occupywallst.org is looking for Python programmers

2011-11-12 Thread Harald Armin Massa
just got this from Richard:

Justine  told me they are looking for Python
programmers.  (It involves Django also.)

so, if anyone is interested to help them out, please contact Justine.

Best wishes


Harald Armin Massa
no fx, no carrier pigeon

Europython 2006 call for proposals

2006-05-18 Thread Harald Armin Massa

I am writing this supporting the Python in Business Track.

We are looking for talks proposals concerning the usage of Python in
doing business. So, if you have a story to tell...

Maybe you have written a webcrawler in Python and founded a search
engine? Or you are using Python to organize all those
HTTPS-certificates, selling your company and flying to space, all with
programming Python?

Or are you up to more challenging aspects of daily life, like using
Python to organize the ticket sales for a cinema-chain? Or even to do
Point-Of-Sale stuff with some retailers? Or you have done something
else interesting with Python in your Business?

Please, come to EuroPython 2006 and tell others how you got prosperous
programming in Python! (Just to remind you: Switzerland is one of the
most well known places to take care of your money matters)

Did Python give you inspiration to make Javascript suck less? Did you
write a famous Python book, got hired by a company and live happily
ever after?

Cone to CERN, Switzerland, from 3. to 5. July 2006 - tell your story!

Learn about Web 2.5 and up at the place Web 0.1-1.0 were developed! Be
at the place famous for creating the antimatter to blow up Vatican!
Have food in THE cafeteria with the highest likelyhood to queue
together with a future or past Nobel Prize winner.

Go to www.europython.org - and don't miss the talk submission deadline
on 2006-05-31

[on a special note to Italians who are only allowed to travel to
conferences with the possibility of recruitment: there will be some
highly qualified PyPys at the conference; and just have a look at the
timescale of PyPy founding by the European Union]



Re: lines of code per functional point

2006-05-09 Thread Harald Armin Massa

at the end of the paper there is a reference to:


In chapter 5.6 on page 19 of this publication you can find Figure 10,
Displaying program length in comparison.

I read the graphics (looking at the yellow boxes) that most of the
python programs are quite as small as the smallest 60% of perl
programs; where "small" ist LOC.

All progs in that study should have dealt with the same problem, so
FP(perl)=FP(Python), and you should be correct with LOC/FP(Python) <=

Please also see that they were evaluating Python 1.5.2, which missed
some very "density improving features" as there are esp. list



Re: Cheese Shop: some history for the new-comers

2006-03-16 Thread Harald Armin Massa

> For most people 'developers' would mean people developing *with* python,
> not developing python.

one of the richest people on earth did define what developers are:


people developing with something. So, unless we get /F or BDFL to do an
even more astonishing dance proclaiming that people developing Python
are developers, not people developing WITH Python, I guess you are
quite right.



Re: cx_Oracle and UTF8

2006-02-27 Thread Harald Armin Massa

thanks, that

import os
os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = "German_Germany.UTF8"
import cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect("me/[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

really helped. At least now the query returns something encoded
differently. I dared not to believe that there is no "direct encoding
change api" without touching the environment.

Now all that is left is to find out if Oracle indeed has the same
opinion what UTF8 should be like.

Thank you very much,



Re: cx_Oracle and UTF8

2006-02-23 Thread Harald Armin Massa

thank you for your answer.

> It's called NLS (national language support),
>and it is like a locale-setting in python/C. I'm too lazy to google right

Sad thing: I allready googled that and had to learn: you CAN definitely
change some parameters, that is sort order and language for error
messages with
alter session set NLSREGION  and set NLSLANGUAGE

The only part about the charset is with NLSLANG, which could be set to

BUT ... NLSLANG is no per-session parameter, not setable per alter
session, it needs to get set within the environment to make SQLPLUS
recognize it.  (and, I do of course use python not sqlplus=

In another of the WWW I learned that NLSLANG has to be set on per
connection basis; not on per cursor / session basis; so my primary
suspect is cx_Oracle.Connection ... but those objects to not have a
visible method with any "encoding" in it.



cx_Oracle and UTF8

2006-02-22 Thread Harald Armin Massa

I am looking for a method to convince cx_Oracle and oracle to encode
it's replies in UTF8.

For the moment I have to...

cn=cx_Oracle.connect("user","password", "database")

cs.execute("select column1, column2, column3 from table")

for row in cs.fetchall():
   for i in range(0,len(row)):
  if hasattr(row[i],"encode"):
print t

Guess I am to much accustomed to postgresql which just allows "set



Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-19 Thread Harald Armin Massa

>In fact, there are actually too much *good* python web frameworks.

I tended to share that opinion, just because there are more web
frameworks then keywords in Python. But we should stop thinking of this
as a bug; it is a feature.

Because everyone and his girlfriend creates an own web framework for
Python, we have a clear security advantage over other languages. One
"ruby on rails" worm will bring down at least 2000 web 2.0 beta sites.
A worm for a Python web framework will be incompatible with all others.



Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Harald Armin Massa
>>OK, but then we should change ,
>>which starts with "Python is an interpreted, interactive,
>>object-oriented programming language."

I second this motion. Even tried to persuade the site maintainer
before. We should really, really change it. The perceived speed of
Python will at least triple on dropping that "interpreted" - and I am
NOT joking.



Re: - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2005-12-27 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Guido at Google: a message in THE public forum c.l.p.

A confirmation by Martellibot, that Guido is IN FACT sitting 15m
distant from him; and everybody in Python knows where Martellibot has
his desk.

Can it get more official than this?

a confirmation by Greg Stein @ Google within slashdot, that Guido is
working at Google.

I am sure that more people in the Python community are reading c.l.p.
and /. than the washington post, the people affected have been

I guess that's as formal and official as it can get.

And concerning Guido, Python, community and leadership:

Guido is the designer, the creator of Python. He has nearly unlimeted
trust in his design decisions: we all know, that he is THE gifted
language designer. His proclamations are accepted because he has proven
over time that he knows what's best for the language.

Allow me to quote Greg Stein:
"Ha! Guido would quit in a heartbeat if you tried to make him manage
people. That just isn't where he's at. He's absolutely brilliant and
loves to write excellent code. Great. We're gonna let him do just that

So, Google with their geek-version of the Playboy-Mansion, free massage
parleurs, free lunch and dinner and best recruitment tactics on the
planet and the known universe will not be able to make Guido manage

Somehow the Python community managed itself through the years... Python
grew healthy and steadily; forked less then usual, inspired other
languages and got faster and faster and faster.

Maybe only mediocre and less ideas need a great leader. Maybe a great
idea can lead for itself?


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart


Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-21 Thread Harald Armin Massa
> It seems that our master Guido van Rossum had an offer from google and
> he accepted it!!

Isn't Guido-Sans official title BDFL? *wink*

whatever, if it's true, congratulations and best wishes. Now there is
one *bot and the BDFL at google, we have still 3 bots in the wild, do

Suggesting to name a Rigobot 



Re: reddit.com rewritten in Python

2005-12-05 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Yeah! Another web framework for Python!

Now we can proudly say: Python: the only language with more web
frameworks than keywords



Re: reddit.com rewritten in Python

2005-12-05 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Yeah! Another web framework for Python!

Now we can prouldy say: Python: the only language with more web
frameworks than keywords



Re: python speed

2005-11-30 Thread Harald Armin Massa
>Faster than assembly? LOL... :)

why not? Of course, a simple script like "copy 200 bytes from left to
right" can be handoptimized in assembler and run at optimum speed.
Maybe there is even a special processor command to do that.

I learned that there was one generation of CPUs which had effectively a
command to copy X bytes from left to right; but a specific version of
that CPU did this command slower then a loop in certain situations.
Some newer generations of that CPU and even some competitors CPU had
that command implented correctly, and it was indeed faster than the

Now: is it rather likely that for a single programm a programmer is
able to get it right for all CPUs?

It even gets more complicated. The human mind is able to consider a
certain amount of things at once, sth. like on-chip-cache or

Now with an ever growing complexity of processors, with cache lines,
partyparallelexecution, branchprediction, out of order execution,
multilevelcaching, hypermetathreading ... it may be that the usual
availaible human brain is no longer capable of really knowing what

My guess is that the average code speed of a Rigopy could indeed be
higher than the average code speed of the average assembler programmer.



Re: python speed

2005-11-30 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Dr. Armin Rigo has some mathematical proof, that High Level Languages
like esp. Python are able to be faster than low level code like
Fortran, C or assembly.

I am not wise enough to understand that proof.

Maybe I understood those papers totally wrong and he was saying
something totally different.

But whatever, the pypy-team is formed out of some more people of his
calibre and founded by the European Union to provide "butter by the
fish", say, to produce real code that may deliver that promise.

And I could see real development just from watching the BDFL: 3 years
ago PyPy was 2000times slower then CPython, and Guido was joking "and
that number is growing", this year there were not officially negated
romours that sometime maybe PyPy could be the reference implementation
of Python; and also reports that PyPy is only 18 times slower then

For the time being, my Python programs just sit and wait for database,
network, user input or the acting of COM-Applications like Excel or
Winword. Sometimes I even have 3 threads, one to wait for user, one for
database and one to wait for Excel - boy, I wait fast!

But on the other hand, I do no real world applications like triple
mersenne first person shooters, only business software like the one
which in earlier time was written in COBOL or carved into cave walls.
Less challenge, higher reward.



Re: Application Plugin Framework

2005-11-22 Thread Harald Armin Massa

> I'm attempting to develop a  plugin framework for an application that I'm
> working on.  I wish to develop something in which all plugins exist in a
> directory tree.

The PIL of the effbot is doing exactly this. (Python Image Library). I
know it,  because I had to work around that dynamic for freezing it
with py2exe :)

www.effbot.org, search for PIL

There you can find how this problem was solved by the effbot. Guess
that should be good enough for mortals.



Re: Announce: PythonD 2.4.2 r 1.0 for DJGPP/DOS/Windows

2005-11-18 Thread Harald Armin Massa

maybe it's because PythonD is running within DOS?

(which, for archaelogical completeness, is an ancient operating system)



migrate from ZODB 3.3.1 --- to where, and how?

2005-10-25 Thread Harald Armin Massa

I am using ZODB "standalone" in version 3.3.1 within some application.

Now I learn that the 3.3.x branch of ZODB is "retired". No problem so
far, everything is running fine.

BUT... "retired" gives me the hint that nothing GREAT will be done to
this branch anymore :)

Now I am questioning myself: to which branch should I migrate? Is 3.5 a
sure bet, or are uneven subversions a bad sign, making retirement

As much as my diggings showed me, the "special sign" of 3.3 was
import ZODB
from persistent import Persistent
from persistent.list import PersistentList
from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping

that PersistentList and PersistenMapping reside within
persistent., while in the 3.2 branch they reside somewhere
else in the namespace.

I learned it the hard way that 3.3 filestores not get converted
magically or easy to 3.2 :) ...

So, my questions:
 - where should I migrate to?
 - how is migration done best (especially taking care of "old"



Re: Python vs Ruby

2005-10-21 Thread Harald Armin Massa

> I have heard, but have not been able to verify that if a program is
> about
> 10,000 lines in C++
> it is about
> 5,000 lines in Java
> and it is about
> 3,000 lines in Python (Ruby to?)

BTW: it is normally only 50 lines in Perl. Not that you could read it,



Re: Python's Performance

2005-10-10 Thread Harald Armin Massa

but still some very valuable people write:

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
taken from

maybe someone could update that???



multiple replaces

2005-09-16 Thread Harald Armin Massa
again, and again ... another try of templating



the machine with bing

10% of boo is foo


house="something awfull"
tree="something beautifull"
print h3 % locals()

--> the  approach allows it for me, that I can write
real HTML which looks fair. The replacing-chain takes care of % signs
within the file, and also makes a template for string replaces

BUT... it looks terribly inefficient to me. There are 3 strings which
are only there to be garbage collected. I am looking for a speedy way
"go through the text, and if you find sth. that is in REPLACEMENT,
replace it with it"

sth. like

for key, value in rpdict.iteritems():
h1=h1.replace(key, value)

but ... without the garbage, in one command.

I guess there are very, very, very wise solution for this problem, but
I do not know of them.

Who knows and tells me?



Re: Dabo in 30 seconds?

2005-08-01 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Cliff (who has a love/hate relationship with Twisted) wrote:

> Twisted, for one, can't be used without knowing Python.  In fact,
> without knowing Python quite well.  For that matter, it can't easily be
> used .

Is "using" really a verb that is fitting for working with twisted? As
much as I read and tried to learn, it is not that you use twisted, but
you provide twisted with callbacks so that it uses you?

So it is more something about devotion or digestion then simply "use",



Re: PEP on path module for standard library

2005-07-22 Thread Harald Armin Massa
>Having path descend from str/unicode is extremely useful since I can
>then pass a path object to any function someone else wrote without
>having to worry about whether they were checking for basestring.
I use path.py from Jason to encapsulate a lot of the windows plattform
specialities of path dealing.
Being able to use path-opjects at every place where I would use str or
unicode is very essential, because I often use Python to tame Excel and
Word. To open files within these programms needs some "plain str" as
"PATH" for the file. (which, of course, can also be down by ways to
"convert" PATH to STRING.



Re: PEP on path module for standard library

2005-07-22 Thread Harald Armin Massa
> When you try to 'freeze' an application module,
>and Jason's 'path' module is present in any of the directories that are
>looked at by freeze's module finder (your app doesn't have to import
>it), freeze goes into an infinite loop of imports, eventually getting a
>'maximum recursion depth' exception.  This seems to be related to
>freeze getting confused between 'os.path' and Jason's 'path'.

This is a bug in distutils. Thomas Hellers py2exe encounters the same
bug. As much as I remember our conversation, he submitted a patch to

In the meanwhile I renamed path.py to jpath.py, usings Jason's first
letter in a motion of honour while circumventing this bug.



Re: How do you program in Python?

2005-07-05 Thread Harald Armin Massa

> I do all my work using Scite
Me too!

> So, any time I need to test the changes, I hit four keys (which at this
> point is understandably more like a "chord" that I hit without direct
> awareness of it) and I'm done.  Sounds pretty close to old-style BASIC
> and since I've come that route too (in the distant past), this may not
> be a coincidence.

in addition I have set up scite and paths so that "F5", the scite run
command, invokes python , with output given in the scite
output area (and saving before)
in addition, ctrl+1 does a compile (checking for syntax errors)

and exceptions are printed out in the scite output, colourcoded and
with double-click on them scite opens the appropriate script at the
offending position.

VERY quick.



Re: Considering moving from Delphi to Python [Some questions]

2005-07-05 Thread Harald Armin Massa
> I want some feedback on folllwing:
> anybody who has experience in writing SOAP servers in Python and data
> entry heavy web applications.
> Any suggestions?
> darkcowherd
I have never written SOAP Servers. But I have very very good experience
in creating entry heavy web application using Python and Quixote;
Webserver Medusa.

The current entry forms have at maximum 700 distinct entries, of which
groups can be multiplied via XMLHTTPRequest and DOM-Modifikation
without page reloading.
Speed is great. Because of very slow rendering and various buggies
within IE (beast took longer to render then me to deliver) we switched
to Firefox.

System is performing adequately well and is being constantly extended;
Pythons clear structure makes that easy.

Hope that helps,

