Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-06-28 Thread Dave Parker
On Jun 7, 10:24 am, Sam Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've long believed that '=' should be banned from programming languages.
   Use '==' for equality tests, and ':=' for assignments.

That's an interesting suggestion that I don't recall hearing anyone
else ever mention.

On Jun 7, 10:24 am, Sam Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
  Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  On May 20, 7:05 pm, Collin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  For example, consider the two statements:

       x = 8
       x = 10

  The reaction from most math teachers (and kids) was one of those is
  wrong because x can't equal 2 different things at the same time.

  Aw, come on. I'm a novice programmer but even after reading the most basic
  of introductions to a programming language I can tell that x is being
  assigned one value, then another.

 I've long believed that '=' should be banned from programming languages.
   Use '==' for equality tests, and ':=' for assignments.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


Re: Dynamic HTML from Python Script

2008-06-12 Thread Dave Parker
On Jun 11, 10:43 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Those are not /server side/ refreshes...

Correct.  But we weren't discussing server side refreshes.  We were
discussing how to make the browser refresh automatically in the
server side:

On Jun 11, 7:59 am, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Surely you don't think you can do that without Javascript don't you?
 You can't make the browser refresh automatically in the server side,
 it has to be done in the client side scripting or like Opera browser
 that have an option to make it refresh a page every few seconds.

The example I posted showed a simple way to make the browser refresh
automatically in the server side by using an HTTP Refresh header
instead of using any Javascript or client side scripting or setting a
browser option to refresh the page every few seconds.

On Jun 11, 10:43 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:36:59 -0700 (PDT), Dave Parker
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in

  Yes you can.  I don't know how to do it in Python, but here's an
  example in Flaming Thunder of a small, fast, light compiled server
  side CGI that delivers dynamic content every 10 seconds.

    # Write out the HTTP headers, followed by a blank line.
    # Make sure to write CRLF and not just LF, as per HTTP
    # specs.  Also, turn off caching using the no-cache and
    # expires options, so that caching doesn't conflict with
    # refreshes.

    Set CRLF to CarriageReturn+LineFeed.
    Write Refresh: 10; url=

         Those are not /server side/ refreshes... The first thing being
 written is a command to the browser that tells the browser to reload the
 specified page after a delay period.

         IOWs it is the browser doing the refresh -- which means it starts a
 whole new connection, receiving a page from the CGI script... Said page
 again having a browser command to do a delayed refresh.

         Server side would mean that the server somehow continuously sends
         Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
         [EMAIL PROTECTED]             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         (Bestiaria Support Staff:               [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Dynamic HTML from Python Script

2008-06-11 Thread Dave Parker
On Jun 11, 7:59 am, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can't make the browser refresh automatically in the server side,

Yes you can.  I don't know how to do it in Python, but here's an
example in Flaming Thunder of a small, fast, light compiled server
side CGI that delivers dynamic content every 10 seconds.

  # Write out the HTTP headers, followed by a blank line.
  # Make sure to write CRLF and not just LF, as per HTTP
  # specs.  Also, turn off caching using the no-cache and
  # expires options, so that caching doesn't conflict with
  # refreshes.

  Set CRLF to CarriageReturn+LineFeed.
  Write Refresh: 10; url=
  Write Content-type: text/html,CRLF.
  Write Pragma: no-cache,CRLF.
  Write Expires: 0,CRLF.
  Write Cache-Control: no-cache,CRLF.
  Write CRLF.

  # Write out the dynamic information.  In this
  # case, we'll just write out Greenwich mean time.

  Write GetGreenwichMeanTime.

For this example, the dynamic content is just Greenwich mean time.
You can see it in action at:

To create the CGI script, I used Flaming Thunder's cross compiling
ability to compile the script under Windows, targeting Linux:

  ft file refresh.ft output refresh.cgi target linux32

I then ftp'd refresh.cgi up to the cgi directory on my server, set the
permissions to 700 to make it executable, and it works (without
needing to install any bulky, plodding interpreter).

On Jun 11, 7:59 am, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 11, 9:16 am, asdf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:20:48 +1000, Aidan wrote:
   asdf wrote:
   Well, there's a few ways you could approach it.

   You could create a cgi program from your script - this is probably the
   solution you're looking for.

   Output from the script does come up very often. There is a new output
   every 10 secs and it's possible that the script might be run
   indefinitely. Basically I want all that output displayed in a web

   Well, in that case you could simply append the new output to a static
   file every 10 seconds, or whenever there is new output.  That way, you
   just need to refresh the static file in your browser to see updates...
   Given what I understand of your situation, that's how I'd do it.

  The problem with this is that browser would have to be refreshed manually
  every 10 seconds. Unless there is a way to set this in the script itself.

 Surely you don't think you can do that without Javascript don't you?
 You can't make the browser refresh automatically in the server side,
 it has to be done in the client side scripting or like Opera browser
 that have an option to make it refresh a page every few seconds.

   A constantly running CGI app is probably not the best idea, given
   timeouts and other such constraints you might run into.

   You could have the script run periodically and create a static html
   file in the webroot... this would be acceptable, maybe preferable, if
   the output from your script doesn't change frequently.- Hide quoted 
   text -

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Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-06-05 Thread Dave Parker
On Jun 5, 7:57 am, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
... wait, x = 8 and x = 10!
 But how can that be, Dave?  You and your elementary kids just told me
 I can't have two values for x...

x = 8 OR x = 10. ;)

By the way, realtime fullscreen 3D graphics are now up and running
under Windows.  Check out the News and Docs at

On Jun 5, 7:57 am, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 9:43 AM, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  On May 20, 7:05 pm, Collin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  For example, consider the two statements:

      x = 8
      x = 10

  The reaction from most math teachers (and kids) was one of those is
  wrong because x can't equal 2 different things at the same time.

  Aw, come on. I'm a novice programmer but even after reading the most basic
  of introductions to a programming language I can tell that x is being
  assigned one value, then another.

  It doesn't seem fair to take statements like the above out of the context of
  a program and then ask teachers and students about it. This statement:

  2 + 2 = 4

  means something in the context of an elementary math class, but is clearly
  not an assignment statement in Python. But I've never encountered anyone who
  was confused by this distinction, as long as you know where this line

 Yeah, that's sort of like I mentioned earlier in the thread about
 there being a time dependence between the two.  Not only that, but I
 just realized that Dave has trotted out several times the notion of
 representing (and solving) a quadratic equation in FT.  Well, let's
 see... (x-9)**2 - 1 = (too lazy to do the expansion to write in ax**2
 + bx + c format) = 0... solve solve solve... wait, x = 8 and x = 10!
 But how can that be, Dave?  You and your elementary kids just told me
 I can't have two values for x...

 ;)- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-29 Thread Dave Parker
Dan Upton wrote:
 I just think if you're shooting for an easily understandable
 language, overloading error handling requires more thought on the
 programmer's part, not less, because they have to reason about all

Duncan Booth wrote:
 Maybe FT should do something similar:
Writeline value of (set x to hello world. Result is x.).

I like the value of syntax.  You guys have convinced me to
reconsider overloading the error handling.  Thank you both.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Parker
 Does this mean that Flaming Thunder requires explicit checking rather
 than offering exceptions?

Right now, yes, Flaming Thunder has minimal error handling.  But error
handling is rising on the list of priorities for the next few weeks
(arrays, matrices, and 3D graphics are the hightest).

I think in a month or two, Flaming Thunder will be using catch/throw
exception and error handling.  So, for example:

Set result to catch(read x from input.txt.).
If result is an error then go to quit.

If not caught, errors will propagate up and if they they hit the top
level, cause the program to write an error message and exit.

Using only catch instead of try/catch has several advantages that I
can see.  1) it gets rid of all the impotent try/catch/throw
statements cluttering up Java, etc.  2) since all Flaming Thunder
statements return values (like C statements), Catch also gives you a
single, uniform, syntactically unambiguous way to embed statements (or
whole statement lists) into expressions -- without causing the
syntactic problems of = statements in if statements or the obfuscation
of question mark notation, etc.  For example:

If catch(set x to y+z.)  0.1 then go to tinyanswer.

On May 22, 4:19 pm, Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Parker wrote:
  Or just:

  If command is quit ...

  Hmmm.  In Flaming Thunder, I'm using is (and is an, is a, etc)
  for assigning and checking types.  For example, to read data from a
  file and check for errors:

       Read data from input.txt.
       If data is an error then go to ...

 Hey Dave,

 Does this mean that Flaming Thunder requires explicit checking rather
 than offering exceptions?



Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Parker
 That error message is the erlang interpreter saying Hey I know X is
 8, and you've said it is 10 - that can't be right, which is pretty
 much what math teachers say too...

I enjoyed the discussion of how different languages handle the notion
of =; I learned something new.  Thanks.

On May 22, 9:30 am, Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   But after getting input from children and teachers, etc, it started
   feeling right.

   For example, consider the two statements:

        x = 8
        x = 10

   The reaction from most math teachers (and kids) was one of those is
   wrong because x can't equal 2 different things at the same time.

 This is a common feature in functional languages...


 Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.2 [source] [smp:2]
 [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

 Eshell V5.6.2  (abort with ^G)
 1 X = 8.
 2 X = 10.
 ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 10

 That error message is the erlang interpreter saying Hey I know X is
 8, and you've said it is 10 - that can't be right, which is pretty
 much what math teachers say too...

 Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Parker
  If catch(set x to y+z.)  0.1 then go to tinyanswer.

 So what does this do exactly if the set throws an error?

I think the catch should catch the error thrown by set, compare it to
0.1, the comparison will not return true because the error is not less
than 0.1, and so the go-to to tinyanswer will not be taken.

 Is the error
 message printed at the top level going to be telling you about the failed
 addition or the failed comparison?

I don't think there will be an error message at the top in the case
above, because I don't think the comparison should fail -- the
comparision will return that it is not true that the error is less
than 0.1.

 Why do you need the catch anyway, if a
 statement is just an expression why can't you just put the statement into

Statements return values, but statements are not just expressions.
Statements are more about control-flow and side-effects; expressions
are more about returning values.  Putting a statement into parentheses
in a context where expressions are also allowed in parentheses is (or
can be) both lexically and visually ambiguous.  That's why C had to
resort to the confusing = vs == notation -- to disambiguate the
two cases.  The catch keyword unambiguously alerts the reader that
the parenthesis contain a statement (or a whole list of statements).

 For that matter, is there any way to distinguish between different errors
 and only catch particular ones?

I think the catch function should catch all of the errors (and the non-
error result if no error occured), so I think distinguishing the error
would have to come after.  Maybe something like:

Set result to catch(read x from input.txt.).
If result = dividebyzeroerror then ... else throw result.

I'm open to alternate suggestions, though.

 You have a great opportunity to avoid making some of the same mistakes that
 Python is trying to get out of.

I'm sure that I'll make my own new and different errors. :)  However,
I really appreciate your comments because maybe I'll make fewer
errors.  Or at least, correct them faster.

On May 28, 7:52 am, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Catch also gives you a
  single, uniform, syntactically unambiguous way to embed statements (or
  whole statement lists) into expressions -- without causing the
  syntactic problems of = statements in if statements or the obfuscation
  of question mark notation, etc.  For example:

  If catch(set x to y+z.)  0.1 then go to tinyanswer.

 So what does this do exactly if the set throws an error? Is the error
 message printed at the top level going to be telling you about the failed
 addition or the failed comparison? Why do you need the catch anyway, if a
 statement is just an expression why can't you just put the statement into

 For that matter, is there any way to distinguish between different errors
 and only catch particular ones? A bare except clause in Python is usually a
 signal of bad code: when handling errors you only want the errors you have
 anticipated, and want to be sure that any unexpected errors don't get

 You have a great opportunity to avoid making some of the same mistakes that
 Python is trying to get out of. For example as of Python 2.5
 KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit to longer inherit from Exception. That
 means a bare except in Python no longer catches either of those: if you
 want to handle either of these exceptions you have to be explicit about it.

 Duncan Booth


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Parker
On May 28, 12:09 pm, Luis Zarrabeitia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Following your posts in this thread, I see that
 you 'plan to add soon' every cool feature that every other language seems to

I've already added a lot of them.  For example, loops that don't need
looping variables:

For 1000 times do ...

Explicit infinite loops:

For forever do ...

I don't those are features that every other language seems to have,
not even Python.

Plus, by this weekend, built-in compiled fullscreen 3D graphics will
be in, too.

 With no certainty whatsoever that today's program will work on
 tomorrow's FT.

Kind of like how this year's program won't work on next year's
Python?  Except Flaming Thunder is faster. ;)

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Parker
On May 28, 12:48 pm, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there's no reason set itself
 should throw any sort of error in the sense of an exception--in a
 statement like Set x to SomeFunctionThatCanBlowUp(), the semantics
 should clearly be that the error comes from the function.  In a simple
 addition statement, that makes no sense.

For example:

  Set z to catch(somefunctionthatmightblowup(...)).
  If catch(set x to y+z.)  0.1 then go to tinyanswer.

Or something like that.  Or if you change the + to a / and z is 0.0,
for example, then it could cause a divide-by-zero exception.  There is
no guarantee that the + won't cause an exception, given that there is
no guarantee that y and z are both numeric.

 However, I think overloading your catch error types to include objects
 (or integral values, I guess, your example below isn't clear) along
 with real values (ignoring the bit above about whether floating-point
 assignment could throw an error) makes things confusing.

Catch doesn't return just error types or numbers, it can return any
object returned by the statements that are being caught; catch doesn't
care what type they are.  For example:

  Writeline catch(set x to hello world.).

will write hello world.

 It's nice
 that catch(stuff) indicates that there's one or more statements
 inside, but so does indentation in Python, bracketing in C/C++,
 Begin/End in insert language here, and so forth, ...

Except that in those languages, I don't think that the indentation,
bracketing, Begin/End, etc, can be used in expressions.  Catch can.
For example, catch will return the final value of z:

If catch(Set x to y+z. Set y to x+z.  Set z to 1/(x+y).)  0.1 then go
to tinyanswer.

 Beyond that,
 I think you would want a good mechanism for comparing ranges of values
 if you want to make exceptions/errors real-valued.

I am thinking that exceptions/errors should have any kinds of values
the programmer wants to give them.  Some people prefer error numbers,
some prefer error messages, some prefer error identifiers, etc.  I am
thinking that the Error function should simply take a list of whatever
objects the user wants to throw, and throw them.  For example, if the
programmer wanted an error number and an error message for a
particular error:

  If x  10 then throw error(10, Please enter a number = 10).

They could then do something like:

  Set result to catch(funtionthatcouldblowup(...)).
  If result is an error then if result(1) = 10 then writeline

Thank you for your comments, they are helping me to clarify my own
thinking on error handling in general and on catch in particular.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Parker
On May 28, 3:19 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Kind of like how this year's program won't work on next year's

 For somebody who has admitted to have only very rudimentary knowledge of
 python that's a pretty bold statement, don't you think?

Everthing I know, I learned from Wikipedia. ;)

Like Perl 6, Python 3.0 will break backward compatibility. There is
no requirement that Python 2.x code will run unmodified on Python 3.0.
There are basic changes such as changing the print statement into a
print function (so any use of the print statement will cause the
program to fail) ...

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
 Personally (and borrowing from Python), I'd prefer something more

 Write Fa.
 Repeat 8 times:
 Write -la.

I actually kind of prefer that, too.  Or

Repeat 8 times write -la.

I'll think about it.  Thank you for suggesting it.

On May 20, 3:40 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 20, 4:20 am, Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Plus, me getting paid to work on Flaming Thunder is far more
motivating than me not getting paid to work on Python.
   On May 14, 8:30 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That's truly disappointing.

  I guess I could have stated that better.  Flaming Thunder is a labor
  of love for me.  I've programmed in almost every language since
  FORTRAN and Lisp, and Flaming Thunder is the language I've always
  wished the others were.

  For one example, I've always preferred compiled languages because
  they're faster.  So Flaming Thunder is compiled.

  For another example, I've always preferred languages that are English-
  like because it's easier to return to your code after several years
  and still know what you were doing (and it's easier for someone else
  to maintain your code).

  For over 5 years I've been working on Flaming Thunder unpaid and on my
  own, getting the back-end up and running.  8-by-8 shotgun cross
  compilers written in assembly language, that can fit all of the
  libraries for both the 32- and 64-bit versions of FreeBSD, Linux, Mac
  OS X and Windows into a single executable file that's less than 180K,
  aren't written overnight.

  So now that I've released it, it's extremely gratifying that people
  think it's cool enough to actually pay $19 for it.  That gives me lots
  of motivation (and buys enough time) for me to add features to it as
  fast as possible.

  To whit: you pointed out the awkwardness in Python of having to
  declare a for-loop variable when you only wanted to loop a specific
  number of times and didn't need the variable.  Last week, Flaming
  Thunder had the same awkwardness.  If you wanted to loop 8 times:

  for i from 1 to 8 do statement

  you still had to use a variable (in this case, i).  This week, I've
  added two new for-loop variations that fix that awkwardness, and also
  allow you to explicitly declare an infinite loop without having to
  rely on idiomatic constructs such as while-true.  Examples of the two
  new variations (for-forever and for-expression-times):

  Write Fa.
  For 8 times do write -la.

 Personally (and borrowing from Python), I'd prefer something more

 Write Fa.
 Repeat 8 times:
     Write -la.

  For forever do
    Write Do you know the definition of insanity? .
    Read response.

     Write Do you know the definition of insanity? .
     Read response.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
 Or just:

 If command is quit ...

Hmmm.  In Flaming Thunder, I'm using is (and is an, is a, etc)
for assigning and checking types.  For example, to read data from a
file and check for errors:

 Read data from input.txt.
 If data is an error then go to ...

Or when assigning a type to an identifier:

 HarmonicMean is a function(x, y) ...
 LoopCount is a variable ...

By using = only for equality and is only for types, the Flaming
Thunder compiler can detect when either is being used incorrectly
because the syntax for the two is incompatible.  That avoids the man-
years of wasted debugging time spent on languages that accept
statements that are easily confused, yet syntactically valid (e.g. the
confusion between = and == in C if-statments, or the confusion between
= (equality) and is (identity) in Python).

On May 20, 3:41 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 20, 4:33 am, Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On May 14, 7:59 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Would it be valid to say:

   x = concrete

   or to say:

   if command (is) set to quit


  I like the idea of:

  If command is set to quit ...

 Or just:

 If command is quit ...

  I've added it to my list of things to think about, and possibly
  implement.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 20, 7:05 pm, Collin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Personally, FT is a bit meh to me. The way you issue your statements I
 always think something is wrong, mainly because when I want to define,
 say, x, in python I'd go:

 x = whatever

 Instantly noting that I defined x. While in Flaming Thunder I'd have to

 Set x to whatever

 It just feels wrong.

Actually, it felt wrong to me when I first started working on Flaming
Thunder because I've been programming for decades and have had all of
the programming idioms burned into my brain.

But after getting input from children and teachers, etc, it started
feeling right.

For example, consider the two statements:

 x = 8
 x = 10

The reaction from most math teachers (and kids) was one of those is
wrong because x can't equal 2 different things at the same time.
Many computer languages conflate equality with assignment and then
go to even more confusing measures to disambiguate them (such as using
== for equality, or := for assignment).

Plus, symbols are more confusing for people to learn about than
words.  There are lots of people who are fluent in English, but
dislike math.

So, I opted for a simple, unambiguous, non-mathematical way of
expressing assignment which makes sense even to the non-
mathematically inclined:

 Set x to 8.

That way, = can be reserved unambiguously and unconfusingly for the
mathematical notion of equality -- because it's in their math
classes that people learn what = means:

Set QuadraticEquation to a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 10:00 am, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds to me like the teacher is being difficult, ...

No, proof-by-contradiction is a common technique in math.  If you can
show that x=8 and x=10, then you have shown that your assumptions were

 If you can't do, or don't like, math, you probably shouldn't be

Why not?  Recipes are programs.  I prefer to look at it the other way:
an easy-to-use programming language might encourage more people to
like math.

 You keep trotting out this quadratic equation example, but does FT
 actually have any kind of useful equation solver in it?

Not yet, but it will.  Probably around July.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 1:14 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder whether is could be used both for x is value and x is a
 type without causing a problem:

 If command is a string ...

 If command is quit ...

I think you are right.  I like If command is quit   For a user
who wasn't mathemetically inclined and was doing mainly string
manipulation, I think it might be easier to read than the equivalent
If command = quit   By making them exactly equivalent, I can't
think of any confusion that might induce bugs.  If you think of any
drawbacks, please let me know.  Otherwise, I'll put it in the next
time I update the parser (probably this weekend).  Thank you again for
your suggestions.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 1:29 pm, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... --somewhat akin to the
 guy who a month or so ago wanted to sneakily teach his high school
 class programming fundamentals by teaching them game programming.

Yep, that's kind of my plan, too.  After I get enough computer
languagey stuff running, I'm going to incorporate the 3D graphics
from DPGraph.

 Maybe this should be your selling point, and maybe you should be
 drawing comparisons to programming in Matlab or Mathematica.

That sounds like a good idea.

Personally, the first thing I wanted to get running in Flaming Thunder
was the ability to cross-compile CGI scripts for Linux under Windows,
because some inexpensive web-hosting sites (such as GoDaddy) don't
allow shell access, so I couldn't compile the CGI scripts natively.
Also, the ability to cross-compile programs for the Mac since Macs
often appear in educational settings.

Now that those are up and running and Flaming Thunder is released to
the public, I'm adding features as prioritized by customer requests.
Currently, the highest big things on the list are arrays/matrices and
3D graphics.  Next on the list is improved symbolics.

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 12:38 pm, Mark Dickinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  a+0.999     # gives expected result
  a+0.   # doesn't round correctly.


Shouldn't both of them give .0?

I wrote the same program under Flaming Thunder:

 Set a to 10^16-2.0.
 Writeline a+0.999.
 Writeline a+0..

and got:


I then set the precision down to 16 decimal digits to emulate Python:

 Set realdecimaldigits to 16.
 Set a to 10^16-2.0.
 Writeline a+0.999.
 Writeline a+0..

and got:


Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 2:44 pm, Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My understand is no, not if you're using IEEE floating point.

Yes, that would explain it.  I assumed that Python automatically
switched from hardware floating point to multi-precision floating
point so that the user is guaranteed to always get correctly rounded
results for +, -, *, and /, like Flaming Thunder gives.  Correct
rounding and accurate results are fairly crucial to mathematical and
scientific programming, in my opinion.

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 3:17 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're going to use every post and question about Python as an
 opportunity to pimp your own pet language you're going irritate even
 more people than you have already.

Actually, I've only posted on 2 threads that were questions about
Python -- this one, and the one about for-loops where the looping
variable wasn't needed.  I apologize if that irritates you.  But maybe
some Python users will be interested in Flaming Thunder if only to
check the accuracy of the results that they're getting from Python,
like I did on this thread.  I think most people will agree that having
two independent programs confirm a result is a good thing.

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 3:19 pm, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fact is, sometimes it's better to get it fast and be good enough,
 where you can use whatever methods you want to deal with rounding
 error accumulation.

I agree.

I also think that the precision/speed tradeoff should be under user
control -- not at the whim of the compiler writer.  So, for example,
if a user says:

  Set realdecimaldigits to 10.

then it's okay to use hardware double precision, but if they say:

  Set realdecimaldigits to 100.

then it's not.  The user should always be able to specify the
precision and the rounding mode, and the program should always provide
correct results to those specifications.

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 3:41 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When told why you got different results (an answer you
 probably already knew, if you know enough about IEEE to do the
 auto-conversion you alluded to) ...

Of course I know a lot about IEEE, but you are assuming that I also
know a lot about Python, which I don't.  I assumed Python was doing
the auto-conversion, too, because I had heard that Python supported
arbitrary precision math.  Jerry Hill explained that you had to load a
separate package to do it.

 you treated it as another opportunity
 to (not very subtly) imply that Python was doing the wrong thing.

This person who started this thread posted the calculations showing
that Python was doing the wrong thing, and filed a bug report on it.

If someone pointed out a similar problem in Flaming Thunder, I would
agree that Flaming Thunder was doing the wrong thing.

I would fix the problem a lot faster, though, within hours if
possible.  Apparently this particular bug has been lurking on Bugzilla
since 2003:

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 4:21 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which is exactly what the python decimal module does.

Thank you (and Jerry Hill) for pointing that out.  If I want to check
Flaming Thunder's results against an independent program, I'll know to
use Python with the decimal module.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 7:49 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've thought of one possible drawback: a and an can be used as
 variables, so the is a part might cause a problem. You'd need to
 check the parser to find out...

Good point, I hadn't noticed that.  I'll check it out.

Re: Bug in floating-point addition: is anyone else seeing this?

2008-05-21 Thread Dave Parker
On May 21, 7:01 pm, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The crucial thing is not to slow down the calculations with useless
 bells and whistles.

Are you running your simulations on a system that does or does not
support the useless bell and whistle of correct rounding?  If not,
how do you prevent regression towards 0?

For example, one of the things that caused the PS3 to be in 3rd place
behind the Wii and XBox 360 is that to save a cycle or two, the PS3
cell core does not support rounding of single precision results -- it
truncates them towards 0.  That led to horrible single-pixel errors in
the early demos I saw, which in term helped contribute to game release
delays, which has turned into a major disappointment for Sony.

Re: Is using range() in for loops really Pythonic?

2008-05-19 Thread Dave Parker
Your point about for-loops was applicable not only to Python, but to
many other programming languages.  So in response, I've added two new
for-loop variations to Flaming Thunder.

The two new variations are for-forever-do and for-expression-times-do.
For-forever allows you to explicitly create infinite loops, and for-
expression-times allows you to do something a specific number of times
without having to declare a looping variable if you don't need one.

   Write Fa.  For 8 times do write -la.

   For forever do
 Write Do you know the definition of insanity? .
 Read response.

On May 10, 8:19 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know it's popular and very handy, but I'm curious if there are purists
 out there who think that using something like:

 for x in range(10):
     #do something 10 times

 isunPythonic. The reason I ask is because the structure of the for loop
 seems to be for iterating through a sequence. It seems somewhat
 artificial to use the for loop to do something a certain number of
 times, like above.

 Anyone out there refuse to use it this way, or is it just impossible to


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-19 Thread Dave Parker
  Plus, me getting paid to work on Flaming Thunder is far more
  motivating than me not getting paid to work on Python.

 On May 14, 8:30 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's truly disappointing.

I guess I could have stated that better.  Flaming Thunder is a labor
of love for me.  I've programmed in almost every language since
FORTRAN and Lisp, and Flaming Thunder is the language I've always
wished the others were.

For one example, I've always preferred compiled languages because
they're faster.  So Flaming Thunder is compiled.

For another example, I've always preferred languages that are English-
like because it's easier to return to your code after several years
and still know what you were doing (and it's easier for someone else
to maintain your code).

For over 5 years I've been working on Flaming Thunder unpaid and on my
own, getting the back-end up and running.  8-by-8 shotgun cross
compilers written in assembly language, that can fit all of the
libraries for both the 32- and 64-bit versions of FreeBSD, Linux, Mac
OS X and Windows into a single executable file that's less than 180K,
aren't written overnight.

So now that I've released it, it's extremely gratifying that people
think it's cool enough to actually pay $19 for it.  That gives me lots
of motivation (and buys enough time) for me to add features to it as
fast as possible.

To whit: you pointed out the awkwardness in Python of having to
declare a for-loop variable when you only wanted to loop a specific
number of times and didn't need the variable.  Last week, Flaming
Thunder had the same awkwardness.  If you wanted to loop 8 times:

for i from 1 to 8 do statement

you still had to use a variable (in this case, i).  This week, I've
added two new for-loop variations that fix that awkwardness, and also
allow you to explicitly declare an infinite loop without having to
rely on idiomatic constructs such as while-true.  Examples of the two
new variations (for-forever and for-expression-times):

Write Fa.
For 8 times do write -la.

For forever do
  Write Do you know the definition of insanity? .
  Read response.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-19 Thread Dave Parker
On May 13, 11:42 am, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, python will definitely never have a name that sounds like
 a slang term for happens after you get food poisioning at a
 Thai restaurant...


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-19 Thread Dave Parker
On May 14, 7:59 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would it be valid to say:

 x = concrete

 or to say:

 if command (is) set to quit


I like the idea of:

If command is set to quit ...

I've added it to my list of things to think about, and possibly

Re: Is using range() in for loops really Pythonic?

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 REXX's loop construct subsumes all the common uses... And worse, it
 appears that a repetition and a condition can be part of the single

Thank you for pointing out the REXX examples.  I am a Kedit user, but
had forgotten about the REXX do-loops.  I'll keep them in mind when I
add an easy way to do this n times to Flaming Thunder this weekend.

On May 11, 8:53 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 12 May 2008 00:43:08 GMT, Jonathsn Cronin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

  I agree in principle; the first is iteration and the second is repetition.
  In Python, the common idiom for a fixed number of repetitions is iterating
  over a number range.  This is true in most languages I am familiar with,
  probably because fixed repetition, where you don't care about the index
  value, is rarely used.

  The only language I've used that does have fixed repetition is an (old)
  dialect of lisp, and I'm not sure it even made it into Common Lisp.  
  Smalltalk and Ruby do have fixed repetition.

         REXX's loop construct subsumes all the common uses... And worse, it
 appears that a repetition and a condition can be part of the single


 DO repeatcount

 DO loopvar=first TO last BY step FOR reptcount

 (where TO last, BY step, FOR reptcount are all optional clauses!)

 DO WHILE conditional

 DO UNTIL conditional

         Mixing modes

 DO loopvar=first BY step UNTIL conditional

 Hmmm, looks like it's been extended for container objects (those that
 support MAKEARRAY):

 DO item OVER container
         Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
         [EMAIL PROTECTED]             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         (Bestiaria Support Staff:               [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
On May 12, 11:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do hold an argument that one can make too much money for one's own
 good quality of life.

As do I; I think there is an optimal amount.  Too little, and you
waste time gathering food.  Too much, and you waste time gathering

 Am I trying to visualize thermal (and ergo
 possibly chemical too) gradients (thermovoltaic)?  Yes in part.

Some of those DPGraph (and soon, Flaming Thunder) may be able to help

 I'm pretty generally interested, but where can print layout take you?

Not far, especially with books disappearing.  Our library says that
these days, only 25% of their checkouts are books; the other 75% are
DVDs, CDs, etc.


And getting microer every day.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 Don't let yourself be irritated by castironpi

I'm not the sort to get irritated by anyone.  There is value in all
interaction.  Flaming Thunder is itself the averaging of interactions
with many computer languages and conversations with many people, so as
to create a language that allows people to tell a computer what they
want it to do, without having to know very much about how the computer
does it.

On May 13, 3:18 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Parker wrote:
  On May 12, 7:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I am trying to visualize something.

  If it is related to making furniture comfortable for humans, have you
  considered painting the furniture with thermochromic paint (  It changes color in
  response to temperature, which in part is determined by how hard a
  body is pressed against it because close contact tends to trap heat.
  An evenly distributed color might indicated evenly distributed

 Don't let yourself be irritated by castironpi - he's the virtual equivalent
 of a mumbling mad man in this group. Ignorance serves best as remedy - and
 getting a filter to work, as I did (so I only see his postings being
 quoted... a huge relief!)



Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
On May 13, 7:44 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not convinced that the colorspace occupies three dimensions necessarily.

Apparently there are some people -- called tetrachromats -- who can
see color in four dimensions.  They have extra sets of cones in their
retinas containing a different photopigment.  So, the dimensions of
color appear to be an artifact of our visual systems, and not inherent
in the colors themselves which are linear (one-dimensional) in

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
  The Flaming Thunder looks promising, but without being free
 software, it's unlikely it will create a large developer community,
 specially considering both free general purpose and scientific
 programming languages.

Perhaps.  Flaming Thunder is only $19.95 per year for an individual
(and even less per individual for site licenses), which is less than
the cost of just one book on Python.

I think that many people will find that Flaming Thunder is easier to
use and understand than Python -- so for many people the amount of
time they save will be worth more than the cost of Flaming Thunder
(unless, of course, their time is worth $0).

Also, several users have rewritten their Python programs in Flaming
Thunder, and found that Flaming Thunder was 5 to 10 times faster
(Flaming Thunder compiles to native executables).  So again, since
many people value their time at more than $0, I think that many people
will find that Flaming Thunder is worth $19.95 per year.

Plus, me getting paid to work on Flaming Thunder is far more
motivating than me not getting paid to work on Python.  This weekend,
Python users will still be debating how to fix awkwardnesses in the
languages (such as FOR loops where you're just counting the loops and
not referencing the loop variable) -- but Flaming Thunder users will
be getting work done using the REPEAT n TIMES constructs that I'll be

Python has been around about 15 years, yet still has those
awkwardnesses.  Flaming Thunder has been out less than 6 months and
those awkwardnesses are already getting fixed.  The difference: I
can't afford to ignore users.

But the future is one of the hardest things to predict, so we'll see.

On May 13, 8:34 am, hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 13, 10:58 am, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On May 13, 8:32 am, Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Don't let yourself be irritated by castironpi

   I'm not the sort to get irritated by anyone.  There is value in all

  Not this interaction, I'm afraid.  What irritates *me* about
  castironpi is that he uses a chatterbot to clutter up the threads
  here.  If you go back to his postings from a year ago (and selected
  ones since), his comments are coherent and sensible.  These rambling
  stream-of-consciousness rants about t.v.'s and coffee are (I guess)
  his idea of a joke.  But they are certainly not worth your time in
  trying to respond to them.

  -- Paul

  I don't think castironpi so annoying that I should filter its
 messages. It would be enough if he were better tuned. He is much
 smarter than the emacs shrink, for example. :-P

  The Flaming Thunder looks promising, but without being free
 software, it's unlikely it will create a large developer community,
 specially considering both free general purpose and scientific
 programming languages.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 5-10 times faster for what kind of code?

Mostly numerical analysis and CGI scripting.  All of Flaming Thunder's
library code is in assembly language, and Flaming Thunder creates
statically-linked pure syscall CGI scripts.

 I don't see anything that resembles OO features of python, ...

True.  But in Python, you don't see statically-linked pure-syscall CGI
scripts being cross-compiled under Windows for ftp'ing up to a Linux
server.  And you don't see the speed of pure assembly language
libraries.  And I'll be willing to bet that Flaming Thunder will have
OO features similar to Python before Python has the features that
Flaming Thunder already does.

For many people, being 5 to 10 times faster at numerical analysis and
CGI scripting is reason enough to pay $19 per year.  But maybe for
other people, having slow, inefficient programs and websites is

 And what is really expensive is brain-cycles, not cpu-cycles.

Depends on whether you're the programmer, or the customer.  I've found
that customers prefer products that are 5 to 10 times faster, instead
of products that were easy for the developer.

And I disagree that Flaming Thunder requires more brain-cycles.
Because it's based on leveraging existing English and math fluency
(which was one of the original goals of Python, was it not?), I think
that Flaming Thunder requires fewer brain-cycles because fewer brains
cells have to be devoted to memorizing language peculiarities.

 Let alone it is
 very much a question of view-point if two different looping constructs or
 keywords are more awkward than one general looping-concept with only one
 keyword. It's a matter of taste.

Perhaps.  But if elementary school students can easily understand why
one programming language gives the answer 100 (Flaming Thunder):

  Write 10^2.

but can't understand why another programming language gives the answer
8 (Python):

  Print 10^2

then I think the comparison moves beyond a matter of taste into the
realm of measurable ease-of-use.

On May 13, 9:50 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also, several users have rewritten their Python programs in Flaming
  Thunder, and found that Flaming Thunder was 5 to 10 times faster
  (Flaming Thunder compiles to native executables).  So again, since
  many people value their time at more than $0, I think that many people
  will find that Flaming Thunder is worth $19.95 per year.

 5-10 times faster for what kind of code? I don't see anything that resembles
 OO features of python, let alone more advanced concepts like
 meta-programming, higher-order functions and such. Which save tremendous
 amounts of time coding. If FT grows these and *still* is 5-10 times faster,
 I'll salut you.

 And what is really expensive is brain-cycles, not cpu-cycles. Which above
 described features save.

  Plus, me getting paid to work on Flaming Thunder is far more
  motivating than me not getting paid to work on Python.  This weekend,
  Python users will still be debating how to fix awkwardnesses in the
  languages (such as FOR loops where you're just counting the loops and
  not referencing the loop variable) -- but Flaming Thunder users will
  be getting work done using the REPEAT n TIMES constructs that I'll be

  Python has been around about 15 years, yet still has those
  awkwardnesses.  Flaming Thunder has been out less than 6 months and
  those awkwardnesses are already getting fixed.  The difference: I
  can't afford to ignore users.

 Oh *please*! Try getting nearly as feature  library complete as python is
 today - and *then* I'll point to all the akwardness of FT. Let alone it is
 very much a question of view-point if two different looping constructs or
 keywords are more awkward than one general looping-concept with only one
 keyword. It's a matter of taste.



Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 ... there's something that feels very unnatural about writing English as code.

I think it is ironic that you think Flaming Thunder is unnatural
because it is more English-like, when being English-like was one of
Python's goals: Python was designed to be a highly readable language.
It aims toward an uncluttered visual layout, using English keywords
frequently where other languages use punctuation.

 Just using your Set ... to idiom, rather than a
 regular = assignment, makes things much more wordy, without improving

I think it does improve readability, especially for people who are not
very fluent mathematically.

Also, in Python how do you assign a symbolic equation to a variable?
Like this?

QuadraticEquation = a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0

Set statements avoid the confusion of multiple equal signs when
manipulating symbolic equations:

Set QuadraticEquation to a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0.

On May 13, 9:50 am, Dan Upton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Dave Parker

    The Flaming Thunder looks promising, but without being free
    software, it's unlikely it will create a large developer community,
    specially considering both free general purpose and scientific
    programming languages.

   Perhaps.  Flaming Thunder is only $19.95 per year for an individual
   (and even less per individual for site licenses), which is less than
   the cost of just one book on Python.

 Bah, subscription for a programming language?  As far as I'm
 concerned, that's reason enough not to bother with it.  Paying a
 one-time fee, or even once per upgrade, for a full-featured IDE and
 lots of support tools is painful but at least justifiable, whereas
 paying a yearly license just to even be able to try something out when
 there are so many free, sufficient options... There was an article
 on/in Wired not so long ago about the economics of free, and how
 there's a huge difference mentally between free and not-free, even if
 the practical difference is free and $0.01.  (Also, I assume
 hdante meant, at least partly, free as in speech, not free as in

 As an aside, I clearly haven't written anything in FT, but looking at
 your examples I don't know that I would want to--there's something
 that feels very unnatural about writing English as code.  It also
 somehow seems a bit verbose, while one of the strengths of something
 like Python (since that's what you're comparing it to) is rapid
 implementation.  Just using your Set ... to idiom, rather than a
 regular = assignment, makes things much more wordy, without improving
 readability.  Some of your other structures are awkward, for instance
 Something is a function doing Again, more text with arguably no gain
 in readability.

 Just my two cents, anyway.  I now return you to the resident madman,
 who I see has sent 4 or 5 messages while I was typing this one...


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 Just to support this statement: PHP runs an order of magnitude slower than
 python. Yet a great deal (if not the majority) of dynamic sites out there
 run under PHP. All of these are unhappy customers?

The websites owners might not be unhappy, but lots of customers
complain about slow websites, so if the market is competitive then
eventually the PHP fad will die out.

For example, Slashdot recently interviewed a successful website in a
competitive market -- online newspapers -- and found that to enhance
customer happiness the New York Times uses hand-coded HTML.

He was asked how the Web site looks so consistently nice and polished
no matter which browser or resolution is used to access it. His answer
begins: 'It's our preference to use a text editor, like HomeSite,
TextPad or TextMate, to hand code everything, rather than to use a
wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) HTML and CSS authoring program,
like Dreamweaver. We just find it yields better and faster results.'

Faster wins in a competitive market, so if a programming language
can't deliver faster, it is a fad that will die out.

On May 13, 10:40 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This shows how much you don't know about customers, and their needs. A
  customer gives a s**t about 5-10 times faster sites. They care if it is
  *fast enough*, but beyond that they don't bother. But what *always*
  bothers them is development time  flexibility. Because that directly
  affects the price they pay.

 Just to support this statement: PHP runs an order of magnitude slower than
 python. Yet a great deal (if not the majority) of dynamic sites out there
 run under PHP. All of these are unhappy customers?



Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
  Notice that I said free software, not *** FREE *** software 
 1! (that is, free as in freedom, not free as in beer). Read again my
 answer, considering this.

I misread your meaning.  In a sense, Flaming Thunder is even more free
than free software.  Flaming Thunder doesn't place any restrictions
on how you use your source code or the executables you create.  There
is no GNU license that you need to worry about.

On May 13, 11:06 am, hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 13, 12:24 pm, Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    The Flaming Thunder looks promising, but without being free
   software, it's unlikely it will create a large developer community,
   specially considering both free general purpose and scientific
   programming languages.

  Perhaps.  Flaming Thunder is only $19.95 per year for an individual
  (and even less per individual for site licenses), which is less than
  the cost of just one book on Python.

  I think that many people will find that Flaming Thunder is easier to
  use and understand than Python -- so for many people the amount of
  time they save will be worth more than the cost of Flaming Thunder
  (unless, of course, their time is worth $0).

  Also, several users have rewritten their Python programs in Flaming
  Thunder, and found that Flaming Thunder was 5 to 10 times faster
  (Flaming Thunder compiles to native executables).  So again, since
  many people value their time at more than $0, I think that many people
  will find that Flaming Thunder is worth $19.95 per year.

  Plus, me getting paid to work on Flaming Thunder is far more
  motivating than me not getting paid to work on Python.  This weekend,
  Python users will still be debating how to fix awkwardnesses in the
  languages (such as FOR loops where you're just counting the loops and
  not referencing the loop variable) -- but Flaming Thunder users will
  be getting work done using the REPEAT n TIMES constructs that I'll be

  Python has been around about 15 years, yet still has those
  awkwardnesses.  Flaming Thunder has been out less than 6 months and
  those awkwardnesses are already getting fixed.  The difference: I
  can't afford to ignore users.

  But the future is one of the hardest things to predict, so we'll see.

  On May 13, 8:34 am, hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On May 13, 10:58 am, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On May 13, 8:32 am, Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Don't let yourself be irritated by castironpi

 I'm not the sort to get irritated by anyone.  There is value in all

Not this interaction, I'm afraid.  What irritates *me* about
castironpi is that he uses a chatterbot to clutter up the threads
here.  If you go back to his postings from a year ago (and selected
ones since), his comments are coherent and sensible.  These rambling
stream-of-consciousness rants about t.v.'s and coffee are (I guess)
his idea of a joke.  But they are certainly not worth your time in
trying to respond to them.

-- Paul

    I don't think castironpi so annoying that I should filter its
   messages. It would be enough if he were better tuned. He is much
   smarter than the emacs shrink, for example. :-P

    The Flaming Thunder looks promising, but without being free
   software, it's unlikely it will create a large developer community,
   specially considering both free general purpose and scientific
   programming languages.- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

  Notice that I said free software, not *** FREE *** software 
 1! (that is, free as in freedom, not free as in beer). Read again my
 answer, considering this.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 Who has conducted the research that supports that statement? And since when
 is ^ the better operator for to the power of that **? Because latex uses
 it? I need to see the elementary school students who use that...

All of the calculators and textbooks that elementary school students
use, use ^ for powers.  Just like Flaming Thunder does.  I haven't
seen ** for powers since FORTRAN.

On May 13, 10:38 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  True.  But in Python, you don't see statically-linked pure-syscall CGI
  scripts being cross-compiled under Windows for ftp'ing up to a Linux
  server.  And you don't see the speed of pure assembly language
  libraries.  And I'll be willing to bet that Flaming Thunder will have
  OO features similar to Python before Python has the features that
  Flaming Thunder already does.

 Your bets don't count anything here. These things don't exist, so don't brag
 on them being superior.

  For many people, being 5 to 10 times faster at numerical analysis and
  CGI scripting is reason enough to pay $19 per year.  But maybe for
  other people, having slow, inefficient programs and websites is

 Quite a revealing statement I'd say. And unless you don't show any
 real-world site running on FT that needs things like sessions, cookies,
 database-connectivity, unicode and a ton more of stuff FT doesn't support
 out-of-the-box or through 3rd-party-libs, I wouldn't mention the people
 as well. So far, *all* that you've been showing on your site regarding CGI
 are toy-scripts. Nothing more.

  And what is really expensive is brain-cycles, not cpu-cycles.

  Depends on whether you're the programmer, or the customer.  I've found
  that customers prefer products that are 5 to 10 times faster, instead
  of products that were easy for the developer.

 This shows how much you don't know about customers, and their needs. A
 customer gives a s**t about 5-10 times faster sites. They care if it is
 *fast enough*, but beyond that they don't bother. But what *always* bothers
 them is development time  flexibility. Because that directly affects the
 price they pay.

 And if a average man-day costs $600 (which is not expensive), and the
 project is of average size of a couple of man-months - well, you care about
 mathematics, do the math yourself what that means that FT lacks anything
 but a simple CGI-interface.

  And I disagree that Flaming Thunder requires more brain-cycles.
  Because it's based on leveraging existing English and math fluency
  (which was one of the original goals of Python, was it not?), I think
  that Flaming Thunder requires fewer brain-cycles because fewer brains
  cells have to be devoted to memorizing language peculiarities.

 It does require more, because it lacks all the libs and 3rdparty-libs. And
 because it lacks features such as OO and other stuff, it will be harder to
 write these as well as use them.

 Show me how to beat a quickstarted TurboGears/Django webproject. *Then* you
 can talk business here.

  Perhaps.  But if elementary school students can easily understand why
  one programming language gives the answer 100 (Flaming Thunder):

    Write 10^2.

  but can't understand why another programming language gives the answer
  8 (Python):

    Print 10^2

  then I think the comparison moves beyond a matter of taste into the
  realm of measurable ease-of-use.

 Who has conducted the research that supports that statement? And since when
 is ^ the better operator for to the power of that **? Because latex uses
 it? I need to see the elementary school students who use that...

 Even *if* that would be true, how does a perceived advantage in one field FT
 was explicitly created for show that it is the generally better one and
 understandable one for more diverse applications?



Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
 You sound like a commercial.

Get Flaming Thunder for only $19.95!  It slices, it dices!

 And while programs and libraries written in assembly may be twice as fast
 as programs and libraries written in C, ...

It's a myth that they're only twice as fast.  An experienced assembly
language programmer can usually get out at least a factor of 5 by
using tricks such as cache-coherence, carry flag tricks, stack
manipulations, etc.

 ... they're real hell to maintain.

That's also a myth.  For example, if C is easy to maintain, why is
Flaming Thunder the only single-asset 8-by-8 shotgun cross compiler in
the world?  There should be lots of single-asset 8-by-8 shotgun cross
compilers written in C, if C is easier to maintain.

Here's one of the tricks I use:  I wrote an assembly language
preprocessor that takes 1 assembly language source file and generates
the library code for the 8 different target platforms.  That's much
easier than maintaining quirky C code across 8 different platforms --
which is why GCC's support for cross-compilation is often so broken.

On May 13, 10:57 am, Andrii V. Mishkovskyi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You sound like a commercial. Is this your way of attracting costumers of FT?

 2008/5/13 Dave Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   5-10 times faster for what kind of code?

   Mostly numerical analysis and CGI scripting.  All of Flaming Thunder's
   library code is in assembly language, and Flaming Thunder creates
   statically-linked pure syscall CGI scripts.

    I don't see anything that resembles OO features of python, ...

   True.  But in Python, you don't see statically-linked pure-syscall CGI
   scripts being cross-compiled under Windows for ftp'ing up to a Linux
   server.  And you don't see the speed of pure assembly language

 I see your assembly language libraries and raise you C language libraries. :)
 Python libraries have the speed of pure C language libraries. And
 while programs and libraries written in assembly may be twice as fast
 as programs and libraries written in C, they're real hell to maintain.
 But that doesn't stop you from telling us, that:

   And I'll be willing to bet that Flaming Thunder will have
   OO features similar to Python before Python has the features that
   Flaming Thunder already does.

 Well, we'll see. But, IMHO, this is highly unlikely.

   For many people, being 5 to 10 times faster at numerical analysis and
   CGI scripting is reason enough to pay $19 per year.  But maybe for
   other people, having slow, inefficient programs and websites is

 Yeah, right, Python is so slow. :) Show us some sites and programs
 that were written in FT.

    And what is really expensive is brain-cycles, not cpu-cycles.

   Depends on whether you're the programmer, or the customer.  I've found
   that customers prefer products that are 5 to 10 times faster, instead
   of products that were easy for the developer.

 If I'm customer, than why should I care about FT?
 If I'm a programmer, I'd better care about brain-cycles.

   And I disagree that Flaming Thunder requires more brain-cycles.
   Because it's based on leveraging existing English and math fluency
   (which was one of the original goals of Python, was it not?), I think
   that Flaming Thunder requires fewer brain-cycles because fewer brains
   cells have to be devoted to memorizing language peculiarities.

 Not everybody has grown in English-speaking community, you know. And
 knowing math quite good, I prefer writing x = y instead of Set x to

    Let alone it is
    very much a question of view-point if two different looping constructs or
    keywords are more awkward than one general looping-concept with only one
    keyword. It's a matter of taste.

   Perhaps.  But if elementary school students can easily understand why
   one programming language gives the answer 100 (Flaming Thunder):

    Write 10^2.

   but can't understand why another programming language gives the answer
   8 (Python):

    Print 10^2

   then I think the comparison moves beyond a matter of taste into the
   realm of measurable ease-of-use.

 '^' is a bitwise XOR. Python uses x**y for raising x to power of y.
 What's your point here?

   On May 13, 9:50 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
     Also, several users have rewritten their Python programs in Flaming
     Thunder, and found that Flaming Thunder was 5 to 10 times faster
     (Flaming Thunder compiles to native executables).  So again, since
     many people value their time at more than $0, I think that many people
     will find that Flaming Thunder is worth $19.95 per year.

    5-10 times faster for what kind of code? I don't see anything that 
    OO features of python, let alone more advanced concepts like
    meta-programming, higher-order functions and such. Which save tremendous
    amounts of time coding. If FT grows these and *still* is 5-10 times 
    I'll salut you

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread Dave Parker
Time for me to get back to work now.  Thank you all for your comments,
they will help to make Flaming Thunder a better product.  I can see
that many people would like the ability to link to existing
applications and libraries, etc, so I will raise that on my priority

Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-12 Thread Dave Parker
I've read that one of the design goals of Python was to create an easy-
to-use English-like language.  That's also one of the design goals of
Flaming Thunder at  , which has proven
easy enough for even elementary school students, even though it is
designed for scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

Re: Is using range() in for loops really Pythonic?

2008-05-12 Thread Dave Parker
On May 10, 8:19 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems somewhat
 artificial to use the for loop to do something a certain number of
 times, like above.

I agree; it's a common flaw with lots of languages, not just Python.

I'd be inclined to use something like:

FOR 8 TIMES DO statement.


REPEAT statement FOR 8 TIMES.

as a compromise between readability and machine-parsability.

If anyone has other suggestions, please post them here and I'll
implement one of them next weekend in Flaming Thunder.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-12 Thread Dave Parker
On May 12, 6:32 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you render some furniture for me... to try to see some human
 posture to lowest energy levels.

Not yet; Flaming Thunder doesn't have built-in graphics yet.  But
we're incorporating the graphics from , so when that's
finished, then yes Flaming Thunder will be able to render furniture
and calculate energy levels.

If I remember correctly, I think that NASA did some experiments many
years ago on human posture and found that laying back (like the
astronauts do at takeoff) minimized stress on the human body due to
high g-forces.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-12 Thread Dave Parker
On May 12, 6:32 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you render some furniture for me... to try to see some human
 posture to lowest energy levels.

I couldn't find any furniture created using DPGraph, but the math art
gallery at has a sailboat, an
F15, Tux (the Linux penguin), a lampshade, and lots of other things
that will soon be doable in Flaming Thunder.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-12 Thread Dave Parker
On May 12, 7:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mine's been always messing up the color wheel.

Messing up in what way?  Are you using the colors to visualize

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-12 Thread Dave Parker
On May 12, 7:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I am trying to visualize something.

If it is related to making furniture comfortable for humans, have you
considered painting the furniture with thermochromic paint ( )?  It changes color in
response to temperature, which in part is determined by how hard a
body is pressed against it because close contact tends to trap heat.
An evenly distributed color might indicated evenly distributed
