Getting process details on an operating system process/question answer by vouce

2018-07-16 Thread John T. Haggerty
So, it's early for me---and I'm not sure if these things can be done but
I'd like to know the following:

1. How can Python connect to a running operating system process on a host
operating system to see what part of the execution is like?---ie keep track
of health stats like it's stuck on disk access or inside some kind of wait
state etc.

2. Be able to pass questions and take answers via say a customized "okay
google" to try to explain:

Ask: how was your day
record answer in voice translate it via google
ask new question

Hope the two questions make sense

Re: OFF-TOPIC Ben's sig monster quote [was Re: Parametrized Unit Tests]

2015-08-29 Thread John T. Haggerty
People are naturally competitive. People naturally don't like to hear the
word know. People love to get what they want. Combine all of these things
together and you have all of the elements necessary to eventually create
another conflict. Just because it doesn't happen immediately doesn't mean
it's not going to happen ever.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015, 01:05 Nick Sarbicki wrote:

 Well who would we fight if we were all friends with each other?

 On Fri, 28 Aug 2015 07:31 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Completely off-topic. Stop reading now if you only want to read things

 On Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:46 am, Ben Finney wrote:

  \“Of course, everybody says they're for peace. Hitler was for |
  `\  peace. Everybody is for peace. The question is: what kind of |
  _o__)peace?” —Noam Chomsky, 1984-05-14 |

 With the greatest of respect to Chomsky, I think he is simply wrong about
 Hitler. Hitler actually believed that war was good for the national
 character, and indeed good for the soul, and that long periods of peace
 would enfeeble a nation and make it decadent and effete. Unlike a lot of
 people who believe the same thing, Hitler actually had experience in war,
 including a medal for bravery and a serious injury due to poison gas.

 Many people over the ages have thought that if only war was more terrible,
 we would stop making it. Alas, that appears to be false: no matter how
 terrible war is, there is always someone who thinks that it is better than



  - Nick


[no subject]

2015-06-22 Thread John T. Haggerty
I'm looking to just have a simple program that will do a SQLite query pull
a random record and then copy that record too the clipboard the system. I'm
not quite seeing how to do this perhaps this is already been done elsewhere
but I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to do that and I'm
not seeing a listing anywhere. any help would be greatly appreciated.