Re: (n)curses or tcl/tk?

2007-02-07 Thread Ido Yehieli
On Feb 7, 5:35 pm, magnate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So my question is, should I go to the trouble of learning how to make
 boxes and stuff using tcl/tk, or just go with ncurses as I imagined?

If you want to use curses on windows with python you need to install
WCurses first.
Other then that it is very portable.

After you get used to it curses is also quite easy to use, however tk
has a more features.

Depends on what you want to do. I would have used curses in your
position because it is easy to use (although tk is no rocket science
either) and I like apps that can run on a terminal emulator.



Re: Python / glade fundamentals

2006-03-20 Thread Ido Yehieli
PyGG seems pretty cool, thanks for the link!


Re: what's the general way of separating classes?

2006-03-20 Thread Ido Yehieli
or you can write the (slightly dangerous) following:

import os
for file in os.listdir(/path/to/modules):
if file.endswith(.py):
exec(from +file[:-3]+ import *)


Re: Python / glade fundamentals

2006-03-17 Thread Ido Yehieli
Hi Doug,
mabe you will find it easyer to use GladeGen to generate the
skeleton of your application rather then coding it yourself. Take a
look here:

Ido Yehieli


Re: Python / glade fundamentals

2006-03-17 Thread Ido Yehieli
Hi Doug,
maybe you will find it easyer to use GladeGen to generate the
skeleton of your application rather then coding it yourself. Take a
look here:

Ido Yehieli


Re: Threading - will threads run in parallel?

2006-02-28 Thread Ido Yehieli
 Also, is it possible to split off a program for the terminal that
 started it? As in I type in python and runs in the
 background and lets me do other things in that terminal?



Re: Looking for Pythonic Examples

2006-02-28 Thread Ido Yehieli
This one is from our very own BDFL, behold- wget implemented in 7 lines
of python code:

import sys, urllib
def reporthook(*a): print a
for url in sys.argv[1:]:
 i = url.rfind('/')
 file = url[i+1:]
 print url, -, file
 urllib.urlretrieve(url, file, reporthook)


Re: apache mod_python problem

2006-02-16 Thread Ido Yehieli
Hi Graham, thank you for that link but it didn't help.
I've followed the instructions, yet In the 'basic-content-handler'
section, after getting to the point where it says to add this to the
main Apache configuration file:

Directory /some/directory
AllowOverride FileInfo

I replaced /some/directory with the correct directory and restarted
apache2 and stilll get the same response - firwfox asks to save the
response to a file. Does it matter where in the apache2 configuration
file I've located these 3 lines? I've just added them at the end, just
before the last line: /VirtualHost

Thank you in advance,


Re: apache mod_python problem

2006-02-16 Thread Ido Yehieli
please ignore that last message, the instructions on that webpage
worked, it was my fault.



apache mod_python problem

2006-02-15 Thread Ido Yehieli
Hi all,
I have succesfully installed apache+mod_python (ubuntu 5.10
libapache2-mod-python2.4 Version: 3.1.3-3ubuntu1,
apache2 Version: 2.0.54-5ubuntu4,
python2.4 Version: 2.4.2-1).

It seems apache and everything functions fine. I tried to run the
example application from the mod_python site
( by decompressing the
tgz file in a place where apache can find it, and then access it via
mozilla firefox (simply where 'psp-site' is
the name of the directory.)

However, instead of running the page like it shoud, I just get
the list of files, as in:

Index of /psp_site

Icon  NameLast modified  Size  Description[DIR]
Parent Directory -
[TXT] PyFontify.py15-Feb-2006 23:02  4.3K
[DIR] images/ 15-Feb-2006 23:02-
[TXT] index.py15-Feb-2006 23:02  3.4K
[   ] index.pyc   15-Feb-2006 23:02  4.1K
[TXT]  15-Feb-2006 23:02   13K
[DIR] styles/ 15-Feb-2006 23:02-
[DIR] templates/  15-Feb-2006 23:02-
[TXT] 15-Feb-2006 23:02  726

and clicking any of the .py files just opens the 'open/save' menu. The
.htaccess file contains:

SetHandler mod_python
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

everything is exactly as it is on;,
I didn't change anything.

Anyone has any idea as to what went wrong?

Thank you in advance,
Ido Yehieli.


Re: apache mod_python problem

2006-02-15 Thread Ido Yehieli
Thank you for your response,
but I think it's not it - that didn't make any difference.


Re: SLUT distibution mangled?

2006-01-29 Thread Ido Yehieli
ok, Thanks Paul!


SLUT distibution mangled?

2006-01-28 Thread Ido Yehieli
 I was trying to download and install the latest SLUT (0.9.0) from
and it seems both the zip and the tar.gz files are corrupted - the
directory aux and the files within can not be extracted (using
windows BTW). This happened with both the zip _and_ the tar.gz file.
The strange thing is: even when I'm trying to create a directory 'aux'
by myself it is not possible!
Anyone here ever encountered this problem?

Thank you in advance,
Ido Yehieli.


Re: SLUT distibution mangled?

2006-01-28 Thread Ido Yehieli
OKl, sorry this seems to have nothing to do with SLUT it self, for some
reason a directory names 'aux' can not be created... most bizzare.
mkdir aux just returns The directory name is invalid.


Re: SLUT distibution mangled?

2006-01-28 Thread Ido Yehieli
So I can't run SLUT on windows then?


Re: Loading a Python collection from an text-file

2006-01-27 Thread Ido Yehieli
perhapse consider using the pickle module?


Re: Loading a Python collection from an text-file

2006-01-27 Thread Ido Yehieli
Sure, it's just a Python module with variables in it.

I wouldn't try to teach my users Python syntax though.

not to mention the security risks


Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-25 Thread Ido Yehieli
I still remember it not being supported on most or all big Iron servers
at my previuos uni (were mostly SunOS, Digital UNIX among others)


Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-24 Thread Ido Yehieli
 Is this idea absurd or will one day our children think
 that restricting to 7-bit ascii was absurd?

Both... this idea will only become none-absurd when unicode will become
as prevalent as ascii, i.e. unicode keyboards, universal support under
almost every application, and so on. Even if you can easly type it on
your macintosh, good luck using it while using said macintosh to ssh or
telnet to a remote server and trying to type unicode...


Re: Redirecting standard out in a single namespace

2006-01-21 Thread Ido Yehieli
oh, ok...
I guess people have to learn to use a logger instead of print in
production code...


Re: Extended List Comprehension

2006-01-20 Thread Ido Yehieli
As Paul already demonstrated, this is hardly needed since it can be
done more clearly with existing lang. features.


Re: Redirecting standard out in a single namespace

2006-01-20 Thread Ido Yehieli
I'm sorry, but i don't see how this will solve the problem? It is
exactly the same, only now you've replaced everything in sys except
just sys.stdout?
At any rate, perhapse the code you will write will be more maintainable
if instead of redirecting sys.stdout for some of the code just use a
different function (instead of print) for the times where you wish it
to be redirected somewhere else? it will probably make your code
longer, but the maintainer will have one less gotcha to worry about a
few months/years down the road. perhapse it is best to not do the
clever thing this time ;-) ?


Re: searching a project to contribute to

2005-10-10 Thread Ido Yehieli
Thank you all for your advice, I currently have several offers that
I'm really tempted about - I will take a closer look at both of them
(as well as continue searching) and will make an educated decision
within the next few days.
I've also decided to get rid of the sily pseudonym...


Re: replacments for stdio?

2005-10-06 Thread Ido . Yehieli
I've tried it aswell - nice work indeed!

now, maybe also get stdin to work from this TK window... ;-)


Re: replacments for stdio?

2005-10-06 Thread Ido . Yehieli
the source (and Bryan) doesn't say anything about further distribution
- and he did not provide a real email address.
Can I safely modify it and include it in the source distribution of my
program (it is open source licensed)? Would that be the polite thing to
do, i have no idea how to contact this guy?


Re: replacments for stdio?

2005-10-06 Thread Ido . Yehieli
Yes, i thought so myself.



Re: replacments for stdio?

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
Thanks martin,
I'll give it a shot as soon as i get back from work!


Re: how to stop info output on screen

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
maybe you can try replaceing sys.stdout and/or sys.stderr with a just a
simple file? then everything will be written to that file instead of
desplayed on the console.



Re: how to stop info output on screen

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
more on the subject: your print statments will also be written to
that file that sys.stdout directs to, so maybe that wasn't exactly the
solution you wanted to hear.

ok, not the nicest solution but maybe it will help you anyway:
bind sys.stdout at the begining of the program to a file (don't forget
to save it first! let's say stdout = sys.stdout;
sys.stdout=file('myLogFile.dat','w') ), and write your own print
funktion that goes something like that:
def printToConsole(stringToPrint,oldStdOut):
print stringToPrint

then when you want to print to the console, use this function instead
of the print statment. all the rest will go to 'myLogFile.dat'



Re: how to stop info output on screen

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
forget my posts, Steve's solution is much more maintanable when you(or
someone else)'ll revisit the code in a couple of years.

i would go with what he wrote.



Re: what does 0 mean in MyApp(0)

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
i see you inherit from wxApp.
mybe the constructor of that object takes an int value?


where to post python code?

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
Hi all,
   i have written a small python game (about 300 lines of code) that i
think other people might enjoy poking around (being a python programmer
for the past 4 years or so (some of it professionally) I believe I
could say it's not badly written either).

the question it - where should i post the code to?
It's not big enough to justify a source forge project, nor is it small
enough to be considered a receipt fit for ASPN's Python Cookbook.

it's a scorched earth clone by the way - and is completely playable
(although without AI - only human multiplayer). It is probably among
the shortest of the moderately enjoyable multiplayer python games that
I've encountered...



Re: where to post python code?

2005-09-30 Thread Ido . Yehieli
decided to post it to the python cheese shop over

damn, that site is _slow_ today...


Re: replacments for stdio?

2005-09-24 Thread Ido . Yehieli
some thing platform independent will be preferable... (like a file like
interface for TK/Tcl)


replacments for stdio?

2005-09-23 Thread Ido . Yehieli
   i was wondering if anyone have written a GUI module that can
function as a replacment for stdin/stdout? ie. has a file like
interface, by which one could just assaign it to sys.stdout or
sys.stdin and have all your prints and raw_inputs and other such things
shown in a GUI window?

Thanks in advance,
Ido Yehieli.


Re: how to pickle unpicklable objects

2005-09-23 Thread Ido . Yehieli
usually the [pickle | cpickle | marshal] modules should handle such
