Re: Spaces in path name

2008-03-14 Thread David S
By mapping network drives in windows I can get past these issues with path 


"Tim Golden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> David S wrote:
>> Gets me further but still seems to be issue with space after 'Program' as 
>> code tries to run 'C:\Program'. Don't understand what is going on here...
> Slight apologies as I haven't followed this thread closely, but using the 
> Acrobat Reader executable, which is, I think, good enough for the
> purposes of illustration:
> import os
> import subprocess
> filename = r"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"
> doc = r"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Resource\ENUtxt.pdf"
> print os.path.isfile (filename)
> os.system (filename + " " + doc)
> os.system ('"%s" "%s"' % (filename, doc))
> ([filename, doc])
> os.path.isfile succeeds
> os.system (filename) fails as your code does
> os.system ('"%s"' ...) fails even though both strings are requoted
> (filename) succeeds
> The latter, at least, is because the subprocess module
> has some special-case handling for exactly this situation
> on MS Windows, while os.system doesn't.
> Now, ultimately, I don't know if this really helps your
> exact situation but it least it should be clear what will
> and what won't work. Conclusion: use if
> you can.
> TJG 


Re: Spaces in path name

2008-03-14 Thread David S

Gets me further but still seems to be issue with space after 'Program' as 
code tries to run 'C:\Program'. Don't understand what is going on here...

using "java.exe" from "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01"
using "C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant.bat" for building
Building from E:\Red5\red5_server\install\windows
Cleaning old directories...
Compiling Java 1.5 version...
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 132, in 
  File "", line 128, in main
  File "", line 70, in build
self.compile(self.ant_cmd, os.path.join(red5_root, 'build.xml'), '1.5', 
an', 'installerdist')
  File "", line 26, in compile
assert os.system('%s -quiet -Djava.target_version=%s -buildfile %s%s' % 
, version, script, args)) == 0

"Bryan Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> David S wrote:
>> I get
>> ERROR: ""C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant"" does not exist
>> If I cut the path statement here and paste it next to a windows XP 
>> command prompt ant is invoked.
>> The python code here is
>> if not os.path.isfile(ANT_CMD):
>> error('"%s" does not exist' % ANT_CMD)
> There you don't want the quotes within the string. On my MS-Win box:
>   >>> import os
>   >>> os.path.isfile(r'C:\Program Files\Windows NT\dialer.exe')
>   True
>   >>> print os.path.isfile(r'"C:\Program Files\Windows NT\dialer.exe"')
>   False
> -- 
> --Bryan 


Re: Spaces in path name

2008-03-14 Thread David S

Using "C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant.bat" just gives me the same 


"Dennis Lee Bieber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 04:37:12 GMT, "David S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>> If I cut the path statement here and paste it next to a windows XP 
>> command
>> prompt ant is invoked.
>> The python code here is
>> if not os.path.isfile(ANT_CMD):
>> error('"%s" does not exist' % ANT_CMD)
> Any chance the /filename/ is something like "ant.exe"
>>>> pyt = "e:/python24/python"
>>>> if not os.path.isfile(pyt):
> ... print "%s does not exist" % pyt
> ...
> e:/python24/python does not exist
>>>> pyt = "e:/python24/python.exe"
>>>> if not os.path.isfile(pyt):
> ... print "%s does not exist" % pyt
> ...
> Remember, under Windows, files with certain extensions are
> executable /without/ needing the extension on the command line -- unlike
> Linux...
> My eclipse install has: ant.bat, ant.cmd, and ant.jar files, and
> which (if they are in the same directory) gets picked when the extension
> is not specified is beyond my current knowledge -- might depend on the
> order of the extensions specified in the
> C:\Documents and Settings\Dennis Lee Bieber>echo %pathext%
> .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.pyw;.py;.pyo;.pyc;.tcl
> (okay, the ant.jar won't be picked )
> -- 
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
> HTTP://
> (Bestiaria Support Staff: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> HTTP:// 


Re: Spaces in path name

2008-03-13 Thread David S

I get

ERROR: ""C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant"" does not exist

If I cut the path statement here and paste it next to a windows XP command 
prompt ant is invoked.

The python code here is
if not os.path.isfile(ANT_CMD):
error('"%s" does not exist' % ANT_CMD)


"Mensanator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
On Mar 13, 5:16 pm, "David S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some code in which I have to change some path names to get it to
> work. The original code seems to have assumed that path names would not 
> have
> any embedded spaces.
> I am not sure how to write the following line so when used in my script 
> the
> path will be found.
> ANT_CMD = r'C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant'

Try ANT_CMD  = r'"C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant"'

> Regards,
> David


Spaces in path name

2008-03-13 Thread David S

I have some code in which I have to change some path names to get it to 
work. The original code seems to have assumed that path names would not have 
any embedded spaces.

I am not sure how to write the following line so when used in my script the 
path will be found.

ANT_CMD  = r'C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant'



Handling global variables (Newbie)

2008-03-12 Thread David S

I have an error occurring at
self.build_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0])

The error states 'NameError: global name '__file__' is not defined'

In Python 2.5 I ran my script as a module in IDLE gui. How does _file_ get 



Re: chained attrgetter

2006-10-26 Thread David S.
Ah, pretty Python.  

Thanks, all.


chained attrgetter

2006-10-25 Thread David S.
Does something like operator.getattr exist to perform a chained attr

I came up with the following, but I can not help but think it is
already done and done better.

David S.

def compose(funcs):
""" return composite of funcs
this does not support extended call syntax, so each func can
only take a single arg

>>> from operator import add
>>> funcs = [lambda x:add('ANSWER: ', str(x)), lambda x:add(x,100)]
>>> compose(funcs)(9)
'ANSWER: 109'

def _func(arg):
return reduce(lambda v,f: f(v), iter(funcs[::-1]), arg)
return _func

def chained_attrgetter(cattr):
>>> class A: pass
>>> a1 = A
>>> a1.a2 = A
>>> a1.a2.a3 = "Hey, now!"
>>> chained_attrgetter("a2.a3")(a1)
'Hey, now!'

return compose([attrgetter(attr) for attr in


Re: distutils

2006-05-10 Thread David S.
Dan Crosta> writes:

> I don't understand -- you can install multiple scripts with a single 
> Do you want finer-grained control over which are installed by 
> a single invocation of In that case, you should re-read the 
> distutils docs about sub-classing portions of the setup process. The 
> documentation for the Python 2.4.2 distribution is more complete than in 
> 2.3.5.

Again, thank you.  To clarify, I want to have a separate install
for--potentially--each script.  I imagined that I could put a in each
folder that a script lived and somehow indicate the root of my source so that
distutils could find other modules that the scripts use.  Perhaps, I have not
organized things appropriately--I do not know.  I will try to read the doco
again and see if I can infer some best practices.

David S.


Re: distutils

2006-05-09 Thread David S.
Dan Crosta> writes:

> > fsi\
> > - common\ # some modules
> > - db\ # some modules
> > - someutility\ # my script
> > 
> Your should live in fsi/ try:

Thank you.  This introduces a new problem for me.  I have other scripts that I
want to install likewise.  But now I have to overwrite for each 

Alternatively, I can create,, etc.  That would
be fine except that there are other files, ie. MANIFEST.IN and README, that need
to be there too.  I have not found a way to similarly rename these.  

Finally, it seems odd that I should have so many scripts in my
package root directory.  

Thanks again,
David S.



2006-05-09 Thread David S.
I have a what I a typical source tree, something like:
- common\ # some modules
- db\ # some modules
- someutility\ # my script

I would like to create a setup script to install my script as a script as well
as the modules that is depends on, but where should the file live?  If
I put it in ./someutility/ it can not find fsi.common or fsi.db.  

package_dir does not seem to work and I am confused.  The documentation is, I am
sure thorough, but something that fit on fewer pages would help.  

So I appreciate any help for this particular problem as well as any suggestions
for other documentation or guides to using distutils.

David S.


Concurrency, I guess

2006-01-20 Thread David S.
I have a simple intranet web app whose job is to synchronize a couple of
databases.  The web part is that you can change settings such as how often the
sync should happen, force the sync, or see the log.  Since it runs periodically,
I want the process that does the db sync to run happily along but be aware of
when a setting is changed.  So in my simple mind I envision 2 threads: start the
sync process, start the web server and hope that when the web server handles
some request and changes a setting, the sync process knows about it.  The final
requirement is that the server can know if the sync process is running already
should someone try to manually start the sync.

Anyway, I have tried messing around with the threading module and referenced
some examples I have come across, but to no avail.  Fundamentally I expected
that when I change a global variable in 1 thread, the new value would be picked
up in any other thread.  This does not appear to be the case. (I understand that
there are lots of potential issues with this but only 1 thread ever shanges the
value anyhow.)  I have not even tried blocking the sync process if it is already

The candygram module ( might be the way for me
to go, but I would still like to understand this pretty basic question.  So any
insight, advice, or references on the problem as described would be very
welcome. It seems it must be fairly common.  

Peace, David S.


Re: standard doc style for method signatures

2005-05-31 Thread David S.
David S.> writes:

> Is there a generally accepted way to denote method signatures---that is,
> expected type or required interface for each argument.  
Here is an answer:


standard doc style for method signatures

2005-05-30 Thread David S.
Is there a generally accepted way to denote method signatures---that is,
expected type or required interface for each argument.  


Re: global variables

2005-03-07 Thread David S.
M.N.A.Smadi> writes:

> I need to have a  varaible that will contain a value that will be 
> modified in one file, and when coming back to the same file it 
> should retain the same value. 

You must import the module in which the variable lives and qualify it

So, if you have the following files
var = 1
import trash1
trash1.var = 2
import trash1
print trash1.var

you can run the interpreter and:
>>>import trash2
>>>import trash3


Re: reuse validation logic with descriptors

2005-03-02 Thread David S.
Steve Holden> writes:

> You want assignment to a method-local variable to turn an attribute into 
> a property? That's programming with a magic wand ...
> That will depend on the value returned by property access, surely?
> I suspect you are a little confused about properties and descriptors.
> regards
>   Steve

Quite confused, actually, which was the reason for my original post.  
Thanks again to those who helped me and any other confused folks 
understand this bit of Python that much better.
David S.


Re: reuse validation logic with descriptors

2005-03-01 Thread David S.
Steven Bethard> writes:
> P.S.  If you haven't already, you should read 
> a couple of times. 
> It took me until about the third time I read it to really understand 
> what descriptors were doing.  The big thing to remember is that for an 
> instance b,
>  b.x
> is equivalent to
>  type(b).__dict__['x'].__get__(b, type(b))
> and for a class B,
>  B.x
> is equivalent to
>  B.__dict__['x'].__get__(None, B)
> Note that 'x' is always retrieved from the *type* __dict__, not from the 
> *instance* __dict__.

Steve, and others, thanks for the help.  This and Michael Spencer's reply
at have been very
helpful in getting the descriptor definition clear.  For me, it has taken 
reading about 4 times 
along with your help to get this straight.

David S.


Re: reuse validation logic with descriptors

2005-03-01 Thread David S.
Steven Bethard> writes:

> David S. wrote:
> > I am looking for a way to implement the same simple validation on many 
> > instance attributes and I thought descriptors
> > ( looked like the 
> > right tool.  
> > 
> Looks like you're trying to reinvent the property descriptor.  Try using 
> the builtin property instead:
> py> def getchar(self):
> ... if not hasattr(self, '_char'):
> ... self._char = None
> ... return self._char
> ...
> py> def setchar(self, value):
> ... if not len(value) == 1:
> ... raise ValueError
> ... self._char = value
> ...
> py> singlechar = property(getchar, setchar)
> py> class Flags(object):
> ... a = singlechar
> ... b = singlechar
> ...
> py> f = Flags()
> py> f.a = "a"
> py> f.b = "bb"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "", line 1, in ?
>File "", line 3, in setchar
> ValueError
This still fails to work for instances variables of the class.  That is 
if I use your property in the following:
py> ...class Flags(object):
...def __init__(self): 
... a = singlechar
py> f = Flags()
py> f.a = "a"

Now f.a.__class__.__name__ returns 'str'.  So the property was not 
used at all.

Also, it seems that using a property, I can not do the other useful 
things I can do with a proper class, like provide an __init__, __str__, 
or __repr__.  

Again, thanks,
David S.


reuse validation logic with descriptors

2005-03-01 Thread David S.
I am looking for a way to implement the same simple validation on many 
instance attributes and I thought descriptors
( looked like the 
right tool.  

But I am confused by their behavior on instance of my class. 
I can only get the approximate behavior by using class variables.

I am looking for something like:

class SingleChar(object):
def init(self):
self._char = None

def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not len(value) == 1:
raise ValueError
self._char = value

def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return self._char
class Flags(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = SingleChar()
self.b = SingleChar()

f = Flags()
f.a = "a"
f.b = "bb"

What I actually get when I try this is f.a and f.b become str instances.

Meanwhile, I can get this to work, except that a and b are now just class

class CFlags(object):
a = SingleChar()
b = SingleChar()

What is the proper and clean way to accomplish this sort of thing, so that you
can reuse the logic in for many instance attributes across multiple classes?

Thanks, David S.


Re: huge help for interactive python

2005-02-16 Thread David S.
David S.> writes:

> I am sure it can be improved, but it was easy.  By the 
> way, it generates LaTeK.

LaTeX, rather.


huge help for interactive python

2005-02-16 Thread David S.
If you are using ipython on Windows then you will
have made sure you have Gary Bishop's readline 
library as instructed in the ipython install 
directions found at:

Even if you use the standard commandline tool, 
installing readline makes the basic command line a 
lot easier to use.  (For some reason, I much
prefer it to IDLE or any of the other GUI-wrapped

I could not find a list of the keyboard commands 
that readline supports, so I generated:

You can checkout the script that generates this at:
This uses Ken Seehof's Python Cookbook recipe found at:
I am sure it can be improved, but it was easy.  By the 
way, it generates LaTeK.

To install readline, get it at:
You will also need the ctypes library by 
Thomas Heller, found at:


Re: [newbie]How to install python under DOS and is there any Wxpython can be installed under dos?

2005-02-15 Thread David S.
john san> writes:

> How to install python under DOS and is there any Wxpython-like can be
> installed under dos?
> Thanks.
If you are looking for Windows installers then, yes. See:

If you are really looking for dos binaries, I guess you need to 
build them yourself.


subprocess problem on Windows in IDLE and PythonWin

2005-02-15 Thread David S.
Python 2.4 on Windows XP
In the python command-line the following works fine:

>>> from subprocess import *
>>> p = Popen('dir', stdout=PIPE)

>From within IDLE or PythonWin I get the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
p = Popen('dir', stdout=PIPE)
  File "c:\python24\lib\", line 545, in __init__
(p2cread, p2cwrite,
  File "c:\python24\lib\", line 605, in _get_handles
p2cread = self._make_inheritable(p2cread)
  File "c:\python24\lib\", line 646, in _make_inheritable
TypeError: an integer is required

Note it works fine on Linux also.  I tested it with 
>>> p = Popen('ls', stdout=PIPE)
... and had no trouble.
