Re: usenet reading

2012-05-25 Thread Jason Earl
On Fri, May 25 2012, Jon Clements wrote:

 Hi All,

 Normally use Google Groups but it's becoming absolutely frustrating -
 not only has the interface changed to be frankly impractical, the
 posts are somewhat random of what appears, is posted and
 whatnot. (Ironically posted from GG)

 Is there a server out there where I can get my news groups? I use to
 be with an ISP that hosted usenet servers, but alas, it's no longer

 Only really interested in Python groups and C++.

 Any advice appreciated,


I have had good success with .


Re: Learn Technical Writing from Unix Man in 10 Days

2012-04-29 Thread Jason Earl
On Sat, Apr 28 2012, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 14:55:42 -0700, Xah Lee wrote:

 Learn Technical Writing from Unix Man in 10 Days
 Quote from man apt-get:
 remove is identical to install except that packages are
 instead of installed.

 Do you also expect the documentation to define except, instead, is, 
 to and the?

 If you don't know what install and remove means, then you need an 
 English dictionary, not a technical manual.

It is considerably worse than that.  If you look at what the
documentation for apt-get actually says, instead of just the badly
mangled version that Xah shares you would realize that the post was
basically a bald-face troll.

The rest of Xah's links in this particular article was even worse.  For
the most part he was criticizing documentation flaws that have
disappeared years ago.

Heck, his criticism of Emacs' missing documentation has been fixed since
Emacs 21 (the Emacs developers are currently getting ready to release
Emacs 24).  His criticism of git's documentation is also grossly
misleading. still has the empty directories, but
has been the official home for git's documentation for years.

I am sure that the rest of the examples are just as ridiculous.  I tend
to like Xah's writing.  Heck, I even sent a few bucks his way as thanks
for his Emacs Lisp tutorials.  However, that particular post was simply


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Jason Earl
On Wed, Jul 20 2011, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

 Uri == Uri Guttman writes:

 Uri a better parsing challenge. how can you parse usenet to keep this troll
 Uri from posting on the wrong groups on usenet? first one to do so, wins the
 Uri praise of his peers. 2nd one to do it makes sure the filter stays in
 Uri place. all the rest will be rewarded by not seeing the troll anymore.

 Uri anyone who actually engages in a thread with the troll should parse
 Uri themselves out of existance.

 Since the newsgroups: line is not supposed to have spaces in it, that
 makes both his post and your post invalid.  Hence, filter on invalid

I suspect that the spaces you are seeing are being added by Gnus.  I see
them too (and I see them in your post as well), but they disappear when
I use C-u g and view the source of the posts.


Re: Code hosting services

2011-07-16 Thread Jason Earl
On Sat, Jul 16 2011, Thomas Jollans wrote:

 On 07/16/2011 10:32 AM, Andrew Berg wrote:
 Does anyone know if there are any services that have cross-project
 integration? I can see myself closing a ton of bug reports just because
 they are issues with the library part of the program, which will be a
 separate project (because there will be other projects based on that
 same library).

 Launchpad has a cross-project bug tracker. Launchpad also uses the
 excruciatingly slow (but distributed, and written-in-python) bzr for
 version control.

I think that you will find that recent versions of bzr are no longer
slow, at least compared to Mercurial.  My experience with bzr is with
the Emacs project, and it is true that there were some performance when
it first switched.  Most of the problems, however, were due to the fact
that that the GNU server hosting the Emacs bzr repository did not allow
updates via the bzr protocol but instead forced the use of a dumb
transport (sftp).

You don't have that problem when using Launchpad.

I will certainly agree that bzr's past problems have made it difficult
for the system to gain traction.  The perception is that bzr is unusably
slow.  This is too bad, IMHO, as Launchpad is pretty cool.


Re: Development tools and practices for Pythonistas

2011-05-01 Thread Jason Earl
On Sun, May 01 2011, Dietmar Schwertberger wrote:

 Am 01.05.2011 02:47, schrieb Shawn Milochik:
 Look at the big two sites for open-source repositories -- github and
 bitbucket. One's git, the other Mercurial. I don't think you can go
 wrong picking either one.

 Can any of those be used from Python as a library, i.e. something like
 import Hg
 r =

 When I had a look at Mercurial, which is implemented in Python, it was
 implemented in a way that I could not do that. It was implemented as
 rather monolithic program which could be used from os.system(...)
 With a good API, I could easily have integrated it into my development
 flow. I have a codebase which is shared between different projects and
 there are many small changes on many different PCs.  In theory a
 distributed VCS is good at supporting that, but in practice I went
 back to my lightweight synchronization scripts and file storage
 again. With the API, I could have best of both worlds.

You should take a look at Bazaar.  I found it fairly easy to use bzrlib
from my own Python scripts.


Re: opinion: comp lang docs style

2011-01-04 Thread Jason Earl
On Tue, Jan 04 2011, Xah Lee wrote:

 a opinion piece.

 〈The Idiocy of Computer Language Docs〉

 The Idiocy of Computer Language Docs

 Xah Lee, 2011-01-03

 Worked with Mathematica for a whole day yesterday, after about 10
 years hiatus. Very nice. Mathematica lang and doc, is quite unique.
 Most other langs drivel with jargons, pettiness, comp-sci
 pretentiousness, while their content is mathematically garbage.
 (unixism mumble jumple (perl, unix), or “proper”-engineering OOP
 fantasy (java), or impractical and ivory-tower adacemician idiocy as
 in Scheme  Haskell ( currying, tail recursion, closure, call-cc,
 lisp1 lisp2, and monad monad monad!)) (See: What are OOP's Jargons and
 Complexities ◇ Language, Purity, Cult, and Deception.)

 Mathematica, in its doc, is plain and simple. None of the jargon and
 pretention shit. Very easy to understand. Yet, some of its function's
 technical aspects are far more scholarly abstruse than any other lang
 (dealing with advanced math special functions that typically only a
 few thousand people in the world understand.).

 A Gander into the Idiocies

 Here's a gander into the doc drivel in common langs.


 In unix man pages, it starts with this type of garbage:

gzip [ -acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ] [-S suffix] [ name ...  ]
gunzip [ -acfhlLnNrtvV ] [-S suffix] [ name ...  ]
zcat [ -fhLV ] [ name ...  ]

zip  [-aabcddeeffghjkllmoqrrstuvvwx...@$]  [--
 longoption  ...]   [-b path] [-n suf
fixes] [-t date] [-tt date] [zipfile [file ...]]  [-xi

 Here, the mindset of unix idiots, is that somehow this “synopsis” form
 is technically precise and superior. They are thinking that it
 captures the full range of syntax in the most concise way.

Actually, it *does* capture the full range of syntax in a concise way.
If you know of man pages where the Synopsis does not match the syntax
then you have found a documentation bug, which should be reported so
that it can be fixed.

In fact, if anything the real problem with the Synopsis is that it is
too concise.  Fortunately gzip is a bit of an extreme example.  Most man
pages look more like this:

--8---cut here---start-8---
 tar — The GNU version of the tar archiving utility

 tar [-] A --catenate --concatenate | c --create | d --diff --compare |
 --delete | r --append | t --list | --test-label | u --update | x
 --extract --get [options] [pathname ...]
--8---cut here---end---8---

That synopsis is pretty useful.  If you have used tar before and just
need a refresher chances are very good that the synopsis will do the

If you look at the man pages from the Linux Programmer's Manual the
Synopsis makes even more sense.

--8---cut here---start-8---
   open, creat - open and possibly create a file or device

   #include sys/types.h
   #include sys/stat.h
   #include fcntl.h

   int open(const char *pathname, int flags);
   int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);

   int creat(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
--8---cut here---end---8---

Heck, that's basically precisely what I want to know.

 In practice, it's seldomly read. It's actually not accurate as one'd
 thought; no program can parse it and agree with the actual behavior.
 It's filled with errors, incomprehensible to human.

I've been using UNIX man pages for quite some time, and I don't think
that I have ever come across an error.  I am sure that there are errors,
but I am also sure that Mathematica's documentation has its share of
errors as well.

 Worse of all, the semantic of unix software's options are the worst
 rape to any possible science in computer science. See: The Nature of
 the Unix Philosophy ◇ Unix Pipe As Functional Language ◇ Unix zip
 Utility Path Problem.

It seems to me that the problem is not UNIX software in general, but
rather that the zip function does not have an analogue of tar's -C
option (which sets the current directory for the command).


 In Python, you see this kinda garbage:

 7.1. The if statement

 The if statement is used for conditional execution:
 if_stmt ::=  if expression : suite
  ( elif expression : suite )*
  [else : suite]


 Here, the mindset of the python idiots is similar to the unix tech
 geekers. They think that using the BNF notation makes their doc more
 clear and precise. The fact is, there are so many variations of BNF
 each trying to fix other's problem. BNF is actually not used as a
 computer language for syntax 

Re: Google AI challenge: planet war. Lisp won.

2010-12-20 Thread Jason Earl
On Mon, Dec 20 2010, Jon Harrop wrote:

 Wasn't that the challenge where they wouldn't even accept solutions
 written in many other languages (including both OCaml and F#)?


Question: There is no starter package for my favorite language. What
  shall I do?

Answer: You don't know C++, Java, or Python? Okay fine. Tell the forums
what starter package you want to see, and we will try our best
to make it for you.

The folks working on Lisp submissions apparently created their own
starter package.  I am sure that something similar could have been done
for OCaml or F#.

That's probably too bad.  These types of competitions are good publicity
for less popular languages (assuming that the bots to well).


Re: Man pages and info pages

2010-11-03 Thread Jason Earl
On Wed, Nov 03 2010, rustom wrote:

 On Nov 3, 3:11 pm, Daniel da Silva wrote:
 Guys, this really has nothing to do with python.

 ?? python docs have nothing to do with python??  python docs by
 default on linux are read with info and many seem to find info
 unpleasant to use.

Actually, the Python documentation is no longer available in info
format.  Which is unfortunate, as that was the documentation format that
I personally preferred.

 Myself an old emacs user and cant say info helps me as much as google.
 However comparing info and man is also a bit strange.  The printed
 python docs come to several thousand pages.  Do we want them to be 1
 manpage? a hundred? a thousand?

I am pretty conversant with the Python documentation.  I almost never
need to search them.  I do miss being able to read (and search) the
documentation in my editor though.


Re: Hide DOS console for .pyc file

2010-09-11 Thread Jason Earl
On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Muddy Coder wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 For a quick testing purpose, I deliver .pyc files to my customer. I
 don't want the black DOS console appearing behind my GUI, but I have
 no idea how to do it. Somebody can help? Thanks!


I don't really use Windows any more, so I might be off the mark, but I
think that you need to look into using pythonw.exe instead of
python.exe.  Solving your problem might be as easy as changing the name
of your file from to foo.pyw.


Re: Microsoft lessening commitment to IronPython and IronRuby

2010-08-11 Thread Jason Earl
On Tue, Aug 10 2010, Ben Finney wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano writes:

 On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:07:06 +1200, Gregory Ewing wrote:
  Is there any way for a non-.NET program to access a .NET library? Or
  is it necessary to drink the entire bottle of .NET kool-aid?

 Anyone thinking of using Mono needs to be aware of the dangers of
 software patents in general, and of .NET in paticular.

 The copyright license for Mono is under free software terms. But that
 gives no license at all for the patents. Novell, who have an exclusive
 deal for those patents, happily encourages use of Mono by third

 The controversy has raged for a number of years. For more coverage
 than you have time for, see
 URL:  The issue has
 polarised discussion, unfortunately, and there is a lot of
 name-calling and hyperbole on the record now.

 As the Mono site hints, the patent situation for .NET is *very* muddy.
 Microsoft hold patents covering much of .NET, but have made a
 (non-binding) “Community Promise” that applies to *some* parts of .NET

Which is more of a promise than Microsoft has given to Python.  I am not
arguing for Mono, as I am not a fan.  But if you honestly think that
Python doesn't infringe on some of Microsoft's patents you are crazy.
So where is the promise from Microsoft saying that they won't sue the
Python development team into oblivion, or Python end users, for that

There isn't one.

So while the Mono promise doesn't cover all of Mono, it does cover
*some* of Mono, which is better than what Python can say.  If you happen
to be believe that Microsoft is likely to attack Free Software via
patents then Mono is arguably the safest choice.  Especially if you
confine yourself to the ECMA-sponsored core and the Free Software
libraries that are not re-implementations of Microsoft's technology.


Re: A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

2009-08-17 Thread Jason Earl
Xah Lee writes:

 Fresh out of the oven:

 • How to use and setup Emacs's whitespace-mode



I disagree with you about the usefulness of whitespace-mode's defaults,
and I certainly disagree with the need to use profanity on your usenet
post on the subject, but it is hard to argue against your
whitespace-mode.html page.  Very well done.


Re: standalone python web server

2007-12-27 Thread Jason Earl
eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,

 I want to setup simple python web server and I want it to just unzip
 and run, without any installation steps (have no right to do it).

 I've tried to write by myself, however, I find I am getting into more
 details like processing image file, different file type(like FLV) ..
 etc. Any recommendation or tools suggested for me?

CherryPy has a built in web server that can be installed without admin
rights (it is pure Python), and can easily be configured to serve up
static files.

Just something to think about.


Re: Tried Ruby (or, what Python *really* needs or perldoc!)

2006-03-15 Thread Jason Earl
msoulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have found the Python sidebar VERY helpful:

 Personally, I can't use local docs on my desktop as they may not be
 the same version of the docs for the Python distro running on the
 server that I'm deploying on. I usually go to and use the
 wayback machine to look at the old docs for the release that I'm on.

Why don't you instead install the info version of the Python
documentation on your server.  Then you can do info Python2.3-lib
and have at it.  If you are hacking in emacs then this is about as
slick a documentation system as you could ask for, but even if you use
some other editor info is a much better documentation tool than man.

 But, if Python would match Perl for docs available on the
 command-line, then I'd have it all at my fingertips. I simply don't
 understand why this is not being done. When I'm coding in C, I use
 the manpages on the remote host so that I know the docs are correct
 for my target. Why can't I do that in Python? It's yet another thing
 that my Perl-using coworkers point out as a Python weakness.

Python does match (and exceed) Perl for docs available on the command
line.  Once you get used to using the excellent info-based Python
documentation using man is downright primitive.


Re: spell check code

2006-02-09 Thread Jason Earl
rtilley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What is the most common way to spell check comments in code? Are
 there any idle plugins or modules that do this?

In Emacs you can use flyspell-prog-mode to check strings and
comments automagically.

Just a bit of editor elitism...


Re: HTML page into a string

2006-02-07 Thread Jason Earl
Tempo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In my last post I received some advice to use to get a
 whole html page as a string, which will then allow me to use
 BeautifulSoup to do what I want with the string. But when I was
 researching the 'urllib' module I couldn't find anything about its
 sub-section '.read()' ? Is that the right module to get a html page
 into a string? Or am I completely missing something here? I'll take
 this as the more likely of the two cases. Thanks for any and all help.

Here's a short example of how this all works:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

response = urllib2.urlopen('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
print soup.prettify()

It's not a particularly useful example, unless, of course, you wish to
prettify cnn's html, but it should get you to the point where
BeautifulSoup's documentation starts to make sense.


Re: Extract contents of html cells

2006-02-04 Thread Jason Earl
Robot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dear all,

 I need to create a script which will extract the contents of 2 cells
 of an html that contains a specified number of cells.Then I need to
 put that contents in another cells of my own html page.How can i do
 that?Any samples, tutorials, advice?

The tricky bit is parsing HTML.  Chances are good that what you want
for that is BeautifulSoup:

Take a look at the examples there and then feel free to ask more
