[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality inconsistency

2020-12-28 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

Yes, I get it now. I've missed the idea. You can do:

> age = tk.IntVar(value=38, name="mine")
> age_str = tk.StringVar(name="mine")
> is_alive = tk.BooleanVar(name="mine")
> is_alive.get()

Maybe not the best example, but still, it was a misunderstanding.

Thank you very much, Serhiy, once again!


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[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality inconsistency

2020-12-27 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

"I personally think that being able to compare whether two tkinter variables 
point to the same Tk variable is very useful so needs to stay in some form." -- 
I concur.

"However, I don't see any situation where comparing to see if two tkinter 
variables are the same Python object would be helpful." -- agreed.

"Therefore, while writing 'a.get() == b.get()' isn't too bad, .." -- it isn't. 
But "a == b" -> False IS, provided that "a.get() == b.get()" is True.

Serhiy, how about:

> class Variable:
> ...
> def is_(self, other):  # or maybe "same_as"
> return self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ \
> and self._name == other._name
> def __eq__(self, other):
> return self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ \
> and self.get() == other.get()



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[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality inconsistency

2020-12-27 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Change by Ivo Shipkaliev :

title: tkinter.Variable equality consistency -> tkinter.Variable equality 

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[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality consistency

2020-12-26 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

2. (continued) .. This is including the case when both variables have the same 
internal name (the current implementation).


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[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality consistency

2020-12-26 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

There are 2 good reasons for making Tk variables comparable by value:

   1. We honor the equality operator! The equality operator (==) has to compare 
two objects by value. The current implementation does not fulfil this. Yes, if 
two Tk variables have the same names in the Tcl interpreter, they are 
guaranteed to have the same value.

>>> a = tk.IntVar(name='a')
>>> b = tk.IntVar(name='a')
>>> assert a == b  # this is not enough; equality means "by value"
   # what about when they don't have the same name?

>>> assert a is not b  # this again does not make sense, since
   # both Python "a" and "b" identifiers lead to
   # the same "self._tk.globalgetvar(self._name)"
   # Tcl registered variable: name="a"

>>> a.set(42); assert b.get() == a.get() == 42  # yes!
# equality in names guarantees equality in value

Yes ... BUT, the negation is not true: if two Tk variables have different 
names, that does NOT mean that they have different values. This is where we 
fail the equality operator:

>>> c = tk.IntVar(name='c', value=42)
>>> assert a._name != c._name and a.get() != c.get(), \
... "Difference in names does not guarantee difference in value"

   2. When we're interested in Tk variable comparison: .get() becomes 
redundant. Every time two Tk variables are of the same type AND they refer to 
the same value, we can safely compare them as equal, regardless of how they are 
named in the Tcl interpreter.


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[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality consistency

2020-12-26 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

If it's gonna break existing code -- fine. I just wanted to point out that if 
two variables are of the same type and refer to the same value, they should be 
considered equal, even if they are not the same variable.

In the current implementation, two StrVars can hold the same strings, but are 
compared unequal, which doesn't seem right.

Considering that we are going through the Tcl interpreter, equality should 
compare by value, not by identity (regardless of the variable names).

Look at this, please.

>>> int_0 = tk.IntVar()
>>> int_0.set(51)

>>> int_1 = tk.IntVar()
>>> int_1.set(51)

How can:

>>> int_0.get() == int_1.get()


>>> type(int_0) == type(int_1)


>>> int_0 == int_1

This means that the equality operator is only showing the difference in their 
names, and the statement above loses meaning, as it can never return True.

I think "int_0 is int_1" should be False as it is now. "is" should take into 
account their names as defined in the Tcl interpreter.

But "int_0 == int_1" should be True. Same as a couple of identical Python lists 
with different names.

Thank you!


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[issue42750] tkinter.Variable equality consistency

2020-12-26 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

New submission from Ivo Shipkaliev :


I just noticed:

>>> import tkinter as tk
>>> root = tk.Tk()

>>> str_0 = tk.StringVar()
>>> str_0.set("same value")

>>> str_1 = tk.StringVar()
>>> str_1.set("same value")


>>> str_0.get() == str_1.get()


>>> str_0 == str_1

So, maybe a Variable should be compared by value, and not by identity (._name) 
as currently? (please view attached) Does it make sense?

components: Tkinter
files: equality.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 383807
nosy: epaine, serhiy.storchaka, shippo_
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tkinter.Variable equality consistency
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49698/equality.diff

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[issue42672] tkinter/__init__.py raises a NameError if NoDefaultRoot()

2020-12-19 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

Thank you!


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[issue42672] tkinter/__init__.py raises a NameError if NoDefaultRoot()

2020-12-17 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Change by Ivo Shipkaliev :

components: Tkinter
files: default_root.diff
keywords: patch
nosy: shippo_
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tkinter/__init__.py raises a NameError if NoDefaultRoot()
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49690/default_root.diff

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[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raises obscure AttributeError

2020-12-15 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

First: thank you!

> I think Serhiy has done a very good job ...

I'm not saying he ain't! More so, I greatly appreciate everyone's time and 
effort. But I'm discussing the implementation here, not somebody's work.

Apparently I haven't been precise enough in conveying my message. Let me try to 
clarify what I mean. Consider the following:

An object gets initialized. The object's constructor accepts a "master" 
optional parameter (e.g. Variable.__init__). So, every time:
   -- "master" is None
   -- _support_default_root is True
a default root must be instantiated. A master is optional, and when it's not 
given and _support_default_root switch is on, a default root should be 
supplied. That's the whole point of _support_default_root after all.

My understanding of the module is not as deep as yours', but getboolean(), 
mainloop() and image_types() shouldn't be affected.

"Too early to create image: no default root window": Why isn't there? When 
_support_default_root is on.

Again, I can see that:

> "no default root window" is correct

:But why is there no default window? Support default root is on, right?

> There is no yet default root window required by the function.

:A default root is required when you instantiate an Image without a "master". 
It's not required as an argument, but it is required for the operation of Image.
I'm suggesting something like:

> class Variable:
> ...
> def __init__(self, master=None, value=None, name=None):
> ...
> master = master or _get_default_root()
> self._root = master._root()
> ...

> class Image:
> ...
> def __init__(self, imgtype, name=None, cnf={}, master=None, **kw):
> ...
> master = master or _get_default_root()
> self.tk = getattr(master, 'tk', master)
> ...

Best Wishes
Ivo Shipkaliev


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raises obscure AttributeError

2020-12-15 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

Thank you very much, fellows!

Serhiy, I'm lloking at Lib/tkinter/__init__.py changes. I'd like to share my 
thoughts on this:

I understand your concern: "But I am not sure what is better: raise error 
(RuntimeError) if the global function uses _default_root which is not 
initialized, or create the root widget implicitly."

In the new _get_default_root() function, first we check if Support Default Root 
in on:

290 > if not _support_default_root:

If we get passed this block, we know that Support Default Root is on, meaning 
that all entities that require a master, but didn't receive one passed-in, must 
receive a default one. That's how I perceive the whole idea behind Support 
Default Root.

But later on we do:

293 > if not _default_root:
294 > if what:
295 > raise RuntimeError(f"Too early to {what}: no default root 

At this point, if "what" evaluates to True, we raise a RuntimeError. But at 
this same time Support Default Root is on, and there is no default root. And 
clearly: ".. no default root window" error contradicts the 
"_support_default_root" idea.

So further on, assuming Support Default Root is on, if we instantiate a 
Variable with master=None, we would get: "Too early to create variable: no 
default root window", which makes no sense.

In my view, we should always create a default root if it's needed, provided 
that _support_default_root is True. Simply: Support Default Root must lead to a 
default root.

Best Regards


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[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raises obscure AttributeError

2020-12-14 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

"Attached is a diff which ..." -- Much nicer!

Are you gonna submit a PR so I can eventually use _setup_master() in my PR?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raises obscure AttributeError

2020-12-14 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

The current implementation is already relying on _some_ master anyway:

335 > self._root = master._root()

So, initializing a default root, if one isn't present, shouldn't break 
anything. And reusing setup_master() is a good idea. Maybe:

333 > master = setup_master(master)
334 > self._root = master._root()


> from tkinter.ttk import setup_master

leads to a circular import error. I'll look into this.


Python tracker 
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[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raises obscure AttributeError

2020-12-14 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Change by Ivo Shipkaliev :

resolution: works for me -> 

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42630] Variable.__init__ to raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError

2020-12-13 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

Sorry, we need "global" too:

333 > if not master:
334 > global _default_root
335 > if not _default_root:
336 > _default_root = Tk()
337 > master = _default_root
338 > self._root = master._root()

resolution:  -> works for me

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42630] Variable.__init__ to raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError

2020-12-13 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:

Or maybe:

333 > if not master:
334 > if not _default_root:
335 > _default_root = Tk()
336 > master = _default_root
337 > self._root = master._root()

title: Variable.__init__ raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError 
-> Variable.__init__ to raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError

2020-12-13 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

Ivo Shipkaliev  added the comment:



Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42630] Variable.__init__ raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError

2020-12-13 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev

New submission from Ivo Shipkaliev :


I think it would be nice to add:

335 > if not master:
336 > raise RuntimeError('a valid Tk instance is required.')

to lib/tkinter/__init__.py, and not rely on this unclear AttributeError.

Could it be assigned to me, please?

Best Regards
Ivo Shipkaliev

components: Tkinter
messages: 382944
nosy: shippo_
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Variable.__init__ raise a RuntimeError instead of obscure AttributeError
type: behavior

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PEP 572 -- Assignment Expressions

2018-11-27 Thread Ivo Shipkaliev
   Maybe it's too late for a discussion, but I just couldn't resist.
   I just found out about this new ":=" operator. I need to ask:

   What is the need for this additional ":" to the "="?
 if (match := pattern.search(data)) is not None:
   # Do something with match

   What is wrong with:
 if match = pattern.search(data) is not None:
   # Do something with match

   Assignment expression or assignment statement, it's an assignment,
right? It is very clear to everyone that it's an assignment! Can't it all
just be a "="?
   Thank you very much!

   Kind Regards
   Ivo Shipkaliev