Re: Change Gateway Programmatically

2006-01-11 Thread Godwin Burby
Thanx again.


Re: Change Gateway Programmatically

2006-01-10 Thread Godwin Burby
Well netsh turned out to be the perfect solution for my problem(even
though doing it in python would have given me some kicks). I managed it
with two .bat files for toggling the gateway ips. Thank you friend.


Change Gateway Programmatically

2006-01-10 Thread Godwin Burby
Dear Pythoneer,
I need to toggle the gateway ip of my windows xp machine quite
often due to some software requirements. I just want to know whether i
could do it programmatically using Python.
If so how?


Re: books: Dive into Python vs Beginning Python

2005-11-25 Thread Godwin Burby
I would recommend both, but as i have already bought the first version
of Beginning Python known as Practical Python by Magnus. I can
gaurantee you that the practical projects as well as the succinct
python tutorial in the book will show you the full power and glory of
Python. Magnus is a great author, believe me!


Re: How to get started in GUI Programming?

2005-11-25 Thread Godwin Burby


Re: Cmd Module

2005-11-23 Thread Godwin Burby
Sorry! I just retyped my script instead of copy pasting it.
well thank u once again for clearing my confusion.


Cmd Module

2005-11-22 Thread Godwin Burby
Dear Pythoneer,
I was just curious about using the cmd module for building my
own command line interface. i saw a problem. The script is as follows:

from cmd import Cmd
import getpass

class CmdTest(cmd):
def __init__(self):
super(CmdTest, self).__init__()

def do_login(self):
passwd = getpass.getpass()
if passwd = 'godwin': print "You are a valid user"

if __name__ == '__main__':
ctest = CmdTest()

The interpreter reports that the first argument to super should be a
type rather than a class object and for the do_login function it says
that function needs only one argument but two are given. I solved the
above errors by adding the following code:


def do_login(self,passwd='godwin')

But i know that my first code should work without any problems or is
there a problem with it.
Pls enlighten me.


Re: print there!

2005-09-21 Thread Godwin Burby
i didn't notice it and i'm really sorry. it works beautifully!  thanks
once again :)


Re: print there!

2005-09-20 Thread Godwin Burby
thanks :) It works beautifully.


Re: print there!

2005-09-20 Thread Godwin Burby
i think u've misunderstood my question. Your solution will print on a
new line as below:
c:\godwin\bl.csv 1
c:\godwin\bl.csv 2
c:\godwin\bl.csv 3
But i want this number to diplay their value increase on the same line
on the same sport itself without printing the filename multiple times
on multiple lines:
If i were to do it in the c language i would use the conio.h and gotxy
function with printf.

print there!

2005-09-20 Thread Godwin Burby
Dear Pythoneer,
 I am writing a python script which inserts or updates a database
from a csv file. i've done the functionality. But i would to like to
show the user the current row being inserted or updated in the screen.
This can be done as follows:
print 'c:\godwin\bl.csv',
for i,row in enumerate(reader):
# inserts or updates the database
print i,
This displays on the screen as :
c:\godwin\bl.csv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
But i want it to show the above numbers on the same spot denoted by the
carat character. Can it be done with print statement or any other trick?


Re: Eve from Adams' Ribs

2005-08-23 Thread Godwin
yes i did hear about sqlobject but as u said it doesn't support oracle
yet. Thanx


Re: Eve from Adams' Ribs

2005-08-23 Thread Godwin
Thanx for the links , i loved the "monty lingua" module
u gave me before.


Re: Eve from Adams' Ribs

2005-08-23 Thread Godwin

U've made a point and i have seen that approach in the above article.
But i was curious about creating python classes and code on fly. The
only way i could do it was by using exec function. Is there a standard
way of doing it. What are the plus points of such kind of programming?
Is it only done by hackers?

Sorry for asking the wrong question for getting the right answer!


Eve from Adams' Ribs

2005-08-22 Thread Godwin
Dear Pythoneer,
 I'm thinking of making a class out of an rdbms table name(let's
say oracle).
I can dynamically query the column names and their datatypes from
oracle. So at runtime can i create a class object that creates a class
for example employee with methods that can manipulate that table. For
example :

class Employee(object):

def insert(self,**kwds):
"should insert values into the table based on column and value 

def update(self,**kwds):
"should update the table"

def delete(self,where):
"should delete a row"

def select(self,*cols,where)
"should retrieve results based on columns and where clause"

But the funny fact is that i want this class to be dynamically
generated at run
time simply from a table name string. "Yes i want to create Eve out of
Adams' rib". I think its possible with python as it is called a dynamic
language. Would u let me on this python secret?


Re: Web App like Google

2005-07-13 Thread Godwin
Actually i went through the NLTK site tutorials and it has a steep
learning curve associated with it. Well if i can learn it, it will be
the best fit module for my app. But if it gets hard, i'll definitely
opt for the text indexers u gratefully pointed to me. Thanks.


Re: Web App like Google

2005-07-13 Thread Godwin
Thanks for making me aware of the security loophole of the web app i am
Godwin Burby


Re: Web App like Google

2005-07-12 Thread Godwin
Thanks for providing me with all those informative links about NLTK nad
CNL. I'll certainly look into it.


Re: Web App like Google

2005-07-12 Thread Godwin
Thanks for informing me about NLTK. I'll certainly look into it and
other options. Hope my dream doesn't go into the graves.

Godwin Burby


Web App like Google

2005-07-11 Thread godwin
Hello there,
  I need some thoughts about a web application that i am dreaming
and drooling about in python. I want a search page to look exactly like
Google. But when i press the search button, it should search a database
in an rdbms like Oracle and provide results.
 For example, if my keywords are "all customers with names
starting with 'God'" it should somehow search table CUSTOMER , with
following query :
So we basically need is a good python parser module which parses the
keywords into an sql or sqls and list the results. I can look in the
keywords for table and column synonyms and map it into
table and column names and create sql but it's not a foolproof idea as
we all know that english is a very vague language. The above idea wil
fail , if i can't identify table,column names
,operators and values in their logical orders so as to create a
syntactically correct sql. If there are more tables involved, i should
also think of joining tables (inner,outer,equi joins).
All I want is some enlightening thoughts from the python hackers(i mean
programmers) out there.Plz polish your grey cells and let me know your

# this is my basic and foolish keywordparser
# the object db provides the table as well as column names
# as u can see it may or may not work even for a single table
class KeyWordParser(object):
def __init__(self,keywords,db):
self.keywords = keywords.upper().split()
self.db = db
self.tables = []
self.columns = []

def parse2sql(self):
for word in self.keywords:
if word in self.db.tables():

for word in self.keywords:
for table in self.tables:
for column in self.db.columns(table):
if column == word:
sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s' % (','.join(self.columns) or
return sql



2005-07-11 Thread godwin
Hello there,
  I need some thoughts about a web application that i am dreaming
drooling about in python. I want a search page to look exactly like
Google. But when i press the search button, it should search a database
in an rdbms like Oracle and provide results.
 For example, if my keywords are "all customers with names
starting with 'God'" it should somehow search table CUSTOMER , with
following query :
So we basically need is a good python parser module which parses the
keywords into an sql or sqls and list the results. I can look in the
keywords for table and column synonyms and map it into table and column
names and create sql but it's not a foolproof idea as we all know that
english is a very vague language. The above idea wil fail , if i can't
identify table,column names ,operators and values in their logical
orders so as to create a syntactically correct sql. If there are more
tables involved, i should also think of joining tables
(inner,outer,equi joins). All I want is some enlightening thoughts from
the python hackers(i mean programmers) out there.Plz polish your grey
cells and let me know your thoughts.

# this is my basic and foolish keywordparser
# the object db provides the table as well as column names
# as u can see it may or may not work even for a single table
class KeyWordParser(object):
def __init__(self,keywords,db):
self.keywords = keywords.upper().split()
self.db = db
self.tables = []
self.columns = []

def parse2sql(self):
for word in self.keywords:
if word in self.db.tables():

for word in self.keywords:
for table in self.tables:
for column in self.db.columns(table):
if column == word:
sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s' % (','.join(self.columns) or
return sql


Re: I am a Java Programmer

2005-07-06 Thread godwin
Buy the book "Practical Python" by Magnus Lie Hetland. It contains 10
practical projects to let u get started on you own "Pythoneering"( as
Magnus calls it). Move on buddy.


Re: What are the other options against Zope?

2005-07-03 Thread godwin
You understood my request correctly. I thank u for pointing me to


Re: What are the other options against Zope?

2005-07-03 Thread godwin
Actually i want to create a "google" like web interface to any rdbms
and search as we all do it in google.That would be great isn't it.
Thank u for your queries.


What are the other options against Zope?

2005-07-02 Thread godwin
Hi all,
  I wanna thank Martin for helping out with my ignorance concerning
execution of stored procedure with python. Now i have decided to write
a web app that googles into my companies proprietary database. I need
to know whether zope is good for that job. But even the introduction to
zope in the zope book was intimidating. Are there any simple options?
If so plz tell me how i can obtain it and study it. I should say that i
am new to web programming.
Thank you


How to execute stored procedure?

2005-07-01 Thread godwin
  I would like to execute an oracle stored procedure using the any
oracle database module which satisfies the Database Specification
standard. I have tried cxOracle and Odbc database packages with no
success. If u have the answer plz give me an example code.
Thank you


Progress Bar with urllib2

2005-04-26 Thread Andrew Godwin
I'm trying to write a python script to download data (well, files) from a HTTP 
server (well, a PHP script spitting them out, at least).
The file data is just the returned data from the request (the server script 
echoes the file and then dies).

I call the page using urllib2, like so:

satelliteRequest = urllib2.Request(satelliteServer + 
satelliteRequestData = {"username":satelliteUsername, 
satelliteOpener = urllib2.build_opener()
satelliteOpener.addheaders = [('User-agent', userAgent)]

Now, if I want to download the file all at once, I just do

satelliteData =

But some of these files are going to be really, really big, and I want to get a 
progress bar going. 
I've tried doing a while loop like this:

chunkSize = 10240
while 1:
 dataBuffer =
 data += dataBuffer
 if not dataBuffer:

But that just gives me the first 10240 bytes again and again. Is there 
something I'm missing here?
It might even be I'm calling urllib2 the wrong way (does it download when you 
read() or when you create the Request?)

All help is appreciated, I'm sort of stuck here.

Andrew Godwin