Re: What do I do now?

2009-10-12 Thread Che M
On Oct 12, 12:19 am, Donn  wrote:
> On Monday 12 October 2009 00:53:42 Someone Something wrote:> 1) What should I 
> start programming (project that takes 1-2 months, not very
> > short term)?
> > 2) Whtat are some good open source projects I can start coding for?
> These kinds of questions amaze me. Surely you are a kid in a candy shop when
> it comes to things to code?
>  The best place to start a project is to scratch an itch: pick something that
> really bugs you, or something that is plain missing, or something that you are
> interested in, and start solving the problem.
>  No O/S or Desktop or App is perfect. There are a thousand gaps between all
> those things that need solutions or improvements.
> Find an "itch" and either:
> 1. Find a project in that direction and try to join.
> 2. Start your own.
> \d

As long it is not another new code editor for Python.  There are a lot

Re: Combining python and sqlite DB into a single, "executeable".

2009-10-06 Thread Che M
On Oct 6, 5:31 pm, Robert Kern  wrote:
> On 2009-10-06 16:16 PM, wrote:
> > Any body got any ideas how to do the following...
> > I would like to be able to write an app in python that keeps it's
> > persistent data in a sqlite database file.
> > So far so good. The problem, is that I need the python app and the
> > sqlite db file to exist in the same disk file. This way the app to
> > access the data and the data are in the same file.

An SQLite database is a single file.  But it can't be "in
the same file" as the .py file (I don't think).

What's your goal?  If you just want to distribute a single file
to your users, you can make an executable Python file and have
it create a fresh (empty) SQLite database once it runs for the
first time.


Re: How do I post to the wxPython mailing list?

2009-09-07 Thread Che M
On Sep 7, 12:50 pm, wrote:
> Hi
> Since I have been told in this group to post wxPython related topics in
> the wxPython-users mailing list instead of here, I just tried doing
> that.
> However, I always get an error message back when using gmane.
> Mailing directly, there is no error message but the message does not
> appear in the list anyway.
> Looking at google groups, they want me to open an account just for
> posting. I do not intend to open a Google account.
> Is there a workarounf to post in the mailing list?
> Is there non-Google access?
> Should I keep posting wxPython related topics here?
> Best Regards
> Martin

Re: Evil trend report

2009-09-06 Thread Che M
On Sep 6, 8:50 am, Grant Edwards  wrote:
> On 2009-09-06, John Nagle  wrote:
> > Bing
> >    A     3    2.4%  ()
> >    A     1    0.8%  (non_commercial)
> >    Q    50   40.0%  ()
> >    Q    15   12.0%  (no_location)
> >    U     5    4.0%  (no_website)
> >    U    33   26.4%  (non_commercial)
> >    X     1    0.8%  (negative_info)
> >    X    17   13.6%  (no_location)
> > Google
> >    A     1    0.8%  ()
> >    A     4    3.3%  (non_commercial)
> >    Q    46   38.3%  ()
> >    Q    20   16.7%  (no_location)
> >    Q     1    0.8%  (non_commercial)
> >    U     4    3.3%  (no_website)
> >    U    28   23.3%  (non_commercial)
> >    X    16   13.3%  (no_location)
> > Test complete: Evil trend report
> I've absolutely no clue what those tables are supposed to
> represent (well, I do know what Bing and Google are, but beyond
> that...).

I think it's pretty obvious, Grant.  Clearly, for the second of
the two U's, Bing has a 33, while Google only has a 28.  I mean,
Google doesn't even HAVE a 2nd X (the so-called "negative_info"
that we've all heard about).  I haven't seen numbers and letters
like this in a long time, let me tell you.



Re: Video?

2009-09-03 Thread Che M
On Sep 3, 4:11 pm, David C Ullrich  wrote:
> Not at all important, just for fun (at least for me):
> It seems to me, looking at various docs, that wxWidgets
> includes a "media control" that can play video files, but
> it's not included in wxPython. (There's something in
> wxPython with a promising name but it seems to be just audio.)

It is included with wxPython.  But if you look in the overview
in the demo, it it says:

"wx.MediaCtrl is not currently available on unix systems."

So there's your problem, I think.  On Win, it plays a video in
the demo.


Re: IDE for Python

2009-08-31 Thread Che M
On Aug 31, 10:53 am, Mike Driscoll  wrote:
> On Aug 29, 1:08špm, wrote:
> > 29.08.2009 4:14 ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌØ "Thangappan.M"  š
> > > Dear all,
> > > Please suggest some good IDE for python.I am working in linux platform.
> > > --
> > > Regards,
> > > Thangappan.M
> > You can use Eclipse + PyDev or Emacs+PythonMode . Also there are Anjuta and 
> > š
> > Code:Blocks, but they are designed mainly for C++ (but still can be used).
> Don't forget Wingware IDE. Admittedly, it's not free (except for a
> limited version), but it's pretty good. There's also SPE (Stani's
> Python Editor). If you want a nigh-complete list, check the Python
> wiki:

Not sure when an editor gets to be called an IDE, but while on the
that OP should check out this related page:


Re: Python Noob - gui module, book, annoying questions

2009-08-29 Thread Che M
On Aug 29, 3:20 am, Pherdnut  wrote:
> I want to write cross-platform stuff. Any opinions on the best GUI
> module for that?
> I like a good juicy, but concise book for reading on my commute
> downtown. I was thinking of checking Python in a Nutshell. Good? Bad?
> Better?
> Is 3.0+ more object based? I'm actually an FED and one of the things I
> love about JS is the consistency of the language. I love Python 2.6 so
> far so I'm not knocking it. But I'm not really taking advantage of the
> non-core libraries as much right now anyway since I'm learning it.
> What do you guys like in Reg Ex books/sites? I'd like to become more
> fluent in some of the less commonly used stuff.

Also wxPython.  It's cross platform, but it does require occasional
platform-dependent tweaks, since it mostly uses native controls and
sometimes the native controls' requirements are different.

You might want to consider that it's going to be some time before the
3rd party libraries catch up to Python 3.  I'd recommend 2.5 or 2.6
for learning now if you plan on using them.

Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Che M
On Aug 28, 6:37 pm, qwe rty  wrote:
> i know that an interpreted language like python can't be used to make
> an operating system or system drivers.
> what else can NOT be done in python? what are the limitations of the
> language?

Now that you have some good answers, may I ask what what your reason
was for posting this question?


Re: IDE for python similar to visual basic

2009-08-29 Thread Che M
On Aug 28, 6:19 pm, qwe rty  wrote:
> i have been searching for am IDE for python that is similar to Visual
> Basic but had no luck.shall you help me please?

Boa Constructor.  IDE/visual GUI-builder/sizer support, lots of
other goodies.  Not actively maintained, though, and some issues
on Linux, in my experience.  But I like it a lot.

Re: Python for professsional Windows GUI apps?

2009-08-26 Thread Che M
On Aug 26, 4:47 pm, David C Ullrich  wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 22:22:20 -0700, sturlamolden wrote:
> > On 25 Aug, 05:56, Peter Decker  wrote:
> >> I use the Dabo Class Designer to visually design my forms. So what's
> >> you're point?  :)
> > Nothing, except lobbying for wxFormBuilder for anyone who still doesn't
> > know of it. :)
> That's great. But do you know of anything I can use as a
> visual form design tool in wxPython?

If in your mind GUI-builder = form builder (or close enough)
there's Boa Constructor (my choice) and wxGlade.

Re: Python for professsional Windows GUI apps?

2009-08-26 Thread Che M
> Combined with the comment above about issues with printing, it looks
> like Python for GUI apps isn't a very good idea :-/

I don't have that feeling at all.  I don't have that much of a basis
of comparison, but my experience with wxPython for making GUI apps
has been pretty good.

Does anyone know of a wxPython "gallery" of apps using it?  That'd
be the quickest way to prove its usefulness.



Re: Python for professsional Windows GUI apps?

2009-08-24 Thread Che M

> I'm especially concerned about the lack of controls, the lack of
> updates (lots of controls in wxWidgets are 1.0 deadware),

I use wxPython.  No lack of controls there, and most are up to
date.  Which "lots" in wxWidgets are you thinking of?

> I need controls for business apps like access to databases, good data
> grid,

Should be fine with wxPython.

> printing reports (with or without barcodes), etc.

Maybe ReportManager? (haven't used) or other options.


Re: GUI interface builder for python

2009-08-18 Thread Che M
On Aug 18, 10:54 am, sturlamolden  wrote:
> On 17 Aug, 17:19, Che M  wrote:
> > Boa (Boa Constructor) is really nice for wxPython GUI
> > work, but it has some bugs when using Linux that might
> > be dealbreakers for the user.  At least I have had
> > problems on Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit (but none or very few
> I prefer wxFormBuilder over Boa.


Re: GUI interface builder for python

2009-08-17 Thread Che M
On Aug 17, 2:26 pm, axl456  wrote:
> On Aug 17, 1:59 am, "l...@d@n"  wrote:
> > Which is the best GUI interface builder with drag and drop
> > capabilities.
> > I am using Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
> > Please help me.
> > Thank you.
> boa is really nice..

Boa (Boa Constructor) is really nice for wxPython GUI
work, but it has some bugs when using Linux that might
be dealbreakers for the user.  At least I have had
problems on Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit (but none or very few
with WinXP).

For those that might care, they are (as of now, Boa
0.6.1-4) are:

- The File -> New option is cut off in the menu.  But
that can be gotten around by using the Palette to choose
the same options.

- No gridlines in the Frame Designer (makes it harder
  to use)

- Some problems with the height of the rows in the
  Inspector, at least with 64 bit Ubuntu, some of which
  can be fixed with this workaround:
  and there is a note there saying it has been patched
  in a 0.6.1-6 version in a Debian repository.  Haven't tried.

- I have had some random shutdowns, but not many.


Re: Converting DD MM YYYY into YYYY-MM-DD?

2009-08-17 Thread Che M
On Aug 17, 6:26 pm, Gilles Ganault  wrote:
> Hello,
>         I need to convert DD MM  dates into the MySQL-friendly
> -MM-DD, and translate the month name from literal French to its
> numeric equivalent (eg. "Janvier" into "01").
> Here's an example:
> SELECT dateinscription, dateconnexion FROM membres LIMIT 1;
> 26 Mai 2007|17 Août 2009 - 09h20
> I'd like to update the row into "2007-05-26" and "2009-08-17 09:20",
> respectively.
> What is the best way to do this in Python?
> Thank you.

Likely this is not the best way, but I would do, for
the first one (and the same idea for the second):

def convert(date):
frenchdict = {'Mai':'May'} #etc...
day = mystring[:2]
month = frenchdict[ mystring[3:6] ]
year = mystring[7:11]
newdate = year+'-'+month+'-'+day
print 'newdate is ', newdate


Re: sqlite3 performance problems only in python

2009-07-23 Thread Che M
On Jul 23, 3:58 pm, Stef Mientki  wrote:
> Piet van Oostrum wrote:
> >> Stef Mientki  (SM) wrote:
> >> SM> btw, I don't know if it's of any importance, the SQL-statement I 
> >> perform is
> >> SM>  from OPNAMEN
> >> SM>    inner join POID_VLID          on OPNAMEN.POID            = 
> >> SM>    inner join VRAAGLST           on VRAAGLST.VLID           = 
> >> SM>    inner join VLID_SSID          on VRAAGLST.VLID           = 
> >> SM>    inner join POID_SSID_SCID     on ( OPNAMEN.POID            =
> >> SM>                                     ( SUBSCHAAL_GEGEVENS.SSID =
> >> SM>    inner join SCORES             on SCORES.SCID             =
> >> SM>    inner join PID_POID           on OPNAMEN.POID            = 
> >> SM>    inner join PATIENT            on PATIENT.PID             = 
> >> SM>  where substr ( lower( NAME) , 1, 6)  = 'cis20r'
> >> SM>    and lower ( NAME_ ) = 'fatigue'
> >> SM>    and TEST_COUNT in (3,4)
> >> SM>    and DATETIME > 39814.0
> >> SM>    and SCORE < 30
> > 1) Do you have indices on the join fields?
> well I'm happily surprised, you came up with this suggestion
> - I thought that sqlite created indexes on all primairy key and unique
> fields
> - but after explicitly creating the indices, a gained a speed of about a
> factor 10
> After checking the database creation, it seemed I forgot to make these
> fields the primary key
> so thanks very much.
> I gained another factor of 10 speed by updating to version 2.5.5 of
> pysqlite.
> cheers,
> Stef
> > 2) Look at the ANALYZE command
> > 3) Look at the EXPLAIN command

You might want to consult the SQLite list for questions like this.

Why do you use pysqlite?  I just import sqlite3 in Python 2.5.
What is the advantage of pysqlite?


Re: any suggestions to synchronize typed text and speech ?

2009-07-20 Thread Che M
On Jul 19, 4:15 pm, Stef Mientki  wrote:
> hello,
> I'm using Scintilla as a wxPython widget with great pleasure.
> I now have an application where I want to make notes during a conversation,
> but also want to record the speech during that conversation.
> I'm using Scintilla as a wxPython widget for editing and PyAudio for the
> speech recording,
> until so far everything works fine.
> Here the problem part:
> I need to synchronize the typed text with the sound during playback.
> So if I click somewhere in the sound recording,
> the line of text, typed that moment should be highlighted.
> And vise versa, if the cursor in the text is moved and some special key
> is pressed,
> the sound starting 10 or 20seconds earlier should be playbacked.
> I though of adding bookmarks (because these are fixed in the text), and
> keep a list of bookmarks and sound pointers.
> This idea should work, but there are only 31 bookmarks.
> Any other suggestions ?
> thanks,
> Stef Mientki

Stef, it occurs to me now that you might be useful to look at

>From their site:

Transana is software for professional researchers who want to
analyze digital video or audio data. Transana lets you analyze
and manage your data in very sophisticated ways. Transcribe it,
identify analytically interesting clips, assign keywords to clips,
arrange and rearrange clips, create complex collections of
interrelated clips, explore relationships between applied keywords,
and share your analysis with colleagues.

It is written in Python, uses Scintilla, and is open source (GPL):


Re: why did you choose the programming language(s)you currently use?

2009-07-14 Thread Che M
On Jul 14, 11:55 am, Deep_Feelings  wrote:
> So you have chosen programming language "x" so shall you tell us why
> you did so , and  what negatives or positives it has ?

As a hobbyist--and not a real programmer*--I think I chose Python
(I don't really recall now) because of things like:

- There is a good community, including tutor list, etc.
- I wanted something that would run cross-platform (so no Visual
- Preferred something free (so no REALBasic).
- I wanted a high level language.
- It seemed easiest to read and learn.  I like mandatory indents, for
- There are a lot of libraries for it with good support.
- I liked the Zen of Python philosophy (to the extent I understood
- Some high profile entities were using it, so it must have something
going for it.
- It was new enough to be a possible improvement over older languages
  while old enough to be established.
- Who can't like a computer language named Python?


- AFAIK, running multiple Python apps all show up in the Windows task
manager as
  "python.exe" (common to all non-compiled languages?) instead of the
app's name.
- Distributing as an executable is not as straightforward as I might
- I wish Python 3 wouldn't break my 2.5 code.
- If it could be quicker (compiled), that would be better. (But
haven't tried
  psyco or Shed Skin, etc.)
- I've found understanding web programming hard, but that might be
just the
  nature of web programming and not a Python thing.
- I wish wxPython had a more complete rich text editor (but overall it
is great).


Re: Ubigraph vs Matplotlib (dynamic plotting, event handling)

2009-07-01 Thread Che M
On Jun 30, 6:20 pm, Ala  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I intend to use python for some network graph plotting, with event
> handling (clicking on network nodes, zooming in/out etc..) and so far I
> have come across two good candidates which are Matplotlib and Ubigraph.
> Did anyone have any experience with either of them for dynamic plotting
> (a slider bar on a Qt interface causing the graph to be replotted for
> each value for example), as well as event handling? (it seems on first
> notice that Ubigraph will have an upperhand on that), as well as event
> handling such as mouse clicks? (on this one Matplotlib has good
> documentation showing it does achieve that while I find ubigraph's
> documentation lacking, but I'd preffere to have the opinion of those
> who have used them before).
> Thank you.

I have used Matplotlib for both uses.  It has a built-in toolbar that
allows for changing the plot (zoom, pan, etc), and has good support
for point picking (clicking on a datapoint to do send an event).  You
could probably connect the QT slider to the zoom function without much
trouble, and Matplotlib is embeddable in QT GUIs.

Re: Beginning with Python; the right choice?

2009-06-26 Thread Che M
On Jun 26, 10:22 pm, "" 
> Hi,
> As you can imagine, I am new, both to this group and to Python.  I
> have read various posts on the best book to buy or online tutorial to
> read and have started to go through them.  I was wondering, as someone
> with virtually no programming experience (I am a photographer by
> trade), is Python the right language for me to try and learn?
> I do vaguely remember learning what I think was BASIC on some old
> Apple's back in elementary school (circa 1992).  Would something like
> that (the name at least makes it SOUND easier) be more feasible?
> If I do choose to learn Python, are there any tutorials for the
> absolute beginner.  I do not mean beginner to Python, but rather,
> beginner to programming.  Someone who hasn't a clue what object
> oriented whatcha-ma-whoozit means.  I ask again because I understand
> that content is always evolving and there might be new tutorials out
> there.
> Thanks!
> -Daniel Sato

I was in your exact position (well, I wasn't a photographer) less than
three years ago, and I started Python from no programming knowledge
other than, just as you said, BASIC from long, long ago.  I picked
it up enough to do what I want to do and have been quite happy with
it.  I learned (my small subset of) it here and there over a year
or so I guess, just as I felt like it, as it was purely for hobby
(and I still learn new stuff of course).  If you are hellbent on
learning it and have good instructional material, you could learn
a lot in a good month, really.

My best advice is to get a couple of ultra-basic short tutorials
read/viewed, and then identify *what it is you want to use Python
to do*.  Any language can be used to essentially anything, and I
feel it is better to learn *per task* than to try to simply learn
the whole language.  You will feel better having accomplished
something in line with your goals.

In terms of good tutorials for absolute beginners, here are two:

Alan Gauld's Learning to Program has lots of Python instructional videos, including this
for absolute beginners:

I also recommend the Python tutor list, which you can sign up for

So what is it that you want to use Python for?


Re: dynamically associate radio buttons with droplists

2009-06-24 Thread Che M
On Jun 24, 10:37 am, (Aahz) wrote:
> In article 
> <>,
> Shoryuken   wrote:
> >On Jun 21, 8:43=A0pm, (Aahz) wrote:
> >> In article  >.com>,LeoBrugud=A0 wrote:
> >>>Not being very familiar with python, nor with cgi/http, =A0I intend to
> >>>have 3 of buttons in a webpage, each of them is associate with a file
> >>>(so I have 3 files, too)
> >>>What I would like to have is, when users choose a button, the droplist
> >>>update automatically to load the contents of the associated file.
> >> Are you trying to do this without requiring the user to click the submit
> >> button? =A0If yes, you need to learn JavaScript (although I think there a=
> >re
> >> web frameworks that will auto-generate the JavaScript, you need to know
> >> JavaScript in order to do debugging).
> >Thanks, and yes I want to do it without the submit button
> >So python alone cannot do this?
> Correct; you need to have code run in the browser, and few browsers
> support Python.

Might want to consider Pyjamas, the python-to-javascript Compiler and
a Web Widget set:


Re: launch a .py file from a batch file

2009-06-23 Thread Che M
On Jun 23, 5:30 am, Paul Moore  wrote:
> 2009/6/23 C M :
> >> Assuming you're running on Windows XP, try the following line in your
> >> batch file:
> >> @start path\MyPythonApp.pyw
> >> That's of course after you rename your script to a pyw extension.  That's
> >> associated with pythonw, which doesn't need a command window.
> > Well, I renamed my script to have a .pyw extension, and then ran the line
> > above.  Without quotes, it doesn't find it (because I have spaces in the
> > path).
> > With quotes it just opens a console and does nothing (does not launch the
> > app).
> > Any ideas?
> Use
> @start "" "path\MyPythonApp.pyw"
> The first item in quotes is the window title. If you only include the
> path (in quotes) it's taken as a title, which is why you need the
> second set of quotes.
> Paul.

Unfortunately, when I try that it says "Windows cannot find [that
file]", etc.
And yet I am copying the filename right from the file manager and it

What's also odd is that if I open the file using cd and then just
the filename on the next line, that file (which I gave a .pyw
doesn't open, but a file that has a .py extension does.

Any ideas?
