Re: Error in following code

2007-06-21 Thread Efrat Regev
> Im working with python2.2 on red hat linux.
> The following program is supposed to print decreasing numbers from an
> entered number till 1, each decrement being = 1 :
> #! usr/bin/env/python
> def f(n=int(raw_input("enter number: "))):
>  print 'n=',n
>  if n>1:
>  return n*f(n-1)
>  else:
>  print 'end'
>return 1
> Though it works fine on the python interpretor, i dont get the
> required output when i write this code in gedit (text editor). The
> output that i get is (where is the name of the file):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# python
> enter number: 6
> i.e it takes the input but doesn't print anything. If anybody can
> help... Thanx!


When you run it through the interpreter, then the interpreter "looks" 
at your definition of f, "understands" it, and continues on. What 
follows your definition of f? Nothing. In particular, nothing instructs 
the interpreter to *execute* f. So your problem is not that f is being 
executed but is not printing anything, but rather that f is not being 

To do what you want it to do, maybe try the following:
#! usr/bin/env/python

def f(n):
  print 'n=',n
  if n>1:
  return n*f(n-1)
  print 'end'
 return 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(raw_input("enter number: "))


The line (if __name__...) means that if the interpreter is running your 
module the way you mean here, then it should get the raw input for n, 
then call f.



P.S. Note that I changed your f so that it doesn't do input itself. 
Coupling calculation code with user-interaction code is maybe not so 
good (IMHO).

Re: Fastest Way To Iterate Over A Probability Simplex

2007-05-22 Thread Efrat Regev
> On May 22, 11:19 am, Efrat Regev:
>> I want to iterate over all
>> such vectors under the constraint that the granularity of
>> each component is at most some delta.
> You can think of this like your sum is an integer>=1 and the single
> "probabilities" are integers>=1 So given the sum, like 6, you can find
> all the parts of it, and then find all the permutations of such parts.
> Eppstein has given code for the parts of an integer, and you can can
> find the iterable permutations code on the cookbook. But the number of
> such possible vectors grows very quickly...
> Bye,
> bearophile

Many thanks. I modified the recipes you attached some, and it works much 
better. Nice and informative answer!

Fastest Way To Iterate Over A Probability Simplex

2007-05-22 Thread Efrat Regev

Let's say a probability vector of dimension d is x_1, ..., x_d, where 
each one is a non-negative term, and they all sum up to 1. Now I'd like 
to iterate over all probability vectors, but this is impossible, since 
they're uncountable. So instead, let's say I want to iterate over all 
such vectors under the constraint that the granularity of each component 
is at most some delta.

To make things pythonesque, here's the interface:

class simplex:
def __init__(self, dim, delta):

def __iter__(self):

def next(self):

The problem is, what's a fast implementation? I tried something simple, 
and it is slow. If anyone can think of something clever, I'd 
love to hear it.

Many Thanks,


Re: Grabbing the output of a long-winded shell call (in GNU/Linux)

2007-05-01 Thread Efrat Regev
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Efrat Regev schrieb:
>>> On May 1, 2:23 pm, Efrat Regev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> So my question is if there's a way to "grab" the output as it's being
>>>> generated. It doesn't matter if the solution is blocking (as opposed to
>>>> callback based), since threads can handle this. I just don't know 
>>>> how to
>>>> "grab" the output. I appreciate your time in reading (and answering
>>>> this), as I've been googling several hours for this.
>>> There may be more pythonic solution than what I suggest here but this
>>> is what I have done when I needed similar functionality. Basically run
>>> your command in the background and redirect its stdout/err to a temp
>>> file. You may run the command either in the background or in a
>>> separate thread. You can then run the command "tail --retry --
>>> pid= -n+0 -F " and grab the output. The tail command
>>> exits once the real command is done.
> Or instead use the python subprocess module and read the commands 
> stdin/out/err from the Popen-object.
> Diez

Excellent, thanks!


(found this after seeing responses on list)

Re: Grabbing the output of a long-winded shell call (in GNU/Linux)

2007-05-01 Thread Efrat Regev
> On May 1, 2:23 pm, Efrat Regev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So my question is if there's a way to "grab" the output as it's being
>> generated. It doesn't matter if the solution is blocking (as opposed to
>> callback based), since threads can handle this. I just don't know how to
>> "grab" the output. I appreciate your time in reading (and answering
>> this), as I've been googling several hours for this.
> There may be more pythonic solution than what I suggest here but this
> is what I have done when I needed similar functionality. Basically run
> your command in the background and redirect its stdout/err to a temp
> file. You may run the command either in the background or in a
> separate thread. You can then run the command "tail --retry --
> pid= -n+0 -F " and grab the output. The tail command
> exits once the real command is done.
> Raghu.

Many Thanks! I'll try this

Grabbing the output of a long-winded shell call (in GNU/Linux)

2007-05-01 Thread Efrat Regev

   Suppose I want to run from within a Python GUI app some long-output 
shell call. For example, from within Python I might want to call

g++ foo.cpp

   I already know there are many ways to do this, e.g., 
commands.getstatusoutput('g++ foo.cpp') to name one.

   The problem is that this might generate a ton of output (e.g., 
because of compilation errors), and might take a while to do so. In my 
GUI, I'd like to print out the output as it's being generated, not wait 
until all is done (as commands.getstatusoutput will do) and dump it at 

   So my question is if there's a way to "grab" the output as it's being 
generated. It doesn't matter if the solution is blocking (as opposed to 
callback based), since threads can handle this. I just don't know how to 
"grab" the output. I appreciate your time in reading (and answering 
this), as I've been googling several hours for this.

   Many Thanks,


Compiler-AST-Walk-Visitor: Any Examples or Documentation?

2007-03-23 Thread Efrat Regev

 I'm trying to write something that will translate Python code to 
pseudo-code (for teaching purposes). Googling around indicated that the 
compiler module is pertinent, especially creating a visitor to walk the 
generated AST:

 I can build the AST, but I can't figure out how to write the 
visitor. The package documentation didn't help me out that much, and I 
couldn't find any examples. In fact, google only came up with this 
unanswered related question:

 Any help is appreciated.

  Thanks and Bye,


Calling GNU/make from a Python Script

2006-10-30 Thread Efrat Regev

   I need to call GNU/make from within a Python script. This raised some 
1. The script is not in the directory of the makefile, and changing the 
locations of either is not an option. Consequently, the makefile fails, 
since it can't find the targets/dependencies.
2. After searching around, it seems that os.system(..) should be avoided 
  if there's an alternative. Is there one in this case?

   Many Thanks!


Re: Python and location of .so files?

2006-01-10 Thread Efrat Regev
Carsten Haese wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 09:42, Efrat Regev wrote:
>>   Hello,
>>   On FC4, I've generated an .so file from C++ which I want to use from 
>>python. It works when I copy it into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages.
>>(I.e., say I have in that directory, then from the python 
>>prompt I can 'import hello', and the code works fine). The problem is 
>>that the said directory requires su - so I'd rather python load my .so 
>>from a different user-privilege directory (when I type 'import hello'). 
>>Is there some way to tell python to use a different directory?
> Yes. See
> for
> information on Python's module search path.
> Hope this helps,
> Carsten.

Perfect. Thank you very much!

Python and location of .so files?

2006-01-10 Thread Efrat Regev

   On FC4, I've generated an .so file from C++ which I want to use from 
python. It works when I copy it into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages.
(I.e., say I have in that directory, then from the python 
prompt I can 'import hello', and the code works fine). The problem is 
that the said directory requires su - so I'd rather python load my .so 
from a different user-privilege directory (when I type 'import hello'). 
Is there some way to tell python to use a different directory?

   Many thanks for considering this question. Also, it's possible that 
this question belongs in a different forum, and if so, I'd appreciate if 
you'd tell me where.



Re: One-step multiples list generation?

2006-01-03 Thread Efrat Regev
Damien Wyart wrote:
> * Efrat Regev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in comp.lang.python:
>>Suppose I have some non-numerical Foo and would like to create a list
>>of 20 Foo-s. Is there a one-step method (not a loop) of doing so?
> Maybe :
> [ Foo ] * 20
> or, more verbose,
> [ Foo for _ in range(20) ]
> ?

Great. Thanks!

One-step multiples list generation?

2006-01-03 Thread Efrat Regev

   Suppose I have some non-numerical Foo and would like to create a list 
of 20 Foo-s. Is there a one-step method (not a loop) of doing so? E.g., 
something like [Foo * 20] (which is obviously not the right way) that 
would create [Foo, Foo, Foo, ...,Foo].
   I tried looking through the docs, FAQs and help, but couldn't find 
anything (the closest is range, but it seems it's only for numerics) - I 
very much appreciate your time in answering. Also, please excuse me if I 
used some wrong terminology.



Python CGI Script

2005-10-02 Thread Efrat Regev

 I'm a data-structures course TA trying to write a python CGI script 
for automatically compiling and testing students' projects. 
Unfortunately, I've run into some questions while writing this, which I 
couldn't solve with the various (and helpful) python-CGI documentation. 
(It's possible that I'm posting to the wrong group; if so, I'd 
appreciate suggestions for the appropriate group.)

1. In my HTML page, I have the following:


 In the above, is the python CGI script. I 
didn't write a URL in the action field, since I'm first testing 
everyting on a local machine (running FC4). The first line of is


and I've done

chmod +x

 When I hit the "submit" button, my browser (Firefox on FC4) doesn't 
run the script; it asks me whether it should open or save it to disk. I couldn't figure out why.

2. My HTML page has the option for an instructor to list the various 
submissions and scores. Obviously, this should be inaccessible to 
students. The instructor has a password for doing this, therefore. 
Suppose I place the password inside a python script, and give this 
script only +x permission for others. Is this  adequate as far as security?

 Thanks in advance for answering these questions.


Newbie Question on ctypes

2005-09-20 Thread Efrat Regev

   (I apologize in advance if I'm posting to the wrong group. If so, 
could you please instruct me which is appropriate?)

   I'm trying to use uTidyLib, HTML-tidy's python binding. When I

import tidy

   Python says it can't import ctypes. Since I'm using FC4, I looked for 
a FC4 ctypes rpm. All I could find, however, were buildlog errors for 
ctypes on FC4.
   My question is, therefore, if I can build ctypes locally. I tried

rpm -i python-ctypes-0.9.1-1.rf.src.rpm

   but that didn't seem to work (python still couldn't import ctypes).

   Thanks in advance for all answers. I should point out that I'm not an 
expert in python or linux (in the combination, alas, even less).



Re: HC Library and *attributes parameter

2005-03-11 Thread Efrat Regev

"Efrat Regev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>   Hello,
>  ...

Many thanks for the useful replies!!


HC Library and *attributes parameter

2005-03-11 Thread Efrat Regev

  I'm a really new (and quite bad) Python programmer. While trying to use
the HC HTML-Generating library, I couldn't figure out how to set a table's
width to some given width. Moreover, the constructors interface is

def __init__(self, object = None, align = None, border = None, cellspacing =
None, cellpaddding = None, *attributes)

So, what does *attribute stand for (being a C++ programmer, it looks
like a pointer, probably not the case). Is it like the C++ ellipsis? If so,
how can
I use it?




Re: Python Modules for Various Internet Protocols?

2005-02-24 Thread Efrat Regev
"Kartic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Efrat Regev wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I was wondering whether there are any Python >
Erfat...yes...batteries included!
> Thanks,
> -Kartic

Excellent! more like generator included :-)

Many thanks,



Python Modules for Various Internet Protocols?

2005-02-24 Thread Efrat Regev

I was wondering whether there are any Python modules for various
Internet protocols, e.g., is there something similar to

import ftp

client = ftpopen(...)

and so on.




Re: Pythonic poker client

2005-02-14 Thread Efrat Regev
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> My PC finally went belly up last week and I'm looking forward to
> playing with my new Mac. However, I play a bit of online poker, and
> there is no Mac client for my poker room.
> Ideally, instead of running Virtual PC, I'd much rather build a custom
> poker client with Python. It's an idea I've been kicking around for a
> while, as it would let me create logs and better analyze my playing.
> I'm hoping it would also help me improve my Python coding skills.
> I've mostly done web development, so I'm a little out of my element
> here, but I would certainly appreciate any help someone could offer.
> How would one go about porting a client like this?

It's already built into Python :-)

import poker
import poker.holdem
import poker.omaha_eight
import poker.seven_stud

But, seriously, any Poker site (at least the commercial ones) go the
opposite direction from using an open protocol. Moreover, they somewhat
compete with themselves on using encryption techniques (Poker site reviews
take encryption into consideration). Finally, I think any Poker site
administrators would do anything possible to block your client, since once
you have a Python Poker client, the door is open to writing an automated
client - bringing on the doom of Poker websites.


Q: Portable Way to Make Files Read Only

2005-02-13 Thread Efrat Regev

I would like to recurse through a directory and make files (which match
a specific criteria) read only. From searching the Internet, I found
which shows how to change file attributes to read only using the
win32api module. That's great, but I was hoping there's a more portable way
to do so. Is there a more portable API call to make files read only?

Many Thanks,



Re: Python in Makefile Question

2005-02-11 Thread Efrat Regev

"Efrat Regev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'd like to ask a question concerning a python script in a makefile.
> ...

Many thanks for the very useful (and very quick) answers!



Python in Makefile Question

2005-02-11 Thread Efrat Regev

I'd like to ask a question concerning a python script in a makefile.
Suppose I have a C++ project (sorry for raising this in a Python newsgroup),
with some makefile for it. Before compiling the code, I'd like to check that
there are no C++ convention violations (e.g., identifiers beginning with an
underscore). So my makefile looks something like this:

target: ...
$(CC) ... is a python script that checks for convention violations, i.e.,
its first line is

#! /usr/bin/env python

I can't figure out the following:
1. How can I get the python script to return a value to make, so that if it
decides that there are convention violations make will fail?
2. How can I pass information from the makefile to the python script, e.g.,
the base directory to check?


