Re: Faster GUI text control

2005-05-13 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 13 May 2005 15:44:24 -0500, none wrote:

>   I'm trying to decide what is the best replacement for the control.  I
> was originally planning on redoing the GUI with wxpython, but I've seen
> people indicate I would have the same problem.

Honestly, if this is important to you, the best thing to do is try all the
ones relevant to your platform; generally creating a window with a text
widget and loading it with "a whole lotta text", as appropriate to your
app, is fairly easy; it is not true that once you've tried one GUI toolkit
you've tried them all, but each one is easier than the last, and
generally, you can:

* Use the tutorial up to where they place a widget.

* Jump to the reference manual where they describe the text widget and
insert it instead. 

* Fill the widget with a bunch of text. ("some string\n"*10 or
something works well.)

* Start the program and go.

Not counting downloading, an hour each, tops. (The only tricky one that I
am aware of is that GTK insists that text widgets have to be in a Scrolled
Window to get a scrollbar on them.)

The problem is that if you're really looking for performance, it may
differ based on the characteristics of the text and the quality of the
target computer, the platform (which you don't mention; GTK may scream in
Linux and make you scream in Windows...), etc., and there may be no one
person who can give you a firm "This is the best solution for your
situation" answer.

Re: Q: The `print' statement over Unicode

2005-05-08 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 08 May 2005 13:46:22 +, John J. Lee wrote:
> I don't mean to put words into FranÃois' mouth, but IIRC he managed,
> for example, GNU tar for some time and, while using some kind of
> tracking system "under the covers", didn't impose it on his users.
> IMVHO, that was very nice of him, but I'd be reluctant to attempt to
> enforce this way of working on a hard-working and competent
> contributor to an open source project to which I'm not a core
> contributor myself.

Then I'd honor his consistency of belief, but still consider it impolite
in general, as asking someone to do tons of work overall to save you a bit
is almost always impolite.

Re: Newbie : checking semantics

2005-05-07 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 07 May 2005 15:05:20 -0700, LDD wrote:
> The fact that python doesn't check if the symbol
> AFunctionThatIsntDefined is defined, is really bad when you develop big
> pieces of code. You will never be sure that your code is free of this
> kind of dummy errors and testing every possible execution paths is
> nightmarish !

Your unsubstantiated claim flies in the face of many man-years of
experience writing Python programs... and also has been discussed here so
many times it's hardly possible to count them. 

Summary: We know better, from experience. Quote dogma until you're blue in
the face, but nobody has managed to prove that large Python apps don't
exist, nor have they been able to show they were harder to write than
equivalent apps in more structured languages, which is also a tough sell
since they were easier.

To win this point, you need to produce evidence that doesn't exist.

Why not try opening your mind to the possibility that the dogma is wrong?

Points to ponder:

The other point worth making is that if you want a language that you
already know, why not stick with it?

> Is there a way to force Python to check the definition of symbol ?

Look up "pychecker", but beyond that, no. It turns out such a thing is
meaningless in the sense you are used to (static analysis), because a
symbol may not have a referent until much later, and based on arbitrary
code. Python is late-binding, unlike C/C++/Java and friends.

I think that about summarizes the current state of the art on this point.

Re: Newbie: saving dialog variables

2005-05-07 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 07 May 2005 15:43:08 +, jeff elkins wrote:
> ===
> import wx
> def create(parent):
> return vents(parent)
> [snip]
> ] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(14) ]
> class vents(wx.Dialog):
> def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
> wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_VENTS, name=u'prefs', parent=prnt,
>   pos=wx.Point(418, 320), size=wx.Size(321, 285),
>   style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title=u'Ventilator Settings')
> self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(321, 285))
> self.exitButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_VENTSEXITBUTTON, label=u'OK',
>   name=u'exitButton', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(60, 250),
>   size=wx.Size(85, 30), style=0)
> self.exitButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExitButtonButton,
> self.venttypeText = wx.TextCtrl(id=wxID_VENTSVENTTYPETEXT,
>   name=u'venttypeText', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(64, 24),
>   size=wx.Size(144, 25), style=0, value=u'')
> [snip]
> def __init__(self, parent):
> self._init_ctrls(parent)
> # build an array of values entered in the dialog
> # return array to calling program
> def OnExitButtonButton(self, event):
>   self.Close()
> ==
> The dialog above is called by:
>  def OnVentButtonButton(self, event):
> dlg = vents.vents(self)
> try:
> dlg.ShowModal()
> finally:
> dlg.Destroy()

OK, I can't quite directly run this, but assuming you're trying to get the
user to enter some text into the text control, you should be able to add
  print dlg.venttypeText.GetValue()
to print what the user entered; this comes after the try: finally: (i.e.,
on the same indentation as "dlg = vents.vents(self)").

The dialog window is gone, but the widgets and such inside it should
remain until it is garbage collected. (One of the keys to effective UI use
is dissociating the screen representation from the widget data structure
representation; certainly they are related but they are not identical,
generally the widget data structure is around both before and after the
actual display of the widget.)

On an unrelated note, somehow, the dialog should indicate if it was
cancelled or not; you'll need to consult the docs for that. It looks like
you don't want the user to be able to cancel, but watch out for sneaky
cancelling techniques; ESC might be automatically mapped to some sort of
"cancel" by the wx.Dialog class, and the user might also be able to click
on a "close window" button on the resulting dialog box, which may also get
processed as a cancel. I don't think it'll affect your code in this
particular case (it can sometimes), but it's bad UI; there should be a
style that shows a window with no close button on it. (Default may be it,
but I'd be surprised.) That style will probably also not do the default
keyboard mapping, so it should take care of both problems.

If you pull up the dialog and it has no close button and ESC does nothing,
disregard this :-)

Re: Q: The `print' statement over Unicode

2005-05-07 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 07 May 2005 12:10:46 -0400, FranÃois Pinard wrote:

> [Martin von LÃwis]
>> FranÃois Pinard wrote:
>> > Am I looking in the wrong places, or else, should not the standard
>> > documentation more handily explain such things?
>> It should, but, alas, it doesn't. Contributions are welcome.
> My contributions are not that welcome.  If they were, the core team
> would not try forcing me into using robots and bug trackers! :-)

I'm not sure that the smiley completely de-fangs this comment.

Have you every tried managing a project even a tenth the size of Python
*without* those tools? If you had any idea of the kind of continuous,
day-in, day-out *useless busywork* you were asking of the developers,
merely to save you a minute or two on the one occasion you have something
to contribute, you'd apologize for the incredibly unreasonable demand you
are making from people giving you an amazing amount of free stuff. (You'd
get a lot less of it, too; administration isn't coding, and excessive
administration makes the coding even less fun and thus less likely to be
done.) An apology would not be out of line, smiley or no.

I've never administered anything the size of Python. I have, however, been
up close and personal with a project that had about five developers
full-time, and administering *that* without bug trackers would have been a
nightmare. I can't even imagine trying to run Python by hand at least
not that and getting useful work done too.

Re: Newbie: saving dialog variables

2005-05-07 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 07 May 2005 13:24:34 +, jeff elkins wrote:

> Howdy,
> I've written a program that calls an imported dialog to gather some needed 
> input. What's the common method for passing that data back to the caller? 
> I've 
> tried a 'return data' prior to self.Close() ... all that happens then is the 
> dialog won't close. I'm sure this is obvious, but this newbie's stuck!
> Thanks,
> Jeff

In general, the dialog is an instance of a class. Once the dialog closes,
the window should be gone but the instance variable should still be around. 
Common practice is to put the relevant data in the dialog instance member
for retrieval after closing. In certain cases, the method used to invoke
the dialog will return the relevant value, but this is somewhat limiting.
In even more rare cases, the dialog will be popped up by a function,
giving no direct reference to the dialog at any point, and the value is
returned by the function; this is generally limited to the "Yes/No/Cancel"
style dialog or its simpler bretheren ("OK/Cancel" and "OK").

I'm assuming that last one is not the case.

To be more directly helpful, we'd need more data, ideally a code snippet
fully demonstrating the problem (i.e., a runnable program). But at a bare
minimum, we'd need to know where this dialog came from. Tk? PyGTK?
wxPython? Some curses library? MFC?

Re: Need help subclassing Borg

2005-05-07 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 08 May 2005 02:42:09 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I'm thinking what I might need is a function that generates a Borg-like
> class. So I would do something like:
> Rabbit = MakeBorgClass()
> # Rabbit is now a class implementing shared state
> # all instances of Rabbit share the same state
> Duck = MakeBorgClass()
> # Duck is now a class implementing shared state
> # all instances of Duck share the same state
> # but instances of Duck do not share state with instances of Rabbit
> Problem is, I haven't got the foggiest idea how to implement something
> like that. Am I on the right track? Where do I go from here?

Bengt's answer is better than this track, but this question is worth
answering because it is so wonderfully easy in Python.

Remember class is an executable statement, not a declaration:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def makeBorg():
... class Borg(object):
... _shared_state = {}
... def __init__(self):
... self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
... return Borg
>>> Duck = makeBorg()
>>> Rabbit = makeBorg()
>>> d = Duck()
>>> d2 = Duck()
>>> d.cover = "fur"
>>> d2.cover
>>> r = Rabbit()
>>> r.cover
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'Borg' object has no attribute 'cover'
>>> r.cover = "feathers"
>>> d.cover
>>> r2 = Rabbit()
>>> r2.cover

(I flipped around the fur and feathers, but don't feel like fixing it :-) )

Now, the problem with this and the reason why Bengt's is more likely
better is that each of these Borg classes is unrelated, so there's no
using issubclass or anything like that. You *could* hack around this, but
it's not worth it. (It is possible to dynamically choose the bases of a
class; you can't do it in the class statement itself, but you can do
something like:

def makeBorg(base = object):
class Borg(base): 

but this is definitely not the best way to go. Still, as above, it does
have its place other times; I've used it to dynamically pick up whether
the user has certain modules installed and add support depending on the
environment. I often do this when I'm writing something currently embedded
in an app I'm writing, but may have use elsewhere outside of the
environment of the app, allowing me to write code that both takes full
advantage of the app environment, while not being completely tied to it.)

Re: Listening to changes in a C++ variable from python

2005-05-07 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 07 May 2005 07:16:58 -0700, lamthierry wrote:

> Is there some python method which can do the polling you are talking
> about? Or can you send me a link to some existing example?

Take a moment to go back to the basics. C++ is, in general, a simple
system. The *language* is complicated at times, but it does actually
strive for no unknown magic taking place. When you say "int i = 4", there
is some literal value in memory somewhere taking the value of 4. If you
say "i = 5", that value in memory now says five.

The reason you can't "listen" to this is quite literally because you RAM
does not have that ability (for good reason); there are no circuits that
are triggered when a value is changed. (I'm talking conventional RAM here,
with no hardware mapping or anything else special.)

Polling here simply means checking periodically. You don't need any
special functions or libraries, you just need to check periodically. Your
GUI system should have a system for creating timeouts, but without telling
me what that is, I can't give the code. (*I* may not be able to even so; I
have not used them all extensively enough to know about all the
schedulers.) Your timeout function should simply check the new value and
do the appropriate thing based on the new value.

So, there isn't really a "method", it's just combining your GUI scheduler
with a simple == or > or < or whatever else is appropriate in your case. 

If it takes more than about four or five lines to write the basic poller,
you're probably on the wrong track. (Correctly handling what the poller
sees may be more complicated, but the periodic checking should be simple.)

If you need more help (though I strongly suggest that you try to get the
scheduler to do something "two seconds from now" or something, and after
that it *should* be obvious what to do next), you'll need to include what
GUI toolkit you are using, and possibly the current Python code that you
are using to access the value you'd like the GUI to track. You may also
want to explain how you are connecting the apps; is the C++ part and the
Python part in one app in different threads, or are you using some other
communication form?

One warning: You might be tempted to use time.sleep(); don't do that. That
works OK in a Python program where only your code is running, but in any
GUI program the GUI itself is also running. Using time.sleep() will
completely stop *everything* during the duration of the sleep, completely
freezing the GUI as if it were locked up; that's why all GUIs have
schedulers, so they can keep running while your code waits.

Re: Listening to changes in a C++ variable from python

2005-05-06 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 06 May 2005 19:56:34 -0700, lamthierry wrote:

> Let's say I have the following source code in C++:
> // The following is in a .cpp file
> int val = 0;
> for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
>val = i;
> // Now I'm in a python GUI, glade or GTK
> Is it possible from the GUI side to listen to changes in the val
> variable? Once I notice a change in the variable, I will update a
> widget(for example a display progress bar from glade). Any advice or
> solutions?

It is not possible to "listen" to something that is not "emitting" change
notifications. Your variable "val" isn't "talking".

Some languages let you listen to every variable, but that is because
behind the scenes it is emitting every variable change as an event.

In C++, in keeping with its general philosophy, it is not going to be
possible to listen to an "int". You must either poll it, or wrap that int
in something that *will* emit change messages in some fashion that
satisfies you. Given the circumstance of updating a progress bar, I'd poll
it about every quarter to half second.

The correct answer changes depending on what you are doing with the info
and the level of control you exert over the source C++.


Re: How to detect a double's significant digits

2005-05-06 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 06 May 2005 08:27:03 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Jeremy Bowers wrote:
>> > A step which will require him to tell the printing routine how many
>> > digits he wants printed.
>> Not necessarily; consider the str() of a float in Python, especially
>> given the "significant digits" aspect (it may be ill-defined, but I can
>> think of several well-defined ways to mean that, where str() embodies
>> one of them). The easiest way to tell how long the number will be when
>> str prints it out is to simply ask it.
> and what language is str() implemented in?

Who cares? It demonstrates the existence of a print routine that prints a
variable number of characters.

>> In C++, this may be harder, as your output software may insist on
>> rendering everything directly, with no way to reach in and tell what it
>> did. Imagine the standard IOStreams, without the ability to stream into
>> a string.
> but you can stream into a string buffer, and you can use sprintf() from
> C++, so what's your point, besides stating that "if things were harder,
> they would be harder"?

Giving the original poster the benefit of the doubt, I assumed he was
dealing with some sort of screen library that would render something
without telling him the size, that didn't use streams at all. If that
library also implemented its own pretty print, string streams and
everything else don't help; you need *that* library's pretty print.

Re: How to detect a double's significant digits

2005-05-05 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 05 May 2005 20:08:46 -0700, Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Grant's point was that as significance is used in scientific studies,
> there's no way to answer the question without having the number in
> advance.

My point was that the original poster never defined "significance" in that
manner, and in the manner in which he seemed to be using the term, my
comments made sense. Which is why the first thing I said was he needs to
rigorously define what he means, and everything after that was predicated
on the assumption he seemed to be looking at consumed screen space.

Re: How to detect a double's significant digits

2005-05-05 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 06 May 2005 02:44:43 +, Grant Edwards wrote:

> On 2005-05-05, Jeremy Bowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Since I think he mentioned something about predicting how much space it
>> will take to print out, my suggestion is to run through whatever
>> printing routines there are and get a string out,
> A step which will require him to tell the printing routine how many digits
> he wants printed.

Not necessarily; consider the str() of a float in Python, especially given
the "significant digits" aspect (it may be ill-defined, but I can think of
several well-defined ways to mean that, where str() embodies one of them).
The easiest way to tell how long the number will be when str prints it out
is to simply ask it.

In C++, this may be harder, as your output software may insist on
rendering everything directly, with no way to reach in and tell what it
did. Imagine the standard IOStreams, without the ability to stream into a
string. Now it's a lot harder to tell. So if you've got something "smart"
like the default str() in Python, you may not be able to tell in advance
what it is going to do, short of trying to manually reverse engineer it.
I've tried that a few times, and in each instance, I can get 95-99%... but
I never quite make it to 100%, usually because I find a bug somewhere and
can't figure out how to characterize and replicate it.

(The biggest of these so far was when I tried to reconstruct Tk's wrapping
in a text widget, so I could tell how many screen lines the given piece of
text I produced would consume, whereupon I discovered Tk didn't correctly
wrap all Unicode characters... it correctly (as far as I could see)
reported their widths, but happily let the characters run right off the
right edge of the widget under certain circumstances I could never
characterize without putting in even more effort than I cared to. The bugs
aren't always *important*, one can imagine the opposite problem of
wrapping a little too quickly, and it could be years before anyone notices
if it's just a few pixels off in the right direction, but it'll still
screw you up if you try to replicate it.)


Re: How to detect a double's significant digits

2005-05-05 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 05 May 2005 18:42:17 +, Charles Krug wrote:

> On 5 May 2005 10:37:00 -0700, mrstephengross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi all... How can I find out the number of significant digits (to the
>> right of the decimal place, that is) in a double? At least, I *think*
>> that's what I'm asking for. For instance:
>> 0.103 --> 3
>> 0.0103 --> 4
>> 0.00103 --> 5
>> 0.000103 --> 6
>> 0.103 --> 7
>> Thanks in advance!
>> --Steve ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> I would say that each of these examples has three signficant figures. Each
> of them can be expressed as:
> 1.03e+n
> For any integer n.

You beat me to it.

Step one for mrstephengross is to *rigorously* define what he means by
"significant digits", then go from there. Since I think he mentioned
something about predicting how much space it will take to print out, my
suggestion is to run through whatever printing routines there are and get
a string out, the measure the string, as anything else will likely be
wrong. If that's not possible with the formatting library, you've already
lost; you'll have to completely correctly re-implement the formatting
library, and not only is that a major PITA, you almost never get it
bug-for-bug right...

Re: How to write this regular expression?

2005-05-04 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 05 May 2005 09:30:21 +0800, could ildg wrote:
> Jeremy Bowers wrote:
>> Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) [GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux
>> 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright",
>> "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> >>> import re
>> >>> m = re.compile("\d+")
>> >>> m.findall("344mmm555m")
>> ['344', '555', '']
>> (I just tried to capture the three numbers by adding a parentheses set
>> around the \d+ but it only gives me the first. I've never tried that
>> before; is there a way to get it to give me all of them? I don't think
>> so, so two REs may be required after all.)

> You can capture each number by using group, each group can have a name.

I think you missed out on what I meant:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> m = re.compile(r"((?P\d+)_){1,3}")
>>> match = m.match("12_34_56_")
>>> match.groups("name")
('56_', '56')

Can you also get 12 & 34 out of it? (Interesting, as the non-named groups
give you the *first* match) 

I guess I've never wanted this because I usually end up using "findall"
instead, but I could still see this being useful... parsing a function
call, for instance, and getting a tuple of the arguments instead of all of
them at once to be broken up later could be useful.

Re: empty lists vs empty generators

2005-05-04 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 04 May 2005 20:33:31 +, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
> With the EmptyGeneratorDetector class as you defined it, lists will fail:
>  >>> EmptyGeneratorDetector([])
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "", line 1, in ?
>File "", line 15, in __init__
> AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'next'
> Of course, the class is labeled as an empty generator detector, not an
> empty iterable detector, so it's doing what it says it will, but a little
> bit of extra generalism can't hurt.

OK, thanks, now I see what you mean. I was worried that you might be
referring to an iterator type that returned something other than itself
when you called iter on it, which I thought wasn't legal.

Re: How to write this regular expression?

2005-05-04 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 04 May 2005 20:24:51 +0800, could ildg wrote:

> Thank you.
> I just learned how to use re, so I want to find a way to settle it by
> using re. I know that split it into pieces will do it quickly.

I'll say this; you have two problems, splitting out the numbers and
verifying their conformance to some validity rule.

I strongly recommend treating those two problems separately. While I'm not
willing to guarantee that an RE can't be written for something like ("[A
number A]_[A number B]" such that A < B) in the general case, it won't be
anywhere near as clean or as easy to follow if you just write an RE to
extract the numbers, then verify the constraints in conventional Python.

In that case, if you know in advance that the numbers are guaranteed to be
in that format, I'd just use the regular expression "\d+", and the
"findall" method of the compile expression:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> m = re.compile("\d+") 
>>> m.findall("344mmm555m")
['344', '555', '']

If you're checking general matching of the parameters you've given, I'd
feel no shame in checking the string against r"^(_\d+){1,3}$" with .match
and then using the above to get the numbers, if you prefer that. (Note
that I believe .match implies the initial ^, but I tend to write it
anyways as a good habit. Explicit better than implicit and all that.)

(I just tried to capture the three numbers by adding a parentheses set
around the \d+ but it only gives me the first. I've never tried that
before; is there a way to get it to give me all of them? I don't think so,
so two REs may be required after all.)

Re: empty lists vs empty generators

2005-05-04 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 04 May 2005 13:45:00 +, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

> Jeremy Bowers wrote:
>> def __init__(self, generator):
>> self.generator = generator
> You'll want to use iter(generator) there in order to handle reiterables.

Can you expand that explanation a bit? I'm not certain what you mean. I'm
just trusting what the user passes in; maybe the user should pass it
iter(generator) when it's a "reiterable"? (Honest question.) 

What definition of "re-iterable" are you using? (A quick google for
"Python reiterabile" just turns up some Python dev list entries from 2003.)


Re: empty lists vs empty generators

2005-05-02 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 02 May 2005 16:14:57 -0700, Brian Roberts wrote:
> Q1: Is there a better or alternate way to handle this? Q2: Is there a way
> that handles both lists and generators, so I don't have to worry about
> which one I've got?

Are you in control of your generators? You could put a method on them that
tells if there is anything in them by manually implementing the .next()

The other thing you could do is a generator wrapper that can tell for you,
but you'll lose some performance:

class EmptyGeneratorDetector(object):
"""Provides a method you can call to detect an empty
generator. You should probably name this class something

Check if the generator is empty after construction by looking at
the isEmpty property."""

def __init__(self, generator):
self.generator = generator

self.isEmpty = False
self.givenFirst = False
self.firstItem =
except StopIteration:
self.isEmpty = True

def next(self):
if self.isEmpty:
raise StopIteration

if not self.givenFirst:
self.givenFirst = True
return self.firstItem

def __iter__(self):
return self

In action:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from genwrap import *
>>> def emptyGenerator():
... raise StopIteration 
... yield None
>>> def nonEmptyGenerator():
... yield 1
... yield 2
... yield 3 
>>> e = emptyGenerator()
>>> n = nonEmptyGenerator()
>>> E = EmptyGeneratorDetector(e)
>>> N = EmptyGeneratorDetector(n)
>>> E.isEmpty
>>> N.isEmpty
>>> for i in E:
... print i
>>> for i in N: 
... print i

It is tested as much as you see it above :-)

(I recall a lengthy discussion of the best way to create an empty iterator
a while back, and that was not the winner. But it will do for now.)

Re: compare two voices (Jeremy Bowers)

2005-05-02 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 02 May 2005 16:37:19 -0500, phil wrote:
> I will defend one statement though.  I have yet to see anything which
> Python would not make a good wrapper for.  Some of the OpenGL pygame stuff
> is very cool.

Alright, you got me :-) I got excessively broad.

Re: compare two voices

2005-05-02 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 02 May 2005 13:58:07 -0500, phil wrote:

> You didn't indicate how deep you want to get into the code yourself.
> I am gonna step way out of my mathematical depth here

I mean no disrespect, but this is the last accurate statement you made.

I wouldn't say this, except that if the original poster tries to follow
your advice, they'd be wasting a lot of time, so in I feel obligated to
speak out.

If it were that easy, phoneme recognition would have been a solved problem
in the 70s. It is quite a bit harder than just waving Matlab at the

Based on the subsequent posts by the original poster, giving me a better
feel of their skill level, I would estimate that in order to get to where
they want to be, they are a minimum of nine years of solid work away from
solving the problem, assuming no degree in computer science. (Such a
degree  would equip them better to know how hard the problem is, though
you could get an undergrad degree without acquiring the requisite
knowledge; with an undergrad degree in hand, subtract two years.)

I am completely, 100% serious on that time estimate, and that's just
to get you to the point where you *may* be able to solve the problem.
Anyone who tells you it's less either has a solution in hand that you can
use (good, but nobody has chimed up yet, except one guy to say it's
really, really hard, he knows because he tried, so I'm not holding my
breath), or has no clue what they are talking about.

(We are often trained to be unthinkingly encouraging, but it is a net good
to discourage someone from wasting significant amounts of time, oblivious
to the fact they are unlikely to succeed. If the original poster wishes to
dedicate that much time to the project, I would be happy to tell them how
they can begin the process of learning what they need to learn, as long as
they are aware of what they are starting.)

Re: Python interpreter in Basic or a Python-2-Basic translator.

2005-05-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 01 May 2005 06:18:27 -0700, Engineer wrote:
> The security 'droids have decided that since the MS Office Suite is a
> "standard" application then software written in MS Office VBA must be
> "safe."

"Melissa". (Google hint: "Virus".)

Given the brazen stupidity demonstrated by these decision makers in the
face of *internationally newsworthy* plain facts to the contrary,
this may be a "brush up the resume" situation. Life's short.

Good luck.

More constructively, see if you can convince your VBA installation to run
on Javascript(/Jscript) instead of Visual Basic. While it has some
annoyances next to Python, by and large it should be a much more tolerable
choice. It's not Python, but it's surprisingly close in a lot of ways.

Re: compare two voices

2005-04-30 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 20:00:57 -0700, Qiangning Hong wrote:

> I want to make an app to help students study foreign language.  I want the
> following function in it:
> The student reads a piece of text to the microphone. The software records
> it and compares it to the wave-file pre-recorded by the teacher, and gives
> out a score to indicate the similarity between them.
> This function will help the students pronounce properly, I think.

Do you have any idea what it takes to compare two voices in a
*meaningful* fashion? This is a serious question. I can't guarantee
there is no app to help with this, but if it does exist, it either costs a
lot of money, or will be almost impossible to use for what you want
(boiling two voice samples down to a speaker-independent single similarity
number... the mind boggles at the possible number of ways of defining that).
Quite possibly both.

If you *do* know something about the math, which, by the way, is graduate
level+, then you'd do better to go look at the open source voice
recognition systems and ask on those mailing lists. 

No matter how you slice it, this is not a Python problem, this is an
intense voice recognition algorithm problem that would make a good PhD
thesis. I have no idea if it has already been done and you will likely get
much better help from such a community where people might know that. I am
aware of the CMU Sphinx project, which should get you started Googling.
Good luck; it's a great idea, but if somebody somewhere hasn't already
done it, it's an extremely tough one.

(Theoretically, it's probably not a horrid problem, but my intuition leads
me to believe that turning it into a *useful product*, that corresponds to
what humans would say is "similar", will probably be a practical
nightmare. Plus it'll be highly language dependent; a similarity algorithm
for Chinese probably won't work very well for English and vice versa. All
this, and you *could* just play the two sounds back to the human and let
their brain try to understand it... ;-) )

Waiting for the message pointing to the Sourceforge project that
implemented this three years ago... 

Re: How do I parse this ? regexp ? [slighly OT]

2005-04-28 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 20:53:14 -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:
> The re docs clearly say this is not the case:
> '''
> []
>  Used to indicate a set of characters. Characters can be listed
> individually, or a range of characters can be indicated by giving two
> characters and separating them by a "-". Special characters are not active
> inside sets.
> '''
> Note the last sentence in the above quotation...
> -Peter

Aren't regexes /fun/?

Also from that passage, Simon, note the "-" right in front of 
[-\[\]0-9,. ], another one that's tripped me up more than once.


"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ``I know, I'll use
regular expressions.'' Now they have two problems." - jwz



2005-04-28 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 10:34:44 -0700, demon_slayer2839 wrote:

> Hey yall,
> I'm new to Python and I love it. Now I can get most of the topics
> covered with the Python tutorials I've read but the one thats just
> stumping me is Object Orientation. I can't get the grasp of it. Does
> anyone know of a good resource that could possibly put things in focus
> for me? Thanks.

The biggest problem with understanding Object Orientation is that it is
only a net gain, even when using something as nice as Python, when you
pass the trivial. 

If you're looking at provided examples of OO that fits on a screen or two
and going "And so what...?", I'd actually consider that a sign of
comprehension, not a bad thing. (No sarcasm.)

It only goes past "And so what...?" when you get into larger programs.

One example that exists in the Python library and has a lot of code
available on line is the urllib2 library. (Unfortunately, that is
something of a complicated bit of code and you're almost better off just
listening to what I'm going to say here than actually looking at the
code :-) )It uses an OO pattern called the "template" pattern, where you
bundle as much code as possible that can be used generally into a
"superclass", and inherit and specialize when you need to do something

When you want to send an HTTP request, and do something useful with the
results, you create your own request subclass. As a result of using it,
the superclass does all of it's stuff, in this case making the connection
and basic parsing of the results, so you don't have to. The superclass
then calls into the sub-class's overridden methods, based on what happened
with the request. For instance, if you are writing an RSS retriever and
the retrieval results in a 302 code, "Moved Permanently", the superclass
will call self.error_302(), and the RSS reader can then update its
personal database of RSS file locations.

OO consists structurally of the code+data combination; OO consists
*practically* of each of these little techniques, like I gave in the
previous paragraph, adding together and making things easy. None of them
are *impossible* with non-OO code, merely harder to write, but the
cumulative easing effect is quite significant.

You're probably closer to understanding the theory than you think; now you
just need to use it for a while, with an active, open mind probing for
ways to make your programming life easier. Only that will bring deeper
understanding, or maybe reading other's code if you're dedicated. You
might also look online for some of the "Design Patterns", which aren't
worth worshiping but provide a concise description of some of the other
things that OO makes easier than the alternatives.

(You may also be interested in this essay I wrote:

One of the problems OO faced in general, especially the late 80s and most
of the 90s, was prematurely jumping to dogma before there was adequate
community experience to formulate a *good* dogma; even today there are a
lot of "OO experts" who would take extensive exception to both this post
and that essay, even though I'm pretty sure that facts and experience are
on my side :-) . The old dogma lives on, even as many communities like
Python, Ruby, and the Testing Methodology folk are formulating better
ones. The reality of OO is that it is a rich and highly varied *family* of
techniques, which may also not be helping if you try to learn from
multiple sources; that essay tries to explore the common thread behind all
of those techniques, and explain why it is the common thread.)

Re: creating very small types

2005-04-27 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 22:17:07 +0200, andrea wrote:

> I was thinking to code the huffman algorithm and trying to compress
> something with it, but I've got a problem.
> How can I represent for example a char with only 3 bits??
> I had a look to the compression modules but I can't understand them much...
> Thank you very much
> Any good link would be appreciated of course :)

I think the answer to this question very much depends on why you want to
do this. Easy and fast are pretty opposed in this particular domain in
Python (IMHO anyways, it's an easy bit-bashing language but it's slow
for that), and you're in one of the rare domains where it matters.

The answers strongly vary if you're trying to create something performant,
or just for your learning purposes. Or homework purposes... ;-)


Re: tkinter text width

2005-04-27 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 12:52:21 -0700, James Stroud wrote:

> Thank you to everybody helping me. I think I am almost there...
> On Wednesday 27 April 2005 12:10 pm, so sayeth Jeremy Bowers:
>> 2. Use a fixed-width font and manually wrap. (It's pretty easy then, you
>> can ask the font for how wide any char is and do the math from there.)
> How might I query the size of a fixed-width font in pixles? It appears that 
> the width of the font in points does not correlate with its width in pixels 
> based on some simple expriments I have done. Using cget("font") on the Text 
> gives back a string with the point size.

Ah, in that case you want the measure attribute of the font object.

>> [snip some things to worry about]
>> Basically, I'm pretty sure you can't do this.
> My setup is not very complicated, so I don't think I have to worry about 
> kerning, unicode, etc.. I am using a fixed width font (courier) only, and 
> only one size and am also quite comfortable with giving away several pixels 
> at the end of a line for "rounding errors" and will filter for a limited 
> alphabet consisting only of the numbers, the captial letters, and the space.
> I think I can do this given these limitations.

Sounds like it.

What I did was set up unit test that threw random snippets at the text
widget, and compared how many lines my code thought the widget should
have, vs. what the widget claimed to have. This is how I discovered that
some unicode was wrapped incorrectly. You can get what the widget claims
to have by asking it for the geometric position of the last character with
the bbox method of the Text widget.

This is, however, probably not the answer you are looking for, because you
only get a bounding box if the text is currently visible on the screen.
This makes it fairly difficult to use to ask the widget *how far* off the
screen the text is. If it were that easy I would have said so earlier
:-) But you may find that useful too, as you cobble together a solution.


Re: tkinter text width

2005-04-27 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 10:52:14 -0700, James Stroud wrote:
> This is more or less what I would like, but I would also like to probe the 
> Text to see how many characters it thinks it can display within the container 
> window. I am formatting text dynamically and so I rely on the width. I am not 
> after the built in "wrap" option, it does not do what I want. But, say if 
> wrap were turned on, it would be good to know how many characters the Text 
> would wrap at.

I have extensive experience with trying to get text containers to do this.
It is not easy. You have two choices:

1. Give up. You can't tell anyhow if you're using a proportional font.

2. Use a fixed-width font and manually wrap. (It's pretty easy then, you
can ask the font for how wide any char is and do the math from there.)

I have 70 line function that tries to replicate the Tk wrapping algorithm
in the proportional text case, and it *still* doesn't work. For one thing,
I actually found some bugs in the wrapping code (if a Unicode character
gets into just the right position, it can actually run off the right end
of the text widget, even if the widget is being wrapped), so completely
matching the layout seems infeasible.

I would strongly, strongly suggest finding another way to do what you are
trying to do. I have blown many, many hours on this problem, and I found
no simple logic. The edge cases kill you; while Tk is consistent (same
text, same wrap every time), sometimes it wraps a word if it goes up to
the edge, sometimes if it's one pixel off, damned if I can find a pattern
(probably has something to do with trying to space the letters out,
kerning or one of its simpler friends), and it probably changes
periodically anyhow... and note based on this I can't even guarantee #2
above, if you get unlucky.

Basically, I'm pretty sure you can't do this.


Re: How do I parse this ? regexp ?

2005-04-27 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 07:56:11 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have this line of numbers:
> 04242005 18:20:42-0.02, 271.1748608, [-4.119873046875,
> 3.4332275390625, 105.062255859375], [0.093780517578125, 0.041015625,
> -0.960662841796875], [0.01556396484375, 0.01220703125, 0.01068115234375]
> repeated several times in a text file and I would like each element to be
> part of a vector. how do I do this ? I am not very capable in using regexp
> as you can see.

I think, based on the responses you've gotten so far, that perhaps you
aren't being clear enough.

Some starter questions:

* Is that all on one line in your file?
* Are there ever variable numbers of the [] fields?
* What do you mean by "vectors"?

If the line format is stable (no variation in numbers), and especially if
that is all one line, given that you are not familiar with regexp I
wouldn't muck about with it. (For me, I'd still say it's borderline if I
would go with that.) Instead, follow along in the following and it'll
probably help, though as I don't precisely know what you're asking I can't
give a complete solution:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> x = "04242005 18:20:42-0.02, 271.1748608, [-4.119873046875, 3.4332275390
625, 105.062255859375], [0.093780517578125, 0.041015625, -0.960662841796875], [0
.01556396484375, 0.01220703125, 0.01068115234375]"
>>> x.split(',', 2)
['04242005 18:20:42-0.02', ' 271.1748608', ' [-4.119873046875, 3.43322753906
25, 105.062255859375], [0.093780517578125, 0.041015625, -0.960662841796875], [0.
01556396484375, 0.01220703125, 0.01068115234375]']
>>> splitted = x.split(',', 2)
>>> splitted[2]
' [-4.119873046875, 3.4332275390625, 105.062255859375], [0.093780517578125, 0.04
1015625, -0.960662841796875], [0.01556396484375, 0.01220703125, 0.01068115234375
>>> import re
>>> safetyChecker = re.compile(r"^[-\[\]0-9,. ]*$")
>>> if safetyChecker.match(splitted[2]):
... eval(splitted[2], {}, {})
([-4.119873046875, 3.4332275390625, 105.062255859375], [0.093780517578125,
0.041015625, -0.960662841796875], [0.01556396484375, 0.01220703125,
>>> splitted[0].split()
['04242005', '18:20:42-0.02']
>>> splitted[0].split()[1].split('-')
['18:20:42', '0.02']

I'd like to STRONGLY EMPHASIZE that there is danger in using "eval" as it
is very dangerous if you can't trust the source; *any* python code will
be run. That is why I am extra paranoid and double-check that the
expression only has the characters listed in that simple regex in it.
(Anyone who can construct a malicious string out of those characters will
get my sincere admiration.) You may do as you please, of course, but I
believe it is not helpful to suggest security holes on comp.lang.python
:-) The coincidence of that part of your data, which is also the most
challenging to parse, exactly matching Python syntax is too much to pass

This should give you some good ideas; if you post more detailed questions
we can probably be of more help.


Re: delete will assure file is deleted?

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 21:24:06 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:

> Jeremy Bowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 03:40:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> os.remove, as the module name implies, tells the OS to do something. I
>> would consider an OS that returned from a "remove" call, but still let you
>> access that file, highly broken. 
> Um - not if you have permission to read the file, but don't have
> permission to remove it.

You snipped:

>> assuming the file is there, you have permissions, etc., basically that
>> the call succeeds,

First paragraph.


Re: schedule a monthly ftp event

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 15:15:35 -0700, willitfw wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am looking for some guidance on a script.
> My goals are:
> 1) have this script run automatically through a time set schedule.
> 2) verify if a file is updated on an ftp site (usually on the 15th of
> the month).
> 3) If the updated file exists, ftp it to local drive.
> 4) e-mail other users when the file has been updated on the local
> drive.

Operating system?

comp.lang.python can help you with the other stuff, but the scheduling is
OS-dependent. (Which isn't to say you won't get help, but it is,
technically, off topic.) On UNIX, use some "cron" varient, Windows has
some sort of Scheduler built in but I've never done anything with it but
turn it off, and I have no clue about Mac, though perhaps it has cron too
in OSX.


Re: regex over files

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 20:54:53 +, Robin Becker wrote:

> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> ...
>> If I mmap() a file, it's not slurped into main memory immediately, though as
>> you pointed out, it's charged to my process's virtual memory.  As I access
>> bits of the file's contents, it will page in only what's necessary.  If I
>> mmap() a huge file, then print out a few bytes from the middle, only the
>> page containing the interesting bytes is actually copied into physical
>> memory.
> my simple rather stupid experiment indicates that windows mmap at least 
> will reserve 25Mb of paged file for a linear scan through a 25Mb file. I 
> probably only need 4096b to scan. That's a lot less than even the page 
> table requirement. This isn't rocket science just an old style observation.

Are you trying to claim Skip is wrong, or what? There's little value in
saying that by mapping a file of 25MB into VM pages, you've increased your
allocated paged file space by 25MB. That's effectively tautological. 

If you are trying to claim Skip is wrong, you *do not understand* what you
are talking about. Talk less, listen and study more. (This is my best
guess, as like I said, observing that allocating things increases the
number of things that are allocated isn't worth posting so my thought is
you think you are proving something. If you really are just posting
something tautological, my apologies and disregard this paragraph but,
well, it's certainly not out of line at this point.)

Re: delete will assure file is deleted?

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 21:24:30 +0200, andreas wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 03:13:20PM -0400, Jeremy Bowers wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 03:40:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > Hello Mike,
>> > I have to know this topic otherwise my program has to check whether the
>> > file / files are already deleted and this is a little bit messy.
>> I would be fairly confident in asserting that assuming the file is there,
>> you have permissions, etc., basically that the call succeeds, that the
>> file will be gone.
> Not exactly. The system call is called remove not by accident. It's not
> called delete. So for example if you have a file with multiple names (so 
> called
> hard links) the file will not be gone after os.remove('file')

This gets into another distinction that I didn't want to get into, given
that my message was heavy enough as it is.

But I would say, that even if "file_a" and "file_b" are both (hard) linked
to the same file, and I "remove" "file_a", I am perfectly justified in
saying that "file_a" is gone, deleted, removed, what have you. The file,
the thing we called "file_a", is no longer accessible. That some operating
systems separate "file" from "contents" and thus that I can get at the
contents in some other way doesn't really make that statement untrue;
"file_a" is still gone. "file deleted" hasn't meant "file contents
eliminated from the disk entirely", well, as far as I know, *ever*;
certainly there were undelete operations in DOS, and that's as far back as
I can attest to personally, but I know that "undelete"s could be done
before then, too. In fact one must search in computing for anything to
ever truly be *eliminated*; in more than just file systems, we
de-allocate, re-allocate for something else, and just overwrite. That's a
pervasive pattern.

Re: regex over files

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:32:29 +0100, Robin Becker wrote:

> Skip Montanaro wrote:
>> Robin> So we avoid dirty page writes etc etc. However, I still think I
>> Robin> could get away with a small window into the file which would be
>> Robin> more efficient.
>> It's hard to imagine how sliding a small window onto a file within Python
>> would be more efficient than the operating system's paging system. ;-)
>> Skip
> well it might be if I only want to scan forward through the file (think 
> lexical 
> analysis). Most lexical analyzers use a buffer and produce a stream of tokens 
> ie 
> a compressed version of the input. There are problems crossing buffers etc, 
> but 
> we never normally need the whole file in memory.

I think you might have a misunderstanding here. mmap puts a file into
*virtual* memory. It does *not* read the whole thing into physical memory;
if it did, there would be no purpose to mmap support in the OS in the
first place, as a thin wrapper around existing file calls would work.

> If the lexical analyzer reads the whole file into memory then we need more 
> pages. The mmap thing might help as we need only read pages (for a lexical 
> scanner).

The read-write status of the pages is not why mmap is an advantage; the
advantage is that the OS naturally and transparent is taking care of
loading just the portions you want, and intelligently discarding them when
you are done (more intelligently than you could, even in theory, since it
can take advantage of knowing the entire state of the system, your program

In other words, as Skip was trying to tell you, mmap *already
does* what you are saying might be better, and it does it better than you
can, even in theory, from inside a process (as the OS will not reveal to
you the data structures it has that you would need to match that

As you try to understand mmap, make sure your mental model can take into
account the fact that it is easy and quite common to mmap a file several
times larger than your physical memory, and it does not even *try* to read
the whole thing in at any given time. You may benefit from
reviewing/studying the difference between virtual memory and physical

Re: delete will assure file is deleted?

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 03:40:16 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> I have to know this topic otherwise my program has to check whether the
> file / files are already deleted and this is a little bit messy.

I would be fairly confident in asserting that assuming the file is there,
you have permissions, etc., basically that the call succeeds, that the
file will be gone.

os.remove, as the module name implies, tells the OS to do something. I
would consider an OS that returned from a "remove" call, but still let you
access that file, highly broken. 

You may be concerned that the OS may not write the fact that the file is
deleted to the disk right away. This is very, very possible; OSs have been
doing that for a while. If, for some reason, this is a major concern that
the system might suddenly lose power and the file may not be truly
deleted, you will need to either shut off this feature (it is called
"write-behind caching", and shutting it off, or indeed even having the
feature at all, is OS-dependent), or get a UPS so that the machine has
time to shut down gracefully.

HOWEVER... the only time this is a problem is if you are truly concerned
about the power spontaneously shutting off. The kernel of your operating
system, if indeed it does write-behind caching at all, will make it look
to all programs on the system (not just your own) that the file is
deleted; and thus, in every sense that matters barring spectacular
power failure, it is.

So I say, ever if you've heard of write-behind caching and you are perhaps
worried about it, you do not need to be; it is intended to be fully
transparent to you, and indeed, short of directly asking the OS whether
the feature is on, there should be no practical way of figuring out
whether it is on at all. All it means is significantly better performance
to you programs if they do things like delete a lot of files at once; you
don't need to worry that they might "still be there" even after the
command is done.

This reply somewhat longer than needed for the purposes of education :-)


Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 02:12:07 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> Right. But that shouldn't be hard to do. Let genexp stand for a a
> generator expression/list comprehension without any brackets on it at all.
> Then [genexp] is the syntax to expand the list. [(genexp)] is the syntax
> to create a list of one element - a generator object. foo(genexp) will do
> the right thing.

In other words, everything as it is today, only with different
implementations under the hood. :-)

Rolling back around to the original point, I don't see any reason to ban
[x for x in thing], changing current practice, when it is so easy to keep
it. [(x for x in thing)] is also current practice (perhaps "bad style" in
some sense, but definately possible in 2.4), and I don't think there is a
good reason to change that, either.

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 23:00:57 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> Why do we have to wait for Python 3.0 for this? Couldn't list
> comprehensions and generator expression be unified without breaking
> existing code that didn't deserve to be broken?

We don't; my mentioning 3.0 was just in reference to a previous comment.
In fact it'll probably happen sooner than then, I just have no direct
knowledge. (I know some people were talking about creating iterators that
know how many things they contain, which is the critical optimization, but
I don't know if that's gotten anywhere; I don't track the dev list as it
is too much traffic for my already strained email client :-) )

Re: Python or PHP?

2005-04-25 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 23:26:56 +, John Bokma wrote:

> Mike Meyer wrote:
>> John Bokma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nobody ever changed their mind as a result of a 20-thread endless
reply-fest. As usual, the posters aren't about to admit anything, and none
of the bystanders are reading any more.

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 16:48:46 -0400, Bill Mill wrote:

> On 25 Apr 2005 23:33:48 +0300, Ville Vainio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Still, list comprehensions should be implemented in terms of genexps to
>> get rid of the LC variable that is visible outside the scope of the LC.
> +1 . I think that we should still have the form [genexp] , but without the
> dangling variable, and implemented with generator expressions. It seems to
> me that it is inconsistent if I can do list(genexp) but not [genexp] ,
> since they are so similar. Once that happens, we can tell people who ask
> the OP's question that [genexp] is just another way to spell list(genexp),
> and he should use it if he wants the entire list constructed in memory.

This is what I meant.

Robert Kern says the implementations really differ, but I submit that
is an accident of the order they were created in, not a fundamental
constraint. list(genexp) works today and does almost exactly the same
thing, minus an optimization or two that people are working on
generalizing anyways, which is the right approach. I doubt that Python 3.0
would have two radically different implementations; they'll just have the
genexp implementation, and an optimization for list creation if the list
creation can know the size in advance, regardless of where it came from.

>> Jeremy> should be relatively simple), it's not worth breaking that
>> Jeremy> code.
>> Well, the code that relies on the dangling variable deserves to break.
> Agreed.

This is not what I meant and I agree with it too. Breaking code depending
on variable leaking is one thing; breaking all code that uses list
comprehensions is quite another. Just because 3.0 is going to break a lot
of code anyhow doesn't mean we should be *gratuitous* about it!

Re: What's do list comprehensions do that generator expressions don't?

2005-04-25 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 22:59:12 -0700, Robert Kern wrote:
> Never. If you really need a list
> list(x*x for x in xrange(10))
> Sadly, we can't remove list comprehensions until 3.0.

Why "remove" them? Instead, we have these things called "comprehensions"
(which, now that I say that, seems a rather odd name), and you can control
whether they result in a list or a generator with () or [].

I don't see why they need to be "removed". Lists are already a special
case of the "only one way to do it" principle ([] vs. list()), and
pragmatically I don't see any reason to remove them here; it doesn't add
comprehensibility, leaving them in doesn't significantly affect the mental
size of the code (the *comprehension* is the hard part, the final form
should be relatively simple), it's not worth breaking that code.

Re: Variables

2005-04-24 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 22:45:14 -0400, Richard Blackwood wrote:
> Indeed, this language is math. My friend says that foo is a constant and
> necessarily not a variable. If I had written foo = raw_input(), he would
> say that foo is a variable. Which is perfectly fine except that he insists
> that since programming came from math, the concept of variable is
> necessarily the identical.

"The" concept? *snort* Your friend knows not of what he speaks.

Ask him if parallel lines cross. Then ask him if he has any right to get
snotty about terminology like that.

If he hasn't got far enough into math to understand why that question is
relevant, then he hasn't got far enough into math to opine on what a
"variable" is, anyhow. (By the way, if he says "no", and not "it depends
on your axiom choice", the same is true.)

(By math, are we talking *real* math like number theory or set theory,
something involving proofs, or high-school algebra that deals in numbers
and mere arithmetic? I rather suspect the latter, in which case you may
tell your friend y'all are so far out of your league you can't even tell
how far out you are. Nobody who has studied number theory or alternate
geometries or anything like real math could have this conversation, unless
they *really* missed the point of, well, everything they've done up to
that point...)

Re: Python or PHP?

2005-04-23 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 20:13:24 +0200, Mage wrote:
> Avoid them is easy with set_type($value,"integer") for integer values and
> correct escaping for strings.

"Avoiding buffer overflows in C is easy, as long as you check the buffers
each time."

The *existence* of a technique to avoid problems is not in question. The
problem is when the language makes it easier to *not* do the checks than
to do the checks. Any look at the real world shows that that pattern
causes trouble, and that clearly, the mere *existence* of a way to not get
in trouble is not sufficient in the general case.

Despite the fact that all you have to do to avoid cutting your finger off
with a saw is not stick your finger in the saw, most people, even
carpentry professionals, are going to want to use finger-guards and other
safety equipment. A programmer turning down such security protection
(without another good reason, which does happen), is being like the guy
too macho to use the finger guard; stupidity induced by arrogance, not
some one no longer using training wheels. Using PHP and futzing with SQL
directly is probably not a good enough reason, as surely PHP has safer
libraries available. (If not, my opinion of PHP goes down another notch.)

Data binding with something like SQLObject makes it *easier* to be secure
than insecure; barring an out-and-out bug in SQLObject (given the nature
of the requisite bug, it is extremely unlikely to have survived this
long), a programmer must go *way* out of their way to introduce the SQL
injection attacks that so plague PHP projects.

Re: Python Imaging Library and PyGTK - color image path?

2005-04-23 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 10:20:29 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> which discusses draw_rgb_image and friends, and says that "if you can
> convert your PIL image to a  pixel data string or buffer object, you could
> use them to display the image".  here's some code that seems to do exactly
> that:
> (but maybe this is some kind of stupid "a bitmap isn't a pixmap isn't an
> image" thing?  if so, I suggest getting a modern windowing system ;-)

A varient; I was missing the gdk.pixbuf because I assumed that because
there was a gtk.pixbuf that I knew about, that I had all relevant data.
Were that the only pixbuf, that would be an atrocity. (Particularly odd
for GTK, the *Gimp* windowing toolkit.)

(It of course figures that was the google search; I think I tried
everything but that; "python imaging library" "pygtk" isn't anywhere near
as helpful, for instance.)

Re: Python Imaging Library and PyGTK - color image path?

2005-04-22 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 22:43:13 -0400, Jeremy Bowers wrote:
> (Use case, in case it matters: I am trying to embed a graphic into a text
> widget. This is going fine. Because I want the text widget to be able use
> different size text, and no one image can look right with everything from
> 8pt to 40pt text (all reasonable possibilities), I load a large image in
> from the disk and scale it down as needed; the images are designed to
> scale well and later I can make multiple source images if that is
> desirable. But I can't figure out how to get the scaled image into GTK.
> This surprises me.)

As usual, posting for help after poking around for a long while guarantees
you'll figure it out in the next few minutes. You need to create GDK
pixbufs, which can be resized and scaled and stuff.

There is definitely some room for confusion here with GTK Images, GDK
Images, GTK pixbufs, and GDK pixbufs

Python Imaging Library and PyGTK - color image path?

2005-04-22 Thread Jeremy Bowers
I have an image in the Python Image Library. I'm trying to get it into
PyGTK in color. Is there any way to do this cross-platform, preferably
without writing to anything to the disk?

PIL apparently can't write XPMs. GTK will only take XPMs, that I can see.
Therein lies the rub. I can ship over monochrome bitmaps via XBM, but I'd
rather be able to ship over full color.

(Use case, in case it matters: I am trying to embed a graphic into a text
widget. This is going fine. Because I want the text widget to be able use
different size text, and no one image can look right with everything from
8pt to 40pt text (all reasonable possibilities), I load a large image in
from the disk and scale it down as needed; the images are designed to
scale well and later I can make multiple source images if that is
desirable. But I can't figure out how to get the scaled image into GTK.
This surprises me.)

If there's an easy Google search, it has eluded me.

Re: Supercomputer and encryption and compression @ rate of 96%

2005-04-14 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:44:56 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Will McGugan wrote:
>> Muchas gracias. Although there may be a bug. I compressed my Evanescence
>> albumn, but after decompression it became the complete works of Charles
> strange.  the algorithm should be reversible.  sounds like an operating
> system bug.  what system are you using?

After I compressed my OS (on the other machine) with your code, none,

Re: semicolons

2005-04-11 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 00:14:03 +0200, Mage wrote:

> I amafraid of I will stop using semicolons in other languages after one
> or two months of python. However I see that python simply ignores the
> semicolons atd the end of the lines.
> What's your advice? I don't want to write full-of-typo php scripts but I
> see the logic of the python syntax too.

Sorry, there's no easy answer for this.

In your own Python code, you can include extraneous semi-colons, but if
you intend to every distribute it, nobody is going to like working with


Re: workaround for generating gui tools

2005-04-10 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 13:02:27 -0700, Ken Godee wrote:
> The original poster was just asking for an example of
> how to sub class his code generated form into his program
> for easy future updates, a "VERY STANDARD" way of doing it.

I recognize your sarcasm, and I recognize the poor attitude it shows, but
underneath it you do have a point. Continuing the (still IMHO very
good) OO vs. procedural metaphor, the problem is that posting a trivial
example of a dynamic interface, even were I to take the time to create one
for you for free, would meet with exactly the same response that posting
an OO snippet of some reasonable newsgroup size would receive from someone
skeptical of OO. "Well, heck, I can do that all in a procedural program,
and it would be a little shorter, too!" I am *particularly* not inclined
to post a trivial example because it would do nothing to blunt your
skepticism, or your sarcasm, and regardless, people who are genuinely
curious simply need to try it for themselves. 

The advantages only start kicking in with large programs.

But I do recall a book with similar themes, though I do not endorse it
whole-heartedly: "Software Development On A Leash", which also gives you
sample code for his particular framework.

My opinion of this book is like my opinion of XP: Every serious programmer
ought to be exposed to the ideas contained in it (even if not by exposure
to this book or the actual XP writings), and ought to give them serious
thought, but 100% acceptance is not necessary.

To address your sarcasm directly, there's 456 pages of examples in
professionally written prose and real code samples, which I don't entirely
agree with but they do serve to show the point, available for the price of
$39.95. I consider my "obligation" to you discharged on this point; if you
prefer sarcasm to investing anything into your personal development,
that's your problem, not mine. (If this were a private email, I would have
just deleted it, but the underlying criticisms, even if uncivilly phrased,
bore answering.) Even though you probably won't adopt this guys framework,
if you're paid anything at all for programming you'll recover the $40 in
no time with the ideas in that book.

Re: workaround for generating gui tools

2005-04-10 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 13:57:26 +0200, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

>> Domain-specific abstractions do that *faster* than GUI designers, not
>> slower. And better, too, since every iteration tends to be fully
>> functional and not just a "let's see what this looks like" prototype.
> Can you show me some working, in-use example for that?  I _seriously_ doubt
> that the process of rearranging and tuning the layout can be done faster in
> the text-world than with a good designer like qt-designer. But I'm all ears
> for better solutions.

Regrettably, no. I have them but they are all unsharable, either because
the real owner would consider them proprietary, or because they are an
unreleased and at the moment unfinished product I can't give the code out

But I can help some.

Part of the problem is the incredible cognitive disconnect between the
"layout" system of design and the system I'm advocating. You're looking at
your designer and saying something like, "well, if I want to re-order
these two options, it's three drags, even less if there's an 'exchange'
option, how can anything possibly be any easier?" (At least, that's my
guess.) But that is not where the advantage lies.

One of the things I can't show you at the moment is actually written as a
web application using Javascript and mod_perl. It's a bog-standard GUI app
that edits databases, from the surface. SOP for the forms designer
approach is to create a form for each thing that will be edited; in this
case in HTML, but that's not particularly different and you can get form
editors for that, too, if you try.

But even now, we have at least 20 different types of things to edit, and
the full power of databases is at play here; we have foreign keys that may
have an arbitrary number of certain things (customers may have an
arbitrary number of phone numbers, for instance; in practice of course you
won't have 20, but they may have "home", the may have "home + work", the
may have "work + fax", etc.), and a customer's address may actually be in
an Address table, rather than directly in their record. Add up all the
little pieces and at the moment we've got around 100 different types of
things that might need editing, many of which can have arbitrary links to
other things. (Some of these 100 things are just "link tables", SQL tables
that link an ID in one table to an ID in another for many-to-many
relationships and these will not directly be edited, but still there's a
lot of "things" in play here.)

We could try to create a form for each one, and in fact earlier versions
of the system did just that. But that solution sucked, for all of the
reasons I typically rant against these solutions; they rapidly got out of
sync with the database schema, a bug fix in one was a bug fix in no others
(copy and paste code tends to run rampant in this situation, though
technically that's just a tendency, not a requirement), and any but the
most critical enhancements are out of the question because they only
affect a small part of the system.

So, instead, with this new system (note I wasn't involved with the old
system), I do everything with metadata. (Credit where credit is due, the
other programmer was starting to do some of this, though he couldn't quite
take it down to the interface and there are some things I had to add
later.) Every "thing" (class) has a description of what it's made out of,
and what type each of those things are. When I go to edit an instance, the
Javascript pulls down that description, and a description of the instance
(and all of its associated sub-instances), and instead *generates* a form
to edit the object based on what it is made of.

Right now, I'm emulating the old two col approach, labels on the left,
values on the right, but I'll be changing that later. For now, though,
that makes it easy (and like I said, as nice as forms are, having to do
that many they bailed out and went with a standard design). And since I'm
putting these things in by hand, I can also create custom widget types and
use them. (For that, I'm using my XBLinJS library, so you can actually
think of the HTML widgets as having capabilities much like Tkinter
widgets, in that I can subclass from them and make them do domain-specific
things just like Tk.)

Integer value types get integer text boxes; these do not allow you to type
anything but numbers. Floating point is the same way, but adds the .
(although only one). All numeric fields do math within themselves, which
is something that should have been standard for a decade now but
programmers had to actually do something special in their forms to get
it; I get it for the same price as anything else, once I wrote the
code. (By that I mean, type "1+4" in and it will resolve itself to
"5".) That's one of the reasons I rant about this; there is *so much*
functionality like that that ought to be standard because done correctly
it's trivial to plunk the right text widget subclass down if you're
generating the screen, but form designers

Re: workaround for generating gui tools

2005-04-09 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 09 Apr 2005 19:59:18 +0200, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

>> why use data files when you have an extremely powerful programming
>> language in your toolbox?  the advantage of building UI's in Python is
>> that you can quickly create "domain specific UI languages", and use them
>> to generate the interfaces for you.  UI editors may be useful for trivial
>> applications, but if you're doing complex stuff, you sure want domain-
>> specific abstractions.  Python gives you that, XML files don't.
> If you do some creative rearranging of widgets and play around with
> different layouts and geometry managers, a good gui-designer becomes very
> useful.

Domain-specific abstractions do that *faster* than GUI designers, not
slower. And better, too, since every iteration tends to be fully
functional and not just a "let's see what this looks like" prototype.

Heck, switch 'em out dynamically based on what day of the week it is and
how the user feels today. Let's see your GUI-designer do that.

And if you're not used to doing it that way, you'll be *stunned* at how
much stuff tends to factor out and get easily re-used.

An approach that has more data to work with (some idea of what things are
doing and what they are for) will beat an approach with less data ("thing
at row 4, col 2" or, worst case, "thing at 233,144") any day.

GUI designers are like the regexs in the famous jwz quote: "Some people,
when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I'll use a GUI designer'.
Now they have two problems." Both have a niche in the "quick fix"
department, both are typically over-used, but overall regexs are the more
useful of the two; at least there are cases where they are the undisputed
right answer (like defining tokens in a language parser).

Generally, over the first couple of weeks of a project, the
domain-specific language writer may seem to be behind the GUI designer
cranking out screen after screen of templated GUI widgets, but after a
couple of weeks the domain-specific language user will pull into the lead
and never give it up, and will be a lot happier to boot.

Re: Can dictionary values access their keys?

2005-04-08 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 10:33:53 -0600, Matthew Thorley wrote:
> I must say I am *very* suprised that python does not have a way to look
> up what key is pointing to a given object--without scanning the whole
> list that is.

Assuming fairly optimal data structures, nothing is free.

Python chooses not to have bi-directional dicts built in. A good reason
for this is that it is easy to build a two-way dict out of two one-way
dicts, and there's no obvious way to build a "built-in" two-way dict that
is any more efficient than that.

Python chooses to allow all objects potentially to be dict keys, which has
overhead vs. an implementation such as that in Perl that only allows
strings. Either of those is tolerable ultimately, though I do prefer
Python's approach as I key things on objects all the time.

It's all a matter of tradeoffs. Building all the dicts as two-way in
memory consumes twice the memory and twice the processor power for a lot
of situations where the second direction isn't used, so *on average*
that's not a good tradeoff. 

Even though Python doesn't have a built-in way, it is easy to write your
own class that interoperates transparently, and there are many ones you
can grab off the 'net, even given to you in this thread :-)


Re: args attribute of Exception objects

2005-04-08 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 09:32:37 +, SÃbastien de Menten wrote:

> Hi,
> When I need to make sense of a python exception, I often need to parse the 
> string exception in order to retrieve the data.

What exactly are you doing with this info? (Every time I started to do
this, I found a better way. Perhaps one of them will apply for you.)

(As a general comment, I'd point out that you don't have to check the
entire error message; checking for a descriptive substring, while still
not "safe", is at least safe*r*.)

Re: Python sleep doesn't work right in a loop?

2005-04-06 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 12:49:51 -0700, ritterhaus wrote:

> Nope. Does't work. Running Python 2.3.4 on Debian, Linux kernel 2.6. This
> is actually test code for a larger project...
> # flash the selected wx.TextControl
> for flasher in range(4):
> self.textField.SetBackgroundColour(255, 0, 0) time.sleep(0.8)
> self.textField.SetBackgroundColour(255, 255, 223) time.sleep(0.8)
> Even when I add an explicit call to repaint the TextCtrl between each
> sleep, things appear to be 'queued' until after the loop is fnished. Very
> bizarre.

GUIs don't like "time.sleep". All of them come with some sort of "fire a
timing event in X milliseconds and call this handler". Use that instead.

I believe wx's is the wxTimer class, and the wxFutureCall class looks

If you want to maintain the same basic calling structure, start playing
games with generators; you can write the same function with "yield", and
then call .next() on an iterator every time the timeout triggers. Best of
both worlds.


Re: unittest vs py.test?

2005-04-04 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 22:50:35 +, John J. Lee wrote:
> What I don't understand about py.test (and trying it out seems
> unlikely to answer this) is why it uses the assert statement.
> unittest used to do that, too, but then it was pointed out that that
> breaks when python -O is used, so unittest switched to self.assert_
> &c.  Does py.test have some way around that?

"Don't use -O because it doesn't do anything significant?"

Is this an issue in practice? (Honest question.) If -O did something
interesting I might use it, but I don't think it does. 


Re: testing -- what to do for testing code with behaviour dependant upon which files exist?

2005-04-04 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:02:20 -0400, Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Jeremy suggested using a directory name akin to 
> "C:\onlyanidiotwouldhavethisdirecotrynameonadrive". That is what I had 
> settled on before I posted. Somehow it feels unhappy and inelegant. 
> But, I'm a bit less uncomfortable with it seeing that others have done 
> so, too.

To be clear, I would actually suggest
"onlyanidiotwouldhavethisdirecotrynameonadrive"... note the lack of C:\,
which would be platform specific, as would any other root specification.
Take advantage of the fact that every system I know of makes relative
directories easy, and also note you can work out what directory the
"current file" is in with a combination of __file__ and os.getcwd() (and
that while that won't work if someone changes the working directory,
that's bad form and IIRC breaks some other things in Python as well, so
don't do that). 

Making it a relative directory may make it look just as bad, but it is in
some sense somewhat less inelegant; at that point, if someone is creating
that directory in the test directory of your app, they're just fooling
with you, and you don't really have to worry about people who maliciously
make your unit tests fail under most circumstances... :-)

Re: testing -- what to do for testing code with behaviour dependant upon which files exist?

2005-04-02 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 15:30:13 -0500, Brian van den Broek wrote:
> So, how does one handle such cases with tests?

When I had a similar situation, I created a directory for testing that was
in a known state, and tested on that. If you can test based on a relative
directory, that should work OK.

Non-existant paths shouldn't be too hard to come up with; hardcoding a
constant relative dir of


FAM and Python? (was Re: How To Do It Faster?!?)

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 02:02:31 +0200, andrea_gavana wrote:

> Hello Jeremy & NG,
> Every user of thsi big directory works on big studies regarding oil fields.
> Knowing the amount of data (and number of files) we have to deal with 
> (produced
> by simulators, visualization tools, and so on) and knowing that users are
> usually lazy in doing clean up of unused/old files, this is a way for one
> of us to "fast" scan all the directories and identify which files belong
> to him. Having them in an organized, size-sorted wxPython list, the user
> can decide if he want to delete some files (that almost surely he forgot
> even that they exist...) or not. It is easy as a button click (retrieve
> the data-->delete the files).

Got it. A good idea!

>>Here's an idea to sort of come at the problem from a different angle. Can
>>you run something on the file server itself, and use RPC to access it?
> I don't even know what is RPC... I have to look at it.

RPC stands for "remote procedure call". The idea is that you do something
that looks like a normal function call, except it happens on a remote
server. Complexity varies widely.

Given your situation, and if running something on the UNIX server is a
possibility, I'd recommend downloading and playing with Pyro; it is Python
specific, so I think it would be the best thing for you, being powerful,
well integrated with Python, and easy to use.

Then, on your client machine in Windows, ultimately you'd make some sort
of call to your server like

fileList = server.getFileList(user)

and you'd get the file list for that user, returning whatever you want for
your app; a list of tuples, objects, whatever you want. Pyro will add no
constraints to your app.

> I am not sure if my new explanation fits with your last information... as
> above, I didn't even know about fam... I've read a little, but probably
> I am too newbie to see a link between it and my scope. Do you think it exists?
> It would be nice to have something that tracks the file status on all the
> file system, but probably is a LOT of work wrt what my app should be able
> to do.

Maybe, maybe not. I've never used FAM. Perhaps someone who has can chime
in about the ease of use; I've changed the subject to try to attract such
a person. It also depends on if FAM works on your UNIX.

My point is that you can do one scan at startup (can't avoid this), but
then as the file system monitor tells you that a change has occurred, you
update your data structures to account for the change. That way, your data
is always in sync. (For safety's sake, you might set the server to
terminate itself and re-start every night.) Since it's always in sync, you
can send this data back instead of scanning the file system.

At this point, my suggestion would be to consider whether you want to
spend the effort to speed it up like this, which is something only you
(and presumably your managers) are in a position to know, given that you
have an existing tool (at least, you seem to speak like you have a
functional tool). If you do, then I'd take some time and work a bit with
Pyro and FAM, and *then* re-evaluate where you stand. By then you'll
probably be able to ask better questions, too, and like I said above,
perhaps someone will share their experiences with FAM.

Good luck, and have fun; seriously, that's important here.

Re: How To Do It Faster?!?

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 01:00:34 +0200, andrea_gavana wrote:

> Hello Jeremy & NG,
> ...
> I hope to have been clearer this time...
> I really welcome all your suggestions.

Yes, clearer, though I still don't know what you're *doing* with that data :-)

Here's an idea to sort of come at the problem from a different angle. Can
you run something on the file server itself, and use RPC to access it?

The reason I mention this is a lot of UNIXes have an API to detect file
changes live; for instance, google "python fam". It would be easy to hook
something up to scan the files at startup and maintain your totals live,
and then use one of the many extremely easy Python RPC mechanisms to
request the data as the user wants it, which would most likely come back
at network speeds (fast).

This would be orders of magnitude faster, and no scanning system could
compete with it.

Re: Help with splitting

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 18:01:49 -0500, Brian Beck wrote:
> py> from itertools import groupby
> py> [''.join(g) for k, g in groupby('  test ing ', lambda x: x.isspace())]
> ['  ', 'test', ' ', 'ing', ' ']
> I tried replacing the lambda thing with an attrgetter, but apparently my 
> understanding of that isn't perfect... it groups by the identify of the 
> bound method instead of calling it...

Unfortunately, as you pointed out, it is slower:

python -s 
"import re; x = 'a ab c' * 1000; whitespaceSplitter = re.compile('(\w+)')"


100 loops, best of 3: 9.47 msec per loop

python -s
"from itertools import groupby; x = 'a ab c' * 1000;" 

"[''.join(g) for k, g in groupby(x, lambda y: y.isspace())]"

10 loops, best of 3: 65.8 msec per loop

(tried to break it up to be easier to read)

But I like yours much better theoretically. It's also a pretty good demo
of "groupby".

Re: that is it is not it (logic in Python)

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 22:01:25 +, F. Petitjean wrote:

> Le Fri, 1 Apr 2005 13:39:47 -0500, Terry Reedy a Ãcrit :
>> This is equivalent to '(that is it) and (it is not it)' which is clearly 
>> false.
>>> False   # What ?
>> Reread the ref manual on chained comparison operators.
> And see the date of the post :-)
> that is it  isn't it ?

Nope, nothing to do with it. Read the ref manual on chained comparision

For proof, run the given code in the original post. It's not faked in the
slightest, and the manual holds the key to understanding.

Re: Help with splitting

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 14:20:51 -0800, RickMuller wrote:

> I'm trying to split a string into pieces on whitespace, but I want to
> save the whitespace characters rather than discarding them.
> For example, I want to split the string '12' into ['1','','2'].
> I was certain that there was a way to do this using the standard string
> functions, but I just spent some time poring over the documentation
> without finding anything.

importPython 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> whitespaceSplitter = re.compile("(\w+)")
>>> whitespaceSplitter.split("1 2  3   \t\n5")
['', '1', ' ', '2', '  ', '3', '   \t\n', '5', '']
>>> whitespaceSplitter.split(" 1 2  3   \t\n5 ")
[' ', '1', ' ', '2', '  ', '3', '   \t\n', '5', ' ']

Note the null strings at the beginning and end if there are no instances
of the split RE at the beginning or end. Pondering the second invocation
should show why they are there, though darned if I can think of a good way
to put it into words.

Re: decorator syntax polling suggestion

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 16:52:52 -0500, Jeremy Bowers wrote:
Oops, sorry, some "send later" messages I thought were gone got sent.
Sorry. Didn't mean to revive dead threads.


Re: decorator syntax polling suggestion

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 16:49:53 +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> The
> people who hate pie-decorators post a _lot_ - most people seem to either
> not care, or else post once or twice and then disappear.

I just posted on another mailing list about how posting the same message,
over and over, is fundamentally offensive; it implies the belief, from
whatever the source, that the poster needs to "show you the light" and if
they just keep pounding on it, they'll eventually blast through your
ignorance. People who internalize this will not look loud in a debate, so
it is important to not just look at volume. 

(My call: Hated it at first, waded through the arguments and alternatives,
now agree with the syntax as is.)

Re: How To Do It Faster?!?

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:38:34 +0200, andrea.gavana wrote:

> Hello NG,
>   in my application, I use os.walk() to walk on a BIG directory. I
>   need
> to retrieve the files, in each sub-directory, that are owned by a
> particular user. Noting that I am on Windows (2000 or XP), this is what I
> do:

You should *try* directly retrieving the relevant information from the OS,
instead of spawning a "dir" process. I have no idea how to do that and it
will probably require the win32 extensions for Python.

After that, you're done. Odds are you'll be disk bound. In fact, you may
get no gain if Windows is optimized enough that the process you describe
below is *still* disk-bound.

Your only hope then is two things:

* Poke around in the Windows API for a function that does what you want,
and hope it can do it faster due to being in the kernel.

* Somehow work this out to be lazy so it tries to grab what the user is
looking at, instead of absolutely everything. Whether or not this will
work depends on your application. If you post more information about how
you are using this data, I can try to help you. (I've had some experience
in this domain, but what is good heavily depends on what you are doing.
For instance, if you're batch processing a whole bunch of records after
the user gave a bulk command, there's not much you can do. But if they're
looking at something in a Windows Explorer-like tree view, there's a lot
you can do to improve responsiveness, even if you can't speed up the
process overall.)

Re: Pseudocode in the wikipedia

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 16:02:53 -0500, Gabriel Cooper wrote:
> Ron_Adam wrote:
>>To me ":=" could mean to create a copy of an object...  or should it
>>be "=:" ?
>>Or how about ":=)" to mean is equal and ":=(" to mean it's not.
>>Then there is ";=)", to indicate 'True', and ':=O' to indicate 'False'
> Not to mention "(_ | _)" for asserts!

Your ass is your identity function.

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 25
>>> (_ | _)

There's clearly some interesting biometrics research to be done here,
although there is a well-known ass-capturing attack based on readily
commercially available machines from Xerox that might make it hard to make
an ass-based identity system resistant to attacks.

Re: try / except not worknig correctly

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 17:06:17 -0800,
'@'.join([..join(['fred','dixon']),..join(['gmail','com'])]) wrote:

I'd also suggest

validInput = "ABCDEFGHIJKL" # and there are more clever ways to do this,
# but this will do

myInput = raw_input(" ".join(validInput) + "?")
if len(myInput) != 1:
# do whatever
if myInput not in validInput:
raise ValueError("Input not in legal input: " + validInput)

Obviously not a drop-in replacement for your code, but ought to clean it
up a little. 

Re: Decorater inside a function? Is there a way?

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 19:56:55 +, Ron_Adam wrote:

> On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:47:06 -0500, Jeremy Bowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>Is this an April Fools gag? If so, it's not a very good one as it's quite
>>in line with the sort of question I've seen many times before. "I have
>>a hammer, how do I use it to inflate my tire?"
> Not an April fools gag, I'm just new to decorators and google brings
> up lots of discussions from the past on how they may be implemented in
> the future, but not much in actually how they work or how to use them.

OK, just checking :-)

A decorator is completely equivalent in principle to

def function():
function = decorator(function)

That's a simplified form; decorators can themselves be an expression which
returns a callable that can be applied to a function and the rule for
applying several in sequence work as you'd expect (pipelining earlier
results into later ones, making for a great Obfuscated Python entry or
two based on the "function name misdirection" trick), but this simplified
form captures the essense, which is what I think you're looking for. In
particular, it's just "syntax sugar", not a "special feature".

> I'm trying to understand the use's, limits, and possibilities of
> decorators.
> It just occurred to me that wrapping the contents of a function vs
> wrapping the function it's self, could be useful.

Decorators, literally, can only wrap functions. You can write a wrapper
then that does something to the arguments, which people sometimes do, but
you can't directly "wrap" the arguments. 

Note, having shown you how decorators work, you can "manually" apply the
decorator yourself:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import string
>>> string._join = string.join
>>> def joinWrap(*args, **kwargs):
... print args, kwargs
... return "My Wrapper", string._join(*args, **kwargs)
>>> string.join = joinWrap
>>> string.join(["1","2","3"], "|")
My Wrapper (['1', '2', '3'], '|') {}

So, whatever it is you are trying can do can still be done without the
decorator syntax, and *this* is not unheard of, though managing the
references correctly can be tricky the first few times if you're not used
to it. (Note the replaced function (join in this example) can go anywhere
the wrapper can get at it, I just stick it back in the original module for
simplicity.) It's not the first thing I reach for, in fact in all my
testing code I don't think I ever do this, but it is in the toolbox.

Do this instead of abusing the decorator syntax; you could write a
decorator that tries to figure out if it's being run in a testing
environment and conditionally affects the function, but that's probably a
bad idea.

Feeling-like-I-owed-you-an-answer-after-the-april-fool-accusation-ly yrs,
Jeremy Bowers

Re: Decorater inside a function? Is there a way?

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 18:30:56 +, Ron_Adam wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to test function arguments by adding a
> decorator.

The rest of your message then goes on to vividly demonstrate why
decorators make for a poor test technique.

Is this an April Fools gag? If so, it's not a very good one as it's quite
in line with the sort of question I've seen many times before. "I have
a hammer, how do I use it to inflate my tire?"

Assuming you're serious, why not use one of the many testing technologies
actually designed for it, and tap into the associated body of knowledge on
how to accomplish various tasks? Start with what you're trying to do, then
work on how to do it. 

Re: unittest vs py.test?

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 16:42:30 +, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> FWIW, the evolution of py.test is to also work seemlessly with existing tests
> from the unittest module.

Is this true now, or is this planned? 

I read(/skimmed) the docs for py.test when you linked to the project, but
I don't recall seeing that. Certainly some of the features made me drool
but I have an investment in unittest. If I can relatively easily port them
over, I'd love to use py.test. (I don't care about a small per-file
change, it'd probably be one I can automate anyhow. But I can't afford to
re-write every test.) I didn't see anything like this in the docs, but I
may have missed it.

That'd be cool.

Re: Lambda: the Ultimate Design Flaw

2005-04-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 23:30:42 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:

> Daniel Silva wrote:
>> Shriram Krishnamurthi has just announced the following elsewhere; it might
>> be of interest to c.l.s, c.l.f, and c.l.p:
> April Fool's Day again, eh?

Yes and no. In the Python community, we're taking all of that pretty
seriously. The scheme community may not seriously be thinking of getting
rid of those things, but it's hardly impossible that some people think it
might be better off without it.

Re: html tags and python

2005-03-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 18:07:01 -0800, EP wrote:
> Then... about the time you start to try to build a real application with
> JavaScript, it will start to drive you mad... and you will have a new,
> greater affection for Python.

Actually, if you dig into it really hard, it's not bad. In fact of all the
languages I know, Javascript is probably the closest to Python circa 1.5.2
that I can think of. Not identical, and it doesn't have *any* of the later
nice things in Python (metaclasses, descriptors, list comprehensions,
etc.), the OO can be clumsy (though it is fairly functional), and there
are inconveniences that I really wish I could make go away, but it's not
too bad.

(The worst being that 

for (var something in someArray) {}

gives you the *indices* of the array, not the values, so the next line is
almost always

  var theActualStinkingValue = someArray[something];


The DOM is clumsy, but for any given browser not to bad. The *differences*
in the DOMs from browser to browser are what kill you. And of course, no
real "libraries".

Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-26 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 15:42:03 +, Tim Tyler wrote:
> I very much favour the smalltalk-inspired idea of keeping the actual
> language as small as is reasonably possible.
> I wonder if there are any promising new kids on the dynamic
> scripting-language block that I haven't heard about yet - i.e. things not
> on:

Personally, I'm holding off on any more exploration of dynamic languages
until they all settle on a single VM that they all can run on. The problem
that a new language faces is that it will have a sucky library, and I use
things like Tk or other graphical toolkits for *everything*. 

Once you can write a new language and still pull in the entire Python
library (and, ideally, the entire Ruby, Perl, and who knows what else
library), then I think it will be more interesting for me to search out
other languages.

My next language to learn will probably be C#. (On Mono, though.)

Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-25 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:31:33 -0800, James Stroud wrote:
> Now, what happened to the whitespace idea here? This code seems very
> unpythonic. I think : is great for slices and lamda where things go on one
> line, but to require it to specify the start of a block of code seems a
> little perlish.

It depends. Are you looking to eliminate punctuation entirely, or strike a
proper balance?

Yes, it's a loaded question, but yes, it reflects reality. 

Go look at a few hundred lines of Python code. Strip the colons off of the
end. Barring the

if bleh: something()

one-liners*, it starts to look like a giant run on sentence to me.

That's the native English speaker in me, but still, the historic trend was
to add some punctuation as soon as technology made it non-burdensome. You
don't *need* vowels in written text, either, but I see you and your
language using them.

Readability counts.
... practicality beats purity.

Dropping the colon would just be getting silly.

*: Where the colon *is* necessary; you need *something* to
delimit the condition from the action, we've discussed this in the past
but here's an example:

if (a)(b)(c) 

can be

if (a):(b)(c)
if (a)(b):(c)

Re: Suggestions for a Java programmer

2005-03-24 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 00:22:09 -0800, Ray wrote:
> Can you point me to "Python for Java Programmers" resources? I found one
> blog, but that only touched the tip of the iceberg, I feel. I know that as
> I use Python more and read more books and read how experienced Python
> programmers code, eventually I'll find it out. But I'd like to expedite
> that process if possible. What are your suggestions?

Also don't be afraid to post a "this ought to be easier" post here. While
it will most like rapidly turn into an unofficial contest for regulars to
post the niftiest solution, the first few messages will be helpful, and
you'll leave Google fodder for future people with that concern. And
besides, the contest might teach you several other things as well.
Basically, everybody wins :-)

Re: setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:35:34 +0100, kramb64 wrote:

> I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
> From outside a module it's easy:
> import spam
> name="hello"
> value=1
> setattr(spam, name, value)
> But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
> pass to setattr as first argument?
> Thanks a lot for your time.
> Marco.

As others point out, 


I find myself doing this more and more, not less, as I get further into
Python; autogenerating many similar functions, pulling constants from an
external source, stuff like that, usually very meta and every instinct
says its the right thing to do. 

Maybe we should have a __module__ attribute that is a reference to the
current module? sys.modules[__name__] is a little obtuse.


Limerick (was: Re: Text-to-speech)

2005-03-20 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 16:18:14 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
> Since it's PyCon week, I will offer a prize of $100 to the best (in my 
> opinion) limerick about Python posted to this list (with a Cc: to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]) before midday on Friday. The prize money will be my 
> own, so there are no other rules. I will post my judgment when the PyCon 
> nonsense has died down a little, but the winner will be read before the 
> entire PyCon audience. Get to it!
> regards
>   Steve

Practicality beats purity,
Errors should never pass silently.
Sparse is better than dense,
Flat is better than nest,
Beautiful is better than ugly.

No cc because A: I'm not really serious and B: Tim Peters would have to
get some credit for that. :-) Probably ought to add a C: While I think
that does mostly rhyme, it is pretty loose; not much source material to
work with.

Re: Changing the Keyboard output

2005-03-20 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 19:30:05 +, Abdul Hafiz al-Muslim wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to Python and still learning.
> I am looking for a way to change the keyboard output within Tkinter - for
> example, say I press "p" and I want to come out as "t".
> Could anyone point me in the right direction?

I'm pretty certain this is not possible in the general case.

One of my persistent pet peeves with GUI toolkits is that it is not
possible to insert your own arbitrary events into the toolkit and get the
toolkit to do *exactly* what it would have done if it had received that
event. While I believe Tk has a "post event" method, it only posts user
events, I do not think you can post system events.

This would completely change the testability and programmability of all
GUI toolkits, radically improving them for agile development... but that's
another rant.

Meanwhile, you've got two options, depending on what you are trying to
do, what platform you are on, and whether you control the target system.
You could actually re-map the keyboard, which all major OSs support,
although that may be too drastic. You could register two event handlers to
the same handling function, so that both "p" and "t" go to the same place.

Finally, if you're working with a Text widget, and you want a "t" to come
out when users press "p", what you do is capture the "p" event (either by
registering "p" or ""), insert a "t" at the INSERT point, move the
INSERT event forward if you have to, and then cancel the key event by
returning "break". Basically, you are implementing the keypress handler
manually. (To fully emulate the keypress, consider if you want to emulate
the behavior where a keypress destroys the highlighted range, in which
case you need to look at SEL too.) This is a pain, and there are a lot of
cases to cover, but it can be done.


Re: Pre-PEP: Dictionary accumulator methods

2005-03-20 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 20:07:40 -0800, Kay Schluehr wrote:
> It is bad OO design, George. I want to be a bit more become more
> specific on this and provide an example:

Having thought about this for a bit, I agree it is a powerful
counter-argument and in many other languages I'd consider this a total win.

But this is Python, and frankly, I've overridden dict more than once and
violated the Liskov substitution principle without thinking twice. (Once,
oh yes, but not twice.) Of course, all the code was under my control then.

I think the tipping point for me depends on how the interfaces in Python
are going to be implemented, which I haven't dug into. If the dict class
gets an interface definition, can I subclass from dict and "cancel" (or
some other term) the interface I inherited? 

If so, then this might still be OK, although if interfaces aren't going to
confuse newbies enough, wait 'till we try to explain that their code is
blowing up because they forgot to "cancel" their interface, and they
can't *really* pass their subclass in to something expecting a dict
interface. If you *can't* cancel or downgrade the interface, then I'd say
this argument is still good; dict should be kept minimal and this should
go in a subclass.

Re: Why tuple with one item is no tuple

2005-03-16 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 17:28:51 -0800, James Stroud wrote:

> On Wednesday 16 March 2005 04:45 pm, Robert Kern wrote:
>> > This would be very unambiguous.
>> Not entirely.
>> > Then, the purity would manifest itself the naked comma being an empty
>> > tuple. Think about the zen of:
>> >
>> > Â Â,
>> Is that a tuple or grit on my monitor? Â:-)
> OK, OK, I'll give up on the commas. Maybe we should just use dollar signs :?

No, using symbols like that is bad. Clearly we need a new parser constant,

We will, of course, have to forbid assigning any other name to that
constant (more language changes) so that people don't start creating their
own inconsistent name... *especially* shorter ones.

Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-16 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 16:35:57 -0600, Mike Meyer wrote:
> The real problem is that newbies won't know which features are "meta"
> features best left to experts, and which features are ok for everyday
> programmers to use.
> We recently saw a thread (couldn't find it in google groups) where
> some was trying to write decorators that would add a variable to a
> functions local namespace. When they actually stated the problem, it
> was a problem trivially solved by inheriting behavior, and that OO
> solution was what the OP finally adopted. But most of a week got
> wasted chasing a "solution" that should never have been investigated
> in the first place.

This isn't a new problem, and I'm not convinced it even makes it worse.
We (speaking broadly) have had to ask "No, what is it you are trying to
*do*?" for a long time. Whether the 'newbie' is reaching for decorators to
add a variable, trying to use lambdas to print, or trying to use XML-RPC
to make calls to local functions, the newbie who is going to ask "How do I
do this wrong thing?" isn't going to be affected either way by the
addition or removal of metaclasses, or much of anything else.

Is this arguable? Yes, absolutely, and I think none of us have the data
to prove this one way or the other. But a priori it is not obvious that
adding a few more possible mistakes to the already effectively infinite
set of them is necessary going to trap anybody who wasn't going to get
trapped on something else.

Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-15 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 03:21:48 -0800, Paul Boddie wrote:
> Well, I've been using Python for almost ten years, and I've managed to
> deliberately ignore descriptors and metaclasses quite successfully. I get
> the impression that descriptors in particular are a detail of the
> low-level implementation that get a disproportionate level of coverage
> because of the "hack value" they can provide (albeit with seemingly
> inappropriate application to certain problem areas).

I kept playing with descriptors, and tearing them out of production code,
but I finally figured out how to "think" of them, I think. 

You want to create a descriptor for a type of "property()" that you keep
using over and over again. If it's a one-off, use a property and be done
with it. If you find yourself writing the same property over and over
again, having access to the descriptor itself lets you factor it out so
you can write it Once and Only Once (IMHO the highest of all programming
laws^H^H^H^H^H rules of thumb).

I went a long time before I came up with a use case for that, but now I
have one where I want an attribute to fire an event in a particular manner
every time it is changed. Rather than write a read function and a write
function for each attribute (or try to hack it with closures or other
arcane enchantments), it was easy to pack it up as a descriptor. It's a
little too large to just copy and paste, but the upshot is that I can use
it just like this:

class Whatever(object):
name = EmitOnChange("nameChange", "_name")

and that will fire a "nameChange" event into my event system every time
someone modifies "name", and the "real" value is stored in _name.
(Obviously, I use it more than this once in the real code.)

This may not be the best way to look at it from the C point of view, but I
think it's a good way to look at it from the Python point of view. It
probably is pretty rare that you need this, but it's there.

Re: Jython Phone Interview Advice

2005-03-15 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 03:21:19 -0800, George Jempty wrote:
> I'm noticing that Javascript's array/"hash" literal syntax is EXACTLY the
> same as that for Python lists/dictionaries.

No it isn't, quite.

Two differences of note, one literally syntax and one technically not but
you probably still want to know about it. 

First, Javascript objects can only use strings for keys, anything used as
a key will be converted to a string. Try this in your browser and you'll
see what I mean... the "instance" of the "class" I define (let's not get
into prototyping issues here :-) ) has its string value used as the key,
not the object:

javascript:function a(){}; a.prototype.toString = function () {return
'q';}; b = new a(); c = {}; c[b] = 1; alert(c['q'])

(All one line, if your browser objects to the newline.)

The other is the syntax point: The strings you use in {} expressions to
denote keys are used literally, they are not resolved. Thus, in the above
I *had* to write

c = {};
c[b] = 1;

Because had I written 

c = {b: 1}

I would have ended up with an object where c['b'] == 1; Javascript does
not resolve the "expression", 'cause it isn't one. 

(That said, certain reserved words like "class" and such do have to be
quoted, which means the safe bet is to quote them all, which leads to
Javascript objects that look identical to Python dicts. But 

{1+2: "moo"}

will end up different in each language.}

Danger danger danger!


Re: how to delete the close button (the X on the right most corner of the window) on a window

2005-03-13 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 09:25:43 -0800, jrlen balane wrote:

> i am working on an MDIParentFrame and MDIChildFrame. Now, what i want
> to do is make the ChildFrame not that easy to close by removing the
> close button (the X on the right most corner of the window) if this is
> possible...
> how am i going to do this?

Why is this a Python question?

(This isn't just a snide comment; it matters what you're doing to know
what to say. And of course, if you're not using Python, you're in the
wrong place...)


Re: dinamically altering a function

2005-03-12 Thread Jeremy Bowers
> What i want is to declare in the decorator some code that is common to all
> these functions, so the functions assume that the decorator will be there
> and wont need to duplicate the code provided by it, and the functions are
> not known ahead of time, it has to be dynamic.

This sounds like a call for a Pythonic varient on the Template pattern:

class Root(object):
def __init__(self):
self.dataChunk = 22 # or whatever

class Child(Root):
def __call__(self):
print self.dataChunk

>>> c = Child()
>>> c()

Don't be put off by the "OO"-ness here, it acts just like a function
thanks to __call__, and behind the scenes you get full OO support for your

I strongly suspect this is the best solution to your problem, not a
decorator. Note whatever you are doing to create the functions can be done
in other ways, especially note that "class" statements are executed, not
declarations, for instance:

>>> import operator
>>> class Root(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.op1 = 22   
... self.op2 = 44
>>> funcs = []
>>> for op in operator.add, operator.sub, operator.pow:
... def newfunc(self, basefunc = op):
... print basefunc(self.op1, self.op2)
... class New(Root):
... __call__ = newfunc
... funcs.append(New)
>>> funcs # show the classes
[, , ]
>>> [x() for x in funcs]  # show the new "functions"
[<__main__.New object at 0xb7e78bcc>, <__main__.New object at 0xb7e78e4c>, <__ma
in__.New object at 0xb7e78ecc>]
>>> [x()() for x in funcs]  # call each of the functions, note no return
[None, None, None]

Upshot is, with a bit of creativity this can do whatever you want, in
conjection with dynamically-created classes, no bytecode hacks, no really
weird decorators, just standard OO and __call__.

Re: Add Properties to Instances?

2005-03-12 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 09:48:42 -0800, Martin Miller wrote:

> I'm trying to create some read-only instance specific properties, but the
> following attempt didn't work:

I'm going to echo Steven's comment: "What's the situation in which you
think you want different properties for different instances of the same

Another thought would be a custom __setattr__ and a bit of support:

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar  3 2005, 17:32:12) 
[GCC 3.4.3  (Gentoo Linux 3.4.3, ssp-3.4.3-0, pie-] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sets
>>> class ReadOnlyAttributes(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.__dict__['_readOnly'] = sets.Set()
... def addReadOnly(self, key, value):
... setattr(self, key, value)
... self._readOnly.add(key)
... def __setattr__(self, key, value):
... if key in self._readOnly:
... raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
... self.__dict__[key] = value
>>> r = ReadOnlyAttributes()
>>> r.a = 22
>>> r.a
>>> r.a = 23
>>> r.a
>>> r.addReadOnly("a", 22)
>>> r.a
>>> r.a = 23
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 9, in __setattr__
AttributeError: can't set attribute
>>> r.addReadOnly("a", 23)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 5, in addReadOnly
  File "", line 9, in __setattr__
AttributeError: can't set attribute

I don't guarantee this completely fits the bill but I'm sure you can adapt
it from here. 

Also note that, strictly speaking, you can't make a "true" read-only
attribute, only one that alerts a programmer if they try the simple way.
In a pure-Python object, there is always a way in. This shouldn't worry
you if you're using Python ("We're all consenting adults here"), but you
should also be aware of that. That said, this is certainly useful in the
real world.

Re: Adapting code to multiple platforms

2005-03-11 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 17:27:06 -0700, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> Most of my program lives in a class.  My plan is to have a superclass
> that performs the generic functions and subclasses to define methods
> specific to each platform
> I'm just getting up to speed on Python and OOP, so I'm wondering whether I
> have missed something obvious.  I'm hoping that the strongest rebuke
> would be that I found something obvious.

You may be interested to know this is called the Template Pattern.

Generally, while most of the patterns are obvious in hindsight they are
not necessarily obvious in advance, and I consider independently
re-discovering a pattern is a good sign; it's much easier to correct not
knowing about them than gaining the skills to independently re-derive them.

Re: a RegEx puzzle

2005-03-11 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 08:38:36 -0500, Charles Hartman wrote:

> I'm still shaky on some of sre's syntax. Here's the task: I've got 
> strings (never longer than about a dozen characters) that are 
> guaranteed to be made only of characters 'x' and '/'. In each string I 
> want to find the longest continuous stretch of pairs whose first 
> character is 'x' and the second is either mark. So if marks = 
> '/xx/xxx///', the "winning" stretch begins at position 2 and is 6 
> characters long ('x/xxx/')

I don't think regexes are a good match for this task. They just aren't
optimized for this very well.

Here's what I have, though I don't know if it's *exactly* what you want:

def xCounter(s, initialOffset):
offset = initialOffset
count = 0
slen = len(s)
while s[offset] == 'x':
count = count + 1
offset += 2
if offset > slen:
return count, s[initialOffset:offset]

def longestRun(s):
return max([xCounter(s, i) for i in range(len(s))])[1]

In other words, start at all the positions and find the max, sort of "by

(In particular, I don't know how this will handle two runs of equal size,
if it will prefer the first or the last. I don't know how *you* handle
that, either, so I'm not sweating it for now. If you clarify this I can
help, the easiest way is to add another number into the tuple that
xCounter generates for max to work on.) 

This is not optimized, and if you're processing millions of these, this
may be too slow. What I'd suggest is that if this isn't fast enough,
memoize the function, i.e., with this:

longestRunResults = {}

def memoizedLongestRun(s):
return longestRunResults[s]
except KeyError: pass

result = longestRun(s)
longestRunResults[s] = result
return result

You'll probably want to change the names of things to better fit.

This will get you the benefits of pre-computation without paying the
up-front costs (you only compute what you need, not all possible
combinations), and this ought to be plenty fast to process a whole lotta
data really quickly.

(This is a great example of why readable code can be more important than
fast code; the speedup can be added later, it's more important that you
can satisfy yourself that the code is correct, and a "clever" algorithm
might make that hard.)

Re: yield_all needed in Python

2005-03-03 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 20:47:42 +, Paul Moore wrote:
> This can probably be tidied up and improved, but it may be a
> reasonable workaround for something like the original example.

This is why even though in some sense I'd love to see yield *expr, I can't
imagine it's going to get into the language itself; it's too easy to do it
yourself, or provide a library function to do it (which would A: Be a lot
easier if we had some sort of "iterable" interface support and B: Be a
great demonstration of something useful that really needs protocol support
to come off right, because isinstance(something, GeneratorType) isn't
sufficient in general).

Abstractly I like the star syntax, but concretely I'm not a big fan of
adding something to the language that can be done right now with a fairly
short function/generator and hardly even any extra keystrokes to invoke it
when done right, and that overrides my abstract appreciation.

Re: yield_all needed in Python

2005-03-02 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 22:54:14 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Douglas Alan wrote:
>> Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>Guido has generally observed a parsimony about the introduction of
>>>features such as the one you suggest into Python, and in particular
>>>he is reluctant to add new keywords - even in cases like decorators
>>>that cried out for a keyword rather than the ugly "@" syntax.
>> In this case, that is great, since I'd much prefer
>>yield *gen1(arg)
> If you do write a PEP, try to get genexp syntax supported by the yield 
> keyword.
> That is, the following currently triggers a syntax error:
>def f():
>  yield x for x in gen1(arg)


At first I liked this, but the reason that is a syntax error is that it is
"supposed" to be

def f():
yield (x for x in gen1(arg))

which today on 2.4 returns a generator instance which will in turn
yield one generator instance from the genexp, and I am quite uncomfortable
with the difference between the proposed behaviors with and without the

Which sucks, because at first I really liked it :-)

We still would need some syntax to say "yield this 'in place' rather than
as an object".

Moreover, since "yield" is supposed to be analogous to "return", what does

return x for x in gen1(arg)

do? Both "it returns a list" and "it returns a generator" have some
arguments in their favor.

And I just now note that any * syntax, indeed, any syntax at all will
break this.

You know, given the marginal gains this gives anyway, maybe it's best off
to just observe that in the event that this is really important, it's
possible to hand-code the short-circuiting without too much work, and let
people write a recipe or something.

def genwrap(*generators):
while generators:
returnedValue = generators[-1].next()
if hasattr(returnedValue, 'next'):
yield returnedValue
except StopIteration:

Not tested at all because the wife is calling and I gotta go :-)


Re: yield_all needed in Python

2005-03-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 12:42:51 -0600, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> yield 

yield *



Re: compatbility of .pyc files

2005-02-22 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 13:31:12 +1300, Blair Hall wrote:

> I have a requirement to prevent 'accidental' tampering
> with some software written in Python. If I ensure that all
> of the modules concerned are compiled into .pyc's, and remove
> the .py's to another location, then I should be safe until
> the next upgrade of the Python interpretter.

Depending on how "scare quote-y" the scare quotes are, if you're really
out to avoid accidental tampering, why not just set the *.py files to

Beyond that you get into rapidly diminishing returns; removing the .py
files is feasible if you have some semblance of control over the
interpreter, beyond that and you're usually better off with a binding
legal agreement.

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:14:55 +1100, wrote:
> I always wished computer science was more engineering then philosophy. 
> That way there'd always be an obvious answer.

I hear that!

To be fair, computer *science* is more like mathematics than philosophy;
once a correctly-framed question has been asked there is only one answer,
or at least the answers are definite, or definite in their indefiniteness.
(For the most part.) 

We're programming here though, and there we are groping through the
formless void, arguing about whether my infinitesimal is better than your

Sorry, I was Zenning it out too, I guess. :-)

By the way, just to be clear, my infinitesimal's dad can beat up your
infinitesimal's dad any day of the week.

(Looks like the Zen mood has passed...)

Re: Help with research

2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:51:47 -0800, elena wrote:
> I can go to my friends, however it occurred to me that it might be
> better to post in a newsgroup and get a larger, more diverse, and
> random sample. 

Larger, yes, more diverse, yes, more random, probably not in the
statistical/scientific sense. Caveat emptor.

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 14:00:59 -0700, Dave Benjamin wrote:

> Jeremy Bowers wrote:
>> I'd point out that the Zen that can be comprehended by checking off items
>> in a list is not the true Zen.
> The Zen that can be imported is not the eternal Zen. =)

Yes, there is that too. :-)

Re: Why doesn't join() call str() on its arguments?

2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 01:19:44 +1100, wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer. Let's see how many zen points are for the OP's 
> idea vs against

Along with the fact that I agree with Nick that you've seriously
miscounted (most of your "fors" are simply irrelevant and I think you
added them to bolster your point, at least I *hope* you don't think they
are all relevant... for instance if you really think "Flat is better than
nested" applies here, you don't understand what that one is saying...),
I'd point out that the Zen that can be comprehended by checking off items
in a list is not the true Zen.

Re: namespace collisions

2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 18:20:36 +, Will McGugan wrote:
> I'm accumulating a number of small functions, which I have sensibly put 
> in a single file called ''. But it occurs to me that with such a 
> generic name it could cause problems with other modules not written by 
> myself. Whats the best way of handling this? If I put it in a common 
> location in my Python path, should I call it

Yes, something like that would be best. Two modules with the same name can
cause problems because once one is imported, the other will never be;
'import' just returns the first out of the cache.

Looking on my system, I see 6 "" files; one in the xmlproc parser,
two in twisted, one in docutils, one in a program called "sgmltools", and
one in the xblproc parser in Jython, which I didn't even know I had
installed(!). While I don't think you should have a problem because those
are submodules (that is, you can't 'import utils', you have to 'import
docutils.utils' and that doesn't create a 'utils' module), I'd say that
in general, that's a scary enough name that you are likely to encounter
trouble later.



2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 18:49:38 +, Stephen Kellett wrote:
> Incorrect analysis. This thread proves that you have no concept of how 
> to interact with the community. If you had done what many people asked 
> you to do, which is do some work yourself, then ask questions about the 
> few answers you didn't discover yourself, you would have got lots of 
> helpful answers. You were told this many times by many people. Also on 
> the odd occasion someone did proffer some on-topic advice, sometimes in 
> long articles that must have taken some time to produce you'd dismiss 
> the article with "It is not on topic, I have not read it". How could you 
> know if it is not on topic if you don't read it? Apart from the gross 
> rudeness in such an attitude it demonstrates your arrogance, selfishness 
> and utter contempt for those replying to you.

This is why I bailed on him, especially after the troll warning which
is now fully justified in my mind. I'm 99% positive that I could ship him
source code that meets every single one of his demands, and he'd *still*
be bitching and posting, because he *would not realize it*, because of
course he'd still have to read docs and learn how to use it.

Moderately on topic (not Python, but programming at least): The other day
I was talking to someone and I commented on how odd it is to write a
library, and *still* have to learn how to use it correctly. As the
author, at least I can change it as I learn more, but even so, I have to
learn how to use it; even as the author I am not imbued magically with
expert status. 

I actually think that 95% of what Ilias is claiming to be looking for is
there, packaged up and almost ready to go. But he will never realize that,
since we can't jump him to expert status in a four-line newsgroup post,
so, *shrug*, he loses I guess. 


Re: Alternative to standard C "for"

2005-02-17 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 10:22:01 -0800, James Stroud wrote:
> It seems I need constructs like this all of the time
> i = 0
> while i < len(somelist):
>   if oughta_pop_it(somelist[i]):
> somelist.pop(i)
>   else:
> i += 1
> There has to be a better way...
> Any thoughts?

Others have pointed out

somelist = [x for x in somelist if not oughta_pop_it(x)]

but I'd also point out what I haven't seen, that your algorithm is O(n^2)
making fairly reasonable assumptions, whereas the list comprehension is
O(n). For long lists, that adds up fast. In fact, if you pop two things
off in the first half of the list, you've already lost and everything
after that is a waste.

The only time you want to do that is when you're memory-constrained, since
it will take less memory... and I gotta say, I don't think Python is the
best "memory-constrained" language in the world :-) Besides, if you're
really dealing with that much data, it's probably time to use a database
of some sort and tell *it* what things to eliminate.

Re: "perl -p -i -e" trick in Python?

2005-02-15 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 15:18:57 +0900, Wonjae Lee wrote:

> I read the comment of
> (Title : Find and replace string in all files in a directory)
> "perl -p -i -e 's/change this/ this/g'" trick looks handy.
> Does Python have a similar trick? Or, is there a shorter Python recipe for
> the given problem?

As a Python lover... I still tend to use "perl -pi -e", except in rare
cases where I either can't deal with or don't want to deal with the
necessary escaping, in which case I write a quick perl script like this
(just did this today):

$source = join "", <>;
$source =~ s/\"\"\".*?\"\"\"[ \n]*//gs;
print $source;

While a Python-golf contest might be able to beat that (although,
truthfully, to match this feature for feature I'd be surprised... that <>
is a substantial whack of code to fully emulate and I use this both as a
pipe and by feeding it a long list of files as arguments), I still
couldn't have written it as quickly.

Upshot is, perl is good for something, and when I'm not doing the job I
have working with perl, I'll still reach for perl -pi -e without shame.
Well, actually, only with the shame that I really need to lookup the
command to save backups and start using it. ("man perlrun"... I know where
to find it, I just need to add it to muscle memory!) Much longer than this
though and I drop the perl and run away, if possible.

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-12 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 14:45:09 -0800, Robert Kern wrote:
> Until such matters are unequivocally determined in a court that has
> jurisdiction over you, do you really want to open yourself to legal risk
> and certain ill-will from the community?

Huh? What are you talking about?

I'm just pointing out the inability of the law to handle it. I have no
intention of doing anything with it, except inasmuch as it makes it
difficult to license my own works since I don't believe any license works.
(But I use the LGPL anyways.)

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-11 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:24:22 +0100, Damjan wrote:
> What you described is not ok according to the GPL - since you distributed
> a binary thats derived from GPL software (and you didn't publish it source
> code under the GPL too).

No you didn't. You distributed a binary completely free of any GPL code
whatsoever. The *user* combined your binary and the GPL to produce another
binary, which will never be distributed at all.

In copyright terms, which is what the GPL works under since that is the
law it has, what you distributed is completely unrelated to the GPL'ed
program; there's no grounds to call it "derived".

You may need to re-read the sequence more carefully, or I may have gotten
it wrong.

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