Re: wordplay

2023-05-30 Thread Chris M. Thomasson

On 5/26/2023 12:13 AM, David Dalton wrote:

cODINg  :-)

Play with the Chaos PP lib... ;^)

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Chris M. Thomasson

On 3/5/2021 8:51 AM, Mr Flibble wrote:
neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library with arbitrary 
precision integers, floats and rationals:

It hasn't been formally released yet as it still requires more extensive 
testing.  It will be used as part of my universal compiler, neos, that 
can compile any programming language and will be used for the neos 
implementation of Python (Python has big integers).

Message ends.

Get atan2, cos and sin, and I have some code to run it against.

It needs arbitrary precision! :^)

Re: neonumeric - C++ arbitrary precision arithmetic library

2021-03-06 Thread Chris M. Thomasson

On 3/6/2021 11:35 AM, Mr Flibble wrote:

On 06/03/2021 19:11, Bonita Montero wrote:

There is no projection.
_You_ have megalomania, not me.
And there's also no Dunning Kruger effect.
You can't assess your capabilites, not me.

no u

Someone who says that he is capable of writing a compiler that
translates every language has megalomania. No one can do this.

Just because you can't make one it doesn't follow that nobody else can.

I remember when Bonita tried to convince me that a mutex must use an 
atomic counter.


Cartoonify Myself

2011-05-17 Thread Chris M. Bartos


Is there a Python module that can cartoonify a picture of myself? 
There's got to be an algorithm out there somewhere, right? If there is a 
way to cartoon a single picture, could you cartoonify a video, too?

Thanks for your help.


Christopher M. Bartos


Python Sybase

2011-04-13 Thread Chris M. Bartos


Are there any database drivers that allows Python to connect to remote 
Sybase Databases.
I tried python-sybase, but somehow couldn't get it to connect remotely, 
only locally...?

Thanks for your help,

Christopher M. Bartos

Systems Developer
Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
The Ohio State University
055 Rightmire Hall
1060 Carmack Rd
Columbus, OH 43210



Re: Why this apparent assymetry in set operations?

2008-01-15 Thread Chris M
On Jan 15, 11:51 am, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So this is a bug in set_update or in set_ior. They can't both be

It's not a bug.

Note, the non-operator versions of union(), intersection(),
difference(), and symmetric_difference(), issubset(), and issuperset()
methods will accept any iterable as an argument. In contrast, their
operator based counterparts require their arguments to be sets. This
precludes error-prone constructions like set('abc')  'cbs' in favor
of the more readable set('abc').intersection('cbs').

Re: Is a real C-Python possible?

2007-12-09 Thread Chris M
On Dec 9, 10:04 pm, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 9, 6:07 pm, Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Plus, Psyco is not the
  main stream and has stopped development.


 What makes you think it has stopped development?  I just swung by the
 SF project page, and its most recent news post was just 2 months ago.

 Psyco may not be in the standard Python distribution, but it is
 definitely a fixture of the Python landscape, which is about as close
 to main stream as you can get.

 -- Paul

Maybe because of this line:

Psyco is a reasonably complete project. I will not continue to
develop it beyond making sure it works with future versions of Python.
My plans for 2006 are to port the techniques implemented in Psyco to
PyPy. PyPy will allow us to build a more flexible JIT specializer,
easier to experiment with, and without the overhead of having to keep
in sync with the evolutions of the Python language.

Re: auto-increment operator - why no syntax error?

2007-12-08 Thread Chris M
On Dec 8, 7:58 pm, Karthik Gurusamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see python doesn't have ++ or -- operators unlike say, C.
 I read some reasonings talking about immutable scalars and using ++/--
 doesn't make much sense in python (not sure if ++i is that far-fetched
 compared to the allowed i += 1)

 In any case, I accidentally wrote ++n in python and it silently
 accepted the expression and  it took me a while to debug the problem.

 Why are the following accepted even without a warning about syntax
 (I would expect the python grammar should catch these kind of syntax

  n = 1
  2 * + n
  n += 1



There is a unary operator +. When you write ++n, it's evaluating +n,
and then +(that result).

Re: Interfaces.

2007-11-16 Thread Chris M
On Nov 16, 12:26 am, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris M wrote:
  On Nov 15, 8:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Does anyone know what the state of progress with interfaces for python
  (last I can see is

  I would argue that interfaces/(similar feature) are necessary in any
  modern language because they provide a way of separating the
  specification from the implementation of a module.

  I also had a new idea - when specifying the functionality of a module,
  it would be nice to combine examples of valid behaviour / some sort of

  It might therefore be possible to combine unit testing with

  What do you all think?

  (new to python so be nice :)


 Thank you for pointing out the obvious. But *truly* helpful would be
 insight into While at some point I expect that Python will have
 interfaces. Look for that sentence under the rejected part.


 James Stroud
 UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
 Box 951570
 Los Angeles, CA  90095

Then answer his question yourself instead of wasting everyones
bandwidth going on some moral crusade. There's something to be said
about users with signatures longer than their messages...

Re: Interfaces.

2007-11-15 Thread Chris M
On Nov 15, 8:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Does anyone know what the state of progress with interfaces for python
 (last I can see is

 I would argue that interfaces/(similar feature) are necessary in any
 modern language because they provide a way of separating the
 specification from the implementation of a module.

 I also had a new idea - when specifying the functionality of a module,
 it would be nice to combine examples of valid behaviour / some sort of

 It might therefore be possible to combine unit testing with

 What do you all think?

 (new to python so be nice :)

Status: Rejected

If you really want an interface, make a class with methods that
raise NotImplementedError.

Re: Some pythonic suggestions for Python

2007-11-09 Thread Chris M

Multi-return value lambda? Just so you know, there is no concept of
returning more than one value from a function.

def a(): return 1, 2

returns one value - a tuple of (1, 2).

lambda: (1, 2)

does the same thing.


Re: Namespace question

2007-10-31 Thread Chris M
On Oct 31, 10:06 am, Frank Aune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible writing custom modules named the same as modules in the
 standard library, which in turn use the same module from the standard

 Say I want my application to have a module, which in turn must
 import the standard library module also, to get hold of the randint
 function for example.

 My attempts so far only causes my to import itself instead of the
 standard library

 Receipt for disaster? :)


Read up on absolute imports (In Python 2.5, from __future__ import
absolute_imports) is required. You can load your with
import .random, which can import the standard lib with import random.
