that it creates a new string every time you iterate
through the "ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]".  I believe Emile was
suggesting that you just keep moving the starting index through the
same string, something like (warning - untested code!):

>>> i = 0
>>> str_len = len(ascii_data)
>>> while i < str_len:
>>> j = min(i + length, str_len)
>>> print ascii_data[i:j]
>>> i = j

Re: Suggestions for Python MapReduce?

2009-07-22 Thread Casey Webster
On Jul 22, 5:27 am, Phillip B Oldham  wrote:
> I understand that there are a number of MapReduce frameworks/tools
> that play nicely with Python (Disco, Dumbo/Hadoop), however these have
> "large" dependencies (Erlang/Java). Are there any MapReduce frameworks/
> tools which are either pure-Python, or play nicely with Python but
> don't require the Java/Erlang runtime environments?

I can't answer your question, but I would like to better understand
problem you are trying to solve.  The Apache Hadoop/MapReduce java
application isn't really that "large" by modern standards, although it
is generally run with large heap sizes for performance (-Xmx1024m or
larger for the parameter).

MapReduce is designed to do extremely fast parallel data set
on terabytes of data over hundreds of physical nodes; what advantage
would a pure Python approach have here?