[issue43451] pydoc terminal suboptimal rendering of complex annotations

2021-03-09 Thread David Wilson

Change by David Wilson :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23570
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/24802

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[issue43451] pydoc terminal suboptimal rendering of complex annotations

2021-03-09 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson :

When viewing docs for classes that use annotations, pydoc's rendering of 
argument lists is regularly truncated at the terminal edge (if using `less 
-S`), or wrapped in a manner where quickly scanning the output is next to 

My 'classic' example is 'pydoc aiohttp.client.ClientSession', where the 
__init__ argument list wraps to 24 lines.

The pull request attached to this issue works around the problem by formatting 
arguments one-per-line if the sum of the arguments would exceed a hard-coded 
width of 150 characters. It is more of an RFC than a suggested fix. It produces 
acceptable formatting, but I'm not sure where the correct fix should be made -- 
in the inspect module, or somehow in the pydoc module, or even what the correct 
fix shuld be.

I will include a before/after screenshot in the pull request

I will attach before/after screenshot

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 388373
nosy: dw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pydoc terminal suboptimal rendering of complex annotations
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37696] FileIO.read() on a closed TTY throws an exception prematurely

2019-08-08 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

A real example of where returning the partial buffer is dangerous would be 

- Repeated reading succeeds, building up a partial buffer. Another thread runs, 
and buggy code causes an unrelated fd blonging to the file object to be closed.

- Original thread resumes, calls read(), which now returns EBADF.

If partial buffer is returned and EBADF is masked, and user only ever calls 
readall() once, a potentially deadly IO corruption bug is completely hidden in 
their code.

I think the correct behaviour in the case of 'bad' errno must remain that the 
partial buffer is discarded, the interface does not seem to make room for any 
safe+better option

So I think to reach the desired outcome of this ticket, the suggested approach 
is to add special handling for a small list of errnos generally accepted to 
unambiguously mean EOF, and in that special case, allow returning the 'partial' 
(actually complete) buffer.


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[issue37696] FileIO.read() on a closed TTY throws an exception prematurely

2019-08-08 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

If we treat different errnos specially, the list of 'okay to silently fail' 
errors seems quite succinct. In another project I treat EIO, EPIPE and 
ECONNRESET as EOF, and raise all others -- 

But even in this case, if readall() returns the partial buffer given a 'good' 
errno, does it still discard the partial buffer given a 'bad' one? That still 
doesn't feel right


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[issue37696] FileIO.read() on a closed TTY throws an exception prematurely

2019-08-08 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

Interesting, this immediately turns into a little rabbit hole :)

The reason read() is failing in this case, is because argument clinic defaults 
the size parameter to -1, which redirects the call to readall(). So this issue 
is actually about readall().

Calling read(8) in the previous reproduction returns the buffer up to the point 
of EIO as expected.

readall() is somewhat awkward. It is not really expected that a user would call 
it twice, and so the old semantic of the second read() returning EIO doesn't 
seem to apply cleanly.

So >=2 issues:

- readall() is discarding the partial buffer, that seems unavoidably like a bug
- readall() does not intuitively feel like a function you might want to call 
- nothing in fileio.c or fileutils.c make any attempt to understand errno 
except for handling EINTR.

I'm guessing the 2.x behaviour in this case was that no parsing of errno was 
done either, just silently discard any error when a partial buffer exists.

But that leaves the awkward possibility that some real scary error occurred, 
for example EBADF or EFAULT, and the single call by the user to readall() never 
flagged it.



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[issue37696] FileIO.read() on a closed TTY throws an exception prematurely

2019-07-28 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

Happy to send a patch for this if we can agree on the semantic being incorrect, 
and more importantly, someone is happy to review the patch once it reaches 
GitHub ;)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37696] FileIO.read() on a closed TTY throws an exception prematurely

2019-07-28 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson :


$ cat tty-failure.py 

import pty
import os

master, slave = pty.openpty()
master = os.fdopen(master, 'r+b', 0)
slave = os.fdopen(slave, 'r+b', 0)

On Python 2, read() would return b'foo', with subsequent calls raising IOError, 
whereas on Python 3 an OSError is raised due to the underlying file descriptor 
returning EIO.

In the case of a PTY, EIO indicates the remote side has hung up and more or 
less can be treated as an EOF indicator.

On Python 3 the partial buffer should not be discarded when a subsequent read() 
syscall returns an error.

Secondarily, the change from IOError to OSError looks wrong. Does anyone know 
what's going on there? I would never expect to see OSError raised by a builtin

components: IO
messages: 348578
nosy: dw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: FileIO.read() on a closed TTY throws an exception prematurely
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36279] os.wait3() leaks some uninitialized stack when no processes exist

2019-07-26 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

The original diff is attached here (per the old process) so others can find it, 
and the PR+fork are closed, as carrying a fork in my GitHub for 4 months has 
non-zero cost. I'm presently more interested in having a clean GH account than 
carrying around the baggage of forgotten old patches

resolution:  -> out of date
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Added file: 

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[issue36279] os.wait3() leaks some uninitialized stack when no processes exist

2019-03-12 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson :

Not sure if this is worth reporting..

p = os.popen('sleep 1234')

Notice struct rusage return value. When wait3() succeeds on Linux, but no child 
was waiting to be reaped,  is not updated by the kernel, therefore it is 
passed uninitialized back to the user, essentially leaking a little bit of 
stack memory

messages: 337833
nosy: dw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.wait3() leaks some uninitialized stack when no processes exist

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35486] subprocess module import hooks breaks back compatibility

2019-01-08 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

Hi Nick,

The purpose of ModuleNotFoundError is clear and unrelated to the problem 
documented here. The problem is that due to the introduction of 
ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError's semantics have been changed within a minor 
release in a breaking, backwards-incompatible manner.

As of Python 3.5, ImportError meant both "ImportError" and 
"ModuleNotFoundError". As of 3.6, the senses are distinct, and thus code 
written against ImportError as it existed in 3.5 no longer works correctly as 
of 3.6.


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[issue35486] subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with import hooks

2018-12-13 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

Having considered this for a few hours, it seems the following is clear:

- 3.6 introduces ModuleImportError
- 3.7 begins using it within importlib
- 3.8 first instance of stdlib code catching it

- PEP-302 and PEP-451 are the definitive specifications for how sys.meta_path 
is supposed to work, and neither makes mention of ModuleNotFoundError. It seems 
at least this should have been flagged during review of the original change, 
but apparently the name of the exception was more important.

- The recent work done to move most of the import machinery on to sys.meta_path 
has exposed a set of import hooks that don't quite comply to the documented 
import hook interface

- The newly advertised ModuleNotFoundError appearing in stack traces for 
everyone means that more people will continue to write new cases of "except 
ModuleNotFoundError:", which while following best practice (catch most specific 
relevant exception), at present it amounts to relying on an implementation 
detail of the default importer. GitHub search reveals this to be an accurate 
reading: https://github.com/search?q=%22except+ModuleNotFoundError%22=Code

Therefore we are in a position where:

- Natural developer habit will cause much more protocol-violating code to exist 
over time, there is no option to stop this process
- New import hooks written against the existing documentation will break in the 
face of developer habit
- Existing import hooks were broken in Python 3.6 and this is not documented 
- Python's own import machinery contravenes its specification


- Updating PEP-302 to mention introduction of the new exception type
- Updating ModuleNotFoundError/ImportError documentation to somehow capture the 
compatibility issue


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[issue35486] subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with import hooks

2018-12-13 Thread David Wilson

Change by David Wilson :

title: subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with older import hooks 
-> subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with import hooks

Python tracker 
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[issue35486] subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with older import hooks

2018-12-13 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson  added the comment:

Corrected GitHub link for the commit: 


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[issue35486] subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with older import hooks

2018-12-13 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson :

The subprocess package since 880d42a3b24 / September 2018 has begun using this 

import _foo
except ModuleNotFoundError:

However, ModuleNotFoundError may not be thrown by older import hook 
implementations, since that subclass was only introduced in Python 3.6 -- and 
so the test above will fail. PEP-302 continues to document ImportError as the 
appropriate exception that should be raised.

https://mitogen.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ is one such import hook that lazily 
loads packages over the network when they aren't available locally. Current 
Python subprocess master breaks with Mitogen because when it discovers the 
master cannot satisfy the import, it throws ImportError.

The new exception subtype was introduced in https://bugs.python.org/issue15767 
, however very little in the way of rationale was included, and so it's unclear 
to me what need the new subtype is addressing, whether this is a problem with 
the subprocess module or the subtype as a whole, or indeed whether any of this 
should be considered a bug.

It seems clear that some kind of regression is in the process of occurring 
during a minor release, and it also seems clear the new subtype will 
potentially spawn a whole variety of similar new regressions.

I will be updating Mitogen to throw the new subtype if it is available, but I 
felt it was important to report the regression to see what others think.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 331774
nosy: dw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: subprocess module breaks backwards compatibility with older import hooks
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap

2016-04-21 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

@Julian note that ARENA_SIZE is double the threshold after which at least glibc 
resorts to calling mmap directly, so using malloc in place of mmap on at least 
Linux would have zero effect

nosy: +dw

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2015-03-04 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Hi Piotr,

There wasn't an obvious fix that didn't involve changing the buffer interface 
itself. There is presently ambiguity in the interface regarding the difference 
between a read only buffer and an immutable buffer, which is crucial for 
its use in this case.

Fixing the interface, followed by every buffer interface user, is a 
significantly more complicated task than simply optimizing for the most common 
case, as done here. FWIW I still think this work is worth doing, though I 
personally don't have time to approach it just now.

We could have (and possibly should) approach fixing e.g. mmap.mmap() 
hashability, possibly causing user code regressions, but even if such cases 
were fixed it still wouldn't be a enough to rely on for the optimization 
implemented here.


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[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2015-02-09 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Attached trivial patch for whatsnew.rst.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file38058/whatsnew.diff

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14099] ZipFile.open() should not reopen the underlying file

2014-12-02 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Could we also make a small tweak to zipfile.rst indicating the new behaviour? I 
had made an initial attempt in my patch but wasn't particularly happy with the 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14099] ZipFile.open() should not reopen the underlying file

2014-12-02 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Sounds great :)


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14099] ZipFile.open() should not reopen the underlying file

2014-11-21 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

While in spirit this is a bug fix, it's reasonably complex and affects a 
popular module -- I'm not sure it should be applied to 2.x, and probably not in 
a minor release of 3.x either. Would it make sense to include as part of 3.5?

(That said, I'd love to see this fixed in 2.x ;))


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[issue14099] ZipFile.open() should not reopen the underlying file

2014-11-14 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Hi Serhiy,

Thanks for the new patch, it looks better than my attempt. :)


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14099] ZipFile.open() should not reopen the underlying file

2014-11-13 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Per my comment on issue16569, the overhead of performing one seek before each 
(raw file data) read is quite minimal. I have attached a new (but incomplete) 
patch, on which the following microbenchmarks are based. The patch is 
essentially identical to Stepan's 2012 patch, except I haven't yet decided how 
best to preserve the semantics of ZipFile.close().

my.zip is the same my.zip from issue22842. It contains 10,000 files each 
containing 10 bytes over 2 lines.

my2.zip contains 8,000 files each containing the same copy of 64kb of 
/dev/urandom output. The resulting ZIP is 500mb.

For each test, the first run is the existing zipfile module, and the second run 
is with the patch. In summary:

* There is a 35% perf increase in str mode when handling many small files (on 
OS X at least)
* There is a 6% perf decrease in file mode when handling small sequential reads.
* There is a 2.4% perf decrease in file mode when handling large sequential 

From my reading of zipfile.py, it is clear there are _many_ ways to improve 
its performance (probably starting with readline()), and rejection of a 
functional fix should almost certainly be at the bottom of that list.

For each of the tests below, the functions used were:

def a():

Test concurrent line reads to a str mode ZipFile.

zf = zipfile.ZipFile('my2.zip')
members = [zf.open(n) for n in zf.namelist()]
for m in members:
for m in members:

def c():

Test sequential small reads to a str mode ZipFile.

zf = zipfile.ZipFile('my2.zip')
for name in zf.namelist():
with zf.open(name) as zfp:

def d():

Test sequential small reads to a file mode ZipFile.

fp = open('my2.zip', 'rb')
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fp)
for name in zf.namelist():
with zf.open(name) as zfp:

def e():

Test sequential large reads to a file mode ZipFile.

fp = open('my2.zip', 'rb')
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fp)
for name in zf.namelist():
with zf.open(name) as zfp:


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.a()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.47 sec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.a()'
10 loops, best of 3: 950 msec per loop


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.c()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.3 sec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.c()'
10 loops, best of 3: 865 msec per loop


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.d()'
10 loops, best of 3: 800 msec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.d()'
10 loops, best of 3: 851 msec per loop


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.a()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.46 sec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.a()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.16 sec per loop


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.c()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.13 sec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.c()'
10 loops, best of 3: 892 msec per loop


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.d()'
10 loops, best of 3: 842 msec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.d()'
10 loops, best of 3: 882 msec per loop


$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.e()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.65 sec per loop

$ python3.4 -m timeit -s 'import my' 'my.e()'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.69 sec per loop

nosy: +dw
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37191/zipfile_concurrent_read_1.diff

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22842] zipfile simultaneous open broken and/or needlessly(?) consumes unreasonable number of file descriptors

2014-11-10 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson:

There is some really funky behaviour in the zipfile module, where, depending on 
whether zipfile.ZipFile() is passed a string filename or a file-like object, 
one of two things happens:

a) Given a file-like object, zipfile does not (since it cannot) consume excess 
file descriptors on each call to '.open()', however simultaneous calls to 
.open() the zip file's members (from the same thread) will produce file-like 
objects for each member that appear intertwingled in some unfortunate manner:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File my.py, line 23, in module
  File my.py, line 18, in b
line 689, in readline
return io.BufferedIOBase.readline(self, limit)
line 727, in peek
chunk = self.read(n)
line 763, in read
data = self._read1(n)
line 839, in _read1
data = self._decompressor.decompress(data, n)
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid stored block lengths

b) Given a string filename, simultaneous use of .open() produces a new file 
descriptor for each opened member, which does not result in the above error, 
but triggers an even worse one: file descriptor exhaustion given a sufficiently 
large zip file.

This tripped me up rather badly last week during consulting work, and I'd like 
to see both these behaviours fixed somehow. The ticket is more an RFC to see if 
anyone has thoughts on how this fix should happen; it seems to me a no-brainer 
that, since the ZIP file format fundamentally always requires a seekable file, 
that in both the constructed using file-like object case, and the 
constructed using filename case, we should somehow reuse the sole file object 
passed to us to satisfy all reads of compressed member data.

It seems the problems can be fixed in both cases without damaging interface 
semantics by simply tracking the expected 'current' read offset in each 
ZipExtFile instance. Prior to any read, we simply call .seek() on the file 
object prior to performing any .read().

Of course the result would not be thread safe, but at least in the current 
code, ZipExtFile for a constructed from a file-like object edition zipfile is 
already not thread-safe. With some additional work, we could make the module 
thread-safe in both cases, however this is not the current semantic and doesn't 
appear to be guaranteed by the module documentation.


Finally as to why you'd want to simultaneously open huge numbers of ZIP 
members, well, ZIP itself easily supports streamy reads, and ZIP files can be 
quite large, even larger than RAM. So it should be possible, as I needed last 
week, to read streamily from a large number of members.


The attached my.zip is sufficient to demonstrate both problems.

The attached my.py has function a() to demonstrate the FD leak and b() to 
demonstrate the interwingly state.

components: Library (Lib)
files: mymy.zip
messages: 230987
nosy: dw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zipfile simultaneous open broken and/or needlessly(?) consumes 
unreasonable number of file descriptors
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37171/mymy.zip

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22842] zipfile simultaneous open broken and/or needlessly(?) consumes unreasonable number of file descriptors

2014-11-10 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

As a random side-note, this is another case where I really wish Python had a 
.pread() function. It's uniquely valuable for coordinating positioned reads in 
a threaded app without synchronization (at user level anyway) or extraneous 
system calls.


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[issue16569] Preventing errors of simultaneous access in zipfile

2014-11-10 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Compared to the cost of everything else ZipExtFile must do (e.g. 4kb string 
concatenation in a loop, zlib), its surprising that lseek() would measurable at 

The attached file 'patch' is the minimal change I tested. It represents, in 
terms of computation and system call overhead, all required to implement the 
seek before read solution to simultaneous access. On OSX, churning over ever 
member of every ZIP in my downloads directory (about 400mb worth), this change 
results in around 0.9% overhead compared to the original module.

Subsequently I'm strongly against the patch here. It is in effect papering over 
an implementation deficiency of the current zipfile module, one that could 
easily and cheaply be addressed.

(My comment on this ticket is in the context of the now-marked-duplicate 

nosy: +dw
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file37172/patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15381] Optimize BytesIO to do less reallocations when written, similarly to StringIO

2014-08-13 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Hey Serhiy,

The implementation for your readline optimization seems less contentious (and 
less risky) than the remainder of the patch -- it could perhaps be easily split 
off into a separate patch, which may be far more easily committed.

I love the concept of this patch, although from my last reading (weeks ago), 
it's slightly scary that it relies on Py_REFCNT() to know whether to mutate a 
string or not. In principle this should never break, in practice, however, it 
is uncertain that there are no strange edge cases that aren't immediately 

The _PyBytes_Resize doc is quite clear: Only use this to build up a brand new 
bytes object; don’t use this if the bytes may already be known in other parts 
of the code


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[issue22125] Cure signedness warnings introduced by #22003

2014-08-02 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson:

The attached patch (hopefully) silences the signedness warnings generated by 
Visual Studio and reported on python-dev in 

This was sloppiness on my part, I even noted the problem in the original ticket 
and never fixed it. :)

I don't have a local dev environment setup for MSVC and Python, but at least 
the attached patch cures the signedness errors on Clang. They don't seem to 
occur at all with GCC on my Mac.

The added casts ensure comparisons uniformly compare in the unsigned domain. It 
seems size_t buf_size is pretty redundant in the original struct, it just 
introduces lots of casting when it only appears to be required during 
write_bytes() to avoid signed overflow (undefined behaviour)

components: Library (Lib)
files: cow-sign.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 224593
nosy: dw, pitrou, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Cure signedness warnings introduced by #22003
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36217/cow-sign.patch

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[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-29 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

I suspect it's all covered now, but is there anything else I can help with to 
get this patch pushed along its merry way?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-28 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Newest patch incorporates Antoine's review comments. The final benchmark 
results are below. Just curious, what causes e.g. telco to differ up to 7% 
between runs? That's really huge

Report on Linux k2 3.14-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.9-1 (2014-06-30) x86_64
Total CPU cores: 4

### call_method_slots ###
Min: 0.329869 - 0.340487: 1.03x slower
Avg: 0.330512 - 0.341786: 1.03x slower
Significant (t=-216.69)
Stddev: 0.00067 - 0.00060: 1.x smaller

### call_method_unknown ###
Min: 0.351167 - 0.343961: 1.02x faster
Avg: 0.351731 - 0.344580: 1.02x faster
Significant (t=238.89)
Stddev: 0.00033 - 0.00040: 1.2271x larger

### call_simple ###
Min: 0.257487 - 0.277366: 1.08x slower
Avg: 0.257942 - 0.277809: 1.08x slower
Significant (t=-845.64)
Stddev: 0.00029 - 0.00029: 1.0126x smaller

### etree_generate ###
Min: 0.377985 - 0.365952: 1.03x faster
Avg: 0.381797 - 0.369452: 1.03x faster
Significant (t=31.15)
Stddev: 0.00314 - 0.00241: 1.3017x smaller

### etree_iterparse ###
Min: 0.545668 - 0.565437: 1.04x slower
Avg: 0.554188 - 0.576807: 1.04x slower
Significant (t=-17.00)
Stddev: 0.00925 - 0.00956: 1.0340x larger

### etree_process ###
Min: 0.294158 - 0.286617: 1.03x faster
Avg: 0.296354 - 0.288877: 1.03x faster
Significant (t=36.22)
Stddev: 0.00149 - 0.00143: 1.0435x smaller

### fastpickle ###
Min: 0.458961 - 0.475828: 1.04x slower
Avg: 0.460226 - 0.481228: 1.05x slower
Significant (t=-109.38)
Stddev: 0.00082 - 0.00173: 2.1051x larger

### nqueens ###
Min: 0.305883 - 0.295858: 1.03x faster
Avg: 0.308085 - 0.297755: 1.03x faster
Significant (t=90.22)
Stddev: 0.00077 - 0.00085: 1.0942x larger

### silent_logging ###
Min: 0.074152 - 0.075818: 1.02x slower
Avg: 0.074345 - 0.076005: 1.02x slower
Significant (t=-96.29)
Stddev: 0.00013 - 0.00012: 1.0975x smaller

### spectral_norm ###
Min: 0.355738 - 0.364419: 1.02x slower
Avg: 0.356691 - 0.365764: 1.03x slower
Significant (t=-126.23)
Stddev: 0.00054 - 0.00047: 1.1533x smaller

### telco ###
Min: 0.012152 - 0.013038: 1.07x slower
Avg: 0.012264 - 0.013157: 1.07x slower
Significant (t=-83.98)
Stddev: 0.8 - 0.7: 1.0653x smaller

The following not significant results are hidden, use -v to show them:
2to3, call_method, chaos, django_v2, etree_parse, fannkuch, fastunpickle, 
float, formatted_logging, go, hexiom2, iterative_count, json_dump, 
json_dump_v2, json_load, mako, mako_v2, meteor_contest, nbody, normal_startup, 
pathlib, pickle_dict, pickle_list, pidigits, raytrace, regex_compile, 
regex_effbot, regex_v8, richards, simple_logging, startup_nosite, 
threaded_count, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle_list.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36137/cow6.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-27 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Hey Antoine,

Thanks for the link. I'm having trouble getting reproducible results at 
present, and running out of ideas as to what might be causing it. Even after 
totally isolating a CPU for e.g. django_v2 and with frequency scaling disabled, 
numbers still jump around for the same binary by as much as 3%.

I could not detect any significant change between runs of the old and new 
binary that could not be described as noise, given the isolation issues above.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-24 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

This new patch abandons the buffer interface and specializes for Bytes per the 
comments on this issue.

Anyone care to glance at least at the general structure?

Tests could probably use a little more work.

Microbenchmark seems fine, at least for construction. It doesn't seem likely 
this patch would introduce severe performance troubles elsewhere, but I'd like 
to trying it out with some example heavy BytesIO consumers (any suggestions? 
Some popular template engine?)

cpython] ./python.exe -m timeit -s 'import i' 'i.readlines()'
lines: 54471
100 loops, best of 3: 13.3 msec per loop

[23:52:55 eldil!58 cpython] ./python-nocow -m timeit -s 'import i' 
lines: 54471
10 loops, best of 3: 19.6 msec per loop

[23:52:59 eldil!59 cpython] cat i.py
import io
word = b'word'
line = (word * int(79/len(word))) + b'\n'
ar = line * int((4 * 1048576) / len(line))
def readlines():
return len(list(io.BytesIO(ar)))
print('lines: %s' % (readlines(),))

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36078/cow5.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-22 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Stefan, I like your new idea. If there isn't some backwards compatibility 
argument about mmap.mmap being hashable, then it could be considered a bug, and 
fixed in the same hypothetical future release that includes this BytesIO 
change. The only cost now is that to test for hashability, we must hash the 
object, which causes every byte in it to be touched (aka. almost 50% the cost 
of a copy)

If however we can't fix mmap.mmap due to the interface change (I think that's a 
silly idea -- Python has never been about letting the user shoot themselves in 
the foot), then the specialized-for-Bytes approach is almost as good (and 
perhaps even better, since the resulting concept and structure layout is more 
aligned with Serhiy's patch in issue15381).


a) mmap.mmap can be fixed - use hashability as strong test for immutability 
(instead of ugly heuristic involving buffer blags)
   - undecided: is calling hash(obj) to check for immutability too costly?

b) mmap.mmap can't be fixed - use the Bytes specialization approach.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-21 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:


Thanks for digging here. As much as I'd love to follow this interpretation, it 
simply doesn't match existing buffer implementations, including within the 
standard library.

For example, mmap.mmap(..., flags=mmap.MAP_SHARED, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) will 
produce a read-only buffer, yet mutability is entirely at the whim of the 
operating system. In this case, immutability may be apparent for years, until 
some machine has memory pressure, causing the shared mapping to be be flushed, 
and refreshed from (say, incoherent NFS storage) on next access.

I thought it would be worth auditing some of the most popular types of buffer 
just to check your interpretation, and this was the first, most obvious 

Any thoughts? I'm leaning heavily toward the Bytes specialization approach


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-21 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

I'm not sure how much work it would be, or even if it could be made sufficient 
to solve our problem, but what about extending the buffers interface to include 
a int stable flag, defaulting to 0?

It seems though, that it would just be making the already arcane buffers 
interface even more arcane simply for the benefit of our specific use case


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-21 Thread David Wilson

Changes by David Wilson d...@botanicus.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36016/cow4.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-21 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Hi Stefan,

How does this approach in reinit() look? We first ask for a writable buffer, 
and if the object obliges, immediately copy it. Otherwise if it refused, ask 
for a read-only buffer, and this time expect that it will never change.

This still does not catch the case of mmap.mmap. I am not sure how do deal with 
mmap.mmap. There is no way for it to export PROT_READ as a read-only buffer 
without permitted mutation, so the only options seem to either be a) remove 
buffer support from mmap, or b) blacklist it in bytesio(!).

Antoine, I have padded out the unit tests a little. test_memoryio.py seems the 
best place for them. Also modified test_sizeof(), although to the way this test 
is designed seems inherently brittle to begin with. Now it is also sensitive to 
changes in Py_buffer struct.

Various other changes:

* __new__ once again returns a valid, open, empty BytesIO, since the 
alternative breaks pickling.

* reinit() preserves existing BytesIO state until it knows it can succeed, 
which fixes another of the pickle tests.

* setstate() had CHECK_CLOSED() re-added, again for the pickle tests.

Probably the patch guts could be rearranged again, since the definition of the 
functions is no longer as clear as it was in cow3.patch.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-20 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

This version is tidied up enough that I think it could be reviewed.

Changes are:

 * Defer `buf' allocation until __init__, rather than __new__ as was previously 
done. Now upon completion, BytesIO.__new__ returns a valid, closed BytesIO, 
whereas previously a valid, empty, open BytesIO was returned. Is this interface 
change permissible?

 * Move __init__ guts into a reinit(), for sharing with __setstate__, which 
also previously caused an unnecessary copy. Additionally gather up various 
methods for deallocating buffers into a single reset() function, called by 
reinit(), _dealloc(), and _close()

 * Per Stefan's suggested approach, reinit() now explicitly checks for a 
read-only buffer, falling back to silently performing a copy if the returned 
buffer is read-write. That seems vastly preferable to throwing an exception, 
which would probably be another interface change.

 * Call `unshare()` any place the buffer is about to be modified. If the buffer 
needs to be made private, it also accepts a size hint indicating how much 
less/more space the subsequent operation needs, to avoid a redundant 
reallocation after the unsharing.

Outstanding issues:

 * I don't understand why buf_size is a size_t, and I'm certain the casting in 
unshare() is incorrect somehow. Is it simply to avoid signed overflow?

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36004/cow2.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-20 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

New patch also calls unshare() during getbuffer()

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36005/cow3.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-20 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

I'm not sure the read only buffer test is strong enough: having a readonly 
view is not a guarantee that the data in the view cannot be changed through 
some other means, i.e. it is read-only, not immutable.

Pretty sure this approach is broken. What about the alternative approach of 
specializing for Bytes?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-18 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Good catch :( There doesn't seem to be way a to ask for an immutable buffer, so 
perhaps it could just be a little more selective. I think the majority of use 
cases would still be covered if the sharing behaviour was restricted only to 

In that case Py_buffer initialdata could become a PyObject*, saving a small 
amount of memory, and allowing reuse of the struct member if BytesIO was also 
modified to directly write into a private BytesObject


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-17 Thread David Wilson

New submission from David Wilson:

This is a followup to the thread at 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-July/135543.html , discussing 
the existing behaviour of BytesIO copying its source object, and how this 
regresses compared to cStringIO.StringI.

The goal of posting the patch on list was to try and stimulate discussion 
around the approach. The patch itself obviously isn't ready for review, and I'm 
not in a position to dedicate time to it just now (although in a few weeks I'd 
love to give it full attention!).

Ignoring this quick implementation, are there any general comments around the 

My only concern is that it might keep large objects alive in a non-intuitive 
way in certain circumstances, though I can't think of any obvious ones 

Also interested in comments on the second half of that thread: a natural 
extension of this is to do something very similar on the write side: instead of 
generating a temporary private heap allocation, generate (and freely resize) a 
private PyBytes object until it is exposed to the user, at which point, 
_getvalue() returns it, and converts its into an IO_SHARED buffer.

There are quite a few interactions with making that work correctly, in 

* How BytesIO would implement the buffers interface without causing the 
under-construction Bytes to become readonly

* Avoiding redundant copies and resizes -- we can't simply tack 25% slack on 
the end of the Bytes and then truncate it during getvalue() without likely 
triggering a copy and move, however with careful measurement of allocator 
behavior there are various tradeoffs that could be made - e.g. obmalloc won't 
move a 500 byte allocation if it shrinks by 25%. glibc malloc's rules are a 
bit more complex though.

Could also add a private _PyBytes_SetSize() API to allow truncation to the 
final size during getvalue() without informing the allocator. Then we'd simply 
overallocate by up to 10% or 1-2kb, and write off the loss of the slack space.

Notably, this approach completely differs from the one documented in 
http://bugs.python.org/issue15381 .. it's not clear to me which is better.

components: Library (Lib)
files: cow.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 223383
nosy: dw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: BytesIO copy-on-write
type: performance
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file35988/cow.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22003] BytesIO copy-on-write

2014-07-17 Thread David Wilson

David Wilson added the comment:

Submitted contributor agreement. Please consider the demo patch licensed under 
the Apache 2 licence.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Where does setuptools live?

2009-07-04 Thread David Wilson
I'm trying to create a patch for a diabolical issue I keep running
into, but I can't seem to find the setuptools repository. Is it this


It's seen no changes in 9 months.

The issue in question is its (ab)use of .svn to directly read working
copy information rather than going via the well designed 'svn info --
xml' route, which if done, wouldn't result in setuptools busting every
few years, nor require me to downgrade my Subversion installation (OS
X packages don't support multiple versions installed at a time),
checkout a source tree, use setuptools, then re-upgrade so I can go
back to using my other trees.



2009-06-10 Thread David Wilson

During a fun coding session yesterday, I came across a problem that I
thought was already solved by itertools, but on investigation it seems
it isn't.

The problem is simple: given one or more ordered sequences, return
only the objects that appear in each sequence, without reading the
whole set into memory. This is basically an SQL many-many join.

I thought it could be accomplished through recursively embedded
generators, but that approach failed in the end. After posting the
question to Stack Overflow[0], Martin Geisler proposed a wonderfully
succinct and reusable solution (see below, or pretty printed at the
Stack Overflow URL).

It is my opinion that this particular implementation is a wonderful
and incredibly valid use of iterators, and something that could be
reused by others, certainly least not myself again in the future. With
that in mind I thought it, or something very similar, would be a great
addition to the itertools module.

My question then is, are there better approaches to this? The heapq-
based solution at the Stack Overflow page is potentially more useful
still, for its ability to operate on orderless sequences, but in that
case, it might be better to simply listify each sequence, and sort it
before passing to the ordered-only functions.



Stack Overflow page here:


Sweet solution:

import operator

def intersect(sequences):
Compute intersection of sequences of increasing integers.

 list(intersect([[1,   100, 142, 322, 12312],
... [2,   100, 101, 322, 1221],
... [100, 142, 322, 956, 1222]]))
[100, 322]

iterators = [iter(seq) for seq in sequences]
last = [iterator.next() for iterator in iterators]
indices = range(len(iterators))
while True:
# The while loop stops when StopIteration is raised. The
# exception will also stop the iteration by our caller.
if reduce(operator.and_, [l == last[0] for l in last]):
# All iterators contain last[0]
yield last[0]
last = [iterator.next() for iterator in iterators]

# Now go over the iterators once and advance them as
# necessary. To stop as soon as the smallest iterator we
# advance each iterator only once per loop iteration.
for i in indices[:-1]:
if last[i]  last[i+1]:
last[i] = iterators[i].next()
if last[i]  last[i+1]:
last[i+1] = iterators[i+1].next()


Python 2.6 json encoding of datetime.

2008-10-10 Thread David Wilson
Hi there,

I've been playing with Python's new json library, and found myself
facing a seemingly simple problem: encoding of datetime objects. Some
'jsonlib' that I was using previously was unable to do this, and the
new built-in json module shares the same limitation.

A bit of googling around brought me to http://www.west-wind.com/
WebLog/posts/214731.aspx which seems to suggest there is no
standardised way of doing it. Indeed, reading the rather sparse JSON
RFC makes no mention of it.

It appears my only possibility is writing little helper functions to
convert my datetimes to/from ISO8601 strings or UNIX timestamps, but
this just feels wrong. Suggestions?



Re: this must be a stupid question ...

2007-07-28 Thread David Wilson
On 28/07/07, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 but I can;t find the answer ;-)

 As searching for the '$' sign doesn't work well in the help files,
 I can not find out, where is the '$' sign used for.

 If I try to use it in names,
 I get a compiler error,
 so it probably has some special meaning.

Hi Stef,

It has no special meaning in the Python language, beyond being invalid
for use in identifiers. I believe there is a new string formatting
module which interprets it when it is part of a format string, but
nothing in the core language.

If you look at the language grammar, you can see why this is an error



 Stef Mientki


Re: Events: The Python Way

2007-07-28 Thread David Wilson
Hi there,

Python has no built-in way of doing this. You may consider writing
your own class if you like this pattern (I personally do):

class Event(object):
def __init__(self):
self.subscribers = set()

def __iadd__(self, subscriber):
return self

def __isub__(self, subscriber):
return self

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for subscriber in self.subscribers:
subscriber(*args, **kwargs)

def HandleFoo(strng):
print HandleFoo:, strng

OnFoo = Event()
OnFoo += HandleFoo


On 29/07/07, Gianmaria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm a .net programmer and i'm learnig python, so this question can be very
 stupid or easy for python programmers. I've a doubt about events here is

 in c# for example i can write a delegate and an event in this way...

 public delegate SomethingChangedHandler(string message);
 public event SomethingChangedHandler SomethingChanged;

 and later in the code fire this event in this way...

 if(SomethingChanged != null)
 SomethingChanged(Nothing important);

 and the subscription of this event of other objects can be easy as

 eventGeneratorObject.SomethingChanged += new

 and even the handlig of the event is aesy...

 void aFunctionto_takecareof_it(string msg)


 now the question is.. how can i do the same using Python? Every help is




Re: IOS-style command line interface module?

2006-03-13 Thread David Wilson
Doh, I am indeed referring to the standard cmd module - thanks!

To [EMAIL PROTECTED], the above module does what you describe.

Thanks again,



IOS-style command line interface module?

2006-03-11 Thread David Wilson
Hi folks,

I seem to remember seeing a module some time in the distant past that
provided an API for implementing Cisco IOS-like command line
interfaces. I can't for the life of me find a reference to it on Google

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?




Re: Looking for system/network monitoring tool written in Python

2005-09-22 Thread David Wilson
See http://pynms.sourceforge.net/
Also see Google. :)



Re: Calling python scripts from C# programs

2005-09-22 Thread David Wilson
You should also be aware of IronPython, although it is not suitable for
production use due to its reliance on a beta version of the .NET
runtime. In some future time, IronPython will probably be the cleanest
and simplest way to integrate Python with existing .NET code.



Re: Python in C integration and WxPython

2005-09-15 Thread David Wilson
It sounds like your C program and Python script are running under
different interpreters. Your C program almost certainly is using a
Python version that comes with Cygwin, while the script is probably
using a native win32 Python that has wxPython installed.

Assuming this is true, then compiling your C program natively on
Windows should solve the problem. Alternatively, if wxPython is
available for cygwin (possibly via cygwin's X server) then installing
it would also help.


Alain Paschoud wrote:
 Hi all,

 I made a small dialog in WxPython. I can run the python script with a
 double-click or through command line, and everything goes fine (dialog
 appears, which means that wx module has been found).
 Then, I decided to write a C program (under Windows, with Cygwin) that
 will read my script (through PyRun_SimpleFile() function) and run it.
 But the system doesn't find the wx module to import...

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File Dialog.py, line 2, in ?
 import  wx
 ImportError: No module named wx

 How can I say to my program where to search for this module ? I tried to
 set $PYTHONPATH and $PYTHONHOME, but this doesn't change anything.

 More generally : Does a C program that embedded python run an external
 executable (interpreter), or does it only load libraries ?
 Thank you very much for any help on this topic.
 Best regards.


Re: MySQLdb UPDATE does nothing

2005-09-15 Thread David Wilson
 sql=UPDATE product_attribute SET index_column = +str(index)+ WHERE id = 

To allow the DB-API adaptor to correctly take care of value conversion
and SQL escaping for you, this should be written as:

cursor.execute(UPDATE product_attribute SET col1 = %s WHERE id = %s,
(index, record2[0]))

As for why the UPDATE has no effect, which version of MySQL are you



Re: python optimization

2005-09-15 Thread David Wilson
For the most part, CPython performs few optimisations by itself. You
may be interested in psyco, which performs several heavy optimisations
on running Python code.


Defining a function inside a loop in CPython will cause a new function
object to be created each and every time the loop runs. No such
automatic optimisation is performed there. For the most part, this lack
of opimisation not only simplifies the CPython implementation, but also
causes code to act much more closely to how it was defined, which is
good for new and advanced users alike.

Other than psyco, IronPython and PyPy are two projects which you might
be interested in if execution performance is of interest to you.




Re: change extensions

2005-04-04 Thread David Wilson
Bob Then wrote:
 how can i change all files from one extension to another within a

This should work:

import os

def change_exts(suffix, new_suffix, dir_name):
for name in os.listdir(dir_name):
if name.endswith(suffix):
old_pathname = os.path.join(dir_name, name)
new_pathname = old_pathname[:-len(suffix)] + new_suffix
os.rename(old_pathname, new_pathname)



Re: vi and python

2005-01-09 Thread David Wilson
km wrote:
Is there a way to display inbuilt function syntax as the user starts typing a function name with 'Vi' editor in console mode? 

Hi there,
Unfortunately due to the highly dynamic nature of Python, this is 
difficult to do reliably. It is one benefit that static typing, to a 
certain extent, would bring to the language. Sadly we don't have that, 
yet. :)
