python regex character group matches

2008-09-17 Thread christopher taylor
hello python-list!

the other day, i was trying to match unicode character sequences that
looked like this:


my issue, is that the pattern i used was returning:

[ '\\uAD0X', '\\u1BF3', ... ]

when i expected:

[ '\\uAD0X\\u1BF3', ]

the code looks something like this:

pat = re.compile((\\\u[0-9A-F]{4})+, re.UNICODE|re.LOCALE)
#print pat.findall(txt_line)
results = pat.finditer(txt_line)

i ran the pattern through a couple of my colleagues and they were all
in agreement that my pattern should have matched correctly.

is this a simple case of a messed up regex or am i not using the regex
api correctly?



python regex character group

2008-09-17 Thread christopher taylor
My apologies to the respondents - I failed to screen my test cases
before kicking them out to the global python-list. but yes, the 'X'
character in my test case was a mistake on my part. I'll give group()
a shot.


Re: Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-24 Thread Christopher Taylor
 Ah, I see. The reason is pretty simple: has

 LIBDIR= $(exec_prefix)/lib

 so it seems that LIBDIR isn't configurable.

So you would agree that this is a bug?  I'll post on Python-Dev for
further advice.  I'd like to fix this for the x86_64 community.

 You will have to debug this (can't do right now); see Modules/getpath.c,
 and the definition of PYTHONPATH. It seems this isn't really supported.

I'll ask on Python-Dev for more details on how to fix this.

Christopher Taylor

Re: Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-24 Thread Christopher Taylor
 I personally think this is a bug in AMD64-Linux. Libraries should
 be stored in /usr/lib, binaries in /usr/bin, etc. If they need
 simultaneous installation of 32-bit binaries for compatibility,
 they should store them in architecture-specific directories.

I disagree. From what I see, the error, as far as python is
considered, is not being able to specify the location where libs are
put, despite the fact that the --LIBDIR=  option is listed.   It just
happens to manifest itself in AMD64/EM64T Linux, specifically RH linux
where 64bit libs are put in /usr/lib64 and 32bit libs in /usr/lib.

 The x86_64 community has been using Python for a while, and
 apparently has solved this problem already. You should try
 to find out how they did it.

Where might I go to look on how to get this working?

Christopher Taylor

P.S.  I posted on python-dev and I haven't seen my post show up yet,
nor any responces  is that list moderated?

Re: Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-24 Thread Christopher Taylor
 Ok. One solution might be to remove the libdir option, then. Python
 attempts to be movable, i.e. the libraries are found relative to
 the executable (via dirname(sys.executable)+../lib/...). If
 libdir is supported, this approach must be given up - or libdir must
 be given up.

Well, honestly, seeings how LIBDIR doesn't do anything ... I can see
the argument for removing it.
However, I would like to propose a more flexible solution: Perhaps a
./configure parameter called LIBLOC or something like that so that
LIBDIR = $(EXEC_PREFIX)/$(LIBLOC).  Of course, LIBLOC should default
to lib.  This way the flexibility you mentioned above can be
maintained and the 64bit community (which will eventually be the
entire community) can move forward with minimal hassle.

 The Linux distributions already provide Python binaries (I believe
 Redhat does, too). You could study what they do to achieve that.

Yes, this is true ... but they do not package the most up-to-date
version .. which I need.

Christopher Taylor

Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-24 Thread Christopher Taylor
Does anyone have any comments on my proposed solution?

 However, I would like to propose a more flexible solution: Perhaps a
 ./configure parameter called LIBLOC or something like that so that
 LIBDIR = $(EXEC_PREFIX)/$(LIBLOC).  Of course, LIBLOC should default
 to lib.  This way the flexibility you mentioned above can be
 maintained and the 64bit community (which will eventually be the
 entire community) can move forward with minimal hassle.

Christopher Taylor

Re: Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-23 Thread Christopher Taylor
PYTHONPATH was the problem.

I had /usr/lib64/python2.3 included and that's why it was breaking.  I
took it out and it works fine now.  Unfortunately, it still puts the
lib files in /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64.  I'm assuming all I need
to do is set libdir accordingly and the files will get put in
/usr/lib64.  How do I then build the library files for 32bits?

Christopher Taylor

Re: Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-23 Thread Christopher Taylor
Ok, so if I need to build the 32bit binaries, I just need to make sure
I pass the right argument through to the compiler then?  (I'm trying
to build 32 bit and 64 bit binaries on the same system, but I'll wait
untill I get just the 64bit stuff built first before I tackle that)

Also,  I've fooled around with passing --libdir=/usr/lib64 to the
configure script and for whatever reason, the Makefile isn't correctly
written.  It always ends up copying the lib files to /usr/lib.

So I thought I'd manually edit the Makefile by editing the makefile on
lines 83 and 87 so they are now:
83: LIBDIR= $(exec_prefix)/lib64
87: SCRIPTDIR=  $(prefix)/lib64

make clean
make test
make altinstall
cd ..

I get the following error message:
Could not find platform independent libraries prefix
Could not find platform dependent libraries exec_prefix
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to prefix[:exec_prefix]
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback

so then I edited /etc/profile and added
export PYTHONHOME=/usr

then restarted and I got ride of the Could not find platform
in/dependent libraries errors but I still get the   'import site'
failed  error.

I did a python2.4 -v and below is the output:
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
'import site' failed; traceback:
ImportError: No module named site

*** Now I'm lost ***

Just for sanity sakes I undid the changes to lines 83  87 of the make
file, did a make clean, make, make test, make altinstall,
python2.4 followed by some goofing around and everything works fine.
 So I'm guessing my manual edits of the makefile didn't go well.  Any
idea what else I need to change?

Christopher Taylor

Re: Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-19 Thread Christopher Taylor
 The README should provide sufficient information, although if you want
 to install Python into /usr rather than /usr/local (as I believe is the
 default), you need to run configure as follows:

 ./configure --prefix=/usr

Yeah, I saw that in the readme.

 In fact, it's /usr/bin/python, /usr/bin/python2.3, /usr/lib64/python2.3
 and /usr/lib/python, since Red Hat hasn't decided to capitalise the
 name of the software. ;-)

ok you got me, type-o 

 The configured Makefile together with the various other tools should
 work out where to put the libraries. I'm a newcomer to x86-64, although
 I've had some relatively recent experience with sparc64, and whilst I'm
 not really familiar with the way the various tools choose the install
 directory of libraries, I've noticed that sometimes 64-bit libraries
 end up in lib rather than lib64. Meanwhile, I notice that the Red Hat
 libraries do adhere correctly to the expectation that 32-bit libraries
 are found under /usr/lib/python2.3 and 64-bit libraries are found under

 Perhaps you should configure and make Python, then run the install
 process in pretend mode:

 make -n altinstall

 You'll get a huge amount of output, but this should at least tell you
 what the installation process is thinking of doing, and it won't be
 overwriting anything important while it does so.

ok, so where does that leave me.  I'm not even sure which files
*should* be put in /lib64 vs lib.
 I guess what I'm expecting is a congifure option to specify where
architecture dependent files should be put.  

Has anyone else mentioned this before?

Christopher Taylor

Re: Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-19 Thread Christopher Taylor
 Generally, the install process should respect the prefix (ie. /usr in
 your case, /usr/local in the default case) and then choose the
 appropriate library directories below that (ie. /usr/lib, /usr/lib64 in
 your case), but I can't find anything obvious in the README about
 specifying architecture-dependent install directories.

Well that's pretty much what's happening ...  either the 64bit libs
aren't being put in /usr/lib64 ... they're all being put in /usr/lib
or they were never compiled up in 64bit mode.  The only think I can
think of is that the configure script doesn't check the mode the OS is
running in and take appropriate steps, ie.e compile the libs in both
32 and 64 bit mode and place them accordingly.

I know this is a problem because when I try and compile up mod_python
it's telling I'm getting the following error when it tries to link
libpython2.4.a :
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a(abstract.o):
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when
making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a: could not read symbols: Bad value

Which basically means to me that for whatever reason, when python
compiled up, the ./configure script didn't see that the os was running
in 64bit mode and compile the libraries in PIC mode, something I think
that is required for libraries on a 64bit OS.

Christopher Taylor

Compile for 64bit RHEL

2006-10-19 Thread Christopher Taylor
Has anyone been able to get python 2.4 to compile properly for x86_64 RHEL?

Christopher Taylor

Python RPM package arch compatability

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
Hello all,

A quick question if I may.  I'm running RHEL 4 on a x86_64 and I'm
curious if any of the packages at would suite my

If they don't can I simply build from source and not overwrite
/usr/bin/Python (for the same reasons as listed at the above mentioned

Christopher Taylor

Re: Python RPM package arch compatability

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
So just build it from source and use make altinstall instead?  That simple huh?

Will I need to do anything else to make sure things are put in their
correct place?

Christopher Taylor

On 10/18/06, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher Taylor wrote:

  A quick question if I may.  I'm running RHEL 4 on a x86_64 and I'm
  curious if any of the packages at would suite my
  If they don't can I simply build from source and not overwrite
  /usr/bin/Python (for the same reasons as listed at the above mentioned

 if you use make altinstall instead of make install, the installation 
 process will
 only install a pythonX.Y binary (e.g. python2.5).




Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
Hello all,

Being relatively new to linux I'm a little confused about what options
I need to use to build python from source.

Currently, I have python installed as part of the inital RHEL4 load
located at /usr/bin/Python and /usr/bin/Python2.3 .  Some of the files
are located in /usr/lib64/Python2.3 and in /usr/lib/Python2.3 .
Please let me know if you need dir lsitings.

I'm trying to compile from source and plan on using the
--enable-unicode=ucs4 option for the configure script due to some RHEL
messing around with Tcl/Tk.

*** How do I get make altinstall to put the appropriate files in
/usr/lib64/Python2.4 and /usr/lib/Python2.4 respectively ? ***

Christopher Taylor

Help: Python2.3 Python2.4 on RHEL4 x86_64

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
RHEL comes with Python2.3 installed.  A program I need to install
requires Python2.4

So I got Python2.4 from source and compiled it up.  I configured it
with --prefix=/usr  --exec-prefix=/usr and --enable-unicode=ucs4 .  I
then make'd it and then make altinstall so that it didn't overwrite
the /usr/bin/Python link to /usr/bin/Python2.3  .

Well, for some reason, the arch dependent files did NOT get placed
properly in /usr/lib64/Python2.4, they instead went to

Also, when I tried to load pysqlite:
$ Python2.4
 from pysqlite2 import test

I get the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 24, in ?
   import glob, os, re, sys
 File /usr/lib64/python2.3/, line 4, in ?
   import fnmatch
 File /usr/lib64/python2.3/, line 13, in ?
   import re
 File /usr/lib64/python2.3/, line 5, in ?
   from sre import *
 File /usr/lib64/python2.3/, line 97, in ?
   import sre_compile
 File /usr/lib64/python2.3/, line 17, in ?
   assert _sre.MAGIC == MAGIC, SRE module mismatch
AssertionError: SRE module mismatch

This basically means to me that Python2.4 is loading from
/usr/lib64/Python2.3 insead of /usr/lib/Python2.4  (even thought I
wanted to install the related files in /usr/lib64/Python2.4)

Can someome please help!

Christopher Taylor

?Incorrect Configure script?

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
I'm not sure if this is a problem with python or not.

I'm trying to compile up mod_python to point to /usr/bin/python2.4 (RH
has /usr/bin/python2.3 already installed to I don't want to mess with
/usr/bin/python).  When it gets to linking in
/usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a I get the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a(abstract.o):
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when
making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a: could not read symbols: Bad value

I did some poking around and according to Gentoo's website
it appears that this is due to the fact that libpython2.4.a was not
intially built with -fPIC, which it seems is required for AMD64 (so
I'm assuming it's also required for my intel x86_64).

Is this a bug in the configure script for python or did I just not set
something correctly?

Christopher Taylor