Re: Appending traceback from exception in child thread

2009-05-15 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Edd wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I have a some threadpool code that works like this :

    tp = ThreadPool(number_of_threads)
    futures = [tp.future(t) for t in tasks] # each task is callable
    for f in futures:
        print f.value() # -- may propagate an exception

 The idea being that a Future object represents a value that may or may
 not have been computed yet and the .value() method will block until
 that value is ready.

 As the comment on the last line indicates, looking at the .value() of
 a Future may give the return value of the associated task, or it may
 also propagate an exception that was raised in a child thread.

 Inside the implementation I store caught exceptions with code that
 looks something like:

        self.return_value = self.task()
        self.exception = sys.exc_info()[1]

 The problem I have is that when an exception is propagated in to the
 parent thread by re-raising it, the part of the traceback from the
 child thread is lost. So if the program dies due to such an exception,
 I can't see what caused it by examining the printed traceback.

 To solve this problem, I could of course grab the traceback in the
 child thread and create some kind of custom exception that stashes the
 trace inside. This could then be caught on the fringes of my code in
 order to combine the tracebacks of parent and child together before
 printing it. But I was wondering if there might be a nicer way that
 keeps the original exception object. Perhaps something akin to gluing
 the tracebacks together at the point where the exception is re-raised?

 Kind regards,


Take a look at the Deferred and Failure objects from Twisted. Deferred
is a deferred result with callback (basically a Future without the
blocking interface), and Failure is an asynchronous exception object.

Re: A Twisted Design Decision

2009-01-28 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:05 AM, koranthala wrote:
 On Jan 28, 8:36 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
 On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 06:30:32 -0800 (PST), koranthala 
 On Jan 28, 7:10 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
  On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 02:02:57 -0800 (PST), koranthala wrote:
  On Jan 27, 9:27 pm, koranthala wrote:
   On Jan 27, 6:57 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

   Thank you Jean-Paul.
   My code is more complex than what I have mentioned. When I mentioned
   msg.send, the msg object actually gets the data from DB etc to send.
   And there are many other items being done.
   I will try to see whether I can change the code to incorporate what
   you mentioned.

   I rewrote most of my code after learning just raw deferreds - I had
   planned to study inlineCallbacks - but then it slipped my mind  - now
   it has come to bit me. :-(

I tried to update the code as per the suggestion, but to no avail.
My system uses Python2.4.3 (cannot move to 2.5) - so I tried to
  rewrite with deferredGenerators - since I thought inlineCallbacks are
  similar to deferredGenerators.

But I cannot seem to rewrite it in a format where the functional
  encapsulation is not broken.
i.e. as I mentioned in the first example - I have to pass SELF to
  child objects for them to modify it.

  Why?  You don't do this in the original version of your code.  Why do
  it after switching to Twisted (particularly since you seem to want *not*


 Without that, I am unable to increment success and failure counters
 which are part of the message handler object.
 In the original version, if send fails the return value of
 protocol.send is propogated back to msg.send and to msg handler.send.
 But in twisted, it is not so. So, I have to pass in SELF through to
 increment success and failure counter.
 Is it possible otherwise in twisted?

 Why isn't the return value of protocol.send propagated back to msg.send?
 It sounds like it should be.


 Thank you very much again Jean-Paul for helping me out.
 I am unable to understand how I will be able to propogate the return
 value of protocol.send to msg.send.
 Maybe I am being foolish - but my understanding is as follows.

 In a non-reactor pattern scenario:
 msg_handler.send_message calls msg.send which inturn calls
 So, the reply to protocol.send actually goes up the stack till
 msg_handler.send_message wherein I can increment/decrement success/
 failure counter.

 In reactor pattern:
 msg_handler.send_message calls msg.send which call protocol.send which
 causes a deferred to be created.
 Now, when the deferred finishes its work, reactor calls the callback
 associated - but the original context (stack etc) is lost.
 Now, the only mechanism of interaction is via the parameters passed in
 the callback.
 This means that msg_handler has to pass in its object to msg.send
 which inturn has to send either msg_handler or self to protocol.send
 so that it is stored in the parameter to the callback.
 When callback is hit, I use this parameter to call methods in each

 This is what I was trying to say in my first mail that - Twisted,
 being twisted in its behavior is causing quite a lot of
 confusion in design decisions - because now I have to break functional
 encapsulation - by asking lower layer objects to handler upper layer
 objects behaviors.

 As I said earlier, maybe I am being completely stupid -  there might
 be a very easy and obvious solution. But I cannot seem to get it at

I'm sure you're not completely stupid, but there is an easy and
obvious solution - you should be returning the *deferred* up the
callstack. That will allow the MessageHandler to attach
callbacks/errbacks to it, without needing to pass self all the way
down the call stack and have a proxy object manage it.

Re: BadZipfile file is not a zip file

2009-01-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 1:32 PM, webcomm wrote:
 On Jan 9, 7:33 pm, John Machin wrote:
 It is not impossible for a file with dummy data to have been
 handcrafted or otherwise produced by a process different to that used
 for a real-data file.

 I knew it was produced by the same process, or I wouldn't have shared
 it. : )
 But you couldn't have known that.

  Not sure if you've seen this 

 Yeah, I've seen it ... (sigh) ... pax Steve Holden, but *please* stick
 with one thread ...

 Thanks... I thought I was posting about separate issues and would
 annoy people who were only interested in one of the issues if I put
 them both in the same thread.  I guess all posts re: the same script
 should go in one thread, even if the questions posed may be unrelated
 and may be separate issues.  There are grey areas.

 Problem solved in John Machin's post at

It's worth pointing out (although the provider probably doesn't care)
that this isn't really an XML document and this was a bad way of them
to distribute the data. If they'd used a correctly formatted XML
document (with the prelude and everything) with the correct encoding
information, existing XML parsers should have just Done The Right
Thing with the data, instead of you needing to know the encoding a
priori to extract an XML fragment.

Re: Slow network?

2009-01-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Laszlo Nagy wrote:

  Hi All,

 To make the long story short, I have a toy version of an ORB being
 developed, and the biggest problem is slow network speed over TCP/IP.

 There is an object called 'endpoint' on both sides, with incoming and
 outgoing message queues. This endpoint object has a socket assigned, with


 The endpoint is running two separate threads - those are dedicated for
 reading/writing messages from/into the socket object, as shown below:

   def _process_incoming(self):
   while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   data = self.read_str()
   while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   except orb.util.smartqueue.Full:
   if not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   if self.router:
   except Exception, e:
   if self.router:
   if not isinstance(e,TransportClosedError):
   raise SystemExit(0)

   def _process_outgoing(self):
   while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   data_ok = False
   while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   data = self.outgoing.get(1)
   data_ok = True
   except orb.util.smartqueue.Empty:
   if data_ok:
   except Exception, e:
   if self.router:
   if not isinstance(e,TransportClosedError):
   raise SystemExit(0)

 The main point is that the sender does not need to wait for the message to
 be actually written into the socket (unless the outgoing queue becomes

 When I try to send a message and receive an answer for it, I can only get as
 much as 130 request+response message pairs per second. Apparently, it is the
 same from messages size =77bytes to message size=16 Kbytes.

 However, if I send 100 outgoing messages first, then read back all answers
 then the speed goes up to 1300 message pairs/sec. I suspect that this has
 something to do with TCP/IP. Since this will be used for RPC/RMI, it would
 be very important to lower the time needed to exchange messages. Is there
 any way I can speed this up?

It is very likely that nodelay is actually hurting you here.

Using the select module and doing non-blocking IO will be faster than
using threads for this as well.

Re: urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.

2009-01-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 00:38:20 -0600, Chris Mellon wrote:

 Why Google would deny access to services by unknown User Agents is
 beyond me - especially since in most cases User Agents strings are not

 If you look at the actual response text and not just the error code, you
 will get a clear explanation of why you were forbidden.

 You have a funny idea of what constitutes a clear explanation.

 Your client does not have permission to get URL code/group/chromium-
 announce/feed/rss_v2_0_msgs.xml/code from this server.

 That hardly explains Why Google would deny access to services by unknown
 User Agents, does it?

I suppose I should have checked that specific URL. The search results
pages (last I checked) gave a detailed error message.

Re: urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.

2009-01-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:05 PM, James Mills wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Philip Semanchuk 

 On Jan 11, 2009, at 8:59 PM, James Mills wrote:

 Hey all,

 The following fails for me:

 from urllib2 import urlopen
 f =

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 124, in urlopen
   return, data, timeout)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 389, in open
   response = meth(req, response)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 502, in http_response
   'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 427, in error
   return self._call_chain(*args)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 361, in _call_chain
   result = func(*args)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 510, in http_error_default
   raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
 urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

 However, that _same_ url works perfectly fine on the
 same machine (and same network) using any of:
 * curl
 * wget
 * elinks
 * firefox

 Any helpful ideas ?

 The remote server doesn't like your user agent?

 It'd be easier to help if you post a working sample.

 That was a working sample! The User-Agent didn't
 occur to me :) Thanks - I think that might be it.

 Why Google would deny access to services by
 unknown User Agents is beyond me - especially
 since in most cases User Agents strings are not

If you look at the actual response text and not just the error code,
you will get a clear explanation of why you were forbidden.

Re: BadZipfile file is not a zip file

2009-01-09 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 9:05 AM, webcomm wrote:
 On Jan 9, 3:46 am, Carl Banks wrote:
 The zipfile format is kind of brain dead, you can't tell where the end
 of the file is supposed to be by looking at the header.  If the end of
 file hasn't yet been reached there could be more data.  To make
 matters worse, somehow zip files came to have text comments simply
 appended to the end of them.  (Probably this was for the benefit of
 people who would cat them to the terminal.)

 Anyway, if you see something that doesn't adhere to the zipfile
 format, you don't have any foolproof way to know if it's because the
 file is corrupted or if it's just an appended comment.

 Most zipfile readers use a heuristic to distinguish.  Python's zipfile
 module just assumes it's corrupted.

 The following post from a while back gives a solution that tries to
 snip the comment off so that zipfile module can handle it.  It might
 help you out.

 Carl Banks

 Thanks Carl.  I tried Scott's getzip() function yesterday... I
 stumbled upon it in my searches.  It didn't seem to help in my case,
 though it did produce a different error:  ValueError, substring not
 found.  Not sure what that means.

This is a ticket about another issue or 2 with invalid zipfiles that
the zipfile module won't load, but that other tools will compensate

Re: distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file

2009-01-09 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 2:32 PM, webcomm wrote:
 On Jan 9, 3:15 pm, Steve Holden wrote:
 webcomm wrote:
  In python, is there a distinction between unzipping bytes and
  unzipping a binary file to which those bytes have been written?

  The following code is, I think, an example of writing bytes to a file
  and then unzipping...

  decoded = base64.b64decode(datum)
  #datum is a base64 encoded string of data downloaded from a web
  f = open('', 'wb')
  x = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')

  After looking at the preceding code, the provider of the web service
  gave me this advice...
  Instead of trying to create a file, take the unzipped bytes and get a
  Unicode string of text from it.

 Not terribly useful advice, but one presumes he she or it was trying to
 be helpful.

  If so, I'm not sure how to do what he's suggesting, or if it's really
  different from what I've done.

 Well, what you have done appears pretty wrong to me, but let's take a
 look. What's datum? You appear to be treating it as base64-encoded data;
 is that correct? Have you examined it?

 It's data that has been compressed then base64 encoded by the web
 service.  I'm supposed to download it, then decode, then unzip.  They
 provide a C# example of how to do this on page 13 of

 If you have a minute, see also this thread...

When they say zip, they're talking about a zlib compressed stream of
bytes, not a zip archive.

You want to base64 decode the data, then zlib decompress it, then
finally interpret it as (I think) UTF-16, as that's what Windows
usually means when it says Unicode.

decoded = base64.b64decode(datum)
decompressed = zlib.decompress(decoded)
result = decompressed.decode('utf-16')

Re: distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file

2009-01-09 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Chris Mellon wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 2:32 PM, webcomm wrote:
 On Jan 9, 3:15 pm, Steve Holden wrote:
 webcomm wrote:
  In python, is there a distinction between unzipping bytes and
  unzipping a binary file to which those bytes have been written?

  The following code is, I think, an example of writing bytes to a file
  and then unzipping...

  decoded = base64.b64decode(datum)
  #datum is a base64 encoded string of data downloaded from a web
  f = open('', 'wb')
  x = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')

  After looking at the preceding code, the provider of the web service
  gave me this advice...
  Instead of trying to create a file, take the unzipped bytes and get a
  Unicode string of text from it.

 Not terribly useful advice, but one presumes he she or it was trying to
 be helpful.

  If so, I'm not sure how to do what he's suggesting, or if it's really
  different from what I've done.

 Well, what you have done appears pretty wrong to me, but let's take a
 look. What's datum? You appear to be treating it as base64-encoded data;
 is that correct? Have you examined it?

 It's data that has been compressed then base64 encoded by the web
 service.  I'm supposed to download it, then decode, then unzip.  They
 provide a C# example of how to do this on page 13 of

 If you have a minute, see also this thread...

 When they say zip, they're talking about a zlib compressed stream of
 bytes, not a zip archive.

 You want to base64 decode the data, then zlib decompress it, then
 finally interpret it as (I think) UTF-16, as that's what Windows
 usually means when it says Unicode.

 decoded = base64.b64decode(datum)
 decompressed = zlib.decompress(decoded)
 result = decompressed.decode('utf-16')

And of course as *soon* as I write that, I read the appendix on the
documentation in full and turn out to be wrong. Ignore me *sigh*.

It would really help if you could post a sample file somewhere.

Re: looking for tips on how to implement ruby-style Domain Specific Language in Python

2009-01-07 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:50 AM, J Kenneth King wrote:
 Jonathan Gardner writes:

 On Jan 6, 12:24 pm, J Kenneth King wrote:
 Jonathan Gardner writes:
  On Jan 6, 8:18 am, sturlamolden wrote:
  On Jan 6, 4:32 pm, mark wrote:

   I want to implement a internal DSL in Python. I would like the syntax
   as human readable as possible.

  Also beware that Python is not Lisp. You cannot define new syntax (yes
  I've seen the goto joke).

  This isn't really true. You can, for instance, write a program (in
  Python) that takes your pseudo-Python and converts it into Python.
  This is what a number of templating libraries such as Mako do.

 Which is not even close to being the same.

 Lisp - the program source is also the data format

 Python - the program source is a string

 I could go on a really long rant about how the two are worlds apart, but
 I'll let Google tell you if you're really interested.

 I get that Lisp is special because you can hack on the reader as it is
 reading the file in. This is strongly discouraged behavior, as far as
 I know, despite the number of cute hacks you can accomplish with it.

 It is generally discouraged unless there's a reason for it.

 But consider that this really isn't different than having a program
 read in the lisp-with-modification source and spitting out pure lisp,
 to be read by an honest-to-gosh lisp program later.

 If that's the case, then Lisp and Python really aren't that different
 in this regard, except that you don't have the option of modifying the
 reader as it reads in the file.

 I think you are missing the distinction.

 Lisp expressions are also data structures. A Lisp expression can be
 passed to functions and macros to be operated on before being
 executed. When you're writing Lisp source, you're basically looking at
 the AST on one level and when you start writing macros for your program,
 you're creating a DSL or interface to that AST. Lisp source is
 eventually expanded to a giant list that is consed by the evaluator (as
 far as I understand it. I'm just getting into the compiler stuff


 (my-func 1 2 3)

 This is just a list, the primitive data-type in Lisp! This piece of
 data can be operated on by other bits of Lisp code because it is just
 a list as far as Lisp is concerned.

 In contrast, Python source is a string that needs to be parsed into
 bytecode which is then run through the interpreter. The AST is
 completely hidden from the source author. Python expressions are not
 data types either and hence no macros -- I can't write a python function
 that generates python code at compile time. I can only write a python
 program that parses some other string and generates code that can be run
 by another interpreter.


 for i in range(0, 100):

 That's a pretty straight forward Python expression, but I can't do
 anything with it -- it's not a unit of data, it's a string.

 The distinction is not subtle by any means.

Ignoring reader macros for a moment, there is no way in either lisp,
ruby, or python to change the syntax that the compiler understands,
and the ability to work with your code directly as a data structure
(which is what makes lisp macros powerful) isn't directly relevant to
the idea of an internal' DSL.

The OP wants a Ruby-style DSL by which he means something that lets
me write words instead of expressions. The ruby syntax is amenable to
this, python (and lisp, for that matter) syntax is not and you can't
implement that style of internal DSL in those languages.

The answer to the OP is you can't - use Ruby or modify your requirements.

Re: Is 3.0 worth breaking backward compatibility?

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:21 PM, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 7, 12:35 pm, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

 Plze. Python 3 is shipping now, and so is 2.x, where x  5. Python
 2 is going to be around for quite some time. What is everybody's

 A possible, potential, problem, could arise if you were using python
 2.x, but some other code, that you wanted to include, was writen in
 python 3.x.

A possible, potential, problem, could arise if you were using [Java],
but some other code,
that you wanted to include, was writen in [Pascal].

Surely the software industry is doomed?

Re: Call by reference in SWIG?

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Joe Strout wrote:
 On Dec 10, 2008, at 10:19 PM, Nok wrote:

 I can't get call-by-reference functions to work in SWIG...

 Python doesn't have any call-by-reference support at all [1], so I'm not
 surprised that a straight translation of the call-by-reference C function
 doesn't work.

 Unfortunately I don't know enough about SWIG to suggest a work-around.
  Hopefully someone more versed in SWIG will have a bright idea.  If you
 don't find anything in the Python space, you might try poking around in Java
 references, since Java has the same call semantics as Python.

I'm not sure if SWIG has tools to do this for you or if you need to do
the mapping by hand, but the usual idiom is to translate them into
return values (keeping the original arg if the passed in value matters

Re: Flushing PyQt's Event Queue

2008-12-10 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:30 AM, ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I am writing an app which models growth of a system over time
 visually which is activated by button clicks, and when the loop
 finishes running i dont want any events [mainly clicking on buttons]
 that happened during the loop to be put into action since then it may
 run multiple times without the user realising what they have done,

 is there way to flush the event queue when the loop has finished??

This is a UI problem, not a programming problem. Instead of trying to
find a code solution to the problem, consider changing your UI so that
the actions aren't possible. For example, disable the buttons (perhaps
showing by showing a progress dialog box with a cancel button) while
the sim is running.

Re: as keyword woes

2008-12-09 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:39 AM, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9 Des, 05:52, alex23 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From my perspective, it was less the original complaint and more the
 sudden jump to CPython is dead! The GIL sucks! Academic eggheads!
 that prompted the comparisons to trolling.

 To be fair to the complainant, before mentioning the GIL, he did
 initially get the usual trite fragments of the Zen of Python right
 back at him (simple is better than complex, special cases aren't
 special enough to break the rules), albeit not the whole thing in its
 overused, unabridged form. I think I'd go on a rant if presented with
 that rather than the accepted reason for the noted shortcomings of the
 language: CPython's parsing technology isn't sufficiently powerful
 parser technology as GvR himself says [1].


So hold up a second. I'm out of line for calling someone on making a
trollish post that's not relevant to the topic, and for being pretty
late to the party even with the part that *was* on topic, and for
(even in the original post) going the ad-hominem route by not so
subtly implying that Python is an ivory tower language that's not good
enough for people with real problems - a clearly false statement by
any standards, and doubly offensive from someone who *is* using it for
real problems and who himself is a less than shining example of
responsible software management, but the OPs lapse into ranting in
response to trite but accurate answers to a question he could have
answered for himself, in detail, had he bothered to read the threads
from the time when the issue actually matter is a reasonable response
that we should support and validate?

Sometimes you're not  a crusader for thinking differently and change
by confrontation and speaking truth to power. Sometimes you're just an

For clarification: The OPs original complaint is legitimate, if dated
and partially his own fault. His phrasing of the problem, the tone and
content of his email, and his lapse into flaming when he wasn't
immediately hailed as a herald of sanity is not legitimate.

Re: as keyword woes

2008-12-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:42 PM, Warren DeLano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why was it necessary to make as a reserved keyword?

 I can't answer for the Python developers as to why they *did* make it
 a reserved word.

 But I can offer what I believe is a good reason why it *should* be a
 reserved word: Because simple is better than complex, and special
 cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

 So you prefer broken code to broken rules, eh?  Your customers must love
 that!  This is exactly the kind of ivory-tower thinking I feared might
 be behind the decision (form over function, damn the users to hell,

remainder of creed skipped

Honestly, based on the content and tenor of this post I think this is
Yet Another Python Troll (the ivory tower reference, as well as the
abrupt shift from complaining about keywords to multiprocessing), I
have to point out that Python does add new keywords, it has done so in
the past, and there was a considerable amount of warning, including an
automated deprecation warning in the very version you are going to
recommend to your customers' (I don't actually think you have any
customers). If you suppressed or ignored the deprecation warning that
all your code has been generating for at least 2 years it's pretty
damn ballsy to come here and tell everyone how *Python* is doing
something wrong.

Re: as keyword woes

2008-12-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Steven D'Aprano
 On Thu, 04 Dec 2008 20:53:38 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 Readability of your code becomes very important especially if you're
 working with many developers over time.

 1. Use sensible meaningful names.
 2. Don't use abbreviations.

 This is excellent advice, but remember, what is a sensible meaningful
 name is domain-specific. In a maths library, this would be sensible:

 def poly(x):
return 4*x**3 -2*x**2 +3*x -7

 and this ridiculous:

 def poly(real_number):
return 4*real_number**3 -2*real_number**2 +3*real_number -7

I actually wonder. The former is sensible in a math context because
there's a very long tradition in mathematics of using terse,
inscrutable placeholders for terms. I'm not a mathematician and I
don't know anything about the history of mathematical notation, but
I'd guess this has something to do with the fact that maths has
historically been done with a pencil and paper, and that terseness is
an important quality when you have a limited canvas and lots of stuff
to write.

Aside from the cultural indoctrination, though (and that may be a real
and strong force when dealing with math software, and I don't want to
discount it in general, just for purposes of this discussion) why is
it more sensible to use x here instead of number or real or
real_number or something else?

Re: To Troll or Not To Troll

2008-12-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Warren DeLano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yet Another Python Troll (the ivory tower reference, as well as the
 abrupt shift from complaining about keywords to multiprocessing), I
 have to point out that Python does add new keywords, it has done so in
 the past, and there was a considerable amount of warning, including an
 automated deprecation warning in the very version you are going to
 recommend to your customers' (I don't actually think you have any

 ROFL!  I'm sorry, you're right -- this has all been a figment of my

 So don't mind me -- I clearly don't know what I'm talking about.

Peculiarities in usenet resulted in this discussion having several
threads and I missed some messages before I wrote this email. So I
apologize for calling you a troll, but only slightly - what you wrote
had exactly the same content and tone that people who are
intentionally trolling write every day. There are legitimate,
interesting, and important discussions to be had about multithreading
in Python, but nothing you wrote was of any use to any of them.

I still would have to call your management of the problem considerably
into question - your expertise at writing mathematical software may
not be in question, but your skills and producing and managing a
software product are. You have nobody at your organization, which
sells a product that relies on Python, who follows python-dev? Or who
even reads the changelogs for new python versions? You should have
known about the as keyword change *over a year ago*, even if the
import bug was masking the deprecation warning. Everything else aside,
I can't get past that issue with your complaints. I *have* gone back
now and read all the posts in all the threads and I still have not
seen a single post from you even hinting that you might have any
responsibility in the matter.

Multithreading is a different discussion, and totally unrelated to the
original complaint (which is why it's trolling, customers or not, to
bring it up in this thread) and I'm not going to address it -
everything of any interest in the conversation has been said already,
and if you know enough to talk seriously about it you already know all
the arguments on both sides. If you *don't* know them, a perusal of
the python-dev and c.l.p archives should bring you up to speed easily.

Re: To Troll or Not To Troll

2008-12-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Warren DeLano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I still would have to call your management of the problem considerably
 into question - your expertise at writing mathematical software may
 not be in question, but your skills and producing and managing a
 software product are. You have nobody at your organization, which
 sells a product that relies on Python, who follows python-dev? Or who
 even reads the changelogs for new python versions? You should have
 known about the as keyword change *over a year ago*, even if the
 import bug was masking the deprecation warning. Everything else aside,
 I can't get past that issue with your complaints. I *have* gone back
 now and read all the posts in all the threads and I still have not
 seen a single post from you even hinting that you might have any
 responsibility in the matter.

 Well then, let me set the record straight on that one point:

 I admit that it was entirely my mistake (and mine alone) to implicitly
 assume, by adopting such a logging  persistence architecture (dating
 back to 1.5.2, mind you!), that new keywords would not be introduced
 into the Python language so as to potentially break all existing Python

 Silly me!  How unreasonable.

Pythons backwards compatibility policy is available here:

Re: using private parameters as static storage?

2008-11-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Steven D'Aprano
 On Fri, 14 Nov 2008 13:35:02 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

 Instead, it looks like you're falling foul of one of the classic
 mistakes in the How to ask questions the smart way document: you've
 got a goal, but you're assuming that you need to use a specific tool to
 get there. Instead, you're being shown that your assumption is false:
 there's a better tool available to achieve your goal.

 For the sake of the argument I will accept your characterization of Joe's
 question. Even given that, you have still made an error: Joe hasn't been
 shown that his assumption is wrong, he's merely had a bunch of people
 declare, without evidence or even reason, that he is wrong. If anyone has
 given any reason for avoiding the idiom that doesn't boil down to I
 don't like it! (I need a smiley for pursed lips), I haven't read it.

 I for one do not think he is wrong, and I have given reasons for
 preferring the idiom:

 def parrot(public_args, _cache={})  # or similar

 for implementing caches and similar internal storage. It's quick, it's
 easy, it's lightweight, and it exposes the cache to those who need it,
 e.g. for testing.

 If anyone has a *reason* why this idiom is harmful, please say so.
 Repeating That's not the way to do it!!! Use an object!!! is not a

 Without such a reason, then the decision whether or not to use a functor
 (class with a __call__ method) in Python is a matter of personal taste.

Honestly given his attitude I don't think there's any reason to give
him the benefit of the doubt. Python doesn't have static storage - it
uses objects for the same purpose. Since anyone with the credentials
he's mentioned at least 3 times not only knew the history of OO
programming and how it addresses the same problems that people used
static storage to address, but also could have read one friggin python
tutorial and gotten all the answers he needed, I'm pretty much forced
to decide that he's either a troll or lazy.

Especially since in his email he gave no reason why just use a
fucking object isn't a good solution to the problem, and he still

This isn't an UberSpecialTypeFactoryInstance answer, if you'll forgive
me using an answer from a future email. There's a simple, obvious,
straightforward solution to the need to maintain state between
function calls.The entire idea of objects in programming was developed
to fill *exactly this need*.

And finally! You will note that in his email he asked for peoples
opinions and suggestions on how they solve this problem. I'd use an
object is a totally reasonable answer to the question he asked. Joe
seems to be pissed off that we didn't answer the question he didn't
ask, and we didn't respect articificial constraints that he didn't
fully express, and apparently that we don't all love RealBasic, which
he talks about a lot. So fuck that.

Re: using private parameters as static storage?

2008-11-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Joe Strout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One thing I miss as I move from REALbasic to Python is the ability to have
 static storage within a method -- i.e. storage that is persistent between
 calls, but not visible outside the method.  I frequently use this for such
 things as caching, or for keeping track of how many objects a factory
 function has created, and so on.

 Today it occurred to me to use a mutable object as the default value of a
 parameter.  A simple example:

 def spam(_count=[0]):
 _count[0] += 1
 return spam  * _count[0]

 'spam '
 'spam spam '

 This appears to work fine, but it feels a little unclean, having stuff in
 the method signature that is only meant for internal use.  Naming the
 parameter with an underscore _count makes me feel a little better about
 it.  But then, adding something to the module namespace just for use by one
 function seems unclean too.

 What are your opinions on this idiom?  Is there another solution people
 generally prefer?

 Ooh, for a change I had another thought BEFORE hitting Send rather than
 after.  Here's another trick:

 def spam2():
 if not hasattr(spam2,'count'):spam2.count=0
 spam2.count += 1
 return spam2  * spam2.count

 This doesn't expose any uncleanliness outside the function at all.  The
 drawback is that the name of the function has to appear several times within
 itself, so if I rename the function, I have to remember to change those
 references too.  But then, if I renamed a function, I'd have to change all
 the callers anyway.  So maybe this is better.  What do y'all think?

Static storage is a way of preserving state. Objects are a way of
encapsulating state and behavior. Use an object.

Re: Avoiding local variable declarations?

2008-11-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 2:22 PM, dpapathanasiou
 I have some old Common Lisp functions I'd like to rewrite in Python
 (I'm still new to Python), and one thing I miss is not having to
 declare local variables.

 For example, I have this Lisp function:

 (defun random-char ()
  Generate a random char from one of [0-9][a-z][A-Z]
  (if ( 50 (random 100))
  (code-char (+ (random 10) 48)) ; ascii 48 = 0
  (code-char (+ (random 26) (if ( 50 (random 100)) 65 97) ;
 ascii 65 = A, 97 = a

 My Python version looks like this:

 def random_char ():
'''Generate a random char from one of [0-9][a-z][A-Z]'''
if random.randrange(0, 100)  50:
return chr( random.randrange(0, 10) + 48 ) # ascii 48 = 0
offset = 65 # ascii 65 = A
if random.randrange(0, 100)  50:
offset = 97 # ascii 97 = a
return chr( random.randrange(0, 26) + offset )

 Logically, it's equivalent of the Lisp version.

 But is there any way to avoid using the local variable (offset) in the
 Python version?

Any time you port between languages, it's rarely a good idea to just
convert code verbatim. For example:

import random, string
def random_char():
return random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)

Re: Error importing wxPython

2008-11-06 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:09 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just installed wxPython from  When
 I import (import wx), I get this error:

 ImportError: DLL load failed: The application has failed to start
 because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the
 application event log for more detail.

 Has anyone had this problem and how can I resolve it?

 Thanks in advance.

downloading and installing this package should fix the problem:

Re: Quality control in open source development

2008-10-08 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 With the open source licenses that allow redistribution of modified
 code, how do you keep someone unaffiliated with the Python community
 from creating his or her own version of python, and declaring it to be
 Python 2.6, or maybe Python 2.7 without any approval of anyone at the
 PSF? Maybe their code is terrible, and not even compatible with the
 rest of Python!

In some projects, there's trademarks on the project name (for example,
Linus owns the Linux trademark), so you can mitigate confusion that
way. I don't know if the PSF owns the Python trademarks or not.

You can't stop them from forking and releasing their own code, even if
it's really bad. That's freedom for you.

 How can the PSF, for example, maintain the quality and
 coheren of new code contributed to be part of Python, or derivative
 works that claim to be some future version of Python? If licensees can
 redisribute as they like, isn't this a huge problem?

I think it's pretty self-evident that it's not a huge problem, don't
you? Do you see lots of low quality python forks cluttering up the

 Is this dealt
 with be restricting use of the Python trademarks?  Just curious..



Re: questions from a lost sheep

2008-10-02 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Joe Strout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I used to by a big Python fan, many years ago [1].  I stopped using it after
 discovering REALbasic, because my main developmental need is to write
 desktop applications that are as native as possible on each platform, and
 because I really like a strongly-typed language with a good IDE.  At the
 time (circa 2000), Python just didn't cut the mustard in this regard.
  (Indeed, none of the standard cross-platform C libraries -- Tk, QT,
 wxWidgets -- worked worth a darn on the Mac, at least at that time.)

 But REALbasic is a commercial, closed-source project with a small
 development team, and I find myself consistently frustrated by quality
 issues (read bugs).  I've started to think fondly of the rock-solid
 stability of Python, and have been wondering if perhaps aggressive unit
 testing could mitigate most of the problems of weak typing.

 But that still leaves the other issue: creating high-quality desktop apps
 that look and feel just as good to users as anything written in the
 standard tools for each platform (Cocoa, .NET, etc.).  REALbasic still
 does a great job of that (when it works at all).  What's the state of the
 art in desktop app development in Python these days?

 Also, apart from simply searching with Google, is there anyplace I could go
 to find a good Python contractor to build a cross-platform desktop app demo?

 Many thanks,
 - Joe

wxPython and Qts Mac support are leaps and bounds ahead of what they
were in 2000, I would strongly suggest giving them another look.

I know several that people in the wx community do contract work (or
even just in bounties, if there are toolkit issues you'd like solved),
take a look at for that.

There's also the Python job board at


Re: Linq to Python

2008-09-24 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:11 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No, because Python already has list comprehensions and we don't need the XML 

 LINQ is more than buzzwords. Python misses several of those features.
 So maybe for once the Python crowd may recognize such C# feature as
 much better than things present in Python.
 Said that, I presume Python will go on as usual, and LINQ-like
 capabilities will not be integrated in Python. In the meantime where I
 live lot of people will keep using C# instead of Python and CLisp,
 natural selection at work indeed.

Why do you swing so widely between being an interesting poster with
interesting, useful things to say and mindless trolling? There's a lot
of reasons to use C# instead of Python or Lisp (or any other language
for that matter), but I can't imagine that someone would make that
decision based solely on LINQ. I'd go so far as to say that if they
do, I question their professional competence.

LINQ is an interesting implementation of an old idea. The place where
it differs from list comps is that it has appropriate hooks for the
specific linq implementation to override the way results are gathered,
and such hooks in Python would be an interesting idea. I've taken a
shot and figuring out where and how they should be implemented, but I
haven't come up with anything I like. Maybe you should try it?

LINQs native object API (not the syntax sugar available in C#) is
not very different from Python ORMs.

Re: Are dictionaries the same as hashtables?

2008-08-26 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martin Marcher wrote:

 Are dictionaries the same as hashtables?

 Yes, but there is nothing in there that does sane collision handling
 like making a list instead of simply overwriting.

 are you sure you know what collision handling means in this context?

I think the confusion comes from thinking that dictionaries are
(really) hash tables and thus that things like collision handling are
exposed to the user of the data structure. In this sense, no,
dictionaries are *not* hash tables. They are mappings of keys to
values, and they use hash tables as part of their implementation.

Re: exception handling in complex Python programs

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:19 PM, eliben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python provides a quite good and feature-complete exception handling
 mechanism for its programmers. This is good. But exceptions, like any
 complex construct, are difficult to use correctly, especially as
 programs get large.

 Most of the issues of exceptions are not specific to Python, but I
 sometimes feel that Python makes them more acute because of the free-n-
 easy manner in which it employs exceptions for its own uses and allows
 users to do the same.

Lots of people seem to have this fear. They treat exceptions like they
would treat error codes, trying to handle any possible case around any
particular call.

This is the wrong thing to do, and it only leads to more fragile code.
There are only 2 reasonable things to do with an exception:
1) handle it, by which I mean catch the exception knowing what error
condition it signifies, and take an appropriate action to correct the
error and
2) pass it up so something else has a chance at it.

Catching an exception when you don't know exactly what to do to fix it
is an error. At best, it will make debugging a program harder (because
you're losing context information about the error) and at worst it
adds bugs to your program. The way Javas checked exceptions encourage
empty or otherwise useless exception handlers is a major problem with

There's some fear about presenting exceptions to the end user. That's
a user interface issues, not a software quality or engineering issue,
and it's resolvable with top-level handlers that log tracebacks
somewhere a user can't see them if desired.

 Now, what do I mean more specifically... When a program starts growing
 large, I find myself a bit scared of all the exceptions that might be
 thrown: Python's exceptions as a result of runtime-detection of errors
 (Python's dynamic typing also comes into play here), exceptions from
 libraries used by the code, and exceptions from my lower-level
 Python doesn't allow to specify which exceptions are thrown (C++'s
 feature adding 'throw' after a function/method declaration specifying
 the exceptions that can be thrown), and this leaves me at loss - what
 should be caught and where ? Which errors should be left to
 propagate ?

You should catch anything that you can correct. If you don't have a
specific answer for a specific exception, don't catch it.

 I've tried looking around the Python blogosphere, but there doesn't
 seem to be much concern with this topic.

 Apologies for the not-too-coherent post, but I suspect you feel the
 pain too and can understand my meaning.


 P.S. There's a common case where a method is passed a filename, to do
 something with a file (say, read data). Should the method catch the
 errors possibly thrown by open(), or leave it to the caller ?

Same rules apply. The only sort-of exception (no pun intended) is that
sometimes you want to re-raise as a different type of exception. Make
sure that you preserve all of the original information (including the
original traceback) if you do this.

 P.P.S. There's a great post on conditions (Common Lisp's exceptions)
 Not really CL specific, and can apply to Python's exceptions.


Re: Graphics Contexts and DCs explanations?

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 1:16 PM, RgeeK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Experimenting with graphics in an app: it's AUI based with a few panes, one
 of which has a panel containing a few sizers holding UI elements. One sizer
 contains a panel that needs some basic line-drawing graphics in it.

 I use the wxPython demo app heavily to figure this stuff out, and my
 experiments seem to work, but I'm flying blind somewhat.

 Can someone englighten me about the wx.GraphicsContext versus wx.PaintDC
  (BTW what does PaintDC stand for? Drawing Context perhaps?)

 The scrolledWindow and GraphicsContext examples are helpful, but it appears
 I can draw a rectangles, lines and text in either just a straight wxPaintDC,
 or can do:

 dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
 gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc)

 ...and do the same drawing with gc.DrawText etc...

 Can someone clarify the differences or added value of the gc over the dc,
 and is using the dc alone a valid approach?  Where will it end up biting me
 - I don't mean which body part :)  Perhaps I should say in which situation
 will it bite...

This is probably better suited to the wxPython ML instead of c.l.p,
because it's so specific.

In short: wxDC (and friends) are traditional raster based drawing
contexts. wxGraphicsContext is a vector/path based API. If you're
doing drawing that's suited for a vector format (like line drawing
probably is), using wxGraphicsContext will give you better image
quality as well as the general vector features like free scaling,
rotation, transforms, etc,

Re: benchmark

2008-08-07 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 8:12 AM, alex23 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 7, 8:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Really how silly can it be when you suggest someone is taking a
 position and tweaking the benchmarks to prove a point [...]

 I certainly didn't intend to suggest that you had tweaked -anything-
 to prove your point.

 I do, however, think there is little value in slavishly implementing
 the same algorithm in different languages. To constrain a dynamic
 language by what can be achieved in a static language seemed like such
 an -amazingly- artificial constraint to me. That you're a fan of
 Python makes such a decision even more confusing.

 It's great that you saw value in Python enough to choose it for actual
 project work. It's a shame you didn't endeavour to understand it well
 enough before including it in your benchmark.

 As for it being disappointing, the real question is: has it been
 disappointing for you in actual real-world code?

 Honestly, performance benchmarks seem to be the dick size comparison
 of programming languages.

I actually think that modelling this problem the way he chose to, with
a Person class and by manually popping stuff out of a linked list
instead of more simply representing the alive/dead state of the
soldiers is a poor solution in general. Whenever you talk about
performance, you need to have a context to evaluate it in and you need
an idea of what you're trying to measure and why it's important for
your purposes. A solution which models the soldiers as bits in a
bitfield is going to run much, much, much faster in C/C++/D than the
current OO/linked list one (not to mention in much less space), and
the JIT in Java/C# and probably python with psyco can improve that as

Re: benchmark

2008-08-07 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Steven D'Aprano
 On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 06:12:04 -0700, alex23 wrote:

 On Aug 7, 8:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Really how silly can it be when you suggest someone is taking a
 position and tweaking the benchmarks to prove a point [...]

 I certainly didn't intend to suggest that you had tweaked -anything- to
 prove your point.

 I do, however, think there is little value in slavishly implementing the
 same algorithm in different languages. To constrain a dynamic language
 by what can be achieved in a static language seemed like such an
 -amazingly- artificial constraint to me.

 I don't know about that... it can be very useful to (say) demonstrate
 that Lisp-style lists are fast in Lisp, and slow in Python. Or that
 try...except is fast in Python, and slow in Java.

That's true, but note that the original post doesn't attempt to draw
any conclusions about what's fast or slow from the benchmark, which is
one reason why it's a poor example of benchmarking.

 And if your aim is to compare languages, then it's only fair to keep the
 algorithm constant. Imagine how we would holler and shout if the
 benchmark compared Ruby using Quicksort and Python using Bubblesort.

That's definitely true, and (for example) the Alioth benchmarks are
intended to benchmark specific algorithms for comparisons sake.

 I guess what some of us are complaining about is that the algorithm
 chosen doesn't suit Python's execution model very well, and hence Python
 is slow. If the algorithm chosen had suited Python, and hence Python came
 up looking really fast, we'd be ecstatic. How about that, hey? *wink*

The best way to implement this problem, as bitfield manipulation,
would actually show python in even worse light. I suspect the main
thing that this benchmark is actually testing is loop overhead, and
secondarily object allocation speed. Python is pretty slow in the
former and reasonable in the latter, so I don't find the results very
surprising at all.

 Honestly, performance benchmarks seem to be the dick size comparison of
 programming languages.

 I can't disagree with that one bit.

As with genitals, the important thing about benchmark comparison is
what you're going to do with the results.



Re: interpreter vs. compiled

2008-08-05 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 12:12 PM, castironpi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 3, 1:26 am, castironpi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Which is 12 bytes long and runs in a millisecond.  What it does is set
  a memory address to successive integers 0..9, then yields.  Due to the
  nature of program flow control, while it runs its first steps on any
  x86 machine, the yield only succeeds if on Windows 98+, and crashes
  the machine, or otherwise loses control if not.  (That part depends on
  those OSses.)

  I can try something similar dynamically.

  char* mem= alloc( 48 )
  setpermission( mem, EXECUTE )
  memcpy( mem+ 0, \x09\x0f\x00\x00, 4 )
  for( int x= 0; x 10; ++x ) {
 memcpy( mem+ 4* (x+ 1 ), '\x04\xA0\x00\x00', 4 )
 mem[ 4* (x+ 1 )+ 3 ]= (char) x
  memcpy( mem+ 44, '\x01\x20\x00\x01', 4 )
  goto mem

  Which with some imagination produces the contents of 'abinary.exe'
  above (one difference, last word) in a memory block, at address 'mem',
  then jumps to it, which then jumps back, and then exits. /fiction

  I'll compare a C complation to the first example, 'abinary.exe', and a
  JIT compilation to the second example, 'char* mem'.  If the comparison
  isn't accurate, say how, because these are places I can start from...
  (yes, that is, instead of just repeating the claims).

  When does a JIT do this, and what does it do in the meantime?

 The JIT works like an assembler/linker that writes to memory. It will
 load the
 file(s) containing the bytecode and generate the required assembly
 instructions into

 In the case there are dependencies to other modules, they will be
 loaded as well, and
 compiled. Then the linker will take care that cross references between
 modules are correct,
 like memory addresses and branch targets.

 So far this is the same as any compilation, except the first half is
 done, and the output location, which is not any bottleneck.

 A clever JIT might add instrumentation points, so that it can rewrite
 the code using profile
 guided optimizations, this means generating optimized code using as
 input the program behaviour.

 This makes JIT code usually faster than normal compiled code.

 Here you need an example.  You are suggesting that a compiler can make
 better optimizations if it knows what functions are going to carry
 what loads, run how many times, etc., and it can use profile
 statistics as a partial indicator to do that.

 normal native code is
 able to start executing faster, it only targets a specific set of

 JIT code is independent of the processor, and a good JIT
 implementation is able to explore the
 processor better than a direct native compiler. There is however the
 time penalty on program

 Once again, you are asserting that knowing what the program has done
 so far, say in the first 5 seconds ( or .5 ), can improve
 performance.  In this case it can make better use of what instructions
 to use on the CPU.  I need an example.

Is there a reason why you're expecting c.l.p to be your personal tutor
for Introduction to Compilers?

It's not that I want to dissuade you in your quest for
self-betterment, but you're being extremely confrontational as well as
vastly ignorant about terminology. Defining your own terms that don't
agree with formal definitions and then demanding (not even politely
asking, for goodness sake) that people justify to you, in excruciating
detail, why simple concepts are true is simply an inexcusable way to
behave.There seems to be something of a rash of this on c.l.p lately.

JIT has been around for decades now, it's well documented, well
understood, and quite common. You'd learn enough to answer every
single one of your demands in 20 minutes with Google, and if you're
seriously going to continue to argue that JIT doesn't exist (and this
is even granting your own bizarre definition of compile, which may as
well be called purplizing) you should be able to argue from a
position of knowledge instead of stunning, jaw dropping, soul
shattering ignorance.

Re: Boolean tests [was Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow]

2008-07-31 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 3:37 AM, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 28, 8:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 13:22:37 -0700, Carl Banks wrote:
  On Jul 28, 10:00 am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Cutting to the crux of the discussion...

  On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:45:26 -0700, Carl Banks wrote:
   I want something where if x will do but a simple explicit test

  Explicit tests aren't simple unless you know what type x is. If x could
  be of any type, you can't write a simple test. Does x have a length? Is
  it a number? Maybe it's a fixed-length circular length, and the length
  is non-zero even when it's empty? Who knows? How many cases do you need
  to consider?

  Use case, please.  I'm asking for code, not arguments.  Please give me a
  piece of code where you can write if x that works but a simple
  explicit test won't.

 I gave you a piece of code, actual code from one of my own projects. If
 you wouldn't accept that evidence then, why would you accept it now?

 I would accept as evidence something that satisfies my criteria,
 which your example did not: it could have easily (and more robustly)
 been written with a simple explicit test.  I am looking for one that

 You keep bringing up this notion of more complex with no benefit,
 which I'm simply not interested in talking about that at this time,
 and I won't respond to any of your points.  I am seeking the answer to
 one question: whether if x can usefully do something a simple
 explicit test can't.  Everyone already knows that if x requires
 fewer keystrokes and parses to fewer nodes.

I'm really not sure where you're going with this or what you're trying
to prove. if x is a duck-type test for a boolean value. Obviously if
you know the type and want a more *specific* test, then you can use an
explicit one. Any time you don't know or don't care about a more
specific type than something which probably is boolean true, or any
time where you know the boolean semantics of the type and want to drop
some typing, you can use if x. The more specific test is what you'd
use if you want more specific results. What's complicated about this

Re: Function References

2008-07-31 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 10:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Jul 31, 10:47 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I take the freedom to do so as I see fit - this is usenet...

 Fine, then keep beating a dead horse by replying to this thread with
 things that do nobody any good. It seems like there are a lot better
 way to waste time, though.

 The Python/C API can get me back further without reliance on third-
 party libraries than ctypes. It also isn't subject to the quirks that
 ctypes is on platforms other than Windows (the target application runs
 on Windows, Mac, and eventually Linux once the original distributor
 has drivers for the device). I'm not even sure ctypes could load the
 lib/driver the distributor packaged.

Ctypes works fine on many platforms. Since you didn't even know about
ctypes until you were told about it, don't you think it's a little
premature to be speculating about problems you haven't actually

 So really, I appreciate the option in ctypes, it's good stuff. But
 it's not for this project.

It's actually perfectly suited, but you're (I'm assuming) and adult
and can make your own decisions...

 Once again, the original question stands for anyone who has experience
 with the Python/C API callbacks.

If you know how to write a callback in C, you know how to do it with
Python/C. It's not real flexible if the callback API you're using
doesn't include user data, and it looks like it doesn't.

Ctypes can generate dynamic thunks and therefore will let you use any
Python object as a callback. It's a lot more flexible and it's a lot
easier to not write your own thunk generation in C.

Re: x, = y (???)

2008-07-17 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:55 PM, kj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED] Erik Max Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

kj wrote:

 I just came across an assignment of the form

   x, = y

 where y is a string (in case it matters).

 1. What's the meaning of the comma in the LHS of the assignment?

It's unpacking a 1-tuple:

   (x,) = y

The parentheses here are not necessary and are sometimes left out.

 I still don't get it.  If we write

  y  = 'Y'
  x, = y

 what's the difference now between x and y?  And if there's no
 difference, what's the point of performing such unpacking?


 y = (1,)
 x, = y


Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Dave Parker
 On May 21, 2:44 pm, Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My understand is no, not if you're using IEEE floating point.

 Yes, that would explain it.  I assumed that Python automatically
 switched from hardware floating point to multi-precision floating
 point so that the user is guaranteed to always get correctly rounded
 results for +, -, *, and /, like Flaming Thunder gives.  Correct
 rounding and accurate results are fairly crucial to mathematical and
 scientific programming, in my opinion.

If you're going to use every post and question about Python as an
opportunity to pimp your own pet language you're going irritate even
more people than you have already.

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Dave Parker
 On May 21, 3:17 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're going to use every post and question about Python as an
 opportunity to pimp your own pet language you're going irritate even
 more people than you have already.

 Actually, I've only posted on 2 threads that were questions about
 Python -- this one, and the one about for-loops where the looping
 variable wasn't needed.  I apologize if that irritates you.  But maybe
 some Python users will be interested in Flaming Thunder if only to
 check the accuracy of the results that they're getting from Python,
 like I did on this thread.  I think most people will agree that having
 two independent programs confirm a result is a good thing.

Please don't be disingenuous. You took the opportunity to pimp your
language because you could say that you did this right and Python
did it wrong. When told why you got different results (an answer you
probably already knew, if you know enough about IEEE to do the
auto-conversion you alluded to) you treated it as another opportunity
to (not very subtly) imply that Python was doing the wrong thing. I'm
quite certain that you did this intentionally and with full knowledge
of what you were doing, and it's insulting to imply otherwise.

You posted previously that you wrote a new language because you were
writing what you wanted every other language to be. This is very
similar to why Guido wrote Python and I wish you the best of luck. He
was fortunate enough that the language he wanted also happened to be
the language that lots of other people wanted. You don't seem to be so
fortunate, and anti-social behavior on newsgroups dedicated to other
languages is unlikely to change that. You're not the first and you
won't be the last.

Re: Thread killing - I know I know!

2008-05-19 Thread Chris Mellon
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Roger Heathcote

 On May 16, 11:40 am, Roger Heathcote [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Despite many peoples insistence that allowing for the arbitrary killing
 of threads is a cardinal sin and although I have no particular threading
 problem to crack right now I remain interest in the taboo that is thread
 killing. The real world and it's data are messy and imperfect and I can


 In general, use processes when you can and threads only when you
 must.  OS designers spent a lot of energy implementing protected
 memory, no sense throwing out a fair chunk of that hard work unless
 you actually need to.

 Fair point, but for sub processes that need to be in close contact with the
 original app, or very small functions that you'd like 100s or 1000s of it
 seems like a kludge having to spawn whole new processes build in socket
 communications and kill via explicit OS calls. I can't see that approach
 scaling particularly well but I guess there's no choice.

It's not a kludge - the whole reason why killing a thread is undefined
and a cardinal sin is because it's in your own address space and you
can't guarantee anything about how it left things when you killed it.
You simply can't have it both ways. If you want to be able to safely
and sanely kill an uncooperative thread (*especially* third party code
you don't control) you have to isolate it from your address space, and
this means a process. This is a fundamental problem with the entire
idea of shared-state concurrency. For the record, you can't use 1000s
of threads either - if you really need 1000s of concurrent things
running you need to re-think your concurrency model and possibly your
choice of languages and environment.

The messiness of the real world is *why* you should use processes, not
a reason to avoid them.

 Does anyone think it likely that the threading module (and threading in
 general) will be improved and augmented with features like timeouts and
 arbitrary threadicide in the next year or two?  Seems there's little scope
 for tapping the power of the current generation of multiple cores with the
 current pythons, tho I appreciate breakneck speed has never been a design
 objective it looks like multicore is set to be the next generation PC

They absolutely should not be. Adding an API which can't work in the
general case and is dangerous even when it can work does not do anyone
any favors.

 Roger Heathcote -


Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-16 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Aaron Watters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 16, 12:27 pm, Rhamphoryncus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Apr 16, 6:56 am, Aaron Watters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't get it.  It ain't broke.  Don't fix it.
   So how would you have done the old-style class to new-style class

  I'd ignore it.  I never understood it and never had
  any need for it anyway.  New-style classes and metaclasses
  were a complicated solution to an unimportant problem in
  my opinion.  And also a fiendish way to make code
  inscrutible -- which I thought was more of a Perl thing
  than a Python thing, or should be.

  I must be missing some of the deeper issues here.  Please
  educate me.

Since you don't care about any of the changes or features, and you
don't care if your users care, I'm not sure why you aren't just using
python 2.1. It's not like it's being erased via time machine. Just
keep using the old thing is a perfectly valid and extremely common
futureproofing scenario.

Re: Rationale for read-only property of co_code

2008-04-02 Thread Chris Mellon
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 2:33 PM, João Neves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 2, 5:41 pm, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The thing I've been wondering is why _is_ it read-only? In what
 circumstances having write access to co_code would break the language
 or do some other nasty stuff?
 João Neves

  I can't speak to Python's implementation in particular, but
   self-modifying code in general is unpleasant.  It certainly is
   possible to support it in runtime environments, but it's usually not
   easy to do so.  That is, of course, somewhat dependent on the
   implementation of the runtime environment, and even to some degree the
   underlying hardware.  (For instance, the compiled code you want to run
   could be in the hardware cache; if you then change the instructions at
   those addresses in memory, it's not always straightforward to get the
   processor to realize it needs to load the new data into the
   instruction cache.)  Plus, I suppose it might be possible to break
   strong (even dynamic) typing if you start changing the code around
   (although I can't construct an example off the top of my head).

  Indeed, the caching issue is a relevant one I guess, and adding the
  mechanism to go around that might have a significant impact on
  I haven't looked in detail into it, but I agree with your opinion
  concerning strong and dynamic typing. If type check is done while
  compiling to bytecode, there is no guarantee the modified bytecode
  will respect the rules, for instance. I don't know though, haven't
  really checked how it's done at this point. :)
  I will be fiddling around with the Python VM these days anyway, and
  since I'm going to muck around the bytecode, I might just try to see
  the effects of removing the read-only restriction from co_code.

There is no need to overwrite co_code. Create a new code object with
your desired bytecode and use that instead.

Re: Need help calling a proprietary C DLL from Python

2008-03-20 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2:38 pm, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mar 20, 2:29 pm, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 20 Mar, 19:09, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The culprit i here:
 Before - X = 0, CacheSize = 0, OpenMode = 3, vHandle = 0
This binds these names to Python ints, but byref expects C types.
Also observe that CacheSize and OpenMode should be c_short.
   I changed CacheSize and OpenMode to c_short, and commented out that
   line producing the Before message, and the output is the same.
   Further tinkering revealed that it is the byref on the fName and pw
   that are causing the error.
   The entire problem appears to be around the production of a BSTR and
   the passing of pointers (byref) to the BSTR.

  Can anyone shed some light on how to work with BSTR's?

Since you didn't tell ctypes about the function signature, it assumes
it returns int and gives you a python int. Provide a function
signature (c_void_p should work for BSTR) for both functions and you
should have an easier time of it.



Re: Fast 2D Raster Rendering with GUI

2008-03-18 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 12:30 PM, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 18 Mar, 17:48, Miki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Apart from PIL, some other options are:
   1. Most GUI frameworks (wxPython, PyQT, ...) give you a canvas object
   you can draw on

  Yes, but at least on Windows you will get a GDI canvas. GDI is slow.

Of all the major platforms, GDI is probably the fastest for basic
pixel-level interaction with the screen. I have no idea why you think
it's slow.

   2. A bit of an overkill, but you can use PyOpenGL

  OpenGL gives you a fast 'bitblit' for drawing bitmaps to the fram
  buffer (much faster than GDI). Here is some C code that does that (8-
  bit color depth). Translating to Python is trivial. I prefer not to
  use PyOpenGL as it has some unwanted overhead. It is better to use

  void bitblt(void *frame, int w, int h)
 glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
 gluOrtho2D(0.0, (GLfloat)w, 0.0, (GLfloat)h);
 glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
 glDrawPixels(w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2, (GLvoid *)frame);


OpenGL is totally unsuitable if the goal is to implement your own
pixel-level raster drawing.

Re: wxPython graphics query (newbie)

2008-03-17 Thread Chris Mellon
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 7:03 AM, Thomas G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am exploring wxPython and would be grateful for some help.

  It is important to me to be able to slide words and shapes around by
  dragging them from place to place. I don't mean dragging them into a
  different window, which is what 'Drag and Drop' has come to mean, just
  moving them around within a canvas-like space.

  This is easy using Tkinter. Can anybody offer me a tiny, very simple
  example of how it would be done in wxPython, please?

  To make sure I convey what I'm looking for, here is what it looks like
  using Tkinter, written very simply. What I'm looking for is the same,
  quite simple functionality expressed in wxPython, again written very
  simply so that I can easily understand it.

See the floatcanvas and OGL examples in the wxPython demo.

Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Robert Rawlins

 Hello Guys,

 I've got an awfully aggravating problem which is causing some substantial
 hair loss this afternoon J I want to get your ideas on this. I am trying to
 invoke a particular method in one of my classes, and I'm getting a runtime
 error which is telling me the attribute does not exist.

 I'm calling the method from within __init__ yet it still seems to think it
 doesn't exist.


 # Define the RemoteDevice class.

 class remote_device:

 # I'm the class constructor method.

 def __init__(self, message_list=):


 def set_pending_list(self, pending_list):

 # Set the message list property.

 self.pending_list = message_list

 And the error message which I receive during the instantiation of the class:

 File: /path/to/my/files/, line 22, in __init__


 AttributeError: remote_device instance has no attribute 'set_pending_list'

 Does anyone have the slightest idea why this might be happening? I can see
 that the code DOES have that method in it, I also know that I don't get any
 compile time errors so that should be fine. I know it mentions line 22 in
 the error, but I've chopped out a load of non relevant code for the sake of
 posting here.

 Perhaps I'm missing something really simple, but it's got my head spinning.

Create a copy of your source file, confirm that it shows the problem,
and start chopping out lines until all that is left is what you pasted
here. See if it still shows the problem. If it does, and if you
haven't found the problem yet, post again, attaching (not pasting
inline) your chopped down file.

Re: wxPython/wxWidgets ok for production use ?

2008-03-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
   And before you blame wx* for crashes: what platform was this on?
   Because my experience was that wx on GTK was significantly more prone
   to glitches than on Windows (through to wxglade being unusably crashy)
   -- if the underlying toolkit has problems, that's going to be
   reflected in wx.

  :) Interesting. This was actually on GTK. Although I would still blame at
  least the wxWidgets-GTK bindings here. I never had any problems with GTK in 

Gtk is much more finicky than windows about the timingof when you can
and cannot use certain functions. wxPython has checks in place for
many of these functions so you get an exception instead of a crash,
but not everything is safe (and of course in the past even fewer
things were). In particular, you need to have a wxApp object safely
constructed before you can use almost any gui object, which is not the
case under Windows.

wx makes the attempt to make correct code work correctly on platforms,
but doesn't necessarily guarantee that incorrect code fails the same
(or at all) on all platforms. This is an unavoidable compromise due to
the nature of a layering toolkit like this, although figuring out what
correct code actually is can take some experience.



Re: Obtaining the PyObject * of a class

2008-03-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Cooper, Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 | Are there any Python C API experts/SWIG experts out there that can help
  | me with this issue please.

 | I',m currently using SWIG to generate a python interface to a C DLL.

  Some people have switched to using ctypes for this, and many other SWIG
  users have stopped reading clp.  But I hope someone answers who can.

Using Pyrex or Cython is likely to be much easier than using SWIG for this.

Re: I cannot evaluate this statement...

2008-03-07 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 2:38 PM, waltbrad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The script comes from Mark Lutz's Programming Python.  It is the
  second line of a script that will launch a python program on any

  import os, sys
  pyfile = (sys.platform[:3] == 'win' and 'python.exe') or 'python'

  Okay, run on a win32 machine, pyfile evaluates to python.exe

  That makes sense. Because the first condition is true and 'python.exe'
  is true. So the next comparison is 'python.exe' or 'python'  Well,
  python.exe is true. So that value is returned to pyfile.

  Now. Run this on linux. The first condition evaluates sys.platform[:3]
  == 'win' as false. So, the next comparison should be  'False' or
  'python'   -- This is because 'and' returns the first false value.
  But, again, on linux pyfile evaluates to python.exe

  Where am I going wrong.  And when will this statment make pyfile
  evaluate to 'python' ?

In Python 2.5, this is written:

pyfile = 'python.exe' if 'win' in sys.platform else 'python'

However, this is a pretty bad way of doing this at all. sys.executable
is better. I'm not sure when sys.executable was added but I assume
it's more recent than whatever version Lutz used in his book.

Re: Want - but cannot get - a nested class to inherit from outer class

2008-03-07 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 3:00 PM, DBak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want - but cannot get - a nested class to inherit from an outer
  class.  (I searched the newsgroup and the web for this, couldn't find
  anything - if I missed an answer to this please let me know!)

  I would like to build a class for a data structure such that nodes of
  the data structure - of interest only to the data structure
  implementation itself and not to the consumer - are instances of one
  of two class types.  I thought to encapsulate the nodes' classes like

  class Tree(object):
  ...class _MT(Tree):
  ..def isEmpty(self): return True
  ..def insert(self, X): return Tree._Node(X)
  ...class _Node(Tree):
  ..def isEmpty(self): return False
  ..def insert(self, X): return _Node(X, self, Tree._MT())
  ...def merge(self, T):
  ..def __init__(): return _MT()
  ..code for merging tree T into self

  In other words, some methods would be implemented on instances'
  classes (like isEmpty and insert) and some on the outer class (like
  merge).  Users of the data structure never need to know about the
  nodes, much less the nodes' classes, so I wanted to encapsulate them

  However I can't do this, because, of course, the name Tree isn't
  available at the time that the classes _MT and _Node are defined, so
  _MT and _Node can't inherit from Tree.

Not only is the name not defined, the class doesn't even exist yet.

  What is the Pythonic thing I should be doing instead?

Don't nest them. The single underscore is all you need to keep any
from using them (don't forget that even if your method worked, they'd
be perfectly visible as attributes of the Tree class, or as the types
of returned values). Worrying too much about visibility is a waste of
time in Python.

  (Easy answer:  Put this code in a module, exposing only a factory
  function.  I could do that, but wanted to know if I could encapsulate
  it as described so I could actually put several similar data
  structures into one module.)

There's no reason to use a factory function. If you do put them in a
module, you can use __all__ to document your exports. As with all
visibility issues in Python, this is advisory only - the only code it
affects is the symbols that are exported by from module import *.

Re: What does this bogus code in urlparse do?

2008-02-26 Thread Chris Mellon
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 11:04 PM, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Look at urljoin.

  What does the code marked # XXX The stuff below is bogus in various
  ways... do?

  I think it's an attempt to remove leading ../ components in URLs, which are
  generally ignored.  But it also does something with commas, and it's not
  clear why.

 John Nagle

You should probably invest in syntax highlighting ;), it doesn't do
anything with commas (just '.', '..' , and '').  It appears to be
trying to normalize relative URLs into a single absolute one, as the
docstring implies.

Re: Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

2008-02-22 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 4:56 AM, Nicola Musatti
 On Feb 22, 12:24 am, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Feb 21, 1:22 pm, Nicola Musatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are other downsides to garbage collection, as the fact that it
makes it harder to implement the Resource Acquisition Is
Initialization idiom, due to the lack of deterministic destruction.
   That's not a downside: it's at least a wash.
   In C++ you manage memory and the language manages resources.  In
   Python you manage resources and the language manages memory.
   RAII is merely one way of minimizing complexity.  Garbage collection
   is another way.

  In C++ memory is just another resource which you can handle just like
  any other one, possibly using RAII. GC deals with memory very
  reasonably, but makes it more complicate to deal with other resources.

There are many different kinds of resource and they have different
optimal handling techniques. Memory in particular is really easily
handled by GC - it's a resource that you can reclaim under pressure,
so deferring it's collection and release makes sense, and it's even
common these days for high quality GC to beat manual management in
performance (never mind correctness). Other kinds of resource are much
more timely, and require tight control over scopes, like mutexes and
other locks. RAII is fantastic for these sort of things. Shared but
limited resources like files work best with refcounting (closing a
file that something else holds a reference to is usually an error).

Optimally, you would have a language that provides all three in easy,
transparent ways. Python only provides two, but the first on is the
least important so Python manages at least a B. C++ provides all 3,
but importantly there's no language level enforcement of use, so you
can (and people do, and this is a common source of bugs) accidentally
bypass the mechanisms.

If I had to use C++ these days, I'd use D instead.

Re: advanced usage of python threads

2008-02-22 Thread Chris Mellon
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 12:32 PM, hyperboreean
 Well, I will be writing the application server of a three-tier
  architecture system. I will be using Twisted for the communication with
  the client but from there I have to make several calls to a database and
  this asks threading. The tables will be filled by another system that
  gathers some data. I want to implement several threads (workers) that
  takes care of each client and a coordinator thread that takes care of
  all the threads. But I have never worked with threads at this level and
  I feel like I need some coordination. I will be thankful with
  documentation on advanced threads, I probably can apply that in practice.

  Thanks to all.

Twisted has an asynchronous database API (built on top of threads)
already. Look at twisted.enterprise.adbapi.

Re: The big shots

2008-02-20 Thread Chris Mellon
On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   May I insist?  By the criteria you've mentioned so far, nothing rules
   out 'ext'.  If it's still a bad idea, there's a reason.  What is it?

  You imply that just because something is somehow working and even useful
  for a *some* people (some being maybe only you) that it would be worth
  including in the python standard lib. It is not.

  There are no really formal rules for inclusion, but these are certainly
  rules of thumb that are being considered:

   - is it useful for *a lot of people*

   - will it be mantained and maintainable for ever once it is part of
 the standard distribution

   - does it introduce external dependencies? If yes, this must be *very*
 carful considered.

   - is the design well-thought and mature

   - does it make sense tying the release cycle of python the cycle of the
 new lib

  And insulting the people who do work on python and do a marvellous job
  doing so is certainly *not* helping.

And of course if ext was a good idea, we'd use Weave from scipy
instead, which exists and works.

Re: how to find current working user

2008-02-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Feb 11, 2008 12:30 PM, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Mon, 11 Feb 2008 15:21:16 -0200, Praveena Boppudi (c)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi�:

  Can anyone tell me how to find current working user in windows?

 If it is just informational, use os.environ['USERNAME']
 Using win32wnet (from the pywin32 package):

 py import win32wnet
 py win32wnet.WNetGetUser()

Using stdlib only:
import getpass;getpass.getuser()

Re: Python GUI toolkit

2008-02-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Feb 4, 2008 9:19 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Another toolkit you might look into is Tkinter. I think it is something
  like the official toolkit for python. I also think it is an adapter
  for other toolkits, so it will use gtk widgets on gnome, qt widgets on
  kde and some other strange widgets on windows.

 Not t so,  AFAIK. Tkinter is the python adapter for Tk, the toolkit
 originally developed for Tcl language.

 The latest version of Tk (not yet integrated in Python, maybe in 2.6)
 has themes, which emulates
 the look-and-feel of native toolkit at list for XP and OS X. For unix,
 the last time I checked, there was only a theme that looked like a
 plainer version of Gtk default theme. No Gnome or Kde themes yet.

Nitpick, but an important one. It emulates *look*. Not feel. Native
look is easy and totally insufficient for a native app - it's the
feel that's important.

Re: Python GUI toolkit

2008-02-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Feb 4, 2008 9:57 AM, Kevin Walzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Mellon wrote:

  Nitpick, but an important one. It emulates *look*. Not feel. Native
  look is easy and totally insufficient for a native app - it's the
  feel that's important.

 Is this opinion based on firsthand experience with use of the Tile/ttk
 widgets on any of the relevant platforms?

 I'm not a Windows user, so I can't speak about that platform, but I have
 worked very hard to make my Python-Tile-Tk app consistent with both the
 look and feel of OS X: keyboard shortcuts, menu behavior, and so on.
 It's mainly a matter of attention to detail, and listening to user
 feedback. I've gotten good feedback on my applications in recent months
 as I've implemented more and more platform native behavior, and sales of
 these applications (I'm a shareware developer) reflect that.

 I'd be interested to hear how, in your experience, Tk/Tile is inherently
 unable to deliver native platform feel, in a way that reflects on the
 toolkit rather than the developer.  It's fine to focus on Windows if
 that's your area of expertise.

I didn't say inherently unable, I said the toolkit doesn't provide it.
Note that you said that you did a lot of work to follow OS X
conventions and implement behavior. The toolkit doesn't help you with
any of this. A mac-native toolkit (or one that strives for native
behavior, like wxPython)  eliminates a lot of this work (although, of
course, not all).

Re: Python GUI toolkit

2008-02-04 Thread Chris Mellon
On Feb 4, 2008 10:46 AM, Kevin Walzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Mellon wrote:

  I didn't say inherently unable, I said the toolkit doesn't provide it.
  Note that you said that you did a lot of work to follow OS X
  conventions and implement behavior. The toolkit doesn't help you with
  any of this. A mac-native toolkit (or one that strives for native
  behavior, like wxPython)  eliminates a lot of this work (although, of
  course, not all).

 If the toolkit doesn't provide it, then I think that means inherently

Of course it doesn't, because you can implement it yourself. Which is
what you do. Tile itself is inherently unable to provide this because
it's a theming mechanism.

 On the Mac, Tk provides a mechanism that allows hooking up arbitrary
 events to arbitrary keyboard. Something like:

   self.bind('Command-Key-N', lambda event:

 I have to specify the key-combination--that's all. One line of code. No
 implementing of keyboard bindings in C or at the Tcl/Tk or even
 Python-Tkinter level--it's all already defined by the toolkit.

I know how toolkits work.

 By contrast, Cocoa/Objective-C has a rather complex system for defining
 keyboard events:

 PyObjC is a thin wrapper over Objective-C, so you'd have to do the
 equivalent calls in Python to implement custom keyboard behavior.

 It is true that Cocoa some convenience methods in Interface Builder,
 i.e. common menu commands don't require any extra code: if you are
 developing a document-based application, Command-C is implemented  in
 the menu and in the frameworks as copy (text, image, whatever) to
 clipboard. But Command-C also works identically in the Tk console.

 Tk does lack some things. It doesn't support drag-and-drop on the Mac.
 It doesn't hook into some of the newer Mac visual styles. Getting access
 to this would require an extension or patching Tk's core. In those
 events, I emulate the behavior or appeareance, which Tk makes very easy.

I'm not sure how you keep referring to things you implement yourself
as something that the toolkit supports. As a brief example, some
features that wxPython provides to aid in native feel and not just

Stock button support allows you to have native button location, order
and labelling.
Sizer support allows for differently sized controls to be positioned
with the same layout.
Stock menu IDs (like preferences and About this application...) will
be labelled and placed correctly.
Accelerators will automatically map between Command and Control.
Standard path support to find appropriate user directories.

All of these are things that you can do yourself, of course. You could
have implemented Tile yourself, too, to get the (mostly) native look.
The point is what the toolkit provides, and Tk+Tile, while it mostly
provides native look, does *not* provide native feel. If you want
native feel, you need to implement it yourself.

[issue1757072] Zipfile robustness

2008-02-04 Thread Chris Mellon

Chris Mellon added the comment:

I agree that the zipfile is out of spec. Here are my arguments in favor
of making the change anyway:

Existing zip tools like 7zip, pkzip, and winzip handle these files as

As far as I know, it won't break any valid zipfiles.

Because the fix necessary is buried inside a private function in the
zipfile module, it's difficult to monkey-patch the behavior into place
and it's quite hard to figure out what needs to be done.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

Re: Python for mobiles

2008-01-31 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 31, 2008 1:16 PM, Shawn Milochik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A better solution would surely be to get a Nokia S60 'phone, for which
 there is a native Python implementation.

 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC


 Do you know if the Nokia E60i phone has this capability? Also, is wxPython 
 Or are you just knowledgeable about the S60?

wxPython is not, but there are bindings for the S60s native gui
provided. You can find out it your phone is supported a

Re: optional static typing for Python

2008-01-29 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 28, 2008 10:31 AM, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
  On Jan 27, 11:00 pm, Russ P. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Jan 27, 2:49 pm, André [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Perhaps this:
  Thanks. If I read this correctly, this PEP is on track for Python 3.0.
  Note that annotations do not provide explicit typing, AFAIK:
  def f(x:int) - int: return x*2
  is stricly equivalent to
  def f(x): return x*2
  f.__annotations__ = {'x':int, 'return':int}
  You still need to write a type-checking wrapper.

 Unenforced static typing is somewhat pointless.  If that
 goes in, it should be enforced by implementations.  Otherwise,
 maintenance programmers can't trust the type information they see.

 Enforced, it makes it possible to start getting serious about
 optimizing compilers for Python, like Shed Skin.  Shed Skin
 can usually figure out typing within a module, but across module
 boundaries, some help is needed if you want to push optimization from
 run time to compile time.

Given the difficulty of statically analyzing Python, and the
limitations you need to add for either static typing or type inference
to be practical, I think that the real future for faster Python code
is JIT, not static optimizations. Languages which enforce static
typing are, of course, not Python - that's why they have different
names, like Pyrex or ShedSkin or RPython.

I think static Python is pretty much a waste of time, really - if I'm
going to write statically typed code using a traditional C/C++/Java
style type system, I'll use a language designed for it, like D. If I
want *real* strict typing - the kind where you can actually make a
useful inference from the fact that the program is type-correct - I'll
use Haskell or Ocaml. There is a lot of choice out there and there's
no reason to try to make Python into whatever your favorite paradigm

Re: looking for a light weighted library/tool to write simple GUI above the text based application

2008-01-25 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 25, 2008 5:17 PM, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 25 Jan, 22:06, Lorenzo E. Danielsson
  What you need then is something like SVGAlib (http;// Only
  really old people like myself know that it exists. I've never heard of
  any Python bindings for it, but that might be where you come in. I
  haven't looked at SVGAlib for years, and I'm not sure about the state of
  the video drivers. I suggest you look at that first.

 I believe that SVGAlib was superseded by GGI and other projects, and I
 recall that SVGAlib was considered to be something of a nightware with
 respect to how it handles various resources. Certainly, I haven't been
 very impressed by the behaviour of software using it.

  You could also look at GGI ( GGI has different
  output targets. IIRC, one of them is directfb. To tell you the truth
  I've never really used GGI. There seems to be a python wrapper for GGI,
  although it is fairly old. Maybe you could look at the code for some ideas.

 I've had to build software using GGI, and the biggest problem has been
 getting packages for it. That said, it seemed to work fairly
 acceptably once built and installed. Meanwhile, some people favour
 Allegro [1] for this kind of work, and I've been confronted with newly
 developed software which uses Allegro, so it's arguably in a different
 maintenance state than something like SVGAlib or GGI.

  You should also be able to compile SDL to be able to use directfb as a
  target. If your libSDL handles it, then that should apply to wrapper
  libraries as well, including pygame. I've never tried running SDL apps
  this way, but if it works well, that would probably be your 'best' option.

 I'd agree with these sentiments; SDL seems to be the best supported
 technology of this kind in the Python universe, and one of the most
 widely deployed in general; I've felt quite comfortable building
 software against it. It would be very interesting to see whether a
 framebuffer-based SDL could support Pygame, and I imagine that the
 Pygame mailing list might already have some answers in its archives on
 this topic.

I agree that SDL is probably the best choice but for the sake of
completeness, Gtk can (at least in theory - I've never tried it) be
built against directfb and run without X.

Re: translating Python to Assembler

2008-01-25 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 25, 2008 9:09 PM, Steven D'Aprano
 On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:49:20 +0100, Christian Heimes wrote:

  It's even
  possible to write code with Python assembly and compile the Python
  assembly into byte code.

 Really? How do you do that?

 I thought it might be compile(), but apparently not.

There are tools for it in the undocumented compiler.pyassem module.
You have to pretty much know what you're doing already to use it - I
spent a fun (but unproductive) week figuring out how to use it and
generated customized bytecode for certain list comps. Malformed
hand-generated bytecode stuffed into code objects is one of the few
ways I know of to crash the interpreter without resorting to calling C
code, too.

Re: translating Python to Assembler

2008-01-24 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 24, 2008 9:14 AM, Bjoern Schliessmann
 Tim Roberts wrote:
  Bjoern Schliessmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  So, how do processors execute Python scripts? :)
  Is that a rhetorical question?

 A little bit.

  Grant is quite correct; Python scripts (in the canonical CPython)
  are NOT compiled into assembly language.  Scripts are compiled to
  an intermediate language.  Processors execute Python scripts when
  the interpreter, written in a high-level language and compiled to
  assembly, interprets the intermediate language created by the
  Python compiler.

 So in the end, the program defined in the Python script _is_
 compiled to the CPU's language. But never mind, it depends on how
 you define compile in the end.

This is true if and only if you would agree that Powerpoint
presentations, Word documents, and PNG images are likewise compiled to
machine code.

Re: strange syntax rules on list comprehension conditions

2008-01-18 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 18, 2008 12:53 PM, Nicholas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was quite delighted today, after extensive searches yielded nothing, to
 discover how to place an else condition in a list comprehension.
 Trivial mask example:
  [True if i 5 else False for i in range(10)]   # A
 [True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False]

 I then experimented to drop the else statement which yields an error
  [i if i3 for i in range(10)]
 Traceback (  File interactive input, line 1
 this syntax works of course
  [i if i3 else i for i in range(10)]
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

 Does anybody else find this lack of symmetry odd?

x if y else x is an expression - it's the Python equivalent of C's
ternary operator. The mechanism for filtering in a list comp is [x for
x in y if x].

Your stumbling upon the ternary expression was a happy accident, and
your confusing comes from trying to generalize the wrong operation.

Re: short path evaluation, why is f() called here: dict(a=1).get('a', f())

2008-01-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 14, 2008 12:39 PM, aspineux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This append in both case

 dict(a=1).get('a', f())
 dict(a=1).setdefault('a', f())

 This should be nice if f() was called only if required.

Think about the change to Python semantics that would be required for
this to be true, and then use collections.defaultdict instead.

Re: Python too slow?

2008-01-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 11, 2008 9:10 AM, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 11, 8:59 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.

  George Sakkis a écrit :
   On Jan 11, 4:12 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
   George Sakkis a écrit :
   On Jan 10, 3:37 am, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
   I fail to see how the existence of JIT compilers in some Java VM 
   anything to the fact that both Java (by language specification) and
   CPython use the byte-code/VM scheme.
   Because these some Java VMs with JIT compilers are the de facto
   standard used by millions;
   Repeating an argument doesn't make it more true nor more relevant. Once
   again, this doesn't change anything to the fact exposed above.
   the spec is pretty much irrelevant
   I mentionned this because this kind of choice is usually not part of the
   language spec but of a specific implementation. Java is AFAIK the only
   language where this implementation stuff is part of the spec.
   you're a compiler writer or language theorist).
   I thought it was quite clear and obvious that I was talking about points
   relating to these fields.
   No it wasn't,
or is Python just too slow
as an interpreted language
  Being interpreted is a quality of an implementation, not of a language.
  If that isn't clear enough what I'm talking about, then sorry but I
  can't help.

 Pedantic once again. For languages with a single (or practically
 single) implementation such as Python, the average user couldn't care
 less about the distinction. Your point might have more merit if
 PyPy or IronPython or Jython enter the same league with CPython in
 terms of usage.

and besides the OP is most likely interested in these as
   a simple user so the distinction between a spec and a de facto
   standard implementation (such as JDK for Java and CPython for Python)
   are almost pedantic if not misleading.
  I can live with being called pedantic - even I'm not sure whether
  correcting a wrong statement about CPython's execution model is pedantic
  or not. But I *still* fail to see how it could be misleading, and
  *you* still fail to explain in which way it could be misleading.
  If your point is that saying that CPython uses a byte-code/VM scheme
  just like Java necessarily implies JIT compilation just because some
  JVM support this feature, then it would be time you pay more attention
  to what is effectively written.

 What three different people in this thread have been trying to tell
 you but you seem to miss is that claiming CPython's VM is just like
 Java is comparable to saying a Yugo's car engine is just like a
 BMW's (or humans are just like chimpanzees), which for some value
 of just like is technically correct but it's not what most people
 would call an accurate statement.

The statement was in response to a claim that Python was slow because
it is interpreted. This is a little like correcting someone who says
that a Yugo is slow because it has a steam engine by telling that no,
it's internal combustion, just like the BMW has.

It's possible for this a claim like this to lead to a clarifying and
informative discussion about JIT technology and how it improves Javas
performance, and the use of corresponding techniques in Python. What
we got instead was someone who felt some sort of juvenile urge to jump
all over a what he thought of as a claim that Python is as fast as
Java (which, of course, it sometimes is - the issue is more
complicated than a sound bite).

We're not Lisp (yet ;-)), with
   five major implementations and a dozen of minor ones.
  And ? In which way does it make the distinction between a language and a
  language implementation less true ?

 In the way that most plain users care (or not) about.

Not that I think any of you care about anything except your e-penis at
this point, but there is no reason to proscribe discussion to only
what plain users want, even if the OP was such a person.

Re: Strange problem: MySQL and python logging using two separate cursors

2008-01-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 9, 2008 11:52 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 10:11:09 +0100, Frank Aune [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

  The only clue I have so far, is that the cursor in task 1 seems to be unable
  to register any new entries in the log table produced by task 2 as soon as
  task 1 perform an SQL query of some kind.
 How often do you issue a commit? For some DB-API adapters (I forget
 which database -- think it was SQLite) a select query does not complete
 until the last data has been fetched from it -- meaning the transaction
 (the DB-API spec is that auto-commit is OFF) is still open and other
 transaction changes will not be seen. {I do find it perplexing that
 transactions are started by cursor actions, but committed by the

  Im contemplating using the same cursor for task 1 and 2, but I think keeping
  them separate is a better design - if it only worked :)
 I'd probably suggest using a separate connection and cursor -- with
 liberal usage of conn.commit() to ensure that transaction views are

The MySql api doesn't have a concept of a cursor, only connections. If
you want truly separate cursors in MySql you need to use individual

Re: how to use bool

2008-01-03 Thread Chris Mellon
On 03 Jan 2008 16:09:53 GMT,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hi, i have some code where i set a bool type variable and if the value
  is false i would like to return from the method with an error msg..
  being a beginner I wd like some help here
  class myclass:
  def  mymethod(self):
   msg=all validation OK
 msg=sthing failed
 return (success,msg)
 msg=sthingelse  failed
 return (success,msg)

  i would like to know if this way of doing this is OK..I have need of
  many kinds of validations in this there a better way of doing
  this ?
 With my philosophical programming hat on the first thing I'd say (as a
 fairly beginning python programmer) is avoid multiple returns from a
 function/method if at all possible.  They breed all sorts of problems
 and errors, in particular if there's any clearing up to do you have to
 do it in lots of places (or you forget it in some places).

This advice is highly controversial, and in the presence of exceptions
it is, at best, voodoo coding. Since your function can exit at any
point whether you do it intentionally or not, if you have crucial
cleanup it's best to write your code in a way that does it correctly
even if you return early. Following this style also often leads to odd
contortions, like extra layers of indentation, and a proliferation of
temporary flags and value-holders that aren't necessary if you write
the code in a more straight forward manner.

Make your decisions on a case by case basis of complexity,
readability, and reliability instead of following pronouncements from
on high (especially decades old pronouncements made in a different
context). Forcing a single return site in the code below adds
complexity, arguable harms readability, and provides *zero* benefit in
the code at hand.


 def  mymethod(self):
 msg=sthing failed
 if success:
 if success:
 msg=all validation OK
 return (success,msg)

 I've lost the different messages for different errors but you get the

 if success: rather than if (success==True), more readable.  For
 the opposite if not success:.

 Chris Green



Re: reassign to builtin possible !?

2008-01-03 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 3, 2008 8:05 AM, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But you can't alter the values for True/False globally with this.
  Are you sure ? what about the following example ?
  Is this also shadowing ?
  import __builtin__
  __builtin__.True = False

 It doesn't seem to screw things up globally

   import __builtin__
   t = __builtin__.True
   __builtin__.True = False
   __builtin__.False = t
   1 == 1
   import os
   #if they were globally redefined, this would be False
   #you'd have to actually reference __builtin__.True

 My thought would be if you do something as daft as
 redefining/shadowing True and False, you get the headaches that
 ensue.  Fortunately, since Python is explicit, you can trace back
 through the code and see where the inanity occurred.
 Additionally, any scoping rules mean that programmer stupidity
 can't leak too badly outside the scope of the block containing
 the stupidity.

 It's the old DIHWIDT! WDDT! (Doctor, it hurts when I do
 this!, well don't do that!) syndrome.

In Py3k this will be a syntax error, like assigning to None is now.
Possibly also in 2.6.

Re: ElementTree should parse string and file in the same way

2008-01-02 Thread Chris Mellon
On Jan 2, 2008 8:56 AM, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  Fredrik, if you're reading this, I'm curious what your reason is. I don't
  have an opinion on whether you should or shouldn't treat files and
  strings the same way. Over to you...

 as Diez shows, it's all about use cases.

 and as anyone who's used my libraries or read my code knows, I'm a big
 fan of minimalistic but highly composable object API:s and liberal use
 of short helper functions to wire them up to fit the task at hand.

 kitchen sink API design is a really bad idea, for more reasons than I
 can fit in this small editor window.

On that note, I really don't like APIs that take either a file name or
a file object - I can open my own files, thanks. File objects are
fantastic abstractions and open(fname) is even shorter than

My take on the API decision in question was always that a file is
inherently an XML *document*, while a string is inherently an XML

Re: Bizarre behavior with mutable default arguments

2007-12-31 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 31, 2007 2:08 PM, Odalrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 31 Dec, 18:22, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 31, 10:58 am, Odalrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 30 Dec, 17:26, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Dec 29, 9:14 pm, bukzor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's the answer to the 
 It looks like Guido disagrees with me, so the discussion is closed.
Note that the FAQ mainly explains *what* happens, not *why* was this
decision taken. Although it shows an example where this feature can
be useful, it's neither the only way to do it nor is memoization as
common as wanting fresh default arguments on every call.
   I'm surprised noone has said anything about the why of default
   mutables. I think it is becasue it isn't easy to do it an other way.
  There is an easy enough way: evaluate default values when the function
  is called rather than when it is defined.  This behaviour comes with
  its own caveats as well I imagine, and it's not 'as easy' to implement
  as the current one.

 Adding overhead to *all* function calls, even the ones without mutable
 defaults. That doesn't sound like an attractive tradeoff.

And also removing the only way you can currently do early binding in
Python. I agree that it's a gotcha, but unless someone comes up with
an answer to the following questions, I'll stick with the status quo
(Note that this is not blind Python group-think as a previous poster
implied, but a pragmatic decision that this is the most practical

a) If we don't evaluate default arguments at function compilation,
when do we do it?
b) If you do it at call time, how do you implement early binding?
c) If you want to introduce new syntax for the current behavior, what
is it and can you justify it?
d) What are the performance implications of your proposal versus the
current behavior?

Note that the desired behavior can be implemented under the current
behavior, at the expense of verbosity - using factories and sentinel
values as the default arguments, and then expanding them in the
function. It's not possible to implement the current behavior of
early-bound arguments if default arguments are evaluated with every
call. This alone is a good reason to keep the current behavior until
someone actually has a good alternative that covers the current use
cases and isn't just upset by the behavior.

Re: Python DLL in Windows Folder

2007-12-28 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 28, 2007 6:41 AM, Ross Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ross Ridge writes:
  As I said before, I know how futile it is to argue that Python should
  change it's behaviour.  I'm not going to waste my time telling you what
  to do.  If you really want to know how side-by-side installation works,
  you can try reading the Windows SDK documentation.

  I did, and determined that it's not possible.  We would have to use
  assembly manifests, and can't, as the tool chain doesn't support them.

 Your choice to use a tool chain that doesn't support side-by-side
 assemblies does not make it impossible.

It's worth pointing out that when the choice was made,Windows didn't
support SxS at all and there was no toolchain for it.

  No, simply by changing the name you've prevented backwards compatiblity
  with the old DLL.
 First, the requirement for backwards compatibility is not normative.
 Section 2.6 is entitled Install any shared files that are not
 side-by-side to the correct locations. python25.dll, as a matter of
 fact, *is* a shared file that is not side-by-side; the *only* location
 I can install in according to 2.6 is the System folder.

 No, the only thing that the guidelines require to be installed in the
 system directory are services and drivers.  The only exception for other
 kinds of applications is when necessary for backwards compatibility.

You're not reading the document correctly. The backwards
compatability is supporting non SxS libraries.

  You can't argue you're trying to maintain backwards
  compatibilty with an old DLL when you've already broken compatibility
  with it.
 Furthermore, it says to ensure backward compatibility with those
 applications, not to ensure backward compatibility with the old DLL.

 Now you're just trying play pointless semantic games.  If you change
 the DLL's name, the DLL is no longer compatibile with those applications.

Python 2.5 already exists and has shipped.

  Since the existing applications have to be rebuilt to use the
  new DLL they also can be changed to use it from a new shared location.
 No, they can't, because there is not enough manpower available to change

 And that's what this all really comes down to.  Because neither you nor
 anyone else is willing to do the work necessary to do the Right Thing,
 you have chosen not to follow Microsoft's recommended best practices
 for installing Windows applications.  It's not because it's impossible,
 it's because you're unwilling.

You're persisting in calling Python an application, which it clearly
isn't. How relevant these guidelines are at all, since they're
targeted toward end-user boxed software and not toward developers of
third party libraries, is questionable, but lets see what it says.

Section 2.6 *clearly* states that non side by side dlls (which Python
is) can (and, in fact *must*) be placed in the System directory. Note
that making your libraries SxS is *not* a requirement. So if we're
going to follow this (questionable) document at all, Python is
absolutely compliant.

Re: Python DLL in Windows Folder

2007-12-26 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 24, 2007 5:23 PM, Ross Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What the python installer is doing is the Right Thing for making the
 standard python dll available to third party applications.
 Applications that want a specific version of a specific DLL should use
 the mechanisms available for doing so, instead of relying on there
 being a specific version of the python dll in the windows folder. This
 is just general best practice on Windows.

 No, it's not best practice for an application install any of its files
 in the Windows system directory.  The system directory is ment only
 for drivers and system files.  Installing application DLLs in the
 system directory is something that should only be done for backwards

Python (when installed with for everyone) is not (just) an
application, it's a runtime. I know that Microsoft has totally dropped
the ball on handling shared libraries and has recently thrown up its
arms and just said that all apps should ship with everything they need
(Don't use shared libraries any more, versioning is hard) but that's
not applicable to Python *the runtime*. system32 is precisely the
correct spot for it, when installed by an administrator, as a system

Note that for me only Python, doesn't install to there.

Re: Releasing malloc'd memory using ctypes?

2007-12-24 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 23, 2007 12:36 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am starting to experiment with ctypes.  I have a function which returns a
 pointer to a struct allocated in heap memory.  There is a corresponding free
 function for that sort of struct, e.g.:

 from ctypes import *

 c_thing = CDLL(

 class THING(Structure):
 _fields_ = [(name, c_char_p),
 (value, c_int)]

 get_thing = c_thing.get_thing
 get_thing.restype = POINTER(THING)
 free_thing = c_thing.free_thing

 So I call get_thing() and get back this ctypes wrapper for a pointer to a
 thing.  I can extract the name and value elements from the thing instance
 just fine:

 thing_p = get_thing()
 thing = thing_p.contents
 print, =, thing.value

 Now I need to call free_thing.  What do I pass it?  thing_p?  Some attribute
 of thing_p?  Something else altogether?  The ctypes module docs seem to be
 strangely silent on the question of freeing heap memory which you've
 received from the underlying library's functions.

You do it just like you'd do in C, and pass the return value of
get_thing. Make sure that you declare free_thing as taking a pointer
so ctypes knows to do the right thing.

Re: Python DLL in Windows Folder

2007-12-24 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 23, 2007 12:27 PM, Markus Gritsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23/12/2007, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Markus Gritsch wrote:
   why does the Python installer on Windows put the Python DLL into the
   Windows system32 folder?  Wouldn't it be more clean to place it into
   the Python installation folder beside the python.exe file?
  It's the easiest and best way to expose Python for 3rd party
  applications and COM. The DLL is removed by the Windows Installer when
  its usage counter drops to 0. There is no need to worry ;)

 I am not worrying about an orphaned DLL.  The Problem is that this way
 the Python DLL is being made available for 3rd party applications,
 which possibly need a version of Python which is compiled using
 another compiler.  We are embedding Python into our application which
 gets compiled using MSVC 8.0.  We like to link dynamically, so the
 Python interpreter is not statically linked into the program.  The
 Python DLL from the Python installer in the Windows system32 folder is
 compiled using MSVC 7.1.

What the python installer is doing is the Right Thing for making the
standard python dll available to third party applications.
Applications that want a specific version of a specific DLL should use
the mechanisms available for doing so, instead of relying on there
being a specific version of the python dll in the windows folder. This
is just general best practice on Windows.

Re: How to in Python

2007-12-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 21, 2007 7:25 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John Machin wrote:
  Use a proper lexer written by somebody who knows what they are doing,
  as has already been recommended to you.

 My lexer returns a MALFORMED_NUMBER token on '0x' or '0x '. Try that
 in Python.

Is there some reason that you think Python is incapable of
implementing lexers that do this, just because Python lexer accepts
it? Note that if you're using your lexer to mark up or pretty print or
whatever Python source, it's wrong - 0x is (rightly or not) a valid
Python literal.

Re: It's ok to __slots__ for what they were intended (was: Don't use __slots__ (was Re: Why custom objects take so much memory?))

2007-12-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On 20 Dec 2007 19:50:31 -0800, Aahz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Carl Banks  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 18, 4:49 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can reduce the size of new-style classes (inherit from object) by
 quite a bit if you use __slots__ to eliminate the class dictionary.
  You can also reduce your functionality quite a bit by using __slots__.
  Someday I'll have time to write up a proper page about why you shouldn't
  use __slots__
 Shouting absolute commands without full understanding of the situation
 is not going to help anyone.

 Maybe not, but at least it will get people to stop for a bit.

No, it will just make people stop ignoring you because you give
inappropriate advice forbidding reasonable solutions without a
rational justification.

 The OP wanted to minimize memory usage, exactly the intended usage of
 slots.  Without knowing more about the OP's situation, I don't think
 your or I or Chris Mellon can be sure it's not right for the OP's

 The whole point about warning against __slots__ is that you should never
 use them unless you are certain they're the best solution.  Consider what
 happens when the OP wants to subclass this __slots__-using class.

Nothing. Subclasses of a class with __slots__ get a dict just like
anything else, unless they also define slots. Why do you think you can
subclass object to get something you can stick arbitrary attributes

 Avoiding __slots__ will almost never harm anyone, so I feel completely
 comfortable sticking with a blanket warning.

Barking out your blanket warning in a thread on *the exact use case
slots were implemented to address* just makes you look like a mindless
reactionary. Stick to posting your warning in threads where people ask
how to stop other people from setting attributes on their

Re: Beginner question!

2007-12-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 21, 2007 9:11 AM, SMALLp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hy! I have error something like this

 TypeError: unbound method insert() must be called with insertData
 instance as first argument (got str instance instead)

 sql.insertData.insert(files, data)

 class insertData:
 def insert(self, dataTable, data):
 conn = self.openConnection.openConnection()
 cursor = conn.cursor()
 sql =INSERT INTO +dataTable+ (user_name, file_name, 
 file_path_local, file_path_FTP, curent_location, FTP_valid_time,
 uploaded, last_modified, last_verified, file_type, file_category) VLAUES

 Help and advice neaded!

You are unclear on the distinction between classes and instances of
those classes. Following Python convention and naming your classes in
CapsCase (InsertData not insertData) would help. I recommend taking 2
giant steps backward and working through the python tutorial and dive
into python, then coming back to this project.

Re: How to in Python

2007-12-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 21, 2007 1:02 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris Mellon wrote:
  Is there some reason that you think Python is incapable of
  implementing lexers that do this, just because Python lexer accepts

 Absolutely not. My opinion is that it's a bug. A very, very minor bug,
 but still six-legged.

I understand the argument but I'm wondering why you're asking
questions on this list about it. You don't seem to be implementing the
lexer in Python (because otherwise the question wouldn't have come
up), and you don't seem to be parsing Python code. Where's the python
angle? Not that this list is totally intolerant of offtopic
discussions, but you don't seem to even have a hint of Python interest
here - the questions seem to be better suited for comp.parsers.general
or something.

  Note that if you're using your lexer to mark up or pretty print or
  whatever Python source, it's wrong - 0x is (rightly or not) a valid
  Python literal.

 My lexer is for my language, Decaf, which, in this particular, is the
 same as Python. Here's what I find at at (2.4.4).

 hexinteger ::= 0 (x | X) hexdigit+

 Implementation differs from specification. In this case, I think the
 spec is more sensible.

I tend to consider what the parser actually accepts rather than
what the grammar specifies to be normative when writing pretty
printers or syntax highlighters.

Re: It's ok to __slots__ for what they were intended

2007-12-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 21, 2007 2:07 PM, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:

   I'd like to hear more about what kind of performance gain can be
  obtained from __slots__.  I'm looking into ways of speeding up
  HTML parsing via BeautifulSoup.  If a significant speedup can be
  obtained when navigating large trees of small objects, that's worth
  quite a bit to me.

 The following micro-benchmarks are from Python 2.5 on a Core Duo
 machine.  C0 is an old-style class, C1 is a new-style class, C2 is a
 new-style class using __slots__:

 # read access
 $ timeit -s import q; o = q.C0(); o.attrib = 1 o.attrib
 1000 loops, best of 3: 0.133 usec per loop
 $ timeit -s import q; o = q.C1(); o.attrib = 1 o.attrib
 1000 loops, best of 3: 0.184 usec per loop
 $ timeit -s import q; o = q.C2(); o.attrib = 1 o.attrib
 1000 loops, best of 3: 0.161 usec per loop

 # write access
 $ timeit -s import q; o = q.C0(); o.attrib = 1 o.attrib = 1
 1000 loops, best of 3: 0.15 usec per loop
 $ timeit -s import q; o = q.C1(); o.attrib = 1 o.attrib = 1
 100 loops, best of 3: 0.217 usec per loop
 $ timeit -s import q; o = q.C2(); o.attrib = 1 o.attrib = 1
 100 loops, best of 3: 0.209 usec per loop

 $ more
 class C0:

 class C1(object):

 class C2(object):
  __slots__ = [attrib]

 Your mileage may vary.

Here are my timings of object creation time. Note that as you add
slots, the speed advantage disappears.

C:\python -m timeit -s from objs import C0 as c c()
100 loops, best of 3: 0.298 usec per loop

C:\python -m timeit -s from objs import C1 as c c()
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.172 usec per loop

C:\python -m timeit -s from objs import C2 as c c()
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.164 usec per loop

C:\python -m timeit -s from objs import C3 as c c()
100 loops, best of 3: 0.302 usec per loop
import string

class C0:

class C1(object):

class C2(object):
__slots__ = [foo]

class C3(object):
__slots__ = list(string.ascii_letters)

Re: mac dashboad

2007-12-21 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 21, 2007 3:25 PM, Carl K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ianaré wrote:
  On Dec 21, 12:37 pm, Carl K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How do I hang an app off the mac dashboard?
  The goal is a python version of Weatherbug.
  something like:
  read xml data from a URL,
  display some numbers,
  mouse over shows more details
  Carl K
  What is the dashboard - is it anything like the taskbar in windows/
  Gnome? If it is, take a look at this:

 Yes.  But I don't want to rely on wx - trying to use just native mac python
 (whatever they ship with)

Dashboard widgets are written using HTML and Javascript. They are
rendered by a WebKit instance which, as far as I know, has no
mechanism for Python scripting. Unless it does, you can't write a
widget in Python, and even so you wouldn't use wx (or any other GUI
toolkit) to do so - your display medium is HTML and the Canvas object.
There's lots of articles on about writing
Dashboard widgets.

Re: Ping Implementation in Python

2007-12-20 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 20, 2007 9:41 AM, Mrown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I was wondering if there was a ping implementation written in
 Python.  I'd rather using a Python module that implements ping in a
 platform/OS-independent way than rely on the underlying OS, especially
 as every OS has a different implementation.  Furthermore, if you're
 going to ping a large number of IPs, using a module would probably be
 a lot faster.  Any ideas if such a module exists?  Thanks.

There's no point in having a script that pings things, especially
large numbers of IPs. If you really want to do network scanning other
tools for that already exist.

Re: wxPython FileDialog, select folder

2007-12-20 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 20, 2007 3:19 PM, SMALLp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can i select folder either with wx.FileDialog or with any other. I
 managed to fine only how to open files but I need to select folder to
 get files from all sub folders.

There's a separate dialog, wx.DirDialog.

Re: Allowing Arbitrary Indentation in Python

2007-12-19 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 19, 2007 10:46 AM, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 19, 11:09 am, gDog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, Sam-
  I'm not wanting to start a flame war, either, but may I ask why does
  your friend want to do that?  I'm always intrigued by the folks who
  object to the indentation rules in Python, even though I've always
  tried to keep consistent indentation in all the languages I've used
  (and I've been at this since the 1980's).  Even my Perl coding friends
  tend to insist on indents being aligned.  I'm just curious, that's

 His comments on the subject are in the LiveJournal comment I linked to
 in my original post.  I think it's mostly an idiosyncratic thing; he's
 used to laying out GUI elements in a hierarchy using tabs (in some
 language that allows arbitrary tabs) and now that he's experimenting
 with the (new?) Python API for the same toolkit, he wishes he could
 use the same coding style.

It's interesting that the solutions move away from the terrible
abomination of a GUI toolkit and write Python wrappers that don't
cause actual physical pain never occur to him. He's got a lot of
years invested in this layout so I understand the hesitance to move
away from it, but seriously - this is a really terrible way to do GUI
layout. The context manager solution is probably the best way to
maintain something close to the style he's used to.

All those setParent calls! *shiver*. I notice he retreats to the
well, *I* can read it, so it's not unreadable defense, which of
course applies to anything (I know people who can read x86 assembly
directly from hex dumps) without really addressing the merits of a
particular case.

Re: Allowing Arbitrary Indentation in Python

2007-12-19 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 19, 2007 4:05 PM, Gary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

snipped a lot of stuff I'm not replying to

 Chris Mellon writes:
 It's interesting that the solutions move away from the terrible
 abomination of a GUI toolkit and write Python wrappers that don't
 cause actual physical pain never occur to him.

 Oh, but they have, and almost immediately. You're assuming, perhaps,
 however, that I have the chops for that at such an early stage in my
 new Python life, or that I'm excited about the prospect of jumping
 right into a new library, only to have to virtually start over,
 wrapping some 15-20 layouts, and maybe 50+ controls in wrappers. In
 either case, you would assume wrong.

I overestimated your Python experience when I read the first (last?
most recent) post. After I sent the email I went back through your LJ
post where your level of experience with Python is made much more
plain. I don't mean this in a bad way - you're a beginner and that's
fine - but you don't have a grasp on Pythons fundamentals and thats
why so many things about it seem strange to you. All of the things in
your first post have reasons why they are that way, and there is
internal consistency in all of them. You have been done a disservice
by whoever wrote the Maya python bindings, as far as using this tool
to improve your knowledge and understanding of Python goes.

 ...and continues:
 He's got a lot of years invested in this layout so I understand the
 hesitance to move away from it...

 Yes! I have lots of years invested! But, no! I'm not hesitant! I'm
 ready! Let's go! I'm totally prepped to be done with MEL :)

 ...and furthermore states:
 ...but seriously - this is a really terrible way to do GUI layout.

 Oh, c'mon, no it's not. It's nearly the same thing as HTML, as I said.
 Are you going to seriously denounce more than a decade of that, and
 tens of thousands, if not millions of people using it in every
 language, in countless implementations the world over?

Yes, HTML is a very bad way of doing GUI layout. It's a textual markup
language, not a layout format. HTML per se has almost no layout
capabilities at all, and CSS while much better is still quite limited.
This is the internet, we don't shy away from scoffing at millions of
misguided souls here ;)

I'm not saying
 it can't be better, but *terrible?* Yes, I'm being declarative of my
 layouts right inside my code, which might be weird, but that's only
 because I'm adaptable, and it was the best way to do it in MEL, which
 has been my only option in Maya since the mid 90s. It's been solid for
 me, and honestly, once you're past a bit of the strangeness of it, is
 very straightforward, and simple. It's not the best, but it's not

It's very much like writing HTML using only the DOM apis, and not
HTMLs syntatic markup, which *is* terrible.
The structures you're defining are quite reasonable, it's the API
that's bad. I tend to group stuff into categories of good,
adequate, and terrible. This, from the API alone, falls squarely
into terrible for me.

 ...and keeps on rolling with:
 All those setParent calls! *shiver*.

 Alright, I'll give you those :) I hated them for the first year.
 Still, they're basically just HTML close tags, with the added power
 that you can replace '..' with a specific layout to jump into that.
 You can also think of them as close braces in your choice of C-like
 languages. Don't be such a scaredy-cat.

They aren't a close tag, they're state management, and the fact that
you have to litter your code with them is a real flaw in the GUI
toolkit. You'll note that my language of choice is Python, a language
which explicitly *excluded* the need for an end block marker. I'm
pretty sure that there's a way to write Python that looks like the UI,
but it's not using the API you have.

 ...will he ever stop? I don't know:
 I notice he retreats to the well, *I* can read it, so it's not
 unreadable defense...

 I can read it, because it's a natural style, as seen all over the
 place in HTML, XML, many UI layout tools, folder trees, complicated
 task lists, book outlines, and the list goes on. Seriously, what is
 with you people?

I'm not so much claiming it's unreasonable as dismissing your argument
why it is. I have to re-iterate: It's *not* markup. It's imperative
code full of explicit state management that you write in a way that
*llooks* like markup, which is a good call on your part because theres
a reason almost everyone uses declarative languages for UI layout
these days.

 ...and is almost done with:
 I know people who can read x86 assembly directly from hex dumps

 I rather enjoyed coding in x86, and once created a SWF file (compiled
 Flash binary), by hand, entirely at the *bit* (not byte) level. It
 took hours to get only several hundred bytes, but it worked! This, I
 realize, is not a good argument in my favor.

 ...and FINALLY finishes:
 without really addressing the merits of a particular case.

 But I have, over and over. It's very

Re: Changing intobject to use int rather than long

2007-12-18 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 18, 2007 11:59 AM, Clarence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone think (or know) that it might cause any internal problems
 if the ival member of the struct defining an intobject were to be
 changed from its current long int to just int?

 When you move your application to a 64-bit system in order to get a
 bigger address space to store your millions/billions of integers in
 RAM, but they get twice as big, you don't gain very much.

Your int objects get twice as large, but you get 4294967296 times more
address space.

(They don't always get twice as large, and you don't actually get that
much address space, and there's lots of other things wrong with this
answer, but the core truth - that your available address space grows
at a greater rate than the size of your ints - is correct).



Re: Why custom objects take so much memory?

2007-12-18 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 18, 2007 1:26 PM, jsanshef [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 after a couple of days of script debugging, I kind of found that some
 assumptions I was doing about the memory complexity of my classes are
 not true. I decided to do a simple script to isolate the problem:

 class MyClass:
 def __init__(self,s):
 self.mystring  = s

 mylist = []
 for i in range(1024*1024):
 mylist.append(MyClass(str(i))) #allocation
 #stage 1
 mylist = None
 #stage 2

 I take measures of the memory consumption of the script at #stage1 and
 #stage 2 and I obtain:
 #stage1 - 238MB
 #stage2 - 15MB

 That means every object is around 223 bytes in size That's too
 much considering it only contains a string with a maximum size of 7

Classes are fairly heavyweight - in your case you've got the size of
the PyObject struct, a dictionary for class attributes (which itself
is another pyobject), and the string object (yet another pyobject),
and the actual string data.

 If you change the allocation line for this other:
 mylist.append(str(i)) #we don't create the custom class, but append the 
 string directly into the list

 the numbers decrease substantially to:
 #stage1 - 47.6MB
 #stage2 - 15MB
 (so this time we can say string vars occupy around 32 bytesstill a
 lot, isn't it?)

string objects don't have dictionaries and are smaller than regular
python objects.

 So, what's exactly going on behind the scenes? Why is using custom
 objects SO expensive? What other ways of creating structures can be
 used (cheaper in memory usage)?

If you're worried about per-instance memory costs Python is probably
not the language for your purposes. On the other hand, odds are that
you actually don't need to worry so much.

You can reduce the size of new-style classes (inherit from object) by
quite a bit if you use __slots__ to eliminate the class dictionary.

Re: Using 'property' in evolving code

2007-12-17 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 17, 2007 11:48 AM, Steven Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all-
 I was reading, in
 particular the part about getters and setters are evil:
  In Java, you have to use getters and setters because using public fields
 gives you no opportunity to go back and change your mind later to using
 getters and setters. So in Java, you might as well get the chore out of the
 way up front. In Python, this is silly, because you can start with a normal
 attribute and change your mind at any time, without affecting any clients of
 the class. So, don't write getters and setters.

 I understand the idea behind this, but how does this transition work in
 Lets say I define class Foo initially as...

 class Foo(object):
 def __init__(self, x):
 self.x = x

 def get_sqrt(self):
 return sqrt(self.x)

 Fine. I can read from x, and write to x:
 def test():
 f = Foo(9)
 print 'sqrt of', f.x, 'is', f.get_sqrt()
  f.x = 16
 print 'sqrt of', f.x, 'is', f.get_sqrt()

 Let's say later on I decide that f.get_sqrt will be called far more often
 than f.x is changed, and that it therefore makes sense to store the actual
 sqrt in the class, rather than calling math.sqrt each time f.get_sqrt is
 called. So I rewrite Foo:

 class Foo(object):
 def __init__(self, x):
 self._x = x
 self._my_root = sqrt(x)

 def _set_x(self, x):
 self._x = x
 self._my_root = sqrt(x)

 def get_sqrt(self):
 return self._my_root

 x = property(lambda self: self._x, _set_x)

 External to the class, everything behaves as before, except with the benefit
 of not having to wait for slow sqrt each time. self.x is now a property
 rather than an attribute. Internal to the class, I have to search  replace
 all old occurences of self.x with self._x? Otherwise there is a
 collision between f.x the attribute and f.x the property?

You only need to update uses of the attribute that *need* the raw
attribute, and not the property. Quite often these are just your (new)
getters and setters, as you see. There is no collision - properties
and (raw) attributes are accessed the same way. Any use of f.x will go
through the property.

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 2:07 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:43:18 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
 following in comp.lang.python:

  I still wait to see any clear, unambiguous definition of scripting
  language. Which one are you refering to here ?
 Strangely, once you leave the realm of shell languages (DCL, JCL,
 bash, etc.) I can think of only ONE language that I'd consider a true
 scripting language... ARexx on the Amiga, as it could address any
 application that created a compatible ARexx message port.

 This meant one could write ARexx programs that could, by changing
 the address, send application native commands to an application,
 retrieve returned data, and then send that data to a second application
 using its native commands.

 No hassle with subprocess spawning or pipe I/O blocking...

Applescript works in a very similar way.

Re: Compressing a text file using count of continous characters

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 10:54 AM, nirvana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to count the number of continous character occurances(more than
 1) in a file, and replace it with a compressed version, like below

This sounds like homework. Google for run length encoding for
algorithms, or check your textbook.

Re: state machine and a global variable

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 10:52 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear list,
 I'm writing very simple state machine library, like this:

 _state = None

 def set_state(state):
 global _state
 _state = state

 def get_state():
 print _surface

 but I hate to use global variable. So, please, is there a better way
 of doing this? All I want is that a user has to type as little as
 possible, like:

Yes, don't do it.

 from state_machine import *

This isn't a state machine, it's just state

 I.e., nothing like:
 import state_machine
 my_machine = state_machine.new_machine()

Stop being afraid of objects, especially if your fear is caused by
straw-man C style APIs.

from state_machine import State

state = State()
print state.current_state
state.do_something('sadfsafsad') #does something based on the current state
print state.current_state

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 2:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 11, 10:34 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ron Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  But here's my problem, most of my coworkers, when they see my apps and
  learn that they are written in Python ask questions like, Why would you
  write that in a scripting language?  Whenever I hear a comment like that I
  can feel myself boiling inside.
  I don't blame you.  Python is an full-fledged algorithm/programming
  language that was designed to *also* be used a scripting language.

 When you buy a new car, which is more important, the styling
 or what's under the hood?


 That's for the whole sequence, not a single term!

 25.67 MINUTES compared to 17.65 HOURS!

 So, sure, some languages compile to .exe programs.

 In the trade, we call that polishing a turd.

While I agree with the sentiment, surely this can't be a good example
of F#s general performance? I would expect .NET code to smoke stock
(non-Psycoed) Python in this benchmark.

Re: state machine and a global variable

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 4:43 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 14, 11:06 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

   Dear list,
   I'm writing very simple state machine library, like this:
   _state = None
   def set_state(state):
   global _state
   _state = state
   def get_state():
   print _surface
  NameError here !-)
   but I hate to use global variable.
  aol /
   So, please, is there a better way
   of doing this? All I want is that a user has to type as little as
   possible, like:
   from state_machine import *
   I.e., nothing like:
   import state_machine
   my_machine = state_machine.new_machine()
  A possible solution:
  class _StateMachine(object):
 def __init__(self):
   self._state = SomethingHere()
 def get_state(self):
   return self._state
 def set_state(self, xxx):
   # etc
  _s = _StateMachine()
  get_state = _s.get_state()
  set_state = _s.set_state()

 I guess you meant without the parentheses:
 get_state = _s.get_state
 set_state = _s.set_state

  You still have a global, but at least it's a machine instance, not it's
  state !-)
  Now the question is: why do you think it's so important for your users
  to only see functions ? What's so wrong with:
  from state_machine import *
  m = get_state_machine()

 Well, I guess I can see the advantages of using the class instances
 but ... um ... the world isn't like that! :)

 Consider this: how do you add up some numbers?
 - My sum is zero.
 - I add 3 to my sum.
 - I add 2 to my sum.

 - Three.
 - plus two.

 Implicit context, some people call it. Sometimes it's useful to be as
 precise as possible (explicit is better than implict, right?) but
 sometimes, it seems to me, it's just more natural not to repeat the
 context all over again.

You're way too hung up on context when you should be hung up on state.
Implicit state is bad, implicit global state is worse. You've got a
shared global state, with an interface that's designed to dispatch on
and mutate that state. It's basically every bad thing you can imagine
about global state. Using an object means that the state machine is
*local* state. Local state is good, because you've got a way to attach
a name to it, to manipulate it explicitly, and to pass it around to
other places.

Your example presupposes two different use cases anyway, but most
importantly what you're describing with sum is a mutation of local
state (a local name binding), which is a very different thing than
your state machine API.

Honestly, I can't even imagine why you would want to implement a state
machine *library* this way. If you meant a library that has internal
state it makes a little more sense - I use an approach kind of like
the one Bruno showed to handle global configuration and logging - but
if you meant a library for implementing state machines you're on
totally the wrong track.

Re: Clearing a DOS terminal in a script

2007-12-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 13, 2007 10:48 AM, Stephen_B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This doesn't seem to work in a dos terminal at the start of a script:

 from os import popen
 print popen('clear').read()

 Any idea why not? Thanks.

It opens clear with it's own virtual terminal and clears that
instead. There's an ANSI control code you can use to reset the screen,
try printing that.

Re: Is a real C-Python possible?

2007-12-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 13, 2007 12:04 PM, Patrick Mullen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Python 2.6 and 3.0 have a more Pythonic way for the problem:
 class A(object):
 def foo(self):
 return self._foo
 def foo(self, value)
 self._foo = value
 def foo(self)
 del self._foo
 class B(A):
 # one can even overwrite the getter in a subclass
 def foo(self):
 return self._foo * 2

 On Dec 12, 2007 12:57 PM, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. The property name ('foo') is repeated *5* times for a single class.
  Talk about DRY.
  2. Total inconsistency: @property for the getter when it is defined
  for the first time, @foo.setter/@foo.deletter for the setter/deletter,
  @foo.getter when the getter is redefined. WTF ?!

 Eww, I agree with George here, with respect to these two points.  When
 I looked at this my first wtf was the @property and then @foo.getter
 business.  I really don't mind the current way of doing things: attr =
 property(get,set).  Other mechanisms can be created with getattr
 routines.  I don't really like this new syntax at all.

For the record, this is not new syntax. It's implemented this way
specifically to avoid the creation of new syntax for properties.

Too many @
 marks, inconsistancies, and too many foos everywhere.  Not to mention
 how long it reads.  For only getters, it's not bad though, and a
 little better than property().

I don't feel that it's especially inconsistent, and I like decorators.
Having to write foo everywhere isn't that nice, but it's only mildly
worse than C# to me - I find the extra block levels really atrocious.

 Decorators really don't feel pythonic to me at all, mostly due to the
 @ symbol, but it looks really awful in this instance.

 What about this, somewhat similar but not ugly syntax:

 class A:
foo = property()
def foo.get():
   return self._foo
def foo.delete():
   del self._foo
def foo.set(val):
   self._foo = val

 Defining something with a dot is currently a syntax error.  Ok, so
 it's still too many foos.  At least it's consistent.  I'm not really
 proposing this btw.  I'd rather not introduce more specialized syntax.

 How about abusing with:

 class A:
with property(foo):
   def get
   def set...

 There's your thunk, and I really like with, but am saddened that it
 has such limited use at the moment.  Of course this isn't really what
 with is for...

 Can anyone tell me what's wrong about the current property() syntax,
 besides namespace polution?

Nothing, except that people prefer decorators and they don't like the
namespace pollution. foo = property() isn't going away and if you
prefer it (I don't) you're free to use it. If you don't like
decorators in general it's fairly obvious that you won't be partial to
a decorator based feature.

It's not that big a deal anyway, of course, the use case for
properties in Python has a much smaller scope than in C#, and
getter-only properties (which you can create with just @property) are
the majority of those.

Re: python vs perl performance test

2007-12-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 13, 2007 12:11 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, let me admit that the test is pretty dumb (someone else
 suggested it :) but since I am new to Python, I am using it to learn
 how to write efficient code.

 my $sum = 0;
 foreach (1..10) {
 my $str = chr(rand(128)) x 1024;
 foreach (1..100) {
 my $substr = substr($str, rand(900), rand(100));
 $sum += ord($substr);
 print Sum is $sum\n;

 Basically, the script creates random strings, then extracts random
 substrings, and adds up the first characters in each substring. This
 perl script takes 8.3 secs on my box and it can probably be improved.

 When I first translated it to Python verbatim, the Python script took
 almost 30 secs to run.
 So far, the best I can do is 11.2 secs using this:

 from random import randrange
 from itertools import imap, repeat
 from operator import getitem, add, getslice

 result = 0
 zeros = [0]*100
 for i in xrange (10):
 s = [chr(randrange(128))] * 1024
 starts = repeat(randrange(900), 100)
 ends = imap(add, starts, repeat(randrange(1,100), 100))
 substrs = imap(getslice, repeat(s, 100), starts, ends)
 result += sum(imap(ord, imap(getitem, substrs, zeros)))

 print Sum is , result

 There's got to be a simpler and more efficient way to do this.
 Can you help?

Benchmarking is usually done to test the speed of an operation. What
are you trying to measure with this test? String slicing? Numerical
operations? Looping? You're doing all sorts of bogus work for no
reason. The use of randomness is also totally arbitrary and doesn't do
anything except make it harder to confirm the correctness of the test.
Is the ability to generate 0-length substrings (which perl claims have
an ordinal of 0) intentional?

For the record, taking the randomness out makes this take 4 seconds
for perl, and 6 seconds for a literal translation in python. Moving it
into a function drops the python function to 3.5 seconds.

Re: do as a keyword

2007-12-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 11, 2007 2:19 PM, Steven D'Aprano
 On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:06:31 +, Neil Cerutti wrote:

  When I use languages that supply do-while or do-until looping constructs
  I rarely need them.
  However, did you have an specific need for a do-while construct? Perhaps
  we could show you the alternatives.

 Need is a strong word. After all, all looping constructs could be done
 with a conditional jump, so arguably we don't need while or for either.

 But loops that run at least once is a basic element of algorithms.
 Perhaps not as common as the zero or more times of the while loop, but
 still fundamental. It is a shame it has to be faked using:

I agree that it's fundamental, but I'd like to mention that I've
written many thousands of lines of Python code, from throwaway code
for demonstration to enterprisey servers and all sorts of things in
between and I've *never* written a 1 or more times loop except when
I was demonstrating that exact thing. One thing that Python has
definitely changed my thinking about is that I tend to formulate both
problems and solutions in terms of iteration over sequence rather than
as traditional conditional based looping. If I need a 1 or more loop
I formulate the problem as a sequence of 1 or more elements.

This isn't something I go out of my way to do, simply the way I think
about problems in Python.

I just did a scan of some of the code I've been working on for the use
of while. This is a few thousand LOC (and one project, an SVN
renderer, doesn't have any use if it at all) and I've got exactly 3

I've got a while True: as the mainloop of a thread, which technically
qualifies as a 1 or more loop but doesn't count because the exit
condition is complicated and couldn't be easily written with do..until
(you'd either break the same way or you'd have to set a flag instead,
which is ugly).

I've got the use of while as a counter in some code that unpacks bits
from an integer (interop with C structures). It's a 0 or more loop.

And I've got an iterator for a linked list, which is close but I don't
want to yield anything if the head is None, so it's in a plain while:

def linkedListIter(head, nextName=next):
current = head
while current:
yield current
current = getattr(current, nextName)

Re: Is a real C-Python possible?

2007-12-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 12, 2007 8:36 AM, sturlamolden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 12 Des, 12:56, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ah, the 'make' statement.. I liked (and still do) that PEP, I think it
  would have an impact comparable to the decorator syntax sugar, if not

 I think it is one step closer to Lisp. I believe that it would be
 worth considering adding defmacro statement. Any syntax, including if,
 else, for, while, class, lambda, try, except, etc.  would be
 implemented with defmacros. We would only need a minimalistic syntax,
 that would bootstrap a full Python syntax on startup. And as for
 speed, we all know how Lisp compares to Python.

You say that as if one step closer to Lisp is a worthwhile goal.

Python has not become what it is, and achieved the success it has,
because a bunch of people really wanted to use Lisp but didn't think
other people could handle it.

The goal of these sorts of discussions should be to make Python a
better Python. But what happens far too often (especially with
Lispers, but not just them by any means) is that people want to make
Python into a clone or better version of whatever other language
they like.

If you're the sort of person who views lisp as the goal that other
languages should aspire to, and I know many of those people exist and
even frequent this list, then you should probably spend your time and
energy on making Lisp a better Lisp and addressing whatever weaknesses
in Lisp have you using Python instead. Trying to fix Lisp (or
whatever) by transforming Python into it isn't going to make you any
happier, and it's just going to derail any discussion of making Python
a better *Python*.

Re: Is a real C-Python possible?

2007-12-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 12, 2007 12:53 PM, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 12, 1:12 pm, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Kay Schluehr wrote:
   class A(object):
   foo = property:
   def fget(self):
   return self._foo
   def fset(self, value):
   self._foo = value
   which was translated as follows:
   class A(object):
   def thunk():
   def fget(self):
   return self._foo
   def fset(self, value):
   self._foo = value
   return vars()
   foo = propery(**thunk())
   del thunk
  Python 2.6 and 3.0 have a more Pythonic way for the problem:
  class A(object):
  def foo(self):
  return self._foo
  def foo(self, value)
  self._foo = value
  def foo(self)
  del self._foo
  class B(A):
  # one can even overwrite the getter in a subclass
  def foo(self):
  return self._foo * 2

 This is by definition Pythonic since it was conceived by the BDFL.It
 is also certainly an improvement over the current common practice of
 polluting the class namespace with private getters and setters. Still
 it's a kludge compared to languages with builtin support for

How exactly is this a kludge? This is almost identical syntax (but
with less indentation) to a C# property declaration. The only thing
that's simpler is auto-generation of trivial accessors via a
decoration, but those are useless in Python so only the case of
getters and setters that actually do something needs to be addressed.

If the only thing that's not a kludge is direct syntax support for a
feature, you've set a pretty high and uselessly arbitrary bar.

Re: After running for four days, Python program stalled

2007-12-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 12, 2007 1:34 PM, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Had a Python program stall, using no time, after running OK for four days.
 Python 2.4, Windows.  Here's the location in Python where it's stalled.
 Any idea what it's waiting for?

 John Nagle

 77FA1428   mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
 77FA142B   mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
 77FA1432   pop edi
 77FA1433   pop esi
 77FA1434   pop ebx
 77FA1435   leave
 77FA1436   ret 10h
 77FA1439   cmp dword ptr [ebp-24h],0
 77FA143D   je  77FA1447
 77FA143F   pushdword ptr [ebp-24h]
 77FA1442   call77F8B5DF
 77FA1447   ret
 77FA1448   ret 4
 77FA144B   int 3# STALLED HERE
 77FA144C   ret
 77FA144D   int 3
 77FA144E   ret
 77FA144F   mov eax,dword ptr [esp+4]
 77FA1453   int 3
 77FA1454   ret 4
 77FA1457   mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
 77FA145A   mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
 77FA145C   mov eax,dword ptr [eax]

Use a tool like sysinternal procexp to get more useful information
about the programs state, like what threads there are and a stack
trace with symbols of the each thread.

Re: Dumb newbie back in shell

2007-12-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 11, 2007 8:23 AM, J. Clifford Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The code you just posted doesn't compile successfully.

It *compiles* fine, but it'll raise an error when run.

 However, in your code, you probably have char_ptr defined at the module 
 level, and you're confused because you didn't declare it as global.  Am I 
 right?  My crystal ball has a smudge on it, but I think I can still see okay.

I assume that's what he think he's seeing also.

 You can still reference module level variables that aren't declared as 
 global, but you can't assign to them.  Or rather, when you try to, you create 
 a new local variable that shadows the global one.

No, the determination of what names are local and which are global
happens at compile time. The code as posted will not run correctly. It
could run if it weren't in a function and were executed in global

What's probably happening is that line_ptr  last_line is not true and
the body of the function isn't executed at all. The unbound local
exception is a runtime error that occurs when the local is accessed,
not when the function is compiled.

Re: Dumb newbie back in shell

2007-12-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 11, 2007 8:51 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers
 Chris Mellon a écrit :
  What's probably happening is that line_ptr  last_line is not true


  and the body of the function isn't executed at all. The unbound local
   exception is a runtime error that occurs when the local is accessed,
   not when the function is compiled.

 Now since the compiler already detected the name as local, why wait
 execution to signal this error ?

Because detection assignment to a name in the first AST scan and then
using LOAD_FAST and STORE_FAST for access to and assigning to that
name is a simple, easy thing to implement, while doing execution
analysis to detect that it can't possibly be set before being
referenced is really hard.

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