Imitating tail -f

2009-11-21 Thread Ivan Voras
I'm trying to simply imitate what tail -f does, i.e. read a file, wait
until it's appended to and process the new data, but apparently I'm
missing something.

The code is:

 54 f = file(filename, r, 1)
 55, os.SEEK_END)
 56 ff = fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL)
 57 fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, ff | os.O_NONBLOCK)
 59 pe = select.poll()
 60 pe.register(f)
 61 while True:
 62 print repr(
 63 print pe.poll(1000)

The problem is: poll() always returns that the fd is ready (without
waiting), but read() always returns an empty string. Actually, it
doesn't matter if I turn O_NDELAY on or off. select() does the same.

Any advice?

Re: How to modify meaning of builtin function not to !?

2008-05-09 Thread Ivan Voras
grbgooglefan wrote:
 I am creating functions, the return result of which I am using to make
 decisions in combined expressions.
 In some expressions, I would like to inverse the return result of
 E.g. function contains(source,search) will return true if search
 string is found in source string.
 I want to make reverse of this by putting it as:
 if ( ! contains(s1,s2) ):
  return 1
 I found that ! is not accepted by Python  compile fails with
 invalid syntax.
 Corresponding to this Boolean Operator we've not in Python.
 How can I make not as !?

not is a perfectly valid boolean operator in Python and means just
what ! means in C. The equivalent binary operator is ~, just like in C.

 print not True
 print not 1
 print not 0
 print ~1
 print ~0

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

SimpleXMLRPCServer to fastcgi via WSGI?

2008-02-01 Thread Ivan Voras

Is there a straightforward way to convert an XML-RPC server application
(written for SimpleXMLRPCServer) to use WSGI so that it can be used as s
fastcgi server? By straightforward I mean something simple, without
using some external framework.

Alternatively, I don't really care about WSGI, so something that makes
it work as fastcgi directly will also be ok.

Re: Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread Ivan Voras
joa2212 wrote:

 We have a Sun T1000 with 8 cores and 8 GB of RAM. First, I installed
 Solaris 10 because I know this OS better than Debian Linux. Result:
 poor Performance. After that I decided to migrate to debian:

Do you know the architecture of this machine? It's extremely streamlined
for data throughput (IO) at the expense of computational ability. In

- it runs at a relatively small clock speed (1 GHz - 1.4 GHz)
- it's terrible for floating-point calculations because there is only
one FPU shared by all 32 logical processors

While it will be screamingly fast for serving static content, and pretty
decent for light database jobs, this not an optimal platform for dynamic
web applications, especially for Python since the language's so dynamic
and it doesn't support SMP. Since it's so optimized for a certain
purpose, you can freely consider it a special-purpose machine, rather
than a general-purpose one.

Even if you manage to get Zope to spawn parallel request handlers
(probably via something like fastcgi), if the web application is
CPU-intensive you won't be happy with its performance (for CPU-intensive
tasks you probably don't want to spawn more than 8 handlers, since
that's the number of physical cores in the CPU).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Python with

2007-09-17 Thread Ivan Voras

Laurent Pointal wrote:

The ugly part is the 'tmp' name, try to choose a name with a proper 
meaning about what it is really, and it become clean and readable:

filerefs = some.big.structure.or.nested.object.with.file.references
filerefs.encoding = utf-8 = MyFileName.txt
filerefs.use_quotes = True

Isn't it ?

Well, no, but this might be due to personal tastes. At least, I don't 
think it's better then some other alternatives. For example, in C99 you 
can do:

static struct option_s foo_option = {
.name = foo,
.type = O_STRING,
.def_value = default

At least to me, this looks even better than the Pascal's syntax.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Python with

2007-09-16 Thread Ivan Voras

I'm looking for a construct that's similar to (Turbo) Pascal's with
statement. I read about the Python's new with statement, but I was
dissapointed to learn that it does something different (I still don't
see how it's better than try..except..finally, but that's not my question).

Is there something similar to what I want that's Pythonic enough?

(If you're not familiar with Pascal, here's how it works:

with some.big.structure.or.nested.objects.element do begin
 member1 := something;
 member2 := something;

which exactly translates to this equivalent:

some.big.structure.or.nested.objects.element.member1 := something;
some.big.structure.or.nested.objects.element.member2 := something;

i.e. it's a wrist-saver. I think a similar feature exists in C99, for

I know it can be almost always done by using a temporary variable:

tmp = some.big.structure.or.nested.objects.element
tmp.member1 = something
tmp.member2 = something

but this looks ugly to me.)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Parallel/Multiprocessing script design question

2007-09-13 Thread Ivan Voras

Amit N wrote:

About 800+ 10-15MB files are generated daily that need to be processed. The 
processing consists of different steps that the files must go through:

-Possibly compress parsed files for archival

You can implement one of two easy straightforward approaches:

1 - Create one program, start N instances of it, where N is the number 
of CPUs/cores, and let each process one file to completion. You'll 
probably need an overseer program to start them and dispatch jobs to 
them. The easiest is to start your processes with first N files, then 
monitor them for completion and when any of them finishes, start another 
with the next file in queue, etc.

2 - Create a program / process for each of these steps and let the steps 
operate independently, but feed output from one step to the input of the 
next. You'll probably need some buffering and more control, so that if 
(for example) FilterA is slower then Uncompress, the Uncompress 
process is signaled to wait a little until FilterA needs more data. 
The key is that, as long as all the steps run at approximatly the same 
speed, they can run in parallel.

Note that both approaches are in principle independent on whether you 
use threads or processes, with the exception of communication between 
the steps/stages, but you can't use threads in python if your goal is 
parallel execution of threads.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Python 3K or Python 2.9?

2007-09-12 Thread Ivan Voras

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

TheFlyingDutchman a écrit :

Python user and advocate Bruce Eckel is disappointed with the
additions (or lack of additions) in Python 3:

I'd say Mr Eckel fails to graps some of the great points about Python's 
object model - the rant about the use of 'self' is a sure clue.

What does self have to do with an object model? It's an 
function/method argument that might as well be hidden in the compiler 
without ever touching the role it has (if not, why?). I agree that it's 
needless noise in a language.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Biased random?

2007-08-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Mark Dickinson wrote:

 That's because the call to abs() usually collapses two values to one
 (e.g. -2 and 2 both end up being 2),
 but there's only one integer n for which abs(n) == 0.

Ah. Need to sleep more.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Biased random?

2007-08-30 Thread Ivan Voras
Jeffrey Barish wrote:

 If you take the difference between two uniformly distributed random
 variables, the probability density function forms an isosceles triangle
 centered at 0.  Take the absolute value of that variable and the pdf is a
 straight line with maximum value at 0 tapering to 0 at max.  Thus,
 z = abs(randint(0, max) - randint(0, max))
 ought to do the trick.

It's elegant :)

I've noticed something interesting in my test: the value 0 appears less
often than other values (which behave as they should). I wrote this test

from random import randint

map = {}
for x in xrange(11):
map[x] = 0

for a in xrange(500):
x = abs(randint(0, 10) - randint(0, 10))
map[x] += 1

print map

and here are some results:

{0: 49, 1: 66, 2: 72, 3: 73, 4: 64, 5: 55, 6: 40, 7: 36, 8: 18, 9: 18,
10: 9}
{0: 34, 1: 90, 2: 77, 3: 61, 4: 56, 5: 52, 6: 42, 7: 34, 8: 27, 9: 15,
10: 12}
{0: 33, 1: 80, 2: 84, 3: 62, 4: 52, 5: 46, 6: 51, 7: 31, 8: 35, 9: 16,
10: 10}
{0: 50, 1: 100, 2: 69, 3: 53, 4: 63, 5: 47, 6: 41, 7: 26, 8: 30, 9: 11,
10: 10}
{0: 31, 1: 84, 2: 70, 3: 70, 4: 74, 5: 50, 6: 38, 7: 28, 8: 31, 9: 15,
10: 9}
{0: 43, 1: 101, 2: 79, 3: 66, 4: 41, 5: 59, 6: 37, 7: 30, 8: 26, 9: 15,
10: 3}
{0: 44, 1: 108, 2: 74, 3: 50, 4: 53, 5: 54, 6: 39, 7: 34, 8: 28, 9: 13,
10: 3}
{0: 42, 1: 72, 2: 70, 3: 72, 4: 61, 5: 54, 6: 41, 7: 36, 8: 30, 9: 15,
10: 7}

If I ignore the case when the delta is 0, it works fine, but I don't
understand why should the 0-case happen less often than others.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Biased random?

2007-08-27 Thread Ivan Voras

I have a list of items, and need to choose several elements from it,
almost random. The catch is that the elements from the beginning
should have more chance of being selected than those at the end (how
much more? I don't care how the envelope of probability looks like at
this point - can be linear). I see that there are several functions in
Python standard libraries for various distribution, but is there an easy
pythonic way to make them do what I need?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: high performance/threaded applications in Python - your experiences?

2007-06-23 Thread Ivan Voras
Jay Loden wrote:

 I was hoping for some experiences that some of you on the list may have had 
 in dealing with Python in a high performance and/or threaded environment. In 
 essence, I'm wondering how big of a deal the GIL can be in a  real-world 
 scenario where you need to take advantage of multiple processor machines, 
 thread pools, etc. How much does it get in the way (or not), and how 
 difficult have you found it to architect applications for high performance? I 
 have read a number of articles and opinions on whether or not the GIL is a 
 good thing, and how it affects threaded performance on multiple processor 
 machines, but what I haven't seen is experiences of people who have actually 
 done it and reported back it was a nightmare or it's no big deal ;)

The theory: If your threads mostly do IO, you can get decent CPU usage
even with Python. If the threads are CPU-bound (e.g. you do a lot of
computational work), you'll effectively only make use of one processor.

In practice, I've noticed that Python applications don't scale very much
across CPUs even if they're doing mostly IO. I blame cache trashing or
similar effect caused by too many global synchronization events. I
didn't measure but the speedup may even be negative with large-ish
number of CPUs (=4).

OTOH, if you can get by with using forking instead of threads (given
enough effort) you can achieve very good scaling.

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: __dict__ for instances?

2007-05-26 Thread Ivan Voras
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 The error (not an exception, only the message appears and the handler
 doesn't work):

 ** ( WARNING **: handler for 'on_button_next_clicked'
 not callable or a tuple
 Is this the full message, or did you skip the preceding lines ?

The full message.

 (the file has some 20 lines, not 7551)

 Is the name of your file ? If yes, I'd suspect something
 wrong with your sys.path or like...

This is the name of my file - and it IS executed, only the error message
is weird.

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

PyGTK and HTML rendering?

2007-05-26 Thread Ivan Voras

Is there an easy off-the-shelf way to get HTML formatting inside the
TextArea widget? I've looked at TextBuffer but it appears to have only
support for manual applying of attributes to portions of text. I don't
need anything complex, bold, italic and font-size would be enough.

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: __dict__ for instances?

2007-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras

 I think you want dir(instance)  __dict__ returns the instance

Part of the problem is that dir(instance) returns a list of strings, so
iterating the dir(instance) gets me strings, not methods. Alternatively,
is there a way to get a bound instance by its name - some
introspection function perhaps?

 variables and values as a dictionary, but doesn't return methods.

It does on a Class :(

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: __dict__ for instances?

2007-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Marc Christiansen wrote:

 Nope, at least for PyGTK 2 :) See below.

Aaah, but!

 This looks like it should be easy, but I can't find the solution :(
 Use the doc, Luke, oops, Ivan :)
 Citing the documentation: 
   def signal_autoconnect(dict)
   dict: a mapping or an instance

I should have mentioned - I tried it already and it didn't work. The
specific error I get is:

WARNING: on_button_clicked not callable or a tuple

once for each handler when I call autoconnect. And I've got a recent
version of pyGTK (2.10.4) so it should.

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: __dict__ for instances?

2007-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 You're not doing anything wrong, that's just how Python works. methods
 are wrapper objects around function objects attributes. The wrapping
 only happens at lookup time, and returns different kind of method
 wrapper (resp. unbound or bound methods) if the attribute is looked up
 on an instance or a class (there are also the staticmethod/classmethod
 things, but that's not your problem here).

Got it, thanks for the explanation!

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: GUI tutorial

2007-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
John K Masters wrote:
 Can someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial on programming
 python with a GUI? I'm just starting out with python and have written a
 few scripts successfully but would like to add a graphical front end to
 them to make it easier for my work colleagues, most of whom have never
 used a command line, to use.

If you're using Linux or some other unix-like platform, try PyGTK:

(Yes, it can run on Windows, but it tends to be more complicated there).

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: __dict__ for instances?

2007-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 WARNING: on_button_clicked not callable or a tuple
 Please post the relevant code and the full traceback.

The code:

Class W:
 def __init__(self):
 self.xml =
 self.window = self.xml.get_widget(mainwin)

w = W()

The error (not an exception, only the message appears and the handler
doesn't work):

** ( WARNING **: handler for 'on_button_next_clicked'
not callable or a tuple

(the file has some 20 lines, not 7551)

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

__dict__ for instances?

2007-05-12 Thread Ivan Voras
While using PyGTK, I want to try and define signal handlers
automagically, without explicitly writing the long dictionary (i.e. I
want to use signal_autoconnect()).

To do this, I need something that will inspect the current self and
return a dictionary that looks like:

  method_name : self.method_name

Class.__dict__ does something very similar, but when I use it, either
I'm doing something wrong or it doesn't return methods bound to self,
and python complains a wrong number of arguments is being passed to the
methods (one instead of two).

instance.__dict__ on the other hand returns an empty dictionary.

This looks like it should be easy, but I can't find the solution :(

(  )

This is Bunny.
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

wxWindows off-screen?

2007-01-05 Thread Ivan Voras
Is it possible to draw a widget or a window in an off-screen buffer?
What I'm trying to do is capture rendered HTML to a bitmap (in other
words, something like html2bitmap) by using wxWindows' HTML widget. If
anyone has a different way of doing it, I'd be glad to hear it...

Re: How do I add users using Python scripts on a Linux machine

2007-01-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Sebastian 'lunar' Wiesner wrote:
 Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed

 I don't think that that has anything to do with Linux or not. The
 script is not the actual executable, hence its suid bit is irrelevant.
 I don't think so. From what I know, the script is passed as executable
 to the kernel loader, which interprets the shebang and feeds the script
 through the correct interpreter. So the kernel loader sees the script
 itself as executable instead of the interpreter binary. I've heard of
 other Unix systems, which handle this differently (meaning that the
 SUID bit on scripts has an effect), but I may be wrong.

Yes, the kernel parses #! but the suid-ness is still controlled by the
target interpreter (i.e. python executable). At least BSD systems also
behave this way.

Re: How do I add users using Python scripts on a Linux machine

2007-01-02 Thread Ivan Voras
Ramdas wrote:
 I need to add users from a web interface for a web server, which runs
 only Python. I need to add users, set quotas and in future even look at
 managing ip tables to limit bandwidth.
 I know os.system(), but this has to be done through a form entry
 through a web interface.
 Anyways thanks, do advise if there more pythonic solutions

What you're looking for is actually a pretty complex thing. You *could*
in theory manage /etc/passwd (and its shadow file) - you can find
crypto primitives like MD5 and DES on the 'net, but note that you must
run your script under the 'root' account in order to write (and even
read!) the passwd database. The same goes for using os.system and the
built-in OS utility. Be aware of security implications if you're running
your web server under the root account.

Re: Why do this?

2006-10-05 Thread Ivan Voras
Duncan Booth wrote:

 print There are+number+ways to skin a+furryanimal
 or at least something equivalent to it. If I try to make the same mistake 
 with a format string it jumps out to me as wrong:
 There are%sways to skin a%s % (number, furryanimal)

Related to this, formatting with sequences is also much more readable 
when there are complex interpunction and quoting characters present, 
like this:

print '+var1+','+var2'+,+var3

the above is much more readable as

print '%s', '%s', %s % (var1, var2, var3)

Re: Installing Python on a 64-Bit OS

2006-09-19 Thread Ivan Voras
Nico Grubert wrote:

 Is there anything special I have to care about or is installing Python 
 on a 64 Bit OS just as easy as installing it on a 32-Bit OS?

It is as easy. Look around, you'll probably find a pre-built binary 
package for your OS.

[ANN] PanDAV on

2006-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Around three weeks ago there was a thread about Python WebDAV servers, 
and I mentioned my PanDAV work (old homepage: There was some 
interest in continuing the development and merging patches made by its 
users, so I requested a SourceForge project for it. Due to some internal 
delay in SourceForget it took a while until the project was created, but 
now it's there!

The project's home is If any of 
the thread's original posters (or anyone else) are interested, please 
create a account and contact me.

The current version in CVS contains code and patches (for better 
compatibility with Windows XP) which is not present in the original package.

Re: Slow network reading?

2006-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Andrew MacIntyre wrote:

 That's only because I need the .readline() function. In C, I'm using 
 fgets() (with the expectation that iostream will buffer data).
 The readline method of the file object lookalike returned by makefile
 implements all of the line splitting logic in Python code, which is very
 likely where the extra process CPU time is going.  Note that this code is

Heh, I didn't know that - you're probably right about this being a 
possible bottleneck.

 in Python for portability reasons, as Windows socket handles cannot be
 used as file handles the way socket handles on Unix systems can be.

I think they actually can in NT and above... but no, I'm doing it on Unix.

 Given your comments above about how much data is actually involved, I'm
 a bit surprised that the tweaked version actually produced a measurable

I didn't do statistical analysis of the results so the difference 
actually could be negligable IRL.

Anyway, thanks for the advice - I'll leave it as it is, as the Python 
client is not used currently.

Things Mr Welch Cannot Do During An RPG:
274. I cannot commune with the Gods during peak hours.

Re: Slow network reading?

2006-05-12 Thread Ivan Voras
Andrew MacIntyre wrote:

 Comparative CPU  memory utilisation statistics, not to mention platform 
 and version of Python, would be useful hints...

During benchmarking, all versions cause all CPU to be used, but Python 
version has ~1.5x more CPU time allocated to it than PHP. Python is 2.4.1

 Note that the file-like object returned by makefile() has significant
 portions of heavy lifting code in Python rather than C which can be a
 drag on ultimate performance...  If on a Unix platform, it may be worth
 experimenting with os.fdopen() on the socket's fileno() to see whether
 the core Python file object (implemented in C) can be used in place of
 the lookalike returned from the makefile method.

That's only because I need the .readline() function. In C, I'm using 
fgets() (with the expectation that iostream will buffer data).

 Even without that, you are specifying a buffer size smaller than the
 default (8k - see Lib/ 16k might be even better.

The benchmark is such that all of data is  200 bytes. I estimate that 
in production almost all protocol data will be  4KB.

 Although they're only micro-optimisations, I'd be interested in the
 relative performance of the query method re-written as:

The change (for the better) is minor (3-5%).

Slow network reading?

2006-05-10 Thread Ivan Voras
I have a simple network protocol client (it's a part of this: implemented in Python, PHP and C. 
Everything's fine, except that the Python implementation is the slowest 
- up to 30% slower than the PHP version (which implements exactly the 
same logic, in a class).

In typical usage (also in the benchmark), an object is created and 
.query is called repeatedly. Typical numbers for the benchmark are:

For Python version:

Timing 10 INSERTs...
5964.4 qps
Timing 10 SELECTs...
7491.0 qps

For PHP version:

Timing 10 inserts...
7820.2 qps
Timing 10 selects...
9926.2 qps

The main part of the client class is:

import os, socket, re

class SQLCacheD_Exception(Exception):

class SQLCacheD:

 DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET = '/tmp/sqlcached.sock'
 SC_VER_SIG = 'sqlcached-1'
 SOCK_UNIX = 'unix'
 SOCK_TCP = 'tcp'

 re_rec = re.compile(r\+REC (\d+), (\d+))
 re_ok = re.compile(r\+OK (.+))
 re_ver = re.compile(r\+VER (.+))

 def __init__(self, host = '/tmp/sqlcached.sock', type = 'unix'):
 if type != SQLCacheD.SOCK_UNIX:

 self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 self.sf = self.sock.makefile('U', 4000)

 self.sf.write(VER %s\r\n % SQLCacheD.SC_VER_SIG)
 if self.sf.readline().rstrip() != '+VER %s' % SQLCacheD.SC_VER_SIG:
 raise SQLCacheD_Exception(Handshake failure (invalid 
version signature?))

 def query(self, sql):
 self.sf.write(SQL %s\r\n % sql)
 resp = self.sf.readline().rstrip()
 m = SQLCacheD.re_rec.match(resp)
 if m != None: # only if some rows are returned (SELECT)
 n_rows = int(
 n_cols = int(
 cols = []
 for c in xrange(n_cols):
 rs = []
 for r in xrange(n_rows):
 row = {}
 for c in cols:
 row[c] = self.sf.readline().rstrip()
 return rs
 m = SQLCacheD.re_ok.match(resp)
 if m != None: # no rows returned (e.g. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE)
 return True
 raise SQLCacheD_Exception(resp)

My question is: Am I missing something obvious? The C implementation is 
(as expected) the fastest with result of 1:15000, but somehow I 
expected the Python one to be closer to, or even faster than PHP.

I tried using 'r' mode for .makefile() but it had no significant effect.

Fastest quoting

2006-05-03 Thread Ivan Voras
What is the fastest way (execution speed) to backslash-escape characters 
from a specific set? Specifically: \r, \n and \0?

(i.e. I need some\r\nstring\0 to become some\\r\\nstring\\0)


Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-27 Thread Ivan Voras
Kyler Laird wrote:

 Ivan's been working on a problem I've been experiencing with Windows XP
 (failure to launch).  He sent a new version my way today.  I'm going
 to test it tomorrow when I've got some XP users available.  If it works
 I'm going to work on putting my changes into a subclass.
 I don't see this being a full-featured fully-compliant DAV server
 immediately but I'm betting that it will provide adequate service for my
 users soon.

Most of the problems are probably because I didn't mean it to be a 
fully-compliant WebDAV server, but to serve my need at the time :)

I'm still waiting for SourceForge to approve the project so there's a 
proper place to integrate all the patches. One thing I insist on is the 
separation of davserver and fsdav (e.g. no contamination of knowledge 
between the two).

Re: freebsd thread problem

2006-04-24 Thread Ivan Voras
Dorian Mcfarland wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have installed python(2.4.3)  trac(0.9.4) on freebsd(4.8) from the 
 ports collection and I seem to have an underlying problem with the 
 thread module.

 Salling 'import thread' from the python prompt yields the same result.
 I have a '' and a '' in my 
 /usr/local/lib/python2.4 folder and I only have one version of python 

How did you install python? By default, if built from ports, it should 
pop up a configuration dialog in which one of the options is to enable 
thread support. If you have a bad configuration record, you can do a 
make config in /usr/ports/lang/python to re-create it.

(if there's no such option, then maybe using threads with python is 
disabled in 4.x)

Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-20 Thread Ivan Voras
robert wrote:

 maybe thats a good idea to put it on to boil out all bugs.
 Yet I like it in that simple default manner, maybe switch on those 
 additional creation functions with commandline switches (or config class 
 instance passed to run..(config=None) )

I'm thinking of making a small separation between the actual WebDAV 
server ( and the library/libraries that do the actual protocol 
( This way, we can still have a simple server 
(, libraries with new features, and possibly an advanced 
server (possibly called or something like that) that 
can use all those new features.

I'll submit a project request, and will post here when it's processed, 
so stay tuned :)

If you don't have it already, you can open a account now...

Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-19 Thread Ivan Voras
robert wrote:

 thanks, that's exactly to the point:
 python 8080 mydavrootfolder

Thanks for the patch, I assume it's free to incorporate it into the 
original archive?

Also, see my reply to Kyler Laird...

Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-19 Thread Ivan Voras
Kyler Laird wrote:

 I added the ability to create and delete collections (directories),
 delete members (files), authenticate users, and run per-user setuid/
 setgid.  It works well with Cadaver but I'm waiting for some MS users
 to report how it works under Windows.
 The only thing on my list right now is to make it report the times for
 collections (directories).  Already it's looking like a nice solution
 for my needs.  And it was *so* much easier to hack than Apache.

Thank you for such a nice response :)

If you or anybory else (robert?) is interested, I can set up a 
SourceForge project for it so patches  contribution can be easily managed?

Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-18 Thread Ivan Voras
robert wrote:
 For testing purposes I'm looking for a simple DAV server - best a python 
 thing serving a folder tree. Don't want to install/change/setup the 
 complex apache dav  ..

You can try this one:

It's been a while since I last updated it so no guarantees :)

Re: What is Caching my DB

2006-03-27 Thread Ivan Voras
Siah wrote:
 I just launched my django site for a client.  My problem is something
 is caching my db data in a bizzar way.  Here are some of the behaviours
 I get:
 - I login, and every other page it makes me login again for a 5 minutes
 or so and then it remembers that I am logged in.
 - I add a record, it reflects it to the site in close to 5 minutes from
 - Every other DB related change takes some time to reflect

Some general points/ideas:

- AFAIK mysql can be setup to do SQL query cache, so maybe it's 
returning stale data somewhere
- If the web server is actually a cluster (e.g. multiple web servers 
under one DNS address) then it may be misconfigured not to share session 
data (I know this happens on with PHP).
- Apache can also be set up to cache HTML (for example, if used as a proxy).
- Your browser may be caching HTML also, if you don't send Cache-control 
and Pragma headers.

I'm not familiar with django, so these points may or may not be 
applicable :)

Re: Pythonic gui format?

2006-02-15 Thread Ivan Voras
James Stroud wrote:

 The reasons given in the blog were fairly precise. I think only on 
 vague[...] is misleading here. The idea of the article was to educate a 
 Java user how to change his or her frame of reference to better use Python.
 The author was not being territorial as you are implying.

What triggered me is the presence of lots of absolute statements like 
XML is not the answer. It is not even the question., In Python, XML 
is something you use for interoperability, not your core functionality, 
because you simply don't need it for that. and similar. Though the 
author says at the end There are also other, very rare, architectural 
reasons to need XML he then proceeds to say Trust me, they don't apply 
to your app. instead of educating the reader what they are and make him 
conclude that for himself. The article is actually quite good, but in 
this particular section the author doesn't explain his advices well. 
Personally, I the approach X is good because of Y, except when Z and W, 
when it's the other way around better, since IRL it's always so.

Mentioning (again, not explaining!) LISP to state XML is laughable is 
kind of lame, especially since the focus of the article are Python and Java.

Again, it's good, but I'd like more explanations and conditionals in 
that paragraph :)

Re: Pythonic gui format?

2006-02-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
 I have to write  _simple_  gui library, for embedding into game. My
 first attempt was to use XML


 But after reading Python Is Not Java  (BTW I'm not a
 Java programmer) I realised that it is actually not cute at all :) (am
 I wrong here?)

Don't do that :)

Don't listen to recommendations for or against a technology based only 
on vague this is not how we do things around here reasons. If XML 
suits your need, than use it. It seems it will work fine in situations 
where you need to edit/extend the GUI by external means. If you do it in 
code, you risk that you'll need to change the code every time you want 
to reposition a GUI element. It doesn't matter much if you invent your 
own file format because eventually you'll have to extend it, or write 
support for it, so you could as well use XML from the start.

XML parsing can be a little tedious, but there are many tools that make 
it easier (I've even written one:

Re: threads and memory

2006-02-07 Thread Ivan Voras
Lee Leahu wrote:

 However, I have encountered the following error after I have started my 381st 

This number (actually, ~380) is suspicious when seen with threads 
because it almost always means running out of process address space. As 
threads are part of a single process, and that process has (usually 
today) 32bit address space, and modern Linux systems allocate huge 
amounts of memory per-thread (8 MB for threads' stack!), and the kernel 
reserves ~1MB in the address space for itself, you can easily reach  
4GB of total allocated memory.

This *doesn't* mean you are actually using 4GB of memory (i.e. storing 
values to it), only that the process gets assigned this memory. Python 
doesn't support specifying thread attributes AFAIK, so you should find a 
way to specify default thread stack size, possibly with an environment 
variable (see manual page for pthread library calls). Try 64k - your 
task seems simple enough :)


Re: Thread imbalance

2006-02-05 Thread Ivan Voras
Peter Hansen wrote:

 Ivan, what makes you say that Python is bad for threads?  Did the 
 qualifcation concurrently executing/computing have some significance 
 that I missed?

Because of the GIL (Giant interpreter lock). It can be a matter of 
opinion, but by good threading implementation I mean that all threads 
in the application should run natively on the underlying (p)threads 
library at all times, without implicit serialization. For example, Java 
and perl do this, possibly also lua and C#. Python and Ruby have a giant 
interpreter lock which prevents two threads of pure python code (not 
code written in C :)) ) in one interperter process executing at the 
same time.

Much can be said about at the same time part, but at least in one case 
it is unambiguous: in multiprocessor machines. Someone writing a 
multithreaded server application could get in trouble if he doesn't know 
this (of course, it depends on the exact circumstances and the purpose 
of the application; for example system calls which block, such as read() 
and write() can execute concurrently, while two while True: pass 
threads cannot). This is not new information, it's available in many 
forms in this newsgroup's archives.

I think it would also make implicit problems in the situation like that 
of the OP, where there's a watchdog thread monitoring some job or 
jobs, and the job(s) intefere(s) with the GIL by contenting for it, 
possibly when there are lots of threads or frequent spawning of 
processes or threads.

I don't have the intention to badmouth Python, but to emphasize that one 
should be familira with all the details of the tool one's using :)

Re: Thread imbalance

2006-02-05 Thread Ivan Voras
Neil Hodgson wrote:

Lua has coroutines rather than threads. It can cooperate with 
 threading implemented by a host application or library.

I mentioned it because, as far as I know the Lua's intepreter doesn't do 
implicit locking on its own, and if I want to run several threads of 
pure Lua code, it's possible if I take care of data sharing and 
synchronization myself.

Re: Thread imbalance

2006-02-05 Thread Ivan Voras
Aahz wrote:

 When did Perl gain threads? 

At least in 2001:

 If you read Bruce Eckel, you also know that
 the Java threading system has been buggy for something like a decade.

I'm sure precisely this is the reason why all Java Enterprise systems 
(J2EE) are threaded network servers :)

Re: Thread imbalance

2006-02-05 Thread Ivan Voras
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

   FYI: That's GLOBAL Interpreter Lock

Yes, sorry about the confusion.

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-04 Thread Ivan Voras
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 uhuh?  so why did you just argue that
 means doing it in C if bar and aba happens to be parts of an extension
 library ?

Because bar and aba happen to be parts of extension library :)

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-04 Thread Ivan Voras
Ivan Voras wrote:

 Because bar and aba happen to be parts of extension library :)

To end this disussion: I meant doing it in C as a colloquial 
expression, not a technical one. The expression holds true for every 
case where a function/class/module/etc is implemented in a lower-level 
language, and C was used only as an example.

Re: Thread imbalance

2006-02-04 Thread Ivan Voras
Tuvas wrote:

 waits for a lul in the computing process. How can I ensure that this
 does not happen? This thread uses little processing power, so it could
 be set to a high priority, if there is a way to do this. Thanks!

Python is bad for concurrently executing/computing threads, but it 
shouldn't be that bad - do you have lots of compute-intensive threads?

If you are running on a unix-like platform, see documentation for 
signal() and SIGALRM - maybe it will help your task.

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras

 Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
 elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Fuzzyman wrote:

 Only in as much as doing anything in Python is *really* doing it in C,
 surely ?
 Come to that, you're **really** doing it in machine code...

I've yet to see someone calling

if a == '5':
 print it's 5

machine code. It's the distinction on which level the program's logic is 
implemented, not at which level it's executed.

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-02-03, Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)
 If that's the way you want to look at it, there is nothing that
 can be done in pure python.  

I think people who say that deliberately misunderstand the point. Python 
is suitable for some things, not for others. So is C.

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Terry Hancock wrote:

 To me, doing it in C implies that I must write some C

Ok, perhaps it is a bit imprecise :)

 In this case, that won't be required at all. Everything the
 OP wants to do can be done exclusively by writing Python
 code.  He will, of course, be *using*  some extension
 libraries which might in turn have been written in C (or
 Fortran, assembly language, or ADA for that matter -- but
 practically speaking, C).
 This will be true whether he uses PyMedia, PyGame, Numeric
 or all three.

This, of course, is what I am talking about. Python is a great glue 
language, but not exactly suitable for lots of bit twiddling or DSP by 
itself (itself=only with modules from the standard distribution) :)


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-02 Thread Ivan Voras
Levi Campbell wrote:
 Hi, I'm thinking about writing a system for DJing in python, but I'm
 not sure if Python is fast enough to handle the realtime audio needed
 for DJing, could a guru shed some light on this subject and tell me if
 this is doable or if I'm out of my fscking mind?

Any and all mixing would probably happen in some sort of multimedia 
library written in C (it would be both clumsy to program and slow to 
execute if the calculations of raw samples/bytes were done in python) so 
there shouldn't be a noticable performance hit.

Re: writing large files quickly

2006-01-28 Thread Ivan Voras
Jens Theisen wrote:
 Ivan wrote:

Yes, but AFAIK the only modern (meaning: in wide use today) file
system that doesn't have this support is FAT/FAT32.
 I don't think ext2fs does this either. At least the du and df commands  
 tell something different.

ext2 is a reimplementation of BSD UFS, so it does. Here:

f = file('bigfile', 'w')*1024)

$ l afile
-rw-r--r--  1 ivoras  wheel  1048577 Jan 28 14:57 afile
$ du afile
8   afile

 Actually I'm not sure what this optimisation should give you anyway. The  
 only circumstance under which files with only zeroes are meaningful is  
 testing, and that's exactly when you don't want that optimisation.

I read somewhere that it has a use in database software, but the only 
thing I can imagine for this is when using heap queues 

Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-28 Thread Ivan Voras
Rocco Moretti wrote:

 Could it be APL?

No, it was much newer... someone did it as a hobby language.

Re: writing large files quickly

2006-01-28 Thread Ivan Voras
Jens Theisen wrote:

 cp bigfile bigfile2
 cat bigfile  bigfile3
 du bigfile*
 8   bigfile2
 So it's not consumings 0's. It's just doesn't store unwritten data. And I  

Very possibly cp understands sparse file and cat (doint what it's 
meant to do) doesn't :)

I read somewhere that it has a use in database software, but the only
thing I can imagine for this is when using heap queues
 That's an article about the heap efficient data structure. Was it your  
 intention to link this?

Yes. The idea is that in implementing such a structure, in which each 
level is 2^x (x=level of the structure, and it's depentent on the 
number of entries the structure must hold) wide, most of blocks could 
exist and never be written to (i.e. they'd be empty). Using sparse 
files would save space :)

(It has nothing to do with python; I remembered the article so I linked 
to it; The sparse-file issue is useful only when implementing heaps 
directly on file or in mmaped file).

Re: Using non-ascii symbols

2006-01-27 Thread Ivan Voras
Robert Kern wrote:

 On OS X,
 ≤ is Alt-,
 ≥ is Alt-.
 ≠ is Alt-=

Thumbs up on the unicode idea, but national keyboards (i.e. non-english) 
have already used almost every possible 
not-strictly-defined-in-EN-keyboards combination of keys for their own 
characters. In particular, the key combinations above are reprogrammed 
to something else in my language/keyboard.

But, the idea that Python could be made ready for when the keyboards and 
editors start supporting such characters is a good one (i.e. keep both 
= and ≤ for several decades).

It's not a far-out idea. I stumbled about a year ago on a programming 
language that INSISTED on unicode characters like ≤ as well as the rest 
of mathematical/logical symbols; I don't remember its name but the 
source code with characters like that looked absolutely beautiful. I 
suppose that one day, when unicode becomes more used than ascii7, old 
code like current C and python will be considered ugly and unelegant in 
appearance :)

Re: writing large files quickly

2006-01-27 Thread Ivan Voras
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Isn't this a file system specific solution though? Won't your file system
 need to have support for sparse files, or else it won't work?

Yes, but AFAIK the only modern (meaning: in wide use today) file 
system that doesn't have this support is FAT/FAT32.

Re: Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread Ivan Voras

 inefficient. Since these data are coming from an OMR scanner at 9600 bps (or
 faster if I can reset it programmatically to 38K over the serial cable), I
 want a fast algorithm.

It depends on your actual environment, of course, but 38kbps is usually 
not considered fast today - given a modern CPU (or even one from a few 
years back), 21 (or 42) short string comparisons in an interprated 
language should be trivially fast.

(I'm not saying that using a different approach such as dictionaries 
isn't good because of other reasons :) )

ANN: xmldict 1.1

2005-12-28 Thread Ivan Voras
As it seems that few people are actually using this, I've made a small 
update to xmldict library, available here:

Some border-cases involving empty tags and atributes are resolved, and 
examples are updated.


It's a very small (8KB, possibly  6KB without comments  examples) pure 
python parser for XML data. It doesn't care about fancy things like 
validation, and will probably break in silly ways on malformed input. 
Its only goal is to convert simple XML into nested dictionary-like 
structures. You'd be crazy to use it instead of a real parser for 
arbitrary XML, but it's perfect for parsing configuration files and the 
occasional XML-based network protocol. It uses only sys and re 
libraries, but can easily be reworked to be self-sufficient.

Again, test carefully before use, no gurantees that it will work, etc.

Happy hollidays!

Re: Still Loving Python

2005-12-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Lawrence Oluyede wrote:
 Python *does* have GUI, you only have to decide which one you prefer.
 ps. the customer wants Windows as a platform, we develop on Linux using
 PyGTK, postgre and sql server for some old data. This is the true power of
 cross-platform :)

Maybe the OP really wants a GUI builder.

More than 5 years ago, i programmed in Visual Basic and Delphi and I 
still miss the wonderful ease of graphically creating the user interface 
in WYSIWYG mode. If you haven't tried it, you don't know what you're 
missing :)

I only know about Glade and similar GUI builders (Boa) and they are not 
even close to the robustness  ease of use. Are there any easy GUI 
builders for any Python-supported toolkits?


Re: Still Loving Python

2005-12-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Mike Meyer wrote:

A GUI builder is more pleasant to work with, at least
with a good one like Delphi or Qt designer.
 That is your opinion, and I'm sure it's true for you. It isn't true
 for me.

Not trying to start a war here, but I consider this discussion something 
like using regular expressions vs coding string matchers by hand. Of 
course a real language is Turing-complete and thus without doubt more 
powerful than regular expressions, and certainly there are people who 
always code string parsers in their language of choice, but for those 
who know how to use it, regular expressions simplify the work a lot. 
It's more natural to see:

if str.matches(\d\d\d\d):...

than to code

if str[0] in digits  str[1] in digits  str[2] in digits  str[3] in 
digits: ...

And in C, it's even more uglier. The point is: somebody had to code the 
RE parser and at the end, it will all fall back to the code written in 
C, for both RE and visual designer generated code.

People are visual creatures and GUI designers are simply easier to work 
with. :)


Re: Let My Terminal Go

2005-10-11 Thread Ivan Voras
Mike Meyer wrote:

 The easy way to do all these things - from C, anyway - is with
 daemon(3). That isn't wrapped as part of the Python library. The
 easiest way to solve your problem may be write a wrapper for that
 call. If daemon exists on enough systems, submitting your wrapper as a
 patch to the os modulee would be appropriate.

I think the deamon() library call only exists on the BSDs. Anyway, there 
it is implemented with a fork() call and some additional code to close 
std descriptors, so there's no practical difference between calling 
deamon() and fork() by yourself...

Re: How to decompile an exe file compiled by py2exe?

2005-09-24 Thread Ivan Voras
Thomas Jollans wrote:

 interpreter. This is based on the assumption that py2exe really 
 generates a pure exe and not an exe that interprets bytecode python.
 be that the case, it may yield decent results, but ugly nontheless.

It is - py2exe embeds python bytecodes. It seems it does it in the file (if I'm reading correctly). 
Bytecode files extracted should be decompilable to something resembling 
original python code by a python decompiler (quick Googling finds 

Re: Using '__mul__' within a class

2005-09-24 Thread Ivan Voras
Gerard Flanagan wrote:

 def Square( self ):
 self *= self

You probably mean
   return self * self

 A = FibonacciMatrix()

Make this
A = A.Square()

Re: Best dbm to use?

2005-09-07 Thread Ivan Voras
 I'm creating an persistant index of a large 63GB file
 containing millions of peices of data. For this I would
 naturally use one of python's dbm modules. But which is the
 best to use?

BDB4, but consider using sqlite - it's really simple, holds all data in 
a single file and it's more supported (in the sense: there are bindings 
for sqlite for almost any language/environment out there, and the file 
format is stable). It's also very fast and you can later add more 
information you want to store (by adding more fields to table).


Re: PostgreSQL Python vs PHP

2005-07-23 Thread Ivan Voras
Luis P. Mendes wrote:

 I need to build it from the server and also client side.
 For the client side I'll be using Python.
 But for the server side, I would like to hear some opinions.  Is it worth
 learning Php? 

If you know Python and don't know PHP, there's little benefit from 
spending the time learning it.

But, PHP is extremely simple to work with and you can produce results 
VERY quickly. Part of the reason is that it's already intended to be a 
web-embedded language and doesn't reqire additonal frameworks, libraries 
or configuration like Python does. One thing that botheres me when using 
Python in php-like way is that the indentation is significant property 
becomes a nuisance when you intertwine HTML and code (which you 
shouldn't be doing anyway ;) ).

The benefit of Python is that is a much cleaner language with well 
defined interfaces and you'll probably maintain a large application 
easier if it's in Python.

There are no significant performance differences, and no really 
significant differences in programming approach.

Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-05-28 Thread Ivan Voras
poisondart wrote:

 Ultimately I desire two things from the license (but not limited to):
 - being able to distribute it freely, anybody can modify it
 - nobody is allowed to make profit from my code (other than myself)

GPL does something like this, except it doesn't forbid anyone to sell 
the software. Also, you do realize that if you make it freely 
distributable and modifiable, you could get into the situations where 
potential customers say so why should we buy it from him when we can 
get it free from X?

processing a large utf-8 file

2005-05-20 Thread Ivan Voras
Since the .encoding attribute of file objects are read-only, what is the 
proper way to process large utf-8 text files?

I need bulk processing (i.e. in blocks - the file is ~ 1GB), but 
reading it in fixed blocks is bound to result in partially-read utf-8 
characters at block boundaries.


Re: Windows distribution suggestions?

2005-05-17 Thread Ivan Voras
Paul Rubin wrote:

your active code is then in some shared between the
three, and you need never change alice.exe, bob.exe, and carol.exe
 I think I understand what you're saying and it sounds like a very
 good idea.  Thanks.

One thing about updating files - sorry if I'm stating general and 
universal knowledge, but beware that on Windows you can't delete and/or 
replace a file if it's opened by any process.

Re: Resizing VListBox on parent (wxPython)

2005-05-16 Thread Ivan Voras
Ivan Voras wrote:

   - panel, vertical BoxSizer
 - a single VListBox

Forgot to mention it - I'm using wx.GROW flag on both of them.

Re: Resizing VListBox on parent (wxPython)

2005-05-16 Thread Ivan Voras
Solved - I didn't know the importance of proportion parametar.

Resizing VListBox on parent (wxPython)

2005-05-15 Thread Ivan Voras
I hava a hierarhical sizer layout in which there's a panel in the upper 
part of a window with some buttons, and another panel with wxVListBox 
that's meant to occupy all the remaining space in the window. Both 
panels are put inside a vertical BoxSizer, and the VListBox in its panel 
is also in BoxSizer.

The hierarchy is like this:

- window, vertical BoxSizer
   - panel, horizontal BoxSizer
 - some buttons
   - panel, vertical BoxSizer
 - a single VListBox

(the VListBox is alone in its panel for future compatibility - I plan 
to add more controls to the panel)

I want the lower panel and the VListBox to automatically resize and fill 
all the remaining space in the window. I can get this to work in the 
horizontal direction by default, but not in vertical. When I set the 
vertical size of VListBox to -1, it only displays one line; I can set it 
to a fixed vertical size, but I really need it to adapt its size to that 
of the window (something like Center layout option in Java BorderLayout).

(The items in VListBox are generated at program runtime, and are not 
available during window controls creation stage)

Can somebody explain why is this happening and how to do what I want? I 
have almost no experience in wxWindows.

Re: stop a thread safetely

2005-05-13 Thread Ivan Voras
Peter Hansen wrote:

 call to recv() does not guarantee that the full 608 bytes of data is 

Does read() have that guarantee?

Re: Encryption with Python?

2005-05-06 Thread Ivan Voras
Blake T. Garretson wrote:
 I want to save some sensitive data (passwords, PIN numbers, etc.) to
 disk in a secure manner in one of my programs.  What is the
 easiest/best way to accomplish strong file encryption in Python?  Any
 modern block cipher will do: AES, Blowfish, etc.  I'm not looking for
 public key stuff; I just want to provide a pass-phrase.

There's a pure python Blowish implementation at:

(It looks like you'll have to divide your data in 8 byte blocks 
yourself, and pad the last block)

wxPython custom list drawing?

2005-05-04 Thread Ivan Voras
Does wxPython (actually, the wx toolkit) support setting up ListCtrls or 
similar to allow custom element drawing?

Something like generating an 'OnPaint()' event in which I could paint 
whatever I like in a listbox element. (example from some other toolkits)

Re: So many things that need to be decided....

2005-05-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Heather Stovold wrote:

 I still need to decide on a database   I've really only used Access,
 and my SQL skills aren't that great.  It would also need to be free

As many others have suggested, if you're comming from Access, SQLite or 
Gadfly would probably be good starting points, because

- they both store data as files in the filesystem (as Access does), so 
you don't have to maintain a database server
- they are easy to setup and use, there's lots of documentation on them.

My personal suggestion would be to go with SQLite because it's a 
standard database which can be used with large number of other tools and 

Keep in mind that such simple database systems have limits. Mostly, 
you'll encounter performance problems if you have multiple users writing 
data to the database at the same time (so if you're into web 
applications or business systems, use something more powerful, like 
PostgreSQL or Firebird).

As for report generating features, I don't know of any free report 
generators that are as easy to use like the one in Access (e.g. 
point-and-click). Same goes for GUI tools.

Re: Reusing object methods?

2005-04-29 Thread Ivan Voras
Jp Calderone wrote:
I want to 'reuse' the same method from class A in class B, and without 
introducing a common ancestor for both of them - is this possible in 
an elegant, straightforward way?

 This is what sub-classing is for.  If it makes you feel better, call it 
mixing in instead.  You can share this method between two classes 
without inheritance (by defining a free function and then ...), but 
using a common base class really is just the right way to do it.

Re: HTML cleaner?

2005-04-25 Thread Ivan Voras
M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
Not true: mxTidy integrates tidy as C lib. It's not an interface
to the command line tool.
Thanks, I'll look at it again!

Re: PyGTK vs. wxPython

2005-04-25 Thread Ivan Voras
Grant Edwards wrote:
Huh?  wxPythonGTK requires GTK runtimes as well:
He was probably talking about Windows, where wx toolkit uses native 
(more or less...) controls.

But then, installing GTK runtime libraries on Windows is a one-click 
job, there are automated installers for it.

Re: Unicode problems, yet again

2005-04-24 Thread Ivan Voras
Jp Calderone wrote:
 You don't have a string fetched from a database, in iso-8859-2, alas.  
That is the root of the problem you're having.  What you have is a 
unicode string.
Yes, you're right :) I actually did have iso-8859-2 data, but, as I 
found out late last night, the data got converted to unicode along the way.

Thanks to all who replied so quickly :)
(Does anyone else feel that python's unicode handling is, well... 
suboptimal at least?)
 Hmm.  Not really.  The only problem I've found with it is misguided 
attempt to do the right thing by implicitly encoding unicode strings, 
and this isn't so much of a problem once you figure things out, because 
you can always do things explicitly and avoid invoking the implicit 
I'm learning that, the hard way :)
One thing that I always wanted to do (but probably can't be done?) is to 
set the default/implicit encoding to the one I'm using... I often have 
to deal with 8-bit encodings and rarely with unicode. Can it be done 


Re: Unicode problems, yet again

2005-04-24 Thread Ivan Voras
John Machin wrote:
(Does anyone else feel that python's unicode handling is, well... 
suboptimal at least?)

Your posting gives no evidence for such a conclusion.
Sorry, that was just steam venting from my ears - I often get bitten by 
the ordinal not in range(128) error. :)

Re: Unicode problems, yet again

2005-04-24 Thread Ivan Voras
John Machin wrote:
Just a thought: I noticed from the traceback that you are running this
on a Windows box. Profound apologies in advance if this question is an
insult to your intelligence, but you do know that Windows code page
1250 (Latin 2) -- which I guess is the code page that you would be
using -- is *NOT* the same as iso-8859-2, don't you?
Yes, I know. The reason I'm doing it on Windows is that the app's 
supposed to be multiplatform, so I'm doing part of development on 
Windows, part on FreeBSD... The agreed-upon codepage is iso8859-2 for 
both. (about the latin2 term - it really sucks that it's used 
incosistently - for example, PostgreSQL (and I think MySQL) use latin2 
when they mean iso8859-2).

need to deal with Unicode, then set up the encoding explicitly on a
per-file or per-socket basis. The default ASCII encoding is then there
I didn't know that!
... looks at the manual ... oh, it was introduced in 2.3. I wonder if it 
would work for sockets (though I don't plan to use it now - I've got 
explicit encodings/decodings set up).

Re: Getting into Python, comming from Perl.

2005-04-24 Thread Ivan Voras
Mage wrote:
foo = dict()
foo = {}

Unicode problems, yet again

2005-04-23 Thread Ivan Voras
I have a string fetched from database, in iso8859-2, with 8bit 
characters, and I'm trying to send it over the network, via a socket:

  File E:\Python24\lib\, line 249, in write
data = str(data) # XXX Should really reject non-string non-buffers
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0161' in 
position 123: ordinal not in range(128)

The other end knows it should expect this encoding, so how to send it?
(Does anyone else feel that python's unicode handling is, well... 
suboptimal at least?)

Re: XML parsing per record

2005-04-16 Thread Ivan Voras
Irmen de Jong wrote:
XML is not known for its efficiency
sarcasm Surely you are blaspheming, sir! XML's the greatest thing 
since peanut butter! /sarcasm

I'm just *waiting* for the day someone finds its use on the rolls of 
toilet paper... oh the glorious day...


Re: Is Python like VB?

2005-03-19 Thread Ivan Voras
Cappy2112 wrote:
Eric3 has been compiled for Windows, without Cygwin and Without a
commercial license
Can it be downloaded from somewhere? (where from?) Or is it forbidden by 
the license?

Re: Is Python like VB?

2005-03-19 Thread Ivan Voras
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
You know of an assembly language that does Object Oriented?
My... The world has been waiting with bated breath for that.
Hey, IIRC, old Turbo Assembler (tasm, by Borland) had those. Much of it 
was still manual, by it supported semi-automatic vtables and such :)

Re: Simple XML-to-Python conversion

2005-03-19 Thread Ivan Voras
I've been searching high and low for a way to simply convert a small
XML configuration file to Python data structures.  I came across gnosis
XML tools, but need a built-in option for doing something similar.
I too needed such thing, and made this simple parser:
It's really quick and dirty. It doesn't even use standard parsers such 
as dom or sax, but improvises its own. It's also very likely to fail in 
mysterious ways when it encounters invalid XML, but for quick and dirty 
jobs, it's very nice and easy. See the bottom of the file for some quick 

Re: Is Python like VB?

2005-03-19 Thread Ivan Voras
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 14:36:02 +0100, Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

Hey, IIRC, old Turbo Assembler (tasm, by Borland) had those. Much of it 
was still manual, by it supported semi-automatic vtables and such :)

	I'd suspect through a rather elaborate macro capability.
Probably... don't remember any more, but it was prominent in the manuals :)
The standard assembler used in my college classes didn't even
understand the native instruction set of the machine -- until you

LD	std,1	AFA(1),'04'x, CF(2),AF(1)
cool, these look like microinstructions :)

Re: 64 bit Python

2005-02-14 Thread Ivan Voras
Mathias Waack wrote:
amounts of data. I figured out that a 32 bit application on HP-UX
cannot address more than 1 GB of memory. In fact (I think due to the
overhead of memory management done by python) a python application
cannot use much more than 500 MB of real data. For this reason
I don't thik this is likely. Don't know about HP-UX but on some 
platforms, FreeBSD for example, there is a soft memory-cap for 
applications. By default, a single application on FreeBSD cannot use 
more than 512MB of memory, period. The limit can be modified by root 
(probably involves rebooting).

Re: 64 bit Python

2005-02-14 Thread Ivan Voras
Mathias Waack wrote:
As I stated I wrote a simple C-program before. The c-program was able
to allocate a bit more than 900MB in 32 bit mode. 
Sorry, I should've paid more attention :)