Re: Python programming books

2011-02-23 Thread Joel Koltner
John Bokma wrote in message

I also like the Python Essential Reference a lot.

I'd second that.  Python Essential Reference effectively documents the 
batteries included aspect of Python, using lots of good examples in a quite 
readable tome.


Re: If/then style question

2010-12-16 Thread Joel Koltner
Steven D'Aprano wrote in message 

It doesn't look like you were learning Python. It looks like you were
learning C with Python syntax :(

True, although in many cases one has to interface to legacy C code where it'd 
be rather more code to start throwing exceptions left or right... since sooner 
or later those exceptions would still have to be turned into a single status 
(error) code!

which all too often becomes:

result = obj.myMethod(arg1, arg2)
if result == good1:
else:  # assume result is bad1

This really isn't a bad way to go *if you weren't planning on spending the 
time to really, fully flesh out the individual error cases anyway.*  I see 
this pretty often: Peple put in sophisticated exception handling 
infrastructure, but when an error actually occurs, all six dozen cases handled 
individually end up just printing some generic message and exiting the program 

In an ideal world all the error cases would do something smart, but 
pragmatically one has to balance how likely an error is to occur and how much 
damage it does with how much time you want to spend making a really smart 
error handler.

or even:

who_cares = obj.myMethod(arg1, arg2)

Even this can be OK if do_something_good() behaves in a relatively benign 
fashion when feed gibberish.  I mean, how many people actually check to see 
whether or not printf() succeeded, you know?

But I would agree that often you see...

who_care = obj.myMethod(arg1, arg2)


Well, that's better, but still more like C rather than Python. Avoid the
anti-pattern of returning in-band error codes.

The main sticky point here is that what's an error vs. a warning or note 
(but not success) is often rather a grey area.  E.g., Pyhton's open() raises 
an IOError is the file can't be opened, but in my mind that's still a common 
enough/expected occurrence that elevating its behavior to an exception is more 
a judgement call than something everyone would agree on.  (On the other hand, 
trying to read or write to an un-opened file is now clearly in the realm of an 
error and deserves an exception.)



Can PySerial's write method be called by multiple threads?

2010-08-25 Thread Joel Koltner
I have a multi-threaded application where several of the threads need to write 
to a serial port that's being handled by pySerial.  If pySerial thread-safe in 
the sense that pySerial.write behaves atomically?  I.e., if thread 1 executes, 
serport.write(Hello, world!) and thread 2 executes serport.write(All your 
bases are belong to us!), is it guaranteed that the output over the serial 
port won't mix the two together (e.g., Hello All your bases are belong to 
us!, world!) ?

I looked at the source code, and the write method eventually boils down to 
calling an the OS's write function, which presumably ends up being a call to 
a C function.  Given the global interpreter lock -- and particularly how C 
functions can't be interrupted by the Python interpreter at all -- it sure 
seems as though everything is copacetic here?

If not I can just add a queue and have everything go through it, but of course 
I'd like to avoid the extra code and CPU cycles if it isn't at all necessary.

Thank you,
---Joel Koltner


Re: Can PySerial's write method be called by multiple threads?

2010-08-25 Thread Joel Koltner
Thomas Jollans wrote in message
I expect that it gives away the GIL to call the resident write() function, 

allow other threads to run while it's sitting there, blocking. I haven't
looked at the code, so maybe it doesn't hand over the GIL, but if it 
I'd consider that a bug rather than a feature: the GIL shouldn't be abused 

some kind of local mutex, and only gets in the way anyway.

Ah, I expect you're correct.  I'm still largely a Python newbie, and only know 
enough about things like the GIL to get myself into trouble.

Speaking of the GIL, you shouldn't rely on it being there. Ever. It's a
necessary evil, or it appears to be necessary. but nobody likes it and if
somebody finds a good way to kick it out then that will happen.

OK, but presumably I can't know whether or not someone who wrote a library 
like pySerial relied on it or not.  Although I suppose this is really a 
documentation bug -- pySerial's documentation doesn't talk about 
multi-threaded access directly, although their minicom example does 
demonstrate it in action.

Thanks for the help,


Re: Can PySerial's write method be called by multiple threads?

2010-08-25 Thread Joel Koltner

Hi John,

John Nagle wrote in message 

You don't need a queue, though; just use your own write function
with a lock.

Hmm... that would certainly work.  I suppose it's even more efficient than a 
queue in that the first thing the queue is going to do is to acquire a lock; 
thanks for the idea!

   def atomicwrite(fd, data) :
   with lok :

Cool, I didn't know that threading.Lock() supported with! -- Just the other 
day I was contemplating how one might go about duplicating the pattern in C++ 
where you do something like this:

   Lock lok; // Constructor acquires lock, will be held until destructor 
called (i.e., while lok remains in scope)

   } // Lock released

...clearly with does the job here.



Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Joel Koltner
Just curious... in Microsoft's Visual Studio (and I would presume some other 
tools), for many languages (both interpreted and compiled!) there's an edit 
and conitnue option that, when you hit a breakpoint, allows you to modify a 
line of code before it's actually executed.

Does any Python debugger support this feature?  Being an interpreted language 
it doesn't seem like it would necessarily be too onerous to support?  It'd be 
quite handy in that, especially if you hit a breakpoint due to the interpreter 
throwing an error, you could fix just the line in question and keep going, 
rather than having to stop the entire program, fix the line, and then run 
again and potentially kill a bunch of time getting the program back into the 
same state.

---Joel Koltner


Re: Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Joel Koltner
Terry Reedy wrote in message
CPython compiles Python code (a sequence of statements) to its private 
bytecode (a sequence of codes and operands) and then interprets the 
bytecode. So 'edit and continue' would have to recompile the statement and 
patch the result into the bytecode.

I believe this is what, e.g., Visual Studio does with, e.g., C++ code -- it 
compiles the modified code and then patches the binary to call the new code as 
a subroutine or somesuch.

Another problem is recovery of state. If an exception is raised in the 
middle of a statememt, there would need to be a means to roll back the state 
of objects and namespaces to what they were before execution of the 
statement started. So the interpreter would need to act like a transactional 
database, which is not trivial.

Yeah, I can see this being challenging.  I think it's pretty cool how some 
Python debuggers will allow you to use a shell with the context set to the 
current function or any of the calling functions higher up the call stack 
hierarchy as well.

This would also slow normal execution, so it would have to be optional.

That'd be a small price to pay. :-)  (Visual Studio only lets you do this with 
unoptimized code...)

If would definitely be nice. Perhaps $500,000 in funding would do the trick.

Cool, if I win the lottery and add it to the worty causes list! :-)

Thanks for the information,


Re: Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Joel Koltner
Phlip wrote in message

People who need edit and continue probably need developer tests
instead. You typically edit the test a little, run all the code, edit
the code a little, run all the code, and integrate whenever the code's
a little better and all the tests pass.

I find myself making mistakes in typing the name of classes and/or methods 
when I'm first getting started with them (there are some thousands of them 
after all, and even of commonly used classes/methods you're probably talking 
upwards of a hundred), *particularly* when using libraries such as wxWidgets 
that use fancy imports that aren't correctly picked up by the code 
intelligence analyzers in, e.g., Komodo or Wing.


Re: Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Joel Koltner
Phlip wrote in message

On May 12, 12:44 pm, Joel Koltner

Are you implying that you then run the code, and - after a handful of
higher-level calls - control flow gets down to the lines you just
typed, and the run fails because they are misspelled?


The only fix is
decoupling, and _expecting_ your first few debugger or test runs to

Well, sure, that is the current fix... but an edit and continue feature 
would make for a much faster fix. :-)


Re: Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Joel Koltner
Phlip wrote in message

Are you implying, after an edit, you need to start a program again,
then enter several user inputs, to navigate back to the place where
you hit the syntax error? (WxWidgets noted - props!)

Pretty much, yeah... Realistically, we're probably talking less than a minute 
each time, so objectively it's not really a big deal -- it's just different 
than what I'm used to so I'm noticing it more. :-)

I guess what I'm realizing here is that one of the upsides of compiled 
languages is that they'll (usually) catch most typos before your program even 


Re: Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Joel Koltner
John Nagle wrote in message 

   Having actually used LISP systems with edit and continue, it's a good
thing that Python doesn't have it.  It encourages a patch mentality, and
the resulting code is usually disappointing.

Hey, a lot of people would argue that Python's lack of strong typing and 
data/member protection (from one class to another) encourages sloppy 
programming too. :-)  (Some people even figure that automatic garbage 
collection does so!)

   What the original poster seems to need is a global analysis
tool that insures that all names used are defined.  Like pylint.

Sounds intriguing... I'll check it out; thanks!



Re: len() should always return something

2009-07-27 Thread Joel Koltner
Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote in message
 Here's a simple-minded example:
 This function works fine if xs is a list of floats, but not if it is single
 float.  It can be made to work as follows:

Wow, you could substitute Matlab for Python in your post and it'd still be 
just as good. :-)


Re: Q: Best book for teaching

2009-04-08 Thread Joel Koltner
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote in message 
 I thought that a good introduction might be to show them how HTML works, and
 progress from there to embedding little bits of JavaScript.

 Nothing to do with Python I know, but might be a possibility.

If you want to emphasize web usage, I'd be tempted to show them a bit of HTML 
and then introduce them to CGI-bin scripts... written in Python.

Something like Django might be fun to show as well, although such full 
featured content management systems are really a course unto themselves. 
(And if you're used Python scripts on the server and played with, e.g., MySQL 
a little, it'll be clear that things like Django are just greatly expanded 
versions of what they're doing themselves.)



Library for generating indicators and graphs for weather stations

2009-03-17 Thread Joel Koltner

Could someone suggest a Python library for generating the indicators and 
graphs that weather station software typically produces, e.g., similar to 
those seen here: ... and here: ?  I did stumble across the IaGraph 
package ( -- which 
was even developed by a guy doing climate analysis -- but that package was 
designed for graphing results and hence doesn't solve the current [wind 
speed/direction/etc.] indicator problem.

My goal here is to have my weather station upload its raw data to a commercial 
web server and then have a CGI Python script generate the actual web page to 
display that data.  (Actually, my short-term goal is to just write a few 
Python scripts that feed the data to Weather Underground as this is much 
easier to do and WU alround makes nice graphs, but long term generating my own 
custom web pages would be fun...)  But in any case, the idea is that I could 
feed some lists of data to a graphing widget or somesuch and be able to spit 
out PNGs or GIFs of the results for ready reference from an HTML file.

Thank you,


Re: Easy-to-use Python GUI

2009-01-06 Thread Joel Koltner
Thanks to everyone who responded; I'll be checking out the various toolkits 
people have listed!



Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-31 Thread Joel Koltner
Gerhard Häring wrote in message
 Using an ORM when you don't grasp the relational model and/or the SQL query 
 language is futile.

You'd probably be surprised just how many people there are out there using 
SQLlite (and other databases) who have no more than a 5 minute introduction to 
relational databasess.  See, you have tables, and you can stick columns for 
various attributes, and then add records for rows, and if you make multiple 
tables you specify which attribute becomes a 'key value' to find the 
corresponding record in another.  Have fun!

 That's probably the case for many other abstraction layers, too.

GUIs come to mind...


Easy-to-use Python GUI

2008-12-24 Thread Joel Koltner
Is there an easy-to-use, function-based cross-platform GUI toolkit for 
Python out there that's a little more sophisticated than EasyGui?  EasyGui 
looks good, but it's a little more restrictive than what I'd like to have, yet 
I'm (stubbornly :-) ) resistant to stepping up to a full service GUI toolkit 
such as pyGTK or wxPython where it's all about event loops and callbacks and 
you need to start planning how the GUI affects the overall program flow rather 
than just using a forms (or Wizard)-type approach where you put up a few 
dialogs, users fill in some variables, and your program just sits around 
waiting until OK or Cancel is clicked.

One approach that I like comes from SAX BASIC/WinWrap, which is more or less a 
clone of Microsoft's Visual BASIC for Applications, but they (apparently) 
wanted everything to still be human-readable, so they have a simple GUI 
(form) builder that generates code that looks like this:


 Begin Dialog UserDialog 850,497,Export Control ' %GRID:10,7,1,1

  GroupBox 20,7,360,217,Drill File Generation,.GroupBox1
  CheckBox 40,35,130,14,Output drill file(s),.genDrill
  Text 40,63,270,28,Identify via layers as any that contain this text in 
their names:,.Text
  TextBox 40,98,220,21,.viaLayerName
  Text 40,140,100,14,Output method:,.Text8
  DropListBox 160,140,180,21,DrillStyle(),.drillStyle
  Text 40,175,130,28,Select drill table units:,.Text2
  ListBox 200,175,120,28,unitNames(),.unitName

  OKButton 310,469,90,21
  CancelButton 410,469,90,21

 End Dialog

' GUI builder generates or modifies everything above, but can also be edited 
by hand
' You write the following code...

 Dim dlg As UserDialog

 dlg.genDrill = 1
 ReDim DrillStyle(1)
 DrillStyle(0) = All Via Layers In One File
 DrillStyle(1) = One File Per Via Layer
 dlg.drillStyle = 1



This is pretty darned easy for me understand and modify either by hand or with 
the GUI builder.  Still, it's quite powerful, since it supports all the common 
GUI elements (text, group boxes, checkboxes, drop-down lists, text boxes, 
buttons, etc.).  This is about the level of sophistication I'm looking for.

Anything like this for Python?



Re: One step up from str.split()

2008-07-15 Thread Joel Koltner
Sion Arrowsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 What's wrong with sys.argv ?

Mainly that it doesn't exist.  :-)  The example was slightly contrived -- I'm 
really dealing with commands interactively entered within a program in 
response to raw_input(), although the format of the commands is meant to be 
consistent with command-line usage.  (A real command, for instance, would be 
something like this: load my firmware file.bin .)

I ended up using shlex.strip() -- works great!



One step up from str.split()

2008-07-14 Thread Joel Koltner
I normally use str.split() for simple splitting of command line arguments, but 
I would like to support, e.g., long file names which-- under windows -- are 
typically provided as simple quoted string.  E.g.,

myapp --dosomething --loadthis my file name.fil

...and I'd like to get back a list wherein ListEntry[3]=my file name.fil , 
but just running str.split() on the above string creates:

 ListEntry='myapp --dosomething --loadthis my file name.fil'
['myapp', '--dosomething', '--loadthis', 'my', 'file', 'name.fil']

Is there an easy way to provide just this one small additional feature 
(keeping quoted names as a single entry) rather than going to a full-blown 
command-line argument parsing tool?  Even regular expressions seem like they'd 
probably be overkill here?  Or no?



Re: ��python in a nutshell��and��programming python��

2008-06-18 Thread Joel Koltner
yps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 as a new learner of python,which book in python in a nutshell and 
 programming python is more suitable?

I don't have Python in a Nutshell, but let me ask... do you have a strong 
programming background in C++, Java, etc.?  If so, you'll probably find 
Programming Python a little too basic.

 and recommend several books?

For those with prior programming experience, I'd recomment Python: Essential 

Python Pocket Reference is worth having regardless of your background.  A 
similar document is the freely download quick reference here:



Re: php vs python

2008-06-04 Thread Joel Koltner
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I think you are talking about something a little different than Arnaud.

Ah, OK.

 Other old habits from people coming to Python are: using indexes where they
 are not needed, trivial getters and setters, putting *everything* into
 classes and every class into a module, and so on.

Some of that is more political/policy than anything having to do with the 
language.  Python likes to make it blatantly obvious that a lot of it is 
unnecessary, so it puts the control freak type of programmers on the 
defensive when, e.g., class variables and methods aren't private by default. 
(Guido's we're all conesenting adults here is of course a good response to 

 Another difference are internal versus external iterators.  In Python you
 write the loop outside the iterable and pull the items out of it.  In
 other languages (Ruby, Io, .) iterables do internal iteration and you give
 them a function where all item are pushed into one at a time.

The Python method is -- IMO -- rather more powerful here, even if the whole 
protocol is somewhat less explciti than the Ruby/Io/etc. approach.

 What makes C++ a first class language?

My somewhat arbitrary definition is something along the lines of a language 
with most all of the contemporary features expected of languages (e.g., old 
school procedural languages like C/Pascal/Fortran 77 don't count) that are 
targeting at writing everything from small utilities to programs of various 
sizes to full-blown operating systems.

 And did you quote first class
 for the same reason than I did?  ;-)

Probably... C++ is kinda like the McMaster-Carr catalog, whereas Python is a 
well-stocked hardware store with knowledgable salespeople.



Re: php vs python

2008-06-02 Thread Joel Koltner
Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 This is wrong, because if you know well one language only, you tend to
 think that the principles that underpin it are universal.  So you will
 try to shoehorn these principles into any other language you use.

Fair point, although I guess I was assuming the language you were good in was 
something that covers, say, 90% of contemporary programming practices, e.g., 
something like C++ : If you're truly good at C++ (and percentage-wise of all 
programmers, relatively few are), there are not many things that I'm aware of 
that are tremendously different in any other programming language.  Function 
decorators from Java and some of the function programming stuff from Lisp, 
perhaps, but those are pretty small additions (well within the 10%).

Perhaps I should reduce my claim to those good at programming in any first 
class language like C++ are generally going to write at least above-average 
code in any other language. :-)

 You may be great at building Turing machines.  That doesn't make you a
 master of crafting lambda-expressions.

Certainly the most important thing for any programmer to know is where his 
skills lie and where he should purposely keep things braindead simple 
because he's more likely to introduce bugs by trying to be eloquent.

 I find that eloquent Python speakers often tend to write a for loop
 when mere good ones will try to stick a list comprehension in!

This is the trap I refer to above -- beginning programmers are far more likely 
to mis-use more sophisticated language features than experienced programmers 
are.  Heck, you see entire languages like Java built around such premises, 
that it's better to have a simpler language that's harder to mis-use than a 
more sophisticated one that could be readily abused.  C++ is perhaps the 
ultimate anything goes langauge -- tons of power and sophistication, very 
little nannying.  Python has its own philosophy, of course, although at times 
it's somewhat arbitrary, e.g., for explicit is better than implicit -- sure, 
fine, but of course only applied to things that we haven't already decided 
should be implicit!  Something like Python iterators are not at all 
explicit/obvious, for instance, to someone coming from, say, a Visual BASIC 
background... although I suppose they're still a lot simpler than, e.g., C++ 
scoping rules for name resolution.



Re: php vs python

2008-06-01 Thread Joel Koltner
Ethan Furman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  As I've said before - good programmers can write good code in any
 So... an eloquent speaker of English is also an eloquent speaker of 

There's potentially a large difference between a good speaker of 
English/German/etc. vs. eloquent.

I'd tend to agree with Jerry that if you can write good code in one 
language, you can in pretty much any other as well... but that doesn't imply 
you're necessarily eloquent in any languages. :-)  Eloquence is nice, but 
eradicating bad code in this world is about a million times more important 
than attempting to move people from good code to eloquent code.

To be Pythonic here, eloquent code would perhaps often have clear, clean 
list comprehensions used when good code would use a for loop but still be 
easy to follow as well and perfectly acceptable in the vast majority of cases.


Weird exception in my, um, exception class constructor

2008-05-27 Thread Joel Koltner
I have a generic (do nothing) exception class that's coded like this:

class MyError(exceptions.Exception):
def __init__(self,args=None):
self.args = args

When I attempt to raise this exception via 'raise MyError' I get an exception 
within the MyError constructor __init__ as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
[lines deleted]
  File c:\Documents and Settings\Joel.Kolstad\My Documents\Python\, line 7, in __init__
self.args = args
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Ummm... why should 'args' have to be iterable anyway?  I don't understand 
what's going on here?  Could someone help me with this?

I've found empirically that I can write:

if args self.args = args

...and everything *appears* to work OK, but I'd really like to know what the 
core problem is.

Thank you,


Re: Weird exception in my, um, exception class constructor

2008-05-27 Thread Joel Koltner
Hi Arnaud,

Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 That's because the class 'Exception' defines a descriptor 'args' which
 has to be a sequence.

Ah, thanks.  I was following the example in Beazley's book and should have dug 
into the actual documentation a bit more.

 OTOH you could just take advantage of Exception.args:
 class MyError(Exception): pass

Sounds good to me.  I take it that, if I don't inherit from Exception, various 
expected behaviors will break?  (This is what Beazley suggests...)



Re: Weird exception in my, um, exception class constructor

2008-05-27 Thread Joel Koltner
Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Did you actually write self,args = args?

(looks at source code)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Why, yes, yes I did!  Thanks for catching that...


Reloading function obtained via 'from xxx import yyy'

2008-05-23 Thread Joel Koltner
How do I get Python to correctly re-load this function definition?


def testFunc():
print 'My testFunc!'

I execute...

 from test import testFunc
My testFunc!

Fine... now I change to:

def testFunc():
print 'Modified testFunc!'

...and I'd like to reload testFunc.  How do I do so?  'from test import 
testFunc' keeps the old definition around, and 'reload test' of course doesn't 
work becayse I didn't use 'import test' in the first place.

Thanks for the help,


Re: Reloading function obtained via 'from xxx import yyy'

2008-05-23 Thread Joel Koltner
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Try all three of them, in sequence:

Thanks, will do.

 If you absolutely don't want to import test, write

I can live with the import, I just don't want to have to type out the full 
names all the time.



Producing multiple items in a list comprehension

2008-05-22 Thread Joel Koltner
Is there an easy way to get a list comprehension to produce a flat list of, 
say, [x,2*x] for each input argument?

E.g., I'd like to do something like:

[ [x,2*x] for x in range(4) ]

...and receive

[ 0,0,1,2,2,4,3,6]

...but of course you really get a list of lists:

[[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6]]

I'm aware I can use any of the standard flatten bits of code to turn this 
back into what I want, but I was hoping there's some way to avoid the lists 
of lists generation in the first place?

A slightly similar problem: If I want to merge, say, list1=[1,2,3] with 
list2=[4,5,6] to obtain [1,4,2,5,3,6], is there some clever way with zip to 
do so?



Re: Producing multiple items in a list comprehension

2008-05-22 Thread Joel Koltner
Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 A slightly similar problem: If I want to merge, say, list1=[1,2,3] ...
 items = [None] * 6
 items[::2] = 1,2,3
 items[1::2] = 4,5,6
 [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]

Thanks Peter, that's pretty clean -- I like it!


Re: Producing multiple items in a list comprehension

2008-05-22 Thread Joel Koltner
inhahe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 i figured out a solution

 sum([x,2*x] for x in range(4)],[]) #not tested

Nice... thanks; I probably had seen code using 'sum' to flatten but hadn't 
actually understood how it worked.  After playing around some it's now 

(Add one more opening bracket to your solution to make the interpreter 
happy -- I know you know this and it was missed only due to not actually 
trying it ought)



Re: Producing multiple items in a list comprehension

2008-05-22 Thread Joel Koltner
Hi Marc,

Marc Christiansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm not sure I would recommend it, but try:
 [v for x in range(4) for v in (x, 2 * x)]

That certainly works... and it almost seems like a bit less of a hack (if 
perhaps somewhat harder to read) than the sum approach to flattening?

 A similar solution as above should work.

This is what I came up with:

 [j for (i,m) in enumerate(list1) for j in (m,list2[i])]
[1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]

Not exactly clean due to having to enumerate list1 to get the index for 
list2.  There may be a better method, of course -- so far I like Petter 
Otten's approach.

Thanks for the help,
