Re: expat

2006-02-28 Thread Katja Suess
Merci à Frederik et Jarek!
According to your hints I did tests with a different coding and another option 
in OpenOffice 'Size optimization for XML format'.
Went fine! - Back to my files from yesterday the same proper converting... uups
Anyway, it's running!


2006-02-27 Thread Katja Suess
may I have a hint what the problem is in my situation?
Is it a syntax error in sweetone.odt or in xml.parsers.expat?
Same problem with different file instead of sweetone.odt means that it's not 
the file that has a syntax error.
xml.parsers.expat is a standard module that probably has no errors.
So what could cause this error message??

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 5, in ?
r = c.convert(s, 'HTML','sweetone.odt').decode('base64')
  File /Users/katjasuess/links/soffice/python-core/lib/, line 
1029, in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File /Users/katjasuess/links/soffice/python-core/lib/, line 
1316, in __request
  File /Users/katjasuess/links/soffice/python-core/lib/, line 
1080, in request
return self._parse_response(h.getfile(), sock)
  File /Users/katjasuess/links/soffice/python-core/lib/, line 
1214, in _parse_response
  File /Users/katjasuess/links/soffice/python-core/lib/, line 
528, in feed
self._parser.Parse(data, 0)
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: syntax error: line 1, column 0

Regards, Katja

Re: PyUNO with different Python

2006-02-22 Thread Katja Suess
Michele Petrazzo schrieb:
 � wrote:
Hi! maybe somebody can give me an hint to my problem setting up PyUNO
on my Mac to work with my Python not the Python delivered with
OpenOffice. As said in installation instructions I've set 
OPENOFFICE_PATH=/usr/lib/openoffice/program export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPENOFFICE_PATH according to my environment.

importing uno gives me this error:

import uno

Traceback (most recent call last): File stdin, line 1, in ? File
/Applications/, line 37, in ? 
import pyuno ImportError: No module named pyuno

which means python finds uno but not pyuno (pyuno.dylib).

 Do you want to use system python inside OOo (inside a macro, or...), or
 system python outside OOo?
 For the first, follow this:
 for the second:
Any hints? Regards, Katja

Thanks. What I have in mind is to write a Python script to generate PDFs from a 
set of ODTs.
This script has to run in Zope which brings its own Python. 
My problem is the setup of PyUNO with this Python which is not the OO included 
Hope to find a Mac user who made/solved similar experience...
Regards, Katja

odt - pdf

2006-02-21 Thread Katja Suess
Cause Google didn't find the Info I was trying to find her my post.
Is PyUNO still _the_ Tool to create PDFs out of OpenOffice docs (odt, not swx) ?
Do other tools exist?
Do you prefer generatingp PDFs using the XML-Strukture of odt files?
