[issue1945] Document back ported C functions

2008-02-18 Thread John Lenton

John Lenton added the comment:

This is the same as the previous patch, but I added the versionadded
notation in the rst, and the info in refcounts.dat to get the return
value info in the docs.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9461/1945-2.diff

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2112] mmap.error should be a subclass of EnvironmentError and not a direct EnvironmentError

2008-02-17 Thread John Lenton

John Lenton added the comment:

Ran the regression test with this patch, all ok (on Ubuntu Gutsy).
Attached diff is the same, with the addition of the NEWS entry.

nosy: +Chipaca
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9443/mmap3.diff

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1945] Document back ported C functions

2008-02-17 Thread John Lenton

John Lenton added the comment:

Copied documentation from the py3k branch for the functions mentioned in
the .h's (those were: PyLong_FromSsize_t, PyLong_FromSize_t,
PyLong_AsSsize_t, PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize, PyUnicode_FromString,
PyUnicode_FromFormat, and PyUnicode_FromFormatV). Tested by building the
documentation; everything seems to be in order. Added NEWS entry.

nosy: +Chipaca
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9454/1945.diff

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675533] setup.py LDFLAGS regexp is wrong

2008-01-19 Thread John Lenton

John Lenton added the comment:

This was fixed in r57389 by georg.brandl by changing the replacement
string '' to ' ' (turning the option into a non-option).

Steps to reproduce this on Ubuntu Feisty, before that revision, were:
$ mkdir banana
$ sudo mv /usr/include/sqlite3.h banana/
$ make clean  ./configure  make
 Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
_sqlite3  bsddb185  sunaudiodev
$ make clean  CPPFLAGS=-Ibanana ./configure  make
Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
bsddb185  sunaudiodev  
$ make clean  CPPFLAGS=-Ibanana\ -Rmango ./configure  make
 Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
_sqlite3  bsddb185  sunaudiodev

nosy: +Chipaca

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method

2008-01-19 Thread John Lenton

John Lenton added the comment:

Attached patch adds two things: an 'end' argument to find, and an
'rfind' method. This includes minimal tests for rfind, but as I actually
refactored find and rfind into a single method, tests covering find also
cover most of rfind :).  I added 'end' first because the refactoring
seemed more natural (symmetric?) after that. Also included are updated
docs, and NEWS.

nosy: +Chipaca
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9219/mmap.rfind.patch


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method

2008-01-19 Thread John Lenton

John Lenton added the comment:

New patch, with small change after being reviewed by amk. Still against
revision 60082.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9223/mmap.rfind.patch


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

module placeholder

2005-04-15 Thread John Lenton
Once again I'm working on code that has several 'providers' of
different features, and I thought I'd ask the list what better
solutions it has to this other than what I've come up with.

Currently, the cleanest way I can find is to say

  import foo
  # from this point on, foo.bar is provided by foo.bars.baz

this could be widget sets, database connectors, persistance layers,
RPC, you name it. This is very easy to do:

  # foo.py
  def config(bar_name=DEFAULT_BAR_NAME):
  global bar
  bar =  __import__('foo.' + bar_name, globals(), locals(),

This would work fine if people wanted to use this (once its configured)
as 'import foo; foo.bar.funkyFunction()', but no! they want to be able
to do 'from foo.bar import funkyFunction', which is reasonable really
because I'm just as lazy as they are.

So what I've come up with is

  def config(bar_name=DEFAULT_BAR_NAME):
  global bar
  barModule =  __import__('foo.' + bar_name, globals(), locals(),

  class proxyModule(new.module):
 def faultFrom(self, other):
self.__other = other
self.__name__ = other.__name__
self.__file__ = other.__file__ + ' [proxied]'
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.__other, attr)

  bar = proxyModule('bar proxy')

and this is the bit that feels ugly: is there a better way to have an
object that can be imported from a file and that behaves like a module,
but that isn't filled in until some point down the road?


Re: Recognizing the Arrival of a New File

2005-03-10 Thread John Lenton
On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 08:43:04AM -0600, Greg Lindstrom wrote:
 I am writing an application where I need to recognize when a file 
 arrives in a given directory.  Files may arrive at any time during the 
 course of the day.  Do I set up a cron job to poll the directory every 
 few minutes?  Write a daemon to monitor the directory?  Or is there some 
 other more common/accepted way to perform this task?  I'm using Python 
 2.3 on Linux.

you could use dnotify; unfortunately although the fcntl wrapper in
python would suffice, there is AFAIK no way to do
sigaction. Fortunately there is a dnotify program which is easy enough
to use, both from python or directly.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Knghtbrd 2fort5 sucks enough to have its own gravity ...

Description: Digital signature

Re: web status display for long running program

2005-02-24 Thread John Lenton
Hash: SHA1
Brian Roberts wrote:
| I have a command line Python program that sometimes takes a bit
| (several minutes) to run.  I want to provide an optional method for an
| impatient user (me!) to check the status of the program.  The type and
| amount of status information doesn't fit nicely into a --verbose or
| logger -- either too little or too much information at different
| points.
dd and pppd (and probably others) solve this problem by registering
a signal handler that either toggles debug or prints status
information to stderr.
- --
John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do.
Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.
-- Mark Twain
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-18 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 10:20:58PM -0800, Michele Simionato wrote:
 Ok, I have yet another question: what is the difference
 between fcntl.lockf  and fcntl.flock? The man page of
 my Linux system says that flock is implemented independently
 of fcntl, however it does not say if I should use it in preference
 over fcntl or not.

it depends on what you want to do: as the manpages say, flock is
present on most Unices, but lockf is POSIX; flock is BSD, lockf is
SYSV (although its in XPG4.2, so you have it on newer Unices of any
flavor); on Linux, lockf works over NFS (if the server supports it),
and gives you access to mandatory locking if you want it. You can't
mix lockf and flock (by this I mean: you can get a LOCK_EX via flock
and via lockf on the same file at the same time).

So: use whichever you feel more comfortable with, although if you are
pretty confident your program will run mostly on Linux there is a bias
towards lockf given its extra capabilities there.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
¡¡  QQuuiittaa  eell  LLooccaall  EEcchhoo,,  MMaannoolloo  !!

Description: Digital signature

Re: how can i randomly choose keys in dictionary

2005-02-18 Thread John Lenton
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 09:35:30AM +0100, Thomas Guettler wrote:
 Am Thu, 17 Feb 2005 18:13:46 -0800 schrieb neutrinman:
  Hi,there. How can I choose a key in dictionary randomly?
  Say, random.choice() in lists,
  or in lists:
  lists = [1,2,3,4]
  position = random.range(len(lists))
  word = lists[position]
 Hi, try this:
 import random
 mydict={1: one, 2: two}
 print mydict[random.choice(mydict.keys())]

if you're going to do that, why don't you do

  print random.choice(mydict.values())


John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Quien da parte de sus cohechos, de sus tuertos hace derechos. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: [perl-python] exercise: partition a list by equivalence

2005-02-18 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 03:46:20PM -0800, Xah Lee wrote:
 here's another interesting algorithmic exercise, again from part of a
 larger program in the previous series.
 Here's the original Perl documentation:
 merge($pairings) takes a list of pairs, each pair indicates the
 of the two indexes. Returns a partitioned list of same indexes.
 For example, if the input is
 merge( [ [1,2], [2,4], [5,6] ] );
 that means 1 and 2 are the same. 2 and 4 are the same. Therefore
 1==2==4. The result returned is
 (ordering of the returned list and sublists are not specified.)

in Python:

def merge(pairings):
rev = {}
res = []
for pairing in pairings:
first, second = pairing
has_first = first in rev
has_second = second in rev
if has_first and has_second:
rev[second][:] = []
rev[second] = rev[first]
elif has_first:
rev[second] = rev[first]
elif has_second:
rev[first] = rev[second]
copy = [first, second]
rev[first] = rev[second] = copy
return filter(None, res)

and in Perl:

sub merge($)
my %rev = ();
my @res = ();
my ($pairing, $first, $second, $has_first, $has_second);
foreach $pairing (@{$_[0]})
($first, $second) = @$pairing;
$has_first = exists $rev{$first};
$has_second = exists $rev{$second};
if ($has_first and $has_second)
push @{$rev{$first}}, @{$rev{$second}};
@{$rev{$second}} = ();
$rev{$second} = $rev{$first};
elsif (exists $rev{$first})
push @{$rev{$first}}, $second;
$rev{$second} = $rev{$first};
elsif (exists $rev{$second})
push @{$rev{$second}}, $first;
$rev{$first} = $rev{$second};
my @copy = ($first, $second);
push @res, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
$rev{$first} = $rev{$second} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
return [grep @$_, @res];

although in Perl you wouldn't define it to take a reference to a list
(as you did), but rather a list, and you wouldn't define it to return
a reference to a list, but rather a list in list context (and possibly
a reference in scalar context).

Both versions are (IMHO) pretty clear (when the docstring/pod is
included), and O(n) because dict/hash lookup and list
appending/pushing is O(1) in both languages. Both versions can
probably be tweaked for speed quite a bit, but I don't *think* there's
a better-than-O(n) algorithm for this.

Note that the Python version assumes that the pairs' elements are
hashable; your example used numbers, so I thought it was pretty safe
assumption. The Perl version has no such restriction.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Noble cosa es, aún para un anciano, el aprender.
-- Sófocles. (497-406 a.C.) Filósofo griego. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-18 Thread John Lenton
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 07:57:21AM -0800, Michele Simionato wrote:
 Uhm ... I reading /usr/src/linux-2.4.27/Documentation/mandatory.txt
 The last section says:
 6. Warning!
 Not even root can override a mandatory lock, so runaway processes
 can wreak havoc if they lock crucial files. The way around it is to
 change the file permissions (remove the setgid bit) before trying to
 read or write to it.  Of course, that might be a bit tricky if the
 system is hung :-(
 so lockf locks do not look completely harmless ...

if you read the whole file, you will have read that turning on
mandatory locks is not trivial. I never said it was harmless, and in
fact (as that section explains) it's a bad idea for most cases; there
are some (very few) situations where you need it, however, and so you
can get at that functionality. Having to mount your filesystem with
special options and twiddling the permission bits is a pretty strong
hint that the implementors didn't think it was a good idea for most
cases, too.

Hmm, just read that file, and it doesn't mention the have to mount
with special options bit. But if you look in mount(8), you see an
entry under the options list,

   mand   Allow mandatory locks on this filesystem. See fcntl(2)

and if you look in fcntl(2), you see that

   Mandatory locking
   (NonPOSIX.)  The above record locks may be either advi
   sory or mandatory, and are advisory by default.  To make
   use  of  mandatory  locks,  mandatory  locking  must  be
   enabled (using the o mand option to mount(8)) for the
   file system containing the file to be locked and enabled
   on the file itself (by disabling group  execute  permis
   sion  on  the  file  and enabling the setGID permission

   Advisory locks are not  enforced  and  are  useful  only
   between   cooperating  processes.  Mandatory  locks  are
   enforced for all processes.

if I have come across as recommending mandatory locks in this thread,
I apologize, as it was never my intention. It is a cool feature for
the .001% of the time when you need it (and the case in discussion in
this thread is not one of those), but other than that it's a very,
very bad idea. In the same league of badness as SysV IPC; I'd still
mention SysV IPC to someone who asked about IPC on Linux, however,
because there are places where it is useful even though most times
it's a stupid way to do things (yes, Oracle, *especially* you).

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
A pencil with no point needs no eraser.

Description: Digital signature

Re: exercise: partition a list by equivalence

2005-02-18 Thread John Lenton
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 03:21:10PM -0800, John Machin wrote:
 Not robust in the face of input like:
 [[1,2], [1,2]]
 [[1,2], [2,1]]
 [[1,2], [2,3], [3,1]]

oops, my bad.

 needs if first == second: continue here
  if has_first and has_second:
 needs if rev[first] == rev[second]: continue here

an 'is' is enough, and better.

  rev[second][:] = []
  rev[second] = rev[first]
  elif has_first:
  rev[second] = rev[first]
  elif has_second:
  rev[first] = rev[second]
  copy = [first, second]
 My reaction to the magic by which res grows was omigod that's the
 most horrible thing I've seen for quite a while but there was worse to
 come :-)

what is magic about it? is it really that horrible?

 List appending is O(1) only in the amortised sense. Extending is not
 O(1) in any sense. Neither is the list comparison that is necessary for
 robustness (using your data structure, that is).
 You don't need to think. This problem has been extensively picked over
 by folk who are a lot smarter than us, starting from 30 years ago.
 Google for disjoint set and union-find. One gets the impression
 that the best possible algorithm would be slightly *worse* than O(n).

Of course! I'd forgotten clean about union-find. And yes, it's
O(n*log(n)) union and find, and my implementation is O(n**2) for
union, O(1) for find; I'm pleased that, in spite of having forgotten
about union-find, I reinvented (heh) something that is better than
the naive implementation we saw in class.

Now I'm even more worried about your dismissal of this as magic and

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Why don't you fix your little problem... and light this candle?
-- Alan Shepherd, the first man into space, Gemini program

Description: Digital signature

Re: exercise: partition a list by equivalence

2005-02-18 Thread John Lenton
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 09:57:59PM -0800, John Machin wrote:
  this, together with you saying that it is hard to explain, makes me
  think that you aren't comfortable thinking of lists as mutable
 How so? There is no connection between is/== and mutability. Let me
 amplify: The point about 'is' is a good one, and aids your redemption
 after your failure to have adequate guards caused your algorithm not to

hey, it worked for all the test cases provided by the customer! :) and
then some; I hadn't thought of checking for cycles nor repetetitions.

 You are confusing mutability of lists (without which they would be
 called tuples!) with my point that the 'res' list was having its
 contents fiddled with implicitly through other pointers.

umm... nope, see, well, hair-splitting and all that, there is this
list that holds the partitions; the partitions are lists of
elements. There is a reverse mapping that, for each element, holds the
partition that element is in. So basically you go down the list of
pairings, modifying the partitions as you go. I'm certain if I had
commented the function appropriately, we wouldn't be having this
discussion :)

Let me see if I can remedy that:

def merge(pairings):

merge(pairings) takes a list of pairs, each pair indicates
the sameness of the two indexes. Returns a partitioned list
of same indexes.

For example, if the input is
merge( [ [1,2], [2,4], [5,6] ] );

that means 1 and 2 are the same. 2 and 4 are the
same. Therefore 1==2==4. The result returned is


(ordering of the returned list and sublists are not

# the list of partitions, or partitioned list.
#  (each partition is a list of elements)
res = []

# reverse mapping (element - partition it is in)
rev = {}
for pairing in pairings:
first, second = pairing
has_first = first in rev
has_second = second in rev
if has_first and has_second:
# both elements already in a partition...
if rev[first] is rev[second]:
# both elements in same partition, nothing to do
# joining the two partitions:
#  - grow one partition with the other one
#  - clear the other one
rev[second][:] = []
#  update reverse mapping
rev[second] = rev[first]
elif has_first:
# partition already exists, just add an element to it
# update reverse mapping
rev[second] = rev[first]
elif has_second:
# ditto
rev[first] = rev[second]
# create partition from scratch
if first == second:
new = [first]
new = [first, second]
# add it to list of partitions
# update reverse mapping
rev[first] = rev[second] = new
# remove empty partitions
return filter(None, res)

hrmph, I should hit the sack. Sorry if this is still ugly, I'm too
tired to tell.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Todo bicho que camina va a parar cuando se canse.

Description: Digital signature

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 10:43:42PM -0800, Michele Simionato wrote:
 snip simple example with flock
 What happens if for any reason the application crashes?
 Locked files will stay locked or not? And if yes, how do I
 unlock them?

the operating system cleans up the lock.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Linux ext2fs has been stable for a long time, now it's time to break it
-- Linuxkongreß '95 in Berlin

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to wrap a class's methods?

2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 07:32:55PM +, Grant Edwards wrote:
 I want to subclass an IMAP connection so that most of the
 methods raise an exception if the returned status isn't 'OK'.
 This works, but there's got to be a way to do it that doesn't
 involve so much duplication:
 class MyImap4_ssl(imaplib.IMAP4_SSL):
 def login(*args):
 s,r = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL.login(*args)
 if s!='OK':
 raise NotOK((s,r))
 return r
 def list(*args):
 s,r = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL.list(*args)
 if s!='OK':
 raise NotOK((s,r))
 return r
 def search(*args):
 s,r = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL.search(*args)
 if s!='OK':
 raise NotOK((s,r))
 return r
 [and so on for another dozen methods]

something like this:

def NotOKVerified(orig):
def f(*args):
s, r = orig(*args)
if s != 'OK':
raise NotOK((s,r))
return r
return f

class MyImap4_ssl(IMAP4_SSL):

for method_name in ('login', 'list', 'search'):
setattr(MyImap4_ssl, method_name, getattr(IMAP4_SSL, method_name))


I'd usually put big fat warnings around this code, and explain exaclty
why I need to do things this way...

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
To vacillate or not to vacillate, that is the question ... or is it?

Description: Digital signature

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 09:08:25PM +0100, Pierre Quentel wrote:
 Maybe you'll find this too naive, but why do you want to avoid 
 concurrent accesses to a database that will be accessed 12 times a day ?

because every sunday at 3am your boss and his wife will both try to
use the script at the same time, and delete everything.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
If our behavior is strict, we do not need fun!

Description: Digital signature


2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 06:49:38PM +, Stephen Kellett wrote:
 Next you'll be telling me the world is flat and held up by an infinite 
 array of tortoises.

no, of course not! It's an iterator.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Test-tube babies shouldn't throw stones.

Description: Digital signature

Re: namespace collisions

2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 06:20:36PM +, Will McGugan wrote:
 I'm accumulating a number of small functions, which I have sensibly put 
 in a single file called 'util.py'. But it occurs to me that with such a 
 generic name it could cause problems with other modules not written by 
 myself. Whats the best way of handling this? If I put it in a common 
 location in my Python path, should I call it willsutil.py?


is probably a convention worth starting :)

or you could go with


but ThatGetsOldFast.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
All my friends are getting married,
Yes, they're all growing old,
They're all staying home on the weekend,
They're all doing what they're told.

Description: Digital signature

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 12:42:55AM -0800, Michele Simionato wrote:
 John Lenton:
  the operating system cleans up the lock.
 So, are you effectively saying than a custom made solution based on
 flock can be quite reliable and it could be a reasonable choice to
 use shelve+flock for small/hobbysts sites? I always thought locking
 was a bad beast and feared to implement it myself, but maybe I was
 wrong afterall ...

locking works very well, when it works. If you're on Linux, the
manpage for flock has a NOTES section you should read. I don't know
how direct the mapping between python's flock/lockf and the OSs
flock/lockf are, you might want to look into that as well (but you'd
only really care if you are in one of the corner cases mentioned in
the referred NOTES section).

In some weird corner cases you'd have to revert to some other locking
scheme, but the same pattern applies, however: subclass whatever it is
you want to use, wrapping the appropriate methods in try/finally
lock/unlocks; you just want to change the flock to some other thing.

Also, if you use something where the process doesn't terminate between
calls (such as mod_python, I guess), you have to be sure to write the
try/finallys around your locking code, because the OS only cleans up
the lock when the process exits.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Keep emotionally active.  Cater to your favorite neurosis.

Description: Digital signature

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-17 Thread John Lenton
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 09:02:37PM -0800, Michele Simionato wrote:
  John Lenton:
 Also, if you use something where the process doesn't terminate between
 calls (such as mod_python, I guess), you have to be sure to write the
 try/finallys around your locking code, because the OS only cleans up
 the lock when the process exits.
 This is what I feared. What happens in the case of a power failure?
 Am I left with locked files floating around?


John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Los hijos de los buenos, capa son de duelo 

Description: Digital signature

Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-16 Thread John Lenton
On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 06:57:47PM -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:
 I've started a few threads before on object persistence in medium to
 high end server apps.  This one is about low end apps, for example, a
 simple cgi on a personal web site that might get a dozen hits a day.
 The idea is you just want to keep a few pieces of data around that the
 cgi can update.
 Immediately, typical strategies like using a MySQL database become too
 big a pain.  Any kind of compiled and installed 3rd party module (e.g.
 Metakit) is also too big a pain.  But there still has to be some kind
 of concurrency strategy, even if it's something like crude file
 locking, or else two people running the cgi simultaneously can wipe
 out the data store.  But you don't want crashing the app to leave a
 lock around if you can help it.
 Anyway, something like dbm or shelve coupled with flock-style file
 locking and a version of dbmopen that automatically retries after 1
 second if the file is locked would do the job nicely, plus there could
 be a cleanup mechanism for detecting stale locks.
 Is there a standard approach to something like that, or should I just
 code it the obvious way?

one easy way would be something along the lines of

from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from fcntl import flock, LOCK_SH, LOCK_EX, LOCK_UN

class LockedParser(ConfigParser):
def _read(self, fp, fpname):
flock(fp, LOCK_SH) # block until can read
rv = super(LockedParser, self)._read(fp, fpname)
flock(fp, LOCK_UN)
return rv

def write(self, fp):
flock(fp, LOCK_EX) # block until can write
rv = super(LockedParser, self).write(fp)
flock(fp, LOCK_UN)
return rv

although you could do the same kind of stuff with csv, or even
Pickle. Of course this doesn't work if what you're wanting to
implement is a hit counter, but that is much easier: just grab a
LOCK_EX, read in, write out, LOCK_UN. If you care about (not)
overwriting changes, but fear you'll hold the lock for too long with
the simple 'grab the lock and run' approach, you could save a version
of the original file and compare before writing out. Complexity grows
a lot, and you suddenly would be better off using pybsddb or somesuch.

Of course I'm probably overlooking something, because it really can't
be this easy, can it?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
BOFH excuse #44:

bank holiday - system operating credits  not recharged

Description: Digital signature

Re: Alternative to raw_input ?

2005-02-11 Thread John Lenton
On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 05:37:19PM +0100, BOOGIEMAN wrote:
 On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 16:35:19 +, Simon Brunning wrote:
  Err, why?
 It looks to ugly this way. I want to press 
 any key without ENTER to continue

read the documentation on readline.

Hmm! it says Availability: Unix. Any particular reason? readline
should be fine on OSX and Win32

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
sugar daddy, n.:
A man who can afford to raise cain.

Description: Digital signature

Re: hard_decoding

2005-02-10 Thread John Lenton
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 05:22:12PM -0700, Tamas Hegedus wrote:
 Do you have a convinient, easy way to remove special charachters from 
 èéêë  = e
 'L0xe1szl0xf3' = Laszlo
 or something like that:
 'L\xc3\xa1szl\xc3\xb3' = Laszlo

for the examples you have given, this works:

from unicodedata import normalize

def strip_composition(unichar):

Return the first character from the canonical decomposition of
a unicode character. This wil typically be the unaccented
version of the character passed in (in Latin regions, at

return normalize('NFD', unichar)[0]

def remove_special_chars(anystr):

strip_composition of the whole string

return ''.join(map(strip_composition, unicode(anystr)))

for i in ('ÀÁÂÃÄÅ', 'èéêë',
print i, '-', remove_special_chars(i)


èéêë - 
László - Laszlo
László - Laszlo

although building a translation mapping is, in general, faster. You
could use the above to build that map automatically, like this:

def build_translation(sample, table=None):

Return a translation table that strips composition characters
out of a sample unicode string. If a table is supplied, it
will be updated.

assert isinstance(sample, unicode), 'sample must be unicode'
if table is None:
table = {}
for i in set(sample) - set(table):
table[ord(i)] = ord(strip_composition(i))
return table

this is much faster on larger strings, or if you have many strings,
but know the alphabet (so you compute the table once). You might also
try to build the table incrementally,

for i in strings:
i = i.translate(table)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
table = build_translation(i, table)
i = i.translate(table)

of course this won't work if you have other, non-ascii but
non-composite, chars in your strings.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
El que está en la aceña, muele; que el otro va y viene. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: multi threading in multi processor (computer)

2005-02-09 Thread John Lenton
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 07:56:27AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Pierre,
 That's a pity, since when we have to run parallel, with single
 processor is really  not efficient. To use more computers I think is
 cheaper than to buy super computer in developt country.

and buying more, cheap computers gives you more processing power than
buying less, multi-processor computers. So the best thing you can do
is learn to leverage some distributed computing scheme. Take a look at
Pyro, and its Event server.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
When the cup is full, carry it level.

Description: Digital signature

Re: PyQt and Python 2.4 - also WinXP LnF?

2005-02-09 Thread John Lenton
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 06:44:31PM -0800, Simon John wrote:
 I'm writing an XMMS remote control program, so it will be GPL when
 released (if it's ever good enough to release!) so I'm looking at
 buying the commercial PyQt3 or BlackAdder whilst waiting for the GPL

may I observe that if you're writing anything to do with xmms, you
stick to plain ol' gtk1?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Hemos hallado al enemigo, y somos nosotros.
-- Walt Kelly. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-08 Thread John Lenton
On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 09:19:58PM -0200, Gabriel B. wrote:
  However, imagine simple situation:
  1. I write proprietary program with open plugin api. I even make the api
  itself public domain. Program works by itself, does not contain any
  GPL-ed code.
 No need to continue. You write something that uses a plugin, Eolas
 sues you. Don't have to mind about trolltech

not if you live in a sane country.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Preserve wildlife -- pickle a squirrel today!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 03:24:11PM +0100, Alex Martelli wrote:
 def always produces a
 function object and binds it to the name coming after keyword 'def'.
 Any such function object, no matter how produced and how bound hither
 and thither, always behaves in exactly the same way.

This isn't exactly true:

 class C(object):
...   def __new__(*a): pass
function __new__ at 0x40088d4c
 class D(object): pass
 def __new__(*a): pass
 D.__new__ = __new__
unbound method D.__new__

of course, __new__ is special-cased (*some*body should've read import
this, especially the part explicit is better than implicit).

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Al freír será el reír. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Confused with methods

2005-02-07 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 02:53:49PM +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 The fact that a function in a class performs a lot of magic if
 it is called through an instance, that isn't performed otherwise,
 makes python inconsistent here. You may like the arrangement
 (and it isn't such a big deal IMO) but that doesn't make it consistent.

I vote for accepting the fact (it goes with the practicality beats
purity bit, because otherwise all our methods would have to start
with an @instancemethod). This doesn't justify (IMVVHO) a new keyword,
like you (was it you?) seemed to imply (do you really mean for
instancemethod (or somesuch) and classmethod to become keywords?). I
think it's fine the way it is: there's an implicit @instancemethod,
and @staticmethod (which you'd have be the default if I read you
right) has to be explicit, when in classes. I think __new__ being an
exception to this is a (minor) wart, in fact it feels like premature
optimization (how many __new__s do you write, that you can't stick a
@staticmethod in front of them?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Fun Facts, #14:
In table tennis, whoever gets 21 points first wins.  That's how
it once was in baseball -- whoever got 21 runs first won.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Collapsing a list into a list of changes

2005-02-07 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 07:07:10PM +0100, Francis Girard wrote:
 Zut !
 I'm very sorry that there is no good use case for the reduce function in 
 Python, like Peter Otten pretends. That's an otherwise very useful tool for 
 many use cases. At least on paper. 
 Python documentation should say There is no good use case for the reduce 
 function in Python and we don't know why we bother you offering it.

I am guessing you are joking, right? I think Peter exaggerates when he
says that there will be no good use cases for reduce; it is very
useful, in writing very compact code when it does exactly what you
want (and you have to go through hoops to do it otherwise). It also
can be the fastest way to do something. For example, the fastest way
to get the factorial of a (small enough) number in pure python is

  factorial = lambda n: reduce(operator.mul, range(1, n+1))

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Laugh and the world thinks you're an idiot.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Collapsing a list into a list of changes

2005-02-07 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 09:39:11PM +0100, Peter Otten wrote:
 John Lenton wrote:
  For example, the fastest way
  to get the factorial of a (small enough) number in pure python is
factorial = lambda n: reduce(operator.mul, range(1, n+1))
 I see that you are seduced by the beauty of the expression. Otherwise, if
 you would really care for speed:

that's cheating: you moved the calculation into the setup. You aren't
timing what you say you are.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
I'd rather push my Harley than ride a rice burner.

Description: Digital signature

Re: a type without a __mro__?

2005-02-05 Thread John Lenton
On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 11:37:10AM +0100, Alex Martelli wrote:
 Can anybody suggest where to find (within the standard library) or how
 to easily make (e.g. in a C extension) a type without a __mro__, except
 for those (such as types.InstanceType) which are explicitly recorded in
 the dispatch table copy._deepcopy_dispatch...?

would this do what you need?

class C(type):
  def __getattribute__(self, attr):
if attr == '__mro__':
  raise AttributeError, What, *me*, a __mro__? Nevah!
return super(C, self).__getattribute__(attr)

class D(object):
  __metaclass__ = C

instances of D have a type that behaves as if it didn't have a
__mro__. This isn't exactly what you asked for, but it might be

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
El tiempo cura los dolores y las querellas porque cambiamos. Ya no somos la
misma persona.
-- Blaise Pascal. (1600-1662) Filósofo y escritor francés. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: implicit conversion

2005-02-01 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 02:01:56PM +0100, Benjamin Schmeling wrote:
 I am working on exposing a bigint class to python.  Now I've got the 
 problem that methods which take an bigint as
 an parameter do not accept Python longs.
 For example:
 import _PythonLiDIA
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File test.py, line 132, in ?
 Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
  _PythonLiDIA.gcd(bigint, long)
 did not match C++ signature:
  gcd(LiDIA::bigint, LiDIA::bigint)
 I don't know how to achieve implicit conversion at this point, turning an
 long automatically into an bigint. The other way round, turning an bigint
 into long can be realized by defining __long__.
 Can someone help me please?

as later on you say you have a constructor to convert longs into your
bigints, you should add a __coerce__ method to your class.

General description of __coerce__:


details on coercion rules:



John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
BOFH excuse #309:

firewall needs cooling

Description: Digital signature

Re: import doesn't work as i want

2005-02-01 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 04:52:24PM +0100, Olivier Noblanc ATOUSOFT wrote:
 In the botom of this post you will see my source code.
 The problem is when i launch main.py that doesn't make anything why

I'm guessing you don't have an __init__.py in inc/

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
/* now make a new head in the exact same spot */
 -- Larry Wall in cons.c from the perl source code

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: problems mirroring python-list to c.l.py?

2005-01-23 Thread John Lenton
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 01:53:52PM -0500, Daniel Bickett wrote:
  Is there a reason that Google Groups isn't mirroring python-list
  exactly like it used to, or is it simply a conspiracy I'm not in on?
 You should not ask this kind of question in a public forum,

and *you* should know better than to go around flapping your mouth
like that.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Comer se ha de hacer en silencio, como los frailes en sus conventos. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: simultaneous multiple requests to very simple database

2005-01-19 Thread John Lenton
On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 11:26:46AM -0500, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
 I have an application where I need a very simple database, effectively a 
 very large dictionary.  The very large dictionary must be accessed from 
 multiple processes simultaneously.  I need to be able to lock records 
 within the very large dictionary when records are written to.  Estimated 
 number of records will be in the ballpark of 50,000 to 100,000 in his 
 early phase and 10 times that in the future.  Each record will run about 
 100 to 150 bytes.
 speed is not a huge concern although I must complete processing in less 
 than 90 seconds.  The longer the delay however the greater number of 
 processes must be running parallel in order to keep the throughput up. 
 It's the usual trade-off we have all come to know and love.
 it is not necessary for the dictionary to persist beyond the life of the 
 parent process although I have another project coming up in which this 
 would be a good idea.
 at this point, I know they will be some kind souls suggesting various 
 SQL solutions.  While I appreciate the idea, unfortunately I do not have 
 time to puzzle out yet another component.  Someday I will figure it out 
 because I really liked what I see with SQL lite but unfortunately, today 
 is not that day (unless they will give me their work, home and cell 
 phone numbers so I can call when I am stuck. ;-)

I'm sure we could agree on a fee for me to do so :)

 So the solutions that come to mind are some form of dictionary in shared 
 memory with locking semaphore scoreboard or a multithreaded process 
 containing a single database (Python native dictionary, metakit, gdbm??) 
 and have all of my processes speak to it using xmlrpc which leaves me 
 with the question of how to make a multithreaded server using stock xmlrpc.

berkley db (at least version 3, http://pybsddb.sourceforge.net/)
supports multiple readers and writers, with fine-grained locking, it
looks like a dictionary, and it isn't sql. The use you have in mind is a
bit more complicated than the simple create-me-a-dictionary-in-a-file,
but is pretty straightforward. The documentation mostly refers you to
the C API, but fortunately it (the C API) is clear and well written.


John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.

Description: Digital signature

Re: strange note in fcntl docs

2005-01-18 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 09:54:46PM -0600, Skip Montanaro wrote:
 John And, even if they were, the note is *still* wrong and misleading:
 John fcntl is available on Windows, and os.open's flags won't be.
 Does this read better?

yes, and it takes me back to considering why file objects don't have
methods suck as lock, stat and mmap where those calls are available
through other mechanisms...

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Yo mando a mi gato y mi gato manda a su rabo. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: lambda

2005-01-18 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 03:20:01PM +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-01-17, John Lenton schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  knowledgeable and experienced users know when to ignore the rules.
 Then why seems there to be so few acknowledgement that these rules
 may indeed be broken by users. My experience is that anyone who suggests
 so runs the risk of being branded a (python) heretic.

First you learn the basics, then you think you're knowledgeable and
experienced, then you learn the rules, then you become one with the
rules, and then you may break them.

Most people suggesting these things haven't gotten past step #3. Using
Craig's parallel to C's goto, every and all newbie using gotos should
be lambasted: even if the use might be correct for the problem they
are trying to solve, the reasons for its correctness are far too
complex for them to grasp. But really, in practically any system, the
rules are generalizations, and they exist because the particulars are
too delicate to trust the unexperienced. The small print is

He dicho.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Yo siempre seré el futuro Nobel. Debe ser una tradición escandinava.
-- Jorge Luis Borges. (1899-1986) Escritor argentino. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: lambda

2005-01-17 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 11:41:20AM +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-01-17, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Antoon Pardon wrote:
 A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Rules are made 
 to be broken.
  Like only use immutables as dictionary keys.
  Fair enough, but don;t go advising newbies to do this.
 How about something like this.
 Because of the extra precautions one has to take when
 using mutables as hash keys, we advise newbies
 to stick with immutable keys until they have gathered
 enough knowledge and experience to adequatly weight
 the pro and cons of a mutable key solution against
 an immutable key solution.

knowledgeable and experienced users know when to ignore the rules.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Una buena gran parte del arte del bien hablar consiste en saber mentir con
-- Erasmo de Rotterdam. (1469-1536). 

Description: Digital signature

strange note in fcntl docs

2005-01-16 Thread John Lenton
In the fnctl docs for both python 2.3 and 2.4 there is a note at the
bottom that says

The os.open() function supports locking flags and is available on
a wider variety of platforms than the lockf() and flock()
functions, providing a more platform-independent file locking

however, in neither of those versions does os.open support any kind of
mysterious locking flags, nor is there any reference in os to any
kind of locking magic (nor do any C open()s I know of support any kind
of locking semantics). The note seems bogus; am I missing something,
or should it be elided?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Are Linux users lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of
reliable, well-engineered commercial software?
-- Matt Welsh

Description: Digital signature

Re: finding/replacing a long binary pattern in a .bin file

2005-01-14 Thread John Lenton
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 10:36:54PM -0800, yaipa wrote:
 What would be the common sense way of finding a binary pattern in a
 .bin file, say some 200 bytes, and replacing it with an updated pattern
 of the same length at the same offset?
 Also, the pattern can occur on any byte boundary in the file, so
 chunking through the code at 16 bytes a frame maybe a problem.  The
 file itself isn't so large, maybe 32 kbytes is all and the need for
 speed is not so great, but the need for accuracy in the
 search/replacement is very important.

ok, after having read the answers, I feel I must, once again, bring
mmap into the discussion. It's not that I'm any kind of mmap expert,
that I twirl mmaps for a living; in fact I barely have cause to use it
in my work, but give me a break!  this is the kind of thing mmap
*shines* at!

Let's say m is your mmap handle, a is the pattern you want to find,
b is the pattern you want to replace, and n is the size of both a and

You do this:

  p = m.find(a)
  m[p:p+n] = b

and that is *it*. Ok, so getting m to be a mmap handle takes more work
than open() (*) A *lot* more work, in fact, so maybe you're justified
in not using it; some people can't afford the extra

  s = os.stat(fn).st_size
  m = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), s)

and now I'm all out of single-letter variables.

*) why isn't mmap easier to use? I've never used it with something
other than the file size as its second argument, and with its access
argument in sync with open()'s second arg.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would
presumably flunk it.
-- Stanley Garn

Description: Digital signature

Re: Iteration over two sequences

2005-01-12 Thread John Lenton
 Quite frequently, I find the need to iterate over two sequences at
 same time, and I have a bit of a hard time finding a way to do this
in a
 pythonic fashion. One example is a dot product. The straight-ahead
 C-like way of doing it would be:

 def dotproduct(a, b):
psum = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
psum += a[i]*b[i]
return psum

for this particular example, the most pythonic way is to do nothing at
all, or, if you must call it dotproduct,
 from Numeric import dot as dotproduct


Re: Iteration over two sequences

2005-01-12 Thread John Lenton
 Downloading, installing, and getting to know numerical modules for
 Python is mext on my list :). However, I was under the impression
 Numarray is preferred to Numeric -- is that correct? Are these two
 competing packages? (Hopefully this is not flame war bait...)

Numeric's dot uses, if the appropriate libraries are installed,
processor-tuned code (it tries to load blas, and an attempt to load
blas will load atlas if present). Last time I checked numarray did not,
and so Numeric's dot is (or was) faster than numarray's dot by an order
of magnitude (and more, as the size of the array grew).


Re: What strategy for random accession of records in massive FASTA file?

2005-01-12 Thread John Lenton
 If you could help me figure out how to code a solution
 that won't be a resource whore, I'd be _very_ grateful. (I'd prefer
 keep it in Python only, even though I know interaction with a
 relational database would provide the fastest method--the group I'm
 trying to write this for does not have access to a RDBMS.)
You don't need a RDBMS; I'd put it in a DBM or CDB myself.


Re: Writing huge Sets() to disk

2005-01-10 Thread John Lenton
On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 12:33:42AM +0200, Simo Melenius wrote:
 John Lenton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  you probably want to look into building set-like objects ontop of
  tries, given the homogeneity of your language. You should see
  imrpovements both in size and speed.
 Ternary search trees give _much_ better space-efficiency compared to
 tries, at the expense of only slightly slower build and search time.
 This is especially essential as the OP mentioned he could have huge
 sets of data.

hmm! sounds like *some*body needs to go read up on ternary trees,

Ok, ok, I'm going...

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Fortune finishes the great quotations, #6

But, soft!  What light through yonder window breaks?
It's nothing, honey.  Go back to sleep.

Description: Digital signature

Re: fetching method names from a class, and the parameter list from a method

2005-01-10 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 08:29:40PM +0100, Philippe C. Martin wrote:
 Is this possible ?
 I am trying to have auto-completion working in a shell I wrote but I
 currently have the method lists done by hand (ie; if I add/subtract a
 method from that class, then my auto-completion is out of date).
 Same issue with method parameters.
 I have parsed through many of the attributes (ex: I use method.__doc__)
 but have not yet found a way to achieve the above goal.
 Is there a way? something like the following would be great:
 1) list = Class.__methods__
 2) dict (because of default values: param = None) =

 import inspect


John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
In Greene, New York, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on
the sidewalks when a concert is on.

Description: Digital signature

Re: unicode mystery

2005-01-10 Thread John Lenton
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 07:48:44PM -0800, Sean McIlroy wrote:
 I recently found out that unicode(\347, iso-8859-1) is the
 lowercase c-with-cedilla, so I set out to round up the unicode numbers
 of the extra characters you need for French, and I found them all just
 fine EXCEPT for the o-e ligature (oeuvre, etc). I examined the unicode
 characters from 0 to 900 without finding it; then I looked at
 www.unicode.org but the numbers I got there (0152 and 0153) didn't
 work. Can anybody put a help on me wrt this? (Do I need to give a
 different value for the second parameter, maybe?)

 isn't part of ISO 8859-1, so you can't get it that way. You can do
one of


or, if you must,

   unicode(\305\223, utf-8)

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Lisp, Lisp, Lisp Machine,
Lisp Machine is Fun.
Lisp, Lisp, Lisp Machine,
Fun for everyone.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Writing huge Sets() to disk

2005-01-10 Thread John Lenton
you probably want to look into building set-like objects ontop of
tries, given the homogeneity of your language. You should see
imrpovements both in size and speed.


Re: vga output

2004-12-29 Thread John Lenton
On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 07:57:53PM -0200, Gabriel Cosentino de Barros wrote:
 i'm writting an app to display images without X... i'm scared just to think
 about writting it in C... The hardware won't run X. and the CPU is very
 humble, around 20Mhz (and it must have fade outs). it run a minimalisc
 OpenBSD kernel.
 Anyone already did something similar and/or have any recomendations?

svgalib should do what you want; I don't know if there are python
bindings for it, but they should be pretty easy to make if not.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Support wildlife -- vote for an orgy.

Description: Digital signature

Re: consequences of not calling object.__init__?

2004-12-28 Thread John Lenton
in the code that follows, instances of E haven't been through D's
rigorous initiation process

.class C(object):
.def __init__(self):
.print C
.class D(object):
.def __init__(self):
.print D
.super(D, self).__init__()
.class E(C, D):
.def __init__(self):
.print E
.super(E, self).__init__()
