[issue26819] _ProactorReadPipeTransport pause_reading()/resume_reading() broken if called before any read is perfored

2016-04-21 Thread Fulvio Esposito

New submission from Fulvio Esposito:

Calling pause_reading()/resume_reading() on a _ProactorReadPipeTransport will 
result in an InvalidStateError('Result is not ready.') from a future if no read 
has been issued yet. The reason is that resume_reading() will schedule 
_loop_reading() a second time on the event loop. For example, currently 
aiomysql always fails to connect using a ProactorEventLoop on Windows because 
it calls pause_reading()/resume_reading() to set TCP_NODELAY on the socket just 
after connecting and before any read is performed.

components: asyncio
files: pause_resume_test.py
messages: 263927
nosy: Fulvio Esposito, gvanrossum, haypo, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: _ProactorReadPipeTransport pause_reading()/resume_reading() broken if 
called before any read is perfored
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42559/pause_resume_test.py

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Request for research feedback

2011-09-15 Thread Fulvio Valente
Hi, I am a research intern at the University of Strathclyde who has been doing 
a summer research internship. I hope that this is not an inappropriate place to 
ask, but I am looking for participants willing to use and evaluate an 
application that was written as part of this internship. If you choose to 
participate, this should only take no more than an hour or two of your time at 
the very most, unless you wish to not use the analysis files provided.

My project is to experiment with ways of inferring and displaying 
socio-technical information about a software project from a version control 
repository by creating a prototype application. The application infers 
authorship information in the form of closeness scores between authors and 
the files they have worked on by traversing the history of a Mercurial 
repository. This is then displayed as a map of socio-technical dependencies 
between files and the authors that worked on them and between authors and the 
files they have worked on, which should allow for easy visual comparisons of 

Some potential applications and use cases I can envision in the program's 
current form include discovering who the key figures are (i.e. who to talk to 
about a problem) or what the bus factor (how many people need to be hit by a 
bus before a project is in trouble because there's nobody left who understands 
it) is for a project or a subsystem within it. Perhaps a little more 
depressingly, this also maybe be used to highlight potential cases of poor 
productivity to be investigated.

The program itself, Jimmy (for lack of a better name), has a binary 
distribution which can be found at 
http://geeksoc.org/~fvalente/jimmy/jimmy_r1.zip and only requires Java 7 and 
Mercurial (other libraries are included), getting you started quickly. The 
source is available at https://bitbucket.org/fvalente/jimmy and if you wish to 
build it yourself, it depends on Guava r09 and JUNG 2.0.1 (api, algorithms, 
graph-impl, visualization) which itself depends on Apache Commons 
collections-generic 4.0.1.

To perform a basic analysis of a project, you can open a directory that's a 
Mercurial repository and it will just look at the list of commits and the files 
that changed, adding 1 to a score each time an author touches a file, which 
should only take a minute or two, even for large projects. If you have more 
time, you can do the more expensive diff stats analysis which compares the size 
of each diff with the average diff size of the project, excluding empty diffs 
and binary changes. Unfortunately, the diff stats analysis is very slow due to 
retrieving each diff requiring the spawning of a hg subprocess (for reference, 
my 4 year old quad-core machine can do only ~10,000 commits per hour). I don't 
have a progress UI yet, but progress status is sent to stdout when doing a diff 
stats analysis. Once analysis is complete, you can save the results to review 
later by using the open analysis results option.

To navigate the results you can switch to viewing a particular file or author 
of interest from the file and author lists on the left. For files, this will 
display that file as a node in the centre with the authors that have been 
involved with it as orbiting nodes, with the connecting lines' length, 
thickness and colour shortening, thickening and approaching red respectively as 
the closeness score between that author and the file increases. For authors, it 
is the same except the files they have worked on will be the orbiting nodes. 
You can also directly navigate to having a display based on an orbiting node by 
clicking it in the display rather than searching through the file or author 
lists. The display can be zoomed by using the scroll wheel and can be 
translated with the scroll bars or by dragging on an area not occupied by a 

What I would like is for you to please run Jimmy on one or more Mercurial 
repositories of your choice and to give some feedback on it. Some questions I'd 
particularly like answered are:

* Do the closeness scores it produces match with your perception of the 
relationships between people and code in the project? (e.g. if you're looking 
at a particular file and some authors involved in it are shown as closer than 
others, is this the result you would have expected from a perfect version of 
* Does the visualisation of the scores substantially improve your ability to 
draw conclusions from the data compared to just reading a saved analysis (which 
is just plaintext)?
* If, hypothetically, you had no prior knowledge about the project, would using 
it help you to discover the key figures (e.g. maintainer, BDFL) behind the 
project or any of its subsystems? (Alternatively, do such people correctly show 
up as having touched a wider variety of files and with closer relations to them 
than other people?)
* If you were a manager would you be able to use it to discover potential 
productivity issues that you would then 

Re: Request for research feedback

2011-09-15 Thread Fulvio Valente
Whoops, I thought the rather iffy Exchange web client at my institution 
would've wrapped outgoing messages automatically. I'm now using a proper 
client for that account which should prevent such issues in the future. 
Thanks for the heads up.

For anyone who couldn't stand to read the original message, a fixed 
version is at http://geeksoc.org/~fvalente/jimmy/request.txt (figured 
it'd be rude to repost it directly in this message).

On 15/09/2011 20:14, Waldek M. wrote:

On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 16:55:13 +0100, Fulvio Valente wrote:

Hi, I am a research intern at the University of Strathclyde
who has been doing a summer research internship.

I don't want to be rude, but please: could you rather first research
how to use a newsreader before you use it?
These long lines (a few times the limit of 78 characters per line)
make your post unreadable.


- Fulvio

Optparse buggy?

2011-09-01 Thread Fulvio

I'm on python3.2, trying some experiment with OptionParser but no success

 from optparse import OptionParser as parser
 parser.add_option('-n','--new', dest='new') 
Traceback (most recent call last):  

  File stdin, line 1, in module   

  File /usr/lib/python3.2/optparse.py, line 1001, in add_option   

option = self.option_class(*args, **kwargs) 

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'option_class'


Any futher item in the option won't make any better.
Archlinux on $(uname -a) :P


Re: Optparse buggy?

2011-09-01 Thread Fulvio
Terry Reedy wrote:

 Do note The optparse module is deprecated and will not be developed
 further; development will continue with the argparse module.

Then,do you propose me to opt to argparse?

Archlinux on $(uname -a) :P

Saving emails

2011-07-11 Thread Fulvio

my curiosity these day lay around the problem given by Kmail2.
I'd like to keep my old emails and a backup would satisfy my needs. The only 
conditions should be that the mails will come back in a quick way.
I found this page

Which gives me some point, but the program is too old and I'd like to use 
Python 3. Another chance it would be to implement an IMAP server which move 
old emails in and out of an archive. Then it will be simple to recall old 

Some docs about email deciphering. Kmail uses a maildir and several 
subfolders. I'd like to export the emails in mbox file and perhaps to 
separate by a period of time, say July2010, September2010 end so forth.

Thanks in advance

Re: Finding duplicated photo

2011-07-11 Thread Fulvio
Thomas Jollans wrote:

 If Gwenview simply moves/renames the images, is it not enough to compare
 the actual files, byte by byte?

For the work at the spot I found Geeqie, doing right. In the other hand 
learning some PIL function is one of my interest.


Re: Finding duplicated photo

2011-07-11 Thread Fulvio
Kevin Zhang wrote:

 If anyone's interested, pleas checkout the source code in the attachment
 and welcome any advise.

I found that isn't python 3 code :(

Then the code should go into some other program to allow actions on those 
pictures which are matching each other. Am I right?


Re: Finding duplicated photo

2011-07-11 Thread Fulvio
Dave Angel wrote:

 If your real problem is identifying a renamed file amongst thousands of
 others, why not just compare the metadata?  it'll be much faster.
This was the primer situation, then to get into the dirt I tought something 
more sophisticated.
There was a program some year's back which was brilliant an fast to find 
similar pictures on several thousand of them.
Now I can't recall what was the program name and very interesting to do some 
of mine experiments.

CPU management

2007-01-05 Thread Fulvio D'Antonio
Hello everybody,
I usally develop a lot of expensive (in terms of CPU usage) algorithms. I would 
like to develop something that allows my application to run quietly all day 
long with a little CPU usage, so that I can work in the meanwhile!
I was wondering if there is a way to limit the CPU usage: e.g. 10% instead of 
100%, or to let the algorithm to be resumed only when the CPU usage changes.

I think these kind of things are called resource management. So, are there 
facilities for this in Python=

I'm running Python2.4 on Windows XP.

Thank you for your help.


Re: question about True values

2006-10-27 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Thursday 26 October 2006 02:56, John Salerno wrote:
   s = 'hello'
   s == True
   if s:
 print 'hi'

this isn't only a python behavior.
the  if test is valid for all non-zero variables. only None, 0 and False 
make the condition to jump over.



Re: Printing Hidden Character in Python

2006-10-27 Thread Fulvio
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On Thursday 26 October 2006 16:43, Wijaya Edward wrote:
 How can we print out the hidden character like
 \n, \r etc in Python?

If it's meant to evidentiate then you should scan each byte an print it out
o = open('yourfile'.'rb')

 o = open('paths.con','rb')
 for c in o.read():
...  if c == '\n':
...   print '\\n'
...  if c == '\r':
...   print '\\r'
...  print c,
unfortunately it will be a space between each letter. Maybe using 
sys.stderr.write (c) will avoid that.




2006-10-27 Thread Fulvio
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I've a small doubt regarding the way to save a configuration file on the file 
manipulated by ConfigParser.
As far as I could understand this:

cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser

will it do the set on the file or do I have to issue a cp.write(fp) in order 
to get it done?
My tests didn't resulted positively.



Re: Tracing the execution of scripts?

2006-10-27 Thread Fulvio
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On Friday 27 October 2006 17:31, R. Bernstein wrote:
 pydb (http://bashdb.sf.net/pydb) has a both the ability to trace lines

I faced several time that pydb stuck without sign of errors. In the other hand 
Pdb doesn't appear that problem.
Mostly pydb freeze on long loops.
It might be some problem on my setup, I'll check it up...



Re: Handling emails

2006-10-27 Thread Fulvio
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On Friday 27 October 2006 06:48, Ben Finney wrote:
 There is always the option to not send messages to this list using
 that mail server

Once again sorry for that. I'll take action to switch to another mailserver.
Thank for the advice



Re: Debugging

2006-10-26 Thread Fulvio
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On Wednesday 25 October 2006 06:13, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 The bp #1 should only trigger if y = 6

This give me the right point.

  Supposing to have a function on program's variables the statement like 
  if myvar == True: break doesn't gives power to the BP.

 I definitively don't understand you. How does statements in your program
 relates to setting conditions on a bp in the debugger ?

The online help states :
|(Pdb) h b
|b(reak) ([file:]lineno | function) [, condition]
|With a line number argument, set a break there in the current
|file.  With a function name, set a break at first executable line
|of that function.  Without argument, list all breaks.  If a second
|argument is present, it is a string specifying an expression
|which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored.

(Pdb) is the prompt, as you can see.

I was thinking the condition is anything python can digest .Therefore an 'if 
condition: code' should be accepted. Editing a BP with a condition like that 
is taken as good (perhaps there's no check on its validity)

 Did you really bother reading the doc
I downloaded all directory tree :)
Doesn't make difference in what is wrote on those and what is given at command 
line help. If my ignorance disturbing too much, feel free to ignore it any 
time. (No flame intention, however) I appreciate your help and these replies 
will make easier for somebody else when a search engine will hit this post.

|(Pdb) b 17
|Breakpoint 3 at /home/user/tmp/mbxreader.py:17
|(Pdb) cl 3
|No breakpoint numbered 3
|(Pdb) h cl
|cl(ear) filename:lineno
|cl(ear) [bpnumber [bpnumber...]]
|With a space separated list of breakpoint numbers, clear
|those breakpoints.  Without argument, clear all breaks 

Do I input wrongly?
Finally I've done some test on pydb, I felt no much differences. But also the 
author tried to keep compatibility with Pdb/Bdb, except some more functions.



Re: Handling emails

2006-10-26 Thread Fulvio
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On Wednesday 25 October 2006 13:06, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 #   based upon bits from the (Active)Python 2.4 help system and other
OK, good help, Thank you.
As I had confessed, that code was extrapolated from other sources and I took 
it for granted as long  as is working on my purpose.
Most of my purpose is to get the whole mail. Last function has no use.
Both code doing well the only difference is the way to call 



Re: Change on file

2006-10-25 Thread Fulvio
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On Tuesday 24 October 2006 20:22, Alan Franzoni wrote:
 it could put the system under severe workload.

Thank you for the enlightment :-)
In my case it's meant to check a couple of files, but no more than 10 Mbytes.
The most purpose is to find differences since last check. I suppose it's a 
good way, as other programs using CRC as comparison between file, better than 
byte-to-byte diff. Also CD images and big files download are giving a MD5 
My point stand as platform indipendent solution and won't take extra fancy 
modules which aren't part of python package itself. I'll look at SVF and 
timestamp options. I'm less actracted by the idea of 'stat' on the file, Now 
I'm on linux and I've some doubt about win32 options.

PS. C'e' la MList per iclp?



Re: Handling emails

2006-10-25 Thread Fulvio
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On Tuesday 24 October 2006 03:07, Gerard Flanagan wrote:
 The 'PopClient' class here might help you:

I got a look rather later. Let me say that is impressively pythonic :-)
On the other hand I've to go deep on learning the use of Python classes, as 
much as the POPClient likes a different config file and will upset a big 
chunk of my code.
Functions are good, I'll study the emails handling, only I need some time to 
prepair a method to discern local and remote emails and a way to save/recover 
the most important ones.



Change on file

2006-10-24 Thread Fulvio
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I was thinking about use md5 check to se if a file had changes since last 
check. Am I correct?
Is there any other light method?



Re: Handling emails

2006-10-24 Thread Fulvio
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On Tuesday 24 October 2006 01:12, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 as the ID is generally created when the message is submitted to the
 delivery system

Well, that's what I'm dealing with, since a couple of weeks :-) indeed.
Some might not have one, but Kmail should had fixed.
The second will be the way to get the whole email from the mbox file. My 
problem still remain, partially. I'm not sure if the below procedure will 
give me the emails off including multipart ones.

#! /usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import generators

import email, re
import mailbox
import email.Message

def getmbox(name):
Return an mbox iterator given a file/directory/folder name.
fp = open(name, rb)
mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(fp, get_message)
return iter(mbox)

def get_message(obj):
Return an email Message object.

if isinstance(obj, email.Message.Message):
return obj
# Create an email Message object.
if hasattr(obj, read):
obj = obj.read()
msg = email.message_from_string(obj)
except email.Errors.MessageParseError:

obj = obj[len(headers):]
msg = email.Message.Message()
return msg

header_break_re = re.compile(r\r?\n(\r?\n))

def extract_headers(text):
Very simple-minded header extraction

m = header_break_re.search(text)
if m:
eol = m.start(1)
text = text[:eol]
if ':' not in text:
text = 
return text

if __name__ == '__main__':
#simple trial with local mbox file
import sys
file =sys.argv[1]
except IOError:
print 'Must give a mbox file program /path/to_mbox'
k = getmbox(file)
while 1:
full_email = get_message(k.next())
print '%78s' %full_email
answer= raw_input('More? Y/N')
if answer.lower() == 'n': break

I admit that not all code is my genuine design, ;-) some other programs 
extrapolating have been done.



Re: Handling emails

2006-10-24 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Tuesday 24 October 2006 03:07, Gerard Flanagan wrote:
 The 'PopClient' class here might help you:
Thank you, both for the replies.
Surely I'll peep on that code ;-) to gather a wider perspective. A small 
negative point is that for pop deals I've gotten a good success :-) But I 
don't give up, perhaps it there'll be some good idea.
I'm more interested for the IMAP side of the issue, even I might avoid for my 
own purposes.

Last, suppose to publish the thing where will it be the appropriate site?
At the present my program can do filtering and sincronizing with local MUA 
trash. Small problems with IMAP protocol, but it may work for POP3 or  IMAP4 
on regex filter options. Alfa testers (cooperators) needed ;-)



Re: Debugging

2006-10-24 Thread Fulvio
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On Monday 23 October 2006 19:10, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 ignore bpnumber [count]

Sorry, I ignored this command :-)


 saw nothing about this one... but perhaps with

There's tbreak FYI, but what condition will trigger I haven't tried yet.

 condition bpnumber [condition]

     Condition is an expression which must evaluate to true before the
 breakpoint is honored. If condition is absent, any existing condition is
 removed; i.e., the breakpoint is made unconditional.

I did some test, but whatever comes out doesn't disable the breakpoint until 
condition becomes true.
Supposing to have a function on program's variables the statement like  if 
myvar == True: break doesn't gives power to the BP.
If I do a check on the list of BPs the condition evidently appears, but no 
luck :-O
Also clear statement does clear only all BPs, it won't let me clear the 
choosen BP number.

OK. I still on the learning curve, so things come slowly.



Re: Debugging

2006-10-24 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Tuesday 24 October 2006 00:59, R. Bernstein wrote:
 analogous the command of the same name in gdb.

That's available as pdb in the same directory. I didn't try it yet.
About pydb, I may say that triggered my curiosity and I'll give it a try.

 Should you want to somehow build such a debugger script from an
 interactive debugging session, set history and set logging might
 be helpful.

Well, in my normal use (as I was used to do with trace in Arexx :-) ), I'm 
putting the program on hold and run it from inside pdb. I don't know 
procedures by use of command file set.
In such mode I might seed some breakpoint at keypoint of the program and when 
there it stops I investigate some of the critical variable used in that 
point, to see if all goes as expected.



Handling emails

2006-10-23 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.


I'd like to ask some clue to move further on my project :-)
The purpose would be to gather all emails (local and remote ones) to do some 
I've tried to get ideas by reading all about the modules enclose with python, 
but neither email framework nor mailbox give me the idea how to handle *one* 
email complete of payload and attachment (if any).
This purpose will give me chance to avoid duplicates and I suppose to achieve 
the grade of making a maildir o mbox file.
It's welcome to point me to useful information. Surely I'm not asking 
ready-made solution :-).

BTW sorry to whom feel hurt by the virus scan banner. That's not generated 
by me, but rather by my ISP. I'll try to contact my ISP and ask to move it 
off from the email body.



Re: Debugging

2006-10-23 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Saturday 21 October 2006 23:43, R. Bernstein wrote:
 (I think all of this is the case also with pdb, but someone might
 check on this; it's possible breakpoints in pdb start from 0 instead
 of 1 as is the  case in gdb/pydb.)

Thank you for your details. The pdb that I'm talking about, can be found 
in /usr/lib/python2.4/pdb.py (an C:\python2.4\lib\pdb.py for the win32 
I'll give a look to pydb site...

The previous post I might have missed some explaination on my proceeding. I'd 
say that I'm testing a small program under pdb control 
(python /usr/lib/python2.4/pdb.py ./myprog.py). So pdb will load myprog and 
stop the first line code.
Once I'm at the pdb command line I can issue the commands available inside the 
pdb itself. Concerning the mentioned BP function I meant to set a 
counter/function which let the BP run until reach the true condition. 
Then condition is one of the pdb commands which let add a conditon to a BP.
The reference Manual gives information for all the pdb functions, but aren't 
detailed, specially on how to set up BP conditions, like countdown, timed and 
camparison conditions.

Hope I've been clear this time :-)



Re: The fastest search

2006-10-22 Thread Fulvio
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On Saturday 21 October 2006 19:09, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 So for searches that succeed, dicts are much faster than lists.

Very precious advice. Thank you, indeed. The lesson was good :-)

I'd only like to know if List.index(vars) has the same performance than
 vars in List or even it's the same thing.
But, so far I still have my own question about that the search goes on the 
key's name rather then its paired value. In fact, in my actual case the value 
doesn't make any use.
However the search goes on a few hundred email ID, the difference is less than 
a jiffy :-)



Re: Debugging

2006-10-22 Thread Fulvio
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On Saturday 21 October 2006 19:40, Gregor Horvath wrote:

 Small snippets of code are developed in the interpreter and when they
 are working assembled in the editor. If something goes wrong a print on
 the suspect place or the traceback is all I need. (of course this is
 matter of taste)

I also using this techinque, but I found myself to do a lot of rewriting on 
the code, as long as probing several points on the program.
The pdb.py is much of what I need. Running the program can stop in critical 
points and see if all comes as expected. It won't need to remove 
several print from the code.
Obvious, it's referred for programs which aren't time critical.




2006-10-21 Thread Fulvio
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I'm trying out a small utility and my method uses PDB for debugging. I tried 
to read some information regarding the commands of PDB but are rather 
synthetic. Mostly I'd like to understand the use of  condition command in 
terms to use breakpoints (BP) with functions.
Simple the first doubt was a counted BP. What variable using that BP and which 
function can be taken from the command line?




The fastest search

2006-10-21 Thread Fulvio
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I'm poor in knoweledge of python, sorry. What's the fastest result between :

if item in alist:


if adictionay has_key(item):

Is there some trick to apply the best search in wise use of resources while 
using the above said methods?



Re: Pygtk but no gtk?

2006-10-21 Thread Fulvio
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On Saturday 21 October 2006 03:01, Jonathan Smith wrote:
 my pygtk provides
 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py, which contains
 the gtk module

Great advice. I've tried :
$ ls /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0
atk.so  dsextras.py  dsextras.pyc  dsextras.pyo  gobject.so  gtk  
pangocairo.so  pango.so

So, I found some problem related this, would you please post the content of 
that file?

NOTE there's one more directory in that position and has its own __init__.



Re: help with my first use of a class

2006-10-21 Thread Fulvio
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On Saturday 21 October 2006 02:01, James Stroud wrote:
 I think the trick is to identify when a class would make more sense than
 a collection of subroutines

I do believe that's a bit of forecasting, in sense to determine whether a 
piece of code may have a future. Usually in hobbistic term I think we can 
bear with copypasting pieces of code across programs rather than go for a 
class(es) module.
Only I remembered the mottos when I ran this,py which gives me some good 
points of view.



Re: a little about regex

2006-10-20 Thread Fulvio
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 23:05, Ant wrote:
     allow = re.compile(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)')  # negative lookbehind
     if allow.search(adr):
         return True
     return False

I'd point out that :
 allow = re.search(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)',adr)

Will do as yours, since the call to 're' class will do the compilation as here 
it's doing separately.

 Though having the explicit allow and deny expressions may make what's
 going on clearer than the fairly esoteric negative lookbehind.

This makes me think that your point is truly correct.
The option for my case is meant as  deny all except those are specified. 
Also may go viceversa. Therefore I should refine the way the filtering act.
In fact the (temporarily) ignored score is the base of the method to be 
Obviously here mainly we are talking about email addresses, so my intention is 
like the mailfilter concept, which means the program may block an entire 
domain but some are allowed and all from .my are allowed but not those 
from .com.my (mostly annoying emails :P )

At the sum of the view I've considered a flexible programming as much as I'm 
thinking that may be published some time to benefit for multiplatform user as 
python is.
In such perspective I'm a bit curious to know if exist sites on the web where 
small program are welcomed and people like me can express all of their 
ignorance about the mode of using python. For such ignorance I may concour 
for the Nobel Price :)

Also the News Group doesn't contemplate the idea to split into beginners and 
high level programmers (HLP). Of course the HLP are welcome to discuss on 
such NG :).


Re: [OT] a little about regex

2006-10-20 Thread Fulvio
On Friday 20 October 2006 02:40, Ron Adam wrote:
 I see, is this a cleanup script to remove the least wanted items?

Yes. Probably will remain in this mode for a while.
I'm not prepaired to bring out a new algorithm

 Or is it a bit of both?  Why the score?

As exposed on another post. There should be a way to define a deny/allow with 
some particular exception.( I.e deny all .com but not 

 I would think the allow(keep?) filters would always have priority over deny

It's a term which discerning capacity are involved. The previous post got this 
point up. I think to allow all .uk (let us say) but not info.uk (all 
reference are purely meant as example). Therefore if applying regex denial 
on .info.uk surely that doesn't match only .uk.

 I think keeping the allow filter seperate from the deny filter is good.
Agreed with you. Simply I was supposing the regex can do negative matching.

 You might be able to merge the header lines and run the filters across the
 whole header at once instead of each line.

I got into this idea, which is good, I still need a bit of thinking to code 
it. It need to remember what will be the right separator between fields, 
otherwise may cause problems with different charset.

  Actually I've problem on issuing the command to imap server to flag
  Deleted the message which count as spam. I only know the message

 I can't help you here.  Sorry.

Found it :), by tryfail.

  BTW whose Fred?
 news://news.cox.net:119/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't link foreigner NG than my isp giving me. I'm curious and I'll give it  
a try.



Re: I would like write some data recovery software

2006-10-20 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Friday 20 October 2006 07:29, gel wrote:
  Once you get a way to access the bytes to recover... the Hachoir library
  can be interresting as a model to map structures on these data.

 Cheers, I am having a bit of look at it now

Bacula, may be interesting too. (if my infos are correct).



Re: help with my first use of a class

2006-10-20 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Friday 20 October 2006 14:34, James Stroud wrote:
 You really don't need classes for this

I'm in that matter too. Doesn't classes make the main program neater?
Fundamentally OOP is the way to assemble ready objects to get a thing 
working, rather than worry about any single code line.
Is this a concept of python?



Use I the classes?

2006-10-20 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.


I'm used to put up programs (small right now), but I could find the only way 
to define some functions.
I'm interested to split some function into class, but I don't have know-how 
for these beasts.
Looking for documents (free download) which clearly explain the way of 
programming python classes and lots of examples as a bonus.




Re: [OT] a little about regex

2006-10-19 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 15:32, Ron Adam wrote:

 |Instead of using two separate if's, Use an if - elif and be sure to test

Thank you, Ron, for the input :)
I'll examine also in this mode. Meanwhile I had faced the total disaster :) of 
deleting all my emails from all server ;(
(I've saved them locally, luckly :) )

 |It's not exactly clear on what output you are seeking.  If you want 0 for
 | not filtered and 1 for filtered, then look to Freds Hint.

Actually the return code is like herein:

if _filter(hdrs,allow,deny):
# allow and deny are objects prepared by re.compile(pattern)

In short, it means unwanted to be deleted. 
And now the function is :

def _filter(msg,al,dn):
 Filter try to classify a list of lines for a set of compiled
a = 0
for hdrline in msg:
# deny has the first priority and stop any further searching. Score 10 
if dn.search(hdrline): return len(msg) * 10
if al.search(hdrline): return 0
a += 1
return a # it returns with a score of rejected matches or zero if none

The patterns are taken from a configuration file. Those with Axx ='pattern' 
are allowing streams the others are Dxx to block under different criteria.
Here they're :

A01 = ^From:.*\.it\b
A02 = ^(To|Cc):.*frioio@
A03 = ^(To|Cc):.*the_sting@
A04 = ^(To|Cc):.*calm_me_or_die@
A05 = ^(To|Cc):.*further@
A06 = ^From:.*\.za\b
D01 = ^From:.*\.co\.au\b
D02 = ^Subject:.*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*

*A bit of fake in order to get some privacy* :)
I'm using configparser to fetch their value and they're are joint by :

allow = re.compile('|'.join([k[1] for k in ifil if k[0] is 'a']))
deny = re.compile('|'.join([k[1] for k in ifil if k[0] is 'd']))

ifil is the input filter's section.

At this point I suppose that I have realized the right thing, just I'm a bit 
curious to know if ithere's a better chance and realize a single regex 
compilation for all of the options.
Basically the program will work, in term of filtering as per config and 
sincronizing with local $HOME/Mail/trash (configurable path). This last 
option will remove emails on the server for those that are in the local 
Todo = backup local and remote emails for those filtered as good.
multithread to connect all server in parallel
SSL for POP3 and IMAP4 as well
Actually I've problem on issuing the command to imap server to flag Deleted 
the message which count as spam. I only know the message details but what 
is the correct command is a bit obscure, for me.
BTW whose Fred?



Re: a little about regex

2006-10-19 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 16:43, Rob Wolfe wrote:

 |def filter(adr):    # note that filter is a builtin function also
 |    import re

I didn't know it, but my function _is_  starting by underscore (a bit of 
localization :) )

 |    allow = re.compile(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)')  # negative lookbehind
 |    deny = re.compile(r'.*\.com\.my(|$)')

Great,  it works perfectly. I found my errors.
I didn't use r ahead of the patterns and i was close to the 'allow' pattern 
but didn't give positive result and KregexEditor reported wrong way. This 
specially because of '' inside the stream. I thing that is not a normal 
regex input. It's only python valid. Am I right?

More details are the previous thread.



[OT] a little about regex

2006-10-18 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.


I'm trying to get working an assertion which filter address from some domain 
but if it's prefixed by '.com'.
Even trying to put the result in a negate test I can't get the wanted result.

The tought in program term :

 def filter(adr):
... import re
... allow = re.compile('.*\.my(|$)')
... deny = re.compile('.*\.com\.my(|$)')
... cnt = 0
... if deny.search(adr): cnt += 1
... if allow.search(adr): cnt += 1
... return cnt
 filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
 filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')

Seem that I miss some better regex implementation to avoid that both of the 
filters taking action. I'm thinking of lookbehind (negative or positive) 
option, but I think I couldn't realize it yet.
I think the compilation should either allow have no '.com' before '.my' or 
deny should have _only_ '.com' before '.my'. Sorry I don't get the correct 
sintax to do it.

Suggestions are welcome.



Re: stdout not flushed before os.execvp()

2006-10-18 Thread Fulvio
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 00:25, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 |feature.  the exec system call operates on a lower level than the
 |stdio buffering system.

I did in this manner:

for exe in ('imap4', 'pop3'):
if exe in cfgfil[optsrv + '.protocol']:
exe = exe[:4]; exe = 'call_func = _call_' + exe.upper() \
 + '(setting)'
exec exe
except ProtocolError:
call_func = '#ERROR 02 = Protocol failed with %s' %optsrv

exists it a different way to do it?


Which class?

2006-10-15 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.


Sorry, I very new in programming and the use of the classes still unknown.
I'm really interested to apply the right one as far as the results aren't as 

Here's the example:

from poplib import POP3
ProtocolError = 'Error in Protocol'  # handler for IMAP4 and POP3 errors

_pop = POP3(args[0])
raise ProtocolError
a.append( 'STAT = POP Server %s reply\n %s\n' %(args[0], _pop.pass_(args[2])))
(numMsgs, totalSize) = _pop.stat()
for cnt in range(1, numMsgs +1):
#Need a cleanup for the envelope header  'Unix-From'

msgs =_pop.top(cnt,0)[1]
raise ProtocolError

# Here I'd like to have some part removed and I known that some class in email 
# will do the neat job without missing any of the needed detail

hdrs = [k for itms in ('from', 'to', 'cc',
'date', 'subject', 'reply-to', 'message-')
for k in msgs if k.startswith(itms.capitalize())]

# This isn't the right risult. Some time missing one of the wanted item.


I've put my opinions as comments, in order to copy and try. The args contains 
(pop address, user, and password) respectively.
The list comprehension fails for some comparison, might be more accurate a 
regex, I just fill too complicated  for a simple scan and I know that there 
are already good classes that will do the right way. I just miss the learning 
how to use them.

This a part of a small program, which will attempt to organize all the emails, 
locals and remote in order to do spam removal and/or backup the good ones.
I'd like somebody to join, not for a speedy result but for a joy of exchanging 
technics and tricks.



Re: ConfigParser: whitespace leading comment lines

2006-10-13 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Friday 13 October 2006 04:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to propose the following change to ConfigParser.py.

IMO there's a reason that left it in such way.
Whom didn't like the ConfigParser classes had made a new module, and I could 
find a the least 4 of them (cfgparse, config, configobj, pytconfpy).
I choose ConfigParser because I'm very new and I haven't learn how to 
implement subclasses.
I also will to use ConfigParser with some more feature like sub-options, but I 
didn't get that clue :(
If you don't like that behavior easy you can override it in a subclass and use 
the way you prefer.



Re: Best IDE?

2006-10-13 Thread Fulvio
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On Friday 13 October 2006 23:17, limodou wrote:
 hope you try it.

If you'll manage for macro recording, playing back and from file then I'll be 
yours :)



Re: error handling

2006-10-12 Thread Fulvio
On Thursday 12 October 2006 04:47, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 |Why not refer to the *current* documentation?


Thank you, some time I (we) forget to look at the most obvious place ;)
Meanwhile yesterday I found some useful info on the web, which an *except* 
statement needs a string object or class for a named exception.
Now I got the meaning and  sys.exc_info()[0] Bernard's idea is useful to 
fish out more clues.



[Newbie] error handling

2006-10-11 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

Hello there,

Simple question : how do I manage errors by the use try/except clause.
If I'd like to catch error coming from a function call that's using IMAP4 
class, which error may raise such class?
In other words I've doubts about which error object I should put after 
the except statement in order to trap the wanted error.

Is there, somehow, the way to list the errors from a class or function, prior 
digging into the source?



sign in

2006-10-08 Thread Fulvio
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confirm 48f0beb37c698f0bb7b4c0327cf30dbd7a4b6335


Re: stripping blanks

2006-05-02 Thread Fulvio
Alle 17:06, martedì 02 maggio 2006, seeker ha scritto:
      printLine = line.rstrip(\n)

I think that nobody considered if the text has (\r) or (\r\n) or (\n) at the 
end of the line(s).


Re: ANN: Leo 4.4 rc1 released

2006-04-30 Thread Fulvio
Alle 19:15, sabato 29 aprile 2006, Fredrik Lundh ha scritto:
I didn't like Emacs since the glory day of Amiga. Also vim look pretty rough 
for my tastes.
I fill more confortable in Kate, but I don't deny any furter trial. May I'm 
gonna reconsidering Emacs :)


Re: ANN: Leo 4.4 rc1 released

2006-04-29 Thread Fulvio
Alle 22:58, venerdì 28 aprile 2006, Edward K. Ream ha scritto:
 Many new commands, including
Small question.
Has it way of using macro or programmable input?
I mean this because for linux there arent many text editors with macro 
(recording/playing back) nor any with script commands.

Thank you.
If Leo lack of this, would be appreciated to give some idea to get involved on 
making it running python code.


A fix to bluepin

2006-04-27 Thread Fulvio
Hello List,

I'm very beginner on programming, I''m studing some fix on the Bluez's 
bluepin, which is rather vague to control the given input.

Code /start:
def main(*args):
if len(sys.argv)  2:
print ERR

dir= sys.argv[1]
bdaddr = sys.argv[2]

if len(sys.argv)  3:
name = sys.argv[3]
name = 

title = Bluetooth PIN Code

# Bluetooth spec recommends automatic strong random PIN generation.
# So eventually we should implement that. 
pin = { PIN:  }

if dir == out:
mesg = Outgoing connection to 
mesg = Incoming connection from 

mesg = mesg + name + [ + bdaddr + ]

if dialog(title, mesg, pin) == DLG_OK:
pin[PIN] = string.strip(pin[PIN])
for i in pin:
if i not in digits:
print ERR

if len(pin[PIN]) = 1 and len(pin[PIN]) = 16:
print PIN: + pin[PIN]
print ERR
print ERR

Code /end:

Assumed that digits is:
  from string import digits  (equal to 1234567890)
(Perhaps I could avoid such import ad assigned directly :-) )
Assumed that the purpose would be to don't print ERR but to return back to 
Therefore may I recursively call main() ?
Does it re-open a new window, if I do so?
Does it re-ask new args?

Thanks for the patience to give some input here
PS. sorry the code is in tabs not in space :-(


Re: Python IDE for linux

2006-04-20 Thread Fulvio
Alle 09:43, giovedì 20 aprile 2006, Neil Isaac ha scritto:
 At this point I'm thinking that I would like to start using a real IDE.
Idle, shipped with Python :-)


Re: Translate Cpp into python code

2006-04-18 Thread Fulvio
Alle 21:36, lunedì 17 aprile 2006, Ravi Teja ha scritto:
   If you are looking for ways to access C++ code in Python, there are
 several (Boost, SIP, CXX, SWIG, Weave etc). 

This way I knew about it.

   People usually convert higher level languages to lower level
 languages for performance 

Frankly I'm not looking for performances, but a viable python script which 
won't be tied up to a single platform. Those parts of the code which are 
calling proprietary functions will be removed.
Probably the first step to make a port on a multiplatform concept.
Another point will be a better chance to learn programming once I got the 


Translate Cpp into python code

2006-04-17 Thread Fulvio
Hi there,

I'd like to ask if is there any tool that's able to parse C++ code and convert 
it into Python script?
Probalby entirely would be difficult, but a good percentage I think it would 
be possible and the remain asking to the user what to do.


Re: List operation: Removing an item

2006-04-16 Thread Fulvio
On Sunday 16 April 2006 13:37, Terry Reedy wrote:
Do you really need the items sorted?

Do you really think he isn't a troll?

See the latest thread on lists end related PEP.
However there's always some good info on your reply (all of those had reply to 


Re: ftp connection and commands (directroy size, etc)

2006-04-13 Thread Fulvio
Alle 00:05, giovedì 13 aprile 2006, Arne ha scritto:
 By trying to get the directory with 'dir'

Are you sure that the command 'dir is understood via ftp?
IF I'm not wrong would be 'ls' o list. But since I don't have such psckage on 
my system, it's recommended you read the manual of that or 
read here:


Which is the result of google search of ftp command list (no quote).


Re: Figure out month number from month abbrievation

2006-04-13 Thread Fulvio
Alle 04:41, giovedì 13 aprile 2006, Fredrik Lundh ha scritto:
 but it also looks as if the meaning of the word localized isn't clear to
 you; if you changed the locale, those names will be translated

Mine behave strangely. Linux localized for Italian, but Python (or its 
calander is in english)


Re: Figure out month number from month abbrievation

2006-04-13 Thread Fulvio
Alle 20:16, giovedì 13 aprile 2006, Fredrik Lundh ha scritto:
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, it_IT)


Thank you
Great  kind explanation


Re: I meet problems while using the py2exe,Please help me!

2006-04-12 Thread Fulvio
Alle 10:17, mercoledì 12 aprile 2006, boyeestudio ha scritto:
 What is wrong with this problem

makes sense talking about the path on where cairo reside?


Re: the mysql for python cann't be install from the source! Help!!

2006-04-12 Thread Fulvio
Alle 22:24, martedì 11 aprile 2006, boyeestudio ha scritto:
 I search the mysql directory but gain none of it!

In the version MySQL-python-1.2.0 there isn't such file.
Better you re-read README file inside the tarball or zip file.


Re: Curses and Character Handling

2006-04-09 Thread Fulvio
Alle 10:46, domenica 09 aprile 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Does anyone know of a solution to this

I still learning python, but probably some documentation is the basis of 
learning, rather than ask at the list.

I suggest to see at http://docs.python.org/ for actual and growing python 
functions and/or builtins.


Re: How can I get the text under the cusor ?

2006-04-07 Thread Fulvio
Alle 00:20, sabato 08 aprile 2006, Bo Yang ha scritto:
 I want to develop an application to record some of the best words and

On linux and KDE desktop is easy as a breathing, by Klipper applet:-)
And also no virus prone like windowz.

Pls no flame, just a consideration.


Re: Splitting a string with extra parameters

2006-04-06 Thread Fulvio
Alle 11:23, giovedì 06 aprile 2006, Chris P ha scritto:
 when splitting based on a delimiter of , the above string gets broken up
 in 5 columns instead of 4 due to the , in the money amount.

There should be cvs package in the python directory. Why don't you try that 
Reading some help gives more details of its use.


Re: how to convert string

2006-04-06 Thread Fulvio
Alle 08:51, giovedì 06 aprile 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 for x in range(10):
 sys.stdout.write( )

BTW, how to write a number repeatly in the same line and position, without let 
the printout to scroll down.


Re: how to convert string

2006-04-06 Thread Fulvio
Alle 18:21, giovedì 06 aprile 2006, Fredrik Lundh ha scritto:
 will work, as long as the message isn't too long
I was trying some

  print\b\b\b\b, i,
For a number of 4 digit, but I think I miscalculated some lenght variation.

The reason of this is because it won't leave previous printing. But I also got 
some wrong positioning :-)


Re: how to create file with spaces

2006-04-06 Thread Fulvio
Alle 18:18, giovedì 06 aprile 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 How can i deal with spaces in this case?
I don't have an idea with python, but if can help I may say that bash you 
might use \  to escape a space or use a quoted full path.
The shell program basename is failing, anyhow with file names containing 


Re: detecting drives for windows and linux

2006-03-26 Thread Fulvio

Alle 03:17, domenica 26 marzo 2006, BWill ha scritto:
 Hi, I'm writing a file browser, but I'm not sure how I could go about
 detecting the drives available

I was just asking a similar question some days back. I'm planning to try a file catalogger.
I just remember something about Win32API, but I didn't find anything on the linux side.
Frankly I got some curious info that concerns 'Bacula', disk backup. And a part of it is use to browse and catalog file.

I think we should read some line of code on that program.



Re: Some info

2006-03-23 Thread Fulvio
Alle 22:14, mercoledì 22 marzo 2006, Sybren Stuvel ha scritto:

 different partitions might have, though. Then again, it all depends on
 the filesystems in use.
Then I should make some extra programming to catch these info, according to 
which OS will run it :-(
Regarding the names, CDROMs DVD have a label, which might be written during 
the burning process. Also partition have name, which can be written by fdisk, 
or in MS windows properties.
Just a comparison :  Imaging something like WhereIsIt (Windows) Gwhere 
(Linux), but in my opinion I'd like to give it free and less weak (as the 
before-mentioned programs).


Some info

2006-03-22 Thread Fulvio

I'm very new of Python programming. I just wrote some hundred lines of a 
Now, I'd like to go some step farther and make a disk cataloger. There are 
plenty for win, but few for linux. So, I'd like to write one which is for win 
and linux.
I'm, actually, a bit stuck on how to collect informations regarding disk names 
(CDroms or USB HDs).
The matter is rather difficult if is suppose to make the programm running for 
linux as much as it would do for MSW.

Suggestions are very  welcome.


Re: Some info

2006-03-22 Thread Fulvio
Alle 21:22, mercoledì 22 marzo 2006, Sybren Stuvel ha scritto:
  disk names (CDroms or USB HDs).

 Depends on what names you want.

It seems clear that was _disk_ names. If isn't to much would be also useful to 
know the serial number, so will avoid to record a disk twice. On  Win, we can 
call Win32API, but this won't work for linux :-(
It's my opinion that python should read some partition table or disk header to 
find these informations.

For the remaining information will suffice a os.walk(path). OK I'm not 100% 
sure what's that function, but I remember that there's for win and lin. Later 
I'll go deeper for info according the MIME file type.
