Re: pymssql - execute loads all results into memory!

2008-10-21 Thread ChaosKCW
On Oct 20, 3:38 pm, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eric Wertman wrote:
  I am trying to use pymssql, and have an issue where by the execute
  (not the fetch) is appearing to load all records into memory.

  if I execute

  con = pymssql.connect(...)
  cur = con.cursor()
  rec  = cur.fetchone()

  if I put in a query which returns a lot of records into sql then the
  execute never returns, pythons memory usage slowly ballons till the
  machine cant give anymore. If I put a sql query returning only few
  rows, then it works fine.

  So I am not sure why an execute would feel the need to load all rows,
  but its seriously crippling. Does anyone know if this is a bug or
  something I can turn off

  I ran into this myself.  After some digging I discovered that what you
  are after is a server-side cursor that isn't implemented yet in
  pymssql.  There is one in MySQLdb, but it's not the default behavior.
  Regardless of your usage (fetchone vs fetchmany), the result set is
  held client side.  AFAIK the only workaround is to keep your result
  set small (enough).  If you use fetchmany and iterate over it
  directly, it may keep your memory usage down,  I can't remember if
  that worked.  I definitely tried making a generator with it, that did
  not help.

 ... or just switch to pyodbc, for example, which behaves
 perfectly well with this snippet against a table of 24 million

 import pyodbc

 conn = [
   Driver={SQL Server},
 db = pyodbc.connect (;.join (conn))
 q = db.cursor ()
 q.execute (SELECT * FROM revenue) # 24 million rows
 q.fetchone ()
 q.close ()



Thanks for the responses, I am astounded any db api tool doesnt
support cursors! pymssql is mostly useless, I will switch to an odbc

pymssql - execute loads all results into memory!

2008-10-20 Thread ChaosKCW

I am trying to use pymssql, and have an issue where by the execute
(not the fetch) is appearing to load all records into memory.

if I execute

con = pymssql.connect(...)
cur = con.cursor()
rec  = cur.fetchone()

if I put in a query which returns a lot of records into sql then the
execute never returns, pythons memory usage slowly ballons till the
machine cant give anymore. If I put a sql query returning only few
rows, then it works fine.

So I am not sure why an execute would feel the need to load all rows,
but its seriously crippling. Does anyone know if this is a bug or
something I can turn off



Re: FTP (ftplib) output capture

2006-08-01 Thread ChaosKCW

Thanks for the reply.

I will send it in when I am done :-)

Simon Forman wrote:
 ChaosKCW wrote:
  Has anyone caputerd the output from the std ftp lib? It seems a bit
  annoying that everything is printed to stdout. It means incorporating
  this into any real program is a problem. It would have been much better
  if they used the std logging module and hooked up a console logger for
  the feault ftp application. Alas it isnt that way.
  Capturing stdout like this??? :
  import sys
  sys.stdout = open('bb', 'w)
  But I want to re-route it to the logging module not a file , so do I
  need to write a steam object?

 ftplib pre-dates the standard logging system by a bit.

 I think ftplib only prints stuff if you set its (the FTP class
 instances') debug level to greater than 0.

 If you really want to replace sys.stdout with something that passes the
 data to a logger, then something like the following (untested) class
 should do it:

 class FileLog:
 def __init__(self, log):
 self.log = log
 def write(self, data):

 The best solution might be to subclass or rewrite FTP to really do what
 you want.  I believe one of the goals of Python-3000 is better
 integration of the standard library with the new-ish standard logging
 system, so if you do a good job send it in.  ;-)


FTP (ftplib) output capture

2006-07-31 Thread ChaosKCW

Has anyone caputerd the output from the std ftp lib? It seems a bit
annoying that everything is printed to stdout. It means incorporating
this into any real program is a problem. It would have been much better
if they used the std logging module and hooked up a console logger for
the feault ftp application. Alas it isnt that way.

Capturing stdout like this??? :

import sys

sys.stdout = open('bb', 'w)

But I want to re-route it to the logging module not a file , so do I
need to write a steam object? 



Re: Convertion of Unicode to ASCII NIGHTMARE

2006-04-10 Thread ChaosKCW

Roger Binns wrote:

 No.  APSW converts it *to* Unicode.  SQLite only accepts Unicode
 so a Unicode string has to be supplied.  If you supply a non-Unicode
 string then conversion has to happen.  APSW asks Python to
 supply the string in Unicode.  If Python can't do that (eg
 it doesn't know the encoding) then you get an error.

If what you say is true, I have to ask why I get a converstion error
which states it cant convert to ASCII, not it cant convert to UNICODE?

  Ok if SQLite uses unicode internally why do you need to ignore
  everything greater than 127,

 I never said that.  I said that a special case is made so that
 if the string you supply only contains ASCII characters (ie =127)
 then the ASCII string is converted to Unicode.  (In fact it is
 valid UTF-8 hence the shortcut).

  the ascii table (256 bit one) fits into
  unicode just fine as far as I recall?

 No, ASCII characters have defined Unicode codepoints.  The ASCII
 character number just happens to be the same as the Unicode
 codepoints.  But there are only 127 ASCII characters.

  Or did I miss the boat here ?

 For bytes greater than 127, what character set is used?  There
 are hundreds of character sets that define those characters.
 You have to tell the computer which one to use.  See the Unicode
 article referenced above.

Yes I know there are a million extended ASCII charaters sets, which
happen to the bane of all existence. Most computers deal in bytes
nativly and the 7 bit coding still causes problems to this day. But
since the error I get is a converstion error to ASCII, not from ASCII,
I am willing to accept loss of information. You cant code unicode into
ascii without loss of information or two charcater codes. In my mind,
somewhere inside the cursor.execute function, it converts to ascii. I
say this because of the error msg recieved.  So I am missing how a
function which supposedly converts evereythin to unicode lands up doing
an ascii converstion ?


Re: Convertion of Unicode to ASCII NIGHTMARE

2006-04-10 Thread ChaosKCW

 There's an Oracle environment variable that appears to make a
 difference: NLS_CHARSET, perhaps - it's been a while since I've had to
 deal with Oracle, and I'm not looking for another adventure into
 Oracle's hideous documentation to find out.

That is an EVIL setting which should not be used. The NLS_CHARSET
environment variable causes so many headaches its not worth playing
with it at all.


Re: Convertion of Unicode to ASCII NIGHTMARE

2006-04-10 Thread ChaosKCW

 When python tries to concatenate a byte string and a unicode string, it
 assumes that the byte string is encoded ascii and tries to convert from
 encoded ascii to unicode. It calls ascii decoder to do the decoding. If
 decoding fails you see message from ascii decoder about the error.


Ok I get it now. Sorry for the slowness. I have to say as a lover of
python for its simplicity and clarity, the charatcer set thing has been
harder than I would have liked to figure out. 

Thanks for all the help.


Re: Convertion of Unicode to ASCII NIGHTMARE

2006-04-04 Thread ChaosKCW

Thanks for all the posts. I am still digesting it all but here are my
initial comments.

Don't. You can't. Those characters don't exist in the ASCII character set.
SQLite 3.0 deals with UTF-8 encoded SQL statements, though.

As mentioned by the next poster, there is, its supposed to be encode
with the 'ignore' option. Thus you lose data, but thats just dandy with
me. As for SQLite supporting unicode, it probably does, but something
on the python side (probabyl in apsw) converts it to ascii at some
point before its handed to SQLite.

The .encode() method returns a new value; it does not change an object inplace.
  sql = sql.encode('utf-8')

Ah yes, big bistake on my part :-/

He is using apsw.  apsw correctly handles unicode.  In fact it won't
accept a str with bytes 127 as they will be an unknown encoding and
SQLite only uses Unicode internally.  It does have a blob type
using buffer for situations where binary data needs to be stored.
pysqlite's mishandling of Unicode is one of the things that drove
me to writing apsw in the first place.

Ok if SQLite uses unicode internally why do you need to ignore
everything greater than 127, the ascii table (256 bit one) fits into
unicode just fine as far as I recall? Or did I miss the boat here ?



Convertion of Unicode to ASCII NIGHTMARE

2006-04-03 Thread ChaosKCW

I am reading from an oracle database using cx_Oracle. I am writing to a
SQLite database using apsw.

The oracle database is returning utf-8 characters for euopean item
names, ie special charcaters from an ASCII perspective.

I get the following error:
SQLiteCur.execute(sql, row)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xdc in position 12: 
ordinal not in range(128)

I have googled for serval days now and still cant get it to encode to

I encode the SQL as follows:

sql = insert into %s values %s % (SQLiteTable, paramstr)
sql.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

I then code each of the row values returned from Oracle like this:

 row = map(encodestr, row)
 SQLiteCur.execute(sql, row)

where encodestr is as follows:

def encodestr(item):
if isinstance(item, types.StringTypes):
   return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(item, 'utf-8',
'ignore')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
   return item

I have tried a thousand of similiar functions to the above,
permitations of the above from various google searches. But I still get
the above exception on the line:

 SQLiteCur.execute(sql, row)

and the exception is reslated to the data in one field.

Int the end I resorted to using oracles convert function in the SQL
statement but would like to  understand why this is happening and why
its so hard to convert the string in python. I have read many
complaints about this from other people some of whom have written
custom stripping routines. I havent tried a custom routine yet, cause I
think it should be possilble in python.



Grabbing a object from the current code block using a callable statement?

2006-02-25 Thread ChaosKCW

Is it possible to grab get an object returned from a string and a
callable ? e.g

I pass in a key value pair:

def somemethod(adict = {'new name for object': 'code to reutrn

object = .

for key, value in adict.items():
if callable(value):
somedict[key] = value()
somedict[key] = value

such that

somedict  = {'new name for object': object} 




Import statements for timeit module

2005-11-11 Thread ChaosKCW

I was wondering if someone could help with the import statements needed
to use the timeit module in the following code. I need to access the
cur object.


import cx_Oracle
import timeit

def VerifyTagIntegrity(con, TableOwner):
cur = con.cursor()
sql = 'select (select count(*) from %s.f4111) as F4111_COUNT,
(select count(*) from %s.f4111_tag) as TAG_COUNT from dual;' %
(TableOwner, TableOwner)
print   SQL: %s % (sql)
timer = timeit.Timer('cur.execute(sql)', 'from __main__ import
print timer.timeit()


Re: Import statements for timeit module

2005-11-11 Thread ChaosKCW
So timeit is mostly useless then ?


Geneator/Iterator Nesting Problem - Any Ideas? 2.4

2005-03-04 Thread ChaosKCW

Using Python 2.4 I am trying to procduce a generator which will return
the results of dbi SQL statement using fetchmany for performance.

So instead of fetching one record for each call, I will fetch batches
of X (eg 100) and yeild each record in turn.

For reasons of pure asthetics and my own learning I wanted it to look
like this:

def resultsetbatchgen(cursor, size=100):
for results in (recordbatch for recordbatch in
for rec in results:
yield rec

Problem is this this gives spurious results. To understand the problem
if I excute the following in the console I get the correct results:

 cur.execute(QUERY WITH MOER THAN 1000 records)
 recs = (recordbatch for recordbatch in cur.fetchmany(1000))
 sum(map(lambda x: 1, (rec for rec in recs)))

This is PERFECT! 1000 is what I expected. but now lets nest this inside
another for construct like so

 cur.execute(QUERY WITH MOER THAN 1000 records)
 for results in (recordbatch for recordbatch in
... print sum(map(lambda x: 1, (rec for rec in results)))

Now it thinks each batch size is 76 ... ? This completly wrong, and

The commands are exactly the same as far as I can tell, the only
difference is that it is now nested wihtin another for loop?

Any help would be greatly aprpeciated.

PS a working but far less elegant version of this below but I would
like to understand why teh above doesnt work and doesnt work

def resultsetbatch(cursor, size=100):
results = cursor.fetchmany(size)
while results  []:
for rec in results:
yield rec
results = cursor.fetchmany(size)


Re: Geneator/Iterator Nesting Problem - Any Ideas? 2.4

2005-03-04 Thread ChaosKCW

Thanks this was very helpfull.

Your final solution seems like the best (most elegant). I was trying to
avoid the ugly while loops with breaks and this final one certainly
does that. 

Thanks for your help .
