Re: Editor Ergonomics [was: Important features for editors]

2013-07-10 Thread jussij
On Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:17:12 PM UTC+10, Xue Fuqiao wrote:

 * It is especially handy for selecting and deleting text.

When coding I never use a mouse to select text regions or to delete text.

These operations I do using just the keyboard.


Re: Important features for editors

2013-07-08 Thread jussij
On Thursday, July 4, 2013 5:32:59 PM UTC+10, cutems93 wrote:
 I am researching on editors for my own reference. 

On the Windows platform there is the Zeus editor:

It does the standard syntax highlighting, code folding and smarting indent etc 

It's also scriptable (in Python) making which makes it highly configurable.

The keyboard is fully configurable and my keyboard mapping of choice is Brief 
(there's an EMACS keyboard mapping but no vim mapping).

I couldn't live without the keyboard macro record and playback.

The automatic ctags also helps to navigate large code bases.

User defined templates help with common programming constructs like if, while, 
for etc.

I never was a big fan of code folding but have grow to use that feature a lot.

NOTE: I'm the author of Zeus, it is shareware, runs natively on the Windows 
platform and can run on Linux using Wine.

Re: Editor Ergonomics [was: Important features for editors]

2013-07-07 Thread jussij
On Sunday, July 7, 2013 12:41:02 PM UTC+10, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I am not an ergonomic expert, but I understand that moving from mouse to 
 keyboard actually helps prevent RSI, because it slows down the rate of 
 keystrokes and uses different muscle groups.

After 20+ years of coding using the Brief keyboard mapping I have so far I've 
gotten by with no perceivable RSI.

On the half dozen occasions that I can recall experienced wrist pain, I 
remember the pain being worst when trying to interfacing with the mouse.

So at least for me the mouse does not help.

Re: Weird behaviour?

2013-04-22 Thread jussij
On Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:29:57 AM UTC+10, nn wrote:

 Maybe it is related to this bug?

I'm running Python 2.7.2 (on Windows) and that version doesn't appear to have 
that bug:

  Python 2.7.2 (default, Apr 23 2013, 11:49:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on 
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

Cheers Jussi


Weird behaviour?

2013-04-21 Thread jussij
Can someone please explain the following behaviour?

I downloaded and compiled the Python 2.7.2 code base.

I then created this simple c:\temp\ macro: 

import sys

def main():
print(Please Input 120: )
input = raw_input()

print(Value Inputed:  + input)

if str(input) == 120:


If I run the macro using the -u (flush buffers) option the if statement always 

C:\Temppython.exe -u c:\temp\
Please Input 120:
Value Inputed: 120

If I run the macro without the -u option the if statement works as expected:

C:\Temppython.exe c:\temp\
Please Input 120:
Value Inputed: 120

What's going on?

Cheers Jussi

Re: Weird behaviour?

2013-04-21 Thread jussij
On Monday, April 22, 2013 10:56:11 AM UTC+10, Chris Angelico wrote:

 so your string actually contains '120\r', as will be revealed 
 by its repr().

Thanks Chris. That makes sense.

Cheers Jussi


Re: Weird behaviour?

2013-04-21 Thread jussij
On Monday, April 22, 2013 11:05:11 AM UTC+10, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I cannot confirm that behaviour. It works fine for me.

As Chris pointed out there is a \r character at the end of the string and that 
is causing the if to fail. 

I can now see the \r :)

So this is *Windows only* behaviour. 

Cheers Jussi

Re: New to python, do I need an IDE or is vim still good enough?

2013-01-01 Thread jussij
FWIW on the Windows platform the Zeus IDE has support for Python:

Zeus does the standard Python syntax highlighting, code completion, smart 
indenting, class browsing, code folding etc.

Zeus also has limited Python debugger support and is fully scriptable 
in Python.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus Editor

Re: Idle no longer works

2012-08-13 Thread jussij
On Saturday, August 11, 2012 4:09:16 PM UTC-7, Opap-OJ wrote:

 I can no longer open the Idle IDE for Python on Windows 7.
 Any idea why?

It looks like your registry has changed.

To fix this just use the Windows Explorer, click on a Python file 
and use the 'Open with, Choose default program' menu and then 
select the Idle IDE as the default program.

Re: No more Python support in NetBeans 7.0

2012-07-17 Thread jussij
On Thursday, March 24, 2011 7:32:44 AM UTC-7, Kees Bakker wrote:

 Sad news (for me, at least), in the upcoming version 7.0 of NetBeans
 there will be no Python plugin anymore.

FWIW on the Windows platform the Zeus IDE has support for python:

Zeus is a lightweight IDE but it does have limited Python debugger support:

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus Editor


ANN: Zeus - Windows IDE for Python

2012-07-11 Thread jussij
The latest Zeus IDE Version 3.97o is now available:

This latest Zeus release adds improved Python debugger support.

Other Pyhon language features include syntax highlighting, code
completion, smart indenting, class browsing and code folding.

Zeus is also fully scriptable in Python.

NOTE: Zeus is shareware, runs natively on the Windows platform
  and can be run on Linux using Wine.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus Editor

Re: Make Python portable by default! (Re: Python IDE/text-editor)

2011-05-23 Thread JussiJ
On Apr 17, 7:13 pm, Wolfgang Keller wrote:

  You can't run Python programs without a Python interpreter installed.


 See e.g.

In this case Python is still installed on the machine.

It may not be installled on the PC's hard disk but it is certainly
is installed on the USB stick.

In other words the act of inserting the USB actually results in
the software being 'Installed' (i.e. being made available) on
the PC.


Re: Python IDE/text-editor

2011-05-05 Thread JussiJ
On Apr 16, 1:20 pm, Alec Taylor wrote:

 I'm looking for an IDE which offers syntax-highlighting,
 code-completion, tabs,

The Zeus editor does offers all these features:

Zeus is also scriptable and Zeus scripts can be written in Python.

Zeus also does Python smart indenting and code folding.

 an embedded interpreter and which is portable

Zeus does not have an embedded Python interpreter, but by using
something like tee.exe it should be possible to emulate this:

 (for running from USB on Windows).

Zeus is a Windows editor but it is not a Protable application.

NOTE: Zeus is shareware.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows

ANN: Zeus for Windows IDE Version 3.97a

2009-12-17 Thread JussiJ
The latest 3.97a release of the Zeus for Windows IDE is
now available:

Zeus is fully configurable, language neutral IDE.

It comes pre-configured with Python syntax highlighting
and code folding.

It is also possible to write Zeus scripts using Python.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows

Re: What text editor is everyone using for Python

2009-06-17 Thread JussiJ
On May 31, 12:42 am, edexter wrote:

On the Windows platform the Zeus editor has Python
language support:

 I will sometimes use word pad but i perfer syntax

The syntax highlighter is fully configurable.

 I would be after is to be able to define my syntax file, the
 ability to use code snippits,

It has a code template feature.

 the ability to add tools and compilers...

and it also has these features.

If also does Python code folding and is scriptable in Python.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows

Re: What IDE support python 3.0.1 ?

2009-05-04 Thread JussiJ
On Apr 16, 1:26 pm, Brendon Wickham wrote:

 I agree, no IDE needed. Just don't use Notepad! I'm on Mac, so
 spoiled for choice of text editors, but I'm sure there's one
 or 2 good uns if you're on Windows.

The Zeus for Windows IDE is Python aware:

It does syntax highlighting, smart indenting etc. You can even
write Zeus scripts in Python.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows IDE

Re: Looking for a Python Program/Tool That Will Add Line Numbers to a txt File

2008-02-17 Thread JussiJ
On Feb 14, 5:54 pm, W. Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 See Subject. It's a simple txt file, each line is a Python stmt,
 but I need up to four digits added to each line with a space
 between the number field and the text.

FWIW here is a Zeus editor, Python macro script to do this:

import zeus

def key_macro():

# get the line is the current document
line_total = zeus.get_line_count()

# message in status bar
zeus.message(Line Count: %d % (line_total))

# write the line number to the start of each line
for i in range(1, line_total + 1):
zeus.set_line_pos(i, 1)
number = %4d  % (i)


key_macro() # run the macro

To use the script, just load the text file into Zeus and then
run the macro above from within Zeus.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows IDE

Re: python shell

2007-05-20 Thread JussiJ
On May 17, 3:38 am, Krypto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My mentor told me that you can virtually do anything from
 testing your program to anything in the shell. Any incite
 would be useful.

Using something like tee you can run the Python script in
the shell and also capture it's output:

For example, here are details on how to use tee within
the Zeus IDE:

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows IDE - Zeus for Windows Programmer's IDE


Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-09 Thread JussiJ
On May 10, 4:06 am, T. Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Right now I'm using Notepad++.  What are other people using?



Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-11 Thread jussij
Omar wrote:
 I'd love the perfect editor that would be:

Zeus for Windows understands Python, Java Script, HTML
an many other languages:
   Note: Zeus is shareware (45 day trial).

It will do Python syntax highlighting, code folding, class
browsing, smart indenting, project/workspace management etc

You can even write Zeus macros in Python or Java Script:)

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: text editor suggestion?

2006-08-21 Thread jussij
John Salerno wrote:

 The thing I liked about UltraEdit is that you can define your own
 groups of words and put whatever words you want in there, so my
 file had a group called '__builtins__' and it listed all the Python
 built-in methods, and those would be highlighted. Most editors I
 see don't seem to allow this...

The Zeus IDE uses this exact same approach but takes it one step
further by allowing you to encapsulate all this information inside
a document type:

But alas Zeus is a Windows only editor.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows IDE


Re: compiling python (or ironpython) to .exe or .dll for or not for .NET

2006-06-28 Thread jussij
per9000 wrote:

 Is the newest Ironpython really as old as from 2004 July 28 (as
 stated on

I think the site is dead but IronPython is far from dead. In fact
the IronPython 1.0 beta has just been release.

For more details go to this link:

and search for: ironpython

 Are there any (costless) editors like MS Visual Express
 you have tried?

Zeus for Windows has support for Python/IronPython:

It does syntax highlighting, smart indenting, code folding,
class browsing etc.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus For Windows


Re: a good programming text editor (not IDE)

2006-06-19 Thread jussij

 Anyway, the only thing editplus doesn't do that I wish it
 did is code folding.

If you need a Python folding editor you could always take
a look at Zeus:

 All the stuff you guys are talking about: line numbers,
 syntax highlighting, custom tools (running the interpreter),
 regexp search and replace, keeping your environment the same
 between sessions, soft word wrap, tab-vs-spaces, auto-indent,
 braces-matching, bla bla... it does it all in an appropriately
 gui manner without making you feel

Zeus does all this, plus it adds features project/workspace
management, ftp editing and class browsing.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: code folding, a unique problem to python?

2006-06-15 Thread jussij
John Salerno wrote:

 But my question is more general: is it possible to
 implement code folding with Python given that it has
 no real block delimiters?

I can't speak for UltraEdit, but the Zeus will quite
happily fold Python code:

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus For Windows IDE


Re: how to comment lot of lines in python

2006-04-04 Thread jussij
 You should use a decent editor that could automatically
 comment/uncomment code upon your request.

The Zeus for Windows IDE has just such a feature:

To do this in Zeus you basically mark the lines of text
that need commenting then use the Macros, Add Comment
Block menu to comment the lines selected.

Then to remove the comments you use the Macros, Remove
Comment Block menu.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: running IDLE from another program?

2006-04-04 Thread jussij
 So it comes down to this: is it possible to run code (that
 was created in a separate editor) in IDLE in some kind of
 automated way?

Using the Zeus for Windows IDE this should be possible. Zeus has
many options when it comes to running tools and compilers:

It will also capture the tool output and allowing you to click
on the errors in the output and have the file load at the correct
line number.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows
Note: Zeus is shareware (45 day trial).


Re: What's The Best Editor for python

2006-03-25 Thread jussij
 Can one of you say to me what's the best editor for
 editing the python programs( for linux or windows )

The Zeus for Windows IDE has support for Python:

It does Python code folding, smart indenting and syntax
highlighting. It also has features like project/workspace
mangement, ftp editing and class browsing etc.

You can even write Zeus macros in Python.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author of: Zeus for Windows
NOTE: Zeus is shareware


Re: Python IDE: great headache....

2006-03-12 Thread jussij
 I use WinXP sp2 for current development.

You might want to take a look at the Zeus for Windows IDE:

Here is how Zeus stacks up to your check list:

 I hope that an IDE should be featured with:
 1. Grammar Colored highlights.

It does syntax coloring for Python.

 2. Manage project in a tree view or something alike, ie, a
 project file navigator.

It has a project/workspace feature.

 3. Code collapse and folding.

It does code folding for Python.

 4. Code auto-completion: especially prompting function
 parameters when I am typing a function previously defined
 by myself. Like the one in Visual Studio series.

The code completion in Zeus is driven by the information
provided by the ctags utility and ctags works better for
some languages compared to others.

The net result is quality of the Zeus code completion does
vary from one language to next language.

 5. Debugging: Breakpoints, conditional pause. watch for
 variables.step into, over and out of a function.

It does have a built-in debugger, but most likely there
are be better standalone debuggers :(

 More over, the free-of-charge IDE is highly preferred.

Zeus is not freeware. It is shareware and has a 45 day
fully functional trail period.

 6.Indentation management like in IDLE: press ctrl+[/] to
 modify the identation of a line or a block.

It can handle Python indenting. It also has a block
indent/unindent feature (ie Tab/Shift tab marked areas).

Zeus is also fully scriptable an the macro scripts can be
written in Python.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: how do you move to a new line in your text editor?

2006-03-02 Thread jussij
 One thing I like to do is use tabs for my indentation, because
 this makes it easy to outdent when I need to start a new line
 in column 1. I can press backspace once and move 4 spaces to
 the left.

Zeus has a Smart Backspace feature (configurable on or off) where
by it will try to line up the current line with the lines of code
above on any backspace key press.

This means that in the case you describe a backspace will always
move back 4 spaces whether the white space is made up of tabs
or spaces.

 But I read in the PEP that spaces are recommended over tabs. If
 this is the case, it would involve pressing backspace 4 times (or
 8, etc.) to get back to column 1.

It only takes one key press if you are using Zeus ;)

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows
Zeus for Windows IDE


Re: Indentation/whitespace

2005-12-26 Thread jussij
 i think you can't call an editor python capable unless it
 shows you clearly hard (yuck)or soft tabs like View /
 Show Invisibles in textmate, View / view whitespace in

Zeus for Windows has this View / View whitespace feature:
   Note: Zeus is shareware (45 day trial)

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: Wingide is a beautiful application

2005-12-22 Thread jussij
 I don't like, that one of the latest UltraEdit releases
 was buggy causing 100%CPU load and 2MByte of harddisk
 data traffic beeing idle, so I am looking for an alternative
 for years, but instead of finding it I was forced lately
 to spend money again on renewing my license.

Have you tried the Zeus for Windows programmers editor:

Zeus is closed source, but it is also very stable, comes
with support for Python and you can even write Zeus
scripts using Python.

Like all software it also has bugs, but when a bug is
reported it is fixed ASAP and a free patch is then
offered for download.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: Wingide is a beautiful application

2005-12-22 Thread jussij
 The best not free overall text editing tool on Windows
 is UltraEdit

As I mentioned before, you should give Zeus a test drive.

Many Zeus users think it is the best programming tool for
the Windows platform:

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: Wingide is a beautiful application

2005-12-22 Thread jussij
 I gave Zeus a try and it passed loading of a large (100 MByte)
 text file (many other text editors fail here).

Zeus is not designed as a large file editor :(

It will try to load the entire file into memory so when you open
these very large files the RAM is quickly used up.

 It looks at the first glance quite good, but I am a bit lost
 because of so many different menu items.

Zeus is fairly complex just because it has so many features (ie class
browsing, intellisening, compiler support, ftp editing, templates,
macros, workspaces etc etc).

For this reason I would recommend:
1) Select the Help, Help Contents Menu
2) Click on the User Manual section
3) Click on the Quick Start section
3) Read a few of the Quick Start links

 Compared to UltraEdit/SPE I am missing the column mode I
 extensively use in my everyday work (rectangular select/copy/paste
 is there)

Zeus has several text marking modes one of which is column marking:

 and the autocompletion of any input word as e.g. a very long
 variable names I have defined in preceeding text.

This feature should be available via the Edit, Auto Complete Word
menu. If it is not working correctly this could be a bug :(

 I was not yet able to find how to change the font in the text area

Options, Editor Options menu, Fonts section and change the
baseline font for the Document View.

 and how to get rid of the italics used for displaying strings.

The syntax highlighting is defined in what Zeus calls a document
type. These are listed using the Options Document Types menu.

So for example to change this for the Python files, edit the
Python Document Type and in the Coloring section, select the
line and block comment categories and un-check the italic
option for this category.

 In UltraEdit I can choose any font in any style available
 on the system for the text area and in the syntax highlighting
 I can use bold/italics style.

The two menus mentioned above do exactly this.

 Code folding for Python is there, but I run into the problem
 of not folding the code of a Python class.

If you post a small example of code to the code folding
section of the Zeus forum:

This will be get fix if it is at all possible to do so.

 but probably with not sufficient support for Python specifics,

Just out of curiosity, what Python specifics features would
think are missing?

 In my eyes with $40 for a license a worth to be evaluated
 professional editor, but not for me because of lack(?) of
 the column mode and not (yet?) found possibility to select
 a font for the in the editing area displayed text.

As mentioned above, Zeus does have these features ;)

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: Embedded Python interpreter, runtime libs, and crashing

2005-10-25 Thread jussij
 It all runs great in the Debug configuration, but
 everything gets scary when I switch to Release.

My suggestion would be to turn on debug information
for the release build.

That would at least let you run the release build inside
the debugger, allowing you to see the call stack of the
offending crash.

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows Programmer's IDE


Re: ssh or other python editor

2005-10-04 Thread jussij
 I'm working/making my python scripts in a windows OS
 with putty now.

If you need an FTP editor take a look at Zeus:

Zeus will do SSH, SSL/TLS and plain old FTP editing, with
support for Unix, Windows, VM and MVS FTP servers.

Just remember to setup your host configuration, otherwise
it will default to the FTP protocol.

 But I really want the python text colors and tab
 spacing like the python windows IDE but the problem
 is that I can't find a good program.

Zeus does Python syntax highlighting, code folding, class
browsing, smart indenting, project/workspace management etc

You can even write Zeus macros in Pyhton :)

Note: Zeus is shareware (45 day trial).

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows


Re: Recommendations for CVS systems

2005-08-09 Thread jussij
 I was wondering if anyone could make recomendations/comments
 about CVS systems

Amoung other things the Zeus for Windows programmer's editor/IDE
comes with integrated CVS support:

 Most of the developement is Python, but some C, Javascript,
 HTML, etc.

Zeus also has syntax highlighting and code folding for a dozen
or so languages including Pyhton, C, Javascript and HTML.

Note: Zeus is shareware and comes with a a 45 day fully
functional trial period.

Jussi Jumppanen
