Re: Is it possible to get image size before/without downloading?

2006-07-22 Thread Josiah Manson
In the head of an HTTP response, most servers will specify a
Content-Length that is the number of bytes in the body of the response.
Normally, when using the GET method, the header is returned with the
body following. It is possible to make a HEAD request to the server
that will only return header information that will hopefully tell you
the file size.

If you want to know the actual dimensions of the image, I don't know of
anything in HTTP that will tell you. You will probably just have to
download the image to find that out. Relevant HTTP specs below if you

The above is true regardless of language. In python it appears there an
httplib module. I would call request using the method head.

 Hi there: a bit of a left-field question, I think.
 I'm writing a program that analyses image files downloaded with a basic
 crawler, and it's slow, mainly because I only want to analyse files
 within a certain size range, and I'm having to download all the files
 on the page, open them, get their size, and then only analyse the ones
 that are in that size range.
 Is there a way (in python, of course!) to get the size of images before
 or without downloading them? I've checked around, and I can't seem to
 find anything promising...
 Anybody got any clues?
 Cheers, Al.


Nested function scope problem

2006-07-21 Thread Josiah Manson
I found that I was repeating the same couple of lines over and over in
a function and decided to split those lines into a nested function
after copying one too many minor changes all over. The only problem is
that my little helper function doesn't work! It claims that a variable
doesn't exist. If I move the variable declaration, it finds the
variable, but can't change it. Declaring the variable global in the
nested function doesn't work either.

But, changing the variable in the containing scope is the whole purpose
of this helper function.

I'm new to python, so there is probably some solution I haven't
encountered yet. Could you please suggest a nice clean solution? The
offending code is below. Thanks.

def breakLine(s):
Break a string into a list of words and symbols.

def addTok():
if len(tok)  0:
tok = ''

ls = []
tok = ''
splitters = '?()|:~,'
whitespace = ' \t\n\r'

for c in s:
if c in splitters:
elif c in whitespace:
tok = tok + c


return ls

#some tests to make sure it works
print breakLine('carolina(Prada):cat(X,Y)')
print breakLine('trouble :bird (X ) cat ( Y )')
print breakLine('?trouble')


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-07-21 Thread Josiah Manson
Thank you for your corrections to the previous code. Your regex
solution is definitely much cleaner. Referring to your other
suggestions, is the advantage of using a list of chars instead of
adding to a string just a bow to big-O complexity, or are there other
considerations? First I had tried appending to the string, but it seems
they are immutable. It seems that using a list for a string isn't a
very clear way to represent a mutable string.

Although I gladly accept that using a regex is the best solution to
this problem, I am still interested in knowing how to access the
variables in a containing function. It seems that there should be some
keyword akin to global that would expose them, or some other method. I
have read that python uses nested scopes (or at least was planning to
in 2.2), so I wonder what I am missing.


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-07-21 Thread Josiah Manson
I just did some timings, and found that using a list instead of a
string for tok is significantly slower (it takes 1.5x longer). Using a
regex is slightly faster for long strings, and slightly slower for
short ones. So, regex wins in both berevity and speed!


list of polynomial functions

2006-06-15 Thread Josiah Manson
In the following program I am trying to learn how to use functional
programming aspects of python, but the following program will crash,
claiming that the recursion depth is too great. I am attempting to make
a list of polynomial functions such that poly[0](3) = 1, poly[1](3) =
3, poly[2](3) = 9, etc. Could someone point me in the right direction?

def make_polys(n):
Make a list of polynomial functions up to order n.

p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]

for i in range(n):
polys.append(lambda x: polys[i](x)*x)

return polys

# construct a vector of polynomials
polys = make_polys(5)

# print
for p in polys:
print p(3)


Re: a good programming text editor (not IDE)

2006-06-15 Thread Josiah Manson
You could try SciTE. It has syntax highlighting for almost every
language I have heard of plus some, and seems to work pretty well. It
has some issues with fonts, and on some computers is unstable (it
crashes in linux, and may have issues with multiprocessor machines).

I would also like to know if someone has made a good text editor that
works in a variety of languages and overcomes some of SciTE's

John Salerno wrote:
 I know there's a request for a good IDE at least once a week on the ng,
 but hopefully this question is a little different. I'm looking for
 suggestions for a good cross-platform text editor (which the features
 for coding, such as syntax highlighting, etc.) but not a full IDE with
 all the fancy jazz (GUI developer, UML diagrams, etc.).

 Ideally, it would be something I could even put on a flash drive and
 move from computer to computer, but this isn't necessary. Just something
 I can immediately use in either Windows or Linux (or Mac, if necessary).

 Based on another thread, I tried out Scite, but no matter what I do it
 doesn't seem to remember the window size and position, or any options I
 choose (like showing line numbers). It seems to always reset itself each
 time I open it.

 And naturally there are Emacs and Vim, but I just don't know if I need
 to invest *that* much time into learning one of them (probably Vim,
 since I hear it's lighter and faster).

 I've tried a few others, like TextPad and Crimson, and right now I use
 UltraEdit, which I love actually, except for minor issues here and
 there. But it'd be nice to make the move, as much as possible, to free,
 open-source, cross-platform software.

 Thanks for any suggestions, and again I'm sorry if this feels like the
 same question as usual (it's just that in my case, I'm not looking for
 something like SPE, Komodo, Eric3, etc. right now).


Re: list of polynomial functions

2006-06-15 Thread Josiah Manson
 The `i` is the problem.  It's not evaluated when the lambda *definition*
 is executed but when the lambda function is called.  And then `i` is
 always == `n`.  You have to explicitly bind it as default value in the
 lambda definition:

   polys.append(lambda x, i=i: polys[i](x)*x)

Thank you for your help.


Re: list of polynomial functions

2006-06-15 Thread Josiah Manson

 I'm curious why the very first attempt to call p(3) doesn't bomb
 out with the NameError that polys wasn't defined before it even
 got to the point of attempting to call it.

In the first call, the 0th lambda function is evaluated, and it was
defined as the constant function 1. The functions after that each refer
to the previous polynomial, so they mess up. The first doesn't so it's

I'm new to this, as evidenced by my original posting, so I may be
missing something.

I hope I helped,


Existance of of variable

2005-07-04 Thread Josiah Manson
Hello. I am very new to Python, and have been unable to figure out how
to check if a variable exists or not. In the following code I have made
a kludge that works, but I think that it would be clearer to check if
closest exists and not have to initialize it in the first place. How is
that check done?

The following code finds the closest place to a position and rejects
places that are too far away.

dist = 1e9
closest = -1

for n,p in galaxy.places.iteritems():
dif = p.pos - pos
len = dif.len()
if len  dist and len  10.0/self.zoom:
dist = len
closest = p

if closest != -1:
self.sel = []

I also have a few other questions to tack on if you don't mind. I am
setting dist to 1e9, because that is a larger value than any of the
places in the galaxy will be far away. Is there a better way to
initialize dist so that it is impossible for this to fail? For example,
would setting dist to infinity work, and how is that done?

Extending my existance checking question, how does one check what type
a variable has?

Thanks for your help!

-- Josiah
