Re: Python Go

2009-11-16 Thread Graham Breed

Terry Reedy wrote:

It seems to me that generators are already 'channels' that connect the 
calling code to the __next__ method, a semi-coroutine based on the body 
of the generator function. At present, the next method waits until an 
object is requested. Then it goes into action, yields an object, and 
rests again. For parallel operations, we need eager, anticipatory 
evaluation that produces things that *will* be needed rather than lazy 
evaluation of things that *are* needed and whose absence is holding up 
everything else.

Yes, generators look very much like channels.  The obvious 
thing, from where I'm sitting, is to have a function called 
channel that takes an iterator, runs it in a different 
thread/process/goroutine, and returns an iterator that reads 
from the channel.  A single threaded version would look very 
much like iter so let's use iter to get a working example:

#!/usr/bin/python2 -u

channel = iter # placeholder for missing feature

def generate():
i = 2
while True:
yield i
i += 1

def filter(input, prime):
for i in input:
if i%prime != 0:
yield i

ch = channel(generate())
while True:
prime =
print prime
ch = channel(filter(ch, prime))
except IOError:

That works fine in a single thread.  It's close to the 
original go example, hence the evil shadowing of a builtin. 
 I don't think the channel function would present any 
problems given an appropriate library to wrap.  I got 
something like this working with Jython and the E language 
but, as I recall, had an accident and lost the code.  If 
somebody wants to implement it using multiprocessing, go to it!


Re: The future of Python immutability

2009-09-07 Thread Graham Breed

John Nagle wrote:

In the beginning, strings, tuples, and numbers were immutable, and
everything else was mutable.  That was simple enough.  But over time,
Python has acquired more immutable types - immutable sets and immutable
byte arrays.  Each of these is a special case.


Immutability is interesting for threaded programs, because
immutable objects can be shared without risk.  Consider a programming
model where objects shared between threads must be either immutable or
synchronized in the sense that Java uses the term.  Such programs
are free of most race conditions, without much programmer effort to
make them so.

Of course, tuples would still be a special case because they 
may contain mutable objects.  You need to check they're 
immutable all the way down.

Nothing to do with threading, but it's also the cause of 
this weirdness:

a = ([1], 2)
a[0] += [3]

succeeds, but raises an error.


Re: Regular Expression Help

2009-04-13 Thread Graham Breed

Jean-Claude Neveu wrote:


I was wondering if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong with my 
regular expression. I'm trying to write a regexp that identifies whether 
a string contains a correctly-formatted currency amount. I want to 
support dollars, UK pounds and Euros, but the example below deliberately 
omits Euros in case the Euro symbol get mangled anywhere in email or 
listserver processing. I also want people to be able to omit the 
currency symbol if they wish.

If Euro symbols can get mangled, so can Pound signs. 
They're both outside ASCII.

My regexp that I'm matching against is: ^\$\£?\d{0,10}(\.\d{2})?$

Here's how I think it should work (but clearly I'm wrong, because it 
does not actually work):

^\$\£?  Require zero or one instance of $ or £ at the start of the 

^[$£]? is correct.  And, as you're using re.match, the ^ is 
superfluous.  (A previous message suggested ^[\$£]? which 
will also work.  You generally need to escape a Dollar sign 
but not here.)

You should also think about the encoding.  In my terminal, 
£ is identical to '\xc2\xa3'.  That is, two bytes for a 
UTF-8 code point.  If you assume this encoding, it's best to 
make it explicit.  And if you don't assume a specific 
encoding it's best to convert to unicode to do the 
comparisons, so for 2.x (or portability) your string should 
start u

d{0,10} Next, require between zero and ten alpha characters.

There's a backslash missing, but not from your original 
expression.  Digits are not alpha characters.

(\.\d{2})?  Optionally, two characters can follow. They must be preceded 
by a decimal point.

That works.  Of course, \d{2} is longer than the simpler \d\d

Note that you can comment the original expression like this:

rex = u(?x)
^[$£]?# Zero or one instance of $ or £
   # at the start of the string.
\d{0,10}   # Between zero and ten digits
(\.\d{2})? # Optionally, two digits.
   # They must be preceded by a decimal point.
$  # End of line

Then anybody (including you) who comes to read this in the 
future will have some idea what you were trying to do.

\ Examples of acceptable input should be:

$12,482.96  (now I think about it, I have not catered for this in my 

Yes, you need to think about that.



Re: Correct URL encoding

2009-03-15 Thread Graham Breed

mattia wrote:
I'm using urlopen in order to download some web pages. I've always to 
replace some characters that are in the url, so I've come up with:

url.replace(|, %7C).replace(/, %2F).replace( , +).replace
(:, %3A)
There isn't a better way of doing this?

Yeah, shame there's no function -- called urlencode say -- 
that does it all for you.


Re: Get bound method by name

2009-03-03 Thread Graham Breed

Johannes Bauer wrote:

Hello group,

I'm looking for a Python function but have forgotten it's name.
Essentially what I want is:

class Foo():
def bar(self):

x = Foo()
y = x.MAGIC(bar)
bound method of __main__.Foo instance at 0xb7e11fcc

So the question is: How is the magic function called which returns me
the bound method of a class instance by its name? I know there was a way
but just can't remember...

y = getattr(x, bar)

Re: Is using range() in for loops really Pythonic?

2008-05-16 Thread Graham Breed

George Sakkis wrote:

If you push this logic too far, you should del every name immediately
after the last statement it is used in the scope. I would generally
find less readable some code spread with del every few lines, micro-
managing the effective scope of each name. YMMV.

Yes, but ... how about

for i in range(10):
del i
do stuff


It makes it clear you aren't using the index and ensures you 
get a run-time error if you clobbered an existing variable.


Re: Python 2.5 adoption

2008-04-19 Thread Graham Breed
On Apr 19, 3:16 am, Joseph Turian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically, we're planning on releasing it as open-source, and don't
 want to alienate a large percentage of potential users.

How about Java users?  Jython was recently at 2.2 (still is for all I
know).  I'm pleased they've got that far because I like to know that
my code can run under Java and I like generators.

My web host uses 1.5.2.  That is painful.

If you're assuming your potential users already have 2.4 then the
chances are they'll have upgraded to 2.5 by the time you've finished


Re: Rounding a number to nearest even

2008-04-11 Thread Graham Breed
On Apr 11, 6:14 pm, bdsatish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The built-in function round( ) will always round up, that is 1.5 is
 rounded to 2.0 and 2.5 is rounded to 3.0.

 If I want to round to the nearest even, that is

 my_round(1.5) = 2# As expected
 my_round(2.5) = 2# Not 3, which is an odd num

If you care about such details, you may be better off using decimals
instead of floats.

 I'm interested in rounding numbers of the form x.5 depending upon
 whether x is odd or even. Any idea about how to implement it ?

import decimal

ROUND_HALF_EVEN is the default, but maybe that can be changed, so
explicit is safest.

If you really insist,

import decimal
def my_round(f):
d = decimal.Decimal(str(f))
rounded = d.to_integral(rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
return int(rounded)


Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-27 Thread Graham Breed
Dennis Lee Bieber wote:

   But if these macros are supposed to allow one to sort of extend
 Python syntax, are you really going to code things like



I don't see why that *shouldn't* work.  Or from macrolib1 import
keyword as foo.  And to be truly Pythonic the keywords would have to
be scoped like normal Python variables.  One problem is that such a
system wouldn't be able to redefine existing keywords.

Lets wait for a concrete proposal before delving into this rats'
cauldron any further.



Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-26 Thread Graham Breed
Douglas Alan wote:
 Graham Breed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Another way is to decorate functions with their local variables:

  from strict import my
  ... def f(x=1, y=2.5, z=[1,2,4]):
  ... x = float(x)
  ... w = float(y)
  ... return [item+x-y for item in z]

 Well, I suppose that's a bit better than the previous suggestion, but
 (1) it breaks the style rule of not declaring variables until you need
 them, and (2) it doesn't catch double initialization.

(1) is a style rule that many style guides explicitly violate.  What
is (2) and why would it be a problem?

A better way that I think is fine syntactically would be

from strict import norebind, set
def f(x=1, y=2.5, z=[1.2.4]):
return [item+x-y for item in z]

It won't work because the Python semantics don't allow a function to
alter a nested namespace.  Or for a decorator to get at the locals of
the function it's decorating.  It's an example of Python restricting
flexibility, certainly.

  The best way to catch false rebindings is to stick a comment with
  the word rebound after every statement where you think you're
  rebinding a variable.

 No, the best way to catch false rebindings is to have the computers
 catch such errors for you.  That's what you pay them for.

How does the computer know which rebindings are false unless you tell

  Then you can search your code for cases where there's a rebound
  comment but no rebinding.

 And how do I easily do that?  And how do I know if I even need to in
 the face of sometimes subtle bugs?

In UNIX, you do it by putting this line in a batch file:

egrep -H 'rebound' $* | egrep -v '^[^:]+:[[:space:]]*([.[:alnum:]]+)

You don't know you need to do it, of course.  Like you wouldn't know
you needed to use the let and set macros if that were possible.
Automated checks are only useful for problems you know you might have.

  Assuming you're the kind of person who knows that false rebindings
  can lead to perplexing bugs, but doesn't check apparent rebindings
  in a paranoid way every time a perplexing bug comes up, anyway.
  (They aren't that common in modern python code, after all.)

 They're not that uncommon, either.

The 300-odd line file I happened to have open had no examples of the
form x = f(x).  There was one rebinding of an argument, such as:

if something is None:
something = default_value

but that's not the case you were worried about.  If you've decided it
does worry you after all there may be a decorator/function pattern
that can check that no new variables have been declared up to a
certain point.

I also checked a 400-odd file which has one rebinding that the search
caught.  And also this line:

m, n = n, m%n

which isn't of the form I was searching for.  Neither would the set()
solution above be valid, or the substitution below.  I'm sure it can
be done with regular expressions, but they'd get complicated.  The
best way would be to use a parser, but unfortunately I don't
understand the current Python grammar for assignments.  I'd certainly
be interested to see how your proposed macros would handle this kind
of thing.

This is important because the Python syntax is complicated enough that
you have to be careful playing around with it.  Getting macros to work
the way you want with results acceptable to the general community
looks like a huge viper pit to me.  That may be why you're being so
vague about the implementation, and why no macro advocates have
managed to get a PEP together.  A preprocessor that can read in
modified Python syntax and output some form of real Python might do
what you want.  It's something you could work on as a third-party
extension and it should be able to do anything macros can.

That aside, the short code sample I give below does have a rebinding
of exactly the form you were worried about.  It's still idiomatic for
text substitutions and so code with a lot of text substitutions will
likely have a lot of rebindings.  You could give each substituted text
a different name.  I think that makes some sense because if you're
changing the text you should give it a name to reflect the changes.
But it's still error prone: you might use the wrong (valid) name
subsequently.  Better is to check for unused variables.

 I've certainly had it happen to me on several occasions, and sometimes
 they've been hard to find as I might not even see the mispeling even
 if I read the code 20 times.

With vim, all you have to do is go to the relevant line and type ^* to
check that the two names are really the same.  I see you use Emacs but
I'm sure that has an equivalent.

 (Like the time I spent all day trying to figure out why my assembly
 code wasn't working when I was a student and finally I decided to ask
 the TA for help, and while talking him through my code so that he
 could tell me what I was doing wrong, I finally noticed the rO where
 there was supposed

Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-24 Thread Graham Breed
Steven D'Aprano wote:

 But if you really want declarations, you can have them.

  import variables
  variables.declare(x=1, y=2.5, z=[1, 2, 4])
  variables.x = None
  variables.w = 0
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File, line 15, in __setattr__
 raise self.DeclarationError(Variable '%s' not declared % name)
 variables.DeclarationError: Variable 'w' not declared

Another way is to decorate functions with their local variables:

 from strict import my
... def f(x=1, y=2.5, z=[1,2,4]):
... x = float(x)
... w = float(y)
... return [item+x-y for item in z]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 2, in module
  File, line 11, in dec
raise DeclarationError(No slot for %s%varname)
strict.DeclarationError: No slot for w

and the implementation

import re

class DeclarationError(TypeError): pass

def my(slots=):
tokens = slots.split()
def dec(func):
code = func.func_code
for varname in code.co_varnames[code.co_argcount:]:
if re.match('\w+$', varname) and varname not in tokens:
raise DeclarationError(No slot for %s%varname)
return func
return dec

The best way to catch false rebindings is to stick a comment with the
word rebound after every statement where you think you're rebinding
a variable.  Then you can search your code for cases where there's a
rebound comment but no rebinding.  Assuming you're the kind of
person who knows that false rebindings can lead to perplexing bugs,
but doesn't check apparent rebindings in a paranoid way every time a
perplexing bug comes up, anyway.  (They aren't that common in modern
python code, after all.)  And that you remembered to add the comments
(like you would have remembered the let and set).  And you're also the
kind of person who's troubled by perplexing bugs but doesn't run a
fully fledged lint.  Maybe that's the kind of person who wouldn't put
up with anything short of a macro as in the original proposal.  All I
know is that it's the kind of person I don't want to second guess.



Re: Trivial string substitution/parser

2007-06-19 Thread Graham Breed
Duncan Booth wote:

 If you must insist on using backslash escapes (which introduces the
 question of how you get backslashes into the output: do they have to be
 escaped as well?) then use string.Template with a custom pattern.

If anybody wants this, I worked out the following regular expression
which seems to work:

(?Pescaped\\)\$ | #backslash escape pattern
  (?Pnamed[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)| # delimiter and Python identifier
  {(?Pbraced[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)} | # delimiter and braced identifier
  (?Pinvalid)  # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs

The clue is string.Template.pattern.pattern

So you compile that with verbose and case-insensitive flags and set it
to pattern in a string.Template subclass.  (In fact you don't have
to compile it, but that behaviour's undocumented.)  Something like

 regexp = 
... (?Pescaped)\\$ | # backslash escape pattern
... \$(?:
...   (?Pnamed[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)| # delimiter and identifier
...   {(?Pbraced[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)} | # ... and braced identifier
...   (?Pinvalid)  # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs
... )
 class BackslashEscape(Template):
... pattern = re.compile(regexp, re.I | re.X)



Re: Trivial string substitution/parser

2007-06-18 Thread Graham Breed
Samuel wote:

 Thanks, however, turns out my specification of the problem was
 incomplete: In addition, the variable names are not known at compilation
 I just did it that way, this looks fairly easy already:

 import re

 def variable_sub_cb(match):
 prepend =
 varname =
 value   = get_variable(varname)
 return prepend + value

 string_re = re.compile(r'(^|[^\\])\$([a-z][\w_]+\b)', re.I)

 input  = r'In this string $variable1 is substituted,'
 input += 'while \$variable2 is not.'

 print string_re.sub(variable_sub_cb, input)

It gets easier:

import re

def variable_sub_cb(match):
return get_variable(

string_re = re.compile(r'(?!\\)\$([A-Za-z]\w+)')

def get_variable(varname):
return globals()[varname]

variable1 = 'variable 1'

input  = r'In this string $variable1 is substituted,'
input += 'while \$variable2 is not.'

print string_re.sub(variable_sub_cb, input)

or even

import re

def variable_sub_cb(match):
return globals()[]

variable1 = 'variable 1'
input  = (r'In this string $variable1 is substituted,'
'while \$variable2 is not.')

print re.sub(r'(?!\\)\$([A-Za-z]\w+)', variable_sub_cb, input)



Re: Trivial string substitution/parser

2007-06-18 Thread Graham Breed
Duncan Booth wote:

 Also, of course, vars just needs to be something which quacks like a dict:
 it can do whatever it needs to do such as looking up a database or querying
 a server to generate the value only when it needs it, or even evaluating
 the name as an expression; in the OP's case it could call get_variable.

And in case that sounds difficult, the code is

class VariableGetter:
def __getitem__(self, key):
return get_variable(key)

 Anyway, the question seems to be moot since the OP's definition of 'elegant
 and lazy' includes regular expressions and reinvented wheels.

Your suggestion of subclassing string.Template will also require a
regular expression -- and a fairly hairy one as far as I can work out
from the documentation.  There isn't an example and I don't think it's
the easiest way of solving this problem.  But if Samuel really wants
backslash escaping it'd be easier to do a replace('$$','') and
replace('\\$', '$$') (or replace('\\$','\\$$') if he really wants the
backslash to persist) before using the template.

Then, if he really does want to reject single letter variable names,
or names beginning with a backslash, he'll still need to subclass
Template and supply a regular expression, but a simpler one.

 ... and in another message Graham Breed wrote:
  def get_variable(varname):
  return globals()[varname]

 Doesn't the mere thought of creating global variables with unknown names
 make you shudder?

Not at all.  It works, it's what the shell does, and it's easy to test
interactively.  Obviously the application code wouldn't look like



Re: Pyrex speed

2006-05-27 Thread Graham Breed
Jim Lewis \/\/|20+3:
 I'm not planning to write C functions. My understanding is that by
 using cdefs in the python code one can gain substantial speed. I'm
 trying to find a description of how to modify python code in more
 detail so it runs fast under pyrex.

I've used pyrex to speed up my code.  It worked.  While it isn't
intended as a tutorial on pyrex you can have a look at it here:

The trick is to write C functions using pyrex.  That's not much easier
than writing C functions in C.  But I still found it convenient enough
to be worth doing that way.  Some tips:

- declare functions with cdef

- declare the type of every variable you use

- don't use Python builtins, or other libraries

The point of these rules is that generated C code using Python
variables will still be slow.  You want Pyrex to write C code using C
variables only.  To check this is happening you can look at the
automatically generated source code to make sure there are no reference
counting functions where there shouldn't be.

The usual rule for C optimization applies -- rewrite the code that
you're spending most time in.  But if that innermost function's being
called from a loop it can be worth changing the loop as well so that
you pass in and out C variables.


