Re: Questions about GIL and web services from a n00b

2011-04-18 Thread Hank Fay
Today I just happened to watch this session from PyCon 2011 on gevent and 
gunicorn:  gevent uses greenlet, fwiw. I found it 
informative, but then I find most things informative. s


Re: Career path - where next?

2011-01-13 Thread Hank Fay
I would second the recommendation for Django: on LinkedIn, the python jobs 
postings (there is a Python group there) most often mention Django.

I also would second the recommendation to participate in open source projects.  
I met a couple of days ago with a college sophomore who is a core contributor 
to the Cappuccino project( -- warning: not Python s).  My 
employer said, on my relating the pleasant and interesting conversation we had, 
he doesn't need to finish college: anyone would hire him.

From a selfish (to you and to me s) perspective, may I suggest the pyjamas 
( project and accompanying visual designer 
(, which brings the GWT widgets to Python, 
for desktop and web apps.  Selfish to me because I'm porting our VFP framework 
to there over the next year or so.  To you because, well, you've been spoiled 
by having the most productive data-oriented software development framework 
available, past or present, for maybe as many years as have I (21 at this 
point, started with FoxPro 1.0), and that's the end result at which I'm aiming.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Hank Fay
On Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:59:09 AM UTC-5, kw wrote:
 Any GUI framework is going to require at least some heavy lifting in C, 
 C++ or Objective-C (depending on the platform). A pure-Python approach 
 to GUI development is technically infeasible.
 Kevin Walzer
 Code by Kevin

So I thought.  Then I came across a framework ( and a Visual 
Designer ( written entirely in JavaScript (well, Objective-J which 
gets compiled to JavaScript). Check out or for examples of what can be 
done using JavaScript, and for a video of their visual designer.  
If that designer can be written in JavasScript (it runs on the web, BTW, and 
only as an after-thought as a desktop app), then it can be done in Python.

Having worked for 20 years in a windows-based development tool that painted 
controls (giving them fake hwnd's) to get enough speed to run on Windows, this 
was a real game-changer for me.  



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Hank Fay
That (the desktop app issue) was the big game-change for me.  It looks like a 
desktop app, it acts like a desktop app, and our enterprise customers would be 
delighted to a) have no installs to do for fat clients; or b) not have to run a 
TS or Citrix farm. 



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-29 Thread Hank Fay
1) pyjamas has a desktop version.

2) I don't consider JSONRpc to be a deal-breaker, and since that's what pyjamas 
uses naturally, and since it's incredibly easy to use the Python middleware of 
your choice for the JSONRpc server, running in different browsers is unlikely 
to be an issue.

3) I don't think legacy apps should be a consideration in deciding what tooling 
is going to be built today: building for all the yesterdays is a recipe for 
stagnation. Besides, the legacy apps have their own toolsets for maintenance: 
if they are to be converted, converting them to a form that can run anywhere 
(using, e.g., PhoneGap to access native UI hooks) seems to me the best choice.

That said, pyjamas has only the beginnings of a visual designer (pyjsglade at It's being written in Python, too, 
which should please you (as it does me -- so much so that I volunteered to be a 
documenter for the project).

I think pyjamas combined with pyjsglade could be the foundation for a pythonic 
ui development environment that could carry us forward for many years to come, 
unlike those available today in Python.


PS: At first I thought you were going to do a riff on The Plan from years 
ago.  I had broken 5 ribs in multiple places in a bicycling accident 2 days 
before when a  friend faxed it to me (it was that far back): I can't tell you 
how much it hurt to laugh so hard. s  But this isn't a laughing matter: I see 
it as the main impediment to opening up Python to the kinds of programmers who 
used Access, VB6 and VFP to build the kinds of domain-knowledge-specific apps 
that continue to enhance many workplaces. 