Re: Noob in Python. Problem with fairly simple test case

2015-07-21 Thread Jason P.
El miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015, 14:12:08 (UTC+2), Chris Angelico  escribió:
 On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 9:44 PM, Jason P. wrote:
  I can't understand very well what's happening. It seems that the main 
  thread gets blocked listening to the web server. My intent was to spawn 
  another process for the server independent of the test. Obviously I'm doing 
  something wrong. I've made several guesses commenting pieces of code 
  (tearDown method for example) but I didn't manage to solve the problem(s).
 When you find yourself making guesses to try to figure out what's
 going on, here are two general tips:
 1) Cut out as many pieces as you can. Test one small thing at a time.
 2) If In Doubt, Print It Out! Stick print() calls into the code at key
 places, displaying the values of parameters or the results of
 intermediate calculations - or just saying Hi, I'm still here and I'm
 For #1, I would recommend first just trying to get the web service
 going. Can you connect (using an external program) on port 8000 and
 receive a text/plain HTTP response saying Hello World!? Never mind
 about the test for the moment.
 And for #2, judicious placement of console output will help you figure
 out things you're not sure about. For instance, you're suspecting that
 the main thread is getting blocked handling the web server. Easy way
 to check:
 def setUp(self):
 # Start the forecast server
 self.server = ForecastServer()
 Just before you construct the server, print something out. After
 you've constructed it but before you call start(), print something
 out. And after starting it, print something out. Then run the program.
 If you see the first line and no other, then it's blocking during the
 construction. Other deductions I'm sure you can figure out.
 One small point: Probe even things that you think are trivial. In the
 above example, I cannot see any reason why constructing
 ForecastServer() could possibly block, because its init does nothing
 but set a flag. But you can get surprised by things sometimes - maybe
 the problem is actually that you're not running the code you think you
 are, but there's some other ForecastServer kicking in, and it's
 synchronous rather than subprocess-based.
 End-to-end testing is all very well, but when something goes wrong,
 the key is to break the program down into smaller parts. Otherwise,
 all you have is it doesn't work, which is one of the most useless
 error reports ever. If someone comes to python-list saying it doesn't
 work, we'll be asking him/her to give a lot more details; if your
 aunt asks you for help printing out a document because it doesn't
 work, you'll probably have to go over and watch her attempt it; and
 it's the same with your test cases - you make them tell you more
 Hope that helps! The techniques I'm offering are completely
 problem-independent, and even language-independent. IIDPIO debugging
 works in anything that gives you a console, which is pretty much
 everything - maybe it won't be print() but logging.debug(), but the
 same technique works.

Thanks for your comments Chris.

I've come back to the problem today after a few days on trip. Fortunately 
someone in other mailing list pointed me that the join method was hanging the 
main thread. Without this inconvenience I can focus on the exercise's main goal.

Despite the impression that surely I gave, I'm quite familiar with programming 
and general bug hunting rules. The problem is that I'm inexperienced with 
Python and the subtle details of multiple threads ;)


Noob in Python. Problem with fairly simple test case

2015-07-15 Thread Jason P.

Hi all!

I'm working in a little Python exercise with testing since the beginning. So 
far I'm with my first end to end test (not even finished yet) trying to:

1) Launch a development web server linked to a demo app that just returns 
'Hello World!'

2) Make a GET request successfully

I can't understand very well what's happening. It seems that the main thread 
gets blocked listening to the web server. My intent was to spawn another 
process for the server independent of the test. Obviously I'm doing something 
wrong. I've made several guesses commenting pieces of code (tearDown method for 
example) but I didn't manage to solve the problem(s).

I'm running the test through PyCharm. Python version = 3.4.3

Here it's the code:

import unittest
from tests.end_to_end.forecastserver import ForecastServer
import src.forecast.webservice as webservice
import requests

class TestForecastEndToEnd(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
# Start the forecast server
self.server = ForecastServer()

def tearDown(self):
# Stop the forecast server

def test_webservice_receives_a_request(self):
response = requests.get('http://localhost:8000')

if __name__ == '__main__':

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
import multiprocessing

class ForecastServer:

def __init__(self):
self._httpd_process = None

def start(self, webservice):
if not self._httpd_process:
httpd = make_server('localhost', 8000, webservice)
self._httpd_process = multiprocessing.Process(

def stop(self):
if self._httpd_process:

del self._httpd_process

def app(environ, start_response):
status = '200 OK'
headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
start_response(status, headers)

return ['Hello World!']

Re: Classic OOP in Python

2015-06-18 Thread Jason P.
El miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015, 21:44:51 (UTC+2), Ned Batchelder  escribió:
 On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 3:21:32 PM UTC-4, Jason P. wrote:
  Hello Python community.
  I come from a classic background in what refers to OOP. Mostly Java and PHP 
  ( 5.3). I'm used to abstract classes, interfaces, access modifiers and so 
  Don't get me wrong. I know that despite the differences Python is fully 
  object oriented. My point is, do you know any book or resource that 
  explains in deep the pythonic way of doing OOP?
  For example, I'm gonna try to develop a modest application from ground up 
  using TDD. If it had been done in Java for instance, I would made extensive 
  use of interfaces to define the boundaries of my system. How would I do 
  something like that in Python?
  Many thanks!
 What other languages do with interfaces, Python does with duck-typing. You
 can build something like interfaces in Python, but many people don't bother.
 I don't know if your project will be web-based, but here is an entire book
 about developing Python web sites with a TDD approach:
 (Don't mind the unusual domain name, it's a bit of an inside joke...)
 TDD and interfaces are separate concepts, and I'm not sure they even
 intersect.  TDD is about writing tests as a way to design the best system,
 and putting testing at the center of your development workflow.  It works
 great with Python even without interfaces.

I'm aware of duck typing. The point in using interfaces is to be explicit about 
the boundaries of a system.

Quite a red Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests, by the way. In 
fact interfaces are key components in the style of building software they 
propose, in good company with TDD.


Re: Classic OOP in Python

2015-06-18 Thread Jason P.
El miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015, 21:44:51 (UTC+2), Ned Batchelder  escribió:
 On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 3:21:32 PM UTC-4, Jason P. wrote:
  Hello Python community.
  I come from a classic background in what refers to OOP. Mostly Java and PHP 
  ( 5.3). I'm used to abstract classes, interfaces, access modifiers and so 
  Don't get me wrong. I know that despite the differences Python is fully 
  object oriented. My point is, do you know any book or resource that 
  explains in deep the pythonic way of doing OOP?
  For example, I'm gonna try to develop a modest application from ground up 
  using TDD. If it had been done in Java for instance, I would made extensive 
  use of interfaces to define the boundaries of my system. How would I do 
  something like that in Python?
  Many thanks!
 What other languages do with interfaces, Python does with duck-typing. You
 can build something like interfaces in Python, but many people don't bother.
 I don't know if your project will be web-based, but here is an entire book
 about developing Python web sites with a TDD approach:
 (Don't mind the unusual domain name, it's a bit of an inside joke...)
 TDD and interfaces are separate concepts, and I'm not sure they even
 intersect.  TDD is about writing tests as a way to design the best system,
 and putting testing at the center of your development workflow.  It works
 great with Python even without interfaces.

I forgot to mention that the book you recommend seems to be a good starting 
point ;)

Re: Classic OOP in Python

2015-06-18 Thread Jason P.
El miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015, 22:39:31 (UTC+2), Marko Rauhamaa  escribió:
 Ned Batchelder
  TDD is about writing tests as a way to design the best system, and
  putting testing at the center of your development workflow. It works
  great with Python even without interfaces.
 I wonder how great it really is. Testing is important, that's for sure,
 but to make it a dogmatic starting point of development is not that
 The way it was explained to me was that in TDD you actually don't write
 code to any requirements or design: you simply do the least to pass the
 tests. Thus, say you need to write a program that inputs a string and
 outputs the same string surrounded by parentheses (the requirement), the
 starting point might be this test case:
- run the program
- give it the word hello as input
- check that the program prints out (hello)
 The right TDD thing would be to satisfy the test with this program:
 That *ought* to be the first version of the program until further test
 cases are added that invalidate it.
 Another interesting ism I have read about is the idea that the starting
 point of any software project should be the user manual. The developers
 should then go and build the product that fits the manual.

The refactor phase is key in TDD (red-green-refactor). Again, GOOS is an 
advisable source of knowledge in this matter.

Classic OOP in Python

2015-06-17 Thread Jason P.
Hello Python community.

I come from a classic background in what refers to OOP. Mostly Java and PHP ( 
5.3). I'm used to abstract classes, interfaces, access modifiers and so on.

Don't get me wrong. I know that despite the differences Python is fully object 
oriented. My point is, do you know any book or resource that explains in deep 
the pythonic way of doing OOP?

For example, I'm gonna try to develop a modest application from ground up using 
TDD. If it had been done in Java for instance, I would made extensive use of 
interfaces to define the boundaries of my system. How would I do something like 
that in Python?

Many thanks!