Re: Getting Directory of Command Line Entry Point For Packages

2021-11-12 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 13/11/2021 10.51, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote:
> Greetings list,
> Let's say i created a package named miaw
> miaw also has a cli command called miaw
> miaw prints files and folders in the directory it is called in
> except that when miaw is used, it prints the files and folders in
> site-packages
> This is an analogy for  a package i have.
> Well forgetting about the lines above, how do i get the path from
> which miaw the command is called from?


file_path = __file__
print( file_path )

and process file_path as-required.
Regards =dn

Re: The task is to invent names for things

2021-10-26 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 27/10/2021 12.29, Stefan Ram wrote:
> dn  writes:
>> On 27/10/2021 11.16, Stefan Ram wrote:
>>> The Mental Game of Python - Raymond Hettinger (PyBay 2019)
>>> |  "The computer gives us words that do ### things.
> ...
>> Alternately, if your question was to identify the mumbled word, it is
>> (seemed to me to be) "does".
>   Thanks!
>   Yes, my question was about the word at the place of the
>   "###". It does not even seem mumbled to me, but pronounced
>   with certainty and intention. That's why it makes me wonder.
>   As if there was a term "does things".

That is a colloquialism:
- my computer does things
- my program[me] does stuff

The "stuff" is something of a euphemism. In our profession, I would
suggest it is used to avoid detail, eg as a 'signal' to a non-IT person
that a more detailed answer would likely bore, or 'go over your head'.
In PM-circles we identify the beginning and end of a project - the rest
of the project plan 'stuff', is known as 'the miracle that happens in
the middle'. Want more detail? Do we have more detail? What do I know?

If a dog owner said: "my dog does things" it would again be a euphemism,
but in this case employed to avoid saying something distasteful, ie that
the puppy is not (yet) house-trained.

That said, I suspect if you tried to use it in an English
(language/literature) essay, the teacher/prof would take exception to
such informality, and demand a 'better' noun!

Believe it or not, my second trainee-discussion of the day included a
question similarly-worded: 'why does the computer/interpreter/run-time
do these things?'.

Rather than 'literature', I taught this guy one of my favorite
excursions into the world of poetry (the specific type of poetic stuff
is "doggerel"):

I really hate this dumb* machine,
I wish that they would sell it.
It never does quite what I want,
but only what I tell it!

* you might regard this word as a euphemism for another

Upon which note, and your observation that I am no English-major, it's
probably time we went to do things...
Regards =dn

Re: XML Considered Harmful

2021-09-24 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 25/09/2021 11.00, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Invented because there weren't enough markup languages, so we needed another?

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Regards =dn

Re: Horrible abuse of __init_subclass__, or elegant hack?

2021-04-01 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
Officially April-Fools Day is over (here), but...

On 01/04/2021 19.25, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 3:36 PM dn via Python-list
>  wrote:
>> On 01/04/2021 13.54, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> Real and imaginary are the same thing, just rotated a quarter turn
>> In which dimension(s)?
> Cartesian.

Isn't this water you get out of the ground and then deliver using an
horse-pulled vehicle?

 Without looking into the details/context: surely there's a more
 straightforward approach?
>>> Perhaps, but there are potentially a LOT of recipes, and I needed to
>>> be able to cleanly edit those, even if the code at the top was a mess.
>>> (The goal here is to map out production patterns in the game
>>> "Satisfactory", for the curious. It's easy to add other things, like
>>> computer manufacturing or bauxite processing, simply by adding more
>>> recipes.)
>>> My original plan was basically pairwise tuple summing (deriving a set
>>> of "oil in, water in, rubber out, fuel out" for each set of recipes,
>>> where some might be zero), but it turned out that that wasn't flexible
>>> enough, and it really needed more options than that.
>> Which was where my mind was going*. Why not a dict of inputs, processes,
>> and outputs**? Each dict having variable length, from None, and
>> key:values assigned at declaration/init. In the case of process, the
>> contained objects could be Python-functions. With "compact
>> representation" (3.6+) the functions could also be relied upon to
>> represent a 'production line' or pipeline of functions.
> Perhaps, but the key here is the input method. It wouldn't look nearly as 
> clean.

Not sure about that. For example, is it immediately-obvious which of
"Crude", "Residue", and "Plastic" are inputs; and which outputs?

>>> I already have certificates from Rutledge's Asylum and MaayaInsane's
>>> (unnamed) asylum, so that seems pretty likely.
>> Noted you on the list of lauded alumni at the latter.
> Hmm, where do you see that list? I'm curious.

Appeared to be some sort of 'leader board' for the game. Recognised your
handle there. Think it was Perhaps I
was looking at the same time as you logged-in? Daren't disappear down
that rabbit-hole again...

>> When you left the former, did they allow you to keep the t-shirt, or did
>> you have to buy your own memorabilia?
>> (
> I beg your pardon? What is this "left"? I'm still there! Actually I
> pay my membership on a monthly basis, and in return, my walls are
> lavishly decorated in Alice art.

Whereas us lateral-thinkers don't like the feeling of being fenced-in.

>> The latter's treatment list sounds remarkably like .mil training. I know
>> of plenty with that t-shirt - but can't think of a one sporting a mug...
>> Should you have one, kindly bring it (with appropriate contents) come
>> ANZAC Day at the end of this month...
> This is what I'd bring. They're the standard mugs that I offer to
> guests. Well, I would if ever I had guests, but hermitism is a
> thing...

Is that the same as (anti-) club-ism
(cue Groucho:

After suffering the RSA's ?quaint tradition of rum-in-milk (that BEFORE
Dawn Parade, and thereafter marching on a less-than flat surface) I have
learned to guard against the pre-dawn cold by heading for the Hot
Chocolate counter - can't say the mugs look like that though.

>> Magic, you ask? Well, maybe more "sinister". We did manage to find a
>> loose floor-board, but a sad life-lesson was learned, when certain ones
>> (un-named*) took it upon themselves to eat all of the contraband
>> secreted there.
> Uh oh. How old was the contraband?

Was between 'tuck days' (when we were allowed to acquire such goodies -
once?twice per week). The theory being that we would all contribute, in
anticipation of some later "midnight feast") - such gyre and gimble-ing
being more Jabberwock than Alice!
Regards =dn

Re: Application window geometry specifier

2021-01-13 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 14/01/2021 15.25, boB Stepp wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 7:28 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> I love how "I think" is allowed to trump decades of usability research.

I'm just pleased that @Chris has found love!
(not detracting from the point though)

> Can you recommend a good reference for someone relatively new to GUI
> programming that is based on such research?  Book or web reference
> would be fine.

Most of my training-materials (certainly in this topic) are web-based -
but the ideas are also common to Python.

Nielsen-Norman Group do a lot of work in UX and offer a regular
newsletter which is usually a good way to make the brain-cells work for
their living:


A more applied view, courtesy of the New Zealand Government:

Some become confused between the two terms: Accessibility and Usability.

Here's what the boss says:

This article clearly explains each and then offers a comparison.

If you really want to dig-down, I know for-sure that IBM, Microsoft,
Apple (and presumably others) have compiled style-guides about how
various GUIs should work, starting from really basic matters such as
when to use radio-buttons and when check-boxes. I can't tell you if the
gtk, qt, or wx people offer something similar...
Regards =dn

Re: Some problem in code execution in python

2021-01-07 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 07/01/2021 22.44, Dario Dario wrote:
> Sir, I am one of the user of your python program, that is after completion
> of installation I got some statement like "you got code execution problem
> ". I don't know how to rectify this please help me to rectify
> this problem .
> You send me the solution in this email ID itself .

Welcome to the list, where Python users help each other.

Please send more information:
- which Operating System
- which version of Python
- from where Python was downloaded
- copy-paste all of the error messages
Regards =dn

Re: Winreg

2020-07-31 Thread David L Neil via Python-list

On 31/07/2020 16:48, R Pasco wrote:

Thanks for your extensive info. Its too bad this isn't published in the
python winreg/_winreg modules' info.
Ray Pasco

Welcome to the world of documentation!

Perhaps you have 'discovered' something, or maybe you're using the tool 
in an unusual way, or maybe the docs are too sketchy (I'm not a user of 
MS-Win, so can't comment). Regardless, the documentation team would 
welcome a contribution based upon this discussion and your learning...

The best way to ensure you have learned something thoroughly is to 
explain it to others!

Regards =dn

Re: Is there a difference between python

2020-04-05 Thread David L Neil via Python-list

On 6/04/20 10:35 AM, Malcolm Greene wrote:

Is there a difference between the following 2 ways to launch a console-less 
script under Windows?


Re: TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

2019-10-23 Thread David L Neil via Python-list

On 23/10/19 8:51 PM, joseph pareti wrote:

I am experimnenting with this (reproducer) code:
pattern_eur= ['Total amount']
mylines = []# Declare an empty list.
with open ('tmp0.txt', 'rt') as myfile: # Open tmp.txt for reading text.
 for myline in myfile:   # For each line in the file,
 mylines.append(myline.rstrip('\n')) # strip newline and add to list.
for element in mylines: # For each element in the list,
match_C =, element)
if match_C:
  element = element + 2
the input file being:
$ cat tmp0.txt
line 0
line 1
Total amount



My intent is to locate the line containing "Total amount", skip the next
line, then print the eur value. The program terminates as follows:


Thanks for any insigths --

The first observation is that the two for loops are essentially 
identical, so why not condense?

However, what is described may be calling for a solution called "a 
finite state machine":

state 1: ignore unwanted data, until "Total amount" is found

state 2: skip blank line

state 3: grab the Euro value, and return to state 1

Being a simple-boy, I would avoid any reg-ex, because:

myline[ :11 ] == "Total amount"

is easier (and faster). Similarly, there is no need for rstrip-ping 
except at "state 3" (unless there are particular rules for the 
formatting of the total).

Another thought is that the problem is being visualised as a series of 
lines and this may complicate things. If instead, a "buffer" or indeed 
the entire file, could be read at a time (which is current code, per 
first comment above), the string.find() method could be employed 
(replacing "state 1"), and then (implicit assumption about spacing here) 
"state 2" becomes a matter of moving a few characters 'along', before 
grabbing the total; rinse and repeat...

Regards =dn

Re: Mouse control

2019-10-12 Thread David L Neil via Python-list

On 7/10/19 4:11 AM, Alexander Vergun wrote:

Hello all,

I am coding a voice assistant under Python 3.7, Windows 7. I am using 
PYcharm and libraries such as PYSimpleGUI, mouse, keyboard etc. 
Everything works except for the mouse control and probably keyboard, the 
problem is following, when I run the script under PYcharm, the script 
can control mouse only within PYcharm editor, but when the other window 
is on the top, the script cannot control the mouse, and the same happens 
when the script runs under the Python console. There is only one way to 
make script control the mouse - I have to manually click on the window 
which was opened by the script only then the script controls the mouse. 
I tried to call win32gui.SetCapture without any effect.

Of possible interest:
python-catalin Catalin George Festila.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Python 3.7.4 : Testing the PyUSB python module.
(via PlanetPython)

Regards =dn

Re: Mouse control

2019-10-07 Thread David L Neil via Python-list

On 7/10/19 4:11 AM, Alexander Vergun wrote:
I am coding a voice assistant under Python 3.7, Windows 7. I am using 
PYcharm and libraries such as PYSimpleGUI, mouse, keyboard etc. 
Everything works except for the mouse control and probably keyboard, the 
problem is following, when I run the script under PYcharm, the script 
can control mouse only within PYcharm editor, but when the other window 
is on the top, the script cannot control the mouse, and the same happens 
when the script runs under the Python console. There is only one way to 
make script control the mouse - I have to manually click on the window 
which was opened by the script only then the script controls the mouse. 
I tried to call win32gui.SetCapture without any effect.

Does anyone have an idea how to handle this? Thank you very much,

Are you asking to be able to start a Python application in one window, 
which will control the mouse and keyboard in other concurrent 
applications' windows?

I don't use MS-Windows, but don't think this is possible (under any OpSys).

As you say "and probably keyboard": imagine typing and having the text 
appear in every open window/application? If you don't want that, how do 
you indicate which one should accept the input? Answer: "focus" = the 
'target' for any typing is the application/window which currently has focus.

Extending those thoughts to the mouse doesn't quite ring-true, because 
I'm currently in 'this' window writing an email message, yet the mouse 
will cheerfully scroll the window 'below'. Is that the sort of action 
you wish?

In my experience, the Python application, including "mouse", only 
operates in "user space" and within the one window. If we can extend 
Python's power and dominion, I'll be interested to learn...

Meantime, there are demo snippets which follow the mouse, printing its 
coordinates. Using one of those, what happens to the coordinates when 
the mouse is moved outside of the Python application's window?

BTW you may like to take a look at PyAutoGUI, if only because it has 
been more recently updated. It may also help by bringing 'everything' 
under one import rather than the multiple packages (listed above):
Regards =dn