Re: Program Translation - Nov. 14, 2013

2013-11-17 Thread Charlton Wilbur
 BB == Ben Bacarisse writes:

BB There is a slight air in unreality to all this, 

This is a far more polite way of putting it than I would.  It's an
earthquake predictor based on pseudoscience and technobabble.

BB Finally, why are you timing Perl arithmetic?  A translation into
BB Perl does not seem to be an option.

EDG has been trying ineffectually to get this suite of programs to work,
integrating them with gnuplot and a Perl web application, for as long as
I can remember.  I suspect years ago someone told him that Perl was the
One True Language for web applications and the evidence of the
intervening decade has not been enough to convince him otherwise.

Followups set to comp.lang.perl.misc; c.l.python and c.l.fortran have
enough crazy overlap from c.l.p.m without adding me to the mix.


Charlton Wilbur

Re: Python doc problem example: gzip module (reprise)

2005-11-05 Thread Charlton Wilbur
 RW == Rick Wotnaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RW Someone is sure to jump in now and point to sample code, which
RW nearly all reasonably major packages include. That's good
RW stuff.  With (for example) wxPython, it's the only useful
RW documentation, or rather, it's the only thing that makes the
RW wxWidgets documentation useful. Links to code samples in the
RW documentation would be fine in lieu of snippets of example
RW calls. But there's not enough of either in most documentation.

This is one of the places where Apple's Cocoa documentation shines:
there are frequently snippets of code accompanying more complicated
methods, which is nice, but there are a couple dozen small sample
programs that demonstrate how to use particular aspects of the
framework, available with full source code.

RW I would love to see examples for essentially every function
RW and method. And not just something that echoes the signature,
RW but some context to show how it might be useful. That would be
RW in the intoxication class of ultimate hopes. In most cases,
RW though, it would be *extremely* helpful for a casual user of
RW that part of the package.

Well, at some level you have to consider - who is the target audience
of the documentation?  There's usually a tradeoff involved in that
documentation aimed at novice users is usually not useful to advanced
users; there's also a ridiculous amount of work involved in making
*all* documentation available to all users, and there's usually a
better payoff involved in writing documentation that shows novice
users how to be intermediate users.

To take another example: in Cocoa, there's a well-defined and
well-documented approach to memory management, and conventions used
consistently throughout the whole Cocoa framework.  These conventions
could be documented over again for each and every class, but it's a
much better use of resources to document them once and to assume in
the documentation for each class that the reader is familiar with the


cwilbur at chromatico dot net
cwilbur at mac dot com

Re: how to write a tutorial

2005-01-26 Thread Charlton Wilbur
 XL == Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

XL I've used the Python tutorial's chapter on class as
XL an example. I've indicated that proper tutorial should be
XL simple, covering just common cases, be self-contained, and be
XL example based. 

Correct is not in your list of criteria.  Big surprise, that.

Followups set appropriately.


cwilbur at chromatico dot net
cwilbur at mac dot com

Re: unicode support

2005-01-09 Thread Charlton Wilbur
 xah == xah  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

xah python supports unicode in source
xah code by putting a coding declaration as the first line.

xah In perl, support of unicode is very flaky. The language does
xah not support it, [...]


Xah Lee is trolling.  (Whether he's *only* a troll, or a reasonable
person who occasionally trolls to amuse himself, is a matter of
perspective.)  Please note the inaccuracy of his comment on Perl and
the two newsgroups to which this message was posted before replying;
this is a clear case of lets you and him fight.


cwilbur at chromatico dot net
cwilbur at mac dot com

Re: a new Perl/Python a day

2005-01-09 Thread Charlton Wilbur
 XL == Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

XL i'll cross post to comp.lang.perl.misc and comp.lang.python.
XL If you spot mistakes, feel free to correct or discourse here.

Error #1:  crossposting to those two groups.  

(Error #2 is implying that you're a Perl expert, but someone else
already pointed that out.)


cwilbur at chromatico dot net
cwilbur at mac dot com