Re: math symbols in unicode (grouped by purpose)

2010-08-15 Thread Kenneth Tilton

On 8/13/2010 5:18 PM, Xah Lee wrote:

some collection of math symbols in unicode.

• Math Symbols in Unicode

I am surprised you do not include the numeric character codes.


• Arrows in Unicode

• Matching Brackets in Unicode

these are grouped by the symbol's purpose as much as possible.

i made them because i can't find unicode symbols grouped by purpose

The unicode “plane -  block” structure does not group symbols well,
because the chars are added throughout the decades. Some symbols get
added in one block, but later on related symbols get added elsewhere.
For example, binary relational symbols are scattered in different
unicode blocks. Same for binary operators, or all symbols used for set
theory, etc. Sometimes a symbol has multiple uses in different math
fields, so which block it gets added into unicode is not well defined.

hope it's useful to some one.



The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself. 


Re: Fascinating interview by Richard Stallman at KTH on emacs history and internals

2010-07-18 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message, Nick 
Keighley wrote:

On 16 July, 09:24, Mark Tarver wrote:

On 15 July, 23:21, bolega wrote:
RMS lecture at KTH (Sweden), 30 October 1986

did you really have to post all of this...


read more »...

...oh sorry only about a third of it...

Still totally unnecessary, though.

Perhaps as an antidote

In other words, software that was developed at Symbolics was not given
way for free to LMI. Is that so surprising?

Which is conceding Stallman’s point.

Anyway, that wasn’t Symbolics’s “plan”; it was part of the MIT licensing
agreement, the very same one that LMI signed. LMI’s changes were all
proprietary to LMI, too.

I don’t understand this bit. The only “MIT licensing agreement” I’m aware
off _allows_ you to redistribute your copies without the source, but doesn’t
_require_ it.

Right, and this fascinating and amazing and awesome post needs 
only one rejoinder: twenty-four years later all we have is free as in 
beer software being milked by proprietary enterprises.

Sadly, they would be more effective and more profitable if RMS had never 
existed, because then they would be paying fair market price for 
significantly better proprietary tools driven by the demands of a 
price/value competitive market.

What we do not have is any interesting amount of free as in speech 
software, because no one uses the GPL.

The LGPL is Stallman's way of saying, OK, I was wrong.


The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself. 


Re: death of newsgroups (Microsoft closing their newsgroups)

2010-07-14 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 23:24:12 -0400, Kenneth Tilton wrote:

The moral? If you look for the spam, you'll find it.

And if you *don't* look for spam, you can be sure that some goose will 
reply to it and get it past your filters. Thanks for that Kenneth, if 
that is your name and you're not a Xah Lee sock-puppet.

Let me see if I have this right. Your technique for reducing unwanted 
traffic is to openly insult one of the participants? That is how you 
clean things up? Because most people on Usenet respond well to personal 
insults and hush up? I have so much to learn!

Or was it this?

Followups set to a black hole.

That works? Amazing.

Here, I'll show you what spam looks like: my steadily-improving 
revolution in learning Algebra:


The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself. 


Re: death of newsgroups (Microsoft closing their newsgroups)

2010-07-13 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:

• Death of Newsgroups

plain text version follows.

Death of Newsgroups

Xah Lee, 2010-07-13

Microsoft is closing down their newsgroups. See:

I use comp.lang.lisp, comp.emacs since about 1999. Have been using
them pretty much on a weekly basis in the past 10 years. Starting
about 2007, the traffic has been increasingly filled with spam, and
the posters are always just the 20 or 30 known faces. I think perhaps
maybe no more than 100 different posters a year. Since this year or
last year, they are some 95% spam.

Forest. Trees. Please note order.

Case in point: twelve weeks ago His Timness mentioned this on 

Now we have this, a port of a desktop app to the web:

It happened fast because me program the Web 
without bothering with HTML and CSS and browser variation as if I were 
using a framework like GTk.

I learned about qooxdoo... on comp.lang.lisp.

The moral? If you look for the spam, you'll find it.


The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself. 


Re: Which is the best implementation of LISP family of languages for real world programming ?

2010-06-10 Thread Kenneth Tilton

bolega wrote:

Which is the best implementation of LISP family of languages for real
world programming ?

Kindly pick one from commercial and one from open-source .


The criteria is :

libraries, gui interface and builder, libraries for TCP, and evolving

Please compare LISP and its virtues with other languages such as
javascript, python etc.

It's better.


I put javascript in the context that it is very similar in its
architecture (homoiconic ie same representation for data-structures
and operations, ie hierarchical, which means nested-lists = n-ary
tree = binary tree = linked-list = dictionary = task-subtask,
and implicitly based on what C calls pointers, and at machine level
the indirect addressing of memory) to lisp family.

I put python in the context that it has the most extensive libraries
and shares the build-fix virtue of lisp highlighted by Paul Graham in
his books. Python is touted for its rapid prototyping of guis. It
syntax enforces stable format which guards against programmer malice
or sloppiness - so that there is a certain level of legacy code

Both have eval but not clear what is the implementation efficiency to
justify the habit of excessively using it.

Certainly, lisp/scheme are excellent for learning the concepts of
programming languages due to its multi-paradigm nature and readily
available code of the elementary interpreter.

Is there an IDE for these lispish-scheming languages ? Is there
quality implementation for Eclipse ? Emacs pre-supposes some knowledge
of these so that newbie can get stuck. Also, emacs help is not very

Is there a project whereby the internal help of emacs (analogous to
its man pages) are being continuously being updated AND shared ? I
have never seen updates to the help. Perhaps, the commercial people
are doing it, even from the posts of the newsgroups, but the public
distros or these newsgroups have NEVER made such an announcement.

Explanations integrated into the help are more important than the
books - its like the wikipedia incorporated into emacs.

Is there support for the color highlighting of the code by hovering as
on this page ?

Which book/paper has the briefest minimal example of gui design along
XML nested/hiearchical elements with event-listeners for lisp/scheme ?


The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself. 


Re: Haskell's new logo, and the idiocy of tech geekers

2009-10-02 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:

Haskell has a new logo. A fantastic one. Beautiful. For creator,
context, detail, see bottom of:

• A Lambda Logo Tour

Cool survey, and yes, that is a nice new one for Haskell.

I saw beauty the other day changing an application to talk to RDF for 
what it used to get from CLOS and seeing it Just Work after a couple of 
hours of poking around.

Connecting those two paragraphs left as an exercise.


Re: Haskell's new logo, and the idiocy of tech geekers

2009-10-02 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:

Kenneth Tilton writes:

Xah Lee wrote:

Haskell has a new logo. A fantastic one. Beautiful. For creator,
context, detail, see bottom of:
• A Lambda Logo Tour

Don't do that!  
If you want to watch the logo, just google for haskell logo.

There's no need to go thru

Hunh? He has done a nice job of collecting different logos and putting 
them all in one place where one can see them all just by scrolling. ie, 
it's a cool web page with added value available nowhere else.



Re: OT: unix to Windows technology

2009-07-08 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:

Dear unixers  lispers,

i've been using Mac for the past 19 years, and been a professional sys
admin or web app developers on the unix platform, since 1998 (maily
Solaris, Apache, Perl, Java, SQL, PHP). In june, i bought a PC (not
for the first time though), and made a switch to Windows, for the
first time, in the sense as a developer instead of just a casual PC
user i've been.

In the past month, i've spend about 5 hours a day digging into MS
Windows tech, in particluar, read over 200 Wikipedia articles in
detail related to Windows technology. (192 of them linked)

Here's a write up of the whole story, my experiences, including some
tech introduction to MS Windows from a sys admin or programer point of

• Switching from Mac/Unix To PC/Windows

Some slightly noteworthy subsections are:

• Removing HP/Compaq Software

• Installing Cygwin Tutorial

• Mac and Windows File Conversion

• Unix And Windows File Permission Systems

• Introduction to Windows Scripting

Some articles (not shown above) are still work in progress, such as
VBScript tutorial and PowerShell tutorial. Hoping to complete in the
coming months or years.

comment  feedback welcome, esp if you are a Windows expert and answer
some of my unanswered questions on the page.



You just discovered PCs are cheaper?

The funny thing is that that is Microsoft's answer to the Apple Mac-PC 
ads, they show people shopping for computers and just comparing hardware 
and price as if this is some kind of breakthrough. But I understand: 
they have no answer to Windows being such a nightmare and the Mac being 
such a joy.


Re: The Complexity And Tedium of Software Engineering

2009-06-07 Thread Kenneth Tilton

verec wrote:

On 2009-06-05 21:03:33 +0100, Kenneth Tilton said:

When progress stops we will have time to polish our systems, not before.

Is that an endorsement of mediocrity?

No, of General Patton.

hth, kt

Re: The Complexity And Tedium of Software Engineering

2009-06-05 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Xah Lee wrote:

On Jun 3, 11:50 pm, Xah Lee wrote:

Of interest:
• The Complexity And Tedium of Software Engineering


The point in these short examples is not about software bugs or
problems. It illustrates, how seemingly trivial problems, such as
networking, transferring files, running a app on Mac or Windwos,
upgrading a app, often involves a lot subtle complexities. For mom and
pop users, it simply stop them dead. For a senior industrial
programer, it means some conceptually 10-minutes task often ends up in
hours of tedium.

Quibble: those are not /tedious/. Those are as fascinating as an episode 
of House, trying not only to get new information but how to get it and 
how to figure out when some information already in hand is actually 
misinformation, a classic solution to hard problems. Also figuring out 
coincidences mistaken for cause and effect.

But that is just a quibble, ie, I think you need a different word, and 
it is OK if it still conveys some form of unleasantness.

Hair-pulling? Head-banging?

In some “theoretical” sense, all these problems are non-problems. But
in practice, these are real, non-trivial problems. These are
complexities that forms a major, multi-discipline, almost unexplored
area of software research. I'm trying to think of a name that
categorize this issue. I think it is a mix of software interface,
version control, release control, formal software specification,
automated upgrade system, etc. The ultimate scenario is that, if one
needs to transfer files from one machine to another, one really should
just press a button and expect everything to work. Software upgrade
should be all automatic behind the scenes, to the degree that users
really don't need fucking to know what so-called “version” of software
he is using.

I think you are looking for an immaculate road system on a volcanic 
island still growing ten feet a day.

Today, with so-called “exponential” scientific progress, and software
has progress tremendously too. In our context, that means there are a
huge proliferation of protocols and standards. For example, unicode,
gazillion networking related protocols, version control systems,
automatic update technologies, all comes into play here. However, in
terms of the above visionary ideal, these are only the beginning.
There needs to be more protocols, standards, specifications, and more
strict ones, and unified ones, for the ideal scenario to take place.

But when would we write the software? Even with all the head-banging, 
look what we have been able to do with computers, leaving aside for the 
moment the flight control algorithms of the Airbus?

When progress stops we will have time to polish our systems, not before. 
But then you will be able to use the word tedium.


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-11 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Craig Allen wrote:

There you go: a 30-second psychological diagnosis by an
electrical engineer based entirely on Usenet postings.  It
doesn't get much more worthless than that...


rolf but interesting post nonetheless.  I have been really somewhat
fascinated by AS since I heard of it about a decade ago.  There are
many among us, with interesting ideas, occasionally savant level
insight into certain abstractions, which often they can not
communicate but which lie there for those that can communicate or come
to understand nonetheless.

having said that, none of this forgives rudeness or implies people
have to tolarate it due to a person's condition, or even due to trying
to help them achieve their potential (and thus get something
productive out of it ourselves as well)...  that is, if you have these
communications problems you have to realize it, thank god you are
functional, and just that alone will help you communicate.



ps. when the hell do I get an eponymous banning thread?! I have been 
flaming this damn group for 13 years and no recognition!! k


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-09 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Roedy Green wrote:

On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 14:52:02 -0800 (PST), Xah Lee
wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said :

I consider this post relevant because i've been perennially gossiped
about in comp.lang.* groups today and in the past 5 or 10 years, many
of the threads mentioning my name are not started by me nor did i ever

The reason you are unpopular has nothing to with what you say.  It is
that you don't participate in discussions. You just pontificate from
on high. It implies a sort of haughty superciliousness that people are
reacting to.

Buddha taught that the universe is ineluctably a single interconnected 
web of cause and effect, which is my haughty preamble to this 
observation: it depends on the newsgroup.

comp.lang.lisp is cool so here Xah participates as a normal contributor.


ps. The Failed Attempt At Witty Comeback lines are now open. Plz dial 
carefully. k


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-09 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:

Larry Gates wrote:

On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 04:09:52 +, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax wrote:

Well, don't worry - nobody is going to ban you from Usenet (except 
possibly the Chinese govt).

OTOH, nobody here much cares.
So, rant on - it's what Usenet is for. ☄ --- what is that char?

I don't know how to answer the question.  Is the zeroeth character also

Almost had me cleaning the screen.

I confess. I moved the window to be sure. But I have an excuse: more 
than once I have tried to delete a bit of dried... well, never mind.

hth, kt

Re: Why not Ruby?

2009-01-01 Thread Kenneth Tilton wrote:

On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 23:16:41 -0500, Kenneth Tilton wrote:

Xah Lee wrote:

Just spent 3 hours looking into Ruby today. Here's my short impression
for those interested.

* Why Not Ruby?

plain text version follows:

Why Not Ruby?

Xah Lee, 2008-12-31

Spent about 3 hours looking into Ruby language today.

The articles i read in detail are:

* Wikipedia: Ruby (programming language)¨J. Gives general overview.

* Brief tutorial: Ruby in Twenty Minutes

* Personal blog by Stevey Yegge, published in 2004-10.

The Wikipedia gives the best intro and overview in proper context. The
Ruby in Twenty Minutes is just 4 pages. It give you a very concrete
intro to Ruby's syntax and semantics. Stevey Yegge's blog doesn't
teach much and rambles, but provide a little personal view. I read it
because his opinions i respect.

Q: Will you learn Ruby?

No. For practical application, the lang is some 100 times less useful
than each of Perl, Python, PHP, Javascript. For academic study,
functional langs like Mathematica, Haskell, OCaml, erlang, Qz, are far
more interesting and powerful in almost all aspects. Further, there's
also Perl6, NewLisp, Clojure, Scala... With respect to elegance or
power, these modern lang of the past 5 years matches or exceed Ruby.

Q: Do you think Ruby lang is elegant?

Yes. In my opinion, better than Perl, Python, PHP. As a high level
lang, it's far better than Java, C, C++ type of shit. However, i don't
think it is any better than emacs lisp, Scheme lisp, javascript,
Mathematica. Note that Ruby doesn't have a spec, and nor a formal
spec. Javascript has. Ruby's syntax isn't that regular, nor is it
based on a system. Mathemtica's is. Ruby's power is probably less than
Scheme, and probably same as Javascript.

I also didn't like the fact that ruby uses keyword end to indicate
code block much as Pascal and Visual Basic, Logo, do. I don't like

Q: Won't Ruby be a interesting learning experience?

No. As far as semantics goes, Ruby is basically identical to Perl,
Python, PHP. I am a expert in Perl and PHP, and have working knowledge
of Python. I already regretted having spent significant amount of time
(roughly over a year) on Python. In retrospect, i didn't consider the
time invested in Python worthwhile. (as it turns out, i don't like
Python and Guido cult, as the lang is going the ways of OOP mumbo-
jumbo with its Python 3 brand new future.) There is absolutely
nothing new in Ruby, as compared to Perl, Python, PHP, or Emacs lisp,
Scheme lisp.

Q: Do you recommend new programers to learn Ruby then?

Not particularly. As i mentioned, if you are interested in practical
utility, there's already Perl, PHP, Python, Javascript, which are all
heavily used in the computing industry. If you are interested as a
academic exercise, there's Scheme lisp, and much of functional langs
such as OCaml, Haskell, Mathematica, which will teach you a whole lot
more about computer science, features of language semantics, etc.

Q: Do you condemn Ruby?

No. I think it's reasonably elegant, but today there are too many
languages, so Ruby don't particularly standout for me. Many of them,
are arguably quite more elegant and powerful than Ruby. See:
Proliferation of Computing Languages.

Kenny Tilton, 2008-12-31

Q: Why not Xah's review of Ruby?

Spent about 3 hours looking into Ruby language today.

A. Three hours? I've had belches that lasted longer than that. Of
course, a true master can tell a lot in just a few hours of coding with
a new language...

The articles i read in detail are:

Q: Read?!

A: That's what he said.


Be carefull what you say. If they pay me I would rip your and Xah's
guts out in a second.

Sorry, my new President has banned drama so I will only be responding 
pleasantly to civil comments. (This has been a non-responding response.)


Re: Why not Ruby?

2009-01-01 Thread Kenneth Tilton

Richard Riley wrote:

Jason Rumney writes:

On Jan 1, 3:12 pm, r wrote:

The man lives in a world driven by common sense

Common sense suggests that his views are shared among the general
populace. I don't see much evidence of that in the sometimes never-
ending threads that frequently follow his postings. But it is good to
start debates about making changes to the status quo, often the
debates will result in worthwhile changes, even if those changes are
not what he proposed. I just wish he would choose his venue a little
more carefully sometimes.

I find that with Xah's posts people argue the man and not his

Precisely, and thus they are the trolls: few of them trim followups, and 
all of them try to sound funny or clever in their attacks. Xah has 
something to say about technology, like what he says or not. His 
attackers just see an open mike and want to hear the sound of their own 
voice, which I certainly understand.

And before anyone goes for that old argument from self-reference, the 
madding crowd succeeded once in their harrassment of The Xah so 
remaining silent is no option.


Re: Why not Ruby?

2008-12-31 Thread Kenneth Tilton
Xah Lee wrote:
 Just spent 3 hours looking into Ruby today. Here's my short impression
 for those interested.
 * Why Not Ruby?
 plain text version follows:
 Why Not Ruby?
 Xah Lee, 2008-12-31
 Spent about 3 hours looking into Ruby language today.
 The articles i read in detail are:
 * Wikipedia: Ruby (programming language)�J. Gives general overview.
 * Brief tutorial: Ruby in Twenty Minutes
 * Personal blog by Stevey Yegge, published in 2004-10.
 The Wikipedia gives the best intro and overview in proper context. The
 Ruby in Twenty Minutes is just 4 pages. It give you a very concrete
 intro to Ruby's syntax and semantics. Stevey Yegge's blog doesn't
 teach much and rambles, but provide a little personal view. I read it
 because his opinions i respect.
 Q: Will you learn Ruby?
 No. For practical application, the lang is some 100 times less useful
 than each of Perl, Python, PHP, Javascript. For academic study,
 functional langs like Mathematica, Haskell, OCaml, erlang, Qz, are far
 more interesting and powerful in almost all aspects. Further, there's
 also Perl6, NewLisp, Clojure, Scala... With respect to elegance or
 power, these modern lang of the past 5 years matches or exceed Ruby.
 Q: Do you think Ruby lang is elegant?
 Yes. In my opinion, better than Perl, Python, PHP. As a high level
 lang, it's far better than Java, C, C++ type of shit. However, i don't
 think it is any better than emacs lisp, Scheme lisp, javascript,
 Mathematica. Note that Ruby doesn't have a spec, and nor a formal
 spec. Javascript has. Ruby's syntax isn't that regular, nor is it
 based on a system. Mathemtica's is. Ruby's power is probably less than
 Scheme, and probably same as Javascript.
 I also didn't like the fact that ruby uses keyword end to indicate
 code block much as Pascal and Visual Basic, Logo, do. I don't like
 Q: Won't Ruby be a interesting learning experience?
 No. As far as semantics goes, Ruby is basically identical to Perl,
 Python, PHP. I am a expert in Perl and PHP, and have working knowledge
 of Python. I already regretted having spent significant amount of time
 (roughly over a year) on Python. In retrospect, i didn't consider the
 time invested in Python worthwhile. (as it turns out, i don't like
 Python and Guido cult, as the lang is going the ways of OOP mumbo-
 jumbo with its Python 3 brand new future.) There is absolutely
 nothing new in Ruby, as compared to Perl, Python, PHP, or Emacs lisp,
 Scheme lisp.
 Q: Do you recommend new programers to learn Ruby then?
 Not particularly. As i mentioned, if you are interested in practical
 utility, there's already Perl, PHP, Python, Javascript, which are all
 heavily used in the computing industry. If you are interested as a
 academic exercise, there's Scheme lisp, and much of functional langs
 such as OCaml, Haskell, Mathematica, which will teach you a whole lot
 more about computer science, features of language semantics, etc.
 Q: Do you condemn Ruby?
 No. I think it's reasonably elegant, but today there are too many
 languages, so Ruby don't particularly standout for me. Many of them,
 are arguably quite more elegant and powerful than Ruby. See:
 Proliferation of Computing Languages.

Kenny Tilton, 2008-12-31

Q: Why not Xah's review of Ruby?

 Spent about 3 hours looking into Ruby language today.

A. Three hours? I've had belches that lasted longer than that. Of
course, a true master can tell a lot in just a few hours of coding with
a new language...

 The articles i read in detail are:

Q: Read?!

A: That's what he said.

