Re: Simple account program

2005-03-24 Thread Igorati
ah thank you again. Anyone know of a good place to get information about TK
inter. I am gonna try and make this program somewhat of a GUI. Thank you


Re: Simple account program

2005-03-21 Thread Igorati
Question then, do I do an 

import pickle

pickle.dump ((withdrawl), file ('account.pickle', 'w'))
pickle.dump ((deposit), file ('account.pickle', 'w'))
Am I on the right track?


Re: Simple account program

2005-03-20 Thread Igorati
I was looking at both the programs and I got Dennis Lee Bieber's code to
work, then I tried the imporvements from Chris Reberts code but was unable
to get it to run. It said EOL error. I took out got and tried to move it
around but it didn't take. I took the else code at the end so that other
keys cannot be entered. I also see at the begining you are defining what a
deposit and withdrawl is. Ironically our next assignment is to make this
program handle errors and try to implement a GUI. I'm going to use the GUI
feauture and see what I come up with. Thank you all for your help. I know I
will be coding proper some day in the future. 


Re: Simple account program

2005-03-18 Thread Igorati
Thank you all for your help. I am sorry that I am struggling with
programming. I still am attempting to get it. Yes, I do need to stop
posting homework assignments, perhaps I will learn to write code through
more studying. I have gone through some toutorials if that makes you feel
any better. I do have a desire to learn. Thank you again. I will go back
and attempt to impliment this.


Simple account program

2005-03-17 Thread Igorati
Hello all, I am still needing some help on this code, I have gone a bit
further on it. Thank you for the help. I am trying to understand how to
make the file searchable and how I am to make the deposit and withdrawl
interact with the transaction class. 
I need to just search the file only for the deposits and withdrawls and
the amount in the account with a time stamp. Thank you for your

class Account:
def __init__(self, initial):
 self.balance = initial
def deposit(self, amt):
 self.balance = self.balance + amt
def withdraw(self, amt):
 self.balance = self.balance - amt
def getbalance(self):
 return self.balance 

class Transactoin:
def transaction(self,

self.transaction = 
import time
raw_input(Is this a deposit or withdrawl?)
if withdrawl:
raw_input(Please enter amount here.)
class Deposit(Transaction):
def deposit(self, amt):
self.balance = self.balance + amt
def getbalance(self):
return self.balance

class Withdrawl(Trasaction):
def withdrawl(self, amt):
self.balance = self.balance - amt
def getbalance(self):
return self.balance
import pickle
pickle.dump ((withdrawl), file ('account.pickle', 'w'))
pickle.dump ((deposit), file ('account.pickle', 'w'))

print Your current account total is., self.balance


Re: Coding help...very basic

2005-03-13 Thread Igorati
Hello all, I am still needing some help on this code, I have gone a bit
further on it. Thank you for the help. I am trying to understand how to
make the file searchable and how I am to make the deposit and withdrawl
interact with the transaction class. 

class Account:
def __init__(self, initial):
 self.balance = initial
def deposit(self, amt):
 self.balance = self.balance + amt
def withdraw(self, amt):
 self.balance = self.balance - amt
def getbalance(self):
 return self.balance 

class Transactoin:
def transaction(self, 
self.transaction = 
import time
raw_input(Is this a deposit or withdrawl?)
if withdrawl:
raw_input(Please enter amount here.)
class Deposit(Transaction):
def deposit(self, amt):
self.balance = self.balance + amt
def getbalance(self):
return self.balance

class Withdrawl(Trasaction):
def withdrawl(self, amt):
self.balance = self.balance - amt
def getbalance(self):
return self.balance
import pickle
pickle.dump ((withdrawl), file ('account.pickle', 'w'))
pickle.dump ((deposit), file ('account.pickle', 'w'))

print Your current account total is., self.balance


Coding help...very basic

2005-03-06 Thread Igorati
I need some ideas of how to accomplish this task.
I was told that I just need to save the input in a file and make the file
searchable, nothing fancy like tying into SQL or Oracle. THis is a basic
program and help is greatly appreciated:

You've been given an assignment by your supervisor to program a small
application to monitor the current status of the cash account in the
firm's petty cash fund (the amount of cash kept on hand in the office for
incidental purchases).  The requirements for the program are to allow
users to input the amount of cash deposited, the amount of cash withdrawn
and to get a report of the balance at any given time. You will need to
also add the date of each deposit and the date of each withdrawal and
provide a date with the balance returned upon a given query. The program
should be able to provide a printed report and support a command line

You are to use the object oriented properties of Python to accomplish this


Re: Coding help...very basic

2005-03-06 Thread Igorati
Thank both for the help. I understand that I should provide code, I am
still trying to understand what to do, I don't want the work done, just
some ideas of where to go, a general layout perhaps. Thank you.


Re: Coding help...very basic

2005-03-06 Thread Igorati
This is just a basic of what I have so far. The time , a class I will need
and the print function.

 class Account:
 def __init__(self, initial):
 self.balance = initial
 def deposit(self, amt):
 self.balance = self.balance + amt
 def withdraw(self,amt):
 self.balance = self.balance - amt
 def getbalance(self):
 return self.balance 

import time

import win32api
source_filename = log.txt 
win32api.ShellExecute (


Re: NOOB coding help....

2005-02-22 Thread Igorati
Thank you, that does help quit a bit. I am working on the corrections now.
To the first poster... don't know what that meant. I thought I made my
case understandable. Thank you again. I will work on that. I was
attempting to open wade_stoddard... b/c that was my file I was working
with, and I was told I had to open it in order to save information to
another file so I could recall that information. Thank you again for the
help Steven.


Re: NOOB coding help....

2005-02-22 Thread Igorati
#This program will ask for a user to imput numbers. The numbers will then
be calculated
#to find the statistical mean, mode, and median. Finallly the user will be
#if he would like to print out the answers.
numbers = [ ] 
print 'Enter numbers to add to the list. (Enter 0 to quit.)'
def getint():
 return int(raw_input('Number? '))

numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))

[2, 3, 5, 7]
def variable_median(x):
 return sorted(x)[len(x)//2]
def variable_mode(x):
 counts = {}
 for item in x:
 counts[x] = counts.get(x, 0) + 1
 return sorted(counts, key=counts.__getitem__, reverse=True)[0]

s = variableMean(numbers)
y = variableMedian(numbers)
t = variableMode (numbers)

import pickle
pickle.dump((s, y, t), file('avg.pickle', 'w'))

print 'Thank you! Would you like to see the results after calculating'
print 'The mode, median, and mean? (Please enter Yes or No)'
print 'Please enter Yes or No:'

if raw_input == yes:

f = open(,r) =
print 'The Mean average is:', mean
print 'The Median is:', meadian
print 'The Mode is:', mode

I got the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 9, in ?
numbers = sorted(iter(getint, 0))
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 7, in
return int(raw_input('Number? '))
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

and this one for my if statement:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\New Folder\, line 39, in ?
if raw_input == Yes:
NameError: name 'Yes' is not defined

I cannot understand how I can define yes so that when they type yes the
data is printed out. Also if they type no how do I make the program do
nothing. Or is that just infered.


NOOB coding help....

2005-02-21 Thread Igorati
Ok, this is what I have so far:

#This program will ask for a user to imput numbers. The numbers will then
be calculated
#to find the statistical mean, mode, and median. Finallly the user will be
#if he would like to print out the answers.
list = [ ] 
a = 1 
print 'Enter numbers to add to the list. (Enter 0 to quit.)'
while a != 0 :
a = input('Number? ')
zero = list.index(0)
del list[zero]

variableMean = lambda x:sum(x)/len(x)
variableMedian =  lambda x: x.sort() or x[len(x)//2]
variableMode = lambda x: max([(x.count(y),y) for y in x])[1]
s = variableMean(list)
y = variableMedian(list)
t = variableMode (list)

x = (s,y,t)
inp = open (, r)
outp = open (, w)
f = (
for x in inp:
import pickle
pickle.dump(x, f)

print 'Thank you! Would you like to see the results after calculating'
print 'The mode, median, and mean? (Please enter Yes or No)'
raw_input('Please enter Yes or No:')
if raw_input == Yes:

f = open(,r) =
print 'The Mean average is:', mean
print 'The Median is:', meadian
print 'The Mode is:', mode

I am attempting to make it so that I can save the mean, meadian, and mode
and then if the user wants the data to give it to him. Thank you for any
assistance you can provide!

