Re: command string good in subprocess.Popen(string) fails in process.Process(string)

2005-05-16 Thread Earl Eiland
from Trent Mick [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
"You might be able to use or borrow code from my module. is very similar to Python 2.4's subprocess. It provides a
ProcessOpen class (similar to subprocess' Popen). A ProcessOpen instance
has wait() and kill() methods that work fine on Windows. Under the hood
they are using the Win32 API WaitForSingleObject() and
TerminateProcess() functions."";

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 07:27, Peter Hansen wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > The command string consists of "filename.exe  instruction1 instruction2
> > ..."  It works in subprocess, but in process, returns the error "can't
> > find the file instruction1".
> > 
> > How do I pass command line instructions in process.Process?  I tried a
> > list ['filename.exe', 'instruction1 instruction2 ...'] with the same
> > result.
> Where are you getting this "process" module from?  It's not standard:
> c:\>python
> Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>  >>> import process
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "", line 1, in ?
> ImportError: No module named process
> -Peter


command string good in subprocess.Popen(string) fails in process.Process(string)

2005-05-16 Thread Earl Eiland

The command string consists of "filename.exe  instruction1 instruction2
..."  It works in subprocess, but in process, returns the error "can't
find the file instruction1".

How do I pass command line instructions in process.Process?  I tried a
list ['filename.exe', 'instruction1 instruction2 ...'] with the same

If you're wondering why I'm switching, it's because I'm working with a
poorly behaved 3rd party program that causes a severe memory leak, and I
need the process modules timed "wait(n)" method (or write my own).



error using process module Process class

2005-05-10 Thread Earl Eiland
When executing the following code snippet

import process
for x in Files:
Command_String = 'C:\Program Files\WinRK\WinRK.exe -create ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, os.path.splitext(x)[0]) + ' -set
compression_method ppmz -setg include_paths none -add ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, x) + ' -apply -quit'
PROC = process.Process(Command_String)

from the command line

C:\Documents and Settings\eeiland\Desktop>Thesis_Programs\
ta\sliceX12 Test_Output\Test

generates the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and
", line 61, in ?
PROC = process.Process(Command_String)
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 839, in __init__
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 913, in
cmd = _whichFirstArg(cmd, self._env)
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 303, in
import which
ImportError: No module named which


Re: There's GOT to be a better way!

2005-04-09 Thread Earl Eiland
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 16:43, Steve Holden wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 15:11, Steve Holden wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> I'm writing my first program where I call custom modules.  The
> command doesn't seem to apply, so how do I change a variable
> in a module without passing it down n layers, and then back out
> You are correct in assuming that global isn't what you want - it
> means "global to the module namespace in which it appears".
> However, if two separate pieces of code can both reference the same
> module then one can set an attribute in the module and the other can
> reference it. Don't forget that when you import a module its name
> becomes global within the importing module. Since a module is just a
> glorified namespace, anything that can reference the module can read
> and/or set that module's attributes.
> import something
> something.x = "A value"
> import something
> print something.x
> will print "A value" as long as a is imported before b.
> Right.  That part I figured out.  How does one function in an
> module access a variable in the same module?
>   def A():
> global test
>   test = 1
>   for x in range(10): B()
>   def B():
> global test
>   test = test + 1
>   import module
>   module.A()
> print module.test
> This will fail, unless test is passed and returned.
> I thought I tried that, and it didn't work.  I must have made some



terminating an inactive process

2005-04-02 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm running a PyWin program that executes another program using
subprocess.Popen().  Unfortunately, this other program isn't well
behaved, and frequently terminates without terminating its process. 
After this happens enough times, all my memory is tied up, and the
machine crashes.

Using subprocess.poll(), I can keep my program from hanging, by timing
out the process, and starting anew.  This still leaves the previous
process hogging memory.  How do I kill the old process in Windows?



Re: possible bug?

2005-03-24 Thread Earl Eiland
There may be different ways to code it.  This works.  The problem is
that occasionally somehow, WinRK terminates without terminating the
process, or at least Python doesn't pick up the return code. It turns
out that using poll() instead of wait() only reduces the error
frequency, and allows me to recover from the failure.  It doesn't
eliminate it.


 On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 00:16, Tim Roberts wrote:
> Earl Eiland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm running the following code on Windows 2000, 5.00.2195:
> >
> >for x in Files:
> > Command_String = 'C:\Program Files\WinRK\WinRK.exe -create ' +
> That can't be right.  You need either
>   Command_String = 'C:\\Program Files\\WinRK\\WinRK.exe -create ' +
> or
>   Command_String = r'C:\Program Files\WinRK\WinRK.exe -create ' +
> -- 
> - Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.


Re: possible bug?

2005-03-22 Thread Earl Eiland
Well, your program ran successfully.  Perhaps WinRK is not well
behaved.  How can a process terminate in such a way that poll() can read
it, but wait() won't?


 On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 13:49, Jeff Epler wrote:
> hm, I guess SIGALRM doesn't exist on Windows.  You can run the program
> without the 'signal.signal' line or the 'signal.alarm' line, and you'll
> be stuck with a hung Python if subprocess.Popen exhibits the bug.
> Jeff


Re: possible bug?

2005-03-22 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm running ActivePython PythonWin 2.4, and get the error
message"'AributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SIGALRM'".  The
example provided in the ActivePython documents use signal.SIGALRM, so
I'm not sure what's going on...


On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 12:43, Jeff Epler wrote:
> I wrote a program to use subprocess.Popen 1 times, and never had
> .wait() hang.  If this is a bug, it may be Windows specific.
> Here's the program I ran:
> #-
> import subprocess, signal
> def timeout(*args):
> print "Timed out waiting on", i
> raise SystemExit, 1
> signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout)
> for i in xrange(1):
> signal.alarm(5)
> subprocess.Popen(['/bin/true']).wait()
> if i % 100 == 0: print "done with", i
> print "done!"
> #-
> If the wait method ever hangs, the signal handler shuld be invoked.  On
> Unix, "/bin/true" is a very simple program that does nothing, so it's
> virtually guaranteed to run in less than 5 seconds.  On Windows, maybe
> you want something like subprocess.popen('cmd.exe /c rem') as a command
> that will do nothing and terminate quickly.  What happens if you run my
> program with that change to the Popen line?
> Jeff


Re: possible bug?

2005-03-22 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm running the following code on Windows 2000, 5.00.2195:

for x in Files:
Command_String = 'C:\Program Files\WinRK\WinRK.exe -create ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, os.path.splitext(x)[0]) + ' -set
compression_method ppmz -setg include_paths none -add ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, x) + ' -apply -quit'
PROC = subprocess.Popen(Command_String)
...  # process WinRK output

This hangs occasionally, and is not repeatable - it never hangs on the
same file.

Replacing the PROC.wait() command with the loop

while PROC.poll() == None: time.sleep(1)

has not hung on approximately 7,000 calls to WinRK.


On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 09:35, Jeff Epler wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 07:16:11AM -0700, Earl Eiland wrote:
> > I've been having trouble with a program hanging when using the
> > subprocess modules "wait()" method.  Replacing it with with a loop that
> > used "poll()" solved the problem.
> Please include an example, and more information about what platforn you're 
> using
> This simple program worked fine for me on Linux with Python 2.4:
> #
> import subprocess, time
> s = subprocess.Popen(['sleep', '2'])
> while 1:
> time.sleep(.1)
> if s.poll() is not None: break
> print "polling wait done", s.returncode
> s = subprocess.Popen(['sleep', '2'])
> s.wait()
> print "blocking wait done", s.returncode
> #
> Jeff


possible bug?

2005-03-22 Thread Earl Eiland
I've been having trouble with a program hanging when using the
subprocess modules "wait()" method.  Replacing it with with a loop that
used "poll()" solved the problem.



subprocess 'wait' method causes .py program to hang.

2005-03-19 Thread Earl Eiland
I calling a Windows executable with PROC = subprocess.Popen('...'), and
blocking further python execution until the process terminates with
PROC.wait().  Occasionally, something unusual happens with the
subprocess, and it fails without terminating the process.  When this
happens, my Python program doesn't detect the error condition, and

What can I do about this?

Earl Eiland


program hangs when external process crashes

2005-03-19 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm executing WinRK.exe in a loop using the following code:

for x in Files:
Command_String = 'C:\Program Files\WinRK\WinRK.exe -create ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, os.path.splitext(x)[0]) + ' -set
compression_method ppmz -setg include_paths none -add ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, x) + ' -apply -quit'
PROC = subprocess.Popen(Command_String)

Occasionally, WinRK crashes, and this program hangs at PROC.wait(). 
What can I do about this?

Earl Eiland


program hangs when external process crashes

2005-03-18 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm executing WinRK.exe in a loop using the following code:

for x in Files:
Command_String = 'C:\Program Files\WinRK\WinRK.exe -create ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, os.path.splitext(x)[0]) + ' -set
compression_method ppmz -setg include_paths none -add ' +
os.path.join(InputDirectory, x) + ' -apply -quit'
PROC = subprocess.Popen(Command_String)

Occasionally, WinRK crashes, and this program hangs at PROC.wait(). 
What can I do about this?

Earl Eiland


Re: error sending path to Win OS

2005-03-14 Thread Earl Eiland
A couple of you commented that I should be using os.path.join. 
Accordingly, I rewrote my code.  Unfortunately, I still have the same
problem.  the following code snippet

Results.SetOriginal(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(InputDirectory , x)))
y = str(x.split('.')[0]) + '.rk'
print InputDirectory, y
Results.SetArchive(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(InputDirectory, y)))

is executed from the command line with
C:\Documents and Settings\eeiland\Desktop> ..\Thesis\Plan2\
Test_Data\ Test_Output\Results
Test_Data\ Book1.rk, where InputDirectory (in the above snippet) =
'Test_Data\' (I've also tried 'Test_Data', with the same results).

x (in the above snippet) is an element of the list generated by

Output upon execution is as follows: 
Test_Data\ Book1.rk

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\eeiland\Thesis\Plan2\",
line 60,
in ?
Results.SetArchive(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(InputDirectory, y)))
  File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 229, in getsize
return os.stat(filename).st_size
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Test_Data\\Book1.rk'

What am I doing wrong?


On Sat, 2005-03-12 at 15:16, Michael Hoffman wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + '\\' + Filename) works, but
> > os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + '\\' + Filename.split('.') + '.ext')
> > Fails reporting "no such file or directory
> > InputDirectory\\Filename.ext".
> No, that should be a TypeError. This will be easier if you copy and
> paste your Python session instead of making stuff up.
> > os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + r'\' + Filename.split('.') + '.ext')
> > generates a syntax error.
> 'r"\" is not a valid string literal (even a raw string cannot end in an
> odd number of backslashes). Specifically, a raw string cannot end in a
> single backslash (since the backslash would escape the following quote
> character). Note also that a single backslash followed by a newline is
> interpreted as those two characters as part of the string, not as a
> line continuation.'
> -- 
> Michael Hoffman


Re: error sending path to Win OS

2005-03-14 Thread Earl Eiland
A couple of you commented that I should be using os.path.join. 
Accordingly, I rewrote my code.  Unfortunately, I still have the same
problem.  the following code snippet

Results.SetOriginal(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(InputDirectory , x)))
y = str(x.split('.')[0]) + '.rk'
print InputDirectory, y
Results.SetArchive(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(InputDirectory, y)))

is executed from the command line with
C:\Documents and Settings\eeiland\Desktop> ..\Thesis\Plan2\
Test_Data\ Test_Output\Results
Test_Data\ Book1.rk, where InputDirectory (in the above snippet) =
'Test_Data\' (I've also tried 'Test_Data', with the same results).

x (in the above snippet) is an element of the list generated by

Output upon execution is as follows: 
Test_Data\ Book1.rk

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\eeiland\Thesis\Plan2\",
line 60,
in ?
Results.SetArchive(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(InputDirectory, y)))
  File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 229, in getsize
return os.stat(filename).st_size
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Test_Data\\Book1.rk'

What am I doing wrong?


On Sat, 2005-03-12 at 15:16, Michael Hoffman wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + '\\' + Filename) works, but
> > os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + '\\' + Filename.split('.') + '.ext')
> > Fails reporting "no such file or directory
> > InputDirectory\\Filename.ext".
> No, that should be a TypeError. This will be easier if you copy and
> paste your Python session instead of making stuff up.
> > os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + r'\' + Filename.split('.') + '.ext')
> > generates a syntax error.
> 'r"\" is not a valid string literal (even a raw string cannot end in an
> odd number of backslashes). Specifically, a raw string cannot end in a
> single backslash (since the backslash would escape the following quote
> character). Note also that a single backslash followed by a newline is
> interpreted as those two characters as part of the string, not as a
> line continuation.'
> -- 
> Michael Hoffman


error sending path to Win OS

2005-03-12 Thread Earl Eiland
os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + '\\' + Filename) works, but
os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + '\\' + Filename.split('.') + '.ext')
Fails reporting "no such file or directory
os.path.getsize(Inputdirectory + r'\' + Filename.split('.') + '.ext')
generates a syntax error.

Earl Eiland


blocking a program until a non-Python process terminates

2005-03-12 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm running an .exe in Python, using subProcess.Popen.  The executable
writes data to a file I process later on in the program.  Unfortunately,
my program returns the error "no such file...".  How do I block
execution until the external executable terminates?



Re: executing non-Python conde

2005-03-11 Thread Earl Eiland
So where do I find win32process.
It's not a builtin (at least import win32process fails)
A search of fails.
A search of sourceforge fails.
A google search brings up lots of stuff, but I didn't find the module.

Earl Eiland

On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 09:02, Larry Bates wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > I need to repeatedly execute an .exe program, changing the command line
> > arguments, and log the output.
> > 
> > My search of Python documentation and O'Reilly texts hasn't uncovered
> > how I do this.  Both exec and execfile seem to only run Python code. 
> > Also, neither seem to be able to pass parameters. (Although there is a
> > reference to global and local dictionaries that I don't understand.)
> > 
> > Surely there is a way to do this!
> > 
> > Earl Eiland
> > 
> os.system() or win32process.CreateProcess() depending on how much
> control you want and/or if it is a Windows GUI .exe.
> Larry Bates


executing non-Python conde

2005-03-11 Thread Earl Eiland
I need to repeatedly execute an .exe program, changing the command line
arguments, and log the output.

My search of Python documentation and O'Reilly texts hasn't uncovered
how I do this.  Both exec and execfile seem to only run Python code. 
Also, neither seem to be able to pass parameters. (Although there is a
reference to global and local dictionaries that I don't understand.)

Surely there is a way to do this!

Earl Eiland


Re: capturing text from a GUI window

2005-03-09 Thread Earl Eiland
On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 14:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > Anyone know how to capture text from GUI output?  I need to process
> > information returned via a GUI window.
> >
> > Earl
> Assuming Windows, then these guys have an interesting tool:
> It's not free, but you can try it before you buy it.
> You will need COM to control it from Python.

This sounds like just what I need.  What is COM, and where do I get it? 
(I'm really a Linux guy. I don't ken the mysteries of Window very well.)



capturing text from a GUI window

2005-03-08 Thread Earl Eiland
Anyone know how to capture text from GUI output?  I need to process
information returned via a GUI window.



Re: autoexecution in Windows

2005-03-07 Thread Earl Eiland
O.K.  I stand corrected.  "auto-execute is the wrong term.

On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 14:03, rbt wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > How does one make a Python program auto-execute in Windows?
> > 
> > Earl
> > 
> No program (python or other) can just arbitrarily execute. A user has to 
> click it or a cron-like utility (Task Scheduler) has to execute it at a 
> set time. registry entries (such as run) can execute programs too. Also, 
> proper Windows services can be configured to start at boot.
> Again, nothing can just arbitrarily execute. If it could, viruses would 
> be a *nightmare*


Re: autoexecution in Windows

2005-03-07 Thread Earl Eiland
In Linux, if I make the first line #!/path/to/Python, all I have to do
to execute the program is type ./FileName (assuming my pwd is the same
as FileName).  what's the Windows equivalent?

On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 13:36, F. Petitjean wrote:
> Le Mon, 07 Mar 2005 13:25:35 -0700, Earl Eiland a Ãcrit :
> > How does one make a Python program auto-execute in Windows?
> > 
> > Earl
> > 
> write a virus ?  :-)
> What do you mean by  auto-execute  ?
> Regards


autoexecution in Windows

2005-03-07 Thread Earl Eiland
How does one make a Python program auto-execute in Windows?



Re: There's GOT to be a better way!

2005-03-03 Thread Earl Eiland
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 16:46, Steven Bethard wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> >
> > def A():
> > test = 1
> > for x in range(10): B()
> > 
> > def B():
> > test = test + 1
> > 
> > 
> >
> > import module
> > module.A()
> > 
> > This will fail, unless test is passed and returned.
> (Sorry if this sent twice.  It wasn't appearing for me the first time.)
> You can use global here, though I wouldn't advise it.
> -- --
> def A():
>  global test
>  test = 1
>  for x in range(10):
>  B()
> def B():
>  global test
>  test = test + 1
> ---
> py> import module
> py> module.A()
> py> module.test
> 11
> This looks like it might be simpler with a class, e.g.:
> -- --
> class A(object):
>  def __init__(self):
>  self.test = 1
>  for x in range(10):
>  self.B()
>  def B(self):
>  self.test += 1
> ---
> py> import module
> py> a = module.A()
> py> a.test
> 11
> STeVe

Guess I'm just gonna have to break down and figure out how to work with


Re: There's GOT to be a better way!

2005-03-03 Thread Earl Eiland
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 16:43, Steve Holden wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 15:11, Steve Holden wrote:
> > 
> >>Earl Eiland wrote:
> >>
> >>>I'm writing my first program where I call custom modules.  The 'global'
> >>>command doesn't seem to apply, so how do I change a variable internally
> >>>in a module without passing it down n layers, and then back out again?
> >>>
> >>
> >>You are correct in assuming that global isn't what you want - it really 
> >>means "global to the module namespace in which it appears".
> >>
> >>However, if two separate pieces of code can both reference the same 
> >>module then one can set an attribute in the module and the other can 
> >>reference it. Don't forget that when you import a module its name 
> >>becomes global within the importing module. Since a module is just a 
> >>glorified namespace, anything that can reference the module can read 
> >>and/or set that module's attributes.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>import something
> >>something.x = "A value"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>import something
> >>print something.x
> >>
> >>will print "A value" as long as a is imported before b.
> > 
> > Right.  That part I figured out.  How does one function in an imported
> > module access a variable in the same module?
> > 
> >
> > def A():
>  global test
> > test = 1
> > for x in range(10): B()
> > 
> > def B():
>  global test
> > test = test + 1
> > 
> > 
> >
> > import module
> > module.A()
>  print module.test
> > 
> > 
> > This will fail, unless test is passed and returned.
> > 
I thought I tried that, and it didn't work.  I must have made some other



Re: There's GOT to be a better way!

2005-03-03 Thread Earl Eiland
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 15:11, Steve Holden wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > I'm writing my first program where I call custom modules.  The 'global'
> > command doesn't seem to apply, so how do I change a variable internally
> > in a module without passing it down n layers, and then back out again?
> > 
> You are correct in assuming that global isn't what you want - it really 
> means "global to the module namespace in which it appears".
> However, if two separate pieces of code can both reference the same 
> module then one can set an attribute in the module and the other can 
> reference it. Don't forget that when you import a module its name 
> becomes global within the importing module. Since a module is just a 
> glorified namespace, anything that can reference the module can read 
> and/or set that module's attributes.
> import something
> something.x = "A value"
> import something
> print something.x
> will print "A value" as long as a is imported before b.
Right.  That part I figured out.  How does one function in an imported
module access a variable in the same module?
def A():
test = 1
for x in range(10): B()

def B():
test = test + 1
import module

This will fail, unless test is passed and returned.


There's GOT to be a better way!

2005-03-03 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm writing my first program where I call custom modules.  The 'global'
command doesn't seem to apply, so how do I change a variable internally
in a module without passing it down n layers, and then back out again?



SOLVED: passing lists

2005-03-03 Thread Earl Eiland
It turns out that the function call was passing arguments in a different
order than they were being received.  Thanks, everyone, for your help.



Re: passing lists

2005-03-03 Thread Earl Eiland
This message contains the responses to two previous messages:

In response to Steven B.,the statements
Raw_packet_queue = enqueue(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...)  
print 'Sort 1 Raw_packet_queue is', Raw_packet_queue
produce the output
Sort 1 Raw_packet_queue is [[(,
00\x01\x01\x08\n\x15\xb7\x13\xba\x8e\x91\x9a\xfd'), ['E\x00\x004',
'@\x00', '\x0

This consists of two lists [[pcap packet header, pcap packet body], [a
list of selected IP header fields]].  Raw_packet_queue[0][0][1] should
return the 'pcap packet body' list element.

In response to Steve H., the traceback is
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../", line 125, in ?
Inbound_Results = Parser.Sort(Inb_sequence,
.dmp", "Inbound-dump-"+Run_ID+"-Created.dmp")
ine 291, in Sort
if Raw_packet_queue[ctr][1] == Passed_IP: Last_Passed, Last_Dropped,
ket_queue = Match(Created, Passed, Raw_packet_queue, Raw, False,
Last_Passed, La
st_Dropped, First_Created, ctr)
ine 132, in Match
    Last_Passed = Raw_packet_queue[0][0][1]
TypeError: unsubscriptable object

On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 15:34, Steve Holden wrote:
> Earl Eiland wrote:
> > def Match(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...):
> > ...
> > print 'in Match, Raw_Packet_queue is', Raw_packet_queue # this returns
> > 'Reader object at 0xaaa'
> > ...
> > return [Last_Passed, Last_Dropped, Raw_packet_queue] # this causes
> > 'unsubscriptable object'error message
> > 
> > #*
> > def Main(...):
> > Raw_packet_queue = []
> > ...
> > Raw_packet_queue = enqueue(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...) # this works
> > ... 
> > if Raw_packet_queue[ctr][1] == Passed_IP: Last_Passed, Last_Dropped,
>   oops!
> > Raw_packet_queue = Match(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...) # the problem
> > starts here
> > ...
> > 
> Rule one: ALWAYS include the actual traceback, rather than providing 
> your interporetation of what it means (though you are then free to do 
> that, too).
> What makes you think it's the Match() call that's causing the problem?
> I'd be willing to bet money it's the double-subscripting of 
> Raw_packet_queue - if item [ctr] on the Raw_packet_queue isn't a list or 
> a dict then subscripting it by [1] will give you the error message that 
> you quote.
> But if you had included the traceback you would have made it unnecessary 
> for me to use my psychic powers :-)
> regards
>   Steve
> > On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 14:09, Bill Mill wrote:
> > 
> >>Earl,
> >>
> >>Please post the smallest snippet of code you can which illustrates
> >>your problem. No list is an unsubscriptable object, so you seem to be
> >>passing something that is not a list to your function.
> >>
> >>As it stands, you don't give enough information to give an actual answer.
> >>
> >>Peace
> >>Bill Mill
> >>bill.mill at
> > 
> > 
> >>
> >>On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 14:05:18 -0700, Earl Eiland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>I have a program in which I'm passing a list to functions.  When I
> >>>reference an element in a function to which it is passed, I get the
> >>>error message "unsubscriptable object".  When printing the list contents
> >>>in that same function, I get "xxx is ".  How do
> >>>I pass a list?
> >>>
> >>>Earl Eiland
> >>>
> >>>--
> >>>
> >>>
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Meet the Python developers and your favorites March 23-25
> Come to PyCon DC 2005
> Steve Holden


Re: passing lists

2005-03-02 Thread Earl Eiland
def Match(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...):
print 'in Match, Raw_Packet_queue is', Raw_packet_queue # this returns
'Reader object at 0xaaa'
return [Last_Passed, Last_Dropped, Raw_packet_queue] # this causes
'unsubscriptable object'error message

def Main(...):
Raw_packet_queue = []
Raw_packet_queue = enqueue(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...) # this works
if Raw_packet_queue[ctr][1] == Passed_IP: Last_Passed, Last_Dropped,
Raw_packet_queue = Match(..., Raw_packet_queue, ...) # the problem
starts here

On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 14:09, Bill Mill wrote:
> Earl,
> Please post the smallest snippet of code you can which illustrates
> your problem. No list is an unsubscriptable object, so you seem to be
> passing something that is not a list to your function.
> As it stands, you don't give enough information to give an actual answer.
> Peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at

> On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 14:05:18 -0700, Earl Eiland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a program in which I'm passing a list to functions.  When I
> > reference an element in a function to which it is passed, I get the
> > error message "unsubscriptable object".  When printing the list contents
> > in that same function, I get "xxx is ".  How do
> > I pass a list?
> > 
> > Earl Eiland
> > 
> > --
> >
> >


passing lists

2005-03-02 Thread Earl Eiland
I have a program in which I'm passing a list to functions.  When I
reference an element in a function to which it is passed, I get the
error message "unsubscriptable object".  When printing the list contents
in that same function, I get "xxx is ".  How do
I pass a list?

Earl Eiland


Can't get pcap file scanner to terminate normally

2005-02-09 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm using pcapy to scan a packet capture file.  I've tried a variety of
tests to end the loop at EOF, but can't seem to avoid the program
terminating with a pcapy.PcapError.  I've tested for empty lists (while
Raw == [] or Passed == []:) and strings (while Raw ==""] or Passed ==
"":) as well as the test in the sample below.

while Raw and Passed :
if Raw_IP != Passed_IP:
Dropped.dump(Raw_hdr, Raw_data)
Passed_hdr, Passed_data =
Raw_hdr, Raw_data =


Trouble converting hex to decimal?

2005-02-05 Thread Earl Eiland
I'm trying to process the IP packet length field, as recorded by pcap
(Ethereal) and recovered using pcapy.  When I slice out those bytes, I
get a value that shows in '\x00' format, rather than '0x00'.  Neither
int() nor eval() are working.  How do I handle this?

Earl Eiland


python versions of perl modules

2004-12-30 Thread Earl Eiland
I need to process a tcpdump file.  PERL has Net::Pcap and NetPacket for
this purpose.  What does PYTHON have?  I haven't found anything.

Earl Eiland


python versions of perl modules

2004-12-30 Thread Earl Eiland

I need to process some tcpdump files.  PERL has Net::Pcap and
NetPacket, but I would rather work in PYTHON.  Do PYTHON equivialnts
of these two modules exist?

Earl Eiland
