[issue4561] Optimize new io library

2008-12-06 Thread David M. Beazley

David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

bash-3.2$ uname -a
Darwin david-beazleys-macbook.local 9.5.1 Darwin Kernel Version 9.5.1: Fri 
Sep 19 16:19:24 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.8.30~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
bash-3.2$ ./python.exe -c import sys; print(sys.version)
3.1a0 (py3k:67609, Dec  6 2008, 08:47:06) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)]

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4428] io.BufferedWriter does not observe buffer size limits

2008-11-29 Thread David M. Beazley

David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I agree with previous comments that write() should definitely write all 
data when in blocking mode.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4447] exec inside a function

2008-11-27 Thread David M. Beazley

New submission from David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is the following code valid Python 3 or not?

def foo():
x = 1
exec(x = 42)
print(x)# Prints 1  (exec has no effect)

I know there are a variety of issues surrounding exec(), function 
bodies, and other matters.   Just wondering if this sort of thing is now 
forbidden or not.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 76508
nosy: beazley
severity: normal
status: open
title: exec inside a function
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.0

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4447] exec inside a function

2008-11-27 Thread David M. Beazley

David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

For what it's worth, I hope this behavior gets well-documented.  Thanks.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4428] io.BufferedWriter does not observe buffer size limits

2008-11-25 Thread David M. Beazley

New submission from David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The Buffered I/O interface in the io module has the user specify buffer 
limits such as size and max_buffer_size.   The first limit (size) is 
easy to understand as a buffering threshold at which writes will occur.  
However, no apparent attempt is made to strictly limit the internal 
buffer size to max_buffer_size.
In BuffererWriter.write(), one of the first operations is 


which simply extends the buffer by the full data being written.  If b 
happens to be a large string (e.g., megabytes or even the entire 
contents of a big file), then the internal I/O buffer makes a complete 
copy of the data, effectively doubling the memory requirements for 
carrying out the write operation.

I suppose most programmers might not notice given that everyone has 
gigabytes of RAM these days, but you certainly don't see this kind of 
buffering behavior in the operating system kernel or in the C library.

Some patch suggestions (details left to the maintainers of this module):

1. Don't extend self._write_buf by more than the max_buffer_size.

 fragment = b[:self.max_buffer_size - len(self._write_buf)]

2. For large blocking writes, simply carry out the remaining I/O 
   operations in the write() method instead of in the _flush_locked()
   method.   Try to use the original input data b as the data
   source instead of making copies of it.  And if you have to copy
   the data, don't do it all at once.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 76408
nosy: beazley
severity: normal
status: open
title: io.BufferedWriter does not observe buffer size limits
type: resource usage
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.0

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4362] FileIO object in io module

2008-11-20 Thread David M. Beazley

New submission from David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The FileIO object defined in the new io library has name and mode 
properties.  However, attempts to access either value result in an 
AttributeError exception.   The C source code in _fileio.c doesn't even 
implement a name attribute and it uses a different name for mode (mode 
instead of _mode that the property is looking for).

Broken in 2.6 and 3.0rc2.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 76100
nosy: beazley
severity: normal
status: open
title: FileIO object in io module
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4017] Tkinter cannot find Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X

2008-11-20 Thread David M. Beazley

David M. Beazley [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Just a quick comment from the Python training universe--this bug makes it 
impossible to use Python 2.6 in any kind of Python teaching environment 
where IDLE tends to be used a lot.  I'm having to tell students to stick 
with Python-2.5.2.

nosy: +beazley

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Testing out Newsproxy.

2008-07-20 Thread David M Lemcoe Jr.

Going to see if Newsproxy actually blocks google groups.
David M Lemcoe Jr.
Roswell, Georgia
AIM: lemcoe9
YIM: lemcoe9
Xfire: shawtylo1
ICQ: 359114839
Alternate e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Question

2008-07-19 Thread David M Lemcoe Jr.


No language is better than another because Python is not intended for the 
same uses and/or people. 
Your question has no place here.


David M Lemcoe Jr.
Roswell, Georgia
AIM: lemcoe9
YIM: lemcoe9
Xfire: shawtylo1
ICQ: 359114839
Alternate e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why is Perl so much better than python?


Re: Any Game Developers here?

2008-07-18 Thread David M Lemcoe Jr.

Hello Michael,

Any people that use Python as the predominant language for their game
development here?


Well, I make little CLI games that are extremely basic and have no actual 
graphics, but i'm sure a few people actually use them in video games.



Re: setting a breakpoint in the module

2006-08-23 Thread David M. Cooke
Jason Jiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I have two modules: a.py and b.py. In a.py, I have a function called
 aFunc(). I'm calling aFunc() from b.py (of course I import module a first).
 The question is how to directly set a breakpoint in aFunc().

 The way I'm doing now is to set a breakpoint in b.py at the line to call
 aFunc(), 'c' to it, then 's' to step in, then set the breakpoint inside
 aFunc() by 'b lineNumber'. It's too cumbersome.

You can also add in your source

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

at the point you want the debugger to stop. Useful if you want to
break after some failing condition, for instance.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Coding style

2006-07-18 Thread David M. Cooke
Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Patrick Maupin wrote:
 PTY wrote:

  It looks like there are two crowds, terse and verbose.  I thought terse
  is perl style and verbose is python style.  BTW, lst = [] was not what
  I was interested in :-)  I was asking whether it was better style to
  use len() or not.

 It's not canonical Python to use len() in this case.  From PEP 8:

 - For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty
   sequences are false.

   Yes: if not seq:
if seq:

   No: if len(seq)
   if not len(seq)

 The whole reason that a sequence supports testing is exactly for this
 scenario.  This is not an afterthought -- it's a fundamental design
 decision of the language.

 That might have made sense when Python and string, list, tuple were the
 only sequence types around.

 Nowadays, Python has all kinds of spiffy types like numpy arrays,
 interators, generators, etc., for which empty sequence is false just
 doesn't make sense.  If Python had been designed with these types in
 mind, I'm not sure empty list is false would have been part of the
 language, let alone recommend practice.

Bruno's already mentioned that iterators and generators aren't
sequences. Numpy arrays act like the other sequence types:

 a = numpy.array([])
array([], dtype=int64)

(0-dimensional numpy arrays are pathological anyways)

|David M. Cooke

Re: Coding style

2006-07-18 Thread David M. Cooke
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cooke) writes:

 Bruno's already mentioned that iterators and generators aren't
 sequences. Numpy arrays act like the other sequence types:

 a = numpy.array([])
 array([], dtype=int64)

 (0-dimensional numpy arrays are pathological anyways)

*cough* as a Numpy developer I should know better. Numpy arrays that
have more than one element don't work in a boolean context:

 a = numpy.array([1,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is 
ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

The reason for this is that it really was a common source of errors,
because of the rich comparision semantics used. If a and b are numpy
arrays, 'a == b' is an array of booleans.

Numpy arrays of one element act like scalars in boolean contexts:

 a = numpy.array([0])
 a = numpy.array([1])

(this is partly because we define a comphensive hierarchy of scalar
types to match those available in C).

|David M. Cooke

Re: ANN: NumPy 0.9.8 released

2006-05-17 Thread David M. Cooke
Travis E. Oliphant [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 NumPy 0.9.8 has been released.  It can be downloaded from


 The release notes are attached.

 Best regards,

 -Travis Oliphant
 NumPy 0.9.8 is a bug-fix and optimization release with a
 few new features.  The C-API was changed so that extensions compiled
 against NumPy 0.9.6 will need re-compilation to avoid errors.

 The C-API should be stabilizing.  The next release will be 1.0 which
 will come out in a series of release-candidates during Summer 2006.

 There were many users and developers who contributed to the fixes for
 this release.   They deserve much praise and thanks.  For details see 
 the Trac pages where bugs are reported and fixed.


   * numpy should install now with easy_install from setuptools

Note that you'll need to use the latest setuptools (0.6b1). The hacks
I added to get easy_install and numpy.distutils to get along are hard
enough without trying to be backward compatible :-(

|David M. Cooke

Re: pow (power) function

2006-03-17 Thread David M. Cooke
Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ben Cartwright wrote:
 Russ wrote:

  Does pow(x,2) simply square x, or does it first compute logarithms
  (as would be necessary if the exponent were not an integer)?

 The former, using binary exponentiation (quite fast), assuming x is an
 int or long.

 If x is a float, Python coerces the 2 to 2.0, and CPython's float_pow()
 function is called.  This function calls libm's pow(), which in turn
 uses logarithms.

 I just did a little time test (which I should have done *before* my
 original post!), and 2.0**2 seems to be about twice as fast as
 pow(2.0,2). That seems consistent with your claim above.

 I'm a bit surprised that pow() would use logarithms even if the
 exponent is an integer. I suppose that just checking for an integer
 exponent could blow away the gain that would be achieved by avoiding
 logarithms. On the other hand, I would think that using logarithms
 could introduce a tiny error (e.g., pow(2.0,2) = 3.96 - made
 up result) that wouldn't occur with multiplication.

It depends on the libm implementation of pow() whether logarithms are
used for integer exponents. I'm looking at glibc's (the libc used on
Linux) implementation for Intel processors, and it does optimize
integers. That routine is written in assembly language, btw.

  Does x**0.5 use the same algorithm as sqrt(x), or does it use some
  other (perhaps less efficient) algorithm based on logarithms?

 The latter, and that algorithm is libm's pow().  Except for a few
 special cases that Python handles, all floating point exponentation is
 left to libm.  Checking to see if the exponent is 0.5 is not one of
 those special cases.

 I just did another little time test comparing 2.0**0.5 with sqrt(2.0).
 Surprisingly, 2.0**0.5 seems to take around a third less time.

 None of these differences are really significant unless one is doing
 super-heavy-duty number crunching, of course, but I was just curious.
 Thanks for the information.

And if you are, you'd likely be doing it on more than one number, in
which case you'd probably want to use numpy. We've optimized x**n so
that it does handle n=0.5 and integers specially; it makes more sense
to do this for an array of numbers where you can do the special
manipulation of the exponent, and then apply that to all the numbers
in the array at once.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-06 Thread David M. Cooke
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 sturlamolden wrote:

 5. Versioning control? For each program there is only one developer and
 a single or a handful users.

 I used to think like that up until two seconds before I entered this gem:

   $ rm `find . -name *.pyc`

 Okay, I didn't type it exactly like that; I was missing one character. I'll 
 you guess which.

I did that once. I ended up having to update decompyle to run with
Python 2.4 :-) Lost comments and stuff, but the code came out great.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Scientific Computing with NumPy

2006-02-10 Thread David M. Cooke
linda.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 where to download numpy for Python 2.3 in Mac?

I don't know if anybody's specifically compiled for 2.3; I think most
of the developers on mac are using 2.4 :-)

But (assuming you have the developer tools installed) it's really to
compile: python setup.py build  python setup.py install.

Do you need Tiger (10.4) or Panther (10.3) compatibility?

|David M. Cooke

Re: good library for pdf

2006-01-26 Thread David M. Cooke
Murali [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Pulling out pages from existing PDF files can be done with Open Source
 stuff. The simplest would be pdftk (PDF Toolkit). The most fancy will
 be using latex and the pdfpages package together with pdflatex.

 - Murali

There's also pyPDF, at http://pybrary.net/pyPdf/. I haven't tried it,
but it looks interesting.

|David M. Cooke

problem adding list values

2005-12-22 Thread David M. Synck
Hi all, 

I am fairly new to Python and trying to figure out a syntax error
concerning lists and iteration through the same. What I am trying to do is
sum a list of float values and store the sum in a variable for use later.

The relevant code looks like this -

def getCredits():

 This function asks the user to input any credits not shown on their 
bank statement

It returns the sum(converted to float) of the entered credits 

global credits
credlist = []
credits = 0.0
temp = 0.0
print Now you need to enter any credits not shown on your bank statement 
print Please enter a zero (0) once all credits have been entered \n
raw_input(Hit 'Enter' to continue \n)
temp = float(raw_input(Please enter the first credit \n))

while temp != 0:
temp = float(raw_input(Please enter the next credit \n))
i = 0
for i in credlist:
credits += credlist[i]
i = i + 1

return credits

And the syntax error I get is this - 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./BankReconciler_Rev1.py, line 129, in ?
  File ./BankReconciler_Rev1.py, line 116, in main
  File ./BankReconciler_Rev1.py, line 60, in getCredits
credits += credlist[i]
TypeError: list indices must be integers

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate

Thanks in advance

Re: idea of building python module using pyrex

2005-12-09 Thread David M. Cooke

 For example stastical module like commulative probability  function for
 t distribution, or other numerical module which incorporate looping to
 get the result.

 I found that pyrex is very helpfull when dealing with looping

Pyrex is indeed quite helpful. If you're interested in statistical
distributions, you'll want to look at the scipy.stats module in scipy
(http://www.scipy.org/), which has lots (including the t distribution).

In SciPy, we use Pyrex for the random-number generator module
scipy.random. It's actually used to wrap some C code, but it does the
job well.

|David M. Cooke

Reading binary data

2005-11-23 Thread David M
OK so here is my task.  I want to get at the data stored in
/var/account/pacct, which stores process accounting data, so that I can
make it into a more human understandable format then what the program
sa can do.  The thing is, its in a binary format and an example program
that reads some data from the file is done in C using a struct defined
in sys/acct.h.


So I was wondering how can I do the same thing, but in python?  I'm
still learning so please be gentle.



Re: Reading binary data

2005-11-23 Thread David M
Thanks but the C Struct describing the data doesn't match up with the
list on the module-struct page.

this is the acct.h file

#ifndef _SYS_ACCT_H
#define _SYS_ACCT_H 1

#include features.h

#define __need_time_t
#include time.h
#include sys/types.h


#define ACCT_COMM 16

  comp_t is a 16-bit floating point number with a 3-bit base 8
  exponent and a 13-bit fraction. See linux/kernel/acct.c for the
  specific encoding system used.

typedef u_int16_t comp_t;

struct acct
char ac_flag;   /* Accounting flags.  */
u_int16_t ac_uid;   /* Accounting user ID.  */
u_int16_t ac_gid;   /* Accounting group ID.  */
u_int16_t ac_tty;   /* Controlling tty.  */
u_int32_t ac_btime; /* Beginning time.  */
comp_t ac_utime;/* Accounting user time.  */
comp_t ac_stime;/* Accounting system time.  */
comp_t ac_etime;/* Accounting elapsed time.  */
comp_t ac_mem;  /* Accounting average memory usage.  */
comp_t ac_io;   /* Accounting chars transferred.  */
comp_t ac_rw;   /* Accounting blocks read or written.  
comp_t ac_minflt;   /* Accounting minor pagefaults.  */
comp_t ac_majflt;   /* Accounting major pagefaults.  */
comp_t ac_swaps;/* Accounting number of swaps.  */
u_int32_t ac_exitcode;  /* Accounting process exitcode.  */
char ac_comm[ACCT_COMM+1];  /* Accounting command name.  */
char ac_pad[10];/* Accounting padding bytes.  */

AFORK = 0x01,   /* Has executed fork, but no exec.  */
ASU = 0x02, /* Used super-user privileges.  */
ACORE = 0x08,   /* Dumped core.  */
AXSIG = 0x10/* Killed by a signal.  */

#define AHZ 100

/* Switch process accounting on and off.  */
extern int acct (__const char *__filename) __THROW;


#endif  /* sys/acct.h */

What are u_ini16_t and comp_t?  And what about the enum section?


Re: Underscores in Python numbers

2005-11-19 Thread David M. Cooke
Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Dealing with numeric literals with lots of digits is
 a real (if not earth-shattering) human interface problem: it is hard for
 people to parse long numeric strings.

 I'm totally unconvinced that this _is_ a real problem, if we define 
 real as being even enough to jiggle my mouse, let alone shattering the 

 What examples does anyone have of where it is necessary to define a 
 large number of large numeric literals?  Isn't it the case that other 
 than the odd constants in various programs, defining a large number of 
 such values would be better done by creating a data file and parsing

One example I can think of is a large number of float constants used
for some math routine. In that case they usually be a full 16 or 17
digits. It'd be handy in that case to split into smaller groups to
make it easier to match with tables where these constants may come
from. Ex:

def sinxx(x):
computes sin x/x for 0 = x = pi/2 to 2e-9
a2 = -0.1 4
a4 =  0.00833 33315
a6 = -0.00019 84090
a8 =  0.0 27526
a10= -0.0 00239
x2 = x**2
return 1. + x2*(a2 + x2*(a4 + x2*(a6 + x2*(a8 + x2*a10

(or least that's what I like to write). Now, if I were going to higher
precision, I'd have more digits of course.

|David M. Cooke

Re: authentication for xmlrpc via cgi

2005-09-22 Thread David M. Cooke

 I'm using python 2.2 (hopefully we'll be upgrading our system to 2.3
 soon) and I'm trying to prototype some xml-rpc via cgi functionality.
 If I override the Transport class on the xmlrpclib client and add some
 random header like Junk, then when I have my xmlrpc server log it's
 environment when running, I see the HTTP_JUNK header.  If I do this
 with AUTHORIZATION, the header is not found.

 Does this ring a bell for anyone?  Am I misunderstanding how to use
 this header?  I'm guessing that Apache might be eating this header, but
 I don't know why.

By default, Apache does eat that. It's a compile time default; the
Apache developers think it's a security hole. Here's a note about it:


From what I can see, this is still true in Apache 2.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Is there a way to determine -- when parsing -- if a word contains a builtin name or other imported system module name?

2005-08-04 Thread David M. Cooke
Casey Hawthorne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a way to determine -- when parsing -- if a word contains a
 builtin name or other imported system module name?

 Like iskeyword determines if a word is a keyword!

Look in the keyword module; there is actually an iskeyword function
there :)

For modules, sys.modules is a dictionary of the modules that have been

|David M. Cooke

Re: without shell

2005-06-10 Thread David M. Cooke
Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2005-06-10, Mage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 py file_list = os.popen(ls).read()
 Stores the output of ls into file_list.
  These commands invoke shell indeed.
 Under Unix, popen will not invoke a shell if it's passed a
 sequence rather than a single string.

 I suspect you're thinking of the popen2 functions.
 On UNIX, os.popen is posix.popen, is a simple wrapper
 around the C library popen.  It always invokes the

 The no-shell alternatives are spawnv (instead of
 system) and the popen2 family (given a sequence
 of strings.)

Don't forget the one module to rule them all, subprocess:

file_list = subprocess.Popen(['ls'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

which by default won't use the shell (unless you pass shell=True to it).

|David M. Cooke

Re: Annoying behaviour of the != operator

2005-06-10 Thread David M. Cooke
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 greg wrote:
 David M. Cooke wrote:

To solve that, I would suggest a fourth category of arbitrary
ordering, but that's probably Py3k material.

We've got that: use hash().
[1+2j, 3+4j].sort(key=hash)
 What about objects that are not hashable?
 The purpose of arbitrary ordering would be to provide
 an ordering for all objects, whatever they might be.

 How about id(), then?

 And so the circle is completed...

Or something like

def uniquish_id(o):
return hash(o)
except TypeError:
return id(o)

hash() should be the same across interpreter invocations, whereas id()

|David M. Cooke

Re: Annoying behaviour of the != operator

2005-06-09 Thread David M. Cooke
Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Rocco Moretti wrote:

   This gives the wacky world where
 [(1,2), (3,4)].sort() works, whereas [1+2j, 3+4j].sort() doesn't.

 To solve that, I would suggest a fourth category of arbitrary
 ordering, but that's probably Py3k material.

We've got that: use hash().
[1+2j, 3+4j].sort(key=hash)

Using the key= arg in sort means you can do other stuff easily of course:

by real part:
import operator
[1+2j, 3+4j].sort(key=operator.attrgetter('real'))

by size:
[1+2j, 3+4j].sort(key=abs)

and since .sort() is stable, for those numbers where the key is the
same, the order will stay the same.

|David M. Cooke

Re: computer algebra packages

2005-06-08 Thread David M. Cooke
Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Rahul wrote:

 The reason is simple enough. I plan to do some academic research
 related to computer algebra for which i need some package which i can
 call as a library. Since i am not going to use the package
 myself..(rather my program will)..it will be helpful to have a python
 package since i wanted to write the thing in python. if none is
 available then probably i will need to work on an interface to some
 package written in some other language or work in that language itself.

 I've heard of people writing a Python MathLink interface to Mathematica, which
 essentially turns Mathematica into a Python module.  But I don't have any
 references handy, sorry, and as far as I remember it was done as a private
 contract.  But it's doable.

It should also be doable with Maple, using the OpenMaple API. I've
looked at it, and it should be possible. I haven't had the time to
actually do anything, though :-)

|David M. Cooke

Re: editor for shelve files

2005-05-01 Thread David M. Cooke
Amir  Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Is there a program for editing shelve databases?


I doubt it. A shelf is basically just a file-based dictionary, where
the keys must be strings, while the values can be arbitrary objects.
An editor could handle the keys, but most likely not the values.

If you have an editor for arbitrary objects, you could probably make
an editor for shelfs easily enough :-)

Do you have a specific use in mind? That would be easier to handle
than the general case.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Is there a package with convolution and related methods?

2005-04-21 Thread David M. Cooke
Charles Krug [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Is there a Python package with Convolution and related methods?

 I'm working on modeling some DSP processes in Python.  I've rolled one
 up, but don't feel much like reinventing the wheel, especially if
 there's already something like Insanely Efficient FFT for Python


You most certainly want to look at the numerical python packages
Numeric and numarray (http://numeric.scipy.org/) for array
manipulations, and scipy (http://scipy.org) has wraps for FFTW (Fast
Fourier Transform in the West).

|David M. Cooke

Re: Threads and variable assignment

2005-04-12 Thread David M. Cooke
Gregory Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've had a solid hunt through the (2.3) documentation but it seems
 silent on this issue.

 I have an problem that would naturally run as 2 threads:  One monitors
 a bunch of asyncrhonous external state and decides if things are
 good or bad.  The second thread processes data, and the processing
 depends on the good or bad state at the time the data is processed.

 Sort of like this:

 Thread 1:

 global isgood
 while 1:
   if new_state_is_good():
   isgood = 1
   isgood = 0

 Thread 2:

 s = socket()
 f = s.makefile()
 while 1:
   l = f.readline()
   if isgood:
   print  goodfile, l
   print  badfile, l

You said that the processing depends on the good or bad state at the
time the data is processed: I don't know how finely-grained your state
changes will be in thread 1, but it doesn't seem that thread 2 would
notice at the right time. If the socket blocks reading a line, the
state could change i

 What guarantees (if any!) does Python make about the thread safety of
 this construct?   Is it possible for thread 2 to get an undefined
 variable if it somehow catches the microsecond when isgood is being
 updated by thread 1?

It won't be undefined, but it's possible that (in thread 1)
between the if new_state_is_good() and the setting of isgood that
thread 2 will execute, so if new_state_is_good() was false, then it
could still write the line to the goodfile.

It really depends on how often you have state changes, how often you
get (full) lines on your socket, and how much you care that the
correct line be logged to the right file.

If you needed this to be robust, I'd either:

- Try to rewrite wait_for_status_change()/new_state_is_good() to be
  asynchronous, particularly if wait_for_status_change() is blocking
  on some file or socket object. This way you could hook it into
  asynchat/asyncore or Twisted without any threads.

- Or, if you need to use threads, use a Queue.Queue object where
  timestamps w/ state changes are pushed on in thread 1, and popped
  off and analysed before logging in thread 2. (Or something; this
  just popped in my head.)

|David M. Cooke

Re: python/svn issues....

2005-04-12 Thread David M. Cooke
bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 thanks for the reply...

 it's starting to look as though the actual /usr/lib/libdb-4.2.so from the
 rpm isn't exporting any of the symbols...

 when i do:
 nm /usr/lib/libdb-4.2.so | grep db_create

 i get
  nm: /usr/lib/libdb-4.2.so: no symbols

 which is strange... because i should be getting the db_create symbol...

 i'll try to build berkeley db by hand and see what i get...

 if you could try the 'nm' command against your berkely.. i'd appreciate you
 letting me know what you get..

Not surprising; plain 'nm' doesn't work for me on shared libraries. I
need to use 'nm -D'. In that case, I get a db_create (or rather, a
versioned form, db_create_4002). Running 'nm -D -g' on the
libsvn_fs_base library shows it uses the same db_create_4002 function.

|David M. Cooke  http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/

Re: richcmpfunc semantics

2005-04-07 Thread David M. Cooke
harold fellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thank you Greg,

 I figured most of it out in the meantime, myself. I only differ
 from you in one point.

 What has to be done, if the function is invoked for an operator
 I don't want to define?

 Return Py_NotImplemented. (Note that's return, *not* raise.)

 I used

 return NULL;

 instead. What is the difference between the two and which one
 is to prefer.

If you do it your way you're a bad neighbour: If your object is the
first one (left-hand side) of the operator, it will prevent the other
object from handling the case if it can. This is the same advice as
for all of the other operators (__add__, etc.)

Consider the pure-python version:

class A:
def __init__(self, what_to_do='return'):
self.what_to_do = what_to_do
def __eq__(self, other):
print 'A.__eq__'
if self.what_to_do == 'return':
return NotImplemented
raise Exception

class B:
def __eq__(self, other):
print 'B.__eq__'
return True

 a = A('return')
 b = B()
 a == b
 b == a
 a == a

So the B class handles the case where A doesn't know what to do. Also
note the last case, where Python falls back on id() comparisions to
determine equality.

Now, compare with this:

 a = A('raise')
 b = B()
 a == b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File x.py, line 9, in __eq__
raise Exception
 b == a
 a == a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File x.py, line 9, in __eq__
raise Exception

So now comparing A and B objects can fail. If you *know* A and B
objects can't be compared for equality, it'd be ok to raise a
TypeError, but that should be after a type test.

 Also, do you need to increment the reference count
 of Py_NotImeplemented before returning it?

Yes; it's a singleton like Py_None.

|David M. Cooke

Re: curious problem with large numbers

2005-04-07 Thread David M. Cooke
Chris Fonnesbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have been developing a python module for Markov chain Monte Carlo
 estimation, in which I frequently compare variable values with a very
 large number, that I arbitrarily define as:

 inf = 1e1

 However, on Windows (have tried on Mac, Linux) I get the following behaviour:

 inf = 1e1

 while I would have expected:


 Smaller numbers, as expected, yield:

 inf = 1e100

 Obviously, I cannot use the former to compare against large (but not
 infinite) numbers, at least not to get the result I expect. Has anyone
 seen this behaviour?

I don't do Windows, so I can't say this will work, but try

 inf = 1e308*2

I think your problem is how the number is being parsed; perhaps
Windows is punting on all those zeros? Computing the infinity may or
may not work, but it gets around anything happening in parsing.

Alternatively, if you have numarray installed (which you should
probably consider if you're doing numerical stuff ;-) you could use

 import numarray.ieeespecial

(there's minus_inf, nan, plus_zero, and minus_zero also)

|David M. Cooke

Re: Gnuplot.py and, _by far_, the weirdest thing I've ever seen on my computer

2005-04-04 Thread David M. Cooke
syd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't even know where to begin.  This is just bizarre.  I just picked
 up the Gnuplot.py module (a light interface to gnuplot commands) and
 was messing around with it today.

 I've got a tiny script, but it only works from the command line about
 half the time!  In the python interpreter, 100%.   Ipython, 100%.  I'm
 not kidding.

 #!/bin/env python
 import Gnuplot
 g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=1)
 g.title('A simple example')
 g('set data style linespoints')
 g('set terminal png small color')
 g('set output myGraph.png')
 g.plot([[0,1.1], [1,5.8], [2,3.3], [3,100]])

 Here's just one example -- it does not work, then it works.  It seems
 totally random.  It will work a few times, then it won't for a few

 bash-2.05b$ ./myGnu.py
 gnuplot set title A simple example
 gnuplot set data style linespoints
 gnuplot set terminal png small color
 gnuplot set output myGraph.png
 gnuplot plot '/tmp/tmp5LXAow' notitle

 gnuplot plot '/tmp/tmp5LXAow' notitle
  can't read data file /tmp/tmp5LXAow
  line 0: util.c: No such file or directory

 bash-2.05b$ ./myGnu.py
 gnuplot set title A simple example
 gnuplot set data style linespoints
 gnuplot set terminal png small color
 gnuplot set output myGraph.png
 gnuplot plot '/tmp/tmpHMTkpL' notitle

 (and it makes the graph image just fine)

 I mean what the hell is going on?  My permissions on /tmp are wide open
 (drwxrwxrwt).  It does the same thing when I run as root.  And it
 _always_ works when I use the interpreter or interactive python.

 Any clues would be greatly appreciated.  I'm baffled.

What's your OS? Python version? Gnuplot.py version (I assume 1.7)?
Put a 'import sys; print sys.version' in there to make sure /bin/env
is using the same python as you expect it to.

It looks like any temporary file it's writing to is deleted too early.

Have a look at gp_unix.py in the Gnuplot source. There's some
customization options that might be helpful. In particular, I'd try

import Gnuplot
Gnuplot.GnuplotOpts.prefer_fifo_data = 0

... then the data will be save to a temporary file instead of piped
through a fifo.

Alternatively, try
Gnuplot.GnuplotOpts.prefer_inline_data = 1

... then no file will be used.

[I don't use Gnuplot myself; this is just what I came up with after a
few minutes of looking at it]

|David M. Cooke

Re: numeric module

2005-04-01 Thread David M. Cooke

 What's the problem with this code? I get the following error message:

  File test.py, line 26, in test
 print tbl[wi][bi]
 IndexError: index must be either an int or a sequence

 ---code snippet

 from Numeric import *
 tbl = zeros((32, 16))

 def test():

 val = testme()
 wi = val  4
 bi = val  0xFL
[above changed to use val instead of crc, as you mentioned in another post]
 print wi
 print bi
 print tbl[wi][bi]

tbl[wi][bi] would be indexing the bi'th element of whatever tbl[wi]
returns. For Numeric arrays, you need


Now, you'll have another problem as Terry Reedy mentioned: the indices
(in Numeric) need to be Python ints, not longs. You could rewrite your
test() function as

def test():
val = testme()
wi = int(val  4)
bi = int(val  0xF)
print wi
print bi
print tbl[wi,bi]

and that'll work.

|David M. Cooke

Re: numeric module

2005-04-01 Thread David M. Cooke
coffeebug [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I cannot import numarray and I cannot import numeric using python

numarray and Numeric are separate modules available at 

If you're doing anything numerical in Python, you'll want them :-)

|David M. Cooke

Re: itertools to iter transition

2005-03-30 Thread David M. Cooke
Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Terry Reedy wrote:
But if classmethods are intended to provide alternate constructors
 But I do not remember that being given as a reason for
 classmethod().  But I am not sure what was.

 Well I haven't searched thoroughly, but I know one place that it's
 referenced is in descrintro[1]:

 Factoid: __new__ is a static method, not a class method. I initially
 thought it would have to be a class method, and that's why I added the
 classmethod primitive. Unfortunately, with class methods, upcalls
 don't work right in this case, so I had to make it a static method
 with an explicit class as its first argument. Ironically, there are
 now no known uses for class methods in the Python distribution (other
 than in the test suite).

Not true anymore, of course (it was in 2.2.3). In 2.3.5, UserDict,
tarfile and some the Mac-specific module use classmethod, and the
datetime extension module use the C version (the METH_CLASS flag).

And staticmethod (and METH_STATIC) aren't used at all in 2.3 or 2.4 :-)
[if you ignore __new__]

|David M. Cooke

Re: breaking up is hard to do

2005-03-25 Thread David M. Cooke
bbands [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For example I have a class named Indicators. If I cut it out and put it
 in a file call Ind.py then from Ind import Indicators the class can
 no longer see my globals. This is true even when the import occurs
 after the config file has been read and parsed.

Don't use globals? Or put all the globals into a separate module,
which you import into Ind and into whatever uses Ind.

Putting the globals into a separate namespace (module, class, class
instance, whatever) also makes it easier to know what is a global :-)

|David M. Cooke

Re: Using python to extend a python app

2005-03-24 Thread David M. Cooke
dataangel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm writing a python app that works as a replacement for the menu that
 comes with most minimalist wms when you right click the root window.
 It's prettier and written completely in python.

 I'd like to provide hooks or some system so that people can write
 their own extensions to the app, for example adding fluxbox options,
 and then fluxbox users can choose to use that extension. But I'm not
 sure how to implement it.

 Right now the best idea I have is to have all desired extensions in a
 folder, import each .py file in that folder as a module using
 __import__, and then call some predetermined method, say start, and
 pass it the menu as it exists so far so they can add to it,
 start(menu). This seems kind of hackish.

That looks pretty reasonable, and easy. There have been some recent
threads (in the past month or so) on plugins, so you might want to
search the archives. Most of it's revolved around not using exec :-)

I just had a look at pyblosxom (one program that I know that uses
plugins), and it uses exactly this approach, with some extra frills:
looking in subdirectories, for instance.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Passing arguments to python from URL

2005-03-22 Thread David M. Cooke
Casey Bralla [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a python cgi-bin application which produces an apache web page.  I
 want to pass arguments to it on the URL line, but the parameters are not
 getting passed along to python properly.

 I've been using sys.argv to pick up command line arguments, and it works
 fine when I call the python program from the command line.  Unfortunately,
 when I pass data to the program from the URL, many of the parameters are
 being clobbered and **NOT** passed to python.

 For example:  http://www.nobody.com/cgi-bin/program.py?sort=ascending; only
 passes the parameter /usr/lib/cgi-bin/program.py.

This is expected.

 However, http://www.nobody.com/cgi-bin/program.py?sort%20ascending; passes
 a 2-place tuple of (/usr/lib/cgi-bin/program.py, sort

I don't know why this actually works, it's not (AFAIK) defined behaviour.

 Somehow, adding the = in the argument list prevents **ANY** parameters
 from being passed to python.  I could re-write the python program to work
 around this, but I sure would like to understand it first.

You're going to have to rewrite. CGI scripts get their arguments
passed to them through the environment, not on the command line.
QUERY_STRING, for instance, will hold the query string (the stuff
after the ?).

Use Python's cgi module to make things easier on yourself; the
documentation has a good overview:

In this case, your script would look something like this:

import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if form.getvalue('sort') == 'ascending':
... sort in ascending order ...


|David M. Cooke

Re: how to handle repetitive regexp match checks

2005-03-17 Thread David M. Cooke
Matt Wette [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Over the last few years I have converted from Perl and Scheme to
 Python.  There one task that I do often that is really slick in Perl
 but escapes me in Python.  I read in a text line from a file and check
 it against several regular expressions and do something once I find a match.
 For example, in perl ...

  if ($line =~ /struct {/) {
do something
  } elsif ($line =~ /typedef struct {/) {
do something else
  } elsif ($line =~ /something else/) {
  } ...

 I am having difficulty doing this cleanly in python.  Can anyone help?

  rx1 = re.compile(r'struct {')
  rx2 = re.compile(r'typedef struct {')
  rx3 = re.compile(r'something else')

  m = rx1.match(line)
  if m:
do something
m = rx2.match(line)
if m:
  do something
  m = rx3.match(line)
  if m:
 do something

I usually define a class like this:

class Matcher:
def __init__(self, text):
self.m = None
self.text = text
def match(self, pat):
self.m = pat.match(self.text)
return self.m
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.m.group(name)

Then, use it like

for line in fo:
m = Matcher(line)
if m.match(rx1):
do something
elif m.match(rx2):
do something

David M. Cooke

Re: SAX parsing problem

2005-03-15 Thread David M. Cooke
anon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So I've encountered a strange behavior that I'm hoping someone can fill
 me in on.  i've written a simple handler that works with one small
 exception, when the parser encounters a line with '#38;' in it, it
 only returns the portion that follows the occurence.  

 For example, parsing a file with the line :

 results in getting %20value back from the characters method, rather
 than some%20#38;%20value.

 After looking into this a bit, I found that SAX supports entities and
 that it is probably believing the #38; to be an entity and processing
 it in some way that i'm unware of.  I'm using the default

Are you sure you're not actually getting three chunks: some%20, ,
and %20value? The xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.characters method
(which I presume you're using for SAX, as you don't mention!) is not
guaranteed to get all contiguous character data in one call. Also check
if .skippedEntity() methods are firing.

|David M. Cooke

Re: How to write python plug-ins for your own python program?

2005-03-03 Thread David M. Cooke
Simon Wittber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You mean like 'import'? :)

 That's how I would do it. It's the simplest thing, that works.

 exec(import %s as plugin % pluginName)

 where pluginName is the name of the python file, minus the .py extension.

You'd better hope someone doesn't name their plugin
'os; os.system(rm -rf /); import sys'

Use __import__ instead.

|David M. Cooke

Re: binutils strings like functionality?

2005-03-03 Thread David M. Cooke
cjl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 something like this could work:

 import re

 text = open(file, rb).read()

 for m in re.finditer(([\x20-\x7f]{4,})[\n\0], text):
 print m.start(), repr(m.group(1))

 Hey...that worked. I actually modified:

 for m in re.finditer(([\x20-\x7f]{4,})[\n\0], text):


 for m in re.finditer(([\x20-\x7f]{4,}), text):

 and now the output is nearly identical to 'strings'. One problem
 exists, in that if the binary file contains a string
 monkey/chicken/dog/cat it is printed as mokey//chicken//dog//cat,
 and I don't know enough to figure out where the extra / is coming

Are you sure it's monkey/chicken/dog/cat, and not
monkey\chicken\dog\cat? The later one will print monkey\\chicken...
because of the repr() call.

Also, you probably want it as [\x20-\x7e] (the DEL character \x7f
isn't printable). You're also missing tabs (\t).

The GNU binutils string utility looks for \t or [\x20-\x7e].

|David M. Cooke

Re: [ANN] Python 2.4 Quick Reference available

2005-02-19 Thread David M. Cooke
Pete Havens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The is awesome! Thanks. I did notice one thing while reading it. In the
 File Object section, it states:

 Created with built-in functions open() [preferred] or its alias

 ...this seems to be the opposite of the Python documentation:

 The file() constructor is new in Python 2.2. The previous spelling,
 open(), is retained for compatibility, and is an alias for file().

Except if you look at the current development docs
(http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/lib/built-in-funcs.html) it says

The file() constructor is new in Python 2.2 and is an alias for
open(). Both spellings are equivalent. The intent is for open() to
continue to be preferred for use as a factory function which returns a
new file object. The spelling, file is more suited to type testing
(for example, writing isinstance(f, file)).

... which more accurately reflects what I believe the consensus is
about the usage of open vs. file.

|David M. Cooke

Re: LinearAlgebra incredibly slow for eigenvalue problems

2005-01-28 Thread David M. Cooke
drife [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I need to calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for a 3600 X 3600
 covariance matrix.

 The LinearAlgebra package in Python is incredibly slow to perform the
 above calculations (about 1.5 hours). This in spite of the fact that
 I have installed Numeric with the full ATLAS and LAPACK libraries.

 Also note that my computer has dual Pentium IV (3.1 GHz) processors
 with 2Gb ram.

 Every Web discussion I have seen about such issues indicates that
 one can expect huge speed ups if one compiles and installs Numeric
 linked against the ATLAS and LAPACK libraries.

Are you *sure* that Numeric is linked against these?

 Even more perplexing is that the same calculation takes a mere 7 min
 in Matlab V6.5. Matlab uses both ATLAS and LAPACK.

 Moreover, the above calculation takes the same amount of time for
 Numeric to complete with --and-- without ATLAS and PACK. I am certain
 that I have done the install correctly.

This is good evidence that Numeric *isn't* linked to them.

If you're on a Linux system, you can check with ldd:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ldd /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Numeric/lapack_lite.so 
liblapack.so.3 = /usr/lib/atlas/liblapack.so.3 (0x002a95677000)
libblas.so.3 = /usr/lib/atlas/libblas.so.3 (0x002a95e55000)
libg2c.so.0 = /usr/lib/libg2c.so.0 (0x002a96721000)
libpthread.so.0 = /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x002a96842000)
libc.so.6 = /lib/libc.so.6 (0x002a96957000)
libm.so.6 = /lib/libm.so.6 (0x002a96b96000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 = /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 

You can see that lapack and blas (the Atlas versions) are linked to
the lapack_lite.so.

To install Numeric using Lapack:
- remove the build/ directory in your Numeric sources, so you don't
  any old binaries
- edit setup.py and follow the comments on using Lapack (you need to
  comment out a few lines, and set some directories)
  Also set use_dotblas to 1.
- do the 'python setup.py build', 'python setup.py install' dance.

|David M. Cooke

Re: LinearAlgebra incredibly slow for eigenvalue problems

2005-01-28 Thread David M. Cooke
drife [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi David,

 I performed the above check, and sure enough, Numeric
 is --not-- linked to the ATLAS libraries.

 I followed each of your steps outlined above, and Numeric
 still is not linking to the ATLAS libraries.

 My setup.py file is attached below.

 # delete all but the first one in this list if using your own LAPACK/BLAS
 sourcelist = [os.path.join('Src', 'lapack_litemodule.c')]
 # set these to use your own BLAS;

 library_dirs_list = ['/d2/lib/atlas']
 libraries_list = ['lapack', 'ptcblas', 'ptf77blas', 'atlas', 'g2c']

 # set to true (1), if you also want BLAS optimized 
 use_dotblas = 1
 include_dirs = ['/d2/include']

This all look right (assuming you've got the right stuff in /d2).

When it compiles, does it look like it's actually doing the linking?
After doing python setup.py build, you can run ldd on the libraries in
the build directory (something like build/lib.linux-i386-2.3/lapack_lite.so).
If that's linked, then it's not being installed right.

You don't have a previous Numeric installation that's being picked up
instead of the one you're trying to install, do you?

At the interpreter prompt, check that
 import Numeric

gives you something you're expecting, and not something else.

|David M. Cooke

Re: pickling extension class

2005-01-18 Thread David M. Cooke
harold fellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,

 I have a problem pickling an extension class. As written in the
 Extending/Embedding Manual, I
 provided a function __reduce__ that returns the appropreate tuple.
 This seams to work fine,
 but I still cannot pickle because of the following error:

   from model import hyper
   g = hyper.PeriodicGrid(4,4,1)
 (type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid',(4.,4.,1.))
   import pickle
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File pickle_test.py, line 5, in ?
File /sw/lib/python2.4/pickle.py, line 1382, in dump
  Pickler(file, protocol, bin).dump(obj)
File /sw/lib/python2.4/pickle.py, line 231, in dump
File /sw/lib/python2.4/pickle.py, line 338, in save
  self.save_reduce(obj=obj, *rv)
File /sw/lib/python2.4/pickle.py, line 414, in save_reduce
File /sw/lib/python2.4/pickle.py, line 293, in save
  f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
File /sw/lib/python2.4/pickle.py, line 760, in save_global
  raise PicklingError(
 pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid': it's
 not found as hyper.PeriodicGrid
 ['Dir', 'Neighbors', 'PeriodicGrid', 'PeriodicPos', '__doc__',
 '__file__', '__name__', 'refcount']
 type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid'

I think that's your error. The extension type is declared to be
hyper.PeriodicGrid, where it actually is model.hyper.PeriodicGrid
(because hyper is in the model package).

Pickle stores g.__class__.__module__ (which is hyper) and
g.__class__.__name__ (=PeriodicGrid) to find the class object for
reimporting, and on unpickling, tries to do __import__(hyper), which

The tp_name slot of your extension type should be model.hyper.PeriodicGrid.

|David M. Cooke

Re: readline, rlcompleter

2005-01-11 Thread David M. Cooke

 This a case where the documentation is lacking. The standard library
 (http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/lib/module-rlcompleter.html) gives
 this example
 import readline
 except ImportError:
 print Module readline not available.
 import rlcompleter
 readline.parse_and_bind(tab: complete)

 but I don't find a list of recognized key bindings. For instance, can I
 like to bind shift-tab to rlcompleter, is that possible? Can I use
 keys? I did various attempt, but I did not succed :-(
 Is there any readline-guru here with some good pointers?
 Michele Simionato

Basically, you could use any key sequence that is sent to the terminal. So
shift-tab is out (that's not sent as a key to any terminal program).

Function keys would have to be specified as the key sequence sent by a
function key (\e[11~ for F1, for instance).

Have a look at the readline info page, or the man page. The syntax of
readline.parse_and_bind is the same as that of an inputrc file.

|David M. Cooke

Re: OT: MoinMoin and Mediawiki?

2005-01-11 Thread David M. Cooke
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alexander Schremmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  lists of incoming links to wiki pages,
 It does.

 Huh?  I don't see those.  How does it store them, that's resilient
 across crashes?  Or does it just get wedged if there's a crash?

Most Wiki implementations (MoinMoin included) have this, by using a
search. Usually, following the original Wiki (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki)
model, you get at it by clicking on the title of the page.

Searching instead of indexing makes it very resilient :-)

|David M. Cooke

Re: why not datetime.strptime() ?

2005-01-10 Thread David M. Cooke
Joshua Spoerri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com writes:
 josh Shouldn't datetime have strptime?
 If someone wants to get their feet wet with extension module
 this might be a good place to start.  Mostly, I think nobody who has
 needed/wanted it so far has the round tuits available to spend on the

 OK, it was pretty straightforward. Thanks for the direction.

 To whom should I send the patch (attached)?

Submit it to the patch tracker on sourceforge.

But first, some constructive criticism:

 --- Modules/datetimemodule.c.orig 2003-10-20 10:34:46.0 -0400
 +++ Modules/datetimemodule.c  2005-01-10 20:58:38.884823296 -0500
 @@ -3774,6 +3774,32 @@
   return result;
 +/* Return new datetime from time.strptime(). */
 +static PyObject *
 +datetime_strptime(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
 + PyObject *result = NULL, *obj, *module;
 + const char *string, *format;
 + if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ss:strptime, string, format))
 + return NULL;
 + if ((module = PyImport_ImportModule(time)) == NULL)
 + return NULL;
 + obj = PyObject_CallMethod(module, strptime, ss, string, format);
 + Py_DECREF(module);

You don't check for errors: an exception being thrown by
PyObject_CallMethod will return obj == NULL.

If there's a module in sys.path called time that overrides the stdlib
time, things will fail, and you should be able to catch that.

 + result = PyObject_CallFunction(cls, iii,
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 0)),
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 1)),
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 2)),
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 3)),
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 4)),
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 5)),
 + PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(obj, 6)));

Are you positive those PySequence_GetItem calls will succeed? That
they will return Python integers?

 + Py_DECREF(obj);
 + return result;
  /* Return new datetime from date/datetime and time arguments. */
  static PyObject *
  datetime_combine(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
 @@ -4385,6 +4411,11 @@
PyDoc_STR(timestamp - UTC datetime from a POSIX timestamp 
  (like time.time()).)},
 + {strptime, (PyCFunction)datetime_strptime,
 +  PyDoc_STR(strptime - new datetime parsed from a string
 +(like time.strptime()).)},
   {combine, (PyCFunction)datetime_combine,
PyDoc_STR(date, time - datetime with same date and time fields)},

It probably would help to add some documentation to add to the
datetime module documentation.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Python3: on removing map, reduce, filter

2005-01-10 Thread David M. Cooke
Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Some timings to verify this:

 $ python -m timeit -s def square(x): return x*x map(square, range(1000))
 1000 loops, best of 3: 693 usec per loop

 $ python -m timeit -s [x*x for x in range(1000)]
 1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0505 usec per loop

Maybe you should compare apples with apples, instead of oranges :-)
You're only running the list comprehension in the setup code...

$ python2.4 -m timeit -s def square(x): return x*x map(square, range(1000))
1000 loops, best of 3: 464 usec per loop
$ python2.4 -m timeit [x*x for x in range(1000)]
1000 loops, best of 3: 216 usec per loop

So factor of 2, instead of 13700 ...

|David M. Cooke

Re: getattr() woes

2004-12-28 Thread David M. Cooke
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Thomas Rast  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

class dispatcher:
# ...
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.socket, attr)

 import asyncore
 class Peer(asyncore.dispatcher):
... def _get_foo(self):
... # caused by a bug, several stack levels deeper
... raise AttributeError('hidden!')
... foo = property(_get_foo)

 You're not supposed to use properties with classic classes.

Even if dispatcher was a new-style class, you still get the same
behaviour (or misbehaviour) -- Peer().foo still raises AttributeError
with the wrong message.

A simple workaround is to put a try ... except AttributeError block in
his _get_foo(), which would re-raise with a different error that
wouldn't be caught by getattr. You could even write a property
replacement for that:

 class HiddenAttributeError(Exception):
... pass
 def robustprop(fget):
... def wrapped_fget(self):
... try:
... return fget(self)
... except AttributeError, e:
... raise HiddenAttributeError(*e.args)
... return property(fget=wrapped_fget)

Ideally, I think the better way is if getattr, when raising
AttributeError, somehow reused the old traceback (which would point
out the original problem). I don't know how to do that, though.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Namespaces and the timeit module

2004-12-14 Thread David M. Cooke
Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm playing with the timeit module, and can't figure out how to time a 
 function call.  I tried:

 def foo ():
 x = 4
 return x

 t = timeit.Timer (foo())
 print t.timeit()

 and quickly figured out that the environment the timed code runs under 
 is not what I expected:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./d.py, line 10, in ?
 print t.timeit()
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.3/timeit.py, line 158, in timeit
 return self.inner(it, self.timer)
   File timeit-src, line 6, in inner
 NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined

 In fact, trying to time print dir() gets you:

 ['_i', '_it', '_t0', '_timer']

 It seems kind of surprising that I can't time functions.  Am I just not 
 seeing something obvious?

Like the documentation for Timer? :-)

class Timer([stmt='pass' [, setup='pass'  [, timer=timer function]]])

You can't use statements defined elsewhere, you have to define them in
the setup arguments (as a string). Like this:

define_foo = '''
def foo():
x = 4
return x

t = timeit.Timer(foo() setup=define_foo)
print t.timeit()

One common idiom I've seen is to put your definition of foo() in a
module (say x.py), then, from the command line:

$ python -m timeit -s 'from x import foo' 'foo()'

(the -m is for python 2.4 to run the timeit module; use the full path
to timeit.py instead for earlier pythons)

Alternatively, the examples for the timeit module has another way to
time functions defined in a module.

|David M. Cooke

Re: Distutils vs. Extension header files

2004-12-10 Thread David M. Cooke
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a package that includes an extension that has a number of
 header files in the directory with the extension. They are specified
 as depends = [...] in the Extension class. However, Distutils
 doesn't seem to do anything with them.

 If I do an sdist, the include files aren't added to the tarball.

 If I do a bdist_rpm, the source files get copied into the build
 directory and the build starts, but the header files aren't copied
 with the source file, so the build fails with a missing header file.

 I find it hard to believe that this is a bug in distutils, so I'd
 appreciate it if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.

vincent has the solution (you need to specify them in MANIFEST.in),
but I'll add my 2 cents.

depends = [...] is used in building (it's like dependencies in make).
If one of those files change, distutils will rebuild the extension.
But that's all distutils does with it. It's braindead including stuff
in the source distribution, including depends, data files, and other
stuff you'd think it would do. When in doubt, add it to MANIFEST.in.

|David M. Cooke

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