[issue44275] Is there a mojibake problem rendering interactive help in the REPL on Windows?

2021-06-04 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

As Andre noted, it is good in IDLE.
I also realize how convenient it is to read the real docs from there.
I learned a lot about the state of console programming on Windows, in and out 
of Python, but I have no problem using IDLE when on Windows.


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[issue44275] Is there a mojibake problem rendering interactive help in the REPL on Windows?

2021-06-01 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

"more.com" uses the console input codepage to decode the file, so a workaround 
is to run `chcp.com 65001` and run Python in UTF-8 mode, e.g. `py -X utf8=1`. 
Since reading non-ASCII UTF-8 is broken, you'll have to switch back to the old 
input codepage if you need to enter non-ASCII characters in an app that reads 
from the console via ReadFile or ReadConsoleA.

Confirmed that this workaround done in Windows Terminal causes all mojibake to 
immediately evaporate, leaving me with the most readable and enjoyable 
more/console experience I have ever had since first hitting a spacebar on 
(Windows Terminal and the open-sourcing of the CONSOLE code is in a three-way 
tie with open-sourcing of .Net Core and the C++ STL for changing how I feel 
about Windows.  I keep finding new reasons to love it, except for reading 
non-ASCII UTF-8 being broken which I just learned about today.)


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[issue44275] Is there a mojibake problem rendering interactive help in the REPL on Windows?

2021-06-01 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

Thank you so much Inada and Eryk and Steve!

I was one of the people who mistakenly thought that Python 3 operating in the 
new Windows Terminal was going to magically leave us sitting happily in 
completely UTF-8 compatible territory on Windows, not realizing the complex 
long-term dependencies and regressions that still remain problematic.

I had spent a lot of time paying attention to the Python 2 vs. 3 debates with 
people shouting "I don't care about Unicode!" and mistook dedication to 
preventing regressions and breakages for a lesser appreciation of the value of 
UTF-8 support.  I have been schooled.  We all want the same thing, but getting 
there on Windows from where we are at the moment remains non-trivial.

Heartfelt appreciation to all on the front lines of dealing with this complex 
and sticky situation. ❤️❤️❤️

Also, much love to those who had put in the work to have much more help than I 
realized existed even when one finds oneself isolated on a single disconnected 
machine with only the standard docs as a guide吝 -- I didn't realize the pages I 
found mojibake on even existed until this weekend.


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[issue44275] Is there a mojibake problem rendering interactive help in the REPL on Windows?

2021-05-31 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

I looked around some more and it definitely is not just one isolated instance.  
I noted a similar issue on the lines from CLASSES topic pasted here.  I think 
it is all usages of the ellipsis in the context of the help text?  Maybe also 
fancy quote marks that didn't survive the jump from ASCII to Unicode?  And some 
fancy dashes.
The theme of my day was excitement at how much more docs and help ship than I 
had realized with the most basic Python install and thus are at my fingertips 
anywhere, everywhere, internet access or not.  This mars that exuberance only 
The standard type hierarchy

Below is a list of the types that are built into Python.  Extension
modules (written in C, Java, or other languages, depending on the
implementation) can define additional types.  Future versions of
Python may add types to the type hierarchy (e.g., rational numbers,
efficiently stored arrays of integers, etc.), although such additions
will often be provided via the standard library instead.

Some of the type descriptions below contain a paragraph listing
ΓÇÿspecial attributes.ΓÇÖ  These are attributes that provide access to the
methodΓÇÖs documentation (same as "__func__.__doc__"); "__name__"
dictionary containing the classΓÇÖs namespace; "__bases__" is a tuple
   containing the base classes, in the order of their occurrence in
   the base class list; "__doc__" is the classΓÇÖs documentation string,

ΓÇ£ClassesΓÇ¥.  See section Implementing Descriptors for another way


Python tracker 
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[issue44275] Is there a mojibake problem rendering interactive help in the REPL on Windows?

2021-05-31 Thread Jesse Silverman

New submission from Jesse Silverman :

I didn't know whether to file this under DOCUMENTATION or WINDOWS.
I recently discovered the joys of the interactive help in the REPL, rather than 
just help(whatever).
I was exploring the topics and noticed multiple encoding or rendering errors.
I realized I stupidly wasn't using the Windows Terminal program but the default 
console.  I addressed that and they persisted in Windows Terminal.
I upgraded from 3.9.1 to 3.9.5...same deal.

I tried running:
Set-Item -Path Env:PYTHONUTF8 -Value 1

before starting the REPL, still no dice.

I confirmed this worked in the same session:
>>> ustr2='ʑʒʓʔʕʗʘʙʚʛʜʝʞ'
>>> ustr2
It does.

The help stuff that doesn't render correctly is under topic COMPARISON:
lines 20, 21 and 25 of this output contain head-scratch-inducing mystery 

Unlike C, all comparison operations in Python have the same priority,
which is lower than that of any arithmetic, shifting or bitwise
operation.  Also unlike C, expressions like "a < b < c" have the
interpretation that is conventional in mathematics:

   comparison::= or_expr (comp_operator or_expr)*
   comp_operator ::= "<" | ">" | "==" | ">=" | "<=" | "!="
 | "is" ["not"] | ["not"] "in"

Comparisons yield boolean values: "True" or "False".

Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily, e.g., "x < y <= z" is
equivalent to "x < y and y <= z", except that "y" is evaluated only
once (but in both cases "z" is not evaluated at all when "x < y" is
found to be false).

Formally, if *a*, *b*, *c*, …, *y*, *z* are expressions and *op1*,
*op2*, …, *opN* are comparison operators, then "a op1 b op2 c ... y
opN z" is equivalent to "a op1 b and b op2 c and ... y opN z", except
that each expression is evaluated at most once.

Note that "a op1 b op2 c" doesnΓÇÖt imply any kind of comparison between
*a* and *c*, so that, e.g., "x < y > z" is perfectly legal (though
perhaps not pretty).

That is: …, …, ’

em-dash or ellipsis might be involved somehow...maybe fancy apostrophe?
My current guess is that it isn't about rendering anymore, because something 
went awry further upstream?


assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 394817
nosy: docs@python, jessevsilverman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Is there a mojibake problem rendering interactive help in the REPL on 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43056] Use of dicts in 4.2 and 4.7 of Python tutorial a bit confusing

2021-01-29 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

Agreed with the exception that I'd like to review whether the forward reference 
to dict in the tutorial might be better suited to people working thru the 
tutorial than the current forward reference to the real docs.

I got to take a look at Eric Matthes' excellent "Python Crash Course".  He 
avoids this by treating function definitions only after introducing both tuples 
and dicts, rather than together with simple control flow within a function.  
That would clearly be a re-org that is way out of scope of a bug report.

So, if someone compares the potential forward reference to the dict section of 
the tutorial rather than the current forward reference to the language 
reference in light of where the tutorial audience is expected to be at when 
reading this section, I am good with closing it.


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[issue43034] Python tutorial misleads users about floor division behavior

2021-01-29 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

I understand and agree with both comments.
I will confirm that a substantial number of people think -17 // 3 yields -5.0, 
so when I saw this I wondered if it reinforced that common misconception.

I was curious enough to not just confirm in the actual docs not only that -17 
// 3 == -6.0 but learned why it does so.

I would be happy to see any of Terry's three suggestions added, with the first 
one adding the most bang for the buck (if someone is surprised to see -6.0 
there, they can go look up why).


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[issue43042] Delete or merge redundant tutorial sentence.

2021-01-29 Thread Jesse Silverman

Jesse Silverman  added the comment:

Yes, your takeaway was what precisely what I was getting at.  I sounded unsure 
because I was unsure.  In reality, it doesn't matter whether a different 
function is being called or one is calling itself, the current wording suggests 
that it might.


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[issue43056] Use of dicts in sections 4.2 and 4.7 of Python tutorial a bit confusing

2021-01-28 Thread Jesse Silverman

New submission from Jesse Silverman :

The Python tutorial was not my first introduction to Python, but I see things 
in sections 4.2 and 4.7 that likely would have confused me a lot if it was.

In 4.2 near the end, we have great advice about how to avoid problems with 
modifying a collection while iterating thru it.

Unfortunately, it both makes use of a dict despite not having introduced it 
before at all within the tutorial (I wasn't shocked because it was NOT my first 
introduction to Python) and in fact, the .items() method which is beautifully 
explained in section 5.6, which hasn't been read yet.

I got thru it a bit shakily, and in a reference, rather than an introductory 
tutorial, it is quite literally impossible to present everything in a strict 
sequence, but I would definitely have been thrown for a loop if it was actually 
my first introduction to Python.

All was good again until I got to section 4.7.2, where I was again glad I had 
previously consumed tutorial materials concerning dict.  There is a forward 
reference to:

Which every Python programmer should undoubtedly be familiar with eventually, 
but "why not?" to the more novice-friendly:

The forward reference from this section to tuples in section 5 of the tutorial 
suggests that this might have been appropriate as well.

The dict, the tuple and parameter passing are all very basic topics indeed, but 
I would have found 4.7 very rough going if I had no prior exposure to dict and 

This isn't a complaint demanding a refund for the cost of the tutorial, so much 
as an indication of where I think true novices attempting to follow the 
tutorial in sequence would likely be thrown for a loop.  I understand there is 
a healthy ecosystem of free and paid introductory tutorial material for Python, 
as evidenced by the fact that I was only working thru the tutorial just now, 
having been referred to it as a pre-req for other material I will be moving on 
to soon.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 385870
nosy: docs@python, jessevsilverman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Use of dicts in sections 4.2 and 4.7 of Python tutorial a bit confusing
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43043] Python tutorial could make rules for default argument definition clearer

2021-01-27 Thread Jesse Silverman

New submission from Jesse Silverman :

I love the tutorial, but have been pointing out things I only knew from brutal 
experience, other tutorials, reasoning from other languages I know better, or 
looking things up.  I only mention them if they seem in scope and at the same 
level of the material which is presented.

Regarding 4.7.1. Default Argument Values of the excellent Python tutorial:

I guessed that I would see the behavior shown below from my understanding of 
default arguments in several other languages.  I did not read anything in this 
tutorial section that would lead me to conclude this, and other things 
mentioned in this section are neither much more or less subtle, more or less 
obvious, or more or less important.

PS F:\PythonCode> py VarArgs.py
  File "F:\PythonCode\VarArgs.py", line 1
def varArgs(quote, footnote='', times):
SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

Most introductions to default argument definition in other languages go out of 
their way to highlight that the default parameters can be only the last N of 
them, and that all required ones must come first.
Python is intended to be accessible to people no more clever than the other 
languages intend, so tho it seems obvious to me that they must only come after 
all required arguments, I remember when it was not obvious (and fortunately the 
tutorials I read in the past for other languages belabored the point).

The explanatory text of:
giving one of the optional arguments: ask_ok('OK to overwrite the file?', 2)

as it merely says "one of", rather than "the first of" led me to wonder if 
Python was somehow more flexible/better at mind-reading than the languages I 
already know well that require all default args to be trailing, and to only let 
you default the last one, two, or ... N.  The results of the experiment shown 
above demonstrate it is similar to the behavior in other languages in this 

I deeply appreciate the information about when the default arguments get 
evaluated, which is highly relevant and is not something I would have picked up 
on from other languages I've used.

A simple line stating that "any default arguments must follow any required 
arguments in the definition" and something like "on calls, optional arguments 
may only be omitted from the end of the parameter list, they can't simply be 
skipped" would be awesome.

I am not sure whether or not this is made perfectly clear in the next section, 
which has a lot of other new and interesting ideas flying around in it as well, 
besides this one.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 385813
nosy: docs@python, jessevsilverman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python tutorial could make rules for default argument definition clearer
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43042] tutorial ambiguous about creation of local symbol table for recursive calls

2021-01-27 Thread Jesse Silverman

New submission from Jesse Silverman :

In section 4.6 of the tutorial, we find:

"When a function calls another function, a new local symbol table is created 
for that call."

Now, perhaps because we were just looking at a function that people will often 
ask you to write both recursively and non-recursively and then ask which one 
you would use and why...I was thinking "Wait -- when a function calls itself 
recursively, obviously they need a new local symbol table or local variables 
won't work??"

I may be confused, in which case the doc is fine and I personally need to 
better understand the moral equivalent of activation record / stack frame in 

If I am not, given that recursion isn't much more computer science oriented or 
obscure than Fibonacci sequences, could it not be worth the investment of a few 
extra words as:

"When a function calls another function, or calls itself recursively, a new 
local symbol table is created for that call."

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 385800
nosy: docs@python, jessevsilverman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tutorial ambiguous about creation of local symbol table for recursive 
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43034] Python tutorial misleads users about floor division behavior

2021-01-26 Thread Jesse Silverman

New submission from Jesse Silverman :

I had never worked thru the Python tutorial, it's kind of awesome.

I noticed multiple independent presenters incorrectly describe the behavior of 
floor division when the signs of the operands don't match.  Not just sloppy 
ones, some who are usually pretty careful -- people forget.  I found it odd.

Today I read:
'Division (/) always returns a float. To do floor division and get an integer 
result (discarding any fractional result) you can use the // operator; to 
calculate the remainder you can use %:'

I know what they mean (there will never be a non-zero fractional component in 
the result) however, stating that it "discards any fraction result" explicitly 
suggests that it will round towards zero for all results.  The name of the 
operator tells us the true story, as does a test, it rounds towards negative 
infinity for all results.

Hopefully all the people using Python to treat cancer, fly to Mars and run 
power plants know what the behavior is.  However, anecdotally, I have seen 
evidence that generally cautious, fairly-detail oriented programmers seem to 
forget the details of the behavior, this is one place in the docs from which 
many people first learn about the floor division operator and this page would 
lead me to believe it operates differently than it does in reality.

If the words right there don't get changed, or the example of -10/3 doesn't get 
added, would this be a good excuse for a third footnote?  I would actually wish 
for both the wording to be changed and to show an example like -10 / 3, tho 
admittedly I came from an Engineering background so I am always worried 
someone's going to blow up somewhere...

Deepest regards for everyone who gets to regularly close the complaints about 
floor division working as designed and documented -- but not quite documented 
on this page which more people may read than others covering the operator.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 385746
nosy: docs@python, jessevsilverman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python tutorial misleads users about floor division behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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