Fwd: Installation hell

2022-12-18 Thread Jim Lewis
I'm an occasional user of Python and have a degree in computer science.
Almost every freaking time I use Python, I go through PSH (Python Setup
Hell). Sometimes a wrong version is installed. Sometimes it's a path issue.
Or exe naming confusion: python, python3, phthon311, etc. Or library
compatibility issues - took an hour to find out that pygame does not work
with the current version of python. Then the kludgy PIP app and using a DOS
box under Windows with command prompts which is ridiculous. God only knows
how many novice users of the language (or even intermediate users) were
lost in the setup process. Why not clean the infrastructure up and make a
modern environment or IDE or something better than it is now. Or at least
good error messages that explain exactly what to do. Even getting this
email to the list took numerous steps.

-- A frustrated user

Re: Getting focused window of another app

2006-07-15 Thread Jim Lewis
Never mind ...
wHnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
Caption = win32gui.GetWindowText (wHnd)


Getting focused window of another app

2006-07-14 Thread Jim Lewis
Anyone know how to get the caption of the window currently in focus in
whatever app is in use? If I am using Excel, for example, I want my
python app to know that Excel is currently being used.


can't pickle instancemethod objects

2006-07-09 Thread Jim Lewis
Pickling an instance of a class, gives can't pickle instancemethod
objects. What does this mean? How do I find the class method creating
the problem?


Re: can't pickle instancemethod objects

2006-07-09 Thread Jim Lewis
 How about you post the complete stack trace of the exception?

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\program files\python\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py, line 1345, in
return self.func(*args)
  File C:\Public\world.py, line 1832, in BtnGo
  File C:\Public\world.py, line 1812, in DoBtnGo
if DoPickle: SavePickle ()
  File C:\Public\world.py, line 1817, in SavePickle
pickle.dump (pop,f)
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 1382, in dump
Pickler(file, protocol, bin).dump(obj)
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 231, in dump
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 293, in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 739, in save_inst
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 293, in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 663, in save_dict
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 677, in
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 293, in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 614, in save_list
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 629, in
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 293, in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 739, in save_inst
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 293, in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 663, in save_dict
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 677, in
  File C:\program files\python\lib\pickle.py, line 313, in save
rv = reduce(self.proto)
  File C:\program files\python\lib\copy_reg.py, line 69, in
raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle instancemethod objects


Re: can't pickle instancemethod objects

2006-07-09 Thread Jim Lewis
 Here's a thought: comment out every attribute in your class, and then try
 pickling it. If it succeeds, uncomment just *one* attribute, and try
 pickling again. Repeat until pickling fails.

Was trying to avoid that but you motivated me to do so and now I found
the probem.

In a utility routine I had:
   obj.act = act
   ActionSucceded = obj.act()

Had to add:
   obj.act = None

Thanks :-)


Re: Pyrex list/array

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Lewis
Thanks for your comments.

 You probably didn't expect the Inquisition...

Correct ;-)

 1. What is your speed requirement and how far short of that are you at  the 

~10 times faster.

 2. Are you sure there is no Python or third-party module that does what you 


 3. Is your algorithm the best possible?

I think so although of course one can never be certain.

 4. Is your Python implementation of that algorithm the best possible? Have 
 you exposed it to the critical gaze of the speed-freaks in this  newsgroup?

Thanks for the good suggestion but I want to try pyrex first.

 5. Does your architecture support psyco? If so, have you tried that and what 
 were the results?

Already using psyco.

 The question might be better asked on the Pyrex mailing list.

I did not find it - where is it?

 Almost any Python code is also valid Pyrex code. For a start, just compile 
 your function with Pyrex and compare the speed.

It's slower.

 What you do next is going to depend very much on what operations you are 
 performing on  the list and the objects it contains.

Simple list of ints. Comparing sections of lists between each other.


Re: Pyrex list/array

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Lewis
 Is it substantially faster with psyco than without?  If psyco is performing
 its magic on the critical section of code already, you are going to lose
 that when switching to Pyrex.

Yes but from what I read Pyrex can be a lot faster than psyco under the
right circumstances.


Re: Pyrex list/array

2006-06-04 Thread Jim Lewis
 cunningly concealed in the last place one would think of finding it: under 
 the heading Mailing List on the Pyrex home page :-)

Hmmm - maybe I should try the scroll bar occassionally ;-)

 Do you mean alist[x:x+n] == alist[y:y+n] ?

OK, probably you an Skip are right - let's see if I missed something at
the Python level.

There are essentially two differences from your snip above. I am trying
to compute n and there are multiple (under 10) lists. Size of lists are
typically under 100 ints.

 ...See what psyco makes of that.

I'm doing a similar straightforward loop approach but it's too slow.



Pyrex list/array

2006-06-03 Thread Jim Lewis
I'm trying to move a function into pyrex for speed. The python side
needs to pass a list to the pyrex function. Do I need to convert to
array or something so pyrex can generate tight code? I'm not clear how
to do this.


Pyrex speed

2006-05-27 Thread Jim Lewis
Has anyone found a good link on exactly how to speed up code using
pyrex? I found various info but the focus is usually not on code


Re: Pyrex speed

2006-05-27 Thread Jim Lewis
I'm not planning to write C functions. My understanding is that by
using cdefs in the python code one can gain substantial speed. I'm
trying to find a description of how to modify python code in more
detail so it runs fast under pyrex.


Re: Pyrex speed

2006-05-27 Thread Jim Lewis
 main point of Pyrex is ease of wrapping, not of speeding-up.

Supposedly the primes example is 50 times faster.


Re: Pyrex speed

2006-05-27 Thread Jim Lewis
 I never had an opportunity to do any more sophisticated math than simple 
multiplying, subtracting and dividing.

Neither is the primes example doing anything more sophisticated than
basic arithmetic but it's 50 times faster.


Re: Pyrex installation on windows XP: step-by-step guide

2006-05-25 Thread Jim Lewis
Thanks but now another problem :-(
Examples in books show importing a global so why does below give:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'globalvar'

from run import globalvar
def prime(int kmax):
  result = [run.globalvar]

from primes import prime
globalvar = 999
while True:
print prime (10)


Re: Pyrex installation on windows XP: step-by-step guide

2006-05-22 Thread Jim Lewis
Still problems :-(

I have a directory c:\data\code\test\pyrex containing:

C:\program files\Python\python.exe setup.py build_ext

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
  name = PyrexGuide,
Extension(worldimport, [world.pyx])
  cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}

world.pyx - pyrex code

import worldimport

The batch file creates a build folder with subfolders containing:
world.pyd, world.def,  world.o, worldimport.def

But running run.py gives: ImportError: No module named worldimport

Should worldimport.def be going to C:\program
Why isn't it?


Re: Pyrex installation on windows XP: step-by-step guide

2006-05-21 Thread Jim Lewis
 and change -lmsvcrt to -lmsvcr71.

But then I get this error: Python was built with version 7.1 of Visual
Studio, and extensions need to be built with the same version of the
compiler, but it isn't installed.
I want to use mingw.


Re: Pyrex installation on windows XP: step-by-step guide

2006-05-21 Thread Jim Lewis
Thanks. I had done that but it seems I had to remove install. Now it


Re: String pattern matching

2006-04-16 Thread Jim Lewis
You can do this with a regular expression...

I tried the plain RE approach and found it no faster than my
direct-coded version. Anyone have any ideas on how to code this problem
elegantly without RE? My code is long and cumbersome - 200 lines! Speed
is my primary concern but low LOC would be nice of course. The sezman
approach above seems a bit complex.


Re: String pattern matching

2006-04-02 Thread Jim Lewis
Thanks for the interesting and detailed analysis. In my case I don't
need all possible answers by rather the first greedy match. Seems
like there might be some recursive approach.


String pattern matching

2006-04-01 Thread Jim Lewis
Anyone have experience with string pattern matching?
I need a fast way to match variables to strings. Example:

string - variables

abcaaab - xyz
abca - xy
eeabcac - vxw

x matches abc
y matches a
z matches aab
w maches ac
v maches ee


Tkinter divider

2006-04-01 Thread Jim Lewis
Anyone know how to create a draggable divider between two Tkinter


Re: Tkinter divider

2006-04-01 Thread Jim Lewis
That did the trick - thanks.
